
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
The Science and Healing of Quantum Faith (3) - David Eells - UBBS 11.29.2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
The Science of Healing and Quantum Faith (3)
(Our thanks to Deb and husband Will Horton, who majored in Physics.)
(David’s notes in red)
Wikipedia defines “quantum” as: “In physics, a quantum (the plural ‘quanta’) is the minimum amount of any physical entity or physical property involved in an interaction.
The fundamental notion that a physical property can be "quantized" is referred to as "the hypothesis of quantization". This means that the magnitude of the physical property can take on only discrete values consisting of integer multiples of one quantum. For example, a photon is a single quantum of light of a specific frequency (or of any other form of electromagnetic radiation). Similarly, the energy of an electron bound within an atom is quantized and can exist only in certain discrete values.
(Atoms and matter in general are stable because electrons can exist only at discrete energy levels within an atom.) Quantization is one of the foundations of the much broader physics of quantum mechanics. Quantization of energy and its influence on how energy and matter interact (quantum electrodynamics) is part of the fundamental framework for understanding and describing nature.”
Willard says that an “element” (or “particle”) of time is not yet defined in science. However, the Bible does define a particle of time. It is the “twinkling of an eye” in (1Co.15:51) Behold, I tell you a mystery: We all shall not sleep, but we shall all be changed, (52) in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. According to Strong’s, “moment” is from átomos (from 1 /A "not" and 5114 /tomṓteros, "to cut") – properly, not able to cut (divide) because too small to be measured, like a "split second"; an "instant; an indivisible moment of time, too short to measure" (Souter).
Deb: If it’s indivisible, then that means it is in a wave form.
Schrodinger’s Cat:
Re: The 10/27/23 Friday UBM Live Broadcast
As David started his explanation of what the factious satanists had done to sacrifice Eve Brast and how she had been snatched out of her grave in the woods where they buried her, by an angel over the UBM angels, named Baruch. And how she had received another body, how some of the factious died yet came back only to die again, and many other events that had occurred involving opposing timelines, I was beginning to freak out. I thought maybe David had been invaded by some New Age spirit and was going down the path of transmigration of the soul, but as he continued, I realized I was hearing "Schrodinger's Cat as described by David."
Wikipedia says:
“In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, of quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead, while it is unobserved in a closed box, as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. This thought experiment was devised by physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935[1] in a discussion with Albert Einstein[2] to illustrate what Schrödinger saw as the problems of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.”
So I emailed David about the broadcast and my initial concern, along with a link to an article with the best layman's explanation of the Schrodinger's Cat paradox that I could find. But when David tried the link, it came up "404 Page Not Found." After David replied to my email and I tried it again, that link came up "404 Page Not Found" for me, too.
Well, it was there for me or I couldn't have read the article and copied the link and sent it to David. Then suddenly I realized that the Lord was actually verifying the premise of Schrodinger's Cat, which is that something can be there and not be there at the same time.
Why and how is that possible? (When the Lord first spoke to me of two opposite timelines running parallel at the same time I did not understand. As time went on I understood that the good believers timeline was actuated by our faith in believing we have received what we ask for.
Mar 11:23-24 ASV Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou taken up and cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what he saith cometh to pass; he shall have it. (Speak to the mountains that hinder your path and remove them like unbelief.) 24 Therefore I say unto you, All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye received (Greek) them, and ye shall have them. (So we see that everything you pray and ask for believe you have received it by order of Jesus. This is the believer’s timeline.
The other timeline is the unbeliever’s timeline which is under the curse. What Quantum Physics or Mechanics has proven is that the whole creation is set up to answer our prayers of faith. Our experiences in this regard are parables that help us realize the necessity to know what faith is and to use it.)
The least technical scientific explanation I can give you of the Schrodinger's Cat paradox is that merely by the act of observing something, the observer does indeed affect what is being observed. (We see in our minds eye what we want or need when we ask for it.)
