
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
UBBS 1.13.2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
The Faction Election War Won (14)
Info on the War
Friends, If you haven't already go to the front page of UBM1.org and get on our e-list. We have sent out important information. We know many of you are not connected to inside sources and don’t know what is going on so I am backing up a few days to share what is going on. Be sure to look in your spam and junk folders for past emailouts. Pay no attention to enemies warning flags on our emails. The only “danger" is to them when you know truth.
Things Will Change Now - Jan 11
If you are watching TV for news you will never know what is going on. The media is complicit with the communist Chinese and DS to overthrow our democracy/republic with lies and slander. The President signed the Insurrection Act and rightfully so. Martial Law could come at anytime also. The Deep State troops, an-ti-fa, b-l-m, radical islam, will make war against the Church and America. (I remind you that we have shared our dream intelligence that the DS has already tested a new plague that is truly deadly. You need to pay attention to our free book because you need supernatural passover protection. https://www.ubm1.org/books/pdf/GV.pdf )
Get food, peanut butter, jelly, coldcuts, bread, and cook up some stuff to last, water, money, gas in your car and extra tank. Banks may go down and credit cards. There will be blackouts in different areas so they can collect the indicted criminals. The evidence is overwhelming of this coup and much worse.
Parts From Various Sources
(Operation Disclosure, Myself, and others identified)
(Note from UBM: We appreciate the info below. As the Fog of War continues we will learn more particularly what is happening. Mean time we are not in total agreement with everything said.)
We are in a battle for our Republic against our own [D]eep State political elites, Vatican, CIA, British MI6, the Chinese Communist Party and Mass Media, who conspired to switch Trump votes to [B]iden in the fraudulent 2020 Election and turn America into a socialist state.
Washington DC remains on Lockdown.
POTUS would soon be activating the Emergency Broadcast System. (Done)
On Sat. 9 Jan. the 2018 Executive Order Insurrection Act was enacted by President Trump. This DOES NOT mean martial law, though gives President Trump many powers. (Ed. Note: Martial law can now come at any time)
On Sun. evening 10 Jan. Mass Arrests began in the US and UK. For the next nine days until Wed. 20 Jan. and at any time expect an Internet blackout and/or power outage (turn your Apple auto update toggle off on your phone so you can hear Emergency Broadcast System messages See this link).
You were asked to stay out of major cities especially Philadelphia and there was a possibility of a request to stay indoors for the nine days, for it could be a bumpy ride.
Mass arrests and power outages have begun in Pakistan, Germany, Italy and other parts of Europe. The arrests were ongoing and would be done in waves and phases by SOF units.
Satellites leased to the Vatican were used by [D]eep State Vatican, CIA, British MI6 and the Chinese Communist Party to switch Trump votes to [B]iden in the 2020 Election Fraud.
Expect confusion, a lot of disinformation from the Mass Media, high profile arrests, more bombshell evidence released and Trump to serve another four years.
A. Link to live Newsmax News: https://www.newsmaxtv.com/ (The President is here and on GAB https://gab.com/
B. Sun. 10 Jan. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:
POTUS signed the Insurrection Act on Sat 9 Jan. and asked for law and order: https://www.azcentral.com/videos/news/politics/elections/2021/01/06/trump-attempts-calm-rioters-u-s-capitol/6570920002/ http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/254
POTUS would likely activate the Emergency Broadcast System to communicate with We The People, as the fake stream media and social media shut down conservative news and truth telling.
There would be much confusion over the coming ten days until Wed. 20 Jan Inauguration (if it was not postponed by POTUS & DoD) and the Inauguration would be in the White House and not in the Capitol Building. (Update: I doubt there will be any inauguration for Biden but if there is He will still be arrested for his many crimes.)
POTUS survived another assassination attempt as of Sat morning 9 Jan as Juan O'Savin and Robert David Steele stated.
Overnight Sat. 9 to Sun. 10 Jan. there have been arrests in multiple countries by Special Force (SOF) units.
Some arrests were in regard to a Islamabad Pakistan temporary power outage where the Nevada Secretary of State emailed voter rolls to a Pakistani intelligence related company, and to stop a $5.4 Billion sale of General Electric to a CCP Chinese corporation.
There were arrests regarding a Rome Italy temporary power outage early Sun morning 10 Jan at the Vatican. There were road blocks in Italy as part of pandemic but they were used to help SOF units take care of business related to the Leonardo data satellites leased to the Vatican that were used by [D]eep State Vatican, CIA, British MI6 & CCP China to coordinate vote switching from Trump to [B]iden in the swing states Tue-Wed 3-4 Nov 2020.
