
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Casting Down The Dragon Pt 2
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Casting Down the Dragon (2)
David Eells - 4/13/22
Happy New Year 2029
Andrew Gelinas - 2/25/22 (David’s notes in red)
Lets take another look at the possibilities here. Remember the dreams we had of the tribulation "covenant with many" starting and the people did not know it? Many conservative people don't know what just happened; a "covenant with many" called NESARA GESARA was declared on April 1st that could very well be the beginning of the tribulation.)
I dreamt I was riding a white horse on a straight road. (A white horse represents sanctified flesh that is under the control of the spirit man and the straight road is the straight and narrow path that we walk on in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven. This is a description of the Man-child reformer ministries revealed as the White Horse rider in the first seal of the Tribulation in Revelation 6. So this is a sign of the beginning of the Tribulation.)
I was instructed by someone I could neither see nor hear, to make an announcement to a multitude of people who I knew were concealed behind a mist or cloud just off the right side of the road. (These people represent those who are hidden in the cleft of the Rock during the Tribulation as in A. A. Allen’s vision. This announcement is made because they don't know the tribulation is beginning.)
I shouted “HAPPY NEW YEAR 2029!” (While still in the dream, I understood 2029 to be 7 years from now.) (Isn’t it interesting that the nations are coming together in agreement at this time and when has that ever happened? The Tribulation starts with Daniels “covenant with many”. Some educated speculation is involved here because this word “Now” could have different interpretations. Obviously Israel's Biblical New Year started in Spring according to Exo 12:2, 13:3; and was called by God, Abib 1, and later called Nissan 1.
Nissan 1 for the Hebrew Year 5782 begins at sundown on and ends at nightfall on Abib 1 is New Year Apr 2nd and 3rd. These are actually the same day but have been calculated one day off by some people. So this interpretation is pointing to a literal “Now”.
If we back up 7 years from that date we come to the beginning of the Tribulation 7 years on April 1st - 2nd. Using a broader interpretation for “Now”, there are other New Years like the Jewish secular New Year in the Fall or our Gregorian calendar New Year. If one of these were true “Now” would simply mean this year. I favor the more precise “Now”.
Another huge significance to this Abib 1 date was declared in Operation Disclosure, reported by those representing the Alliance of nations headed by President Trump, which is tearing down the beast of Babylon D.S..
• Fri. 1 April was Checkmate: Restoration of the US Republic to concepts of the Original Constitution and finalization of the Global Currency Reset to gold/ asset-backed currency.
• At 12:01 am 1 April the Restored Republic would be in effect, and was the start of GESARA / NESARA, plus gold / asset-backed USN and USTN activation. (This is a New One World Order. Although the announcement to the public was said to come around Easter?)
• Fri. 1 April was the beginning of the first quarter of the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) using the Quantum Computer and new digital currency of Blockchain. From now on trading of all nations would be done with gold/asset-backed currency.
• Last Year Juan O Savin said that Donald Trump would be recognized as the US President by April Fool’s Day Fri. 1 April. [My Note: As we have seen, the Man-child ministries will run parallel to this. Cyrus conquered Babylon on the same night that Daniel, As a type of the Man-child, was promoted over the kingdom. Jesus, as a type of the end time corporate Man-child, started His ministry by being baptized unto death and resurrection and then went through 40 days of temptation. He was a relatively unknown preacher at this time. Then He quickly demonstrated His Man-child anointing with power.]
• At 12:01 am 1 April was the start of GESARA/ NESARA, plus the USN, USTN and Restored Republic would be in effect. (Although the announcement to the public was said to come around Easter?)
• Fox News Reported on a White Hat Military Election Sting Operation: Watermarked Ballots in 12 Key States showed that Trump won the 2020 Election. Military arrests of high profile political elites involved in that 2020 Election Fraud have been made and those charged with sedition now reside in Prison Barges at GITMO awaiting Tribunals.)
Transfiguration of the Man-child
Bill Steenland - 3-31-22
(Notice the date of this revelation is at the very beginning of April 1.) I dreamed I was at a burger restaurant called “5 guys” eating. (Representing those under Grace devouring much flesh.) I was told by the waitress that I was going to witness the transfiguration or a transfiguration of the Man-child at Clingmans dome. (While there on April 1?) That was it!
