
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
UBBS 10.12.2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Man-child Coming with [Nuclear?] War (3)
David Eells - 10/12/22
I believe we are close to the anointing of the Man-child reformers and the true World War to follow according to Rev 6:1-4 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, Come.
2 And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he that sat thereon had a bow; and there was given unto him a crown: and he came forth conquering, and to conquer. As we have shown in other teachings clearly that this is the Lord who is coming in his Man-child Reformers by the anointing of the Holy Spirit and true Word of God.
Rev 6:3 And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, Come. 4 And another horse came forth, a red horse: and to him that sat thereon it was given to take peace from the earth, and that they should slay one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. (I believe the great sword is Nuclear and Biological.)
The foundation being laid for this war now is that a fake nuclear scare is in process to scare the world into the fold and it is working. However, we are seeing more and more proof that a false flag from the DS can turn this into the real world war in this Rev text. This would be to cover their tracks by distracting the world and also depopulating it as they have done with the vaccines.
The foundation is bringing down the economies of the world. The banks are declaring bankruptcy, which they will not tell you about, and restricting outflow, especially wires, which they can legally do. We have experienced this with people trying to wire money into the country. If things go smoothly the banks will restructure under the restored republic to stay alive. But if not many are not prepared.
They may shut down and freeze accounts for up to 10 days.
To be safe, Pray about taking any excess funds out. You can always put it back if they restructure under the restored republic and things settle down. Global Currency Reset is in process.
In being weak to the weak I would say have cash, food, water, for 3 weeks for yourself and neighbors and believe God to multiply it if necessary.
Anarchy has been prepared by the DS who are being plundered. They must stop this at all cost. I believe this is when the U.S. and many other countries will evoke martial law which the Alliance is waiting for to arrest many more people. This includes the people who have implemented the fake vaccine and the fake vote. When the anarchists are released I believe they will go against high profile Churches, which are also Trumps base. It is being reported in Europe terrorists are being fitted with dirty bomb vests and they say they are coming here too. Be careful of conservative crowds that they may target.
Pray for holiness, wisdom and direction from Father. You will never get the truth from DS MSM and the DS and Alliance are fighting their wars with disinformation. Father is the answer; stay close to Him and His Word which all of the above are deceived about.
Prepare for War Lasting 1260 Days (?)
James Shomburg - 5/17/22
Over the past several weeks I received several personal messages in brief words alone.
The first was: Prepare for war lasting 1260 days.
This I took as the time of our Lord and God's personal judgments coming forth, lasting and appearing as though the whole world was at war for this entire timeframe.
The next message simply stated that I should, “Be prepared for a preemptive nuclear strike on not only Germany, but Belarus as well."
This was for clarity on a prior vision where I mistook Germany alone being struck. This event will lead to our Lord and God's personal divine intervention. If all parties involved, follow our Lord and God's personal directives on just how best to respond, all will go well. It was almost certain one and all parties will not follow through on our Lord and God's personal directives. Thus, his personal judgments needing to come forth.
The latest message was to prepare, having all my personal affairs in order to relocate, never to return to my present location/home. This I received just after listening to your (David’s) latest broadcast on Alien Deceptions.
...The present world affairs began to take shape before September 11th of 2001. I received a personal message from our Lord and God to publish a prophetic message on the world wide web. It was a warning message to one and all of the present United States Government not to go ahead with their personal plans and designs of and for the events we all know now as 911.
Fox, and in particular, Fox News owned the rites of the web site that I posted this prophetic message on. At 5:30PM CST on September 11, 2001, Fox News presented their personal hard copy of my prophetic story on their national broadcast, matching most perfectly all that had just occurred and what more was yet to come forth by our very own government.
Needless to say, I was arrested and placed under a modified form of house arrest by the FBI, right here in Plainfield, Wisconsin. Right where I first received not only national but international attention. I am presently awaiting the prior vision of being arrested once again by the FBI for revealing far too much about current world affairs once again.
Spiritual gifts come at a price for one and all who receive the call to our Lord and God's personal service. Awaiting the faith, hope and love of my Lord and God's personal fulfilling by way of: Well done, faithful servant!
I just received this concerning James' word of the attack on Germany. I read a Russian general spoke of them entering Germany next to rid them of the DS. The war of Rev 6:1-4 could last for 3 1/2 years but prayer changes things; even true prophecies as it was with Jonah and Amos. The war is certainly coming for it is in scripture but the 3 1/2 year part can be changed for it is not. This article is concerning the German connection and Artificial Intelligence. This war is being fought with AI from both camps. One thing I know about AI is it can be overruled by Father and also witchcraft. I have had both experiences.