Half of Vatican City's 650 leaders, about 300+, were already arrested last March 2020 when the 13 Satanist bloodline family heads, the Venetian Dark Nobility families, were arrested.
There were arrests regarding a Berlin Germany temporary power outage on Sat 9 Jan. 2021 regarding administrative related SOF unit collection of equipment related to Scytl / Dominion Voting System / Smartmatic CIA servers seized in Frankfurt.
Arrests of the higher profile [D]eep State folks (Biden Pelosi level) would not happen until the latter part of the Ten Days of Darkness and before the Wed 20 Jan Inauguration (that could be postponed). (Update: Pelosi has not been seen in almost 4 days. She texted Congress and had herself replaced by a temporary. Her laptops were captured by special forces and her treachery revealed there in. It is also reported that she was stopped at the border and arrested.)
The arrests would be done in waves and phases by SOF units.
The UK and USA arrests waves could start at any time (with power and communication outages) from Sun. night 10 Jan. and onward this week.
There would be more massive MOABs of disclosure and declassified documents showing criminality coming out over the next ten days.
Italy has been found complicit in our 2020 Election Fraud.
Everyone will be getting emergency alerts on their phones, tv's, radios & internet. It would override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time.
Do not to be scared of what's coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold.
DO NOT travel to any large cities (especially Philadelphia) for the rest of the month. Military operations will be taking place in many of the major corrupt cities.
People [[D]eep State Antifa BLM] will start rioting once this Intel breaks. The propaganda would be that Trump was a military dictator.
Trump and the Department of Defense Special Force Units have only 13 days to put this down. (Update: It will go well beyond this time)
Marines and National Guard troops were being moved as needed for the riots that would start after the national release of the Intel.
The Intel would be dropped for everyone to see and hear in loops that would be several hours long.
A few days ago the system was checked by the FCC alerting ALL media that they could not block the flow of Intel under federal regulations. (Update: All complicit media in the coupe will be taken over)
Trump would be moved continuously like a chess piece from now until the 20th in order to avoid any retaliation against him and family.
Trump had to exhaust ALL other means legally before this operation could commence. He gave everyone a fair chance to come clean and they refused.
His press release of a "smooth transition" did not include the word, "concede" as he has no plans to do so. Rather, there will be a smooth transition of power to his new cabinet, staff and Vice President, General Flynn.
The rally in DC Wed 6 Jan was an awesome event! The raids on the Capitol started with BLM and Antifa members (many from the Philly area) and included Capitol police or those posing as Capitol police. They opened up the barricades and doors to the Capitol and let them in.
It appears there were some Special Ops members dressed as Trump supporters who went in with the crowd of protesters that were able to secure 20+ laptops w/hard drives with data regarding se*x traffic*king Intel from both, Pelosi and Schumer's offices. (Update: They also showed they were running this false flag real time.)
C. Sun. 10 Jan. Simon Parkes Update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzheebPuCGU&feature=youtu.be
- Source close to decision making team said “This is not a drill.”
- We expected the announcement next Wed, not last night.
- The original plan was for the President to do an address last night at midnight EST and Mike Pompeo to release information every half an hour, then every 5-10-15 min.
- This didn’t happen because of events that occurred.
- Pakistan has had a 40% outage – General Electric – many US fighters have GE engines. Most of employees of GE did not realize it was sold to the Chinese – The Chinese wanted to do the deal in Pakistan, but the Trump team found out. The Chinese found out about Trump through Nancy Pelosi and now they wanted this deal very fast in China.
- President Trump and family were not at White House but in secured hiding.
- An Italian judge signed warrant for PM and a general to be arrested because of their involvement in 2020 Election fraud.
- Power outage in Germany has to do with the Dominion voting machines used in the 2020 Election.
- Closing borders to Canada so certain groups won’t flee.
- Coast Guard, Navy and Air Force were looking for groups trying to flee from the US.
- The Vatican controlled the satellites that threw Trump votes to Biden, Pope involved in pedophilia and believed dead but if not, will be arrested.
- Curfew in Quebec
- Yesterday regular troops were deployed in California
- Insurrection Act signed last night by President
- Trump will be inaugurated in the White House not publically
- They were expecting power outages in UK that could affect water pumps
- Big names would not go in first phase.
- Flynn could be next VP for Trump
- Mainstream Media would blank everything out at this point.
- All mainstream media clips would be made up.
