
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
UBBS 10.23.2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Man-child Coming with [Nuclear?] War (4) David Eells - 10/23/22 Warn Them…War is Coming to Your Shores Faithful Walk Healing Ministries: YouTube Video Mena Lee Jones - 10/12/22 (David’s notes in red)
Hi saints, I’m coming to you with a dire warning to the body of Christ, to the church, especially the western church, here in the U.S. I’m going to share with you all a dream and a scripture, along with some things that were given to me in a dream, and I’m also going to talk to you all about another warning that has been given to me regarding our children. So, I’m going to start off with a disclosure or disclaimer… in regard to what I’m about to share with you. I know that we, as Christians, have our cliques, our sects of people that we like to listen to. … We have our biased opinions about different people who are believers or spiritual Christians or even leadership, we need to understand that God can use and will use anyone. With that being said, … please listen to what I have to tell you. Whatever you have as far as an opinion about Mena Lee Jones or Faithful Walk Healing Ministries, I need you to put that aside at this moment and… hear this warning. …I want to remind everyone that God uses whoever He chooses to use. … God can speak through whomever He wants and whomever He chooses to execute His will. And I … ask you all to consider everything that you hear today. Take it to prayer and share it with as many people as you can. …This particular night, I had great trouble sleeping. I felt like I was under a spiritual attack and it was between the third and fourth watch. So, I got up after tossing and turning and feeling this battle in my spirit, I decided to go into prayer, and ... I went into spiritual warfare, and began to rebuke the devil and binding any strongholds and breaking any curses or psychic prayers. As you all know, we are in the month of October and it is a month of great darkness and then we’ve gone into a new shift of darkness too as we’ve entered into a new season, post-tabernacles. … I fell asleep and went into a deep dream. In this dream, I found myself in a facility, it was a church, but it wasn’t a typical church, as in brick and mortar with steeples and stained-glass windows, but more like a wide facility that had been rented or purchased and turned into a sanctuary. And there were many, many people there, all backgrounds, races, ages… and I was approached by a pastor in this dream that has gone home to be with the Lord in reality. …He came up to me with a warm smile, as though he was anticipating me. I knew in the dream that I had to give the people a warning, and this pastor also knew that I was coming to give a word and to warn the people. So we began trying to gather the people into the sanctuary to get them to come, and I had what I needed to share with them written on several pieces of Post-it Note that were in my hand. So I waited as I saw the people began to slowly gather into this one particular section of the building that seemed to be what you would deem a sanctuary. I remember seeing this woman come in who, in the dream, I knew, but in reality I have no idea who she is. She was a very tall woman, middle-aged, and she was dressed in all white. She had on this simple white dress, and her hair was like platinum white/silver and she was older in the face. (This reminds me of the Woman Church described in the Shepherd of Hermas.) She came over to me and she was talking to me in the dream and she was saying that it was very good to see me again, but she spoke of another lady who was supposed to be with her, yet this woman did not come with her, and her name was Bonnie. In reality, I do not know anyone named Bonnie, but in the dream, I knew who she was talking about. And I was sorry to hear that, Bonnie, had not come to hear, because we both agreed that she was supposed to be there. (Bonnie means “Pretty”. Pretty is second to beautiful. She represents a corporate body of God’s elect who are not in the first fruits but will come into sanctification later as in Song 8.) I noticed that the people were just slowly trickling in and yet they were not filling up the sanctuary. There were many people who were missing. There were a lot more people in the building than those who were coming into the sanctuary to hear me speak. I was a little distraught at this, and I talked to the pastor and said, “…Where are the rest of the people at?” And he couldn’t seem to give me a straight answer and we couldn’t seem to get the rest of the people to come. So there was just a small group of people, and I decided to just speak to that group. The pastor said, “Perhaps you can speak to this group (the first fruits) and then afterwards we can get you to go to the other side of the building and speak to the rest of them.” And so I agreed to that. So I began speaking, and I began talking from the notes that I had in my hands, which was on these little Post-it Notes. And I began telling the people… this warning. The warning was that we were not prepared. The church had fallen asleep, spiritually, that they had become complacent, and that we believed that nothing terrible was coming to our country until the rapture happened. (False Pre-trib rapture doctrine. Mena was of this persuasion but her dreams are bringing her around.) We had been teaching that the times were ahead, that there would be a shift that was coming and these were lies. (The new-age alternative media false narrative that the “White hats were going to be our saviors and issue in a 1000 years of peace and prosperity.) I began telling the people that there was war coming to our coastlands and that they had already prepared to bomb us and that we were not ready or prepared and that we needed to begin to prepare. And I was desperate in my speech and my voice, to the people, telling them that we needed to make sure that we were prepared to meet our Maker; that we needed to make sure that we were praying, fasting, and listening; …that we needed to make sure that we were in contact with our loved ones, to begin to