
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Preserved From the Beast (14)
David Eells - 10/13/21
The Bride Overcomes; Escapes the Beast and Harlot
Claire Pienaar - 9/10/21 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed I was cycling inside a very large cylindrical iron tube. (I believe I represent the corporate body of the Bride in this dream.) Along the edges of each side of the tube were train tracks. I was cycling in between the middle of the two train tracks. I cycled through in one direction, going one way, and I knew I’d need to go back home eventually, so I did a loop or a u-turn over green grass, (Representing the flesh) and made my way back through the tube or cylinder. (This could represent going through the same trial of faith more than once. The first time is sometimes easier than the second time to see a healing or something else that we are exercising faith for to manifest in a certain area of our lives.
During this “loop or u-turn”, we are built up by overcoming more flesh, and putting our flesh under submission to the Word. 1 Pe. 1:24-25 For, All flesh is as grass, And all the glory thereof as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower falleth: But the word of the Lord abideth for ever. And this is the word of good tidings which was preached unto you. (The Bride are the righteous ones who are afforded the opportunity to overcome and be matured in Christ before the Great Tribulation so that they are able to help others attain to the same maturity. Phi 3:14 I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.).
As I crossed back through the cylindrical tube, there was a boy who was coming my way, but when I got closer he looked like a grown-up member from the UBM fellowship outreach. He didn’t want to get his bike wet, so he was trying to balance his bike on the edge of the train track. He was trying everything to keep his bike dry. (He was trying to avoid the curse which is in the water of the Word. The purpose of the curse is to turn us from sin and keep us on the narrow road like the track.)
I just rode past him on my bike from the other direction and right at the edge of the cylinder, before I came to the other side, I fell. I felt no embarrassment or shame because of this. (God chastens every son that He receives. That chastening is part of the curse.) The water was a little dirty or muddy but it was very shallow.
(We get admonishments or corrections when we fail. The shallow waters represent the mild judgements. It’s better to receive this now than the deep water of judgements in the days of Great Tribulation. We are sometimes going to fail but we must get up and continue to ride to glory, seeing the crown of righteousness set before us. If we waiver not in doing good while having faith because that is accounted as righteousness. 2 Ti. 4:7-8: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith: 8 henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give to me at that day; and not to me only, but also to all them that have loved his appearing.).
I did not care that I fell, which surprised me because I don’t usually like failure. (We sometimes fail as we strive to attain perfection through Christ. (This reminds us to have our faith in Him rather than ourselves or man's works.) Our salvation is progressive. It’s not going to happen in one fell swoop. It’s “here a little, there a little” as the Bible says in Isa. 28:9-10: Whom will he teach knowledge? and whom will he make to understand the message? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts? 10 For it is precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little. That’s the grace and patience of our Father to gently correct us and build us up at the same time).
I just got back up on my bike and kept going. (This represents pressing on towards the high calling in Christ Jesus.) The boy shouted after me, “You ride so well! Like a champ!”. I knew I had inspired him, but I know it wasn’t really me, it was Jesus in me. (We are surrounded by many witnesses and as they watch us overcome our trials their faith is strengthened to overcome their own.) (Col 1:26-28: even the mystery which hath been hid for ages and generations: but now hath it been manifested to his saints, 27 to whom God was pleased to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: 28 whom we proclaim, admonishing every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ.)
Then, after this foray in the cylinder, I climbed up into something that looked like a subway. (Representing the path of death to self, buried with Christ.) I knew it was steep because I felt sweat beads trickling down my forehead when I got to the top. (Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.).
A big disabled woman was standing there with a small thin disabled boy and her husband. (This big woman is the corporate body of those big in the flesh whose husband represents another Jesus that this Harlot apostate Church is submitted to.) She was huge and took up most of the space on the platform. (Currently, the apostate mega churches and their false prophet pastors are taking up the majority of the world platform or stage; receiving the most attention from people who think this is the real Church.) (She represents the corporate body of the Harlot or Apostate church which has been disabled from the beginning, with small feeble fruit, just like her.) (The Jesus they know is weak and sickly and has no power to save, heal or deliver from the curses of this world.) I reached up to wave to the large woman, to motion to her I’d be squeezing past her. (Those in the corporate Bride and the Man-child have escaped the apostate church system.)