- If alternative sites can’t be used they will use EB System
- This will go on until Jan. 19
- They are after big guys
- [B]iden will have to be arrested
- [B]iden’s laptop has pedo*philia, survivors of R*itual A*buse by Hunter [B]iden
- Think you will be asked to stay indoors.
Beginning later tonight it’s entirely possible that the ATMs, internet, and credit card processing will go down. If not tonight then perhaps Monday (1-11-21.)
US Has Just Declared War on China! - Simon Parkes Must Video
By Mark Baughman, Contributing Writer January 10, 2021
The Storm is upon us, dear Americans and Patriots worldwide brace yourself and have faith. The Great Awakening for the public is at hand. President Trump, the Q Team, military and especially our great military Special Operation are in control. Let us call it “Thor’s Hammer” of justice that is coming, as the picture above portrays. The [D]eep State players have all revealed their hands, to which side they are on, and Justice will rain around their whole corrupt organization worldwide. They have jumped in the dark hole of justice into the greatest sting in history. Those who do not know, the sting was to allow voter fraud to happen, so we can arrest all the players for high treason, even the voter precinct level. This has been going on from the Eisenhower Administration and for the last twenty-five years; all elections worldwide where fraud was committed by the Dominion computer software that the corrupt CIA invented. Therefore, all the leaders were NOT chosen by the People, it was chosen by the [D]eep State controllers. This is from high level intelligence in the military.
Come on, the nit-wits even used placing cardboard to cover the windows of the counting of the votes in a Democracy; of supposing free, open, and fair elections. But that was not the worse, by far, the extremely high crimes of treason, and foreign interference of the election, the Dominion computers that were really switching votes from overseas servers in Frankfort and other locations. Now to find out, the last piece of the puzzle was the Vatican leased satellites from NATO and an American ally, the Italian government. These were used to switch votes and to pay off the [D]eep State players, and to fund the operations. I have learned that most of the [D]eep State players had their bank accounts frozen, so the last piece of the puzzle; where in the hell were, they all getting funded for operations? Our high-tech NSA (National Security Agency) and the President's inner-circle were watching the voting fraud take place in real-time in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility). ALL was recorded for military tribunals in the future. They watched the votes get switched in real-time too. You have to understand, President Trump has to wait until all the “chips were on the table” and he knows where everyone's loyalties are. This meant waiting until the final vote for the electoral college and even if Vice-President Pence was loyal to the President. Then, on January 6, 2021, Vice-President Pence committed high treason and from Juan O’Savin, like many others have stated from research, that “Pence could have used his power to select or reject electoral votes at his will”. Pence could have chosen the electoral votes for Trump from the seven contested states that made clear voter fraud happened. Even the states Governors who signed the states voter certification knowing that there was massive voter fraud have committed high-treason and therefore signed their own “Death Warrants”. This would have been enough electoral votes to give the rightful winner on January 6, 2021 if Pence would have chosen the right electoral college votes. I was told on a conference call that Pence had his life and his family life threatened, that is why he did NOT do the right thing. This is why he betrayed his duty. I am sure this will not stop him from being charged, even if he is a clone, but from the decision he made and he could have saved the country in front of the camera. President Trump who we know won by 80.4% of the real vote, also monitored by the QVS (Quantum Voting System).
Do they really think they can get away with this stuff forever? President Trump will stop this here and now. The line in the sand is here and now! We cannot allow these paid off traitors and criminals to take over our government. It has to stop and now! The insiders like Juan O’Savin have stated this. You're either on the side of good or you are on the side of evil, just like I stated on my last article, there is NO compliancy, like in Congress, if your voted to certify the voter fraud at any level or help in the modification obstruct the observing of counting of votes, you are done! I am only telling the truth now, so maybe will you be saved. Step forward now, or we have wonderful prisons now in Greenland, Alaska, and Iceland, that from what I am told fourteen floors deep, and near the Arctic Circle. This is great to get sun tan off the reflection off the ice and snow! No chance of escape, or be a frozen popsicle forever. I do not feel sorry for anyone who ends up there.
This is the darkest hour before dawn! It looks like President Trump is defeated, but it only appears that way. When you have major Fake Main Stream Media; that do anything they can to use a negative scenario against him, they will pound him into the ground. This is the same as right after he won the election, the fake affairs he had, the Russian Hoax that did wake up many Americans and people abroad that President Trump was a great patriot and really cared for “The People”. Look at his accomplishments, just on peace treaties. One with North Korea and stopped any missile testing. Also, a great treaty between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, and was called the deal of the century! Trump has pulled American troops back to the United States from all over, and has not escalated any aggression worldwide. How can we say that to any [d]eep state puppet President?
