
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
UBBS 4.2.2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
The Beast’s Great Deception (8)
David Eells - 4/2/23
Worse Than You Thought it Would Be
Dana Coverstone - March 10th and 18th 2023
(David’s notes in red)
(I had this dream three or four days in a row and it was the same dream over and over and over up until the news guy (Jesus) shows up. (The repetition of the dream reminds us of Joseph’s interpretation that a dream will surely come to pass.) The dream starts off with a time frame going back a decade because things were safer and my children were 10 years younger.)
The dream began with me loading an 80’s style station wagon with lawn chairs, blankets, and large coolers. (The station wagon indicated to me a time of good work ethics and a family focus.) My kids were younger like the ages of between 10 to 15. They were excited about going to a very large fireworks display close to the town we lived in. … I didn't recognize exactly where I was. …It was in the early evening and traffic was very heavy. I saw SUVs and trucks loaded down with outdoor items as we got closer to the fireworks location.
There were signs pointing to parking and other carnival-like activities … and rides and a lot of music…. Parking for the carnival was over this extremely large field, like three to four football fields and the fireworks area was set up near an area that had been barricaded. … People were walking around blankets on the ground getting ready for the fireworks display. The place was packed with cars and hundreds of people. It seemed like every child there had sparklers and the teens were lighting up bottle rockets and firecrackers with adult supervision which made me think of the 80’s when things were a little bit different.
There was a bluff area that overlooked the flat ground and we decided to pull the car up there and park, so we got the blankets, lawn chairs, and food out. (This bluff that we were on was an overlook area meaning, not just for a better view, but an access to a safer way to get out of there.) (Like he was expecting to leave the celebration in a hurry.) We began to talk about the fireworks that were about to be displayed. Then there was this announcement over some loudspeakers that they would start in 15 minutes. Patriotic music began to play but … I didn't get the feeling that it was actually like a July 4th or a Flag day. It may have been in the dream but I'm just telling you I didn't get that feeling. (The patriotic spirit is very prevalent right now. The Alliance of nations are planning a celebration of their victories over the DS. But we have been told by the Lord for some time that He is going to use DS Babylon to judge the apostate people of God and Americans even though this will also be worldwide.)
(I don't necessarily think it was a July 4th event. It could’ve been but I believe it was indicative of “big events” that draw people’s attention to the country itself and the patriotic music meant that something's going to happen with the country. As we will see, it was a country-wide attack. (Our country is very polarized and many are angry about the destruction that the Left is bringing to the country and are about to celebrate a victory over them.) It’s close. I did not get a sense that this was a terrorist event. I’m not saying it's a natural thing either. No one knew what was going on. No one knew where it came from or who was behind it.) (It’s not a terrorist event because it is an internal civil war, the difference being, now the Left is killing civilians instead of military.)
…When the patriotic music began to play, the crowd began moving, laughing, and getting ready for the fireworks. The entire field below us was filled with people. …It appeared to be literally thousands of people excited to see the show and after a bit the announcer asked everyone to stand for the national anthem. (I noticed that when the guy called for the national anthem everybody began talking and everybody got up. (So, we can be sure this is a crowd of conservative people.) So, I think this indicates we're going to see a whole lot of things happen as far as how people feel about the country and most people today will agree with me that it's gone downhill in the way that people look at the country and its leadership.)
When it stopped it got very quiet and the people sat down on the ground. My family all did as well. The first shots of the fireworks rose straight into the air and seemed to go up forever but there was no noise or lights; no explosions. It was literally two minutes of silence with everybody looking up until there was this horrific noise like a bomb going off. (Everybody was looking up. We were all distracted before we realized what had happened and it wasn't fireworks going off but something a whole lot worse and once again, I'm not saying war or missiles because I saw no military equipment at all in this dream.)
My family and I jumped being startled and everybody else jumped too. It was just so loud and so sudden. There were huge flashes of light like hundreds of flares had suddenly been uncapped. There was debris raining down on people and hot bits of fire, sticks, and paper. Bigger than expected chunks of wood and pieces of brick were hitting people. They were screaming and running down there on the field. (People didn't recognize what had happened because we were all looking up waiting for the fireworks. We were distracted, waiting for what was going to happen. We knew something was going to happen, we just did not know exactly what it was. But after those fireworks or whatever it was exploded, everybody knew and it got really bad, really quick.)
