
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
UBBS 3.17.2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
The Faction Election War Won (30)
David Eells - 3/17/21
God Will Win the War Against our Pharaoh’s and their Servants
The Exodus of America/ Frogs/ Earthquake/ President Trump
Timothy Dixon, 3/12/21 (David’s Notes in red)
I want to speak a Word the Lord has been giving me for a few days:
“With us, saith the Lord, God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, do not fear the things that I will bring upon the Egyptians and upon pharaoh and the leaders of this nation and the leaders that are abroad.
For I shall bring wonders and signs into heavens. They'll know that I AM the Lord when the thing starts coming to pass. You'll know that I've spoken, saith God, through my servants and through my people.
These are the days that I have chosen to bring forth a revival across the nation that I'll not let anything hinder.
I'll bring a darkness across this Washington DC, saith the Lord. And this darkness shall be felt in the hearts and all the leaders. (Remember that the 3 days of darkness came on the Land of Egypt just before the Passover Plague. We were told by God of this plague which is far greater than Covid 19 and are convinced that it is the vaccine plague to destroy immune systems so that many diseases will be free to ravage the world. People of faith have a Passover in Jesus Christ but many wicked will die.) Know that my hands shall move even as I'd moved for Israel; moved for my people in Egypt.
I brought forth plagues and pestilence upon the Egyptians and upon pharaoh that my hands might be proved that I AM still the Almighty.
Even as years had passed they were in slavery, but my eyes saw the very bondage and heard the very cry. (We must remember that all of this is to set God’s people free from their slave masters, including governmental and religious to follow Him.)
Though I hear the cries of this nation and I hear the innocence of the blood that's being spilt upon the soil, know, that I will sweep across this nation; that even the whirlwind has begun. The whirlwind has hit the leaders and I'll cause them to lose their positions. (It is happening; many have been arrested and many executed.) I'll cause a mighty shake and I'll cause the earth to tremble. I, even as the Lord I AM, have come down to deliver my people out of the hands of bondage. (The Lord is coming with the effects of Planet X to shake the heavens and earth.)
I'll not suffer satan. I’ll not suffer the evil that has come upon the country. Know that I, the Lord, shall shake India. I, the Lord, shall shake Australia, Africa and Europe, all of Europe, and Asia. I’ll shake the seven continents, saith the Lord of hosts!
Know that I shall bring to pass, in the next short days, that I'll cause the rains to rain upon Washington DC and upon different places; that it shall bring forth frogs and science shall not be able to explain and offer the explanation even though they try. (I am not discounting the natural here but in Revelation frogs represent demons. Rev 16:13 And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits, as it were frogs. Unclean spirits can be unclean sexual spirits which fits DC perfectly.)
But the hearts of many shall be touched and shall hear the Word of the Lord. Know that it's my hand, for I shall rain them down upon the land; that you'll know that I AM the Lord.
I'll speak to the men and women. I’ll speak to prophets. I'll speak to the apostles. I'll raise them up in this hour. They'll bring forth Words that'll come to pass immediately, saith the Lord. (These are the days the prophetic voice will come to pass immediately in some cases.)
I shall cause a great shaking. I'll cause a great shaking in China. I'll bring the past revival, saith the Lord. I'll bring revival to the asian people. (The Chinese are being plagued now with torrential rains destroying their dams and flooding out their underground criminal activities against their people.)
I'll bring the greatest revival that’s ever been heard to the native American people of America and all through Canada, saith the Lord, that’ll shake them and I'll visit the people. I’ll visit the tribes of the Americans; of the native American people. I’ll visit the Navajo, saith the Lord of hosts. They'll have the greatest revival that’s ever been on earth.
A shaking revival down through Gallop; Gallop New Mexico and all up through the hills of Colorado; all up through New Mexico, Texas, the northern states and Canada borders.
I'll move, saith the Lord. I'll even bring forth a tremoring and a shaking in Yellowstone and you'll know that my hand has moved. You'll know, you leaders! You'll hear me, saith the Lord. You'll hear my servants and you'll call for them to lift the plagues!; to lift the things that’s coming upon the earth.
But my hand is upon the justices and the judges of the country. Know that they that stand for truth and they that stand for my will; (We are told by the Trump Administration that these will be reeducated to respect the original constitution, which to rule over lost men is a very good document.). I inspired the men of old to write the laws for the land. I had inspired them by my Spirit to write even your constitution.