Our military is in full control, the [D]eep State players have lost. On both sides all the “Chips on the table that really count” and the [D]eep State can only throw mud at President Trump and the Patriots on fake Stream Media. Our military has started and made many arrests in the background. Charlie Ward says there are 2,000 arrests a day. Our military is in full control over this coup d’état from foreign governments like the bad government of Britain especially MI6. The French, some in Canada, the Italian government, and the Vatican and it is known The CCP (Chinese Communists Party) are a major part of this too. This is really NOT political, or through Judicial channels, this is just to asset in the final takeover. This is an attempt to completely take over the American government. This is an “Act of War” and the American sovereignty is clearly at stake! Military Intelligence has uncovered a plot to take over the United States, the latest information from Lin Wood. There is where the American military comes in, and has too, above all departments in the government; “is sworn to fight against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Since President Trump and the Patriots had to bypass the corrupt Judicial system, the DOJ, FBI, CIA and clearly goes on the backs of the military, as the last line of defense. This includes arrests and military tribunals, to bypass the civilian courts of justice.
This will test many Americans, but there is no better time in history when about 77 million Americans voted for President Trump in the November 3, 2020 election. This will go public and it appears As Juan O’Savin has stated, “this is the RIGHT TIME in history to completely rid all these entities in one swoop of American’s and the Alliance’s military might.”
I learned yesterday that President Trump did invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807, a federal law where the President can deploy U.S. troops and National Guard in America to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion.
Now, let us go over the January 6, 2021 breach of the capitol building. Most have learned already, that NO real Trump supporter forced their way in, broke anything or committed crimes. They were peaceful. This is a normal “False-Flag” event of the [D]eep State playbook, create a fake riot at the right time, blame it on the good side and have Fake Stream Media turn a lie into the truth, by saying it over and over again. This is the same as the fake C19 virus, that is no more than the flu. It is like the False-Flag attacks “Gulf of Tonkin” that started the Vietnam war, the 9/11 attack that was orchestrated by the both Bush’s, the CIA and the Mossad to start the fake “War of Terror” that cost America almost six trillion dollars. If you want to know this was a normal Nazi tactic, go back to “Operation Canned Goods” that was a false-flag attack on Poland done by German Troops to create an appearance of Polish aggression, and is what started World War II. Germany General Hermann Goering confessed to this at the Nuremberg trials after World War II.
Back to what happened on January 6th, there were Antifa members disguised as Trump supporters with their hats on “backwards”. This was the intel I received on January 5th, 2021. This was a planned event to disrupt the Congressional proceedings by Antifa, who are just minions of the [D]eep State doing their false-flag event. Most people saw the videos of the Congressional police moving the barricades and allowing the protesters to the door and the campus police ran away, once the breech of the doors. The damage both inside and outside, and even the horned hatted bare-chested guy who breached the Congress Chambers, was Jake Angeli, who is a leftist agent provocateur and who had taken part in BLM march months earlier. This tells you a lot, that it is the same paid actors, or activists over and over again. The woman who was shot and died appears to be a patriot. It is a shame that that would happen. From my sources, many patriots were there at the Trump rally, and wanted to save America from this coup, it appears she was one of them. But there were Special Operation military dressed up as Trump supporters too. The Alliance knew of the [D]eep State’s plan, and were there to grab the Congressional traitors’ laptops. This is government property. President Trump’s team wanted the incriminating evidence that they planned this event on the Capitol building. This was confirmed by Lt. General Thomas McInerney. This is why Pelosi created the articles of impeachment to get Trump before he gets her, it is as simple as that. That will not happen. All the traitors and their plans will be exposed. I heard she was arrested on January 8th, but this has not been confirmed yet. I know there are about 8,000 troops surrounding Washington D.C. to not let any of these treasonous traitors leave.
We know that the “old corrupt guard” in Washington, the fake MSM, and the “Big Tech” companies with severe shadow banning of information on the internet is “obvious” that Trump and real information was not treated fairly and even these outlets committed treason from the First Amendment of the Constitution of “Free Speech”. Whoever conspired against a duly elected President and “The People of the United States” will get their just due; arrested and trial under the newer laws as “enemy combatants”. This is who they are by trying to over-through our government. A quote from a high source is: “2020 has been utilized to become the greatest coup d’état in Universal history. The whole world is watching as the Old System is being dismantled.”
What does the near future hold? The big thing is that all this will be revealed to the public, because we have well over 80% percent of the public, or over 77 million voters supported President Trump. That is how many really voted for him. We are not sure how this information will be presented to the public, though. But we cannot have fake MSM going on at the same time. It looks like President Trump will use the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) with seven messages to everyone cell phones and TV sets to tell the first information on the coup and the treason that has happened against the people and real government of the United States.