prepare for what was coming … also, physically, by stocking up on food and water. I was telling the people… in a desperate way, trying to get them to understand what I was saying. The people were very quiet but … very attentive and it seemed as though what I said to them struck them deeply and they gathered up, when I was done, to begin to …prepare. …Then I went to the left side of the building, where the majority of the rest of the sanctuary was. (Jesus put the rebellious on His left.) But on the left side of the building were cubicles, like you would see in a call center. And all of these people were in these cubicles and all you would hear was voices from people talking. Some people were visiting one another in the cubicles, some people were in the cubicles alone, some people were talking on the phone. The majority of the people were there, on the left side of the building. (This is true of the Church today. The cubicles represent the majority of God’s people who are divided by their religious sects and in rebellion to His Word and well as distracted by their fellowship with the world.) So I was trying to get their attention and I was saying, “Excuse me, excuse me,” and I only saw a few heads pop up above the cubicles to see where the voice was coming from. They made eye-contact with me but there was only just a few people. … And the rest of the people continued in their conversations. … So I began walking up and down the aisles, trying to get the people’s attention. I said, “Listen, we need to gather in the sanctuary… I have a very important message to tell you,” but the people were not trying to hear what I had to say, they were not bothered or alarmed by my voice. (Representing a call to sanctification.) And I noticed that on each cubicle was an office phone like in a regular call-center. And the woman that was dressed in a simple white dress was following me in the dream as I was going up and down these aisles, trying to get people’s attention. I turned back to look at her and said, “They’re not listening. I can’t get them to listen.” And I felt this frustration coming over me. But I noticed that … all the phones were on speaker and there was simultaneous music [playing]. In other words, everyone was listening to the same thing. And I stopped to pay attention to what the music was that was coming through the phones, and I noticed that it was … contemporary Christian music that would have been played on any type of modern-day Christian radio station. Everyone was listening to the same station, the same song, at the same time. So I walked over to an empty cubicle where there was a phone on the table and I looked to see where the music was coming from. And that phone, too, also had a speaker and the same song was playing out. But there was a stream that was on the phone; like it was tuned-in or tuned-to whatever the station was that the music was coming from. I looked at the woman and I said, “I’m not going to over-exert myself with these people. They obviously are not interested in what I have to say. So the ones that came, they heard, but I am not going to go above and beyond to try to reach these people.” I was trying to, but they were not interested. But when I looked down at the stream of the phone, I saw the number 414. And there was Greek written underneath it. I remember paying attention to it and thinking in the dream, “Oh, this is the radio station, perhaps, that everyone is tuned into.” And I began to come out of the dream. So when I woke up, I thought about the numbers, 414, and I decided to go to Strong’s Concordance … to look up the Greek of what 414 represented since I saw Greek letters underneath that number. … The number 414 was a word, … Anektos, and … there were two scriptures associated with the word, Anektos, and they were Mat. 10:14-15, and, Mat. 11:21-22. … Mat. 10:14-15 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, as ye go forth out of that house or that city, shake off the dust of your feet. 15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city. Now the second scripture is … Mat. 11:21-22, … Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon which were done in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. 22 But I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment, than for you. That word … Anektos, is the word, “intolerable”. … I feel this to be interesting in this dream because this is what was on the [phone] screen … everyone was listening to … And it’s a warning. … Jesus was giving warning to the Jews at that time. And the reason why He’s comparing it to the Gentile ... Sodom and Gomorrah and Chorazin and Sidon because the Israelites had the Messiah in front of them… and they did not accept Him, nor were willing to listen to Him, but in addition to that, they had the Torah. They had the law that was given to them by God through Moses. So basically they were without excuse. And Jesus was saying to them in both scripture references that if these Gentiles had … even …part of what has been given to you… they would have repented. Deb sent an email saying that it was no coincidence in timing that this video had been posted on our blog as she was currently working on chapter 4, of our latest book Humility, the Demand of Discipleship. She said, "As you know, all my transcription and editing had to fall by the wayside for almost a full month because of our move to a new camper. I just finally got back to finishing the transcription of this chapter, re-playing it to catch my errors, going through to tentatively break the text into paragraphs, copy-in Scriptures, etc. The verses Matthew 11:22 and 11:24 are the verses Mena Lee mentioned that contain, "tolerable," the Strong's Greek word 414.” Here's the transcription that I’m working on: David said, You know back in Matthew chapter 11, let me read something to you. (Mat.11:20) Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not. (21) Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon which were done in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. (22) But I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment than for you. (23) And thou, Capernaum, shalt thou be