
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
UBBS 1.31.2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
The Faction Election War Won (19)
Passover, Earthquakes and the Enemies
David Eells 1/31/21
Please seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. We must eat the Lamb for deliverance from the coming Passover and earthquakes. Jesus, our Lamb, has already been sacrificed according to 1Co 5, and all that is left is to eat Him who is the Word of God. People must go beyond their religious traditions and believe the promises to partake in this Passover. While I realize that our prayers will cover some who are ignorant, we seek this goal of assimilating His Word for promises and justification by faith and resulting protection for what is ahead.
Insiders have been ordained by the Trump government to leak information so there is plausible deniability on their part.
Behind the Demoncratic Communist party of the DS and their msm and tech giants and bribed heads of nations has been the money of the Chinese Communist Party. These monies are being drained to bring down all of the above. About a week ago the CCP made a desperate effort to replenish this by attempting to take Taiwan which has stored monies to support the GCR. An air battle between the CCP and the US Air-force and maybe Space Force with Taiwans Air-force and the CCP lost badly. XI Jinping Has been arresting DS CCP officials and is seeking a Republic for he desires to take part in Nesara/Gesara economy. Taiwan and President Trump have joined him with their military forces to help him in this effort and they are being successful. It is very ironic that two underground bases of the CCP were waiting to invade when Biden took over, which he has not. Almost all of his Executive orders are in the trash can. These bases were taken out by a bunker buster and rod of God. Remaining in Mexico are 250,000 more CCP troops which our military says will not be a problem. These troops may well be being beheaded of the CCP head now in their own country and ours.
This means one thing that the Demoncratic Communist party, the DS, their msm, and tech giants, and the CCP are in trouble and getting backed into a corner. These already sent a Covid 19 plague on our country which has deteriorated but now includes their vaccines which are killing many. We have been told by the Lord in dreams a far more dangerous plague is ready to be released by them. They have threatened bio-bomb but they have used Chemtrail planes in the past.
It is likely that P. Trump will be inaugurated as President of the Restored Republic when the constitution says it must happen on March 4th. The enemy is desperate to stop him.
On Jan 29, 2021, Garrett Crawford sent this:
A Fedex warehouse has tens of thousands of body bags in storage and is shipping them all over the US. Is the enemy preparing for another pandemic? A warehouse person took videos of this https://youtu.be/jpgTBZbUTKA A couple of days later other internet news sources picked this up.
And evidently elite people are looking for a place to hide outside the country in Alberta. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/rich-person-booked-all-446-rooms-at-alberta-canadian-lodge-for-65-days-shtf-retreat A Rich Person Booked All 446 Rooms at Alberta Canadian Lodge For 65 Days -- SHTF Retreat? (This cost somebody $ 5,798,000) The estate is a collection of log cabins and other buildings that is spread over 700 acres. It is well known for attracting high profile guests.
(Michael called to check out this story and found they are booked up, like the story says, from Feb 23-April 29th. The Passover of the plague on Egypt is celebrated in 2021 on the evening of Mar 27 for a 7 day festival ending on April 3. After the plague it took the people 7 days to get to the Red Sea. So since the DS has a thing for past dates that could be the plague between Feb 23-March 27th. But of course all the publicity could caused them to change this too.)
The first full day of Passover is March 28th. Consider at this time the Egyptian historians reported looking up and seeing the “destroyer” as a red planet or dragon that we call Planet X or Nibiru. This would have been shaking the earth and surely the Red Sea. They could have seen this for over 40 days. We received this in our prayer meeting by faith at random this morning: Deb Horton got: (Hag.2:20) And the word of Jehovah came the second time unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying, (21) Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth; (22) and I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms; and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother. (23) In that day, saith Jehovah of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith Jehovah, and will make thee as a signet; for I have chosen thee, saith Jehovah of hosts. (Notice the purpose of this great shaking is to bring down the enemies who want to bring us into bondage.)