Suddenly, a huge black cane swatted my hand. I looked to my left and there was another huge old couple. The woman had short silver hair and looked almost like a man. (This old couple represents the Beast who is getting disgusted with the Harlot). She said to the disabled woman with her disabled child, “Time’s up. I’ve had enough of you and your problems. Move out of my way.” The woman of the couple representing the Beast, did not see me nor realize I was standing almost at the top, ready to squeeze past. (Rev.17:7-18 … I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and the ten horns. 8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and is about to come up out of the abyss, and to go into perdition. And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, they whose name hath not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast, how that he was, and is not, and shall come. (Each succeeding beast of history "was and is not and shall come") 9 Here is the mind that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains (seven beasts of history whose seed are in the one world order beast), on which the woman sitteth: 10 and they are seven kings; the five are fallen, the one is, the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a little while. 11 And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also an eighth (All seven are in the eighth), and is of the seven; and he goeth into perdition. 12 And the ten horns that thou sawest are ten kings (10 continental divisions of earth), who have received no kingdom as yet; but they receive authority as kings, with the beast, for one hour. 13 These have one mind, and they give their power and authority unto the beast. (They are one in satan as was the dragon.)
14 These shall war against the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings; and they also shall overcome that are with him, called and chosen and faithful. 15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the harlot sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 16 And the ten horns which thou sawest, and the beast, these shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and shall burn her utterly with fire. (As they said, “Time’s up. I’ve had enough of you and your problems. Move out of my way.”) 17 For God did put in their hearts to do his mind, and to come to one mind, and to give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God should be accomplished. 18 And the woman whom thou sawest is the great city (The Babylonian harlot), which reigneth over the kings of the earth.)
Daniel, my son, (Representing Jesus in the Man-child) had already squeezed past these two women, under the cane and was standing very close to a busy street. (Our Man-child has already escaped the Beast and Harlot, through faith. We must follow him. He leads us past these two groups easily). He was waiting for me and I was anxious to get to him. (The Bride of Christ is anxious to be united with the Man-child in whom is Jesus her heavenly Husband.)
I said sweetly and quietly to the older couple on my left, “Excuse me, I must get to my son. I won’t be but a minute.” And the second old woman with short hair (Representing the Spirit of Jezebel) said “Not a chance”. Her husband (The Beast) boomed back at me, “No!”. And then he said, “Leave him there!” (As in Jesus’ day these people do not want the people to turn to the Man-child and did what they could to stop this.) I was now squeezing past them anyway. I replied, “Would you leave a small boy next to a busy street un-aided?” (The members of the Beast and Harlot are satanists and they are into child sacrifice. Spiritually speaking, they would love to see God’s people abandon the real Jesus in the Man-child.)
I don’t remember what he replied but, I looked into his mouth and his teeth were yellowed and falling out, (Representing that he really has no teeth to harm those in the Bride.) and under his tongue he had a black valve like he was being blown up from another source. (This other source is satan who gives these entities that make up the Beast their power and authority.) I said, “You look like a sensible man but sadly there’s not an inch of sensibility in you. I am going to my son Now” as I moved his cane out of my way. (The black cane represents the rod of the Beast’s authority in the world. This rod has no authority over the Bride.)
I took Daniel by the hand, crossed the busy street, and then waited at a pedestrian crossing for the light to turn green. (This represents getting the “green light” to cross the Red Sea and enter the wilderness tribulation.) We were in a great hurry. There were people in front of us, and I spoke to them about letting us going ahead of them when the light turned and they agreed. Then I woke up.
I asked the Lord for a word by faith at random for this dream and received Ezekiel 30:21-22, with my finger on “broken the arm of Pharoah”: “Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and, lo, it hath not been bound up, to apply healing medicines, to put a bandage to bind it, that it be strong to hold the sword. 22 Therefore thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I am against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and will break his arms, the strong arm, and that which was broken; and I will cause the sword to fall out of his hand.” Yes! Thank you Lord! You have broken the power of the Beast!
Beast Engineered Energy and Food Shortages
Vanessa Weeks - 9/29/21 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed I was standing on the sidewalk in front of an Atlantic and Pacific (A&P) grocery store . (Representing that this dream is occurring all over the U.S. from the Atlantic to the Pacific.) In the dream I was thinking about Kathy, (meaning pure) Lakesha’s mom, telling me she used to work at an A&P in Texas (meaning: friends). (This is signifying a pure message given to the friends of God.)
