
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Protection And Provision For Man-Child And Bride David Eells - 10/8/23 Word To The David Man-Childs Deborah Fenske – 9/21/23 “My son, you have fought the good fight. You have run well. And you are about to win the race. Keep fighting. Keep running. For you, and for mine who have learned well, and are running well, the prize is just a head. It won’t be long now for what you have been waiting for while exhorting, and encouraging everyone in faith to believe, and by faith to receive. It won’t be long. Only take courage. You have fought well, learned well, lived well, and taught well the sum of My words, the truth. All that you have endured coming against you, and against UBM, and all lives I have touched through you, have come against Me. We have been in this together. I will not leave you or forsake you now. What I raise up, and who I lift up, no one can take down. Stay strong. Remember well My faithfulness.”
Provision For The Man-Child And Bride Tianna Fire - 4/28/23 (David’s notes in red) I dreamt we were driving around Australia, but instead of hot desert it was like Canada with snow and very cold. (Winter represents Tribulation) So, we went into the lobby and noticed many people waiting. A man who worked there to quicken things, was reading out the names of people who had already prepaid in full for their accommodations; when their name was called, they would go to him and get their room key in an envelope. Samuel and I stood close to the man, and he read out a few names and then he said the name, “Samuel Fire” and we were shocked as we had never been here before and we had not made a reservation or anything, we hadn’t even planned to be here. (The Lord has all our days planned for us if we trust and follow Him. Isa 65:24 And it shall come to pass that, before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.) Samuel went up to the man and he was handed an envelope with a room key, and we went to the elevator to go up to our fully paid hotel room. I opened the envelope and there was also a receipt and it said that there were 3 nights fully paid for. (The receipt is our redemption paid for by blood of Christ Jesus and the 3 nights represents how long He was dead in the tomb before His resurrection. Rom 3:24-25 being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 25 whom God set forth to be a propitiation, through faith, in his blood…) It included all meals, and there were all these free vouchers and free tickets to see places around the town. (The blood of Jesus has paid in full for every need we may have, and our Father’s grace and desire is to bless us in everything. Php 4:19 And my God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ:) One of the free things included was doing a tour on a houseboat and there was an abundance of free food and other items there. Samuel prayed for the meaning of this dream, and he heard, “In the belly of the earth for 3 nights and to be freed and paid for. Your journey will go beyond the earthly areas and reach past the spiritual. You will have complete access to Me and the Kingdom. There will be blessings, and your duty will have Heavenly results for eternity.”
Bride Gets Rich Before The Storm Eve Brast - 2018 (David’s notes in red)
(I Believe Eve is representing the Bride in the dream below because Eve was the Bride of the first Adam and the corporate Bride, represented by Eve will be the Bride of the last Adam, Jesus.) I dreamed that I was in a large, covered ocean bay for cruise liners and mega yachts. There was a special party room for the wealthy elites where the offices were located that managed the port docks in this bay enclosure. I walked inside the party room and there were many very wealthy people standing around and socializing. The men all wore tuxes, and the women were dressed in evening gowns and formal wear. They were all decked out in very expensive fine jewelry. They all behaved towards me as if I were one of them even though I wasn’t dressed like them. At one point an old woman with silver grey hair came up to me. She reminded me of my great grandmother who had been a very wealthy woman in real life. She had a necklace of large pearls around her neck. She handed me a check for 8 billion dollars. (8 is the number of Jesus, and new beginnings and billion represents all needs supplied. Psa 45:9-12 Kings' daughters are among thy honorable women: At thy right hand doth stand the queen in gold of Ophir. 10 Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; Forget also thine own people, and thy father's house: 11 So will the king desire thy beauty; For he is thy lord; and reverence thou him. 12 And the daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift; The rich among the people shall entreat thy favor.) After this I went out of the party room and down to the docks where there was a large white boat like a yacht. I and several others went down into the belly of the boat where there were many rows of wooden benches with an isle down the center like an old one room church from the 1800’s. There was a row of circular window ports on each side of the boat corresponding to each row of benches. After we were seated, the boat embarked on its journey. The waters were fairly calm at first but then the storm came, and the waves were tossing the boat around violently. There were times when I thought the boat would sink because the ocean waters were covering the port windows almost constantly. This is all I can remember. (The Storm is almost here and the Bride shall endure in faith.)
Obedience In Provision Anonymous 3/30/23 (David’s Notes in Red) I had a vision of an average man. He was suddenly blessed with a very large abundance of money and a driven calling from God. (There are many prophecies of the Man-child being abundantly blessed to build the Kingdom of God.) The man was then led to buy all these businesses and houses that were for sale, and he owned almost a whole city. (Many people represented by the houses will be coming into the Kingdom in Spirit and Truth.) In so doing and led by God, to change a country and giving hope and faith by his example in servitude. Every one of the businesses and houses were for those in need. Housing the poor and the faithful in Christ; businesses were used for His Glory according to the Word and Christ and gave spiritual truth and provision for all their needs to be met. In return, all those he helped then participated with their gifting or their profession and many helped in genuine love as one community for God, and it grew. The changes even convinced many non-believers not to change it back to what it had been. (I felt this is our deepest desire to have His Kingdom be established here and now in the physical, not for our own selves but to fulfil the needs of others.)