The announcer came on and told people to remain calm as the problem would be remedied soon. …He said in a very very calm voice. Just then, another blast of fireworks shot into the air, but they sounded more like F-16s taking off. (F-16’s taking off could represent the military, left and right, getting involved.) They were really loud, and they had the same effect in the air after a few minutes of silence. Then they exploded like a bomb.
Now people were running everywhere. Some had their clothing and hats on fire. People were yelling for their kids to “Come here. Hurry come on let’s go!” They were trying to get to their cars. Some of the cars were now burning and people were running towards the bluff where my family was. (When judgment comes people seek for “higher ground” spiritually.) I told my kids to leave everything and get in the car as fast as they could. (Time to come out from among them.) This is when it got harrowing because there was still debris falling and burning things and people screaming and running for their lives. More and more of the cars in the field were burning now and people were frantic for safety. … (We didn't notice until we had to get to safety, so this thing happened out of nowhere. It was dangerous and everybody knew something bad had just happened. Obviously, something had gone wrong but it was obviously planned because it was happening everywhere.)
There were people surrounding my car and beating on the windows. (Suddenly, people want to get into the Ark, but a little late.) This car was a station wagon which I’ve never owned in real life. My father owned many of them. (Representing the Father who owns our vehicle through the purchase of Jesus’ blood.) The entire inside of that car was so small nobody else would fit so, I just hit the gas … because the crowd was dangerous. They had this crazy looks in their eyes and were pulling on the door handles. (Like they were outside the Ark.) The doors were locked, and my kids were holding each other and we were just trying to get out of there. My wife and my kids were terrified so I maneuvered the car down the bluff and got back on the road. (The crowd was dangerous. They were trying to get away at all costs because their cars were on fire. (It’s not water this time, it’s fire.) At that moment, my family and their safety became the most important thing to me… This might indicate that we're going to need to be careful about being in large groups or around a lot of people.)
That's when we realized that this was not just a fireworks event. There were houses burning and cars along the road that had been abandoned. The sky was alive with fire and darkness and I'm not talking about lightning. It seemed like there was fire burning in several places in the air. There were cars underneath overpasses that were kind of waiting it out. (Overpasses are a play on the word “Passover”. God’s people will have a passover during these judgments.) People were watching the skies … in the cars, out of the cars, under the overpasses, … leaning out and looking up to see what was going on. I was trying the radio but there was only static. I stopped under the underpass and asked, really quick, if anybody knew what was going on but nobody knew anything. EMP
People were trying to make phone calls, but the calls weren't going through …because of the overwhelming number of calls. We got back on the road and I headed home as fast as I could. Now the roads were littered with trash and cars were parked and there were burning trees and overall chaos. (I was made aware that this bigger event was more than just the local fireworks because it had impacted the whole country. The sky seemed to be angry at America. There was fire and darkness but no flashing in the sky. It was almost like the sky was reflecting the earth and the fires that were burning down here. People were hiding under those overpasses wondering what else the sky might unleash. The cell phones weren't working. Busy signals were being heard. It was like a war zone but without the military equipment involved that's the best way I can describe it.)
We got back to the place where we lived and got in the house and locked the doors. Then we turned the TV on and there were emergency tickers going across the bottom of the screen and local numbers to report damage. There was no mention of war missiles. I saw no military equipment either. There were reporters with SAT phones, and they were running… and frantically trying to talk to people. They were saying here's what's going on here and they were sharing information and talking quickly with other people in the newsroom.
I also saw a whiteboard and it had gibberish all over it, in other words, when they got a report, they'd write something down and somebody else would come and scratch that out and write something else. They were trying to figure out what in the world had just happened. Nobody had any clue. They were red-eyed and frantic trying to figure out what had happened, just like most of the crowd. There was no accurate reporting of, “this is what's happened” or “we've been invaded” or “there's war, we've been bombed”. There was fear and panic and a seeming blackout. This event happened so fast and so unexpected that nobody had a clue of what was happening.
Then I heard a camera man say, “We're going live in five, four, three, two, one and then sitting at the desk in the newsroom was the man I always see in the dreams. I knew him to be Jesus. He was wearing a modern dress shirt and looking at a clipboard. He looked directly into camera, and He began reporting. (Jesus is coming by Spirit of the latter rain as Hosea 6:1-3 says. He is coming in a body of reformers, hence the modern garb, at the beginning of peace being taken from the earth. Jesus in the Man-child will be the only one to speak the true Good News. You can’t get that from the right or the left. He will report the true news according to Rev. 6:1-4 Then I watched as the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say in a thunderous voice, “Come!” 2 So I looked and saw a white horse, and its rider held a bow. And he was given a crown, and he rode out to overcome and conquer. 3 And when the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 Then another horse went forth. It was bright red, and its rider was granted permission to take away peace from the earth and to make men slay one another. And he was given a great sword.)