The outside of the store was box shaped like Kentucky Fried Chicken, (Fast food stores going down too.) and it was all orange and brown except for the white letters of A&P and a white picture of Colonel Sanders on the signage. (Orange and brown are fall colors.) (Fall is a play on words, it has been prophesied that THE fall would happen at the time when the leaves were falling from the trees. Also, all of the major historical stock market crashes happened in the Fall. The fall of everything DS is happening now. Factions will fall, Economy, Voting, Forced Va/cc/inat/ions, News Media, Internet, DS Satellites, Electricity, Hidden Technology, Ancient medical techniques. (God is giving us a short time to prepare the Church for the Great Tribulation when liberal communists will once again gain control to bring the Church to her cross. All the great things coming now will ultimately be given over to the last beast.)
I wondered if the store was open, and I looked into a front window and saw small tables and chairs like a restaurant. All the lights were out. It was the middle of the day and I realized it was closed. (They are being closed from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The DS has been destroying all the food sources to break the supply chain. The restaurant being closed represents the shut down of the economy and the food shortage. Many restaurants that survived the initial lock-downs are having to close now due to the vac/ci/ne mandates which are deterring vac/ci/ne hesitant people from patronizing these establishments. In addition restaurant owners are having to hire extra staff to enforce the mandates and check and verify everyone’s vac/cin/ation cards. All of this evil is being realized, even by liberals and will Fall. Communism, Liberalism, the Democratic Party, are Falling for a short time to give us time to rebuild the Kingdom.)
But I opened the front door and went in anyway. It was very dim there and I saw cobwebs everywhere.(Cobwebs represent they will be closed for a while, a delay?)Then I knew that this store had gone out of business because they could not pay their debts. (This is what actually happened to A&P, but I did not know that till after I had this dream.) (The easy money printing policies of the Federal Reserve has caused a massive debt bubble that will eventually bankrupt the world and cause a global reset. Many small businesses and individuals will be the hardest hit casualties of the DS planned financial collapse. The GCR will infuse tons of money to turn this around as Trump goes back officially in office.)
There were stairs in the middle of the restaurant and I walked up the stairs and saw empty cardboard boxes, like this was their supply room. (This represents shipping and receiving failed and supply lines failed. The supply chain shortages is breaking the backs of business and industry all over the world.) As I walked back down the stairs I saw many cobwebs. (The warning is they were not brought back quickly as suspected. A delay? We have been warned to pray against this warned delay.) Back at the lower level, which looked like a restaurant, I saw that people had left things behind, very suddenly. (Representing that these events are taking place very quickly and suddenly before most people, who are not awake, have time to prepare.)
I also saw a few original Edison light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, and knew that this store was only getting electricity 2 or 3 hours a day. (Many countries around the world are experiencing an engineered energy crisis and are having to ration electricity which will soon fail.) (After I woke up, I thought that maybe this has to do with the electric energy being switched over to Tesla energy.) (The stores closed when electricity was failing and before it was changed to Tesla Free Energy. The system failed for lack of electricity and supply lines. Vehicles need the gas and diesel electric pumps at the stations to run. I asked the Lord if we should pray that the electrical switchover and supply lines would be restored quickly and got a YES. This dream is a warning that if Christians do not pray, this switch over to the new economy will fail.)
I asked the Lord for a word about what He wants to say about this and received by faith at random Psa. 110:7 (in context 1-7) Jehovah saith unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, Until I make thine enemies thy footstool. 2 Jehovah will send forth the rod of thy strength out of Zion: (Jesus in the Man-child body) Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 3 Thy people offer themselves willingly In the day of thy power, (In prayer and faithful warfare we will beat this beast) in holy array: Out of the womb of the morning Thou hast the dew of thy youth. 4 Jehovah hath sworn, and will not repent: Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. (This is Jesus in the Man-child body)
5 The Lord at thy right hand will strike through kings in the day of his wrath. 6 He will judge among the nations, He will fill the places with dead bodies; He will strike through the head in many countries. (This is exactly what the Alliance is doing striking through the heads of the DS leadership in many countries.This is the Red Sea for the DS. Massive arests are coming in the days of darkness.) 7 He will drink of the brook in the way: Therefore will he lift up the head. (Samson fought a heroic battle, killing a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass, but was about to lose for lack of water in Judges 15:14-19. So God clave the hollow place at Lehigh to give him water and so it should be with us. We must drink of the water of the Word and its faith or we will lose, but if we pray as he did we will win.)
