
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
UBBS 4.7.2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Provision For David’s House (2)
Eve Brast - 4/7/21 (David’s notes in red)
End-Time Harvest at David’s House
Eve Brast - 4/6/21 (David’s notes in red)
(I just received another dream on 4/6/21 concerning Father's provision for David’s house, so I understood that He wasn’t through speaking to UBM about this subject. I have also included some past revelations that I will share at the end that fit so well with this latest dream Father gave me.)
I dreamed that I (representing the first fruits Bride company) was sitting on the top, front step of the White House. It had been a sunny, nice day but now the sun was going down and the shadows were starting to grow long. (Father is sovereign over the White House and also His “White House”. He is in control of it all. The first fruits corporate body of the Bride is sitting on the top step of Father’s White House because they are the first fruits that come to maturity. As the sun goes down on this last dispensation and we enter the 7 years of tribulation, when darkness covers the earth, we can see the shadows growing longer over the land. But, as it says in Psalm 91:8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold, And see the reward of the wicked.)
I felt small in this dream, like a child. (Jesus said, “Unless you become as a little child, you shall in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven.” And, “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.”) I was dressed in a red and white checkered blouse and a pure white pleated skirt. (As for the blouse, we are a mixture of red for the red political perspective people who are opposite from the blue leftist, communist, anti-christ, political faction and we are white for the righteous spiritual perspective which many of the right wing are not. As for the white skirt, we stand for the brides righteous acts and walk of the saints.)
I always had a small, white and yellow colored blanket that I carried, bunched up, close to my chest with my right arm that gave me great comfort and security. (This blanket represents “The Comforter; The Holy Spirit.) (The white is for purity and the yellow for the Sun representing the Son.) It was peaceful sitting there and as I looked up at the high ceiling of the porch and the huge pillars that ran along the front it, it made me feel even smaller. (The first fruits are only a small portion of God’s harvest in these end-times.)
There were huge swaths of freshly tilled red dirt farmland with gently rolling hills that stretched out in front of the White House (Prepared for the fruit of the White Houses); no parking lots or city structures at all. (The red dirt is our rebellious, sinful, flesh nature that must be broken up in order for it to receive God’s seed or His Word, and bear fruit.) I knew in the dream that this was David’s house; that his house, as it is in real life, was inside of the White House and that David was inside working at the moment. (This is again pointing to the parallel between the presidency of Donald Trump and the Man-child David ministries receiving their authority from God to fulfill His end-time plans for His people and the people of the U.S.)
The huge front door stood open and there was a huge screen door on the front of the White House that let the breeze flow through. None of the flies or other insects from the fields were able to get inside. (The screen door represents the free flow of the Holy Spirit in this house which gives us the ability and discernment to screen out the demons and demonic curses that are upon the world and those who are worldly.)
As I turned my attention back to the farm fields in front of the house, the voice of the Father began to speak, out of the sky, directly above me, over the roof of the porch. I began to see all the workmen out in the fields. (The workmen are the angels who gather the end-time harvest. Mat. 13:36-43 Then he left the multitudes, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Explain unto us the parable of the tares of the field. 37 And he answered and said, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; 38 and the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil one ; 39 and the enemy that sowed them is the devil (It is easy to tell at the time of harvest who has been sown by the devil; it is those who are still sinful. 1Sa 24:13 As saith the proverb of the ancients, Out of the wicked cometh forth wickedness…): and the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are angels. 40 As therefore the tares are gathered up and burned with fire; so shall it be in the end of the world. 41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and them that do iniquity (As He is doing now), 42 and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. 43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear.) (We can see this separation and judgment both in the spiritual world and for a parable in the physical and political realm.)
There were two teams of field workers that were working together simultaneously. They had two very large trucks; one was a dump truck and the other a garbage truck and two front-end loaders with large buckets for scooping things up and putting them in the truck beds. These trucks were much bigger than in real life and the beds were twice as long; like the size of 18 wheelers.