From my sources, all media, internet and TV programming, so the military can broadcast 10 days of 3 X 8 hour sessions, of video confessions, military tribunals that have happened, lots of evidence for the scandals listed in the STORM articles that President Trump will release in the major seven messages. While this is happening, the Alliance will be removing governments worldwide and making global arrests of more than 600,000 indictments. This is the Global Awakening!
From my sources, GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act)/NESARA (American) will be invoked worldwide from the agreement signed in 2015 with all 209 countries worldwide. This will stop all wars, poverty and hunger worldwide. All countries will conform to peace and laws of GESARA, that will rid the world of the corrupt central banking system and fully activate the QFS (Quantum Financial System) which has been running in the background for one and one-half years. It will be fair to all, and the cheated monies will go back to the general public and all will be returned, overtime. An example is the IRS money in America was illegal, all will be returned with interest. One subject that came up yesterday’s conference call was the UBI (Universal Base Income) for everyone on the planet, to end poverty and hunger. The decision on how much, is still being decided. All debt will be erased, all people and all countries. This will be the start of real Freedom for all the people of the planet. All will be cleared up by March and April, from reports.
What has happened in the background is that a NEW Republic has been created and invoked on November 2, 2020, and the election was not for the new Republic. This takes the Republic to the real U.S. Constitution back, that was secretly taken away by the illuminati in 1871, and restores the Constitution to the original form. All the current political people that are good, even President Trump will have to run again in 120 days again, from November 2, 2020, this looks like the count-down. Judy Byington on Restored Republic report says that President Trump will be inaugurated on March 2, 2021. Biden will NOT be President and has been arrested and from my reports already. The inauguration will be delayed and from my reports with the New Republic invoked the rumor of General Flynn taking over with President Trump in the background is true. From my sources, the New Republic probably, but not for sure, will be public before the 20th of January 2021. Also, in Trump’s speech a few days ago, he admitted to allowing the new transition, he just did not clarify it. It means the New Republic!
Everyone, this is going to get our real freedom back and this is a very enlightening time on this planet. Be thankful for our military, President Trump and the Alliance, pray for their safety. Many leaders worldwide and militaries are a part of the Alliance too. The illuminati and [D]eep State criminals have been and are being rounded up. The time for all humanity to celebrate and rejoice is at hand! The Great Awakening is coming!
From Pelosi’s laptops that were seized:
The Pence Flip Flop from a leftist point of view (link) tells the story. They were counting on him to overthrow Trump with their 25th amendment. Was this planned by Trump from the beginning? Pence's temporary departure from the Presidents wishes led him into the enemy camp and now back out with what information? And this has revealed many more traitors. It looks planned.
Portions of: https://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com/2021/01/restored-republic-via-gcr-as-of-jan-13.html
Since Wed. 6 Jan. Washington DC has been under lockdown. On Sat. 9 Jan. President Trump mobilized the Military.
Ten Days of Darkness began on Sun. 10 Jan. – and would end Inauguration Day 20 Jan.
On that Sun. 10 Jan. the Insurrection Act was activated by President Trump – which gave him certain powers on making arrests, etc.
By the next Mon. 11 Jan. President Trump had declared an emergency in Washington DC.
The Military was collecting evidence of political elite conspiring with foreign nations to take over the US. Behind the scenes the Q Team and Alliance were working to take down the Cabal.
On that Mon. 11 Jan. there were 280 Chinese Corporations that were taken off the NY Stock Exchange. They showed on the Exchange, but couldn’t be traded – a cover up of the Cabal. Though it made the market crash and Nancy Pelosi to go missing.
On that same Mon. 11 Jan. Intel person for the Alliance Simon Parkes spent three hours talking to Q, and then reported that a countdown to Alliance Mass Arrests began during Mike Pompeo’s speech at the Voice of America on Mon. afternoon. During the speech Military teams which were embedded all over the globe, received their marching orders.
We were in a battle for our Republic against our own [D]eep State political elites, Vatican, CIA, British MI6, the Chinese Communist Party and Mass Media, who conspired to switch Trump votes to [B]iden in the fraudulent 2020 Election and wished to turn America into a socialist state.
Do not to be scared of what's coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold. ATMs, Internet and credit card processing could go down at any time. If you're instructed to stay indoors it's for your own safety. Do not engage the military. They are part of a global op to take down the deep state cabal and are not threatening to The People.
