
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Son of Perdition - UBBS 10.25.2023 - David Eells
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Son Of Perdition
Hello Brethren! God bless you. Thank you for joining us. We’ve been into some deep studying here of the end times and revelations of the Word and Father, we just ask You in Jesus name that You would be here with us today. Lord, anoint me to be able to get these points across to my brethren Lord, and that You would bless them to be able to perceive and understand these revelations and we trust in You, Lord because You’re the Great Revelator, we’re not. We trust in You to open our understanding into blessings today in Jesus name. Amen.
Well, brethren, I think that what I'm going to share with you today is concerning the real true nature, and the real true story of the Son of Perdition. You know, years ago when I was writing an article called the Son of Perdition in my in my book on our site, America's Last Days and the book is called Hidden Manna For The End Times. I was writing the article on the Son of Perdition. I was in the midst of it and a brother with the gift of prophecy called me. He said he found out about me because he sat down his computer one day and the Holy Spirit spoke to him the address to type in. And in those days I had a very complicated address. It wasn't simple at all, and he typed in this address and ended up at my website. And he was very enthused with some of the things he found there.
And so he called me and he said, “David, you’ll never guess how I found out about you?” I said no, so tell me. So he explained to me how the Holy Spirit gave him the address and then he started sharing something else with me, he said, “You know, the Lord told me that next month I'm going to see the Son of Perdition.” And I kind of came back at him, I said, “Well, I don't know how that's possible that you should see the Son Of Perdition next month.” Because I knew what the Bible had to say about when the Son of Perdition was going to be revealed, so on and so forth. And when I said that the Holy Spirit just said, “Be quiet.” “You're writing this article on the Son of Perdition,” (which I was doing at that particular time.) “And when you get through with it, he's going to read it and he's going to see the Son of Perdition.” I said, Okay.
So I didn't say anything to the brother, but, sure enough, it was the next month when I got through with it and I sent it to him and he read it and he said, “I see it, I see it!” Because it has been hidden, folks, it's been hidden from the wise and prudent, and revealed unto babes, that's God's way. And I want to tell you something that the Son of Perdition is a corporate body of people. I shared with you a few teachings back, how that the Lord gave me a word of knowledge and wisdom years ago. He said to me, “Everything that happened in the Gospels and in the Book of Acts will be repeated in the end time, except the cast of characters will be multiplied many times over.” And what the Lord showed me is what happened in the Gospels and Acts. That whole scenario is repeated except the characters like Jesus and like the apostles and like Judas and like the Sanhedrin and the Roman government; these all became multiplied on a worldwide scene. And they're being enacted again now.
I want to remind you of Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. which means “God with us.” The word sign there is the word “oth” and it means, “to come” literally means to come. “Oth” is like the word, omen. It's a sign of something to come, and in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 it speaks about Immanuel several times.
And but in verse 17, there's another sign. In Isa 8:16 Bind thou up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. (Disciples is not the common word in the whole testament.) 17 And I will wait for Jehovah, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him. 18 Behold, I and the children whom Jehovah hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel. As you know, Jesus did signs and wonders and his children did too. He called them his children, his disciples, His signs and wonders.
If these people were for signs also, a sign of something to come, then Judas Iscariot was a sign of something to come. He represented also a large corporate body in our day. Fathers pass on to larger and larger groups in a geometric progression. Like Israel at the beginning was a man, but Israel, as you went on, was a corporate body of people. So we had this sign of Judas, and the Lord told me that this was a sign of a corporate body of people to come, and that everything that happened there is going to happen again.
So let's examine this a little bit. Now Jesus said in Joh 17:12 While I was with them, I kept them in thy name which thou hast given me: and I guarded them, and not one of them perished, but the son of perdition; (That was Judas.) That the scriptures might be fulfilled. Only one of the people that the Lord had chosen to walk with him, the Son of Perdition perished. You know in Joh 13:18 …he that eateth my bread lifted up his heel against me. Judas represented a corporate body of people. That in our day will lift up their heel against the people of God, their brethren. Jesus told us that this would be a corporate body in Mat 24:10 And then shall many stumble, and shall deliver up one another, and shall hate one another. Notice that Jesus said many would stumble and deliver up, just like Judas delivered up Jesus. But now it's delivering up one another. It's delivering up the corporate Body of Christ, and since the Body of Christ needs to go to its cross, it needs a corporate body of Judas. And this is God's plan, folks.