I looked at the side of the dump truck, which was closest to me and the house, and saw many white bags of freshly harvested red apples. The Father was narrating what I was watching as He said, “ And these are the good apples. They are sweet, ripe and delicious. They are perfect and there were no flaws found in them. They are fit for My use.” (2 Ti. 2:20-22 Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some unto honor, and some unto dishonor. 21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, meet for the master's use, prepared unto every good work. 22 But flee youthful lusts, and follow after righteousness, faith, love, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.)
There were multitudes of apples in those bags and the men were scooping up the bags of the good apples and putting them into the dump truck to be taken where the Lord wanted them to go. As the front-end loader was putting these apples into the back of the truck, the white bags were tearing open and I could see how shiny and ripe and perfect they all looked as they tumbled into the truck bed. (The white bags tearing open to reveal the good fruit represents the crucifixion unto eternal life that we suffer in order to bear the fruit of Christ in our earthly vessels.)
Then I looked further out in the field (meaning: far from Godliness) and saw the garbage truck surrounded by many black trash bags filled with rotten, bad apples. The Father’s voice spoke again and said, “And these are the bad apples. (“Bad apple” is a saying we use to describe a bad person.) They are diseased and filled with worms and infested with insects. They are so bad and rotten that they can not be eaten. They were being taken and burned and ground down into fertilizer for the next crop.” There were also multitudes of apples in those bags as well. As the men were scooping them up with the front end loader and dumping them into the back of the garbage truck, the black bags were also tearing open and I could see all the bad apples. They were rotten and had holes in them with worms and insects crawling in and out of them. And there was paper trash mixed in with them as well. (The black bags tearing open represents the destruction unto death that the wicked suffers for their rebellion to God’s Word. Their fruit is rotten and eaten up by the curse because of the garbage of the world and worldly living that is mixed in with their lives.)
One of the workmen threw a lever and the garbage compacter began to squeeze and crush all of the bad apples and compact them together with the trash to make room for more bad apples to be dumped into the garbage truck. Once it was full, an incendiary fire started inside the garbage truck and burned all the bad apples into a black powdered dust and I watched as the garbage truck began to go all around the freshly plowed field and scatter the dust onto the field to fertilize it for the next crop. (This could mean that the judgment of the wicked will put the fear of the Lord in the hearts of those observing. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Some foolishly believe that God is good for not judging sin.) (Mat. 3:11-12, I indeed baptize you in water unto repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you in the Holy Spirit and in fire: 12 whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing-floor; and he will gather his wheat into the garner, but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire.)
Leon received by faith at random Jer. 24:1-10 as a confirmation of this dream our very next morning prayer meeting. He had no knowledge of this dream beforehand. Jer 24:1-10 Jehovah showed me, and, behold, two baskets of figs set before the temple of Jehovah, after that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the craftsmen and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon. 2 One basket had very good figs, like the figs that are first-ripe; and the other basket had very bad figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad. 3 Then said Jehovah unto me, What seest thou, Jeremiah? And I said, Figs; the good figs, very good; and the bad, very bad, that cannot be eaten, they are so bad. 4 And the word of Jehovah came unto me, saying, 5 Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel: Like these good figs, so will I regard the captives of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans, for good. 6 For I will set mine eyes upon them for good, and I will bring them again to this land: and I will build them, and not pull them down; and I will plant them, and not pluck them up. (The first-fruits born of Babylon are coming forth to live and build in their promised land now.)
7 And I will give them a heart to know me, that I am Jehovah: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God; for they shall return unto me with their whole heart. 8 And as the bad figs, which cannot be eaten, they are so bad, surely thus saith Jehovah, So will I give up Zedekiah the king of Judah, and his princes, and the residue of Jerusalem (representing the apostate leadership of Christianity), that remain in this land, and them that dwell in the land of Egypt: 9 I will even give them up to be tossed to and fro among all the kingdoms of the earth for evil; to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them. 10 And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, among them, till they be consumed from off the land that I gave unto them and to their fathers.