exalted unto heaven? thou shalt go down unto Hades: for if the mighty works had been done in Sodom which were done in thee, it would have remained until this day. (24) But I say unto you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee. So God makes people responsible when they see the glory of God, when they see the works of God, He makes them more responsible than others. A so-called Christian nation (I don’t believe there is such a thing but I’ll just use the term a lot of people use), is more responsible to do something with the Word than a lost nation is. It will receive more judgment than a wicked nation, so-called. In fact, the so-called Christian nation who’s going about to do their own will and their own thing will receive more judgment. Well, then people don’t connect this next text with the previous one we just read. (Mat.11:25) At that season Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes: (What things is He talking about? Well, of course we know all of God’s wondrous wisdom is hidden from the wise and prudent, but in this particular case, He’s also talking about the text before it, you know, the judgment, the thing about the judgment. Have you ever noticed how a lot of apostates nowadays don’t believe that their nation can be judged. They’re more a part of their nation than they are a part of the nation that they’re supposed to belong to, which is New Testament spiritual Israel, and so they take sides with their nation, their natural nation, against their spiritual nation and they begin to think in the flesh. And many of those people, those very same people, do not believe that God will judge their nation. There’s a lot of Christians here in America that don’t believe, some of them are very prosperity-minded, they don’t know anything about the crucified life. They don’t believe, they teach against and they rail against the fact that, yes, God is judging and will judge this nation. It’s hidden from the wise and prudent but it’s revealed unto the humble babes.) (26) yea, Father, for so it was well-pleasing in thy sight. (27) All things have been delivered unto me of my Father: and no one knoweth the Son, save the Father; neither doth any know the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son willeth to reveal him. And, of course, obviously God will reveal Himself to the babes. Back to Mena Lee… There’s so many wavering Christians in the church right now, especially in the western church. There’s so many people who are sitting in churches, who are in the choirs, who attend regular Bible studies, some of you are into Messianic teachings or Hebrew roots… There are so many in the church right now who profess that Jesus Christ, or Yeshua, is their Lord and Savior, that He’s their God and He’s their King, but yet, they are still bound by spirits of perversion, … adulterers, fornicators, liars and thieves; greedy and full of pride. There’s so much bitterness and so many people who you haven’t forgiven, those who have offended you, those that hate you, some of the people that go all the way back to your mamas and daddies that weren’t there, or the mothers and fathers that abused you, some of us, it’s other relatives, some of us, it’s our co-workers, some of us, it’s our ex-spouses, some of us, it’s the fathers or mothers of our children, whether we married them or not. But we’re dealing with so much iniquity in our hearts and the Lord is warning us. He is warning us that we are not prepared for what’s coming. (Jesus said in Mat. 18 that those who do not forgive from the heart, the Father will turn over to the tormentors.) And then there are … a vast group of Christians, here in the United States, who are prophesying, who are preaching, who are saying that good times are still coming. (The utopian 1000 years of peace.) They’re still saying this. They’re still saying that everything is going to change with an election. They’re still saying that God is going to relent judgment, even after all that has happened. Even after a solar eclipse, even after torrential rains and storms and earthquakes and unprecedented fires, and even after Covid-19 and the deaths, the sweeping deaths that have swept across the planet. People are still asleep and they’re saying that good times are coming. Saints, we are in the … final last days. And there are so many people that are not going to make it in because you have built your treasures in this life. You have built your treasures here. You’re complacent. And the Lord is saying, “Wake up!” The Lord is saying, “Wake up, oh thou sleeper! Awake from your drunken slumbers.” Hear the Word of the Lord in this season and repent of your sins! We are not repenting, we are treating the blood of Jesus as though it is something that is common. The blood of Jesus, the Blood of Yeshua, is not fire insurance. It’s not to be taken as something common. It is not your excuse to sin, saints. … And I’m here to warn you, and again, as I said in the beginning, it doesn’t matter what you think of me as a person. I’m a flawed individual. I have had to repent of many things. I’ve had to be humbled in many ways, even in the sixteen years of ministry, God has had to humble me many times and show me things the way He wanted them to be. I am no one special, but hear the words that are coming from my mouth. We have to repent and we have to prepare, saints. War is coming to our coastlands. War is coming to America because of our wickedness, because of the wickedness of our politicians, because of the wickedness in the church, because the church refuses to admit that we are in the last days and we are walking around with blind eyes and deaf ears. (This is, in part because of the "once saved always saved" and "pre-trib rapture” doctrines.) And because of that, judgment has been pronounced upon this nation. And we need to prepare, saints. This is not about trying to save our country. … Judgment is written in His Book. It’s about preparing your hearts. It’s about preparing your minds. It’s about preparing your souls. It’s about making sure that your lamps are filled, that your garments are without spot or wrinkle, saints. It’s about preparing your households. It’s