
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
UBBS 2.21.2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
The Faction Election War Won (24)
Riaan and I, Claire, each had a dream of President Trump on the same night. We're not watching ANY news at the moment so we have no idea about what's happening in the USA at the moment.
Trump Says, "Sidney Will Succeed"
Claire Pienaar - 2/14/2021 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed I was looking for food in a grocery store. I was in America and there was no real food on any of the shelves. (The DS warfare, including weather warfare, against the food supply is showing.). As I walked through the aisle where all the canned goods (Preserved food) were, President Trump turned into the aisle and pointed a finger at me. He was wearing a black robe – like the Supreme Court judges wear – and he said, “Sidney Powell is right. She WILL succeed”. (Meaning she will win her case before the Supreme Court.)
It appears from this dream that the Supreme Court will rule that voter fraud happened on 11/3/20. It is clear from the safeguards that the Trump administration put into the ballots that he won by 80.4% of the vote. Three cases are being heard beginning on 2/19/2021. Lin Wood presents one, Sidney Powell presents another, and Rudy Giuliani presents the third. It appears that the Supreme Court will declare President Trump the winner. Then Biden will have to give up his fake White House.
At first I thought, “Why is he wearing a dress?” and then it made sense to me as he is judging the DS actions. He was not accusatory, he was triumphant. I thought it was pretty cool that he came to tell me this in the grocery store. There was no-one else around. (He maybe wearing their robe because they will rule for him. They will put him officially in office even though he has been ruling through the military.)
I asked the Lord for a verse by faith at random and received the following: John 18:37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end have I been born, and to this end am I come into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. (President Trump is a King who has been sent by the Lord and has been crucified by these criminals. He has born witness to the truth and those who believe the truth believe him and the satanists hate him.)
Trump Shows Children War Maps
Riaan Pienaar - 2/14/21 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed a short, quick dream of President Trump. He was huddled with children – and I was one of the children. We were looking over a hand-drawn map. He was waiting for the adults to leave and then showed the children the progress of the war on the map. (The children are the true people of the Kingdom. Mar 10:15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall in no wise enter therein. Mat 11:25 At that season Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes.)
The map had red (Trumps color on the vote map) and yellow circles (His enemies who are normally blue are in fear, yellow, and on the run because he is back in office.) He said “Look, this is how far south we’ve progressed in the war”. I have no idea what the map was of. It looked like a narrow basin, maybe the size of a small state. (The war against the DS is progressing well underground and above ground. An estimate of somewhere between 85 to 90% of the underground bases and tunnels have been taken by the Alliance. Only a few strongholds are left above ground in China, Iran, and Israel. The CCP is going down.)
I asked the Lord for a word by faith at random and my finger landed on “but these mine enemies” – Luke 19:27 But these mine enemies, that would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. (The triumphant judge, in this case God’s will through Trump, returns and renders the verdict which is sure to come to pass.)
(In spite of the enemies and their future attacks against us we are headed to victory at the Red Sea by the hand of God. So dont get double minded with what appears to be setbacks because God is using all these things to promote the rebuilding of the Kingdom of God as apostate Christianity comes down by this beast. Here are some prophecies that speak of the ultimate victory over the criminal entities.)
Mark Taylor prophecy on 10-7-15: America, America (David’s notes in red)
The spirit of God says, "America, America, oh how I love theel America, America, oh how I have chosen thee! For as England was to the D-Day invasion, so shall America be for my end time harvest. For England was the Headquarters, the hub from which the D-Day assault was launched, so shall it be for my America for the end time harvest. For as England had men, women, equipment, food, money, weapons, and supplies of all kinds which poured in from all over the world, so shall all these things pour into my chosen America.
America I have chosen you as the launching platform for the world wide assault on the spiritually oppressed peoples of the earth. (This is happening; the poor and oppresed are being freed and will be prospered.) People will say how are we chosen? It's as if America is frozen. (That has come true too by weather warfare.) Am I not the God of the universe and all of creation? I have heard the cries of my people that have sought my face, and I WILL HEAL THEIR NATION! People will ask how will I do this. I shall do this in two parts.” First, The Spirit of God says, "Army of God, out of the darkness! I COMMAND YOU TO ARISE AND TAKE YOUR PLACE! For I have given you extra time, mercy and grace. (Extra time to build the Kingdom)
Go, Go, Go, do not slow down. Begin to take and hold your ground, for there is no more time to waste. America will once again be the great light. The enemy will say, "Oh the Light, the Light it shines so bright, there is nothing else left to do but take flight." And indeed they will. The sign will be, a mass exodus in the natural as the spiritual flee.” (As the spiritual fled captivity in Egypt and now Babylon) Second, The Spirit of God says, "The gate keeper, the gate keeper, the President of the United States is the spiritual gate keeper. I have chosen this man Donald Trump and anointed him as President for such a time as this. Can you not see this? For even in his name, Donald, meaning world leader, (spiritual connotation faithful). Trump, meaning to get the better of, or to outrank or defeat someone or something often in a highly public way. This man I have chosen, will be a faithful world leader, and together with my army, will defeat all of America's enemies in the spiritual and in the natural. (Only God could have made this man to stand and only God could have spared him the many assassination attempts.)