Jesus said, “We have gotten report after report of strange occurrences at outdoor activities and 911 calls have been overwhelmed and have overwhelmed the entire nationwide system. Many of you are aware that chaotic events spread over the entire country have left fires and confusion on every front. (We have received dreams of people crying because the country had been burned. They were saying this didn’t have to happen.) Then He said, “Let me be very clear; it is worse than you thought it would be. You were warned and told that perilous times were coming but, this is worse than you thought it would be. Many have ignored the truth and now it is worse than you thought it would be.”
At this point, tears began to come down His face. …He put His hands on His face and lowered His head down. …Then He composed Himself, looked at the camera again, and spoke further but those tears continued … He said, “Don't leave your first love. Do not fear what you're about to suffer. Stay repentant in the center of my will. Overcome. Walk through the open door. Stay disciplined. I will walk beside you during persecution and pain.” When he said that word pain, at that moment, a tear streamed down his face and hit the desk and it had this amplified effect.
(It reminded me of the tear in the movie, The Passion of the Christ that fell after Christ died.) (When the tear hit the ground in this movie, that’s when the earthquake happened that rent the vail in the temple.) Jesus went on to say, “Many will say that it's worse than they thought it would be and they will be right. So, remain hard braced and battle ready. I Am coming and my reward is with me and I Am with you always … (The complete text quoted from here is Isa. 62:11 Behold, Jehovah hath proclaimed unto the end of the earth, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his recompense before him. So, we see Jesus is coming in a modern body of people to save the Bride and judge His enemies.) Jesus went on to say, “These are the hard facts in the news as I am reporting it to you in Living Color.”
I turned the TV off and looked at my kids who now appeared to be their ages that they are today. (The day he speaks of here is upon us.) So, in the dream they aged about 10 to 12 years. (My kids aging in the dream represent that the chaos has been ongoing under our noses. I also think that my kids being older at the end of the dream represents the absolute necessity for maturity in our wisdom, in our thinking, in our in the steps that we take, because it's going to be hard to navigate these times if we're not mature in our faith serving the Lord, hearing his Word.)
We all joined in a circle and began to pray for boldness and strength when there was a knock at the door. Without fear I opened the door and there were several families who were crying and holding smaller kids and they asked if they could please come in so we could explain to them and help them understand what was going on. So, we invited them into our home and when the door was shut and all that noise from the sirens and the chaos outside stopped. A little girl with one of the families said, “I feel better in here than I did out there!” Then I woke up.
The news anchor that I recognized as Jesus very calmly spoke to the viewing audience. In other words, people are going to need answers. Even the Christians needed answers to the dilemma as well. I mean the entire country's been hit with something. The news anchor Jesus says, “It's worse than you thought it would be” three times. And then He said you didn't listen to the concerns. You didn't listen to all the situations that were going on. Many of you are aware that you were born into perilous times.
Many have ignored the truth and now it's worse than you thought it would be. At that point he begins to cry. Why? Because something's happened and people don't know what to do. They're scared. There were probably people who were dying but I did not see dead bodies. (We have already shared that there are going to many dead among the enemies of God’s people especially; it’s the Red Sea time of their destruction going into the wilderness tribulation.)
I did not see burning bodies. (Many times, vehicles represent our mobile tabernacles or bodies. He saw vehicles burning and abandoned representing death.) Three times he says you were warned but not ready. You were told but you're not believing. You were hearing but not listening, and therefore unprepared. But I believe the tears of Jesus reveal the heart of God for his people and the compassion He has for us.
You know He's for us which is why He warned us to begin with. The next thing He said was, “Don’t leave your first love. Do not fear what you're about to suffer. Stay repentant in the center of His will. Overcome. Walk through the open door. Stay disciplined. Those things come from what Jesus spoke to the seven churches in Revelation … Every one of those churches Jesus spoke a message for. He’s telling us what's coming so we can be prepared and that’s what the amplified tears represent. These cries from God’s elect to be heard by the body of Christ and felt, so we can rise above the chaos and work and serve despite the circumstances in other words folks God's calling us to be the medics in the middle of the battlefield; going out to help. …
We need to be rooted spiritually and deeply rooted because chaos is coming. He says, “It's worse than they thought it would be.” So, remain hard braced and battle ready. I've never heard Him say in my dreams anything about being hard braced. We cannot ignore the facts that difficult perilous times are definitely coming. This is the time you better be repenting. This is the time you better be in the Word. This is the time you better be praying in the Spirit. This is the time you better be hearing the voice of God. This is the time you better be connected to believers… (When Moses picks up his staff to part the waters, you’d better be ready to cross by faith.)