about praying over your children and your grandchildren. It’s about the spouses covering their households and covering one another. It’s about loving your neighbor. It’s about forgiving those who have offended you. It’s about turning away from your wickedness and looking up into the Light of the Son of Righteousness and beholding His Glory and beholding the ministry of Jesus Christ. That is what it’s about in this season, saints. … It’s about what the Spirit of the Lord is saying in this season. Because we are not paying attention. … This morning I had another dream … I was in this high-rise building… like an apartment. … I had my laptop, like I have right now … and I was doing this video. … talking about the word that God had given me, and I was warning the people… and … I was talking about the scripture where Jesus said, Joh. 9:4 We must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. And I was sharing, … in my dream, the video that I’m sharing with you right now. And I was talking about the days of light. Now, I know in reality, … we have twelve hours, typically, of daylight. … But in the dream, I was going by the afternoon, the peak of the day, from 12 pm to 6 pm, and I was seeing that as the peak of light. And I said, but from 6 pm to midnight, that is when the darkness comes in, and I was telling the people that we're in the 6 pm to midnight, and darkness has descended.” And as I’m saying this in my video, the place began to get dark and I stopped my video to look out the window because I knew it was daytime, and I said to myself, “Why is it so dark?” And I turned and I looked outside and I noticed that the darkness had descended in the skies. And I got up from where I was sitting, … and I went to look out the window and I noticed there was a black storm. It was a storm with black clouds that had rolled in, and the wind was blowing and I watched below as the trees began to bend. And I’m looking at the traffic and … people who are trying to run to get out of the storm, and then I looked straight ahead again and I saw tornadoes in the distance; big, wide tornadoes and they began to form and then they began to dissipate and then they would re-form and then they would dissipate. There were three of them. And as they would form, they would tear up whatever was in their path, and then they would dissipate. And then I would watch as they would re-form and they were moving all over this … city… and I knew what it meant. I knew trouble was coming, and I left the windows, and I was thinking in the dream that I needed to call my mother and I knew she was just down the street in the dream, … just a few minutes away. (Mena’s mother represents the Apostate Church.) But I looked out [the window] one more time and I saw that the lights began to go out. …There were sections [of the city] losing power, and it was coming towards me. And I said, “Okay.” And then the lights in my building went out. And I thought, “Okay, well now I can’t finish my video.” And then I went to go grab my phone because I still had phone service, and the dream ended with me calling my mom. … And when I have dreams about storms, saints, and I’ve had several over the years,… [It has] always been significant [of] storms in the spirit-realm brewing. Storms that are coming that we’re not prepared for. …There were three tornadoes, representing, three seasons of storms. We have entered a time of famine. ... And I need you to understand that things are not going to get better. And I also, more importantly, need the church to understand that this whole idea that nothing bad is going to happen to the United States before the return of the Lord, the rapture, whatever you want to call it, okay? Because everybody has their different beliefs: there’s pre-, mid-, post-, whatever, I don’t get into any of that. But I need you to understand that this is not true. War is coming to our shores, saints... and they’re planning [it]… I came across one of the most bone-chilling headlines …after I had this dream… And basically, Vladimir Putin… or his Prime Minister, …made the announcement that if there are any … individual U.S. states that would like to defect and join the Russian Federation, that they would consider that. They made this announcement. Now, some of you may hear that and you may roar in laughter, like, “Are you crazy? What are you talking about?” No, I need you to hear what they’re saying without saying it …They’re giving us the opportunity ahead of schedule, saints, because they are planning to invade us. (At the moment, this is part of the FF Nuke scare that the Alliance has planned, but I feel that this could go all wrong and a real war start, as in Rev. 6:1-4.) And I’ve talked about this on videos before. … God has given me dreams. He’s shown me the alignment between Turkey and Russia, before they made their military pact. This was back in 2016, I believe. It was on our Watchman on the Wall page, and I posted this before, when I saw them invading us. I have been shown this multiple times, saints. …There are great men and women of God who have gone home to be with the Lord, who have been shown …years ago, twenty, thirty, forty, years ago, that Russia was going to invade our country. They are planning, saints. (They are planning a false war to bring everybody into their covenant like when they made the League of Nations after WWI and the United Nations after WWII in a feigned attempt to stop future wars.) I don’t know when, but I know you all heard about them downplaying Biden saying that we are closer to Armageddon than we’ve ever been and they scolded him for saying that. (This is part of the show.) And he’s spent all week, now, trying to back-track…as to what he meant. … I don’t know if it’s going to be nuclear or not. … But I know that in 1999, … it was spoken to me [by the Lord], … that Putin would be a key factor in the tribulation, specifically the tribulation. And … I’ve been watching this man since then. … I knew this man was going to be a key factor in the last days. And I know that [many] underestimate Russia. ... The end is here, saints. The end of all things is here. ... So many ... are going to be here to receive