Suddenly, a very important man showed up on the right side of the porch of the White House. He was dressed as a simple farm hand in blue jeans and he had a white “Fruit of the Loom” t-shirt on. (We are the fruit of His loom) He was wearing brown, leather farm boots and he had a white covering over his entire head so that I couldn’t see his face. (I believe this man was the Father because I couldn’t look upon His face. Jesus said if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father. John 14:7-10 If ye had known me, ye would have known my Father also: from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. 8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. 9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and dost thou not know me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; how sayest thou, Show us the Father? 10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I say unto you I speak not from myself: but the Father abiding in me doeth his works.)
I got up and walked over to him and noticed that he had a farmer’s tan on his arms and that his forearms were very large and muscular from years of hard work and manual labor. (1 Co.3:6-9 I planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: but each shall receive his own reward according to his own labor. 9 For we are God's fellow-workers: ye are God's husbandry, God's building.)
I could sense his kindness, lowliness, and the peaceful nature that exuded from him. I knew, in the dream, that he had given a very large sum of money as a donation for David’s house. I took his hand and said, “I want to thank you so much for your generous contribution.” And I thanked him for his sacrifice so that David could purchase his house. (The Father sacrificed His only Son to purchase or redeem us from sin and death. Also, He is providing the finances for the purchase of David’s house in real life. Thank you Father!)
He was a very quiet and humble man and didn’t really say much to my "thank you” but received it warmly and graciously. He was there to see David and asked me if I would, "be so kind as to fetch David" for him. (Father knows how to speak to us in simple ways that we can receive and understand Him. I was thinking of the way Timothy Dixon speaks when I pondered this portion of the dream. He’s a humble and simple man but the Lord speaks so powerfully through him in prophetic words, dreams and visions. :o)
I said, “Sure. He’s inside working. Let me go get him for you.” I only got as far as the screen door when David came out and walked directly over to the man, with long quick strides, as if he already knew him and knew of his presence on the porch. They gave each other a good firm handshake. David thanked him, as well, for his sacrificial gift and his friendship. (Psa 25:14 The friendship of Jehovah is with them that fear him; And he will show them his covenant.) Then the man said in a quiet voice, “Well, I want to thank you for all that you’ve done for me and for this ministry.” (That Thank you Father for making me to serve youFather would thank me is very generous considering that I have done nothing but what He gave me grace to do. It is He who giveth the increase. Thank you Father for making me to serve You.)
After this, the scene changed and I was sitting inside the White House in David’s living room, that he has in real life, with several other women and brethren from UBM. We all had white plates of fried fish. But mine looked and tasted like chicken because I hate fish. (I guess the Lord can make His “Manna” palatable for His people, being weak to the weak so they can receive it, even in a dream. :o)
David then came out of the master bedroom and began going around to each one of us, starting with my plate. He cocked his head to the side and gave me the eagle eye, jokingly, as if to say, “You’d better eat all of your fish!”; knowing that I don’t like to eat fish. (Father knows what is good and healthy for us to eat. His Word is what we should feed on and sometimes our flesh doesn’t like to eat the Word. We must ask for grace from God to consume His Word and not eat the things that are pleasing to the flesh.) (I have said jokingly to others when they acted picky, "Eat what is put before you".)
David then took a small piece of fish from my plate and ate it. He then went around the room taking a small piece of fish from each of our plates and ate it. We gladly shared our food with him and felt honored to do so. Then I woke up. (This represents everyone in UBM donating their gifts for the purchase of David’s house. (Psalm 128:2, 2 For thou shalt eat the labor of thy hands: Happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.)