We're going to study a lot in 2 Thessalonians. This also speaks of a Son of Perdition that I'm convinced that almost nobody knows about. 2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, touching the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together unto him; Notice it's talking about the coming of the Lord and the rapture the Saints. 3 let no man beguile you in any wise: for it will not be, except the falling away come first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. Notice what he said, folks. The very opposite of what most people say it says here, is what he's saying. He said, “the coming of the Lord for his Saints is not going to happen except the falling away comes first and this man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition.” People say what they're never going to see this contrary to what the scripture says. The word falling away here is the word apostasia, where we get our word, apostasy. It means, “a defection from the truth.” Just as Judas was hidden in the midst of the Body of Christ in that day, and “one revealed until there was a falling away.” The same thing is going to happen in our day.
Judas represents a corporate body of the Son of Perdition who's hidden in the midst of the Body of Christ today, that will be used to deliver up one another. This I'll tell you, in the name of Jesus and I think we can prove it pretty well from the Scriptures too. Jesus at the time of the Last Supper, for instance, when Judas did end up delivering the Lord up, Jesus was asked by the disciples, who it was that would betray him? And of course, they all said, “Is it I?” and “Is it I?” That I they weren't sure of themselves even. Joh 13:26 Jesus therefore answereth, He it is, for whom I shall dip the sop, and give it him. So when he had dipped the sop, he taketh and giveth it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. 27 And after the sop, then entered Satan into him. Notice two things entered into Judas here, Satan and the SOP. There's a connection here; it's a type and a shadow. The Lord said to me when I was reading this one day, He said, “SOP, S.O.P. Son of Perdition.” I thought, “Wow!” You say, David, that's just in English. I know it, but I don't care. I know what the Lord said to me and it really makes sense, SOP, S.O.P. Son of Perdition. That's what He said.
You know Satan entered into Judas at that time making him the mark. We studied the mark a while back. We found out that the mark represented both the word and the name. It was the character of God that He used to recreate His image in His Body. Well, this is what was created in Judas and it wasn't the image of Christ. It was the image of Antichrist. And you know what he became? He became an abomination of desolation. And I'm going to explain that to you.
First, I want you to look at a little bit of timing here with me. Jesus taught these disciples, including Judas for 3 1/2 years. At the end of that 3 1/2 years, the son of perdition fell away. He was revealed to the disciples who he was and he betrayed the Lord, and he became desolate. The word desolate in the text means without God, he became desolate, in that God forsook him, he became reprobate and as you know, he hung himself. Well, in accordance with this type, the Man-child is going to teach for 3 1/2 years, the corporate Man-child. Remembered that Jesus was going to be manifested in our day as a first fruits corporate body too, called the Man-Child in Revelation 12. So the Man-child is going to teach also for 3 1/2 years the disciples among whom is, I might say, some “Sons of Perdition” and this will bring us to the mid tribulation, when the Bible teaches that the mark, the image and the abomination manifests. Now what I'm going to prove to you is that that mark and that image and that abomination has to do with Judas in the Body of Christ. It happens at the exact same time according to the Scriptures.
Now first I want to point out to you that, that God used the hand of Judas; it was his plan. God put him in the midst of that body. Jesus answered them, Did not I choose you the twelve, and one of you is a devil? (Joh 13:21). See, He knew from the beginning, the Bible says who it was that would betray him. He told the disciples, “One of you shall betray me.” He said, “One of you.” He had faith that was going to happen because it was supposed to happen. One of you shall betray me, he said. …And what thou doest do quickly? (Joh 13:27) He told Judas at the last moment. See, this is a job that God wants to done. God is using the hand of Judas. It's his plan. He's not going to depart from it. Act 2:23 him being delivered up by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, (This was God's plan.) Ye by the hand of lawless men, did crucify and slay. God used the hand of lawless men. Now this is the word lawless here just happens to be the same word in 2 Thessalonians where it says 2Th 2:3 …the man of sin. (The word sin there, is lawlessness, the same word.) …berevealed the son of perdition. The son of perdition is the man of lawlessness and God used the hand of the son of perdition. Notice, He used the hand of a man of lawlessness to crucify the Body of Christ, and so it's going to be in our day. I've seen many of these folks. I've seen quite a few of them come against me in this ministry. And of course, they do humble you, they do crucify you. They do have a wonderful work in your life.