With the things that we're facing, we need to realize that things are about to get tough, and we can’t “play games with God” anymore. Don't ignore the truth. I think this also says that death is going to come to some of us. There’s going to be martyrs among God’s people; yes, even here in America.
Jesus goes on to say, “These are the hard facts in the news. I'm reporting to you in Living Color.” Hard warnings are coming to us and being reported to us by Jesus himself. These things are going to come to pass. …The truth of who you are as a believer is going to be revealed to the “watching world” and your weaknesses, your shortcomings are going to be seen. It's all going to come out if you're really serving God, really living for him. ….
Living Color means everywhere the truth of what's going on is going to be seen by everybody. Most people don't have black and white TVs anymore representing that things have changed. Living Color, I believe, means … the real is what will be seen by everybody. The thoughts and the intentions of the heart, as well as the real commitment we have to serve Jesus is going to be seen by everybody.
(Turning off the TV represents turning off worldly distractions.) We need to focus on the need of the moment, which was pray for wisdom, pray for boldness, pray for strength. We’ve got to hear from Him folks. (Don’t look to man) You have turn them off and hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. You get into the Word until the Word gets in you. Realize that God wants to speak to His people and prepare us for what's coming and what's happening now.
The people knocking on the door illustrates that we have the answers that other people need. They're going to be genuinely seeking truth in the midst of all the chaos around them. …We’ve got to stand strong and grounded in the Word and help people and make a difference. …We have got to speak the hard truth and not sugarcoat the Gospel. We bring the Light of Christ. …We help people understand that no matter how crazy things are out there, they can find safety in our presence because we know who Jesus is and He's with us. When the world is falling apart, that's our job….The Holy Spirit is trying to warn the church to get ready because He's got work for us to do.
We pray Lord that You help us to be ready as the body of Christ. Help our eyes to see, to know who you are, and when this comes, may we stand hard braced and battle ready. May we share with the world around us the hope we have in Jesus. …God may we be the bride you've called us to be. May we be the body of Christ ready to speak the truth in love. Give us wisdom and discernment God and may we hear your words and that's our prayer today in Jesus’ name, amen.
The Fire of Judgment Falls on the Apostates
Missy Pollock - 7/9/22 (David’s notes in red)
(To preface this dream, before I had fallen to sleep, I asked the Lord to give me a dream that would let me know what He has for me ahead. Also, I was weary from all the disinformation coming from the D.S. news and alternative news media and had asked Him to give me or anyone else His Intel through dreams, visions, prophetic words etc. So, I believe that's what He did! Thank you, Father, for quickly answering and encouraging me greatly, as well as all who read and listen to this.)
(I believe Missy is representing the Bride in this dream.) I dreamed I was resting on a daybed with sky blue sheets, just like the one I've slept on when I stayed with Eve. (Representing being in the rest of the Bride; ceasing from our own works.) It was dark and I saw out the window what I thought were little meteorites falling from the sky like rain. But then I realized they were falling embers. (We are living in dark times.) …
(In part 2 of this series, “Fiery Trials Bring Revival”, Dana Coverstone said, "I saw small embers of flames that were coming down around the clock but not catching the ground on fire although it looked like fire coming down. (Missy's dream also shows the embers of fire coming down out of the sky but not catching anything on fire just like the portion of Dana’s dream. Both dreams seem to show the embers as being spiritual, A fire from Heaven. Also, it’s the fire one feels when going through a test and denying their flesh.) So, these explosions of the lights were spreading out and the flames were going hundreds of miles beyond them. (This connects this dream with Dana’s dream about the fireworks exploding and the damage extended nationwide.)
Back to Missy’s dream: I went outside with a dustpan and brush to sweep up the remnants of what I saw and to look at it. But there was nothing in my dustpan. (I believe Father put that in my dream to show me that what I saw falling from the sky, wasn’t physical but spiritual. Also, I didn't get burnt by it.) (It was the judgment from Heaven falling as fire. Elijah called down fire from Heaven on Jezebel’s apostates. This fits the dream as we will see.)