I remembered inside the dream, prior dreams I had about thermite plasma being tested at Clingmans Dome. (This represents their flesh being burned up, or death to self.) (Clingmans Dome is a place we often visited in the Great Smokie Mountains. It’s one of the highest peaks east of the Mississippi.)
Maybe that represents this?
Rev 14:1-4 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on the mount Zion, (Meaning they are the leadership of God’s people and the Lamb their King David.) and with him a hundred and forty and four thousand, having his name, and the name of his Father, written on their foreheads. (This we have recognized for 50 years as the anointing of the corporate body of Man-child reformers.) 2 And I heard a voice from heaven, (Meaning they are on the earth) as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and the voice which I heard was as the voice of harpers harping with their harps: 3 and they sing as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four living creatures and the elders: and no man could learn the song save the hundred and forty and four thousand, even they that had been purchased out of the earth. 4 These are they that were not defiled with women (religious sects); for they are virgins (They have received only the seed of the Lord which is HIS Word.). These are they that follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were purchased from among men, to be the first-fruits unto God and unto the Lamb. (Meaning they are the first to come to this first-fruit manifestation after Jesus who was called the first-fruits also.)
Into the Nuclear Bunkers
RT - 3/28/20 / Updated 1 year ago (David’s notes in red)
The text off the link that Bill sent us below is from 2020 when the military went to the underground bunkers claiming it was preparation for the Pandemic however if a real pandemic broke out, all of the military leadership and political leadership, being in close quarters, could get wiped out by just one infected soldier.
These bunkers are under the ground of 2000’ of granite to withstand a nuclear war. The left tried to start a nuclear war at least twice under Obama, which would have legally kept the sitting President in power but everyone was wise to him. What if the Alliance in their planning a fake Nuclear WWIII to scare the world into the Nesara/Gesara, a "covenant with many", while the left plans on then making it into a real WWIII to stay in power using their agent provocateurs in the midst to strike at all sides, which they are so good at? Look at the preparation for nuclear WW here under the guise of preparing for Covid:
On 8/27/21 William Steenland wrote, “This news article sure seems odd, especially now that NORAD & NORTHCOM went underground”.
Run for the hills! Pentagon sends teams into MOUNTAIN BUNKERS as pandemic preparations go into full swing. The US’ Northern Command has sent teams of essential staff deep underground to wait out the Covid-19 pandemic… (It has nothing to do with C/19 as they are saying... the military knows that this is not a problem and it is actually the vac/ci/nes that are the true plague. They will prosecute those who foisted this depopulation scam on the world.)
Air Force General Terrence O’Shaughnessy heads up the US’ Northern Command, as well as the North American Aerospace Defense Command – a joint US/Canadian operation that monitors the skies over North America for missile and airborne threats. Earlier this week, O’Shaughnessy told reporters via Facebook that some of his watch teams would be moved from their usual command center at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado to a number of hardened underground bunkers.
One of these facilities is the Cheyenne Mountain bunker complex, a warren of tunnels buried under 2,000 feet (610m) of granite, and sealed behind blast doors designed to withstand a 30 megaton nuclear explosion...
Another team has been sent to an undisclosed location, O’Shaughnessy added.
Installations like Cheyenne Mountain are integral to the US government’s plan to survive a doomsday scenario. In the event of an existential threat to the US, a nuclear attack for instance, the president and his officials, as well as a contingent of political, military and civilian leaders would be immediately evacuated to four secure facilities to run the country from deep underground… (The following is what we predicted back in 2020: It’s a fake WWIII scare to get all the militaries of the world out so they can then go against the DS world wide. They are saying there will be a nuke scare because the nuclear reactors would be hacked. This is a WWIII scare to bring people to desire the covenant. After both WWI and WWII the world fearfully made peace covenants, the League of Nations after WWI and then the UN after WWII.
Both were attempts to stop coming World Wars. This time the WWIII scare is to force the world into the tribulation dragon covenant which I predicted when Hidden Manna was written many years ago. So what if the left is planning on making this a real WWIII? This nuclear scare to bring all nations into a covenant at this time could become real… It will begin with the Lord appearing in His Man-child, White Horse Rider reformers as the first seal of Rev 6. The Lord in the Man-child body comes first with His “recompense which is before Him” and then a real WWIII comes as the second seal.
The Man-child, Tribulation and beginning of WWIII is seen here. Rev 6:1-8 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, Come. 2 And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he that sat thereon had a bow; and there was given unto him a crown: and he came forth conquering, and to conquer. (Jesus manifested in the Man-child ministry by Word and Spirit.)