The Lord said to me one day when I was looking into this, one of those words of knowledge He gave me, He said, “Look up Judas Iscariot.” So I did and Judas is a Hebrew word that means, “to use the hand.” Wow! There it is again, “to use the hand.” So I looked up Iscariot and I found that Iscariot came from two words. Is, which is a Hebrew word for “man.” And “cariot” is a Babylonian word for “city.” Now if you put that all together, here's what you come up with, “to use the hand.” (Hebrew in this case it's Christian because we've been grafted into the olive tree.) “To use the hand of a Christian man who is a Babylonian city.” This was proven to me all through the scriptures after the Lord showed me this about this city that's in the midst of God's city. You know the Son of Perdition is a city of Babylon, a corporate body of people that are hidden in the corporate body of the City of God; God's people. So you've got an evil city, an evil corporate body of people in the midst of a righteous city. In other words, you've got a Babylonish temple in the midst of a true Temple of God.
Mat 5:14 ye are the light of the world. A city, that set on a hill cannot be hid. He said his disciples were a city. And here you've got this Babylonian city, “Iscariot,” a man who is a Babylonian city in the midst of them that doesn't belong there. You know the falling away and the mark will separate the spiritual harlot city from the true city of God. It will separate the spiritual harlot temple from the Temple of God. This is God's plan. The Body of Christ won't be ready to meet him until this happens. I'm going to prove that to you.
Judas was a type of the end time, Son of Perdition who betrayed Christ to the Sanhedrin. And the Sanhedrin in that day was the corporate false prophet. That's right, there was a corporate false prophet in Jesus's day and it's a much larger corporate false prophet in our day. There's no place in the Bible that says that there is one false prophet, not any place. There is a symbol of the false prophet in Revelation Chapter 13 and people call it the false prophet. But there's no words to say that. Jesus said there were many false prophets. That's a body there, a body of people. The second beast in Revelation 13 and we'll talk about that a little later.
Well, like Babylon was guilty of the blood of the Body of Christ and Revelation 18:24, so Judas was guilty of the blood of the Body of Christ. You see the parallel there? And Mat 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up unto tribulation… (See, it's happening in a corporate way. It's going to happen in a corporate way) and shall kill you, and you shall be hated of all the nations…. (That’s the Beast Kingdom) for my namesake. And then shall many stumble. (Which is to fall away. Remember the falling away of the Son of Perdition?) Many shall stumble and shall deliver up one another and shall hate one another 11 and many false prophets shall arise. And she'll lead many astray. So you see, folks, it is going to happen just the way Jesus said. The people are looking at the types and the shadows, and they're basically repeating the types and the shadows, but not interpreting them. Jesus interpreted them for us.
Paul said in 2Th 2:4 (the son of perdition)he that opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is worshipped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God. Twice he talked about exalting self and setting self forth as God. We'll look at that in a minute. First, I want to look at this word, he says “Sitteth in the Temple of God.” The word for Temple here is the word “naos” and it is used nine times by the apostle Paul, like in this case. And in every case that it is used, it is speaking about the spiritual temple of God's people in every case. Now the word temple, by the way, is used 71 more times, but it's the word “hereon”. And it's always used as the literal temple. What are we saying? What we're saying is that the Son of Perdition sits in the temple, but it's not a physical temple, it is the temple of God's people. Just like Judas sat in the midst of a temple. It was the Temple of God's people, the Body of Christ. And of course, the people who see only the letter they're pointing you towards something that's going to happen over there in the Middle East, they think. Which has nothing to do with your life and will be no help to you in the situation that you're about to find yourself. “The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” (2Co 3:6)
Just as Judas was in the body of the believers, the latter day, Son of Perdition will take the mark, (Which of course identifies him as a member of the body of the Beast.) and will sit in the midst of the Temple of God's people. So you've got a personal temple of Judas himself being in the midst of the Temple of God's people.