The house was on top of a hill. (Representing Mt. Zion, the Bride who is over the rest of God’s elect.) My father (Representing the Father) came, and we got into a white SUV. (Representing a vehicle of holiness where there is safety.) I called my husband, who was in the house, and asked him if he saw the embers that were falling from the sky, and he said that he did. (Those on top of Mt. Zion have spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear. The Bride will point out these judgments from God and many will be saved.)
My father took me for a drive to see what had caught on fire from the embers falling from the sky. We were at the bottom of the hill and as we drove up an incline, I saw some really old houses engulfed in fire. (This represents the fire of judgement that burns up of the wood, hay and stubble and purifies the elect of God's people, i.e., REVIVAL!) (The really old houses near the bottom of Mt. Zion represent the apostate religious institutions that are going to experience judgment for ignoring the call to climb Mt. Zion.)
The next thing I know, my husband and I were at my son Curt's house. (Curt is my second son and spiritually represents the fruit of Christ in me.) His house was on top of the same hill (Representing Mt. Zion) that I was on at the start of the dream. It was built up high like the houses built on stilts along the beach to protect it from the waves. Psa 18:2 Jehovah is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; My God, my rock, in whom I will take refuge; My shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower.)
I was holding my grandson. (Representing the multiplication of my fruit of Jesus in me.) He was all swaddled up with a pacifier in his mouth. (He's not born yet and is due mid-October this year. Is this a timing thing? Is judgment going to fall not long after he's born?) I asked Curt if he had looked out the window and saw the houses burning below. He said, “yes” he did see them burning. Then I woke up.
(UPDATE: In my dream of the embers falling from the sky. I was holding Maverick who wasn't born yet, and he was swaddled. Surprisingly, he's still being swaddled! Since the beginning of the year, especially, there has been a lot of judgement falling.
The other morning as I was waking up and getting out of bed, I was half dreaming. I heard myself say something like, "It's now 2024"and I knew it had just turned 2024. I have a sense this is when the tribulation will begin, in 2024.
I asked the Lord what this was about and by faith at random I received: Song 7:11, context 10-13, I am my beloved's; And his desire is toward me. [11] Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field; Let us lodge in the villages. (Time to go into the wilderness tribulation, which is also the 7 day marriage feast.) [12] Let us get up early to the vineyards; Let us see whether the vine hath budded, And its blossom is open, And the pomegranates are in flower: There will I give thee my love. [13] The mandrakes give forth fragrance; And at our doors are all manner of precious fruits, new and old, Which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved.
Tiannah was telling me she had an encounter or something like that before she was born again. She said that the Lord showed her we were at the time of the end of the world. She had a knowing of the year 2024.) (The beginning of the tribulation marriage feast?)
I asked for verses by faith at random for the dream. Underlined is where my finger came down. Num. 26:40 And the sons of Bela were Ard and Naaman: of Ard, the family of the Ardites; of Naaman, the family of the Naamites. (Ardites means "I shall subdue" as in God shall subdue the Church.)
(Finally, now it’s time to rebuild.) Neh. 2:1, (in context 1-5), And it came to pass in the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, when wine was before him, that I took up the wine, and gave it unto the king. Now I had not been beforetime sad in his presence. 2 And the king said unto me, Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart. Then I was very sore afraid. 3 And I said unto the king, Let the king live forever: why should not my countenance be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers’ sepulchers, lieth waste, and the gates thereof are consumed with fire? 4 Then the king said unto me, For what dost thou make request? So, I prayed to the God of heaven. 5 And I said unto the king, If it please the king, and if thy servant have found favor in thy sight, that thou wouldest send me unto Judah, unto the city of my father’s sepulchers, that I may build it. (The people rebelled against the Word, like the Church has, and were taken into captivity. Here Nehemiah is going to lead the return and rebuilding of the kingdom.)
I asked for a verse for me, (Here again we see the captivity and the forgiveness and the return.) Zec. 8:14, (in context, 14-17), For thus saith Jehovah of hosts: As I thought to do evil unto you, when your fathers provoked me to wrath, saith Jehovah of hosts, and I repented not; 15 so again have I thought in these days to do good unto Jerusalem and to the house of Judah: fear ye not. 16 These are the things that ye shall do: speak ye every man the truth with his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates; 17 and let none of you devise evil in your hearts against his neighbor; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith Jehovah. (These Zechariah verses remind me of Psa. 15. This chapter is about the coming peace and prosperity of Zion.)
As I was meditating on this dream about the embers falling subconsciously this song was going through my head over and over until the Lord got my attention. It was a song that I had listened to a couple days before. It's a song called FIRE by Cece Winans.)