The Bride's Supernatural Provision And Work Eve Brast - 09/13/2008 (David's notes in red) I had a dream. It was midnight and my grandmother had died and I had received a large inheritance from her estate. All of a sudden, a golden car appeared in front of me. (Eve here represents the Bride, the true child of the ancient Church, who gave us a large and valuable inheritance: the way of Christ.) I had been walking along a city street heading north. Hurricane Ike was tearing up the south portion of Texas. (Ike is short for Isaac, the promised Man-child, who will bring judgment on the world as Moses did and the white horse rider will in hopes of repentance from the people of God. The Man-child is also the head of the Bride like Mordecai [meaning little boy] brought Esther into the provision and protection of the King's house.) It was starting to mist in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area but I wasn't getting wet. (Wet here would represent the curse of the "water of the Word", which, according to our inheritance, the Bride is not under – Gal 3:13) The car did not have legal tags on the license plate. It was brand new. I got into the golden car and started driving it. A small white sticker appeared in my hand and I placed it on the rear license plate. (God will make the Bride legal in many supernatural ways so that they will not have to worry about any provision.). This is not the way of those under the natural laws of the world but the way of the sons of God who will begin to walk in the Spirit.) I felt desperation and an urgency to go and check on all the brethren! I supernaturally drove all over South and East Texas, checking on my brethren and ministering comfort to them. (As in Esther, the Bride ministered from the ability and safety of the King's house; she will care for the people of God who are in the world.) The golden car never got wet and neither did I. (As the water from the storm, Ike, destroyed many as the curse, but not any who have appropriated the inheritance.) As I drove around, I was being watched everywhere I went and there were very few people in stores or on the streets. It was very dark. (As the Bride moves about freely, she will see no electricity and the stores empty, with Martial Law, which are a sign of things to come.) I had started in the south and headed north. Then, as I had finished ministering in east Texas, and was headed west to my new home that used to be my grandmother's, (The house of holiness and power that the early Church Fathers had -- the house of the King) four men had spotted my illegally placed tags on the license plate and had alerted Michael Chertoff (Secretary of Homeland Security), who then ordered a massive search for me. ("Michael" means "who is like God" in Hebrew. "Chertoff" means "of the devil" in Russian. "Homeland" reminds everyone of the Nazi era. Anyway, the beast in whom the devil lives will be looking for the Bride, just like Haman did in Esther.) I passed a police officer with a radar gun standing outside his squad car. I drove past him, unconcerned, and he acted like he didn't even notice me. (The Bride will travel in the Spirit, breaking the laws of nature, even during Martial Law, and will escape detection when it serves God's purpose.) I pulled into the driveway of my grandmother's home that she had left to me. It was still raining outside but I and the car were still dry. I felt like I was walking in another dimension (in the Spirit of the Kingdom there is no curse.) because I could feel great desperation and devastation all over Texas but my world was calm and dry and peaceful. I saw darkness and misty rain and law enforcement everywhere, but I knew that most others were experiencing heavy rains and winds and floods and great loss! (The curse from Ike is a sign of things to come that will be even more terrible but it will bring revival.) I was not married in this dream, nor did I have any children at this point. (Eve is the Bride-to-be of the last Adam, Jesus.) I went inside the house; it was elegantly furnished and immaculate. (The Bride at the beginning of the seven day Marriage Feast has all the benefits of a Queen.) There was a double stainless steel refrigerator packed with food and full pantries stocked with all kinds of provisions. I had never owned any of these types or qualities or car or home or food before in my whole life. Nor had I ever experienced such peace and comfort. (There will be perfect peace and provision for God's Bride. PTL!) I had lived "hand-to-mouth", on the edge of destitution, up until this point in my dream, always just trusting God. I had owned nothing. (The great trials of faith are coming to an end for the Bride. God's provision in times of the curse is complete, as we believe. Phl.4:19 And my God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. The Bride will distribute the benefits of the King's house to the queens, concubines and virgins, as in Song of Solomon.) I had pulled the tag sticker off the rear license plate and wadded it up and stuck it in my right front pocket when I had gotten out in the driveway. (She no more has to appease the world; she is now fully walking in the Spirit.) After I had checked out the kitchen, I went out into the garage. There was a large, full moon-shaped grave dug on the right-hand side. I thought, "That was a strange shape for a grave!" (The full moon represents death to self since it is dead.) In the grave was a Texas State Highway 60 MPH speed limit sign. (The full moon-shaped grave with the 60-mph sign means 60 fold moon glory that the Bride begins the tribulation as.) As I looked at it, I was a little sad but relieved at the same time and, at the same time, disgusted! I reached into my pocket and threw the wadded tag sticker into the grave. Then the car license plates appeared in my hand and I threw them in the grave, also. (The law of the sticker, plate and speed limit were on the old man who has now died. She will be dead to the law of the harlot church which the beast will persecute her for, as in Jesus' day. The heavenly spirit man who can move at the speed of thought is exempt. I once was translated halfway around the world, breaking all the natural laws of man. I broke every speed limit, didn't even buy a plane ticket and bypassed customs. I have prayed for gas and didn't have to pay for it; prayed for money and didn't have to borrow it. I was, according to the law, medically neglect because only God healed me.) I walked back into the house and changed my clothes. (Put on the new life and walk of Christ – Rom 13:14.) Suddenly, my son Elijah appeared in front of me, holding a bowl of ice cream and he thanked me for it. I just looked at him and smiled. I didn't say anything to him because I knew I couldn't take any credit for the provision! (Elijah was the spiritual man who was translated, breaking the speed limit, and couldn't be killed or arrested by the 50 soldiers who sought for him – 2Ki 1:8-10. He had every supply by the ravens, brook and angels. And it was all grace from God. As Jesus raised up two corporate witnesses among the Bride who followed Him, so Moses and Elijah will be raised up with the Bride's provision.) I walked into the living room and looked at the front page of the newspaper on the coffee table. There was a picture of the four men who witnessed me driving with illegal tags. Two of the men looked like Brad Pitt and the other two looked like John Travolta. The picture on the newspaper started moving and I could hear their false accusations of me to the reporter and to the FEMA people. (Just as actors were found by the Pharisees to falsely accuse Jesus, so there are the factious who falsely accuse the Bride. Haman falsely accused the body and the Bride was one of them but she escaped the beast and went to the King.) At that point my cell phone rang and my friend Cindy said, "Eve! Do you realize that you are being sought by 70,000 people right now?!" I said, "No, I had no idea". This didn't bother me. I was happy because I knew they would find me and learn what the Truth was. (The Bride's gift to be preserved and above the laws of nature will cause many to seek her out. In 2Sa 24:15, 70,000 Israelites died of the plague but Jerusalem, the Bride, was not affected.) After this, I looked out the front door and there was a police truck parked on the street facing left in front of the house. It was dark inside the truck and I couldn't see the officers, but I knew they were watching the house, but I also knew they were forbidden to harass me or arrest me. Then I woke up. (Jesus delivered us from the curse of the Law, having already become our curse – Gal 3:13. God is sovereign. "When a man's ways please the Lord, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him".)