You will see it manifest before your eyes. I will use this man to shut gates, doors, and portals that this past president has opened. (For the enemies to come through) He will open gates, doors, and portals this past president has shut. My army shall not be silenced; they will begin to see he is the one I have chosen. They will begin to rally around him and keep him covered in spiritual support, and as you gain ground they will say America is not frozen.
The seeds, the seeds, why is no one asking about the seeds? What about all the seeds America has sown since her birth? America has never received her harvest. For I will use President Trump and my army to bring back to America all that she has sown. This will be used for my harvest. America will prosper like never before in her history as a nation. All of the financial seeds you have sown around the world, food, clothing, 90 percent of my gospel that has gone throughout the earth, has come from my chosen America. Her blood has been spilled on foreign soil to free the oppressed so that my gospel could go forward.
America your harvest is here! lt shall parallel with your spiritual harvest in the natural, so do not fear." The Spirit of God says, "The border, the border, is a 2000 mile gate, that's flowing across with demonic hate. I will use my President to shut this gate and seal it shut. lt must be shut. Then I will use him and my army to root out evil structures that are still there, to the point that the government will begin to call on my army. They will prophetically locate these structures so they may be dismantled before any evil can take place. Opec, Opec take a hike, for I am tired of your evil energy spikes. When my President takes office you will shake and quake, you will say America no longer needs us and that is true, for she will be energy independent for my red, white and blue. For a sign will be given when prices go low, for a gallon of gas will be one dollar and below." The Spirit of God says, "The Supreme Court shall lose three, and my President shall pick new ones directly from MY TREEI (Happening, It looks like the Chief Justice will be leaving and at least one other.)
Are you still not convinced that he's my anointed, and that he's the one I have appointed? Why can no one figure it out, the news media, the people, and the so called wise. Why, when he's attacked, do his poll numbers rise? Those who attack him, their numbers go low, even to the point of a big fat zero. lt's simple to see, this man I have appointed, for in my word, is your answer. I said 'do not touch my anointed, especially my prophets'. lf you are still not convinced about what my word says, another sign will be given. lt will be a WARNING TO ALL, especially those who will NOT LISTEN." The Spirit of God says, "The sign will be El-Chappo, El-Chappo, your evil reign has come to an end. Who do you think you are attacking my anointed? Turn yourself in and repent and I will spare you. lf you do not, you and those that follow you will surely die a very public death for the entire world to see. For no one touches my anointed. I the Lord am an all seeing and all knowing God. l will be the one to disclose your location, the den, the den, that you and your vipers hide in. For time is short and the spirit of death is at your door, and the world will see your dead body and the red shirt you wore. (El-Chappo has revealed the crooked politicians he has bribed.)
Mark Taylor Prophecy on 6-12-16 Babylonian Prison (David’s notes in red)
The Spirit of God says, ''There's a beast in the East that's trying to arise that thinks he's the best, but I have one in the west that will give him a godly surprise and take him down to the least. For this beast that has risen is no surprise, for my church is in a Babylonian prison, come out of her or it will be your demise!" The Spirit of God says, "The chaos and clatter that the earth is in, is directly related to the Babylonian box that the so called church is in.
For my earth is moaning and groaning for my sons and daughters to arise with bliss. Where is my Army that will send this beast back to the abyss? For how can you take on a beast when you're deaf, mute, and blind? For all beasts are ancient and old, and lurk about seeking an enemy whom they can steam roll. For this beast has no teeth and lurks in the brush, trying to lure you into an ambush. Do not attack until you come out of her, that Babylonian system, or you will fall prey and be decimated beyond comprehension." The Spirit of God says, "For when my people realize the curse they are under, and come out, and break the curse, then they will plunder. For as they come out of her with a mass exodus, there I will be, to restore her back to my body and I as the head she will have power, authority, and unity again and the enemy shall fall as dead! For you wonder why the world is so perverse, it's because my church has forsaken her first love and is under a curse. Come out of her now don't walk but run and do not wait, before you cross the point of no return for then it's too late. Come back to me, come back to me and make me your first love I have dearly yearned, for some it's already too late, for they have not learned."
Mark Taylor Prophecy on 2-24-16 Do not fear America (David’s notes in red)
The Spirit of God says, "Why do I sense fear in my people about the future of America? Have I not said that, 'l have heard your cries and will heal your land?' Stand firm! Do not falter, put on the full armor of God! Rake the enemy over the coals, for the end time battle is on for my 1 billion souls!” (Great revival will follow the great shaking). The Spirit of God says, "Do not fear that my servant Justice Scalia has been taken (He was assassinated), for some are crying out, why have I forsaken. For I will show myself strong to prove that the so called wise are wrong. For some will say that this is a miracle, for I am just getting started, this is not even close to the pinnacle, for what I am going to do with My America. For do not my people have eyes to see and ears to hear the two signs I gave, when they carried my servant's body up the steps of the courthouse where to rest he was laid? Read the signs!