(Another confirmation for this dream was that Lexi came into our Monday night prayer meeting with a large fresh apple to snack on during the meeting. I have rarely seen her eat an apple or bring one to the meeting to snack on. :o)
I asked Father for a word by faith at random for this dream and my finger was on the phrase, “The Lord bless thee out of Zion” in Psalm 128:5, 1-6 (in context)
Blessed Are All who Walk in His Ways
1 Blessed is every one that feareth Jehovah, That walketh in his ways. 2 For thou shalt eat the labor of thy hands: Happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. 3 Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine, In the innermost parts of thy house; Thy children like olive plants, Round about thy table. 4 Behold, thus shall the man be blessed That feareth Jehovah. 5 Jehovah bless thee out of Zion: And see thou the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life. 6 Yea, see thou thy children's children. Peace be upon Israel.
These supporting revelations below are a testament to, and confirmations of, the integrity of UBM ministries and all the good fruit that it has born.
The Abundant Fruits of David’s House
Eve Brast - 5-14-20 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed that David (Representing the Man-child David's) and I (Representing the Bride body) were in his kitchen (The place where spiritual food is prepared from the Word).
David was dressed in a pure white tuxedo and I was holding his white tuxedo jacket and waiting to help put it on him so that his outfit would be complete. (The Man-childs are getting prepared for the Marriage Feast. The Bride has helped to prepare the David Man-childs for their ministry.)
David opened the refrigerator in his kitchen and I saw that it was packed full of very colorful and ripe fruits and vegetables. It was so full there wasn’t room for anything else. (Representing the first-fruits anointing about to be partaken of.)
David was going to pull out some of the food and I said, “Hold on. You have to put this on first (referring to the tuxedo jacket I was holding for him.) (The anointing comes before the fruit is ministered)
David said, ”Oh. Okay. “ and then he kind of stooped down a little so I could help him get the jacket on because he was a little taller than in real life.
I said, “Now, That’s better.” He smiled at me and said, “Okay.” And then he proceeded to get the food out of the refrigerator. (The fruit of Christ in the Man-child was given out when the Tux jacket was put on representing the latter rain anointing.). Then I woke up.
I asked for a word by faith at random for David and received, Isaiah 43:2 finger on “pass through the waters” (2-10 in context). Isa 43:2-10 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. (I.e. The Man-child will be protected by God in the persecution of the faction to make it to the Marriage Feast) 3 For I am Jehovah thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour; I have given Egypt as thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba in thy stead. (Father will judge the wicked who persecute the David’s.) 4 Since thou hast been precious in my sight, and honorable, and I have loved thee; therefore will I give men in thy stead, and peoples instead of thy life.
5 Fear not; for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; 6 I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back; bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the end of the earth; 7 every one that is called by my name, and whom I have created for my glory, whom I have formed, yea, whom I have made. 8 Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears. (Apostates coming to the Lord in the Man-child) 9 Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the peoples be assembled: who among them can declare this, and show us former things? let them bring their witnesses, that they may be justified; or let them hear, and say, It is truth. 10 Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, and my servant whom I have chosen; that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
For myself as a type of the Bride I received by faith at random Psalm 4 (1-8) in context. Psa 4:1-8 Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness; Thou hast set me at large when I was in distress: Have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. 2 O ye sons of men, how long shall my glory be turned into dishonor? How long will ye love vanity, and seek after falsehood? Selah. 3 But know that Jehovah hath set apart for himself him that is godly: Jehovah will hear when I call unto him. 4 Stand in awe, and sin not: Commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah. 5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, And put your trust in Jehovah. 6 Many there are that say, Who will show us any good? Jehovah, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us. 7 Thou hast put gladness in my heart, More than they have when their grain and their new wine are increased. 8 In peace will I both lay me down and sleep; For thou, Jehovah, alone makest me dwell in safety.
I asked for a word by faith at random for me, as a type of the Bride, putting the tuxedo jacket on David and I received Song 1:12 (12-14 in context). Song 1:12-14 While the king sat at his table, My spikenard sent forth its fragrance. 13 My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh, That lieth betwixt my breasts. (Just like the hug she gave to the sun colored comforter) 14 My beloved is unto me as a cluster of henna-flowers In the vineyards of En-gedi.