The Light Attracts Anonymous 5/14/23 (David’s notes in red) I dreamed that the UBM brethren and I lived in a community on a mountain, and it was surrounded by forests and could only be accessed by walking. (Psa 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. This was only accessible by walking with the Lord. The mountain represents Mount Zion, who is the Bride, where only those that partake of the unleavened bread of the Word dwell together in unity as a Body. The promises of the Word can only be accessed by walking in His Word. Jas 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only. Those who are only hearers are soon gone.) A few of us had to travel to a faraway city, I forgot why, but we didn't have any money or any means to get to the city. We went on foot and it would take too long to get there on foot alone. (Luk 10:4 Carry no purse, no wallet, no shoes; and salute no one on the way.) The Lord told us to go check inside a Bible. (The Bible has the promise to all provision.) Inside it had many $100 notes, and we knew that the Lord had put money there for us. We heard from God that it was to be used to travel to the city, and the Lord will provide the rest of the money we need along the way. (Php 4:19 And my God shall supply your every need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Our Father’s promises are in the Word. Everything we need is provided for in Christ.) So, we ventured out on foot until we got down the mountain, and out of the forest, to a road where we caught a bus and then a train into the city. The city was next to the ocean, and it was gigantic. The city felt like it was a different world and it was so unfamiliar to us. (We are not of this world and it is foreign to us. Joh 17:16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.) We got off the train and were led to a specific motel where we stayed. It was a shared room with four beds, a kitchen, bathroom and open plan lounge room. It was bigger and better than we needed, and we paid for three nights to stay there. (Our Lord Jesus stayed in a ‘tomb’ that couldn’t hold him for three nights.) Our first night there, I had a dream that we walked past this specific building, and it had a red brick lodge that was surrounded by a spikey black fence, and next to it was a black shut-up building that was entirely black, and all the windows were blacked out and it was very dark. But there was a small light attached to the building that was on, and the light shined onto the street next to the building. And on the road was this giant white occultic symbol on the road. (2Co 11:14 And no marvel; for even Satan fashioneth himself into an angel of light.) (As we have seen, Satanists seek to entrap God’s people with their witchcraft and Voo-doo but they cannot keep the elect.) I woke up and told the brethren about the dream I just had. Later that day we walked throughout the city praying in tongues, and we went past areas that had buildings with occultic symbolism and dark strongholds; and we did spiritual warfare against it all. (Eph 6:12 For our wrestling is not against blood and flesh, but against the principalities, against the authorities, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spirituals of the wickedness in the heavenlies. 18 with all prayer and supplication praying at all seasons in the Spirit, and watching thereunto in all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.) We got to the other side of the city and went into a shop, where we bought the things we needed to take back to the brethren. Everyone was watching us as if we clearly stood out and were from somewhere else. (We are the light and representation of Christ. Mat 5:14-16 Ye are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a lamp, and put it under the bushel, but upon the lampstand and it shineth unto all those in the house. 16 Thus let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in the heavens.) Together in unity, we all decided on the things we needed and the things we didn’t. There was no argument or disagreement, but complete unity as if we were one of mind, and everyone there witnessed it. (God is removing those who are disobedient to the Word which makes us one. thorns in the side. The true Body is in one accord. Rom 15:5-6 Now the God of patience and of comfort grant you to be of the same mind one with another according to Christ Jesus: 6 that with one accord ye may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Php 2:2-4 make full my joy, that ye be of the same mind, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind; 3 doing nothing through faction or through vainglory, but in lowliness of mind each counting other better than himself; 4 not looking each of you to his own things, but each of you also to the things of others.) There was a man in there that kept following us around the store. He stood watching us from afar, but always kept us in his sight. He seemed intrigued and curious about who we are and what we are doing. When we got to the checkout the cashier totaled the cost to $300, and then a random man stepped up and said he would pay for it, and we praised God for His provision. We kept walking around the city praying aloud and in spirit, breaking strongholds. The man from the shop kept following us all day but from afar. It didn’t bother us because we knew God was in control and we felt to only talk with him if he spoke to us first. At one point I turned around and smiled at him and he was shocked because he was trying to appear as if he wasn’t following us. (Mat 26:58 But Peter followed him afar off, unto the court of the high priest, and entered in, and sat with the officers, to see the end) It was nighttime now, so we started walking back to the motel, still praying. I looked to my left and saw the exact same building from my dream. I told the brethren that it was the building from the dream, all the details were the exact same. So, we stopped and prayed specifically for this place for a while, and I felt there were a few people inside the building that were Satanists and they could feel something changing in the spiritual. (Dreams are often given as warnings and prompt us to pray down enemies and fight in the spirit.) As we were heading back to the motel, it was made known to us that the man from the shop was still following us and there were two other Satanists that were in that red brick building that were also following us. We got back to the motel and stayed the night. The three men that followed us stayed outside of our room watching and waiting for us, but we felt no fear, only peace and rest in God, knowing that He is in control and will not let us be harmed. (Isa 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteth in thee.) The next day we felt God wanted us to go back home so we called a taxi to come pick us up to take us