And this verse goes on to say, an abomination, which maketh desolate. It is an abomination for the beast to be in the Temple of God's people. And that's exactly who Judas was, and that's who Judas, the Son of Perdition in the future will be, because he will take the mark of the beast. He will have an abomination that maketh desolate. Everybody who takes that mark, as you know, will be desolate. God will depart from them. They will be what the Bible calls reprobate. Reprobate is a word used in the New Testament for the departure of God from an individual temple. But desolate is the term that's used for the corporate temple.
Tit 1:16 They profess that they know God; but by their works they deny him, being abominable... There it is. These people who claim to know God, but their works don't prove that they don't agree with that. They claim to know God, but their works proved them to be abominable. That's an abomination in the midst of God's temple, when a person that does this, they profess they know God, but by their works, they deny Him being abominable and disobedient. There's not any premium put on obedience today. But if you're not obedient, you're abominable. And profess they know God. But by their works, they deny being abominable and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. And there is the word for desolate that concerns the individual temple. See, we are a body of temples that that is made into a holy temple according to Ephesians.
Notice that the son of perdition “exalts himself” in the verse that we just looked at “and he sets “himself” forth as God.” Do you know that that's pretty common? With the people who are disobedient and abominable whenever they go their own way, do their own thing, who is ruling in that temple? The Beast or God? Well, the flesh is, self is ruling in that temple. And you know, these parables are meant to hide these wonderful revelations from the wise and prudent, but revealed unto babes. He doesn't want the Pharisees to find out about it, and he don't want their people to find out about it. Because this is revelation that He's reserved for His children. So he “exalts self” to rule as God in his individual temple, which is in the corporate temple. So you've got a Babylonish temple in the midst of God's temple here. And by the way, there are many sons of perdition. So you're talking about a corporate temple in the midst of a corporate temple.
Rom 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Christ, but their own belly; You know what your belly represents? Something that cries out to be served and I tell you what, you serve it pretty good too, don't you? The belly represents “self” to the Jews that represented “self” They don't serve Christ, they serve their belly just like it says. He exalts “himself” he sets “himself” forth as God; Where? In the temple of the People of God. and by their smooth and fair speech, they beguile the hearts of the innocents. Oh yes, these sons of perdition, some of them are pretty smooth talkers. And they might be pretty impressive to some people, but they won't be to the right people, Php 3:18 For many walk, of whom I told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: You know the cross, of course, is something we need to embrace. It is the death of self. You know why they don't want the death of self is because their belly is their God. They want to serve “self.” They don't want to serve Christ. If you don't take up your cross and follow Him, you will serve self, but you will also be reprobated at the end.
And in verse 19 whose end is perdition. (There they are, the sons of perdition. They serve self rather than serving Christ.) …their end is perdition, which is a word meaning destruction. They will be destroyed. whose God is the belly. They're sitting in the Temple of God serving “self” “Self” is ruling in the people of God. …whose God is the belly and whose glory is their shame, who mind earthly things. What is this? This is what we talked about earlier. About the spiritual mark of the beast. The mark on the hand or on the forehead? The forehead, meaning the mind. Those who walk after the mind of the flesh serve their belly. They have the spiritual mark of the beast, and as we saw earlier, they will take the physical mark of the beast.
Now Judas also was an apostle. He was ordained to be a leader in the corporate temple. As some sons of perdition will also be in our day. The Beast will be ruling in the temple. See, if you have the spiritual mark of the Beast and you mind earthly things and you're walking after the mind of the flesh, which Paul said in Romans chapter 8, you must die if you do that. So if you mind these earthly things and you're sitting in the Temple of God, that's the Beast ruling in the Temple of God because you've got the “mark of the Beast” that identifies you as a member of the body of the Beast.