the Mark of the Beast. Yes, the Christians, because… there’s no fight in us. …All Satan has to do is the simplest things, you know, send us a cold or stub our toes, and we have no fight in us. We’ve become cowards. We don’t do anything. We’re not serving God. ... God [has] hired us as His vinedressers for His vineyard; this world is His vineyard. And our job is to cultivate His garden, and yet, ... [many] are wicked. They have cultivated the garden and kept it for themselves. Some of us have done no cultivation. But the King is coming, and He is looking for the fruit that is due to Him, to be rendered to Him in His due season as He said in the parable in … Matthew 21. And some of us, most of us, we should be presenting bushels and bushels from His vineyard, and … [many] are going to be empty-handed. [Many] are only going to have two or three grapes in our hands ... The last thing I want … to warn [about], … is; the Lord spoke to me and told me that we needed to begin to really pray starting October 1. We needed to go into a spiritual warfare that we’ve never gone into before. He said that through the fall and into the winter, we are going to have a brutal winter, world-wide. And I’m not just talking weather-wise. Even though that is included…. We’re going to see shortages. ... Inflation is going to continue and we are going to see rising gas prices… so on and so forth, and we need to prepare, saints. This is across the planet, this is not just for the United States. … Last February 2022, the Lord gave me a warning… regarding our little ones, where I saw massive graves. There were tiny graves in symmetrical rows, and I saw people begin to bury their children, they were wrapped in swaddling clothes, they weren’t even in coffins, and the mothers and the parents were laying these tiny babies into these graves. And I talked about how these graves were so small that they couldn’t fit anything but an infant up to maybe a kindergartener. … https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-cdc-advisers-approve-adding-covid-shots-vaccine-schedules-2022-10-20/. Oct 20 (Reuters) - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advisory committee on vaccines on Thursday approved adding COVID-19 vaccines to the agency's recommended immunization schedules for both children and adults. The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously to add the vaccines to the schedules, which contain recommendations to physicians on which shots their patients should receive and when. We cannot trust depopulationists with our children. We must know God’s promises. Please read our book God's Vaccine Back to Mena: “We need to pray for our little ones, there are events coming that are going to take the lives of our children,” and I warned and I even talked about being wise about our medical decisions regarding our children. … so many of us are deceived because we’re not in our prayer closets, we’re not in the Word, we’re too stuck on YouTube, … Facebook and Instagram and Tik Toc … and we have no relationship with the King. … Psalm 91:1 says “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” That Scripture is called the Covenant of Protection, but you cannot claim a Covenant of Protection if you have not dwelled in the secret place. If you do not understand the presence of God, He cannot be your refuge, He cannot be your fortress, He cannot be your shield and buckler if you have not spent time with Him. If you don’t, … then you cannot claim protection in a time like this. I need you to know that in the dark arts, the witches and the warlocks, the people who do seances and black magic, they celebrate from October 1 to November 1, it is an entire month of practicing, of preparing, of celebration of rituals, of spells, of sacrifices. …Blood sacrifice is real and it still happens today. It happens, even in our country. … Someone has tipped-off the Feds that there is a possibility of Fentanyl being put in the Halloween candy. And they are putting out warnings. They have already found some traces of this on the west coast. … Saints, I need you to understand that in the dark magic and the black magic of Satanism, in it, the shedding of innocent blood is the most potent power in witchcraft. It is time to repent, saints. It is time to prepare. It is time to cast off the weight that has been holding us down, and the little things that have been tripping us up, and it’s time for us to wash our robes in the blood of the Lamb…He said in, Luk. 18:8 “…when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” Well, the Scripture lets us know that Christ is only returning for a Bride whose garments are white, without spot or wrinkle. …Please, share this with everyone, the believer and the unbeliever. Warn them. Warn them. Trouble is coming. …
Grace Given to Destroy the Enemy and Rebuild the Kingdom David Eells Recently we have had many a warning Word by faith at random in our morning prayer meeting concerning judments to come on apostates and the world. But on 10-21-22, we were encouraged by verses we received by faith at random that tell a wonderful story of God’s Grace to Conquer the Enemy and Rebuild His Kingdom in these days. (The Man-child, head of the Bride are together being built by God. The title of this chapter is "Prayer of an An Afflicted One for Mercy on Himself and on Zion".) Psalm 102:15-22, 15 So the nations shall fear the name of the Lord, And all the kings of the earth thy glory. 16 For the Lord hath built up Zion; He hath appeared in his glory. (The Lord will manifest His glory by comeing first in His Man-child, Head, of the Bride body.) 17 He hath regarded the prayer of the destitute, And hath not despised their prayer. 18 This shall be written for the generation to come; And a people which shall be created shall praise the Lord. (The first fruits will praise the Lord!! And He will answer them.) 19 For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary; From the heaven did the Lord behold the earth; 20 To hear the sighing of the prisoner; To loose those who are appointed to death; 21 That men may declare the name of the Lord in Zion, And his praise in Jerusalem; 22 When the peoples are gathered together, And the kingdoms to serve the Lord. (Then through these first fruits he will raise up the Church as it was with Jesus who sent forth His disciples to raise up Jacob/Israel.)