Read the signs that were for all to see, and understand the words in this prophecy." The Spirit of God says, "5, that's right, 5 Supreme Court Justices will be appointed by my new president, my anointed. I will choose 5 through my anointed to keep those alive. I will stack the court with those that I choose, to send a clear message to the enemy, that you lose! (Satan and his servants had the US in a strong grip. Only God could do what has been done.) This is the miracle that I will perform, so that MY COURT will be reformed." The Spirit of God says, "The cries, the cries that I have heard from the womb, have reached my eyes and ears like a sonic boom! The five I appoint and the reform that shall take place, the great I AM shall take on this case! For it is my will and my way for all those that have prayed, that MY COURT SHALL OVERTURN ROE VS WADE!
The Spirit of God says, "America, get ready, for I AM choosing from the top of the cream, for I AM putting together America's dream team, from the president and his administration, to judges and congress to ease Americas frustrations!" The Spirit of God says, "Rise up my Army and get in the fight, for this is the generation that's taking flight. This is the generation of warriors that those of old wanted to see, and the enemy will have no choice but to flee. Rise up! Stomp the enemies head with bliss; send the enemy back to Hell and into the abyss. This is the generation of warriors that all of Hell has feared to face and see, but I AM and all of Heaven is cheering you on with glee!" Your Supreme Commander, GOD.
Mark Taylor Prophecy on 1-7-21 Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (David’s notes in red)
The Spirit of God says, "The clash between the Spirit of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal is coming to a crescendo! There is high level psychics masquerading as Prophets and Prophetesses designed to infiltrate and discredit the true Prophetic and Ekklesia leading Gods people astray. Not everyone that comes in my name is FROM me. Not everyone that comes in my name is OF me, Why do you so blindly and quickly accept anyone coming in my name? Why don't you test the Spirits? Not everyone that speaks prophecies, dreams and visions are from me! They seduce you with their fancy words; they mesmerize you with dreams and visions that are not from me." The Spirit of God says, "The Prophets and Priests that have prophesied by Baal, committed adultery with Jezebel, prophesied dreams and visions from their own heart, Repent! You build your kingdoms to bring Glory to yourselves versus bringing Glory to me! You allow my little ones to be sacrificed on the altars of Moloch and Baal for the sake of Mammon. You walk around in your man made kingdoms with your fancy titles and names that mock me, being served like kings, all while my little ones suffer! Did I not say in my word (Exodus 23:5) when you take a bribe (501c3) it blinds the eyes of the wise and perverts the words of the righteous? Did I not say in my word (Deu 27:25) cursed is he who takes a bribe for the slaying of the innocent person? You took a bribe getting rich from the blood money of my little ones to remain silent! Even the Pharisees knew not to touch that money from Judas! (As God sent the beast against the Pharisees so He will today.). You Vipers! You Prophets and Priests refuse to speak truth and stand on my words and the words I give you because you fear man more than the living God! You Cowards! Therefore you have one way out of this and one way only! Give all your money and your assets away (Mat 19:16-30) you have made under the Baal system, divorce Baal, remarry me, Repent and follow me!" The Spirit of God says, "Another betrayal from the Presidents Spiritual Advisory board has taken place. Jezebel whispers "it's complete, we have the Kings ear. I control who speaks to the king. No true Prophet of the living God will ever reach him, only my soothsayers will speak!" The betrayer sits at the Kings table!" The Spirit of God says, "The time has come to hold all enemies of the Living God creator of Heaven and earth accountable for their atrocities against mankind. Repentance will save your soul but there will be NO MERCY in the Justice that is here now! (Yes, expect the beast to remove the apostate leadership to set God’s people free from Babylonish bondage. This will appear to be a great loss to Christianity to the untrained eye but it will bring revival and reform for Gods reformers are prepared.) Repent!"
Mark Taylor Prophecy on 4-26-16 Purging the Temple (David’s notes in red)
The Spirit of God says, "The 501c3, the 501c3, those that are eating of it are not eating from my tree! For when I told Adam and Eve do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil for you shall surely see, so it is with those that eat from the 501c3. For this demonic document that you have signed has now made you spiritually deaf, mute, and blind. Woe to those who continue to use this demonic system for you will be exposed and purged from this evil cistern." The Spirit of God says, "Can you not see that you are taking a bribe? They will say it's all about the money, and for that you shall be kicked from my tribe! Taking a bite from that apple has taken you from a spiritual body to a brick and mortar, and has placed you under the New World Order. For how can you be a part of my spiritual body when you have cut off my head? For those that don't turn will surely fall as dead. Tear up the contract, repent, divorce Baal, and re-marry me, and l will remove the spiritual blindness so you can once again see. Come out of this! Come out of this before it's too tate, for my judgments are on those systems that I hate. Come out now for I will no longer tolerate!”
(Be part of the solution saints do spiritual warfare.)
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