3 And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, Come. 4 And another horse came forth, a red horse: and to him that sat thereon it was given to take peace from the earth, and that they should slay one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. (Notice: We could start with a fake WWIII and then end with a real WWIII.) (Update" Pray down a suspected false flag in NYC on April 18, 2022 to blame the Russians and bring us into WW.)
5 And when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, Come. And I saw, and behold, a black horse; and he that sat thereon had a balance in his hand. 6 And I heard as it were a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, A measure of wheat for a shilling, and three measures of barley for a shilling; and the oil and the wine hurt thou not. (A food shortage is starting now.) (Update: Food has become extremely expensive as we see here.)
7 And when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, Come. 8 And I saw, and behold, a pale horse: and he that sat upon him, (his name was Death); and Hades followed with him. And there was given unto them authority over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with famine, and with death, and by the wild beasts of the earth. (Update: We are seeing these “wild beast empires” fighting it out. We are also seeing that they have prepared 3 more dangerous plagues.)
(Operation Disclosure showed Recently the former CDC director said a “great pandemic” of Avian Flu is coming: “I’ve always said that the Covid-19 Pandemic was a wake-up call. I don’t believe this is the “great pandemic”. I believe that the “Great Pandemic” is still ahead, and it will be a pandemic of Avian Influenza for a person with a significant mortality in the range of 10-50%. It will be a disaster.”) (Covid-19 was only 1.6%)
US Government Diagnosing Chickens with Bird Flu using Fraudulent PCR Tests, then Slaughtering Them
April 07, 2022 by: Ethan Huff
There is another engineered plandemic taking place, this time against U.S. poultry.
According to the government, avian flu, or bird flu, is sweeping across chicken and turkey farms, which means officials must slaughter these birds in order to keep people from eating their meat and eggs – even though cooked meat and eggs are admittedly safe for consumption.
Using the same fraudulent PCR tests that were used to “diagnose” Americans with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), government officials are now mass-testing poultry and slaughtering them whenever the results come up “positive.”
The latest poultry genocide has occurred in Iowa, where 5.3 million hens and 88,000 turkeys were killed due to allegedly being infected with bird flu. All across the nation, some 22 million egg-laying chickens, 1.8 million broiler chickens, 1.9 million pullet and other commercial chickens, and 1.9 million turkeys have been put down so far amid the panic.
Since the alleged “outbreak” began about a month ago, operations all across the country have been forced to put down more than 18 million chickens and 305,000 turkeys. Conveniently, the “outbreak” occurred right as the plandemic mask mandates ended and Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.
“Iowa is the nation’s leading egg producer and had 46 million chickens on farms in February, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data,” reported CBS News in Minnesota. “Iowa raises about 11.7 million turkeys annually.”
Piece by piece, they’re decimating the global economy and greasing the wheels for mass starvation
The USDA claims that 23 states now have confirmed cases of avian flu, the policy for which is to destroy all birds in the vicinity and use their remains for farm compost.
The alleged disease is said to spread via the droppings or nasal discharge of infected wild birds such as ducks and geese. The claim is that these droppings and discharges taint dust and soil, spreading the virus throughout poultry populations.
“Infected wild birds have been found in at least 26 states, and the virus has been circulating in migrating waterfowl in Europe and Asia for nearly a year,” the corporate-controlled media claims.
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the cases in birds do not present an immediate public health concern. No human cases of the avian influenza virus have been detected in the United States. It remains safe to eat poultry products. Cooking of poultry and eggs to an internal temperature of 165 [degrees] F kills bacteria and viruses.”
If there is no immediate public health concern, then why the need to destroy all these birds at a time when their meat and eggs are desperately needed due to shortages and inflation? Does the timing of all this seem suspect to anyone else?
It sure does to this writer, who is observing a systematic takedown of the global economy, one piece at a time. There was COVID, then there was bird flu and the invasion of Ukraine, and now there is skyrocketing inflation, fuel shortages, and other problems all slamming the world at once.
Is this all just a big coincidence? Or is every component of this part of a multi-year plandemic protocol to take out the food supply, fossil fuels, and entire economies so they can be absorbed into a new world order where everyone owns nothing and is “happy” – everyone who actually survives, that is.
Plagues and Food Supply Problem has Become More Dangerous
Clips from Operation Disclosure: The D.S. releases the next plagues.
