
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
UBBS 4.26.2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Anarchy, Civil War and Destruction Coming
David Eells - 4/26/23
The Eagle Devours Itself
Missy Pollock - 3/16/23 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed it was daytime. (In this dream daytime represents that The Powers That Be are no longer trying to hide their evil deeds. The un-Civil war becomes overt.) I saw two paratroopers dressed in camouflage uniforms falling through the sky and they hadn't pulled their ripcords yet. (These two camouflaged paratroopers represent the two factions in the military of the Alliance and the DS Beast who are warring overtly at the moment. The type in history that is being repeated is that Babylon/D.S. is falling to the Medio-Persian/Alliance empire. The military in the U.S. is split between these two which is the perfect scenario for a Civil war.)
The paratrooper on the right shot the other paratrooper on the left with a rifle in the stomach. (The right wing of the Eagle is defeating the left wing.) The paratrooper on the left that was shot was surprised and said to those in command via some kind of communication device, "I've been shot!" Then I woke up. (At this time the right wing is shooting the left-wing soldiers, be they military or not.)
(I was reading up a little on paratroopers and they are used strategically to drop forces behind enemy lines and to quickly get boots on the ground where needed.)(At this point this is a covert war so it’s all behind enemy lines.)
These were my verses I received by faith at random for the morning meeting that the Lord told me go with the dream. I got these verses the night before I had the dream! Dan 11:4, (in context 1-4) [1] And as for me, in the first year of Darius the Mede, I stood up to confirm and strengthen him. [2] And now will I show thee the truth. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and when he is waxed strong through his riches, he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece.
[3] And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will. [4] And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven, but not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion wherewith he ruled; for his kingdom shall be plucked up, even for others besides these.
(In general, Babylon was conquered by Media-Persia, which was conquered by Greece.)
The Division of America at Election Time
Prophet Ken Dewey - 4/20/23 (David’s notes in red)
What I hear [from the Lord] is that “The Elections will not satisfactorily happen in 2024 and when they do not, there will be a great exodus from Washington DC, and they will start another government over the true America somewhere in the south.” (What we are hearing is that after NESARA/GESARA is declared, there must be an election within 120 days for the new republic of the U.S. This would make his statement above of the election in 2024 correct for it would not come to pass.)
Years ago, I heard that there would be a great division in this land and a huge Civil War. This, in part, has already begun. But things will get worse, until the end of present things.
Years ago, I heard The LORD say, “If America does not repent of abortion, He would smash this nation to pieces.” That, in part, has already begun to happen — and I heard [Him say] He is “greatly concerned about the morality in America.”
Years ago, I also heard the LORD say, “The South will rise again — but this time when they do they will not be fighting to keep slaves, but will be fighting against becoming slaves.”
This, in part, has already happened. Today we see many Southern States — or states identifying as such — becoming bolder and making great changes from the present administration, and The Deep State.
If you will take, note of this one fact: our rightful President [who was refused office by a dishonest vote], has moved to Florida.
If you will note, there is strong leadership also in Florida — but, one only needs to read the news to see there is great leadership coming out of Texas and other Southern States.
Years ago, I heard the LORD say, “The Government will fall down so hard in Washington DC that the Government will have to be rebuilt.” (There is no government in Washington D.C. now. All the previous buildings have been closed down.)
I heard Him say that “New leaders would rise up in Texas and the South.”
I hear [Him say] today, “Men will not continue to be forced to live by the present social and global leaders in this nation. Enough is enough!” (The D.S. is falling.)
I hear reports (already happening and spoken) about whole States and even parts of States seceding from the United States of America (The USA) and becoming sovereign within themselves. The rustling of this move is already in the air.
I personally hear [the Lord say] that to vote this time, will not even count. Men must do more than vote. What I have not heard for sure, is who may be the true American President after 2024. (It is possible that Trump will go into the presidency before the 2024 election since many states have decertified the vote from 2020.)
But already there are very capable men rising to this task. When the American people are forced beyond what they are able to bear, they will elect a true President.
That President could, very well, be ex-President Trump. He certainly is one who is leading out. Who the new American Government will elect as president will be yet decided… But one thing I hear that is very likely……. It will not be in Washington DC.!