I remember some past dreams that reveal just how much the crucified life bears more fruit for the Man-child and Bride according to what Father is showing us in this dream above.
In the past, I had 2 dreams of me dressing David in a tuxedo. In these past dreams, David was dressed in tattered clothes, bloody and soiled, and brought to his knees by the faction attacks against him. As we will see, this is the wicked’s character assassination showing David in a false light. I had pulled out a black and white tuxedo to dress him in. But, in the dream above he is standing tall, washed and wearing a pure white tuxedo and completely dressed for the anointing and marriage feast. The factious enemies have been conquered and the righteous will shine forth in the kingdom of their Father.
I had also had a dream in the past of there only being a small container of cherries in David’s refrigerator, but also a larger container in the living room of fruit that was going bad representing those whose fruit was lost by falling away. But, in the dream above the refrigerator is so packed with ripe fruits and vegetables that there isn’t any more room.
Dressing David in a Tuxedo
I (As a type of the Bride of the Last Adam) saw David (Representing the David Man-child body of reformers) kneeling in the guest room of my grandmother's [the ancient and true Church] old house, where I had slept as a child, but there were no beds in the room. He was crying and praying. He had been attacked and his clothes had been soiled and tattered and torn by an enemy. (The Davids have been slandered, maligned and defamed by the wicked, as has happened through all of history.)
I went to the closet and pulled out a black and white tuxedo and then a bowl of water appeared and a white cloth. I dipped the white cloth into the bowl of water and washed David's face and his hands and arms. Then I dressed him in the tuxedo for the Marriage Feast. (Revealing the character of the true Davids.)
This dream was doubled. I had it twice in a three day period. (Meaning, according to Joseph, that it will shortly come to pass)
Bad Fruit Separated From David’s House
Eve Brast - 2/4/19 (David’s notes in red)
The scene changed and I found myself (Representing Eve, the Bride of the last Adam) standing in David’s kitchen up on (Sonshine) mountain. (Representing the larger house of David on Mount Zion). Michael and Brandy were in the study that is off of the kitchen working on the UBM materials. David appeared in front of me next to the refrigerator. He said, “Look Eve. I want to show you something.” He was smiling as he opened the door and bent down to look inside with me. The light that shown out of the refrigerator was so bright that it took my eyes a second to adjust to it. (Refrigerators preserve food so that it lasts until it can be eaten.)
David pointed to a small clear container of beautiful ripe cherries and said, “Do you see these?” I said,” Yes. They are cherries. They look really good.” He was proud of them as he nodded his head and said,” Yes. They are!” (The clear container represents purity and transparency. Nothing hidden. We’ve had revelations of cherry blossoms in fall.) (This past year we had cherry blossoms here in the fall, representing the fall of the old life. Cherry trees normally show blooms in spring. After the blooms are gone, the fruit comes in a couple of months. This varies depending on variety and location. So David and Eve are looking at the first fruits now in the refrigerator ready for use for the spring of new life.)
Then David’s countenance changed as he closed the refrigerator door and he had a look of concern and consternation on his face as he said,” Come. I want to show you something else.” So I followed him into the living room and we stood at the right side of the wood burning stove facing the end table next to the red “Bible Study Chair". (The stove represents burning up of the wood, hay, and stubble in fiery trials. As well as does the “end table.”) (The Bible Study Chair represents where the teaching of the Word went forth for so many years. From this was much fruit born but not all of it was preserved in the individual’s refrigerators, As in the parable of the sower some lost their fruit to the corruption of love of the world and sin which Eve’s dream goes on to explain.)