to a bus station. The taxi arrived and we went out of the motel room straight into the taxi which took us to the bus station. It was made known to us that the three men had arranged to follow us in a black car, they followed us the whole way in the taxi and on the bus until we got off the bus at the edge of the forest. (The satanists love to stalk us this way looking for any way they can accuse us.) We walked through the forest, back to the community where we lived, the exact same way we had left. It was a long time of walking, and the three satanist men were still following us on foot from a distance. As we got closer and closer to the UBM brethren, the presence of the Lord grew stronger and stronger and more intense; with an abundance of pure love, peace, joy, beyond words. We arrived at the village and there was a giant playground with swings and climbing structures and slides, where all the children were playing while several adults were there watching. Some were praying, and others were reading. There were about 50-100 people in the community. The elders were in a separate area together in deep prayer seeking the Lord. Joe Britts who was an elder in the dream, came out and said that he heard from God that, “The enemy keeps trying to distract us all from seeking God and we all need to spend more alone time in God’s presence.” Everyone there listened and their spirits bore witness to this Word from the Lord and in complete agreement. As the three men got closer and closer to the village, it was as if evil and darkness was shedding off from them and they were becoming cleaner and cleaner as they came to the village. They all fell face down in complete fear and reverence to God as they could feel His presence, and they could see His Love and Jesus in all of us. (The elect among the satanists will eventually be converted. We are near this point now. Php 2:10-11 that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to God the Father’s glory.) They could see there was no error in following Jesus’ ways, and that it was the Truth and their eyes were opened. They were given a new heart so quickly, that from just being in God’s presence which was manifesting through us, they had complete repentance without even yet understanding the Gospel, but it was because of Jesus’ presence. They so quickly let go of everything evil and cried out to God in front of everyone, and they were changed and became completely new spiritually and it felt as if they were babies that had just been born. (Joh 3:5-8 Jesus answered, Amen, Amen, I say unto thee, Except one be born of water and Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 What is born of the flesh is flesh; and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Marvel not that I said to thee, Ye must be born from above. 8 The Spirit breatheth where he willeth, and thou hearest his voice, but knowest not whence he cometh, and whither he goeth: so is every one born of the Spirit.) Everyone prayed for them and shared the Gospel and Truth of the Word and had Holy Love and forgiveness towards them. They came into complete unity with us, and the Word and they grew very quickly in Jesus and had much zeal and passion for the Lord. They eagerly wanted to go share Jesus with everyone back in the city but were waiting for the right time to go back. It was as if when in the city they could see Jesus and the light without knowing it was Jesus, and their conscious bore witness that Jesus’ way is truth and they wanted Jesus, that’s why they followed us. (Joh 14:6-7 Jesus saith to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but through me. 7 If ye had known me, ye would have known my Father also: henceforth ye know and have seen him.)
MAN-CHILD AND BRIDE TYPES David Eells The first thing we discover from the types of the Man-child is that he has a history before being anointed. Many are claiming this office without any such history. For instance Moses, Abraham, David, Joseph, etc., faithfully kept the flocks that represent God’s people before coming to rule with the greater anointing of their first throne experience. With this knowledge of the following types of this experience will be in right perspective. Jesus was born of the Woman, Israel, and was first to receive the former rain anointing of the Holy Spirit as His first throne experience. He was tried in His own wilderness experience for forty days and anointed to lead Israel (Luk.4:18). Kings received this anointing in the Old Testament as a type for the Man-child ministry (1Sam.2:10; 10:1,10;16:13). In 1 Samuel 16:13 David was anointed with the Holy Spirit to sit in the throne as King over Israel as a type for Jesus and the Man-child. (Luk.1:32) He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David. Jesus’ work was to rule true Israel, bringing the disciples through the wilderness that He had been tried in. The word “wilderness” is translated “desert” in the Gospels. This is where Jesus taught, fed, and delivered the people from the curse. In type, He was then crucified to Self, glorified, and caught up to the second throne experience. He then returned to minister to the disciples for forty days, representing the forty years between His resurrection and when the harlot, Israel, was destroyed in 70 A.D. At this time the disciples, who were alive and remained, fled to the mountains, representing the Promised Land or heaven. In type, this is when Jesus, Who promised to be with them to the end of the age, was caught up to the third throne experience, which we will explain more carefully later. Joseph was born of the Woman, Israel, and was tried in his own wilderness experience. As a type of the First-fruits he was favored more than all of his brethren by his father, Jacob, whose regenerate name was Israel. Israel represented God to Joseph because, according to Strong’s Concordance, his name means, “He will rule as God” and he was also the father of all corporate Israel, just as Christ is the head of all corporate true Christianity. At this time, Joseph received two revelations that all of Israel bowed down to him as ruler in a type of the first throne experience (Gen.37:1-10). Joseph also brought the bad report of his brethren’s evil doings before his father, like Elijah did at his throne experience on the mountain. Joseph was rejected by his own people (Gen.37:2-4,11,18,23,28) and the Egyptians. Like Jesus, he was falsely accused by the harlot, Potiphar’s wife, and cast into prison where he “preached unto the spirits in prison” (1Pet.3:19) as a type of the dead. In type, by Joseph’s word, the butler was resurrected and the baker condemned. Also, like Jesus, he was then caught up to the throne of Egypt, as a type of the world, in a second throne experience (Gen.41:40-44). Joseph preserved the people of God through the seven years of famine, which was their