Everyone will be getting emergency alerts on their phones, tv's, radios and internet. It would override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time.
Be ready to have five days of no cash, no credit card and no internet. Make sure you're stocked up on food, water, meds, fuel, candles/batteries, pet supplies, and cash. We expect periodic POSSIBLE power outages, telephone or cell phone outages, or Internet... be prepared for anything. They're suggesting perhaps 10 days worth.
B. Tues. 12 Jan. Charlie Ward and Scott McKay Update: https://drcharlieward.com/scott-mckay-reveal-the-take-back-operation/
The Military was prepped for BLM and Antifia leadership to be arrested
The Emergency Broadcast System could go down tonight 12 Jan. midnight EST
Make sure you have Signal, Clout Hub and Telegram
There were 280 Chinese Corporations that have been taken off the NY Stock Exchange. They show but you can’t trade them.
Trump has total control over Washington DC. Nancy [P]elosi was now check-mated.
They took the Vatican out in March of last year 2020. They emptied the Vatican Bank and all it’s assets.
The Vatican rented the satellite from Italy that ran the Dominion machines that did the 2020 Voter Fraud.
In order to do that the Vatican was funded by the Chinese Communist Party.
C. Tues. Jan. 12 Charlie Ward, Robert David Steele: https://drcharlieward.com/robert-david-steele-discusses-latest-updates-with-nicholas-veniamin/
There was no question that the 2020 Election was stolen and there was a multitude of evidence to back it up.
The Military was in control of Washington DC and they told [P]elosi that they would back Trump as president.
The CIA and FBI were compromised and actually covering up 2020 Election Fraud and pedo*philia.
Twitter and Facebook took out the President’s platforms.
[B]iden would either be taken down or would be arrested.
There were 15,000 Military in DC. Pennsylvania Avenue has been blocked off and secured.
The NSA has been weaponized, were making arrests and holding tribunals.
The President was holding a royal flush.
Some of the Mainstream Media has already gone down.
The President was probably going to do an Emergency Broadcast to the nation. If the different networks didn’t broadcast it they would lose their licenses.
We had total information dominance on perpetrators.
Over 8 million children have gone missing per year. Supposedly some have been rescued from underground tunnels.
Pedoempire.org was a website where all kinds of evidence has been gathered on pedo*philia
Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes and Robert David Steel have contact with General Flynn and the President’s Team and have been given Intel to get out to the public.
The US and UK were terminating their relationship with each other which has held the US under thumb of the UK since the early 1800s.
Israel, the UK and the Vatican were the enemies of the US.
The Federal Reserve was a front for the corrupt banking families and has been brought under control.
We are going to throw the UN out of New York.
We were ending thousands of years of Sat*anic pedo*philia.
The Pope has covered up for pedo*philia.
The Insurrection Act was near to being used.
The governors in 6-12 states, courts were compromised.
The only people who were not compromised were the Military and sheriffs.
The Cabal in the US and UK should be taken down by 1 April.
D. Author Unknown:
Wed. 6 Jan.: He has to present the evidence, then either [B]iden capitulates, or he’s arrested. Governors in all Sat*anic states will be arrested the same day, then mayors, judges, etc. Then he has to re-arrange Covid and the economy = NESARA in less than two hours if he wants.
They might as well round up the Rinos, Demos, FDA, Sec. etc. while they have kindly congregated in one place for us, and report that they are doing so over the EBS.
As a result of the EBS there might be lynch mobs in the street – they are going to show the Killary/ Huma dance with the girl’s face – I’ve presented a plan whereby the lynch will not happen. Instead, the people are kinda forced to provide the Sat*anic folks with food and clothing – they will be walking everywhere and not have one penny to their name – very easy to do.
Although there are known Sat*anic enclaves – the people might be inclined to expunge them after what they will see on the TV.
He can do all of that under the Insurrection Act and that they are all involved in the fraudulent voting and still have the Inauguration to unite the People – like this march on DC is doing. The entire charade for the last couple of years has been to wake up the idiots = hard to do, easier to fool them.