These are the words of that song that were going through my head…
Fire, fire - Fall on us - Start a new revival - Fire fall on us.
Jesus Showed Her the Plagues of 2023
YouTube - Great Miracles Avenue - 6/10/22
(The following is a summary of this testimony transcribed by Eve Brast. The entire video testimony linked here. This is an awesome testimony, well worth your time. This young girl grew up in a religious family and went to church and participated in religious activities. She was a good person but didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. When she died, she was taken to hell before Jesus brought her back with a mission to tell the world about the coming fate of 2023.)
This young African lady had been having a lot of heart trouble and chest pains and had been diagnosed by the doctors with Endocarditis.
Her words: Around 10 pm one evening my heart was racing much faster than usual and my breathing was out of control, and I couldn’t do anything about it. There seemed to be an abrupt cessation of my breath and I felt myself suffocating. I attempted to shift my body in the bed.
After repeated attempts to cry out to my parents for help and not being heard I began to feel cold, and my spirit became detached from my body. I was propelled through space at an incredible rate of speed, and I began asking myself repeatedly if I was dead. After some time, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned to see a man in brilliant white with a glowing face.
I asked him if he was Jesus and He responded, “I Am the way, the truth, and the life. Come with me and I will show you mighty things that you do not know.”
I asked, “Jesus, am I dead?”
Jesus said, “You are here for one purpose and that must be accomplished as soon as possible. I will impact upon you my Word and ask that you disseminate it throughout the world. Let them know the great tribulation is due. It will be tougher and [feel] longer than humanity can imagine.”
I was crying and started to hear sounds of screaming and pain and feeling the air. It all intensified as I was moving closer to where the voices and cries were coming from. The smell and hotness in that place was like none other. It then dawned on me that I was in Hell.
I cried out, “Master Jesus!”
Jesus said, “On earth you just went to church and did other religious activities because it was imposed on you by your parents, and you never looked for me with the whole of your heart.”
He paused for a moment, and I observed the sorrowful reaction from his movement as they walked then He said, “This is how Hell’s fire is. You won’t be here for long. I want you to tell my people about the coming year 2023.” As soon as He said this, the obnoxious scents and sounds gradually faded away and the atmosphere and power shifted to a more comfortable state.
Jesus went on to say, “2023 will be a tough year and the year of more doom. The pains and sufferings of the past years will be nothing compared to the future. The avarice and greed of men will be made known. (Avarice means an extreme greed for wealth or material gain.) This will be the cause of a severe pandemic. (Obviously, the last pandemic was not what they claimed it was. The real pandemic ended up being the mRNA vaccines. So now we’re speaking of another pandemic, and it is truly severe. This fits with our dreams of factious people dying.) Conflicts between nations will erupt more frequently and violently than ever before. Even the most privileged will be concerned.”
After sensing my anxieties, He continued to hold my hand tightly.
He went on to say, “Tell my people that in spite of everything, everyone who seeks and finds salvation in Me, I the Lord, shall be with them. I will dry the tears from their eyes and will comfort them even if the repercussions of greed continue to rule and prevail. My Father who rules beyond Heaven and earth shall bring peace to the world, but only if the world seeks repentance. Go now and tell the world.”
I began to beg to stay with Jesus and asked if another could go in my stead, but Jesus said, “These are My plans for you. You were born for this purpose, and this is your mission on earth. Go and tell the world what you have seen and heard.” As soon as He was done speaking, I was suddenly knocked off my feet by a gust of wind that was so powerful that it was beyond my ability to resist its force.
When I came back into my body, I could hear the sobs and wails of my mother and the doctors rushing around and I felt them taking my pulse. They declared that I was dead and that they had never witnessed a miracle like this. I had been dead from 10 pm the previous night and wasn’t found by my dad until the next morning when they had rushed me to the hospital.
I have relayed the information in precisely the same manner as Jesus had given it to me and I hope that everyone will take heed to the warning.
The Lord is the only cure for the things coming.
- Learn from God's Vaccine Book
7 simple steps to be immune from plagues/pestilences
There are Three Things God Told Me to Warn You About in 2023
Kynan Bridges - 12/31/23 (Link)
God told me to warn the church in 2023 and I want to go on record saying these things. …
God said warn the church about these three things in the coming year. I need you to hear me and pay very close attention to what I’m going to say because this is very critical. … Judge this [word] and consider this and take heed if possible.