(Psa.85:1) Jehovah, thou hast been favorable unto thy land; Thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob. (Representing the Church) (2) Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people; Thou hast covered all their sin. Selah (3) Thou hast taken away all thy wrath; Thou hast turned [thyself] from the fierceness of thine anger. (4) Turn us, O God (meaning grant repentance by grace) of our salvation, And cause thine indignation toward us to cease. (5) Wilt thou be angry with us for ever? Wilt thou draw out thine anger to all generations? (6) Wilt thou not quicken us again, (I.e. make us alive) That thy people may rejoice in thee? (7) Show us thy lovingkindness, O Jehovah, And grant us thy salvation. (8) I will hear what God Jehovah will speak; For he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: But let them not turn again to folly. (9) Surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him, That glory may dwell in our land. (The Land of Israel, type of the Church.) (10) Mercy and truth are met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed each other. (Grace through mercy will be given through faith in the truth the MC brings and they will live in peace from God.) (11) Truth springeth out of the earth (Truth will come through the Son of Man, Jesus in the Man-child reformers, who is born from the earth. Emanuel, God with and in us); And righteousness hath looked down from heaven. (12) Yea, Jehovah will give that which is good; And our land shall yield its increase. (Increase of the fruit of Jesus in His people) (13) Righteousness shall go before him, And shall make his footsteps a way [to walk in].. 1Jn 2:4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; 5 but whoso keepeth his word, in him verily hath the love of God been perfected. Hereby we know that we are in him: 6 he that saith he abideth in him ought himself also to walk even as he walked. 2Co 5:10 For we must all be made manifest before the judgment-seat of Christ (Greek: Bema Seat or “footprint tribunal); that each one may receive (the things done through - Numeric) the body, according to what he hath done, whether it be good or bad. (This is speaking of receiving a reward in the new body according to what he hath done in the earthly body.) (Our Lord should be praised for He is our salvation.) Psa 98:1-9 A Psalm. Oh sing unto Jehovah a new song; For he hath done marvellous things: His right hand, and his holy arm, hath wrought salvation for him. (Jesus wrought salvation from the curse) 2 Jehovah hath made known his salvation: His righteousness hath he openly showed in the sight of the nations. 3 He hath remembered his lovingkindness and his faithfulness toward the house of Israel: All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. 4 Make a joyful noise unto Jehovah, all the earth (Praise Him with the whole heart): Break forth and sing for joy, yea, sing praises. 5 Sing praises unto Jehovah with the harp; With the harp and the voice of melody. 6 With trumpets and sound of cornet Make a joyful noise before the King, Jehovah. 7 Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof; The world, and they that dwell therein; 8 Let the floods clap their hands; Let the hills sing for joy together 9 Before Jehovah; for he cometh to judge the earth: He will judge the world with righteousness, And the peoples with equity. (Now even the worst criminals escape justice but God will change this.)
Man-child and Bride Arise to Rebuild (God’s word will strenthen the Man-child company to strengthen the Bride to rebuild the House of the Lord in the Bride.) Hag 2:4-5 Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel (Meaning born from Babylon; the first fruits Man-child to come out from among them), saith Jehovah; and be strong, O Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest (Joshua - Yeshua, Jesus, the High Priest, is with Him - Emanuel); and be strong, all ye people of the land, saith Jehovah, and work: for I am with you, saith Jehovah of hosts, 5 according to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, and my Spirit abode among you: fear ye not. (Jud 1:4 For there are certain men crept in privily, even they who were of old written of beforehand unto this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. 5 Now I desire to put you in remembrance, though ye know all things once for all, that the Lord, having saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.) (The Bride is about to be chosen before the 7 day/year marriage feast.) Est 2:15-17 Now when the turn of Esther (Bride taken from among the Virgins), the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai (Little Man or Man-child), who had taken her for his daughter (Before this MC was anointed over the Kingdom he raised up the Bride as his daughter. The Man-child is chosen as was David before he was anointed King.), was come to go in unto the king, she required nothing but what Hegai the king's chamberlain (the Holy Spirit), the keeper of the women, appointed. (Who knows what Jesus likes in His bride more that His Holy Spirit. (1Co 2:11 For who among men knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of the man, which is in him? even so the things of God none knoweth, save the Spirit of God. 12 But we received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from God; that we might know the things that were freely given to us of God.) And Esther obtained favor in the sight of all them that looked upon her. 16 So Esther was taken unto king Ahasuerus into his house royal in the tenth month, which is the month Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign. 17 And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained favor and kindness in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti. (Many Vashti’s have not come when the King called them. They are too proud and too distracted. This calling is an invitation to partake of the benefits of the Kingdom, including the King himself.)