He directed my attention pointing to a larger opaque container of many different fruits. They weren’t all the same kind of fruit like the cherries were. Some had been cut up in pieces and others had been cut in half, while others had been left whole only to rot in the container. I said, ”It looks like rotten fruit that someone left sitting there.” (I believe the different kinds of fruits that didn’t go together and accelerated the deterioration process represent the works of man. (The falling away of some who once had good fruit) And the cutting up of their fruits represents factions, strifes and divisions. The whole fruits represent the, ”island unto themselves” mentality.) Gal.5:19-26, 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these : fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousies, wraths, factions, divisions, parties, 21 envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of which I forewarn you, even as I did forewarn you, that they who practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 meekness, self-control; against such there is no law. 24 And they that are of Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with the passions and the lusts thereof. 25 If we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also walk. 26 Let us not become vainglorious, provoking one another, envying one another.
David was upset at the wasted fruit and the fact that someone had failed to put it in the refrigerator that the fruit might be preserved. David said, ”I was discussing this situation earlier with Brandy and Michael.” Then He said (referring to the Father), ”He said we need to get it out of the house as soon as possible.” (Rotten fruit only produces more rotten fruit so it must be removed by God) Then David spoke up to Brandy and Michael in the study and said, ”Isn’t that right Brandy?!” And Brandy said, ”Yes. We need to get rid of it as soon as possible or it’s going to spoil everything.” Michael voiced his agreement also. (Father we ask that you either bring repentance to those who lost their fruit or remove them so that a little leaven does not leaven the whole lump) Jer.24:1-10, 1 Jehovah showed me, and, behold, two baskets of figs set before the temple of Jehovah, after that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the craftsmen and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon. 2 One basket had very good figs, like the figs that are first-ripe (Like the cherries that were preserved); and the other basket had very bad figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad. 3 Then said Jehovah unto me, What seest thou, Jeremiah? And I said, Figs; the good figs, very good; and the bad, very bad, that cannot be eaten, they are so bad. 4 And the word of Jehovah came unto me, saying,
5 Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel: Like these good figs, so will I regard the captives of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans, for good. 6 For I will set mine eyes upon them for good, and I will bring them again to this land: and I will build them, and not pull them down; and I will plant them, and not pluck them up. (We are now seeing the first-fruits born from Babylon to rebuild the Kingdom.) 7 And I will give them a heart to know me, that I am Jehovah: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God; for they shall return unto me with their whole heart. 8 And as the bad figs, which cannot be eaten, they are so bad, surely thus saith Jehovah, So will I give up Zedekiah the king of Judah, and his princes (The apostates and leadership of unregenerate Jerusalem), and the residue of Jerusalem, that remain in this land, and them that dwell in the land of Egypt, 9 I will even give them up to be tossed to and fro among all the kingdoms of the earth for evil; to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them. 10 And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, among them, till they be consumed from off the land that I gave unto them and to their fathers. Then I woke up.
I asked Father for a word by faith at random for this dream and my finger was on, “Him only shalt thou serve” in Mat. 4:10, (context 8-11) 8 Again, the devil taketh him unto an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9 and he said unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 11 Then the devil leaveth him; and behold, angels came and ministered unto him. (Those who have heard the Word but fall away to serve the flesh and the devil, as Jesus was tested to do, will be removed from the body without repentance)
I asked Father to speak to me concerning all these things and He said,
“There is not much time left Eve. I am cleaning up My Body and cleaning out My church on a mass scale. (This we have seen very strong since 2011 as those fell away to serve their flesh and the Devil). 2019 is the year of Righteousness. I will have a spotless and blemishless Bride. The bad fruits will be tolerated no longer! They will be cast forth out of my house. (Please take heed to this word from the Lord)
Be careful. Make sure that you are found to be a good steward of the life and the gifts I’ve given you. Thou shalt worship the Lord your God and Him only will you serve! I require nothing less.
Repair the garments that I have bestowed upon you. Wash them, that they may be clean and perfected at My coming. Will you be found in faithfulness and readiness?”