You may possibly have run across this in a Science News or Scientific American article where they discuss how those observing a complex experiment may inadvertently affect that experiment because they are looking for a specific outcome. In some cases, multiple observers may each obtain a different outcome because that was the outcome they desired to find, so multiple observers are able to cause multiple outcomes.
What is seen, or what is called "reality," actually does depend on the observer, i.e. the faith of the person to see the thing they have asked for. And that matches what Jesus said in (Mat.9:29) ... According to your faith be it done unto you.
Here are the pieces of Barry Rothman’s arkcode.com write-up where the Bible describes altering timelines by reversing them.
[Beginning of copied Rothman section.] “The 37th chapter of Ezekiel calls to mind what would be seen on a film if an army were suddenly killed, fell to the ground, then started to rot and decompose. There’s just one problem – Ezekiel 37 describes what would be seen if the film were run in reverse. That is, it seems to portray resurrection as a process akin to the reversal of time. But while Ezekiel is interpreted by some as metaphor, 2nd Kings 20:8 -11 is a very different matter. The incident in question is as follows:
(2Ki.20:8) And Hezekiah said to Isaiah: “What shall be the sign that the LORD will heal me, and that I shall go up to the house of the LORD the third day?” (9) And Isaiah said: “This shall be the sign to you from the LORD, that the LORD will do that thing that He has spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or back ten degrees?” (10) And Hezekiah answered “It is a light thing for the shadow to decline ten degrees, nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees.” (11) And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the LORD; and he brought back the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down on the dial of Ahaz.
The story of how Isaiah, with God's help, reversed time (or the spin of the Earth) is also found in Isaiah 38:8, which states, "Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the dial, which is gone down in the sun-dial of Ahaz, to return ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down."
The BACKWARD description mentioned earlier with respect to the film analogy can be seen in Ezekiel 37:1 to 14:
(Eze.37:1) The hand of the LORD was upon me, and the LORD carried me out in a spirit, and set me down in the midst of a valley, and it was full of dry bones; (2) and he caused me to pass by them round about, and, behold, there were very many in the open valley, and, lo, they were very dry. (3) And He said to me: ‘Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, You know.’
(Eze.37:4) Then He said to me: ‘Prophesy over these bones, and say to them: O you dry bones, hear the word of the LORD: (5) Thus says the LORD GOD unto these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. (6) And I will lay sinews on you, and you will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the LORD.’
(Eze.37:7) So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and a commotion, and the bones came together, bone to its bone. (8) And I beheld, and lo, there were sinews upon them, and flesh came up, and skin covered them above; but there was no breath in them.
(Eze.37:9) Then He said to me: ‘Prophesy unto the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath: Thus says the LORD GOD: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.’ (10) So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, and they were a very great host.
(Eze.37:11) Then He said to me: ‘Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say: Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are clean cut off. (12) Therefore prophesy, and say unto them: Thus says the LORD GOD: Behold, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, my people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel. (13) And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and caused you to come up out of your graves, O my people. (14) And I will put my Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land; and you shall know that I the LORD have spoken, and performed it, says the LORD.
RESURRECTION IN TORAH AND TALMUD. The picture that the Torah paints of resurrection is again one that resembles the reversal of time. In Deuteronomy 32:39 we read, "See now, that I am He - and no god is with me. I put to death and I bring life, I wound and I will heal, and there is no rescuer from My hand." The Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin (91b) discusses this verse. It states, "Our Rabbis taught: I kill, and I make alive. I might interpret, I kill one person and give life to another, as the world goes on: therefore the Writ states, I wound, and I heal. Just as the wounding and healing [obviously] refer to the same person, so putting to death and bringing to life refer to the same person. This refutes those who maintain that resurrection is not intimated in the Torah." With respect to the arrow of time, the normal sequence would be healthy wounded still alive dead. But the sequence in Deuteronomy 32:39 is dead brought back to life living, but wounded healed. This again looks like a reversal of the arrow of time.” [End of copied Rothman section.]