The Brides Battle Against the Haman Beast (The Bride will stand on their own Holy Land as the first to return from Babylonish bondage to rebuild their Kingdom as a example to the apostate church.) Zec 14:9-14 And Jehovah shall be King over all the earth (The Dragon of Satan will be cast down from heaven.): in that day shall Jehovah be one, and his name one. 10 All the land shall be made like the Arabah, from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem; and she shall be lifted up, and shall dwell in her place, from Benjamin's gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananel unto the king's wine-presses. (The Bride will be completely restored from the curses in Joel 2.)11 And men shall dwell therein, and there shall be no more curse; but Jerusalem shall dwell safely. (The Bride will not be under the curse. Their DNA will be completely restored as the angel told us. This is obviously a place of safety.) 12 And this shall be the plague wherewith Jehovah will smite all the peoples that have warred against Jerusalem (The factious Edomites and DS government.): their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet (Look at how many’s flesh is being destroyed by the vaccine which we have seen in dreams.), and their eyes shall consume away in their sockets (They will have no spiritual discernment), and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. (Their own tongue will bring their curses back on them as says the Lord in many places) 13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from Jehovah shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbor, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor. (Their allies will turn against them to destroy them as it was with Jehoshaphat, Gideon, etc.) 14 And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the nations round about shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance. (Cyrus as Trump plundered Babylon’s treasuries to rebuild the Kingdom of God.) Repent quickly before the anger of the Lord is released so you will be hid from this judgment. Zep 2:1-3 Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation that hath no shame (They have no conscience of sin); 2 before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of Jehovah come upon you, before the day of Jehovah's anger come upon you. 3 Seek ye Jehovah, all ye meek of the earth, that have kept his ordinances; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye will be hid in the day of Jehovah's anger. (Seek the Lord now to be “in the secret place of the Most High” and “under the shadow of the almighty.” (The Nations are gathered together to destroy DS Babylon as typed by the Edomites who hated and tried to destroy their own brethren. The righteous are given authority over their own Edomite enemies through spiritual warfare.) Oba 1:1-4 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord Jehovah concerning Edom: We have heard tidings from Jehovah, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, saying, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made thee small among the nations: thou art greatly despised. 3 The pride of thy heart hath deceived thee, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though thou mount on high as the eagle, and though thy nest be set among the stars, I will bring thee down from thence, saith Jehovah. (So the Lord is bringing down those factious of the eagle. And those who were once stars of the seed of Abraham will fall from their heavenly position.) (Everything Haman’s beast kingdom desired to do was turned around for the elects sake. Their curses came upon their own heads.) Est 9:1-5 Now in the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, on the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have rule over them (whereas it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews (As a type of the elect Christians who are spiritual Jews circumcised in heart.) had rule over them that hated them,) 2 the Jews gathered themselves together in their cities throughout all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus, to lay hand on such as sought their hurt: and no man could withstand them; for the fear of them was fallen upon all the peoples. 3 And all the princes of the provinces, and the satraps, and the governors, and they that did the king's business, helped the Jews; because the fear of Mordecai was fallen upon them. 4 For Mordecai was great in the king's house, and his fame went forth throughout all the provinces; for the man Mordecai waxed greater and greater. 5 And the Jews smote all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, and with slaughter and destruction, and did what they would unto them that hated them. (What Sword do the Man-child and Bride use to bring down their enemies? It is the sword of the Word spoken prophetically from heaven that will destroy them. Luk 1:37 For no word from God shall be void of power.)
Spiritual Warfare Defeats the Enemy Army Samuel Fire - Late Sept. 2022 (David’s notes in red) I had a dream my wife, Tiannah, our baby David, and I were older. David was about 3 years older in this dream. It was after midnight, (After midnight is when the demonic forces of satan increase their activities. According to Wikipedia :In folklore, the witching hour or devil's hour is a time of night that is associated with supernatural events, whereby witches, demons and ghosts are thought to appear and be at their most powerful. Definitions vary, and include the hour immediately after midnight, and the time between 3:00 am and 4:00 am.) We were equipped with all these interesting tools, not weapons or guns, and we were dressed and equipped like a special force’s unit. (We are in a spiritual Army and we don’t wrestle with flesh and blood. Our special tools or the weapons of our warfare are our armor in Eph. 6:10-18 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Wherefore take up the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 withal taking up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 with all prayer and supplication praying at all seasons in the Spirit, and watching thereunto in all perseverance and supplication for all the saints And 2 Co. 10:3-6 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh 4 (for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds), 5 casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ; 6 and being in readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience shall be made full.) Back to Samuel: We were given a special assignment from General Jesus to go and destroy an entire army. (Representing satan’s enemy army. Jesus said in Luk. 10:19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall in any wise hurt you.) There were at least 100 thousand soldiers and support personnel with tanks, missiles, vehicles, machine guns, and all the crazy things armies have; everything that you can think of. They also had an abundance of computers and machinery, technology and tents set up everywhere that they slept in or worked out of. It was a complete set up with barbed wire fences, alarms, security cameras, people patrolling with dogs, drones and all sorts of stuff. (Not only is satan using all his spiritual forces to try to destroy God’s people, but he is also using the militaries of the world, electronics and computer systems, and evil men to destroy, not only God’s people, but as much of mankind as possible.) General Jesus told us to go in and turn everything off and disable everything. (We have experienced the faction trying to turn our stuff off, but the dreams showed that the curses that came out of their mouths were being thrown back onto them by the angels. We have seen their stuff being turned off. Two witnesses said they were unrepairable.) We were told not to have any fear but to be calm and casual the whole time. We were told not to rush or worry, and to take our time. (Jos. 10:8 And Jehovah said ... Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thy hands; there shall not a man of them stand before thee.) We approached to where the army was set up and entered into the base through the south gate. We didn’t try to hide from them, but just casually walked in and no one there could see us. No timing it or anything. They literally couldn’t see us. They weren’t even looking our way. It was as if we were invisible. (This reminds me of Peter’s jail break, Acts 12:6-10 And when Herod was about to bring him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and guards before the door kept the prison. 7 And behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shined in the cell: and he smote Peter on the side, and awoke him, saying, Rise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands. 8 And the angel said unto him, Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals. And he did so. And he saith unto him, Cast thy garment about thee, and follow me. 9 And he went out, and followed; and he knew not that it was true which was done by the angel, but thought he saw a vision. 10 And when they were past the first and the second guard, they came unto the iron gate that leadeth into the city; which opened to them of its own accord: and they went out, and passed on through one street; and straightway the angel departed from him.) We got to the check point perimeter, and we didn’t have to cut the wire fence or anything to get in, we just walked in as if we all had access. As we went in, we were turning things off, pulling out plugs, entering codes; so that everything was disabled. (Our mission as God’s elect is to disable all the tactics of the enemy through intercessory prayer, thanksgiving and worship coupled with faith.) We didn’t even know the codes but the Lord, manifested through us, to type in their special codes to turns things off. (His power is made perfect in [our] weakness.) We went in and turned everything off. Cars, drones and guns wouldn’t work anymore; even all their tools couldn’t work anymore and literally nothing could be repaired again, not even little things, not even their lights could turn on. Everything was rendered useless. Their dogs were falling asleep. (Representing the factious dogs. We’ve had dreams of the faction as dogs being rounded up and euthanized.) Everything was turned off and the personnel all started going into their sleeping quarters to sleep. No one even noticed or thought about doing their duties anymore. (Our prayers and praise will paralyze the enemy and his minions and render them useless. In the Bible the term, “fallen asleep” refers to death, which we have been shown in dreams, happens to the factious leadership.) We just went in and touched everything so quickly and easily and it was so fun and simple. (Yes. All we have to do is pray, bind, believe and thank God. The victory has already been won.) My little son, David, was crawling into smaller areas to turn things off and the Lord had me turning off the mechanical stuff and Tiannah was typing in codes. The whole time we were praying in tongues and all the spiritual aspects were being replaced with Holy Angels and the darkness was being pushed further and further back. (When we pray and send the angels, the darkness and its dominion are diminished and it is defeated.) We walked from the south end of the base to the north end turning it all off. It was so quick and easy and only took about half an hour in real time. Everything was turned off. We walked straight through and didn’t even look back; It was all done and complete. (When we exercise our faith we don’t ever look back because we consider it done.) It is finished. We exited out the north side. (Jesus said in, Rev. 21:5-6 ...Behold, I make all things new. And he saith, Write: for these words are faithful and true 6 ... “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End…) When the sun/Son started to rise, all the dogs started barking and people arose. The people realized nothing was working and they couldn’t even put their boots on properly because their laces would not tie. It was just 3 of us against this whole giant army and they all had to walk home because there was nothing they could do, they couldn’t even drive because their cars wouldn’t start. (We’ve had a confirmation that the Lord does do this. When the factious leader lost all of his technical abilities and couldn’t even drive his truck for a year and a half or do his job because he had previously factioned out for the 3rd time.) ALL GLORY TO GOD! (Mal. 4:2 ...But unto you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in its wings;)
Taming the Dragon Through Sanctification Eve Brast - 10/21/22 (David’s notes in red) I dreamed that I and my oldest son Noah were in our old house on Vanderbilt Dr. down in Texas. (I believe I am representing the corporate Bride body in this dream because my name is Eve representing the bride of the last Adam. And my son Noah is representing the first fruits Man-child body. The name Vanderbilt indicates great wealth which will come to the first fruits Man-child and Bride to provide for God’s people during the 7 year tribulation.) I went into a bathroom in the narrow hallway that was totally white. (This bathroom represents the narrow way of sanctification.) There was an alligator that followed me into the bathroom. It had been following me for a while but I hadn’t noticed it until I entered the bathroom. (The alligator is a swamp creature and has been trying to devour Eve, as a type of our local Bride, through faction and witchcraft.) As I sat down to use the restroom, the alligator became like a nervous dog. It began panting and nervously wagging its large tail and trying to roll over and show its underbelly in submission to me. (Living a sanctified life coupled with prayers of faith and praise and thanksgiving to God will defeat our enemies and bring them to surrender, under our feet.) (Note: I haven’t dreamed about alligators since I was pregnant with my first son, Noah, 26 years ago. At that time I also dreamed that I was in a pure white bathroom taking a shower and when I pulled the shower curtain back and tried to get out of the tub, there were vicious alligators all over the floor of the bathroom snapping at me and trying to devour me and my unborn son Noah. In the dream I was distraught, wondering how I would escape these alligators, when I woke up.) (This is representative of Rev. 12:1-6 And a great sign was seen in heaven: a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars; 2 and she was with child; and she crieth out, travailing in birth, and in pain to be delivered. 3 And there was seen another sign in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his heads seven diadems. 4 And his tail draweth the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon standeth before the woman that is about to be delivered, that when she is delivered he may devour her child. 5 And she was delivered of a son, a man child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and unto his throne. 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred and threescore days.)
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