Consider these dreams given to Eve Brast about the Passover and earthquakes:
Apostates and Government Fail to Force Church into their Evil but Earthquake Kills Leadership
A Pakistani (meaning pure place) foreigner found Eve, as a type of the Bride, in her dream only to become converted. Eve said, She then handed me the piece of cardboard. I took it in my right hand (I'm naturally left-handed) and held it up toward the light to my right. She had written the Roman numerals XXVIII on it. As I was doing this, a voice from behind me and up and to my right resonated through my being, asking, "Are you ready for March 28th?" I answered, "Yes". After this, the Pakistani woman turned into a child, came around and took shelter under my right arm, which became a wing with white feathers. (Update: Some dont understand the Passover but are innocent towards the Lord. We can cover them with our faith.) This is when the dream ended. (Eve had this dream on 10/10/10. The very next March 28th was a significant day. March 28th in Roman Numerals represents the day the Roman Catholic [meaning "universal"] Church attempted, with the Roman beast government, to force the Jews [representing the Christians] on threat of death into their corrupt religion just as the factious are attempting today. This attempt was thwarted by God using an earthquake on what is now March 28th [see below]. We are not saying anything will happen on the 28th date but the parallel as symbolism is unmistakable. Could something like this be a demonstration for the apostate church's sake. Because of this and more to come, those who have been given repentance and discernment among them may come under the authority and protection of the Bride, as in the dream above. When Haman, as the antichrist beast, got an edict to destroy the Jews, it was Mordecai the Man-child and Esther the Bride who were used to save them as Haman was hung like Judas, by his own hand.)
Today in Jewish History: Monday, March 28, 2011 - 22 Adar II, 5771
Earthquake Saves Roman Jews from Forced Conversion (1430)
The church and the government of Rome set Wednesday, March 6, 1430, as the day when all the Jews of Rome must convert or face death. On that day, a great earthquake shook Rome and many of the archbishops and priests who conceived the decree were killed. Following the earthquake, Pope Martin V annulled the decree. (Update March 28 is on our Passover this year.)
Seems this great quake on 22 Adar ll, 5771 fell on our March 28, 2011 as a warning sign. This quake delayed the Roman Beast and Harlot's plans to force the Jews to submit to their order. These modern Apostate leaders are attempting to force the people of God into an agreement with them. (Japan got a terrible 9.0 quake which took their land when they called for a Palestinian state to divide Israel on the 9th of March 2011. A major earthquake hit Chile 24 hours after they would recognize a Palestinian state. Take warning, apostates and America -- the same could happen to you.) The New Madrid is ready to divide America. There is no mistaking the type, judgments falling simultaneously when God’s people are pressured into agreement with the faction and apostates. Israel is also a type and shadow for the Church. Massive judgments will fall on the beast and harlot when they attempt to bring the true People of God under their apostasy. God judges those who divide Israel's land and the Churches spiritual land.
Earthquakes coming during the times of these dreams. We reported in the last broadcast that Saturn was wobbling and then tilted over, it looked like 40-45 degrees from their depiction. https://phys.org/news/2021-01-saturn-tilt-moons.html Now it is being reported that Mars is wobbling. Frances McKenzie sent this in: https://strangesounds.org/2021/01/mars-wobble-mystery-rotation.html They said, "Why is Mars not rotating on a straight axis? The Red Planet is wiggling and wobbling as it spins, and astronomers have no idea why." I believe this is all due to Planet X / Nibiru passing through. Many have said this would be March and April.
Seven Earthquakes / New Madrid / Man-child
Eve Brast - 04/23/2012 (David’s notes in red)
Here is the portion of the dream in context: I dreamed I was high above Earth, sitting on the clouds and to the right of Tom Welling, the actor who plays Superman in the Smallville TV series. (This was odd to me because I don't ever dream of superheroes, but I understood the parable of Superman being Jesus in the Man-child with the latter rain anointing and supernatural abilities.)
He was pointing and showing me places where earthquakes were to take place around the globe and telling me about them. But the strange thing is the Earth was wrapped in a golden yellow tarp that was made of the same material as the yellow rain coat that my son Josiah wears. (It used to belong to my dad and was way too big for him but he loved to wear it when it rained.)