Now folks, let me tell you, we've got a corporate temple worldwide and in the midst of this temple, increasingly, the Son of Perdition will be coming to rule. You say, “David it looks like pretty much like that, now.” “Yes, I agree with you.” That is absolutely right. Before the end, we're going to prove which of these people will repent and which of them will go on into perdition as Sons of Perdition ruling in the body.
Now the Son of Perdition will take the mark, which is the final abomination that maketh him desolate. Kind of like the straw that breaks the camel's back. God says, thus far and no more, basically. They become the image of the Beast in the apostate temple, in the corporate apostate temple of all of the Sons of Perdition. And here's the proof, Dan 9:27 and he shall make a firm covenant with many for one week. We saw this was the spirit of the Roman Empire. The principality that that brought Rome together and ruled over the world. Because the rest of that text also speaks about the Prince of Greece and the Prince of Persia, and they're all talking about all the Princess there are principalities. And he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease. And upon the wing (or pinnacle) of abominations shall come one that maketh desolate.
Now, back up a little bit. Let's look at this, He shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease. We found out what the sacrifice was of the true Christian. It is to present their bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service. (Rom 12:1) But when you take the mark of the beast, you no longer serve God because you're a member of the Beast you're now serving “self”. You're serving the beast; you're serving the flesh. And so, a person that goes into this covenant comes into agreement in this covenant, and takes the mark of the beast, that is causing “the sacrifice and the oblation to God to cease.”
Folks, there is a continual burnt offering that has been offered since the time of Jesus, and it is the Christians who have sacrificed their life taking up their cross to follow him. They are continually a burnt offering. They go through the fiery trials to burn up the wood, hay, and the stubble in their life. That is their sacrifice of their body. But I want to tell you that there are others in our midst that will not touch that with a 10-foot pole. That is not their plan. They don't want to lose their life in this world. Jesus said, if you don't lose your life in this world you won't gain your Zoe life, your higher life, your heavenly life.
So this covenant and this mark that identifies these people is the cause of the sacrifice and the oblation to cease. And on the wing (or pinnacle) of abominations… Let me tell you that the pinnacle of abominations is the mark. Because just like Revelation 14 tells us that anybody that takes this mark is reprobated. They are going to be tormented day and night forever and ever in the presence of the angels. They are reprobated.
So, upon the pinnacle of abomination shall come one that maketh desolate. That is, the mark of the beast. And I want to say that for the corporate temple it is the image of the beast in the temple. The image of the beast, as we saw, the image or the icon, is created by the charagma or character. And the character is the word of God, Jesus Christ for our Kingdom. But the Beast also has his character. And it is being imprinted on the people who walk after the flesh, the mind of the flesh and the works of the flesh. They are serving their fathers, like Jesus told the leaders, “You're of your father, the devil.” That was the leaders of Judaism.
So this makes them desolate, which means, of course, deserted by God. Even unto a full end and that determined shall wrath be poured out upon the desolate. There they are, these people will go through the wrath of God, not the righteous. They'll go through the tribulation, but they won't go through the wrath. The wrath is that year in which the Sons of Perdition will go into and be destroyed. And of course Judas hanged himself, which is a spiritual thing, of cutting off the breath, or the spirit of life. He cut himself off from the spirit of life. The word, breath and spirit are the same in Hebrew. That's the spiritual type there.
Now the corporate Son of Perdition will take the mark and he will go back to his Christian assemblies to fulfill the word. Mat 24:15 When therefore ye see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let him that readeth understand). Watch carefully now, When you see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken by Daniel standing in the holy place.? No, literally the Greek word here is “a” holy place, but since people thought well, there is only one holy place, their theology got in there, so they just put it the way they wanted it. But did you know the Textus Receptus, which so many people rely on and commend, the ancient manuscripts, and the numeric pattern or the Numeric Bible all say, “a” holy place. “The” is not in their, the Received Texts, ancient manuscripts or numeric pattern; it's not there. “A” as opposed to “the” holy place implies individual bodies of believers that the son of perdition are in the midst of. When you see the abomination of desolation standing in a holy place; what did he tell you? Flee! That's the time of Great Tribulation, great tribulation. That means the 2nd 3 1/2 years. When you see that, that's the end of the peaceful time of being taught for 3 1/2 years by the Lord.