My Spirit moved upon the hearts of them to hold, and keep sacred, the way of life that was introduced; the way of life that I my Spirit brought to this land. (The original constitution is being restored with the restoration of the republic.)
I'll move upon the justices in the Supreme Court; justices of the United States. I'll touch those that are for me. But know that, I the Lord, shall move against those that are against me. I'll move against them that are against me.
The shames that are coming; I'll bring two of the Supreme Court justices to shame. I’ll bring them to shame, their names; They think they've hid their sins. They think they've covered up really well, but I AM the Lord and I see!
It'll not be those that have been in the public eye. It'll not be those that you think. But it'll be one that is secretly hiding inside the closets, in the darkness. You think that you've outsmarted even me, the Lord, but I see all the sins.
Once again, I'll rain down upon the justices and the courts and the judges. Once again, their hearts will be filled with my Word; to judge the land as a sacred oath.
But, I'll bring all these things upon the land and you'll feel the very power of God delivering my people!
But, lift up your voices like a trumpet, oh America! Lift up your voices in praise. For I do a new thing that none shall hinder. I move across this land and none shall escape my power.
I'll spare. I'll show great mercy at my hands. I'll show that I AM God. I'll prove that I AM the Lord!
Fear not the things! Again, I say, fear not the things that you'll see with your eyes. As the trouble begins to grip your hearts, know that I AM the Lord and I'll be with you. If you call upon my Name, I'll answer you. Turn, turn from the ways/(your ways)! Turn to me, saith the Lord. This is the hour of visitation! I’ll shake every island. I'll bring whirlwinds of monster whirlwinds across the world that shall hit, but I'll spare lives.
If only those would hear me and turn but they would not; you would not! I'll not suffer this (judgment) to overtake the people that are righteous. I'll not suffer them to suffer your evil, but I will keep them as I have promised. (Our Passover Lamb is Jesus in 1 Co 5.)
But I'll bring evil upon you even as I did the Egyptians. I brought evil upon their cattle. I rained hell down upon the Egyptians, but my people were kept. Apply the blood to your post, saith the Lord. Apply the blood to your doorpost! This is the hour of great visitation! (The Lord is coming as Judge. Repent and believe to put all under the blood.)
I'll cause a re-election. I'll cause America to stand up like a large giant, saith God. All at once; immediately, saith the lord, it'll spring forth and some of the officials shall run. You'll run because you know that your time is done.
I'll bring some to punishments. You'll lose your freedom for taking America’s (freedom); trying to take my people; trying to take my Word out of the houses and out of the stores. You'll lose your freedom.
Repent and I'll spare. Turn and I'll spare. For this is the hour that I've chosen! Such a great visitation that never has been heard in history! Such the great revival; miracles and signs and wonders shall come forth. I'll save your families. I'll save your loved ones. I'll touch them by my Spirit. (Amen!)
But I'll cause the fraud and the faults to be revealed. I'll bring the truth to the top. It'll be shouted upon the house top and I'll move upon the judges and the people and the officials. I'll move upon them. I'll touch their heart and change things, saith God my Spirit. There’s nothing impossible for me. For my hand moves and none shall hinder. My hand shall move. I'll touch the hearts. I'll change the venue.
There are two attorneys, saith the Lord, that I'll anoint with a fresh anointing. They'll march through the land like giants; like they never had before. I'll put a trumpet in their hand and I, the Lord God, shall bring forth a sovereign election of whom I have chosen and nothing shall stop my hands. I AM the Lord.
I shall do that which I have said. I shall move as I have promised! I WILL WILL WILL bring to pass my Word. For I’ve chosen Donald Trump for this very day and I will stand. I will move. I'll shake the heavens and I'll shake the earth. And once again, the people of this country, very quickly, speedily, saith the Lord, no time wasted, shall shout it on the housetops, “Donald Trump is our president!” For the Lord has spoken!
Swarms of Flies on Georgia/ Washington DC
Timothy Dixon - 3/6/21 (David’s Notes in red)
Timothy explains an excerpt of his dream:
...Also, on the coast of California, in the west, there'll come a swarm of flies. You won't be able to hold your hand down without just multitudes of them landing. They're gonna pick different areas and they're gonna swarm just those areas. They’re going to hit Washington DC. But where the river crosses, going into Virginia, God's going to hold them on this side. (The Washington DC side) and hold them and stand them and swarm them around Washington DC to show his hand and show his power… (God is bringing judgment to the satanic seat of power that has usurped and ruled this country almost from the beginning.)