own wilderness tribulation experience (54-57). In type, he then went to the Promised Land with Israel in the totally dead-to-self state, for they carried his remains with them after four hundred years of bondage as a type of the Tribulation (Gen.15:13; 50:24-25). This was a type of going to the heavenly Promised Land in a third throne experience. Abraham was born from Babylon and, having left Lot in the sin cities of the plain, went through his wilderness to the heavenly Promised Land, which the Lord gave him as an inheritance and type of the first throne experience (Gen.13:11-15). He then returned from the Promised Land to deliver Lot, a citizen of Sodom who had been taken captive by the kings, which is a type of the Man-child delivering the saints in the world, who will have been taken captive by the ten-king beast of Revelation (Gen.14). After delivering Lot, he went to the heavenly Promised Land and saw Melchizedek in the King’s Vale (Gen.14:17-18). (Heb.7:1) For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of God Most High, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, (2) to whom also Abraham divided a tenth part of all (being first, by interpretation, King of righteousness, and then also King of Salem, which is, King of peace; (3) without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like unto the Son of God), abideth a priest continually. This clearly makes Melchizedek a type of Jesus, Who after receiving His new body, is totally born from above and has no earthy genealogy. In type, Abraham as the Man-child went to see the Lord in this third throne experience. Elijah went through the wilderness and was caught up to the mount of God as his first throne experience (1Ki.19:4,8). He then returned to the wilderness to teach Elisha, who represents the Woman in Revelation 12:6 (16-17). Also in 2 Kings 2:6-14 Elijah makes a special trip to the wilderness to pass on his mantle to Elisha. Then Elijah was caught up in a whirlwind second throne experience. Elisha, as the Woman Church, then faces forty-two lads or youths from “Beth-el,” meaning “the house of God,” who persecute him in verses 23-24. This is a type of the persecution of the witnesses by immature apostates from the Church in the last forty-two months or 3½ years of the Tribulation (Rev.13:5-7). These forty-two lads, representing the harlot, were torn by the bears or beast exactly as in Revelation 17:16-17. John, on the Isle of Patmos, was a type of the Man-child. He told the Church that he was a “partaker with you in the tribulation” (Rev.1:9). As we saw in the last chapter, he was caught up to the throne of God and given a revelation of the Tribulation wilderness (4:1-2). He was also given a revelation of the apostasy in the Church and told to share his revelation with seven angels, who were to give it to the seven churches (Rev.1:11, 2:1,8,12,18, 3:1,7,14). “Angel” in these cases is the Greek word angelos meaning “messenger” and is also used of ministers in the New Testament (Luk.7:24,27, 9:52). The equivalent Hebrew word in the Old Testament is translated “messenger” when speaking of ministers (Mal.2:7), John the Baptist and Jesus (3:1). Since it doesn’t make sense that John sent the revelation to the churches by angels, he must have sent it by seven minister messengers who in turn shared it with the seven churches (Rev.1:11). This is exactly what Jesus the Man-child did. He shared His revelation with minister messengers, who shared it with the seven churches in Acts and in the Word. Ezekiel was consistently called “son of man” as a type of Jesus the Man-child. He was also caught up to the throne (Eze.1:26) and anointed with the Spirit of God for ministry (2:2). Like John, the Man-child in Revelation, Ezekiel was given a vision of the four living creatures (1:10), and revelations of the seven-year tribulation and captivity (3:15), image of the beast, abomination of desolation, mark of God (5-9), the corporate false prophet (13), the beast kingdom’s attack on the people of God and their destruction (38-39), the wars between the nations, the restoration of God’s people to the kingdom (36-37), the measurements of the restored spiritual temple of God (40-43), the coming of the Lord as the Prince and His inheritance given to the saints (46), etc. What are the chances of John and Ezekiel receiving the same revelation to bring to the Church? Moses was born of the Woman, Israel, and was tried in his own wilderness experience for forty years just as Jesus was for forty days. Then he ascended the mountain of God where he was given authority and anointing to bring Israel through the wilderness to the same mountain, again like Jesus. This was a type of his first throne experience (Exo.3:2-5,12). Moses then brought Israel half-way through their wilderness, by distance, which is a type of 3½ years of the Tribulation, and again ascended the mountain in a second throne experience, again like Jesus. Here he was glorified in soul because his “face shone” (Exo.34:29-35). (Both Moses and Jesus were in this second throne experience for forty days, the number of tribulation.) Moses then continued to bring Israel through the wilderness for forty years to the Promised Land, which, as we have seen, Jesus also did in type. Here Moses ascended the mountain where spiritually his old man died as he was caught up to the heavenly Promised Land, as Israel also entered the Promised Land (Deu.34:5-6; Jos.1:2). This was a type of his third throne experience. As we have seen, even though there are different stages and levels of walking in the presence of God, all fully enter the kingdom in their new body at the same time. (1Cor.15:51)…We all shall not sleep, but we shall all be changed, (52) in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. Moses and Aaron, when seen together, are a clear type of the first and second Man-child, on opposite ends of the New Testament. As we have seen, Moses typified the first Man-child, Jesus. Moses, like Jesus on the cross, put to death the Egyptian, typifying the old man, and left Egypt as a type of the world, to marry a Gentile bride who was one of seven daughters, like the favored Philadelphia Church (Exo.2:12,21). Jesus, as the first New Testament Man-child, will be met, many years later, in the kingdom by the second Man-child of the end time. In the same way Moses, as the first Man-child, was met many years later on the mountain of God by Aaron (Exo.4:27), which represents the first throne experience of the second Man-child in the end time. Clearly, Moses typified God who spoke through Aaron, just as Jesus is God and will speak through the second end time Man-child. (Exo.4:16) And he shall be thy spokesman unto the people; and it shall come to pass, that he shall be to thee a mouth, and thou shalt be to him as God. (7:1) And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee as God to Pharaoh; and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Aaron, as the second Man-child, received his authority and instructions from Moses on that mountain and returned to save the Woman in Egypt (Exo.4:28). In the same way the second end time Man-child will receive his authority and instructions from Jesus and return to save the Woman in the world. (Rev.14:1) And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on the mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty and four thousand, having his name, and the name of his Father, written on their foreheads. Notice that Aaron, as the second Man-child, actually does the speaking and the signs in Egypt but behind him is Moses, as Jesus, giving authority. (Exo.4:30) And Aaron spake all the words which the Lord had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people. The chain of authority, to bring the Woman out of the world and through the wilderness, is from the Father to Jesus to the end time Man-child of Revelation 12. We need to lay a little foundation before sharing the types of the Bride being caught up to the throne. The Bride, although a different parable than the Man-child, includes the Man-child. David represented the Man-child as he sat on the throne. David’s throne was called “the throne of the kingdom” (1Ki.1:46-47). The son of David was told that his throne was God’s throne on earth. (2Chr.9:8) Blessed be the Lord thy God, who delighted in thee, to set thee on his throne, to be king for the Lord thy God…. Since the Man-child is the First-fruits of “Christ in you, the hope of glory,” then the Bridegroom lives in the Man-child. This is the spiritual throne to which the Man-child is caught up. This makes him the earthly head of the body of the Bride, for he will rule in the capital city of spiritual Jerusalem, which represents the Bride. (Rev.21:9) …Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the wife of the Lamb. (10) And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the holy city Jerusalem…. (I will point out later how this whole spiritual kingdom is growing in the earth at this time.) Notice that the Man-child, as head, is always typed as a man in the Scripture, and the commands of the New Testament agree. (1Cor.11:3) But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man…. (1Tim.2:12) But I permit not a woman to teach, nor to have dominion over a man, but to be in quietness. This was obeyed in that neither Jesus nor His disciples ordained women as elders. The Greek in “a son, a man-child” in Revelation 12:5 is literally, “a son, a male.” The word “Man” rarely comes from the actual word for male in Scripture, but here it does. It is true that there is only one body. (Gal.3:28) There … can be no male and female; for ye all are one [man] in Christ Jesus. It is also true that different members of that one body; whether men, women, servants, children, etc. have distinct rules in the New Testament, which must be obeyed to be in the Bride or Man-child. Anyone who would like to look further into this can read extensive Biblical proof in our article, “The Word, Women and Authority” on our site https://www.ubm1.org/ Jezebel spirits generally hate us for holding to the truth. On the other hand, Jerusalem, which we see is the Bride, was made up of both men and women. David, who ruled IN Jerusalem, was also a member of the larger Bride body. This capital city and its people, which represented the greater bridal throne, will enter into the nature, character, and authority of Jesus to a greater degree than the rest of the Church, represented by the twelve tribes outside of Jerusalem. (Jer.3:17) At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord; and all the nations (Hebrew: “Gentiles”) shall be gathered unto it, to the name (meaning nature, character, and authority) of the Lord, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the stubbornness of their evil heart. Notice that this end time throne is for the Bride, who is being gathered out of all nations through her submission to the throne of David. This gives greater meaning to the statement of Jesus, “He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne” (Rev.3:21). Jesus, as the Bridegroom, came in a body of the son of David (Rom.1:3) and was anointed to rule on the spiritual throne of David. Those separating from the apostate people of God, and learning to submit to His headship, were typed as the Bride by John. (Joh.3:29) He that hath the bride is the bridegroom…. The Man-child Jesus quickly taught the Bride to come into her kingdom authority under Him. The end time Man-child is also a spiritual body of the son of David, in whom Jesus the Bridegroom lives, and will raise up the Bride into the kingdom authority of her throne. This also shows us how the Groom will celebrate the marriage feast of seven days, with the Bride on earth for the last seven years. What is considered by many a strange verse points this out. Speaking of Jerusalem (the Bride) the Lord said, “For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee; and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee” (Isa.62:5). Notice that the sons of God are not only born of the Church but of the more faithful Bride body within her, and they, as the earthly body of the Bridegroom from heaven, are used by the Lord to fellowship with His Bride during the marriage feast on earth. The Man-child is comprised of the first-born sons of God, in whom Jesus lives, who are the head of the Bride’s body. Just as Jesus is the spiritual head of the Bride, so the Man-child is His earthly body head in whom He dwells. The Hebrew custom of the marriage feast is a spiritual picture that shows the Bride in royal apparel sitting on her throne for seven day/years, next to the King on his throne, before going to the King’s house in heaven. Once again I reference The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, Page 97 under “Marriage.” My notes are in parentheses. The bridegroom was the king for a week (seven-year wedding feast). During the whole week their majesties wore their festal clothes (as they sat on their thrones), did not work, and merely looked on at the games – except that now and then the queen joined in a dance. Accompanied by his friends (John the Baptist was a friend of the bridegroom – Joh.3:29) with tambourines and a band they went to the bride’s house (which is obviously on earth) where the wedding ceremonies were to start. The bride richly dressed, adorned with jewels, usually wore a veil (symbolizing submission – 1Cor.11:5-13), which she took off only in the bridal chamber. Escorted by her companions (the virgins), the bride was led to the home of the bridegroom (in heaven). This shows that the Bride is already chosen before she sits on the throne at the beginning of the seven days, through