2Th 2:6 And now ye know that which restraineth, to the end that he may be revealed in his own season. Now what keeps, or what restrains the son of perdition from being revealed? We have verse 3 Accept the falling away come first, the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. See the thing that restrains the revealing of the Son of Perdition is the falling away, it has to happen first. When Judas fell away, everybody knew, Aha, it's Judas! They were asking the Lord moments before. Well, so the thing that restrains the revealing of the. Son of tradition is the falling away. Just as the pattern with Judas clearly shows, he was hidden in the midst of the body, and the disciples didn't know it until the falling away happened. Then suddenly they realized Judas was the one Jesus was talking about.
2Th 2:7-8 for the mystery of lawlessness doth already work: only there is only there is one that restraineth now, until he become out of the midst. See the one that's restraining the coming of the Lord is the Son of Perdition in the midst of the body. I'm going to explain this in just a minute. …until he become out of the midst, he is restraining the coming of the Lord because he has to come out of the midst of the Body of Christ first. And this “become out of the mist” is what it says in the Greek numeric pattern. It's what it says in the Received Text, and it's what it says in the ancient manuscripts. So why did they translate it differently? Well, in the original is very clear what we're talking about here.
And the verse goes on, 8 And then shall be revealed the lawless one, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath of his mouth, and bring to nought by the manifestation of his coming; And truly, when the Lord comes into your life, He is putting to death that old son of perdition, because there's a little bit of him in all of us, true. And he is in the body; he has to be put to death in the Body so that the body is spotless and blemishless.
Notice that the Lord is restrained from coming until the Son of Perdition “become out of the midst” of God's people, the temple. Peter said the lawless are them that walk after the flesh, in the lusts of defilement. There is a defilement in God's temple. The lawless being in the mist of God's temple, they are a defilement. They are a spiritual mark of the beast. An image of the beast in God's temple. They shall, in their destroying, be destroyed. Then what did he call them? Spots and blemishes. Wow, the man of lawlessness, the son of perdition is spots and blemishes in the Body of Christ. Revelling in their deceivings while they feast with you. Yes, they are deceivers. They are in our midst; they're not committing to discipleship. They walk after the flesh, they're not denying their life and they're not taking up their cross, but they feast with us. [2Pe 2:8-13]
God is coming for a spotless and blemishless bride. How can it be? We have spots and blemishes. Well, what did it say? …Until he become out of the midst. That's restraining the Lord from coming because in the body there are spots and blemishes. These people in the corporate body are the spots and blemishes. Clearly, the Bible says that in Matthew 13. It says that the Lord's going to gather the tares and bundle them into bundles to burn them, but he's going to gather the righteous into his barn. Listen, a portion of the Antichrist beast is in the midst of the true Temple, and they have to come out. 1Jn 2:18 Little children, it is the last hour: and as ye heard that antichrist cometh, even now have there arisen many antichrists; Notice, they heard the same thing we've heard, that Antichrist cometh, but I want to tell you, even now, there are many antichrists and many of them are in the Body of Christ too, because he's fixing to say that right here, you have heard that Antichrist cometh, and even now have there is many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last hour. And some people argued that probably John didn't really know what the last hour was, but I want to tell you it was the last hour of the covenant that the Jews were being reprobated from who had disobeyed Christ and refused to step over into the faith era. It was the last hour of their covenant. Now we're coming to the last hour of our covenant. The last hour then was a type and a shadow of the last hour now.
And what did he say? Listen very carefully. “They” who was they? These many Antichrist. 1Jn 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; They went out from us. Antichrist. We recognize Antichrist as the beast in the world, and that's true. The whole world is Antichrist, according to 1Jn 4:3 and every spirit that confesseth not Jesus is not of God: and this is the spirit of the antichrist, lives in them, is Antichrist. That's what John says. If that be true then the whole world is Antichrist and we know that that's true.