I also asked Him about the Edison light bulb and received by faith at random Zep. 3:10. (In context 7-13) I said, 'Surely you will fear me; you will accept correction. Then your dwelling would not be cut off according to all that I have appointed against you.’ (Christians must repent of their wandering from the Word and cling to the ancient light given to the Apostolic forefathers.) But all the more they were eager to make all their deeds corrupt. (They turn against the Word to be taken into beast captivity)
8 "Therefore wait for me," declares the LORD, "for the day when I rise up to seize the prey. (Judgment shall fall upon the apostates.) For my decision is to gather nations, to assemble kingdoms, to pour out upon them my indignation, all my burning anger; for in the fire of my jealousy all the earth shall be consumed. 9 "For at that time I will change the speech of the peoples to a pure speech, (As an oracle of God) that all of them may call upon the name of the LORD and serve him with one accord.
10 From beyond the rivers of Cush my worshipers, the daughter of my dispersed ones, shall bring my offering. (Christians must confess their sins and claim the blood of the Lamb for their sacrifice; calling upon the Lord.) 11 "On that day you shall not be put to shame because of the deeds by which you have rebelled against me; for then I will remove from your midst your proudly exultant ones, (The faction) and you shall no longer be haughty in my holy mountain. 12 But I will leave in your midst a people humble and lowly. They shall seek refuge in the name of the LORD, 13 those who are left in Israel; they shall do no injustice and speak no lies, nor shall there be found in their mouth a deceitful tongue. For they shall graze and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.” (The Bride is arriving at this place in God but the Church is nowhere near this place in God yet.)
We must now repent and, like Esther, turn this Haman to His Red Sea and raise up the Man-child and Bride by faith to defend the people who repent. Let us cast down the delays by the DS and push them to the Red Sea so that the people can have revival on the other side and begin the wilderness tribulation.
The Bride Is In The Ark
Claire Pienaar - 10/4/21 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed that I (I believe Claire is being used as a type of the Bride. Claire means brilliance like that of the Brides lampros garment spoken of in Revelation.) I was standing in a wooden doorway. (Jesus is the Door.) I was leaning my head on the right side of the Door frame looking out. (Riaan: Standing in the doorway and leaning your head on the right side represents walking in the way of the Lord and giving up the mind of the flesh and resting in the finished works of the wooden cross. Christ is the entrance, or Doorway into the Ark.)
There was nothing behind me. (Representing forgetting the things which are behind; our baggage. Php. 3:13-16 …but one thing I do , forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, 14 I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as are perfect, be thus minded: and if in anything ye are otherwise minded, this also shall God reveal unto you: 16 only, whereunto we have attained, by that same rule let us walk.)
In front of me, there was a really warm golden, yellow light or glow. (The warm golden glow represents the latter reign anointing that will fall upon the Bride as she enters the Ark of safety during the 7 years of tribulation.)
I heard the words, “In yet 7 days”. I answered and said, “I’m thankful you’ve shown us what to look for in your Word”. And then I heard the words “You are in the Ark”. (The resurrection and rapture are after the Tribulation. Jesus said He would raise up all of His people at the last day, which must also be the time of the rapture. (Joh.6:39) And this is the will of him that sent me, that of all that which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. (40) For this is the will of my Father, that every one that beholdeth the Son, and believeth on him, should have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. (44) No man can come to me, except the Father that sent me draw him: and I will raise him up in the last day.
Now let’s be honest, the last day cannot mean seven years before the last day. (Job 14:12) So man lieth down and riseth not: Till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, Nor be roused out of their sleep. The resurrection cannot happen until the time when the heavens pass away. (2 Pet.3:10) But the day of the Lord will come as a thief; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall be dissolved with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Obviously the heavens could not pass away or the earth burn up at the beginning or even in the middle of the seven years or there would not be anybody here to have a tribulation!
The resurrection and rapture could only be in the beginning of the last day, here called the day of the Lord, which we will see presently, is a year long. Noah knew the Lord would come for him, seven days before the flood. He was given a sign to read in his day. Some will argue that Jesus said, “Of that day and hour knoweth no one” (Mat.24:36). The tense of the verb “knoweth” is present, not future! This spoke of Jesus’ day, not our day.
Jesus gave us a clear type so we would know when He would come in our day. (37) … As [were] the days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of man. The days of Noah are only mentioned in Genesis seven. (Gen.7:4) For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth…. (10) And it came to pass after the seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth. God said that “after the seven days” the flood would come and, of course, they would lift off. Obviously those in the ark of Christ will be raptured “after the seven days.” Those seven days represent the seven years of Tribulation as we will see in many other places.)
(Back to Claire). I remember thinking about the door of the Ark that God shut, and thinking that I am “in” the Ark (of safety) even though I was only in the Doorway. Then the vision or dream ended.
The Word I received by faith at random for this dream is, Lam. 3:40-41 Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to Jehovah. 41 Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.
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