Deb: Notice that if time can be stopped and then reversed, then time also has the characteristics of a particle. Also, Barry Rothman didn’t include the most famous time stop ever, which is when Joshua commanded the sun and moon to stand still, because the sun and moon responded to the spoken words of faith.
(Jos.10:12) Then spake Joshua to Jehovah in the day when Jehovah delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel; and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; And thou, Moon, in the valley of Aijalon. (13) And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, Until the nation had avenged themselves of their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stayed in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. (14) And there was no day like that before it or after it, that Jehovah hearkened unto the voice of a man: for Jehovah fought for Israel. (Barry is quite right, a reversal of time would bring back your old body at a younger age. But this is not the case as we know from Eve’s body and the gifts that came with it. This is not a resurrection of the old body but a new body given by God.)
Eve’s New Body
(I believe Eve’s new body shows us what the Bride will have.)
Deb Horton: I couldn't sleep and just kept pondering about Eve’s new body. At the Pot Blessing, I talked to David about the two verses I shared with Terri and he agreed. He also said (1) he couldn't explain everything in a 2 hour broadcast, so I fussed at him about his choice of words because people could take them the wrong way just as I initially did and (2) he said that the Lord told him Eve's body was so defiled He wouldn't resurrect it but gave her a new body instead.
(2Co.5:17) Wherefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new.
I went to the Greek and it could mean a completely different body.
Terri McGinley: I asked and got a “no” (for a resurrection of the old body). I asked if Eve had a completely different body and got six heads in a row. I originally got four and asked for two more to confirm a “yes”.
(Eve was given a new younger body (This is not a glorified body. This was a resurrection to a physical life and hence it is a physical body.) Her spiritual woman was pulled out of the grave after two days of being buried and was given a young completely healthy body. Her spiritual woman is her spirit and the part of her soul that was born of God.
Whereas her old carnal man was her flesh and the part of her soul that was unregenerate, which God said burned up. Her body was not taken from the ashes of her old body because God said they were defiled. Ashes are pure from disease, germs, etc. But they came from the old man so in the spirit realm they are defiled. I believe the DNA was more in line with the Lord’s. When we eat His Body and drink His Blood, He said that we have His life.
I have been seen in dreams in such a body, too. I believe it is the restoration of years under the curse mentioned in Joel 2 and the "restoration of all" ("things" was not in the Greek). Meaning all of the fully sanctified ones in Acts 3:21 who will be completely restored. Just as Eve typed the Bride in many dreams, I believe the Bride will all have this regenerate body when the out-resurrection comes with the spiritual resurrection of the Man-child to the throne.
She has a body like she would have wanted. She looks mostly like original Eve but younger and prettier. Her hair which was died red is now naturally red. She has no hair on her legs since she hated shaving it and her legs are more slim. She also has wonderful gifts now, like Jesus had, like reading minds and seeing things in the Spirit anywhere. Her discernment is great.
I was told by the Lord that she was almost unique on earth because of her physical and spiritual makeup. I asked if she ever had a symptom of sickness or pain and she said, “never”. It appears she is not under the curse. Matt’s dream below shows her to have a special spiritual ministry for UBM. We have already seen some of this. For instance she is able to look in on our enemies.)
Terri McGinley asked: Is this where someone came back into a different body or am I just missing it. I received 2 tails for No. (She was given by God a completely new body that was similar in looks but without characteristics she did not like.)
So I asked for a verse by random computer and received (Act.2:38) And Peter [said] unto them, Repent ye, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins; and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
What do I need to repent of? I received (Php.3:20) For our citizenship is in heaven; whence also we wait for a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: [But look at the next verse & completion of the sentence:] (21) who shall fashion anew the body of our humiliation, that it may be conformed to the body of his glory, according to the working whereby he is able even to subject all things unto himself.
I just don't know. The Bible says there's nothing new. (Meaning it has happened before. Melchizedek had no earthly lineage. Heb 7:3 without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like unto the Son of God, abideth a priest continually. We are the body of Christ and we are being conformed to His image.