Brood X Cicadas are about to Swarm and Washington D.C. is the Main Stage.
The Washington Post - 3/15/21 (David’s Notes in red)
They’ve been buried alive for 17 years. And now, Brood X, one of the world’s largest swarms of giant fly-like bugs called cicadas, is ready to rise. When the ground warms to 64 degrees, they’ll start gnawing on tree roots and start scratching toward the surface by the hundreds of billions.
Georgia and other Southern states will probably be where they first emerge around the end of March, experts say. But residents of the Washington DC area stand at ground zero. (This could be confirming Timothy Dixon’s revelation above.) The District, Maryland and Virginia are likely to host more of these animals than any other of the 14 states that share the experience.
“We are at the epicenter of an event that happens nowhere else on the planet except here in the Eastern United States,” said Mike Raupp, a University of Maryland entomologist who travels the country giving speeches about cicadas. “It’s going to be pretty remarkable, come the latter half of May,” Raupp said. “The densities of these things is going to be phenomenal, about 1.5 million per acre. It blows your mind.”
The last time Brood X appeared, Greece was preparing to host the Olympics, Barack Obama was a state senator in Illinois, and President George W. Bush was fighting for a second term.
Simon expects to find a ton of cicadas along the banks of the Potomac… The animals that emerge in the present day date back 3.9 million years. They split into different broods about half a million years ago. (?) Twelve broods, like Brood X, emerge every 17 years, and three every 13 years. A small number of annual cicadas appear yearly and are hardly noticed…
“If you’re in a place where they were in 2004, there’s going to be a magical evening; right around sunset you are going to go out, and there will be hundreds of thousands of these things emerging from their crypts, marching in column,” Raupp said. “And if you stand still, they will climb up you and shed their skin.” If you miss them somehow, be patient. Brood XIX, the largest known swarm with the widest range, is coming in 2024.
The Lord, the Destroyer, is Coming for the Wicked!
Dr. Patricia of JOY Ministries Worldwide - 3/7/21 (David’s notes in red)
Today's video (message) is on a very very serious subject matter and it's regarding a destroyer coming to destroy the wicked.
Two days ago, I was worshiping the Lord with a worship leader from South Africa. And I had my eyes closed and, as I was singing the words, I got a message (from the Holy Spirit) but, I want to read to you the words I was singing, which were, “Are we ready, anticipating? The King is coming. He is coming soon.”
As I sang those words, this is what I heard in my spirit through the Holy Spirit. He said, “He is coming as the destroyer! All judgment has been given to Jesus, Yeshua, by Father.”
So when I received that message, initially, I was taken aback because I never really equated Jesus, Yeshua as being a destroyer. But, I did know that all judgment has been given by the Father to Jesus, Yeshua.
We see that in John chapter 5:26-27 it says, “For as the Father has life in Himself so he granted the Son to have life in Himself and has given Him authority to execute judgment also because He is the Son of man.”
So I knew that part of the message certainly was from Holy Spirit. But I was wondering about when He said that He was “coming as the destroyer”. So I began to pray and say, “Okay, Holy Spirit, can you show me anywhere in the Bible where the Lord is a destroyer?”
So I want to take you to some scriptures in Hebrews 11:28 which says this, “By faith he (meaning Moses) kept the passover and the sprinkling of the blood lest He, who destroyed the firstborn, should touch them.”
So who was the destroyer of the firstborn in Egypt? For some of you the answer may surprise you and the answer comes in Exodus chapter 12:12 & 29, which says this, “For I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt both man and beast and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment. I AM the Lord.” and then in chapter 12 verse 29 of Exodus, it says, “and it came to pass at midnight that the Lord struck all the firstborn in the land of Egypt from the firstborn of pharaoh who sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the dungeon and all the firstborn of the livestock.” (Even though the Lord is a different entity than the destroyer, Apollyon, He is sovereign over this entity, and we can see that He takes full credit for the action. Exo 12:23 For Jehovah will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side-posts, Jehovah will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you. So in effect, the Lord is doing this judgment.)