Attention, today (Wed. 6 Jan.) President Trump signed two laws that change the course of history. One, which aims to combat deception about Covid! The other commemorates the 100th anniversary of the issuance of a silver coin, or "Morgan dollar," urging the issuance of the "peace dollar." The gold-silver standard is here. Let's see how long it takes for the markets to realize this. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/bill-announcement-010521/
Thurs. Jan. 7: Sidney Powell says despite the fact that they certified the electors, President Trump still has the full power of the foreign interference E.O. to toss out the whole thing! Lin Wood also says Trump will be in for the next 4 years, despite what you are hearing. He has the sworn affidavit from Italy from how they rigged the numbers for [B]iden which was delivered to Trump, Gohmert, Flynn and to the senate and house members at 1:12 pm yesterday before they certified the election. So they knowingly certified a fraudulent election! Also yesterday before president Trump spoke, they and 25 other American citizens filed a grand jury investigation which was given to them in the US constitution... It has been used 8 times in our history with a 100% success rate. Unless Trump concedes, which he has not done despite what the news is saying... [B]iden will not be the president on January 20th.
Jan. 10 Update, Simon Parkes: https://www.simonparkes.org/post/10th-january-update "Do not watch Main Stream Media" fake news as well as they may air CGI images of Trump - Not REAL."
E. Tues. 12 Jan. Simon Parkes Update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkBefjl_fB8 https://parler.com/profile/SimonParkes/posts https://www.bitchute.com/simon_parkes/ https://www.youtube.com/simonparkes
Originally Q was four guys and a Quantum Computer that operates at a speed of light and collects information that was capable of looking into the future.
A number of [Q]Anon teams were selected and the group grew.
The Anon movement is unpaid across the US.
The Quantum Computer does drops to the Anons.
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 13 Jan. 2021
Compiled Wed. 13 Jan. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Source: Dinar Chronicles
For Uncensored News: https://www.newsmaxtv.com/
“Trump was Awesome” https://youtu.be/xKOQdcVoRys
“The Time Has Come” Trump: https://rumble.com/vco08d-a-message-from-trump-today.html
Judy Note: According to Charlie Ward the Emergency Broadcast System could go down midnight EST 12 Jan. Then Trump would be able to communicate with The People without censorship of the Main Stream Media, which was also on it’s way out.
The President’s EBS announcements would act as a cover for the RV Tier 4B and Shotgun Liquidity release as part of the war to bring down the [D]eep State globally.
There were 15,000 Military in DC. Pennsylvania Avenue has been blocked off and secured. The NSA has been weaponized, were making arrests and holding tribunals. The Military was prepped for Black Lives Matter and Antifia leadership to be arrested. There would be two phases of arrests: from now to 19 Jan, and from 19 Jan. for the next 90 days.
[B]iden would either concede, or be inaugurated and shortly thereafter be arrested.
A new presidential election for the Restored Republic would take place for an inauguration in March 2021. The election would be done using the Quantum Voting Computer that identifies eligible voters and tabulates their votes in a transparent system that works in seconds.
The Q Team has trusted in Simon Parkes, Robert David Steele and Dr. Charlie Ward to disseminate Intel to The People. This week they also reported:
The leaders were chosen by the administration.
The person responsible to maintain the network is embedded with the Trump Team, is associated with Q and speaks to Simon Parkes, who passes the information on to The People.
An affidavit about fraud in the 2020 Election by the Italian government was delivered to the Congress before they decided to ratify [B]iden as president – thereby the Congress committed Treason. They didn’t undertake an investigation and chose to bury the fraud perpetrated on the American people.
In 2016 President Trump had documentation that 85% of the government was corrupt. His Q Team created a group of non-corrupt people who could step in if Congress were taken down.
Members of the Italian government worked with the Vatican to change the votes of the 2020 Election. They transferred information via satellite to Frankfurt Germany.
[O]bama, [C]lintons and around ten others stored away staggering amounts of monies at the Vatican Bank.
[O]bama moved $400 million (from the Iran deal) into the Vatican Bank to take down President Trump.
In the Q movement 200 generals have worked for decades (since 1963) in the Alliance to take down the Cabal.
On Wed. 6 Jan. President Trump watched everything play out at the Capitol from a secure location.
Kennedy was murdered because he was trying to instigate the Gold Standard and take down the Federal Reserve.
America returning to the Gold Standard returns Taxpayer monies to The People and sets humanity free.
Parkes has been offered a Q position and could move to Scottsdale Arizona (home of the Q movement).
Parkes wants to build a healing center where there were med beds for the tortured children who have been rescued from the underground tunnels.
F. Mon. 22 Jan. President Donald Trump’s Parlor Account (on Gab): Dear Patriots, When Nancy [P]elosi contacted the Joint Chiefs to request the Nuclear Codes be kept from me, it appears she committed a seditious act. Her attempts to interfere in my administration are a national security threat. We are looking at the various federal criminal statues we will use to charge her. Some of the penalties include up to 20 years in prison and in some cases, the death penalty. We also have evidence that she has connections to the Chinese Communist Party, which will lead to additional charges. Thank you for your support and please spread the word that this is my official Parler account.