The Double Slit Experiment
Time (or the perception thereof) is also both a particle and a wave.
Example: As soon as you say, "Now," your "Now" is your past and you are in your future, so technically, everything that can/will ever happen is happening all at the same time.
Here’s the link to a more layman's explanation per Willard:
Excerpt: “The double-slit experiment is one of the most famous experiments in physics and definitely one of the weirdest. It demonstrates that matter and energy (such as light) can exhibit both wave and particle characteristics — known as the particle-wave duality of matter — depending on the scenario, according to the scientific communication site Interesting Engineering” (which is the site that Michael found).
“According to the University of Sussex, American physicist Richard Feynman referred to this paradox as the central mystery of quantum mechanics.
We know the quantum world is strange, but the two-slit experiment takes things to a whole new level. The experiment has perplexed scientists for over 200 years, ever since the first version was first performed by British scientist Thomas Young in 1801.”
Coming Resurrections
Eve’s New Job
Matthew Stewart 11/4/23 (David’s notes in red)
I had this dream the morning of November 4th.
I dreamt that we were in the middle of a regular, local meeting, and David was teaching. But then I had a vision within the dream:
It was like the time before the meeting where everybody fellowships. I saw Leon was resurrected and sitting in a chair with his usual expression on his face. And I thought, “Leon’s back!” Then I looked over and saw another man that had gone to heaven sitting there as well. In the dream I knew him, but when I woke up, I didn’t remember who he was. Then I looked and saw Eve sitting in a chair, very meek, reserved and humble. I remember thinking that “They’re all back! They’re all coming back!” (And it happened at a local meeting.) Then I turned and looked into the center of the room where there was a commotion going on. I went over there, and Amber was slowly physically materializing from the ground up. After she was fully formed, she said hi to me and I said hi back and everyone was excited.
So I went to look for Eve and she was getting ready to leave to go back to her place to do some work for the ministry. So I followed her and her work place was in outer space. (A job “in heavenly places in Christ.”) It was a big floating house in outer space (Cyber space), from which you could go there freely without a spaceship or special equipment to breathe. So I followed her up into space to her house and she went to work on a computer to get something done for the ministry. And I thought to myself, “This is cool!”
(Notice that Eve is higher up the timeline than the rest of us because at the moment she is further into the future on the same believing timeline than the rest of us. Eve already has her new body which we will have in the future. To prove this she was going to come to our meeting and she was late.
We were already worshipping and I was guiding her in, speaking to her in the spirit, which we both have a gift to do. I told her which roads to take which were just two and what road to turn on to come to the address of the property, which was clearly marked on the front of the building.
We were worshipping as I talked to her in my mind, which can also be done with words. There were many cars out front and we were pretty loud inside. She said, I am there looking at the address on the building and no one is there.
I said, can’t you hear the noise and see all the cars. She said there are no cars and no noise and no one is there. I walked out of the meeting in front of everybody and out the front door and saw no Eve. She said I am here at the same address and street. What the Lord told me was that until we got our new body we would not be in the same time even though we were on the same timeline. She was ahead of us in heavenly maturity as far as her body was concerned.
Also she has tried to come to my house to talk to me and Michael 3 times. I would ask her where she was because it was taking too long. She would identify things along the way showing she was getting closer. Then I would ask her “where are you now?” because she should have been here. She found herself back at her apartment vehicle and all and we both were confused. At the out-resurrection, they and us, will all be at the same time and on the same timeline because we will all have the same body at the restoration of all.
Then the vision ended and David was still teaching. So I raised my hand to tell David the vision I just had, but David told me to wait until he was done with his teaching. Then I woke up. (This is showing when the teaching with the former rain anointing is over the Man-child will be resurrected spiritually to the throne to begin the latter rain anointing of the Soloman Man-child.)