So we see these in these scriptures that it was the Lord who was the destroyer of the firstborn. The Lord did this to cause pharaoh to let his people go to let his people leave Egypt to worship Him and to leave Egypt permanently because he wanted to take them into the land of promise.
So that was yesterday. That was two days ago I got that message. And then just yesterday I received this message and I want to share it with you. It is a very sobering message and when i give this message, it's not my words. These are the Words of the Lord. As I have spoken before, when I get a hard message I do not delight in these messages.
Okay, so this is what the Lord said,
“I will no longer strive with the wickedness in this land that is trying to place my people in bondage! I have had enough of those who worship me with the words of their lips but their hearts are far far from me! I am dividing the sheep from the goats. My sheep know my voice and I am speaking! He who has ears will hear and those whose hearts are far from me will not hear, says the Lord.
Come to me, my children, so I may speak in your ear; so you may hear and obey. I am about to come as judge to judge those who are placing chains on my people! To some I will appear and give them a chance to turn to me says Yeshua. For some, the scales have already been weighed and they will receive their just punishment for their wickedness!
That is why you heard that I am coming as the destroyer! It will be I, the Lord of hosts, who takes the lives of these people! Some will say these deaths are just coincidence but I tell you that it is I, the Lord of hosts, who has caused them to die.”
Then He said, “Warn them child! Tell them I am coming as a destroyer and unless they repent they will not stand! For so long there has been a warning of my judgment, but now I am coming as judge. Do not mistake these words that I have spoken as the rapture! Nor think that this is my second coming, says the Lord. It is not.
These words I speak are a warning that I will surely do what I have said I would. The wicked who have plotted and schemed to remove me from the land will face the One whom they have tried to remove says the Lord of hosts.
The destitute have been trampled under the feet of the wicked! The babies have been slaughtered at their bidding! The children have been sold into slavery for their pleasure! Enough! says the Lord! I have had enough!
The courts have been rigged and bought for bribes. The politicians are corrupt with no conscience. I speak to the super rich. Do not think that your money will buy you out of my judgment! Your days are numbered because you used your wealth to control, bribe and persuade those to do your evil.
China! I call you out! You thought you won when you helped Biden get in office. I say to you, China, that your dragon will see death! (The Chinese Communist party is falling as we speak for their unspeakable evil against man-kind and God’s servants.)
Iran! Land of the wicked! You seek to silence the masses but I am giving them a voice.
Japan! For the remnant that is in Japan I will spare your country but, not before I wash away some cities!
Iraq! Out of you will come prosperity for my people! (This is happening) You have made a deal with the devil while the Pope has been visiting you! Do not think that I have not heard what has been spoken in your meeting.
Afghanistan! The home of craggy rocks and secret caves! I will expose the secrets hidden deep within your caves!
Rome, you have a set time to roll but Rome will fall! How? You say, will Rome fall? Can such a great city fall? Pompeii fell and so will Rome, says the Lord!
USA! I will cleanse the land from wickedness and give you a new beginning! Freedoms that were slated to be removed will be restored! The yoke of communism is broken off, says the Lord! Great revival will break out over this great land that will be likened to wildfire.”
So that is the message from the Lord. So just know that Yeshua is coming as a destroyer to destroy the wicked by death. We are going to see the death of people who are being judged by the Lord and these deaths will not be by coincidence.
I can tell you from another message that I received many months ago, that I put in a video. The Lord said that Hillary Clinton would die and around the same time, two prominent senators would also die. They will be judged and there will be more judged with death. (I have heard that 2 of the 3 Hillaries have been executed. Various senators have also been executed.)
These deaths will cause the fear of God to fall on people. Hopefully the wicked will repent of their wickedness; of their sins and that they will give their lives to Christ and that that they will be saved from his wrath; that is my prayer.
So let's all heed the words of king David that he gave to his son Solomon. I want to read to you from 1 Chronicles chapter 28:9. King David says this, “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father and serve him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intents of the thoughts. If you seek him, He will be found by you but, if you forsake him he will cast you off forever. This is the word of the Lord.”