which time she is being perfected. Notice that, after sitting on the throne with her Lord for the seven days/years of the feast, representing the Tribulation, on the eighth day, the day of circumcision when the flesh is cut off, they all go to the Bridegroom’s home in heaven. Also notice that neither the virgins nor the friends of the Bridegroom are on the throne during these last seven days/years, only the Bride. Even though we all have been given that position through the promises of God, not all will walk by faith and obedience to manifest it. The whole Church is fond of calling itself the Bride but far fewer will overcome to sit on the throne. As we have already seen, the one who sits on the throne is betrothed to the King and has all the rights and inheritance as though she were married. Let us look again at the relationship of the Man-child head and the body of the Bride. The story of Esther is a prophecy of the end time Bride being caught up to the authority of the throne under the authority and training of the Man-child. Throughout this story Mordecai represents the head and Man-child. The Talmud lists him as a prophet (Megilla 15). Mordecai means “little man” in Hebrew and “little boy” in Persian, both of which mean “man-child.” Mordecai was in the place of the throne before Esther was. (Est.2:5) There was a certain Jew in Shushan the palace, whose name was Mordecai…. Not only was his place in the palace but he is mentioned nine times in various ways as “sitting at the king’s gate” or said to be one of “the king’s servants, that were in the king’s gate.” The King, of course, represents Jesus and the king’s gate was the place of the government, the place of judges and counselors. It is likely that all of the subjugate nations under Ahasuerus or Xerxes had representatives to the king there, just as the “seven princes of Persia and Media” (1:14) were there. Mordecai was probably the head of God’s people since the Jews were twice called “the people of Mordecai” (3:6). This governmental head over God’s people represents the Man-child. It is he that nourishes the Bride with the beauty and wisdom that comes from the Word until she comes to the throne, as Esther did. (2:7) And he brought up (Hebrew: “nourished”) Hadassah, that is, Esther…. Even when Esther came to the throne she was under the headship of Mordecai. (2:20) Esther had not yet made known her kindred nor her people; as Mordecai had charged her: for Esther did the commandment of Mordecai, like as when she was brought up with him. It was Mordecai who sent “to charge her that she should go in unto the king, to make supplication unto him, and to make request before him, for her people” (4:8). This intercession of the Bride was to save the people, who represent the larger Church body, from Haman, who represents the beast. For some, this battle represents the saving of the inner spiritual man from the beastly carnal man who will seek to kill him. For others, whose carnal man is already dead, this will represent their deliverance from the world beast. The time came when the king took from the beast his symbol of authority to persecute God’s wayward people and gave it, instead, to Mordecai to save them. (8:2) And the king took off his ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it unto Mordecai. And even though Esther had been given the house of Haman, she willingly gave Mordecai the authority over it. And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman. At this time the king said, (8) Write ye also to the Jews, as it pleaseth you, in the king’s name, and seal it with the king’s ring; for the writing which is written in the king’s name, and sealed with the king’s ring, may no man reverse. Mordecai, the Man-child, passed on the authority of the king to God’s people to stand on the Word and save their lives just as Jesus did to His disciples. (9)…And it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded unto the Jews…. (11) Wherein the king granted the Jews that were in every city to gather themselves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy, to slay, and to cause to perish, all the power of the people and province that would assault them…. God’s people will learn that they are not under the curse of sin or death and that the Word is their sword to defend them. The Man-child and the Church under him will walk in greater and greater authority of King Jesus to destroy the kingdom of the beast with the power of the Word. (9:4) For Mordecai was great in the king’s house, and his fame went forth throughout all the provinces; for the man Mordecai waxed greater and greater. (5) And the Jews smote all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, and with slaughter and destruction, and did what they would unto them that hated them. (10:2) And all the acts of his power and of his might, and the full account of the greatness of Mordecai, whereunto the king advanced him, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia? (3) For Mordecai the Jew was next unto king Ahasuerus, and great among the Jews, and accepted of the multitude of his brethren, seeking the good of his people, and speaking peace to all his seed. Now that we see the relationship of the Man-child to the Bride, let’s look at an outline of bride types that coordinates with the man-child types above. Remember that we will explain the spiritual nature of the throne experiences later. Esther, along with all the fair virgins of the kingdom, were gathered into the house of the women to see whom Ahasuerus, the King, would choose as his bride (2:2-3). For taking advantage of everything the King’s chamberlain, as a type of the Holy Spirit, provided, she was loved above all the virgins and made Queen in her first throne experience (13-17). After this time the King promoted Haman, as a type of the dragon/beast (3:1), over the people of God, as another type of the beginning of the Tribulation. The beast then decided to crucify all of the people of God (3:6) and with the permission of the King, set a date to begin this. In one parable, This date represents the middle of the Tribulation. It is here that Esther appeared before the King in a second throne experience to intercede for her people (5:1-3). She received authority with Mordecai to speak for the King and gave authority to the people to stand for their lives and slay the beast kingdom (8:8,11). This will happen from the middle of the Tribulation until the Day of the Lord, when the Bride has fully entered the kingdom in a third throne experience. Then the destruction of the beast will continue as it destroys itself in civil war. The Shulamite bride was born of the Woman, Israel (Sol.3:4; 8:5), tried in her own wilderness experience of being rejected by her own people and was caught up in a first throne experience (6:12). From there she returned (13) to care