When speaking or thinking a conversation with people in the Spirit it is very clear even when speaking to someone on the other side of the earth or in heaven or in hell. This is the only way to speak to our missionaries in a Muslim land that is not dangerous for them because they hack their phones and emails.
The angels told us they were going to give us supernatural methods to get the gospel out in the near future. It is happening. I spoke to Amber in heaven. She told me to tell Brandy she is coming soon. Only once have I seen an interruption of this gift and it was God ordained.
I was trying to speak to leaders on the unbelieving cursed timeline and they couldn’t hear me. This happened with Jesus also. I found out later that the fleshly carnal men on that timeline who were traitors are strengthened when you acknowledge them. This we found out with Kevin when he came back we had to ignore and renounce him so he died as God said.
The old man must die for the spiritual man on the believing timeline to live. “As the outer man is decaying the inner man is renewed day by day.” “Reckon your selves to be dead” “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body”.)
Amber’s Return Flight
Anna Stewart 11/19/23 (David’s notes in red)
My dream started before Amber had died. I had no knowledge in the dream that she had ever died. She was sick but still able to move around for herself. She took a flight somewhere and was now soon scheduled to return. (From heaven) We were discussing who would pick her up from the airport. I volunteered to go but Debbie said she’d pick her up since she’d already be there (Meaning Debbie would be back home with us to pick up Amber. She just came back from her trip to see family. So Amber will be here soon with the rest of the out-resurrection.)
We agreed but then I was attacked with thought that her flight might be delayed. I cast those thoughts down and thought, “No, she is going to arrive on time with no delays.” Well she definitely took a flight to heaven, but praise God she’s coming back! And it appears this will be soon? If nothing else, I believe it is an encouragement that’s she's coming and to cast down any thoughts of it being delayed. May we all be counted worthy to see this thing through to the end!
Deb Horton: Time also exhibits the characteristics of both a wave and a particle. Example: As soon as you say, "Now," you are in your future and your "now" is your past, so technically, everything that can ever happen in creation is happening all at the same time, which perfectly supports the concept of different timelines and holding fast by faith to the promise.
So in other words, Amber is already returned. The problem is that we have to have the eyes to see her at this time. I think Anna's dream (and many other dreams) are helping us to see this now!
May the Father multiply our faith as the stars of heaven! In Jesus' Name, amen.
“Amber IS Going to Arrive on Time”
Deb Horton
Some 50 or so years back, I simultaneously experienced two timelines running at different speeds. Here’s what happened.
Our neighbors down the street, Sue and Denny, were going to give us the swing set that their children had outgrown and so Denny called to let me know that he would be coming over with it that morning. The phone rang. I picked up the receiver and said, “Hello.” I heard Denny say, “Hi, this is Deh...” and I was gone, thrown out of my body.
I found myself standing under the shadow of what I just assumed was the wing of an airplane. There was barely enough light to see more than shadows and the wind was just howling and groaning. (Yes, that’s the classic description of the astral plane.) I don’t know why I wasn’t scared to death. Everything around me was either concrete or tarmac and I was in the middle of speaking with some man. Well, not speaking. We had to shout over the noise of the wind. There was only one other man that I knew named Dennis back from when I lived in D.C., and although I couldn’t really see who this man was, that’s who I thought it was.
We had to have been talking for at least three to four hours when I heard, “nee,” the second syllable of Denny’s name. I was back in the kitchen with the telephone receiver in my hand like nothing had happened. Next to no time had elapsed.
As David likes to say, “God always starts on time to finish on time.”
Cutting The Python
Marie Kelton 11/20/23 (David’s notes in red)
During the morning meeting, David was talking about the two timelines and that in the bad timeline the people are dead to God’s ways. I had an open vision of a python with half of its body coiled up. The other half with the head was lying on the ground dying. I then saw a hand holding a cleaver knife; it cut the body connected to the head apart from the coiled part of the body. (The part of the body with the mouth and teeth is the unbelieving bad timeline who are the factious and other failed people who will eventually die off under the curse for lack of faith and good confession. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Mat 12:36 ASV And I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.)