Number one: The year 2023 would be a time of great deception. Deception would become a culture and we must be aware of deception. (I’m talking about deception in the media. Deception in the religious church mountain. Deception in the political mountain. Deception in business and in so many other areas. He said we needed to guard our hearts and minds against Deception. (Well, we’ve observed already of deceptions of demons impersonating aliens, 1,000 years of peace because they don’t believe in the book of Revelation, the demon possessed AI liars, etc.)
There would be such a strong push in the area of deception that people would literally lose their minds because of this. People will begin to question reality. I'm talking about the kind of deception that Paul talks about in Thessalonians. The Bible says that God would send them strong delusion that they would believe a lie. (If you are not on guard, if you are not sensitive [to the Holy Spirit], and more importantly, if you are not Biblically literate [you will be deceived].)
… Please pay attention to this because many of you will say, “Well that's already happening!” No. You've never seen anything like this. Beginning with the first quarter of 2023 they will begin to
monetize and systemize this deception. It will be a systematic thing and if you're not really abiding in the truth then you would be susceptible...
Number two: Write this down because this is so important. In the days to come not only will there be a lot of deception but there will be a lot of distractions. What is a distraction? Something that's meant to take your attention away from what's really happening. I'll give an example: As we speak, they're talking about all these committees and panels, but look at what they just approved, trillions of tax dollars are being spent right now and it’s being spent while people are distracted with other things. People are looking over here to the left but pay attention to what's going on on the right.
When they talk about food shortages, when they talk about wars, (and you know there will be an increase of fear and of global conflict) Pay attention to what's really going on. Do not be distracted in this season. The things that God has shown you in dreams, the things he’s shown you in visions, but more importantly what he has shown you in his Word, lay hold on those things and do not let go of what God has spoken to you.
I'm telling you God's gonna do some things in 2023 that are very very supernatural. Stay focused on the Word of God and on what God spoke to you. Stay focused on God's promises and do not be moved by distractions. Do not allow things to take your attention off of what God is speaking and doing in this season. We’re going to see a lot of major distractions in the political arena in the first quarter of the year going into the middle of the year.
There will be many things that are said in legislations, committees, and panels but they're all smoke and mirrors. They're just a show. There's no substance to them. Don't be distracted. They're designed and strategically orchestrated to take your attention and your focus [away from God and His plans.] Do not give in to fear.
Number three: I’m to warn you against disappointment
and despair. The Bible actually says, “Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid, for in my Father's house there are many mansions.” In Hebrews 10 it says, “Do not cast away your confidence which has a great recompense of reward.” I'm telling this by the Holy Ghost.
Do not give in to the temptation in the upcoming year to believe that the things God has promised you have not come to pass.
The devil will try to play on your emotionally. He will try to make you think, “I thought God was going to do this or I thought God was going to do that and none of it has happened.” The devil will try to use your disappointment to take you to a place of despair. That's when you give up hope and become hopeless. In this next season of our lives, we must hold on to hope which is the anchor of the soul.
This is why I believe the Lord told me to warn the church in this season because as things begin to shift you need to hold on to the truth and to the Firm Foundation that God has not forgotten you friend. He is not slack concerning his promise. Maybe you that by this time you would have seen the restoration of your marriage or … whatever it may be. Listen, do not let go of “your appointment”. That's what disappointment is when you distance yourself from your Divine appointment.
God keeps his appointments even if it seems like He's not on the way, even if it seems like He's not showing up, even if it seems like it's not going to happen, do not become disappointed. The devil will try to destroy people with disappointment. He will try to talk people into giving up even to the point of taking their own lives, even to the point of conceding to that Spirit of Despair, that Spirit of hopelessness.
There are many other things that I need to share with you about the upcoming year, but the Lord hasn't released me to share them yet. There's a lot of things that God's going to be be doing in this upcoming year. There's going to be great Revival that happens and begins to happen in churches. There's going to be another push in terms of infectious diseases. Infectious disease will be one of the talking points in 2023.
But also, there will be unprecedented Miracles and documented Miracles. Globally we're going to see the church explode in the area of miracles, signs, and wonders.
Those are the three things God told me to tell you right now.
I'm Going To Make All Things New
Julie Daughter of the King - March 2, 2023
My Dearest Sisters and Brothers in Yahushua,
Yahushua teaches us all the time that we are to have His Kingdom perspective. But it's often challenging in this life to do that! We were brought into this world for a purpose, His purpose(s), but often our self has more influence over us than we would like to admit, especially when we are downtrodden, weary and don't see any progress towards the goal and victory Yahushua has promised. It is a struggle daily to see evil escalating without being reigned in. And, when the enemy seems to be winning, then our frustrations can mount and be on full display, despite Yahushua having taught us how to operate from the Spirit and not from the flesh.