I hear that God will not force men in America to serve Him, but when they reject Him, the LORD will simply reject them.
Even as it says in Romans that, when they did not like to even retain the knowledge of God, then God gave them up to live as they please. The LORD simply pulled back and watched them, awaiting their final judgment, some day. History is repeating itself!
One thing for sure I hear today, is that God will never forsake His People in this Nation, and anywhere else. God will forever lead them into a greater life with Him.
I hear the greater life is coming for people in America who love God and choose Him. And I hear that God will fight for them to protect them.
I have written this Word as led to speak. I have only said what I have heard said to me. The thoughts here are led by The Holy Spirit.
Romans 1:28-32 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness;
they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
Blood on the U.S. Flag
Michael Boldea Jr. - October 2003
HandofHelp.com (David’s notes in red)
In early January, our ministry was notified by a supporter in Florida that as her husband was looking at the 2004 Marine Calendar February page and he noticed a Marine standing by the flag. At that moment he saw in a vision the flag drip with blood. There is great significance to the dream Michael was given and we know before God allows judgments or warnings, he always warns, and God always prepares his people.
Psalm 32: 6-7, For this cause everyone who is Godly shall pray to you in a time when you maybe found; surely in a flood of great waters they shall not come near him. You are my hiding place; you shall preserve me from trouble; you shall surround me with songs of deliverance.
It was October 11th, … [and] During the night I had a dream. I dreamed I was kneeling by my bedside praying when I felt a presence behind me. I turned, and a man was standing there, dressed in white, his hands clasped in front of him. It was the same man I had seen in a dream sometime earlier. "Why didn't you say something, if you were standing there," I asked. "I would never interrupt your communion with the Father," he answered. It was a precious thing. Take my hand, I must show you something."
I took his hand and suddenly we were standing in front of the U.S. Marine War Memorial. It is a statue depicting a group of soldiers raising the American flag on Iwo Jima in WW2. I looked to the man standing on my right, but he pointed toward the statue, and said, "Look at the flag."
As I was watching the flag flap in the wind, a red spot appeared in its center, it began to grow, and spread turning the flag red as it went. It was like someone had spilled this red liquid in the flag's center, and [it was] absorbing it, the stain continued to grow. I watched, as the entire flag became saturated, until it finally started to drip.
To my surprise, I realized the liquid dripping from the flag was blood. "What is this supposed to mean"? I asked the man. "The leaders of this nation have war on their hearts, and on their lips, and soon they will have blood on their hands. The banner of war is upon this land” the man answered solemnly. (The DS Eugenicists would love to kill as many people on the planet as possible and profit from their schemes and tactics all at the same time.)
Before I could ask anything more, I found myself sitting up in bed in a cold sweat. I shared this dream with a friend that Sunday night, as I happened to be speaking in his church in Topeka. I also shared it with Geno and the rest of the staff here at the Hand Of Help office, but in my heart I decided not to make it public until after the holidays. …
Then 3 weeks after this dream I had another. I dreamed the same man was standing by my bedside, but he was no longer dressed in white. Over his robe, he had a breastplate, and as he stood, I could see the handle of his sword protruding from behind his right shoulder. It was the fiercest image I had ever seen in my life, but I was not afraid. Kindness still showed in his eyes, and I knew he meant me no harm. As I looked up at him the one thing that struck me was that his breastplate was not shiny. For some reason, I had expected it to shine, rather it was dented and scarred, and looked as though it had seen much battle.
He looked down at me with what I could only describe as disappointment in his eyes. Before I could speak, he said, "For a vessel to fulfill its task, substance must be poured into it, then that same substance must be poured out. If it is never poured out, it will overflow, being of use to no one. Do you understand?" I nodded half heartedly, although I knew what he was trying to tell me.
"When a vessel is chosen it is an honor," he continued, "Be faithful in completing your task and share what is given you without delay. Come I will show you once more.” Once again, we stood before the monument and the same scene played out.
"When will this happen?" I asked, before he could turn away. "When the Father wills it", he answered. "His will be done.” "Can't you ask him?" I asked, realizing only after the words had left my mouth how infantile the question had been.