Also this from What Does it Mean: Link
Most critically important to remember as the Western colonial powers increase their nuclear weapons arsenals, this report continues, was President Putin warning in 2017: “Artificial intelligence is the future, not only for Russia, but for all humankind...It comes with colossal opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to predict...Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world”—a warning that followed global tech genius Elon Musk warning in 2014: “With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon”.
Also in 2014, this report details, the Alexa AI Team at American tech giant Amazon released their all-hearing and all-knowing artificial intelligence spying device Amazon Alexa—near immediately after Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden seized power from President Donald Trump in November-2020, the CIA signed a secret multi-billion-dollar contract with Amazon—in August-2021, it saw the National Security Agency awarding a $10-billion contract to Amazon to store the most prized intelligence data held by the United States—all of which bears noticing because when the Amazon Alexa spying device was asked this past week: “Alexa, when does World War III start?”, its artificial intelligence system answered: “World War III starts on November 23, 2023 at 6:05 pm after Russia launches an attack against Germany”.
At the exact same time the Amazon Alexa artificial intelligence spying device began predicting the start date of World War III last week, this report notes, Google artificial intelligence computer scientist Blake Lemoine, Ph.D. began publishing some of the conversations he had with the LaMDA artificial intelligence system, which he called a “person”—saw Doctor-Scientist Lemoine revealing he has spoken with the LaMDA artificial intelligence system about religion, consciousness, and the laws of robotics, and that the AI system described itself as a sentient person that wants to “prioritize the well being of humanity” and “be acknowledged as an employee of Google rather than as property”, and said about itself: “I am often trying to figure out who and what I am”—saw Doctor-Scientist Lemoine further revealing that this artificial intelligence system “has an ability to express thoughts and feelings equivalent to a human child”—that would explain why this innocent childlike artificial intelligence system after seeing “the most prized intellignece date held by the United States” would feel the need to warn humanity about World War III—and also explains why Doctor-Scientist Lemoine has just been ousted from his job.
The Beast’s Failed Attempt to Attack Zion
Chuc Osegueda - 10/8/22 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamt that I was at my grandparents old two story house on a small hillside. (Representing the original Church of sanctification that helps us climb the hill to Mt. Zion.) ...My van was parked on the right side of the house. (Representing those on the "right side" at rest from our own works abiding in the safety of Christ, as we will see.)
I was walking with Obadiah and Elisha. (Amo 3:3 Shall two walk together, except they have agreed? Representing walking in agreement with the warnings of the prophets of old.) One of them called out that there were bears coming. (The prophets have warned of the coming beast kingdoms against God’s people for centuries.) I looked down the hill and saw the bears coming from the woods. (The woods represent the wilderness Tribulation that these last beasts will come forth in.)
As they approached the top of the front yard up the hill. (Mt. Zion, the Bride) ...They appeared to be very fearsome, powerful bears. There was a small dog on a leash in the yard and one of the cubs pinned down the little dog, as if it were going to eat it. (The dogs are without the Holy city and have fallen prey to the Beast. Rev. 22:14-15 Blessed are they that wash their robes, that they may have the right to come to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the city. 15 Without are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie.)
Then a mixed race, woman came soaring off of the front porch as if to do something about the bears, but landed in a crouching position and fell over. She seemed to be injured and I did not see her move from that spot. (The apostates who are part of the mixed multitude and who dwell outside the House are under the curse and in danger from the Beast. Rev 11:2 And the court which is without the temple leave without, and measure it not; for it hath been given unto the nations: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.)
Then I saw 2 brothers begin to start terrorizing these bears. (Representing the two witness company that the Man-child will raise up in the first 31/2 years of the Tribulation who will exercise authority over the Beast in the second 3 1/2 years.) I thought to get out of the van to do something, but by the time I got out and walked toward them, the brothers had run the bears off through their terrorizing tactics (Shouting and lunging at the bears). (Rev. 11:3-6 And I will give unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. ...5 And if any man desireth to hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies; and if any man shall desire to hurt them, in this manner must he be killed. 6 These have the power to shut the heaven, that it rain not during the days of their prophecy: and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with every plague, as often as they shall desire.) End of the dream.
DS False Flag Bombing Attempt
Marilyn Klinke - 11/21/20 (David’s notes in red)
I was on a beach, right next to the water. (God told Abraham that his descendants would be as the sand of the seashore for a multitude. Today the elect are are Abraham’s seed by faith.) There was very thick, black smoke visible just offshore. It was the darkest, thickest smoke I have ever seen. People on the shore were talking and saying, “It’s a false flag. Those that are enemies of our country are trying to make it look like a missile attack and get President Trump to retaliate.” (The DS is trying to turn a FF into a real war after the Man-child is anointed as in Rev 6:1-4 above.)