Father, we want to be launched, to bring in the harvest for Your glory! Let's go and save the lost! Father isn't it time, yet?! And, like a child anticipating a positive response to a well-presented case, we wait with anticipation and are crestfallen and discouraged when the answer is, "Not, yet." However, we must remember that Our Father has set in place a design that is so incredible in its perfection for converting the soul, that we cannot fully grasp all of it on this side. This is a word that Yahushua gave to me, as I cried out yet again, asking Him why we haven't been transformed yet!! His response was loving but very clear:
Message Received Feb. 28, 2023:
“My coming to heal you, to strengthen you and to transform you is not contingent on how you feel at any given moment. It is not contingent on how much the evil has increased. It is not contingent on your perspective, as to whether you 'feel' you can continue one more day in this realm, or not. I Am with you and never leave your side, and I understand how difficult this life is for all of you.
You have desires, plans, and dreams that have and will go unfulfilled. You have given up the identity that is you, so that I can manifest through you, and at times, this saddens you. My Word says I give you the desires of your heart, but this is [only] truth when you align My will with your life and allow Me to place the desires within. Desires birthed from the flesh often do not come to fruition, because these are either outside of Me or simply not needed for your growth in Me.
Things don't always go as you had hoped, and some of you are disappointed, frustrated, and even discouraged as you wait for Me. I realize the wait seems so long, but as I always tell you, without praying for My perspective, you won't have the understanding that, the appointed time I have chosen is the perfect time by My design.
There are infinite outcomes and possibilities based on each soul's choice, in even the smallest matter, every second that passes each day. Only I as Creator know the outcome of every single choice or motive. Because you hear that the victory has been won but have yet to experience it in the natural realm, you only have limited vision and understanding, as to why I have not poured out My Spirit in full measure yet.
However, I say to you evil must rise to the degree that satan and all his dark kingdom believe they have won, believe they have the upper hand, and that they are in complete control. Then, I will move upon the lands like has never been seen or done before. Then, I will pour out My Spirit as a flood that all the souls of men will know that I Am that I Am. Would you have it any other way??
When that appointed time has come, I will be known as Creator of all things, King of kings and Lord of lords. I have always offered you free will in every choice you make, never stopping you from walking the path you choose to walk. I force no one to completely surrender to Me. But when you were born again, it was your decision, freely given, to give your lives to Me as a living sacrifice. However, you can choose at any point to take matters into your own hands, because I have not moved in the way you would have Me move, yet. You could make decisions without My counsel, to fulfill your own desires and dreams, because it appears that time as you know it goes on and on. But where does this lead you?
You have been chosen before the foundation of the earth to be My kings and priests and to help Me bring in the lost. Surely, you would not rather be one of the souls needing rescue who have gone their own way. Are you not one of those chosen as My remnant, those who have been trained to walk in obedience, those who have fully surrendered their lives to Me, so I can use all of you as instruments of righteousness, bringing in the larger harvest of those who have not yet committed?
When you gave everything to Me in this life, My desires became your desires, My will became your will, and the 'you' known as your soul gave all its hopes, dreams, and desires to Me to do with as I would have it. I assure you; your wait will not have been in vain. There is a process that is taking place as you wait, as you hold the line and keep the faith, as you stand, when it's all you can do but stand, and simply abide in obedience and pray.
Many of you are sick and disabled. Many of you have suddenly found yourselves alone. Many of you have relocated, and many of you are very unsure of how to proceed. Many of you have lost loved ones unexpectedly, but nothing has happened outside of My will. I am bigger than all of this. I Am in control. I have the perfect plan in place. I see all and I hear all. I am walking through this with you, and so much is about to be revealed to you. You walk by faith and not by sight, and blessed are those who believe, even though they don't see Me.
All is about to change. I would not say this if it wasn't so. I am not a man that I would lie. I am Truth in all its essence. Trust Me My beautiful ones, trust Me. Your journey will suddenly take a turn, and all that has been hurtful here, all that has been stolen from you, and all that has caused heartbreak- All will be healed and restored!”
Psa 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Isa 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Jer. 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Psa 40:5 Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.
Prov. 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
1 Pe. 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
Jer. 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
Rev. 5:10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
Rom. 6:13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
Eph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
2 Co. 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.
John 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
Num. 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Rev. 21:5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
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