But let me point out to you that that body of Antichrist is also in the Temple of God. They are these people who walk after the mind of the flesh and the works of the flesh and have his mark, just as the people of God have the mark of God in the mind and in the forehead. In the mind and in the hand, that is the works of Christ and the mind of Christ. The people of the devil are the same way, “they went out from among us and they were not of us.” Didn't Jesus say, did not choose you, the 12 and one of you is a devil. 19 …for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they all are not of us. Now, why did they have to come out? Because in that day, just as in our day, the Son of Perdition has to come out of the midst because he is that Babylonish temple that's in God's temple that defiled temple, that’s in the midst of God's temple. The spots and blemishes that are in the midst of God's people.
Now let me read this to you. Some of you probably have never really understood this text in Mat 13:24 Another parable set he before them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man that sowed good seed in his field: 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares also among the wheat, and went away. So we know that there's tares among the wheat. Notice it said, the Kingdom of heaven, not the kingdom of the world. The kingdom of heaven, is likened to a man that sowed good seed and among this good seed was sown tares. You know what that means? Among the Body of Christ there are these tares. 26 But when the blade sprang up and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. Why? How can you tell the difference? Because a tare has a very tiny little fruit, there's very little fruit compared to the great big fruit of the of the wheat. 27 and the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? Whence then hath it tares. 28 And he said unto them, an enemy had done this. That's right, these people are sowed into the Body of Christ by the enemy. They are not true members of the Body of Christ, but they're hidden in the midst, just like Judas was a son of perdition, a son of destruction, a son that will be destroyed, so to speak.
And the servants say unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? 29 But he saith, Nay; lest haply while ye gather up the tares, ye root up the wheat with them... Now, why do you mean that? Because folks, let me tell you, the wheat needs the tares to come to maturity. We need the sons of perdition to bring us to our cross; that's their job. Jesus knew that. That's why he chose 12 and one of them was the devil. So here's what he says in verse 30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather up first the tares,… Now this bothers somebody cause he's talking about gathering up the first the tares. Folks, that's what's going to happen. There is going to be no rapture before the son of perdition is revealed before the falling away. That's what we just read very clearly in the black and white. It's not even deep, you see. …Gather up first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn. Well, that's God's Kingdom. That's God's temple we're talking about here, “gathered up first the tares.” See the mark of the beast in the middle of the tribulation, is to gather up first the tares and bundle them. Birds of a feather flock together. When Judas came out of the midst, guess who he gathered around with? When he came out of the mists, as a matter of fact he gathered with the Pharisees, didn't he?
Now when he gives the interpretation of this in verse 40As therefore the tares are gathered up and burned with fire; so shall it be in the end of the world. 41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom… All things wasn't in the original folks. There's no Greek word for things. They shall gather out of his Kingdom all that cause stumbling and them that do iniquity. Do you believe it? Yes, the whole reason for the tribulation and the mark of the beast and these things is so that God gathers together into bundles these people that cause stumbling and do iniquity and he's going to do that first before He gathers the Saints, did you notice? 42 and shall cast them into the furnace of fire. He's bundling them up in order to throw them into the wrath of God. …there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the son in the kingdom of their Father. Notice, He gathers the tares into bundles first, in order to throw them in the fire. But then, because they're bundled together because the birds of a feather have flocked together, suddenly God's people shine forth in the Kingdom of their Father. Why is that? Because now the spots and blemishes are gone. The bride has now become the spotless and blemishless bride. You see, folks, they're leaving our Kingdom. Remember the parable at the beginning? He said, the Kingdom of Heaven is likened to a man that's so good seed in his field. But while men slept, the enemy came and sowed tares in the man's field, the Kingdom of heaven.