Covid 19 did not escape from Wuhan. With the court-ordered release of Pfizer documents on 1 March, we were just now discovering that North Carolina University Chapel Hill level 4 lab. of Duke University was the origination point of Sars Covid 19.
The real truth was that hundreds of U.S. funded Bio-labs across the world received the SARS and other pathogens from the U.S, grew the Pathogens in mass formation (multiplied the production of the SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, etc.) and then released the Pathogens in sequence on many countries.
While the Main Stream Media distracted the public with fake news about Ukraine – the center of D.S. operations – the Play Book of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Chinese Communist Party and Khazarian Mafia called for controlling civilization through a war on food distribution and digital banking in an operation named Lock Step.
Having created hunger and starvation by interrupting global food supply chains, the Deep State government would then step in as heros and give out food rations and free money, but you would have to register through their digital banking system that controlled your banking and connection to the new system.
If you broke any agreements of a long worded pressed digital document, your bank accounts and assets would be frozen. You could not speak, write or share "mis-information" on the current pandemic procedures, vaccines, virus origins, war info. That would contradict the mainstream narration.
While the White Hats were behind the scenes channeling this Deep State Lock Step Plan into a Great Awakening and Global Currency Reset, it was strongly advised to have enough food, fuel, cash and essential supplies for 30-90 days.
Tribulation and Beast Covenant
David Eells - 8-29-21
I have said for a long time that Nesara/Gesara is good in the beginning because Trump as Cyrus is using it to free the people of God from Babylonish captivity and giving them the money to rebuild the Kingdom of God.
The second stage of this covenant I have been quiet about for several reasons that are of God. The people of God need to accept this first stage because it is a good repetition of history that rebuilds the Kingdom. But they need to opt out of the second stage because it leads to a One World Order uniting of all nations, a world currency, and the mark of the beast.
This part is a return of the same kind of communist DS tyrants we are being rid of in stage one. Although we must refuse their “Mark" we do not make physical war against it for it is prophesied by God in order to separate the tares from the wheat.
So if the Nesara/Gesara covenant is ultimately the “covenant with many” which is upon us, does this make P. Trump "the antichrist”? Many will think so but they will be wrong as they usually are and as we will see. We should not lose sight of the fact that history is repeating because God is on the throne and He said it always will.
Cyrus of the Medio-Persian Beast Empire conquered the Babylonian Beast Empire so they are both Beasts… But Cyrus/Trump is setting us free in stage one so give the Lord through him the credit. In stage one the Babylonian DS faction including their “Church” faction crucified the Man-child and Bride before the Tribulation to get them ready to lead, teach, and reform the Church in their stage two wilderness tribulation crucifixion. It is the same M.O. for two different groups of people and two different times; The Man-child and Bride bodies and then the rest of the Church. First, we must have the educators educated to reveal the true Kingdom and its demands and then the Church must take the test; the tribulation or trial.
Update 4-13-22: The 7 headed 10 horned Dragon and Beast of Revelation are making this covenant in two fazes. The seed of all 7 world ruling heads, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, and Rome and revived Rome of the 10 toes of this Beast in Daniels vision are making this covenant through their principalities. The most noticeable are Media - Persia (Cyrus/Trump) and Greece (Full anti-christ) in the second stage mid tribulation war on the saints. The super principality over all is Rome because they are now the ten toes representing the whole world’s continental divisions.
Immunity From Plagues by Promise
David Eells 4-12-22
Psa 91:2 I will say of Jehovah, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in whom I trust. 3 For he will deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, And from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover thee with his pinions, And under his wings shalt thou take refuge: His is a truth shield and a buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, Nor for the arrow that flieth by day; 6 For the pestilence that walketh in darkness, Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, And ten thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold, And see the reward of the wicked. 9 For thou, O Jehovah, art my refuge! Thou hast made the Most High thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, Neither shall any plague come nigh thy tent. 11 For he will give his angels charge over thee, To keep thee in all thy ways.
Paul said, "The Lord will deliver me from every evil work” (2 Tim 4:18). He also said that Jesus bore the curse so that we would be blessed in Gal.3:13,14 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14 that upon the Gentiles might come the blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. He also said the sacrifice for our health was Jesus in 1Pe 2:24 who his own self bare our sins in his body upon the tree, that we, having died unto sins, might live unto righteousness; by whose stripes ye were healed. He also said in Col.1:13 who delivered us out of the power of darkness, and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love. Do you believe it ?
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