"You speak of the things your mind cannot comprehend". "You speak of time concerning the One to whom centuries are no more then a blink of an eye. Be diligent in what you have been shown, and more will be revealed. All things proceed as He ordains, that is all you are given to know for now."
The dream ended, and I found myself in bed. I have had some time to contemplate this dream, and if I was one given to speculation there are many theories, I could come up with but I am [will] not.
What I do know, is whether in retaliation for a certain action, or as a preemptive measure, this nation will set out on a course that will eventually be the cause of innocents losing their lives. This nation will, be perceived as having blood on its hands and it will stir the emotions of the world against it.
I pray with all my heart this does not occur; that all who are denoting peace and safety for generations to come are right, and I am wrong. (He is not wrong. The Bible prophesies no peace until Jesus returns at His second coming at the end of the Tribulation.) Regardless of what some may think, I do not want to see the judgment of God fall on this land, but the path we have chosen as a nation is leading us to it.
More then ever, I urge you to pray for this nation and its leaders, because it is our duty as children of God to do so. May he who ordains all things be with you and guide you, knowing that in Him there is perfect safety, and perfect peace…
The Eagle and the Serpents
Michael Boldea Jr. - October 15, 2004
HandofHelp.com (David’s notes in red)
(This is the message God gave Michael Boldea through a dream while he was in North Carolina. He asked for a confirmation of this message and asked God simply to give him the dream again if it was from Him. The next night he had the same dream.)
…I dreamt I was walking through a sparsely wooded forest, and suddenly my attention was drawn to an eagle flying high above the tree line. It was a beautiful sight to behold as the eagle rode the thermals, flying in slow lazy arks across the blue sky. I began to quicken my pace, and keep up with the eagle's flight, all the while keeping an eye on it, noticing that it was slowly descending toward the earth. I followed it for a long time, its descent not being sudden, but very gradual. (The U.S. is falling away more and more from a heavenly position.)
Finally, I came upon a small clearing, where there were no trees, just some bushes on the edges of the green grass. The eagle landed in the clearing and began to look around not seeming to notice me.
As I began to wonder what the relevance of this was, a man dressed in white, hands clasped in front of him, appeared beside me, and said, "Be patient, in due time you will see the purpose."
I was silent as I watched the eagle, and was beginning to grow somewhat impatient, when suddenly, it seemed out of nowhere, a brown snake lunged at the eagle, and bit down on its left wing. (The brown Nazi snake from Operation Paperclip has destroyed the Left wing.) The snake's strike was very quick and very precise. The eagle reacted without delay, clawing, and pecking at the snake cutting deep wounds in its underbelly, trying to defend itself and ward off the serpent.
Just as it seemed the eagle was winning the battle, and the serpent was retreating, another serpent appeared, red and black diagonal stripes covering its body, (Red and black are the colors of Anarchy. The D.S. has many anarchists to begin their overt Civil War.) and without hesitation struck out at the eagle's right wing, biting down, and refusing to release. (The Alliance is expecting this and is planning martial law to be able to destroy the anarchists.) After a momentary tug of war, the serpent tore off flesh and feathers, leaving a large wound on the eagle's right wing. (Eventually the right wing of the US Government represented by the Trump/White Hats will be wounded.) The second bite was much worse than the first, and for an instant the eagle was stunned.
Then a serpent much larger than the previous two, made up of many colors, slithered toward the eagle, opened its jaws, and lunged, taking the whole of the eagle's head in its mouth before biting down. (This is the final One World Order Beast of Revelation 13, represented by Alexander the Great, thought by some to be Obama.)
The serpents retreated and the man who had been standing beside me, walked to the eagle, knelt down, picked it up, and held it in his cupped hands. The look of grief on his face was beyond any I have seen in my life. Just seeing the look on the man's face broke your heart.
(There is no doubt that DS Babylon as a political and economic force will be destroyed by our Cyrus/Trump. This does not mean the anarchy guerilla war, with CCP, help will be over. The freedoms we have known, that the Eagle at high altitude enjoyed, will be over with the headship of our own nation. The Beast of Revelations will rule with the alien/demons.)
