
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
UBBS 1.10.2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
The Faction Election War Won (13)
White Angels Conquer the Dark Angels
Marie Kelton 1-8-21 (David’s notes in red)
During the meeting last night, I saw a warrior angel with a sword and he told me" I've come to help you my lady". I asked him "help me with what?”. The angel replied, “With the heaviness and the oppression you were feeling. (She Could be representing the Bride here) I then saw what looked like a dementor from the movie Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. (H.P. is full of witchcraft and sorcery and people receive demons from this stuff. The enemy we are facing are into this witchcraft big time. Through spiritual warfare described in this dream we will defeat the enemies spiritual and physical.). The dementor looks like a black skeleton with a black cloak covering its body. The dementor floats in the air (Like demons), it causes pain by sucking the life out of people to the point where their only left with bad memories. (The witchcraft demons are making war against the minds of people. The enemies are overtaken by them. Cant you tell?)
After the vision at the bottom I would see the angel that talked with me stab the dementor with his sword which made a lighting effect throughout the dementor's body causing it to scream in pain and go away, but every time I would agree with the spirit of depression etc. the wound in the dementor would heal and it would try to hover over me again. (If we agree with the curse, the mind of the flesh, sickness, possession, etc, we give them power. God says "Be transformed by the renewing of your minds”. Agree with the Bible.)
When we were singing, the battle belongs to the Lord. I had an open vision, I saw a black horse with a dark angel on it to my right and I saw a white horse with a white angel on it to my left. They were charging toward each other. (I.e. the white angel was charging towards the right and the dark angel was charging toward the left. This represents the opposing angelic forces we are dealing with in the factions in. the church and state.). I saw this twice. Then I saw the dark angel on the black horse turn around and leave, with the white angel charging after it. (Victory over the enemies) Then I looked up at the ceiling and saw a bunch of white angels coming from the left and a bunch of dark angels coming from the right. Flying towards each other. The dark angels turned around and flew out of the house. (God is saying get on the right side, do spiritual warfare, pray, and we will win.)
During those visions I had a black and white vision of me in the throne room on my knees with a head covering on (Sign of submission to the Lord), while Jesus was on the throne, I was crying to him about something. This verse came to mind: Est. 8:3 And Esther spake yet again before the king, and fell down at his feet, and besought him with tears to put away the mischief of Haman the Agagite, and his device that he had devised against the Jews.
After this I saw the angel that talked with me stab the dementor with his sword which made a lighting effect throughout the dementor's body causing it to scream in pain and go away.
We will win! The charge from the left and right is on. Bind the demons.
Special Ops went into the offices of D-S lawmakers who ran to their tunnels when the An-ti-fa B-L-M put on their fal-se fl-ag show in the capital. The lawmakers were running the coupe from their laptops which the Special Ops collected with evidence.
We are hearing Martial Law is at the door. Have food, water, money, and fuel to last 2-3 weeks while the loyal forces are cleaning house. Keep your tanks topped off and your phones and radios charged up. I believe the Jan 20 inauguration will not take place, many forces have been called to the capitol. The D-S An-ti-fa/B-L-M war has already begun. They are shooting people and will burn churches and prominent peoples homes, etc. As we have been told the Lord will use them to bring down the false leadership of the Churches as Babylon took down the leadership of apostate Jerusalem. Things will look bad but the big victory will come at the end by the saints prayers and warfare and the coming of the Lord in His man-child leadership when the earthquakes and P-X come.
The M-S-M was notified by the FCC that they are to produce President Trumps speeches or they will lose their licenses. Twitter, Facebook, and Google has shut the administration out. The E-B-S Emergency Broadcast System is in operation and ready. Presidential lawyer Lin Wood said Apple is going to do an update on all phones to shut down the EBS. Turn off your auto update. https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2021/01/apple-is-at-war-with-america-planning-update-on-phones-to-shut-off-emergency-broadcast-system-3739133.html
USA inc. is bankrupt, NE-SA-RA / GE-SA-RA and the New Republic is signed and coming on line. Trump will get 4 more years. Some say March 4th, the original date in the constitution for inauguration.