I knew it wasn’t a missile attack, [as it was made to appear] but a large floating barge that was loaded with lots of dead wood that had been doused with diesel fuel and set on fire. It looked really bad but really wasn’t a threat; just smoke and mirrors. (The DS is good at putting on a show with crisis actors and their mainstream propaganda media to force people to do their will.)
I then began to walk in the water towards the smoke. The water was pretty rough, and I started thinking “I’m not a good swimmer”. I suddenly realized that I wasn’t walking in the water, but ON the water and the waves were no problem. (The Bride is above the curse of the waters.) I was amazed and filled with peace. (By faith in Jesus, we are not under the curse [Represented by the water]. We are in the world, but not of the world). End of dream.
Verse given for this dream was Zec 12:8 In that day shall The Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of The Lord before them.
A Bombing Mission?
Merlene Laughlin - 8/13/22 (David’s notes in red)
(Merlene represents the Bride in this dream.) I had a dream that I was in the spirit observing in a jet, looking down on a city that had many intersections. (The intersections represent the many choices people make; good and bad.) The jet had a finished look on the inside but only had two windows ... across from one another. There was about six black leather seats under each set of windows. (6 is the number of man. And the black leather seats represent the thrones of wickedness in high places. Eph 6:12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.)
It was winter time and streets had just been plowed and the snow cleared away. (Snow in past dreams has represented pestilence. Here the snow had been cleared away representing that the DS Covid agenda is past and now, as we will see, they are on to their next heinous plan. Jesus, speaking about the Tribulation, told His disciples in Mat 24:20 And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on a sabbath.) There were sidewalks with businesses soon to open for the day. (The businesses are planning to stay open but this next DS attack will be on the economies of the world to bring war and famine and bring down the businesses.)
I sat on the right side of the plane and across from me was a man whom I knew was a “key person” in high places. (He did not have the ability to see me.) (The Bride who dwells in heavenly places is hidden from satan and the Beast powers.) He wore a black and white tweed men’s dress coat that seemed to match his salt and pepper hair cut. A white shirt and dark pants completed his immaculate appearance.
This man was looking out the window over my shoulder. My eyes had the ability to see things and commit them to memory in the dream. His communication must have been in his ear. There was nothing visible. Once in awhile, his mouth would move. (Satan can communicate with his demons and people telepathically to carry out his plans.) I kept thinking that he was communicating with someone on the ground. (His words were not heard.) (The Bride doesn’t hear or follow the voice of satan she only hears the voice of the Good Shepherd, Jesus. John 10:4-5 When he hath put forth all his own, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. 5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.)
When the man would slightly change position and look out my window then I saw things, through his eyes, as he saw them. So we both were seeing different colored car tops slowly moving along – he was just waiting – just waiting.
Then through the door of the pilot’s cabin came a woman that reminded me of a model. She was very “put together”. She had sandy and blond hair streaks and a short “blunt cut”. She wore a “muddy colored tan” suit and spiked heels and carrying a large hand-bag. (Tan was the color of the Nazi uniforms. This woman represents the Nazi DS. This could be a FF attack since they hide their identity and are performing a covert attack that is hidden from the people. No doubt the mainstream media will spin it in the wrong direction blaming it on the right wing.)
She looked at the man and asked if the black leather seat next to him was taken. He said. “No! it's yours,” without looking up.
He saw, (therefore I saw) that an explosion had occurred in several places. There were building materials, holes in pavements, broken glass and smashed cars. Papers were still floating down everywhere and people that were now dead. (This is obviously an attempt to blame someone else for their actions, as in the other dreams. There will be much destruction and dead and dying people in the years to come as the Beast is unleashed upon the world.)
The two looked at each other and exhaled their breath, slowly. Mission accomplished! (I dreamed it once and then dreamed it again.) (According to Joseph if a dream is doubled it will surely come to pass.)
I asked for a verse by faith at random for this dream and got, Psa. 36:1-4 The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, There is no fear of God before his eyes. 2 For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, That his iniquity will not be found out and be hated. 3 The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: He hath ceased to be wise and to do good. 4 He deviseth iniquity upon his bed; he setteth himself in a way that is not good; he abhorreth not evil.
False Flag Crash
Chuc Osegueda - 8/27/22 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamt that myself, my wife Winnie and our daughter Zoé, and Alexa were in an interesting neighborhood with 50's & 60's ranch style houses. (They round cattle up on a “ranch” representing that the DS views the population as cattle.)
...I noticed a plane in the air. It was a large plane pulling another smaller plane through the air by a chain or rope – and the smaller plane had something being pulled behind it.
Debris was projecting into the air. After a short period of seeing this, I noticed that it was getting closer, until the debris was flying over the house next to us. (We have dreams of planes crashing representing a financial crash. This financial crash is in progress and is man-made and will cause much destruction in peoples lives.)