A factious woman we know is on the bad timeline and thinks it’s the only timeline until God took her to hell and showed the factious satanist leaders and their head Kevin burning in hell. She was told this was her timeline end if she didn’t repent.
Alternate Time Island
Anonymous 11/20/23 (David’s notes in red)
In my dream I was on this desert island with David Eells and we would somehow translate on and off the island to normal land. It was really nice having this, like a private island and freedom.
However, a couple that fell into faction were also on the island and we could see them but they couldn't see us, even if we stood next to them. Deb: (Luk.16:26) And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, that they that would pass from hence to you may not be able, and that none may cross over from thence to us.
We saw them moving around and living on the island but where they were was all dark colors and the parts of the island they moved on, was as if it were a different island with thorns and not nice colors and difficult areas; the land seemed dark and cursed and haunted. Deb: (Heb.6:7) For the land which hath drunk the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them for whose sake it is also tilled, receiveth blessing from God: (8) but if it beareth thorns and thistles, it is rejected and nigh unto a curse; whose end is to be burned.
But the island we were on was colored and beautiful and not cursed, even though this was the exact same island the factious couple were on. I felt that they didn't even want to be able to see us, and they couldn't at all, but we could see them. They were not able to get off the island, they were stuck on it, but David and I could freely leave the island as we desired.
(The island had all the opportunities of Quantum Physics and if you see and believe you will receive but they can only see their cursed timeline. 2Co 4:3-4 ASV And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled in them that perish: 4 in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn upon them.)
It was kind of like two different realities but as one. The two of us had the choice to see both realities as we desired, but the factious couple could only see the one they were in and they had no knowledge or understanding of anything else. (They believe they are in the only timeline but they don’t know it ends in hell.)
Multiple Shifting Timelines
Deb Horton: I am not the best explainer but here goes.
If nothing is fixed/set/real/manifested (choose your word) until it is observed and believed, then all possibilities have to exist simultaneously. The cat has to be alive, and the cat has to be dead, and the cat never has to have been in the box, and the cat has to be having kittens in the box, and the cat has to be a yellow tabby, and the cat has to be a calico, and so on. Every possibility of the cat has to be there to meet the expectation of every possible observer being either positive or negative.
Interestingly, multiple timelines seem to be appearing in movies. For example, Angel Studios has released “The Shift” as “a modern-day retelling of the book of Job. Kevin Garner gets separated from Molly, the love of his life, when a mysterious adversary known as The Benefactor sends him to an alternate dystopian reality. Will hope and faith be enough to find his way back? See The Shift in theaters December 1st.”
And the Deep State media has released another movie about timelines called “Everything Everywhere All At Once.” The NPR movie review says: “Multiverses are having something of a moment, popping up in recent movies like Spider-Man: No Way Home and upcoming ones like Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.
It's refreshing, then, to get a new multiverse movie this week that doesn't spring from the world of comic-book superheroes. It's called Everything Everywhere All at Once — an apt title for a movie that imagines the existence of thousands of alternate timelines, featuring thousands of alternate versions of ourselves.”
So the Bible is (no surprise) correct. (Deu.30:19) I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before thee life and death, the blessing and the curse: therefore choose life, (Choose to believe the good timeline that agrees with promises in the Word.) that thou mayest live, thou and thy seed;
(20) to love Jehovah thy God, to obey his voice, and to cleave unto him; for he is thy life, and the length of thy days; that thou mayest dwell in the land which Jehovah sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.
(Eze.12:2) Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of the rebellious house, that have eyes to see, and see not, that have ears to hear, and hear not; for they are a rebellious house.
(Luk.8:10) And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to the rest in parables; that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.
And I think this explains, (Psa.82:6) I said, Ye are gods, And all of you sons of the Most High. (7) Nevertheless ye shall die like men, And fall like one of the princes. We are co-creators of our life based on what we choose to believe.
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This is just the most amazing thing! God is awesome! Thank you for the teaching!
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