Look, folks, we're not talking about who flies away first here, it's talking about who's leaving whose kingdom. They are leaving our Kingdom, the spots and blemishes. Not only corporately, but individually are going to be washed away. In your individual temple you’ve got spots and blemishes too. You know, it's little bits and pieces of the son of perdition in there I suspect. At any rate, he'll come to nought by the manifestation of the coming of Christ in you. And that was 2 Thessalonians says basically. Not just in you individually, but in you the corporate body. Boy, it's neat that things God's hidden in His word, it's just so awesome.
You know, he says that they're going to shine forth as the sun. Sun glory they've grown from star glory to moon glory to sun glory. The Bible says if we behold as in a mirror the glory of the Lord will be transformed into that same image, from glory to glory, even as from the Lord's spirit, and Paul explains, these three glories in 1 Corinthians 15. You know what that's saying? That God is going to cleanse his individual bodies in the temple. He's going to cleanse the corporate body of the temple. He's going to cleanse the spots and blemishes that are in His Body so that it is a beautiful, glorious church, complete and ready to serve Him. We're going to know these sons of perdition when we see them. They're going to do the same thing that the first Son of Perditiondid. There will be no reasoning with these people. They don't have the Spirit of God in them to give them a conscience, or at least they won't act that.
Jesus was the most righteous man on the face of the earth, obviously. And yet Judas very unreasonably turned against Him, tried to manipulate Him and turn against Him and turned to the harlot and the beast to crucify Him. The harlot of that day, of course, was apostate Judaism and the false prophet was the Sanhedrin, and the beast was the Roman Empire that was ruling over the people of God. Judas used the harlot of that day and used the beast to crucify Jesus. That's exactly what's going to happen today. They're going to deliver up one another and many shall stumble. Many are going to fall away, in which the son of perdition will be revealed, and at that time they will use the harlot of our day, which is not necessarily apostate Judaism, but apostate Christianity, is the harlot you're going to worry about. They're going to use the harlot of our day to crucify the Body of Christ. They're going to use the beast of our day, the revived Roman Empire, the worldwide revived Roman Empire that's coming on the scene right now. They're going to use that to crucify the Body of Christ. I suspect folks that most everybody, every local body will have some of these people; at least one. You know the local body that Jesus chose to have together as a type and a shadow, there was one in the midst. He had a purpose. They have purposes in our day.
We generally don't choose to go to our cross without help. God is sending us help. I'm not talking about a physical cross. I'm talking about the cross Jesus said we would have to take up. The Cross of death to self. We're called to die to self. Jesus was as a lamb led to the slaughter. Many times these people will mercilessly persecute us, speak against us, rail about us, lie about us, you know, accuse us to everyone around us. But they're just a bunch of lions, sons of perdition that are there to bring us to our cross. They have a good work. They are bad, demon possessed people, but they have a good work. You know that God works all things together for our good. That has to include these people. They are for our good or He wouldn't permit them. Jesus wouldn't have chose one purposely knowing he was the son of the devil. Oh, he was very religious, let me tell you. Judas went out there and did miracles with the best of them or they would have all suspected him. They didn't suspect him, they even suspected themselves before they suspected him. “Is it I, Lord? Is it I?”
See the son of perdition wasn't revealed until the falling away came, and that happened about the middle of the tribulation period. When the mark of the beast is demanded, these people who have no Christian fortitude, who have no power from God in their life will take the mark. Judas was a thief, he was a liar. He proved he had no power of God in his life. These people will take the mark of the beast. They will be doing it for 3 1/2 years if you ask me. The beginning of it will be in the middle, but they will be attempting to put this on everybody and these people because they don't want to face their wilderness, they don't want to face death to self in the wilderness. They're going to do this, they're going to be an abomination that maketh desolate. These spots and blemishes are going to be cleansed out of the body. That evil Babylonish temple that's in the midst of God's temple will be removed. They will be bundled together. They will be their own Babylonish temple and Judas being an apostle and leader in the church. Let me tell you that the Babylonish temple has a bunch of leaders that are just like that. And I can tell you God has a plan for him. He's got what He calls the wrath of God. He will give them time to repent during the Tribulation period that is coming to prove who's who, who's the wheat and who's the tares. But at the end of that time, He will destroy him. God bless you, brethren.
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