Thurs. 7 Jan. Trump Attorney Lin Wood Tweet: “Many traitors” to be arrested shortly… final list of confirmed traitors acquired during congressional vote” and "Now it is a Completed Crime... Many Traitors Will Be Arrested and Jailed Over Next Several Days" https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-01-07-trump-did-not-concede-lin-wood-traitors-to-be-arrested.html
Saints, unless you want to live under Satan and Co-mm-un-ism, Go to spiritual warfare! We will win! Jesus said, What we bind on earth is bound in heaven and what we loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Confess sins and Call upon the Lord to be our strength, wisdom, and to do warfare through us. Bind the forces of darkness. Stand fast and decree the end from the beginning. Send the angel forces to cast down the enemies. Heb 1:13-14 But of which of the angels hath he said at any time, Sit thou on my right hand, Till I make thine enemies the footstool of thy feet? 14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to do service for the sake of them that shall inherit salvation? Bind the witches and Satanists. Decree the fall of Com-mu-ni-sm in this country and the CCP, of faction, of lies, of slander, of deception, of the antichrist leftist forces of the media and tech giants. Send confusion in the camp of the enemies. Send the enemies against the enemies. Cast down An-ti-fa, B-L-M, anarchists, leftist government leaders, and all traitors in the government, industry, the military, etc. Use your born again imagination to see them fall.
Send salvation, wisdom, strength, endurance, revelation, provision, and protection to the right.
And when you do these things hold fast the confession of your hope that it waver not for He is faithful that promised. Do not be moved by what you see. Move everything you do see. As the Father sent Jesus, He sends you. Exercise your authority for there is no one else to do it. We will win as you do these things and endure to the end. We have a Psalm 91 Passover.
We refuse these demons and their possessed forces to take this country. Fight, war, and win in Jesus name. Don't be moved by what you see, just by the Word of the Lord.
President Trump and Melania Escape Destruction
Claire Pienaar - 1/7/21 (David’s notes in red)
After praying for President Trump and Melania before going to bed. I asked the Lord to reveal more of what's going on to me, so that I have more knowledge and will be able to better discern in the coming days.
I dreamed I was on a high cliff rock overlooking a city below. I was right on the edge of the ledge of the cliff-face, on a blue double-camp chair. I was sitting with Melania Trump, holding her hand as I was praying with and for her. Melania had a beautiful rose-champagne coloured satin dress on, and we held hands. My hand was as beautiful as her hand – which shocked me. (A spiritual parallel since the Man-child and Bride in the Church is like President Trump and Melania in the natural.) (We take those we pray and intercede for into the rest by faith. And the bride, represented by myself, is quickly becoming so beautiful that she almost does not recognize herself. Jesus in manifesting in his people.).
Riaan and Donald Trump were behind me, in the bushes – away from the edge of the cliff face. They were talking together. Riaan was explaining something to him. (Like Daniel and Joseph were types of the Man-child who advised the King.) I motioned to them to come look at the city below; it was orange and pink. (meaning warning and Sodom). I couldn’t tell if it was fire or sunset, but it took my breath away. The city looked like Hollywood (Sodom) or some such sprawling type city with not too many skyscrapers, etc.
Donald Trump would not come past the back of my chair. He was finished – tired and fearful. (So many turned against the US and himself. Pray for him and he will make an even greater President. I believe he will run also for President of the New Republic and win. He has been greatly humbled by so many Judas’ and has lost self confidence. Also he is being humbled before the world many of whom worshipped him as god. God will not share His glory with another. This humbling may well make him more powerful. In his weakness God will be strong. 2Co 12:9-10 And he hath said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my power is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Wherefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in injuries, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. (In the end the final victory over enemies will be seen as God and not man. Salvation from enemies does not come by man’s works but by God’s grace. The world needs to know this. Israel at the Red Sea was weak and God showed himself strong so that even the nations revered him for parting the Sea and taking down an army.)
He stood a little ways away. I turned and said to him, “I love you, President Trump. I love you Donald” (meaning: ruler of the world). As I said this, he became younger and looked vibrant like the 1980s Donald I remember seeing in magazine pictures as a child. He said, “I don’t know that that’s enough” and I replied, “My love is going to have to be enough for you. It’s perfect love”. Then Riaan said, “We’ve got to go”. And I said, “Come, we’ll take you and Melania with us”. (A confirmation of love 3 times, just like Peter did with Jesus).
We left the cliff-face and the blue double-camp chair, and we got into the silver van. We drove to a building, and I said to Donald Trump, “Now, you’ll go inside. They’re all waiting for you. The speeches have started”. (I remember knowing this building in my dream, but then I forgot about it until I shared the dream with Riaan later. I said to Riaan when I awoke: “It was the pentagon. I know because I’ve been there before”. I don’t even know if the pentagon is left/right/deep-state/CCP.) (Its a little of all of these)
All I know is that in my dream he was in a safe section that could not be destroyed. We were waiting for the Pentagon to come under some destructive physical change; like a great shaking, eruption or explosion. (This appears to say that the Pentagon will be destroyed but President Trump will survive. We have shared dreams and words where DC was shaken severely and the buildings fell on the occupants and God was saying he would destroy the wicked and a new more righteous government would be established. We have had three dreams about the house falling in. This dream shows that the Military faction will fall too by the hand of God).