The man continued to look down at the eagle, and with a pained voice said, "The true tragedy, is that at any moment it could have sought the safety of the above, it could have soared toward the heavens and would have found its protection. (2Ch. 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.) This has been revealed to you, that you may know, the first bite has been, the second is yet to come, and the third will be its destruction.” (This dream was in 2004. Since then, the Nazi’s have taken over the Left wing. We are about to witness the second bite of the Anarchist, Civil War snake. We just passed the 248th anniversary of “the shot heard around the world” on April 20th that began the Revolutionary war.)
I watched for a long time as the man held the eagle in the palms of his hands, the pained expression never leaving his features. I was too stunned to speak, or ask any questions, what I had seen having seemed so real. (I Woke up)
Worldwide Rebellion Released
Claire Pienaar - 3/26/23 (David’s Notes in Red)
I dreamed I was sitting in a white lounge. (The white lounge represents purity and resting in our continual Sabbath rest.) I was sitting with my dad’s twin sister. (The dad’s twin sister represents those who have the same nature and character of the Father.) My mother-in-law and her children used to stay in this house, but they were no longer living there, although some of their belongings were still there. (The legalistic Apostates and their children will be separated from the true house of God that requires sanctification and rest from our works. Gal. 5:4 Ye are severed from Christ, ye who would be justified by the law; ye are fallen away from grace.)
I saw the DVD case of a rock band’s concert tour that my older brother-in-law had gone to with his young son. The DVD case was red and black, and it said “Rebellion World Tour” on it. (Red and Black are the colors of Anarchy which is rebellion against the establishment authority. The D.S. plans to disrupt the declass on TVs of all their criminal activity with anarchy during the “10 days of darkness”.)
My aunt turned on the DVD player and, as it came on the TV, I felt a hot wave emanate from the TV all over the world. I knew a spirit of rebellion had been unleashed. (Yes. Witchcraft and rebellion have been released across the world in pockets and it will increase and become even worse as we head into the 7-year Tribulation. The Lord has told us that He will use the D.S. war to bring down apostates and factious people. 2Ti. 3:1-9 But know this, that in the last days grievous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, railers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God;
5 holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power therefore. From these also turn away. 6 For of these are they that creep into houses, and take captive silly women laden with sins, led away by divers lusts, 7 ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 And even as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also withstand the truth. Men corrupted in mind, reprobate concerning the faith. 9 But they shall proceed no further. For their folly shall be evident unto all men, as theirs also came to be.)
The men were hard rock or death metal people, with long hair, and some were dressed up as wizards. Others were only dressed in black and grey. As they started singing, I saw them speak out curses. (Could this represent the MSM witches with their mass propaganda campaigns to hypnotize and brainwash the masses. Also, the witches have all aligned with the Left wing and send forth curses against the Right wing and its leaders.) Then I woke up.
Slaying the Dragon
Marie Kelton - 2/17/23 (David’s notes in red)
I had a dream of being in a stairwell. I was at the top of the stairs and at the bottom was a huge black dragon that was blocking me from leaving. His eyes were yellow with black pupils. The Dragon (Satan) was staring at me menacingly.
I became afraid and was going to run into a room that was next to the stairs, to my left. But then I heard a voice say, "He is a defeated foe." I then had the courage to run down the stairs with my sword and slew the dragon, which was easier than I thought because all I did was cut of his tail (Representing false prophets of the MSM and apostates. Isa 9:15: The elder and the honorable man, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.)
(Take down the false media and the dragon of the Devil in DS Babylon is finished. They are about to bring down their satellites and prosecute them. The Alliance will own the media. A world Civil war will be raised up. It’s evident that though the D.S. will lose, it will greatly damage the Alliance and will make way for the Grecian Anti-Christ empire to fill the void. Everything will change. We have seen some evidence that Obama’s clone is killed, and he escapes to fulfill the type of Alexander the great of the next beast kingdom represented by Greece.)
Marie went on to say: I was celebrating joyfully, as I was going down the second flight of stairs leaving the place, I was in. Then I saw a white cloth or shirt with streaks of blood on it. Then I woke up.