for God’s vineyard: the virgins, concubines, and queens (7:10-13), who represent the rest of the Church or the Woman. These are also typed as her little sister who come to maturity through her ministry (8:8-12). Within the Bride is the new leadership for God’s people, which will be used by God to bring them to maturity (Mat.21:41). She then was caught up to the third throne experience when she married Solomon. We also see the bride in Psalm 45, who fulfills this same type. As we have seen, the Church goes through seven years of tribulation called the wilderness (Rev.12:6; 17:3). Joseph, as the Man-child type, fed Israel through seven years of famine, foreshadowing the Tribulation. Moses, as the Man-child, fed Israel half-way through the wilderness by distance, representing the first 3½ years. Here he faced God on His mountain in a second throne experience and was glorified when his “face shone” with the glory (Exo.34:29- 35). He then took them the rest of the way to the Promised Land, representing the second 3½ years. Only then did the manna from heaven cease, for then, in type, they entered fully into the kingdom of heaven and no longer needed it (Josh.5:12). Jesus, as the Manchild, took born again Israel 3½ years into their wilderness before also being glorified. This also represents half-way through the Tribulation. In order to fulfill the same type as Joseph and Moses, who went all the way through the Tribulation, Jesus would have had to continue His ministry after His glorification, which He did. He was caught up to the throne of God in a type of the second throne experience and stayed there only a few hours before returning (Joh.20:17,19-20,26). He then passed on His Spirit and authority to the disciples (21-23) for a space of forty days (Act.1:3), which is the number of tribulation. This forty-days’ ministry represented the forty years between Jesus’ glorification and the destruction of the harlot of apostate Israel in 70 A.D., when the disciples escaped to the mountains, representing heaven. In perfect parallel, after Moses’ face shone, he also took Israel forty years through the wilderness to the Promised Land. With Jesus’ forty-day type, that was “for every day a year,” as God said. (Num.14:34) After the number of the days in which ye spied out the land, even forty days, for every day a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years. That forty years represented the last 3½ years of the Tribulation. Now we see that, in type, Jesus also took them all the way through their tribulation to the Promised Land. He also appeared to the disciples to guide them in the book of Acts, which represented the second 3½ years to show this type. (Act.16:7) And when they were come over against Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia; and the Spirit of Jesus suffered them not. As further proof of this, after His glorification He told them, I am with you always (Greek: “all the days”), even unto the end of the world (Greek: “consummation of the age”) (Mat.28:20). He said He would be with them all the days until the consummation of their age, which was 70 A.D. when the harlot of apostate Israel was destroyed as the saints fled to the mountains at the end of their tribulation. In parallel, we can see the end of the seven-year tribulation is “all the days” “unto the consummation of the age” of the Church, when the modern day harlot will also be destroyed as the saints flee to the kingdom. From these types we can see that the Man-child will be with the Woman Church, in various stages of Sonship, through the seven years of tribulation. In the last 3½ years the Man-child will be in the form that Jesus was during His forty-day ministry after the first 3½ years of His ministry. In this form Jesus walked through walls. (Joh.20:26) …Jesus cometh, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst. However, Mary thought He was the gardener (20:15). The two disciples on the road to Emmaus walked with Him, carried on a lengthy conversation, ate with Him and yet thought Him merely human (Luk.24:13-35). He was the manifested Son of God in spirit and soul but not yet body. In type, at this end of the first 3½ years He still had flesh and bones. (Luk.24:39) See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye behold me having. This is the same state symbolized by Moses’ glowing face as he carried Israel through the last half of their wilderness, by distance symbolizing the last 3½ years of our tribulation. That glowing face represented a glorified spirit and soul under a veil, which the Lord said was the flesh in Hebrews 10:20. The body glorification comes at the end of the seven years when we shall all be changed to enter the Promised Land together. (1Cor.15:51) Behold, I tell you a mystery: We all shall not sleep, but we shall all be changed, (52) in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. Briefly, there are three throne experiences in order to manifest Jesus or complete Sonship in the Man-child First-fruits, who will then lead the Bride in these experiences. The first one is after the Man-child’s personal wilderness experience at the beginning of the Tribulation and involves the full manifestation of Jesus in the spirit. The second one is after bringing the people half-way through the Tribulation and involves the full manifestation of Jesus in the soul. The third one is after the Tribulation and involves the full manifestation of Jesus in the body, meaning the sons will have a born again, heavenly body. The bride had a seven day/year wedding feast before going to the groom’s home. The Bride has the position of sitting with the Bridegroom/Man-child in betrothal for the seven days of the two throne experiences, but the marriage is not fulfilled until after the seven days, when she sits with her husband in the third throne experience. After the seven years of tribulation, we are told in Revelation 19:7 “the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” This is the time when the whole bridal procession goes to the Bridegroom’s home joined by the resurrected saints of old. It is here that some of those saints may have entered bridal glory to join in that company while others may be virgins or friends of the Bridegroom. In that case, the saying of John the Baptist would not be just a type. (Joh.3:29) He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, that standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is made full. On the other hand, these are the days when the greatest revelation of the testimony of the Word will manifest the Lord in the greatest body of believers the world has ever seen. (2Th.1:10) When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be marvelled at in all them that believed (because our testimony unto you was believed) in that day.
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