President Trump went in a side door, and I went in, in the spirit for a second to see him appear to a room of people. He was humble, and quiet, but ready to deliver a speech. I was then back outside with Riaan in the van.
Riaan and I drove away quickly, taking a side road into an area I know to be River Club near Rivonia in South Africa. (Rivonia is where the communist Nelson Mandela was sentenced in what is known as the Rivonia Trial in 1962-63, where he and 12 others were accused under the Sabotage Act of sabotage and attempting to over-throw the SA government. At the time it carried the death penalty.) (Note: they went away quickly from DC to SA. Trump too has been accused of attempting to overthrow the government and threatened with prosecution but Nelson became President after this and this shows Trump will be too.)
(River Club perhaps denotes that only those who are “part of the club of the River of Life” are privy to be spared the coming destruction?). We were waiting and we were silent. I said to Riaan, “Are we far enough away from the destruction?” and he replied “It’s going to be so big and bright, we can’t really escape it but we are protected by the Most High”. (They cant escape it on the other side of the earth? Thats a shaking from D.C. to S.A. This is probably the shaking spoke of by Paul and Haggai where God said, Once more will I shake the heaven and the earth. You and I need to be ready for a Passover of destruction that will sweep away kingdoms including the apostate Church. Then we will go to the wilderness. In Haggai when the Man-child Zerubbabel began to rebuild the Kingdom of God on earth there was a great shaking of heaven and earth that will overthrew the throne of kingdoms of men in Haggai 2:20-23. It is mentioned here that this would be like an overthrow of the chariots and their riders (the factions of Church and state will fall at our Red Sea. The Egyptian historians recorded that they looked up and saw the Destroyer, their name for Planet X. This system is being guided by the Lord and is coming to overthrow those who want to bring us into communistic bondage. See Sandy’s dream below and Lakeisha’s dream on 12/21/20 of the mini Nemesis solar system, which includes Planet X that passed through wrecking the earth.
Hag 2:20-23 And the word of Jehovah came the second time unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying, 21 Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth; 22 and I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms; and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother. 23 In that day, saith Jehovah of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith Jehovah, and will make thee as a signet; for I have chosen thee, saith Jehovah of hosts. )
I received 2 Ch12:2 by faith at random when I asked the Lord for a word for this dream, with my finger on “and it came to pass”. In context here’s verses 2-4: “And it came to pass in the fifth year of king Rehoboam, that Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem (At this time the apostate Church are spiritually under attack), because they had trespassed against Jehovah, 3 with twelve hundred chariots, and threescore thousand horsemen. And the people were without number that came with him out of Egypt: the Lubim, the Sukkiim, and the Ethiopians. 4 And he took the fortified cities which pertained to Judah, and came unto Jerusalem.” (The leadership humbled themselves in veses 5-9 so the King of Egypt was not permitted to completely destroy them but he plundered them of their valuables. This is speaking of the DS war against the Church in which they will burn many and plunder them and the leaders houses.)
Riaan received by faith at random (whole of Ch12 for context) Ezekiel 12:28: Therefore say unto them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: There shall none of my words be deferred any more, but the word which I shall speak shall be performed, saith the Lord Jehovah.
Shaking Three Times Harder
Sandy Shaw, 12/28/20 (Don and Merlene transcribed) (David’s notes in red)
In a vision I was looking outside the window where the porch is. The curtains were open. I was watching the cats jumping and playing.
All of a sudden I saw a river and the Lord said, “Mississippi.” Then all of a sudden, all of it was beginning to shake. (Sandy saw the New Madrid Quake that split the country down the Mississippi and dumped the Great Lakes into the Gulf.)
It shook so hard I saw the water change direction. Then I heard the Lord say, “Three times harder!” Then the vision stoped.
I asked the Lord, “Are you talking about the coming earthquake?” And I got three heads for “Yes.”
I went and did a search and asked about the earthquake that changed the direction of the Mississippi. The first thing I read was it was an 8.8. I kept scrolling down and reading the last one which said, “It was a 9 or more.”
When this testimony was sent to Me Jeff said they experienced a loud rumbling noise that came as a result of a 2.1 earthquake that happened not far from us.
Merlene’s note. I have been hearing for the last week and many times a day from the song, Hosanna, verse 1, “The whole earth shakes, The whole earth shakes.” We sang this song last Monday night, the 4th. (This song was requested in our meeting on the 8th also. Neither time was it because of this particular verse.)
On 1-9-21 Deb got. From a center column reference: (Psa.114:7) Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of the Lord, At the presence of the God of Jacob,
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