On top of the raincoat tarp was the red outline of all the continents of the Earth and each place that there was going to be an earthquake was the outline of a star in red. I only remember two places: one was around the Great Lakes (New Madrid) area in the U.S. (I remembered this one well because when I saw it in the dream I thought about the American Earthquake Brings Revival dream of 3/14/12. The other was in South America. (The Great Lakes / New Madrid quake could be the one that destroys the economy. Read Midwest Earthquake of Epic Proportions. And this could be the time of the manifestation of the Man-child reformers for Jesus died with an earthquake but was resurrected at a "Great Earthquake" 3 days later which I believe is the New Madrid.)
There were seven stars (earthquakes) altogether that he pointed out to me.
This reminds me of the seven booms that I heard after waking up from the Forgiving the Repentant dream of 4/02/12 below.
After the booms ended, a song was playing in my mind. The lyrics are:
I can walk on water
I can fly
I will keep on fighting till I die
(Supernatural abilities of Jesus in the Man-child.) (Who goes to work after these earthquakes)
Eve Brast - 04/02/2012 (David's notes in red)
When the Israelites saw those who wanted to bring them into Bondage on the shores of the Red Sea, they had a time of celebration which could have brought them to April 11th and Moses bringing them into the wilderness. Conside this dream:
Dream of Earthquakes Around the World
Eve Brast - 4/02/09. (David’s notes in red)
Here is the portion of the dream in context:The angels pulled up to the hospital. It was dark, early morning just before the dawn broke. I went up a stairwell to the second floor to find my assigned locker in the nurses' lounge and place the food and drink that had been provided for me in the locker. Suddenly, many children dressed in Army BDUs came filing past me, getting ready for something, some event. (Could these be the Man-children preparing to do battle?) As I looked up from them, to my right I saw the commander of all the troops and I knew him instantly, even though I had never met him. His name was Adam (the last Adam, Jesus in the Man-child) and I said his name as we hugged and greeted each other with great joy! We were both the same rank. (They have the same authority because Jesus lives in the Bride.) After he hugged me, he asked me with excitement and great joy, "Are you ready for April 11th?" (Update: A sign was given on April 11th which was a record for large earthquakes around the world. Also, the largest strike slip earthquake on record [8.6] happened; it moved the earth 70+ feet. We have been shown that these large earthquakes are coming at the time of the coming of the Man-child ministry. And check out this video of four-foot hail that fell in Texas on the 11th.)
Eve: I said, "I sure am!" He said, "Well, okay then. Put your things away and report to Operating Room 6". I said, "Yes, sir!" Then I woke up. (Operating Room 6 represents cutting off the flesh and death to the old man.) The Father gave me Song of Solomon 8:6 for the Operating Room 6. (Notice, the verse 8:6 was also the size of the largest slip fault quake on April 11 above, an 8.6. Could this be foretelling, not necessarily a date, but what this date represents in the future, a day of many great quakes and a slip fault quake? This Song of Solomon verse says that Jesus is the seal upon the Bride's heart but the verse numbers and title is what the Lord magnified to me: 8 is the number of Jesus and 6 is the number of man, so Jesus in man is the Man-child and this is completed in spirit at the anointing and sending. This is also when the Groom in the Man-child and the Bride find each other, which is the story of Song of Solomon.)
The second dream was given to me on 4/06/09. Here is the portion in context: I went back to the barracks tent and I saw the same commander of all the troops named Adam. He was supervising our preparation for the road march we were going on (going into wilderness tribulation).
Note: I had also, at the beginning of a fast, asked the Father for a dream to explain the meaning of April 11, 2013. Up until the end of the second day, I had not received one. I wondered why and I heard in my spirit, "The morning of the third day". So I realized the Father was going to give me the dream on the morning of the third day. (In Hosea 6:2,3, The Lord comes as the latter rain on the "morning of the third day" as the Man-child to lead the woman into the wilderness.) When I woke up, I wrote it down. It is along the same theme as the other dreams about April 11th: We are packing to go somewhere and also it reminds me of Moses being anointed and we all started packing to go somewhere and ended up on the trailer, pulled by Moses on a John Deere tractor. (Going into the wilderness behind John the Baptists repentance preaching to work in the harvest.)
Dreams from: https://www.ubm1.org/?page=earthquakes-my-people-will-be-delivered
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