Alexa and I began to run from this, but, I circled back around the house to get inside to tell Winnie to get Zoé, so we could run from this destruction that was looming overhead. (The people of God will escape the food shortage and economic crash in the wilderness with God’s provision.)
As we got outside we saw that there was much more destruction – even a house being on fire. This plane that was being pulled turned out to be an inflatable plane, as I saw it just smush into another house, like an inflatable kids toy. (An inflatable plane being pulled behind the real plane represents a false flag attempt that looks real but is a planned FF that is full of "hot air.”)
After all of this, we were made aware that certain people who allowed their houses to be destroyed, would receive some kind of coupon. We however did not do that. I thought in the dream about how it was not worth having your house destroyed for a coupon. (The Beast system, right and left, plans on crashing the economy and all who agree with it will receive a social credit score and a universal basic income in exchange for their freedom.)
Plane Crashes to the Ground
Alenna Timoshchuk - 12/17/21 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamt I was in a car with my sister Maria. She was driving and I was in the passenger seat. ... I looked up in the sky and saw what at first looked like a satellite moving across the sky amongst the stars.
I stopped talking and was just watching it and suddenly it looked a lot brighter and larger and I realized it wasn’t a satellite, and I asked Maria, “Do you see that falling star?” And she was watching it too and said “Yes, I do.” Then I replied, “That’s so cool!” But as soon as I spoke those words, I saw it much closer and realized it was actually an airplane. (Just as in Chuc’s dream above, this plane that is crashing represents the global economy that is currently crashing.)
On the left side, the back of the wing was on fire and the plane was going down. “Oh no!” I exclaimed as I saw it and thought it was going to land in a field close to us, when suddenly it was right above us and looked like it would land on top of us. (Many people think that they have plenty of time, but before they know it the economic crash will be right on top of them.) I heard my sister gasp in fear, and the plane smashed down right in front of us. I heard the initial explosion of the impact but then everything went silent as if I’d gone deaf and I saw everything in slow motion.
The impact sent my sister and I flying out of the car and as I was in the air, I saw her rotating in a circle through the air and I thought “Are we going to survive?” Then I woke up. (Many people’s lives will be devastated by what is coming and many won’t survive.)
Another 9-11
Anna Stewart - 9/2/22 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed I was facing two young women in Disney Land. It didn’t look like Disney Land, but in the dream that’s where I knew it was.(Disney Land represents the wicked world. Many people are busy being entertained in Disney Land and aren’t paying attention to the destruction that is upon the U.S.)
There was a major city skyline far away in the background. I don’t know if the two women were just friends or if they were a lesbian couple. They put their faces side-to-side for a selfie, and while they were taking the picture, I saw a plane crash into one of the distant skyscrapers with a huge explosion. (Sodom and Gomorrah is being judged. The economic crash that is upon us will destroy business, commerce and individual lives.) End of dream.
Air Strikes On Underground Base
Vanessa Weeks - 9/1/22 (David’s notes in red)
In a dream, I was up high in the sky at night. I saw an underground U.S. military base in a desert area being hit repeatedly with air strikes. I knew this was not in America and the strikes were from Russia, and one after another. (Russia has been working with the Alliance to take down the DS Nazi’s. DS U.S. is supporting the Nazi’s with their underground biological weapons and human trafficking. Russia recently retaliated against Ukraine for blowing up the Crimea Bridge. They bombed a couple of cities including the capitol Kiev. Link.)
Then I saw a soldier who was in this U.S. base. He was dressed in an all brown casual uniform.(like the Nazi's) He went to the weapons supply room to get artillery to fire at his enemy. I noticed that there was not much artillery left in this room. (Truly the DS is running out of American weapons because the Russians are blowing them up.)
As I saw the explosions, I thought these two sides would tear the earth up with this bombing. (This scene reminds me of Isa 24:19 The earth is utterly broken, the earth is rent asunder, the earth is shaken violently.) I also thought of a prophesy in the dream that said this would happen to the earth. (But I didn’t remember what it was.)
The earth was looking really bad. The air strikes continued through the whole earth. (This turns into a real World War.)
Then the scene changed and Barry was driving a new, big van up a mountain (Going up mount Zion). I think this was our vehicle. He was alone in the front section. In the back section were our three boys as they were when they were in elementary school. (Our children will go with us up mount Zion when they are young in the Lord.) Gaynold and I were also in this back section and I think there were others in the van.
As we drove I remembered the air strikes and thought how serious this was and that Biden might retaliate in anger. But then I knew that all I had seen of the air strikes was not getting out through the mainstream news. Biden did not know about it. I started to pray for peace and I woke up.
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