G. Thurs. 7 Jan. 2021 Michael Green From Gregory Ervin: https://www.unitednetwork.news/content/detail/5ffc55d1eb0922001248673f/Life-Force-Meeting-1102021 (link does not work)
Dear Patriots:
Some of you may recognize my name. I have daily briefing with POTUS and have posted here before a handful of times as a "helper". What I'm about to disclose is the most important post you'll read before the inauguration. Q will not post here again, at least not for a while.
The operation is ongoing but must run silent at this point. Once we wind down you will not hear from Q again. Don't let this worry or upset you. We are in perhaps the most critical juncture of American history. POTUS is fully aware of the gravity of this time period. We have prepared from before 2015 for this exact moment.
I am not asking for faith in us. Q should have already used logic, reason, and multiple proofs to establish our credibility. What happens this week will change history. We are asking you for now to stay in your homes and do NOT under any circumstances interfere with the operation. You'll soon see things unfold that many would think impossible. POTUS is insulated and 100% safe. Our plan is almost complete. The DS has already lost. Everything you're seeing in the MSM and on Twitter is a last-ditch attempt. Why has Kamala not yet left the senate? Where is Joe? Where is Joe really?
Hunter has turned himself in.
We asked you at the beginning to prepare. Your role is crucial, and your task is to help the population deal with that is about to be revealed. Those patriots who have been here from the start will understand and recognize this directive. Remember, it is always darkest before the dawn.
Do not believe the MSM over the next week. Do not, for a single minute give them any credence. We have legally won this election and what comes next is the greatest mop up job in the history of the world. Patriots, we thank you. We could not have gotten here without you. Now is our time. Hold the line. You will receive no further message on this channel from us until the operation is over. At that point, the entire world will know.
Thank you and God bless. Pray for us, POTUS, and the United States of America. We are in the most dangerous phase and the stakes could not be higher. Military takedowns and arrests begin this weekend and will continue forward for the next 13 days/nights. Some international raids have already started. Italy has also been found complicit in our election fraud.
Everyone will be getting emergency alerts on their phones, tv’s, radios & internet. It will override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time. Do not to be scared of what’s coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold. DO NOT travel to any large cities (especially Philadelphia) for the rest of the month. Military operations will be taking place in many of the major corrupt cities.
People will start rioting once this intel breaks, thinking Trump is a military dictator. He only has 13 days to put this dog down. The implementation of the Insurrection Act began after the raid on the Capitol and was marked by Trump’s broadcast to the people to disband and return home. This broadcast wound up being blocked, for the most part, by the media. Nevertheless, his address fulfilled the requirements to initiate the Act.
Marines and National Guard troops are being moved as needed for the riots that will start after the national release of the intel. The intel will be dropped for everyone to see and hear in loops that will be several hours long. The system was just checked by the FCC a few days ago alerting ALL media that they cannot block the flow of intel under federal regs. Trump will be moved continuously like a chess piece from now until the 20th in order to avoid any retaliation against him and family.
This is very important Share with your friends More info @Mrdonald_trump
H. Tues. 12 Jan. Panic in DC: Area 17 Ground Zero -- Panic in DC, Military Operation on US Capitol Confirmed
I. Tues. 12 Jan. Massive News, Charlie Ward by Kat: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/01/massive-news-from-charlie-ward-and.html?m=1
“When all is exposed, 98% of Washington will fall.”…Julian Assange
“When all is said and done 95% of the US government would be gone.”…JFK Jr. (Juan O’Savin)
John Raymond, Head of Space Force and the brain behind the Global Broadcast Satellite, would soon give President Trump direct access to citizens that no media company could censor.
Links to find Charlie Ward after all the big Chinese Communist Party are taken down today:
The GESARA Club https://thegesaraclub.com
Charlie Ward BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/drcharlieward/
Charlie Ward Website https://drcharlieward.com
J. Tues. 12 Jan. Nancy [P]elosi Gone: https://www.nationandstate.com/2021/01/12/nancy-pelosi-absent-today-designates-debbie-dingell-as-speaker-pro-tempore/
K. Tues. 12 Jan. Trump: https://trendingpolitics.com/breaking-trump-makes-first-on-camera-appearance-in-days-watch-now-before-big-tech-removes-the-video/
L. Mon. 11 Jan. Facebook sees $34 billion erased from market cap as Trump-ban fallout continues to spook tech investors: https://www.newsbreakapp.com/n/0YGsKfZ2?&s=a99&pd=05FSnygP&hl=en_US
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