The Violent Take it by Force
Debbie Fenske - October 2022 (David’s notes in red)
I remember on our Zoom meeting, concerning someone's scripture David said, "We have to be violent in our warfare against the enemy." This reminded me of 1Sa. 15 where Samuel rebuked Saul for disobeying God for not killing Agag the king of the Amalekites, but brought him back with some sheep, that he also was commanded to kill.
So, after all that took place between them, Saul went back with Samuel to worship the Lord. Then Samuel had Agag brought to him, and Samuel cut him into pieces. So, …even before this dream began, I knew in my sub conscious that I was going to be shown something.
I dreamed I saw myself, wearing a red jacket, standing way up high in the sky on a very large, white platform of hard rock. (The red jacket represents being covered by the sacrificial blood of Jesus and being up in heavenly places in Him and being founded on the Rock which the Bible says represents Christ.)
I saw some of the white base that was supporting the platform, extending down. All around me was the dark, blueish-black night sky filled with so many stars. When I looked way down, all I could see were tiny lights far and wide.
Then I turned and I saw a man near the front of this platform. He was wearing a blue suit jacket. This man was violently hacking at something, or someone. He would not stop, and his jacket was flapping hard against his body as he kept on doing this. As I was looking at this man, his build reminded me of President Trumps. (Well, President Trump is known for his violent warfare against the enemies of the people. What we have seen is that what president Trump is in the natural world, the Man-child is in the spiritual world.)
Then I noticed he was wearing a red tie that was loose and flying in the air as he kept doing this violent hacking. … Then I woke up.
(I believe God was showing me how we should … always be ready to do this violent warfare. This dream is showing us how we have that authority. We must keep our feet standing on the solid rock, (of Christ), knowing we are made righteous through our faith in the blood of Jesus who is our righteousness.
And if we are keeping our mind in heavenly places, not forgetting as we look at the world around us, we have the authority to violently come against all the spiritual wickedness in high places, and over Satan, the prince of darkness, himself. It must be second nature to be ready to go immediately into spiritual warfare, and not be complacent about it, but forceful and violent; knowing that the weapons of spiritual warfare are ours. They are powerful and mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.)
Our Authority in His Name
Tiannah Fire - 4/19/23 (David’s notes in red)
I was in the half-awake, half-asleep state, and I saw and experienced how everything in this world and all unclean spirits were literally under me or Jesus in me, and we are high above it all, spiritually. (Nothing can compare to the pure, holy Name of Jesus. Luk 10:17 Now the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in thy name.
I saw, clearer than ever, that I am a child of the Creator of everything, and Jesus is living in me completely and that how Jesus in me has ALL power and authority over everything. 1Jn 4:4 YE are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is the one in you than the one in the world.
I saw this all so clear, in full, 100% without any doubt, unbelief, or hindrance. I saw it more true and real than anything I have ever experienced. Although I believe all of this is true and speak and confess the Word, I don't always manifest it yet. This is the only time I have felt or experienced it fully. But, in this experience, I was fully manifesting it, and it was so awesome and so real, beyond any words to properly describe it.
I saw that absolutely nothing evil can touch me, and with one word or with just a thought; the sick were healed, the devils fled as they knew it's Christ in me. When in this state, I knew that the spirits and creation knew that it was Jesus in me in all His power and authority and they knew there was nothing they could do. (Awesome power is in the Name of Jesus!)
When awake, I normally battle doubt and not knowing my identity in Christ, and this hinders His power flowing through me. The devil knows this and is always trying to get us to doubt. But in this experience, there was no doubt. It was like I could see through all the lies, deception, and carnality and I could see all truth. Everything felt so real, and it was more awesome than any words can say. The unclean spirits I saw just looked at me and they knew it was Jesus so, they didn’t even bother doing anything. With just a thought they were stopped, and they couldn’t do anything else without Jesus giving them the green light. It felt like it was the Word and Jesus fully manifested in me. There was no flesh left; nothing blocking Jesus from manifesting. (This vision or experience represents a glimpse of a time when we will have overcome through Jesus the Man-child in us.)
It was disappointing when I fully woke up, and the experience faded away, but I believe for God’s grace for all of us and for Him to manifest Himself fully through us all. I pray for us to all be completely dead to everything unholy and everything that hinders us spiritually.
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