The Lord Says, Planet X is, "My Planet”
Linda Courtney - 3/31/19 (David’s notes in red)
“I AM The Good Shepherd. This Era of time, as mankind knows time, is coming to its end. As of a few days from now, everything is coming to its sudden change. The time of serious transition is soon to come upon the entire Earth. The scientists will call it “Earth or Climate Change”, but I, the Lord God Almighty, call it my Holy Will and a fulfilment of my Holy and most profound decrees which have been established from time immemorial. I AM the Great I AM. My plans shall stand. Nothing can be done by the feeble mortal hand of man to alter, hinder or stop what I have prepared for mankind. Truly, this era of mankind’s journey on Earth is quickly coming to a close, as I change and rearrange all things.
This Earth will soon enter a time of severe global darkness. People will understand as I, the Almighty God, draw the curtain of black upon the planet. Those people of mine, who have heard of this Word, will understand. I will grab the sudden attention of mankind as all the technology comes to a sudden, incapacitating ability to function. All will be silent and mankind will be thrown into sudden disarray. They will panic as confusion sets in. Many people will lose rational thinking as the curtain of gross darkness covers the Earth. I, the Lord God, must do this to literally grab the attention of all the citizens of Earth.
My people, those who know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, will be shaken far less than the sinner. They will be stabilized by My Holy Spirit as the unction of My Holy Presence falls upon them. My Holy Spirit will calm their minds as they falter for awhile, gathering their wits about them. So these, My beloved children, there are millions of Christians who are saved by My Grace that have never heard of the days of darkness. That’s why I am calling upon you to tell them what is just around the bend.
You may approach it with scientific terms, for I will indeed use natural means to create this phenomenon. My planet, which many call Planet X or Nibiru, is stealing its way to eventually cover your sun. This planet has been observed in various places on Earth, at times with the naked eye. When this planet covers your sun, when this occurs, I will, in my great mercy, hold and totally control the Earth’s temperature at 55°F/12°C degrees so that no man or animal will freeze." (I’m interjecting because if a planet would cover the Sun, normally speaking, we would be thrown into an ice age, but God Himself is going to control the temperature in His mercy upon Earth.) ...
Listen further, My beloved ones, immediately before this darkness falls, the Earth will quake. (This is accurate as far as the Biblical and historical account. The three days of darkness happened as P-X came around the sun and headed to the crossing of earths orbit just before the passover of the “destroyer" AKA Planet X. Exo 10:22-23 And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days; 23 they saw not one another, neither rose any one from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.) The earth will quake, as it groans for that manifestation of the Sons of God. In many places there will be actual earthquakes occurring. ... Planet X will bring with it great earth changes, as the atmosphere will be charged with electricity. (Huge electrical arcs may pass between P-X and earth.) This will not hurt or kill mankind, but this is something they can see, as the discharge will be intense.
When these changes begin to occur in the heavens, you are to notify your loved ones immediately. They are to drop whatever they’re doing and immediately come to their (your) home. Now listen (important): It is best if family members can be together in the home of one of the believers in Yeshua, Jesus Christ. This is why I desire that you tell them beforehand what’s coming to the Earth, so they are willing to cooperate with you when the time arrives. Otherwise, they will call you crazy and not come into the home. … (Before the days of darkness P-X will appear next to the Sun to the naked eye. This would be a good time to warn them again of the coming darkness and the terrible quakes and volcanic activity to come. When it appears we may have 30 to 40 days before it crosses earths orbit. Quakes can happen all during this time and before.)
“I desire you to alert them now for their sake. During this three day period, three days and nights of darkness, many unsaved people will truly receive Yeshua, Jesus Christ as their Saviour, if you have laid a good foundation. (So now is the time for us to be the evangelists, not to wait until the darkness falls, because then it will be too late; we won’t be able to go out of our homes. So now is our time.)
...Getting on with the word of the Spirit of God: “As you enter your home, I admonish you to cover your windows and do not look out at all, period! Lock your doors and do not open them to anyone. “Why”, you ask. My beloved children, I will tell you why. (At the time of the Passover of the destroyer in Egypt they were told the same thing.)
It’s during this time, I will allow hoards of demons to roam the entire Earth. People from all nationalities will be aware of this, and many will die from fear and demonic torment or attack. (As at the Passover in Egypt). Also, the seas will roar and great will be the changes that torment sinful mankind. For My beloved children, those in their homes during this time, if you obey My instruction, I will send legions of my holy angels to protect you. Do not fear. Throughout the Earth, as all electronics cease, you will have nowhere to turn but to Me – the true and only God of endless ages. Pray without ceasing, pray in the Spirit. Trust in Me and I will carry you through."
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