(May Father strengthen us and bless us to be obedient and perfected for the coming of our Lord to His house. This is coming at the Latter Rain. We are at the morning of the third day when He comes as the outpouring of His Spirit.) (Hos 6:1-3 Come, and let us return unto Jehovah; for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live before him. 3 And let us know, let us follow on to know Jehovah: his going forth is sure as the morning; and he will come unto us as the rain, as the latter rain that watereth the earth.)
Anonymous. - 8/11/07 (David's notes in red)
I saw myself in Brother David's house for three days. This house was surrounded by an awesome garden, beyond what words can express. It looked heavenly. (These are plants or children under UBM's care who are bearing fruit.) The exterior and interior of the house looked extremely humble and simple. There was nothing extravagant or palatial about it. (In exterior our ministry doesnt look like much.) I entered Brother David's home and was standing at the door. I saw Brother David sitting in a square living room with his natural children. (These are types of UBM's spiritual children.) In the center of him and his family, I saw a fair baby happily sitting upright by itself. (This is the promised first-fruits of Jesus in our midst.) Everybody was fellowshipping with one another and also admiring this baby. (This represents just before the beginning of the first year of the tribulation because this baby could imply that the man-child is born in our midst.)
Brother David was full of joy. He knew the name, character and works of each child. Each child then started to give a good testimony about their loving father. As I heard his children's testimony, an accounts book was opened before me. I am doing accounting and finance, but I have never seen such accounting records before! I saw date, details, debit, credit and balance in the accounting records. The simple rule of accounting is when you debit one account you have to credit another account so that you can balance accounts at the end of the period. Also, accounting records monetary transactions and not anything which cannot be translated into dollars and cents.
In every line, I saw a date; next, details of his family's expenditure; then, under the debit column, a price would be recorded. (We have not spent but stored up our treasures in heaven for God’s restoration to come.) However, on the credit column and the balance column I saw these words which stated "Simple Life". (The cancellation of all of our debts through the grace given to abide in Christ's sacrificial life that is not after the lusts of the flesh.) Every line of different expenditure details was balanced with the same words: "Simple Life". If I was a secular accountant David's accounting records would fail miserably but in my heart, with a right conscience, I checked everything as correct and right before God and man.
Brother David then came and stood next to me and greeted blessings to each and every child as they went up the stairs to sleep. (The father's spoken blessing will cause the children to enter into rest in heavenly places through faith in the promises.) Then, I too followed and went up to rest.
The next morning I saw myself in Brother David's living room, which was converted into a workshop with 3 long tables with 2 benches on the sides of each table. The tables were labeled from 1 to 3. I was assigned table 1. I saw both men and women seated at each table. We had to make something with our hands. Brother David was the instructor. We were instructed by someone (I believe the voice of the Holy Spirit) that if we had any difficulty in our tasks we had to approach Brother David for guidance as he had experience in the work of the Lord and knew exactly how to help us on the right path to finish our task. (This represents training disciples in the tribulation. "Anonymous" didn't know that I have trained disciples "in my living room" for many years and now this training is going forth by radio, Internet and TV from there. Mary had a dream 25 years ago of this room, except it had a glass ceiling and front wall. Brilliant Sonlight was streaming into the room with many plants growing up there that we knew were the saints.)
I was assigned to make a trumpet with the Word of God under it. (To give warning and a call to war.) I was given metal, which looked like dull silver, to work with. My understanding is that metal is pliable only if it is melted with fire. However, this metal was different as it had the consistency of clay. I had to put it through a dough press which was operated manually, by turning the handle on the side. I had to feed this metal in at the front and pull it out from the back. As I was doing this it started to change color to a bright silver. As I continued my task I saw a transparent film which was not part of the silver, like a hard plastic come out. Thus, I had to separate this film from the silver. As I continued this tedious process the metal became softer and finally the silver changed into gold. (This is growing into the image of Christ from glory to glory and becoming the vessel through whom the Lord can warn the saints.)
I then took that gold and did my work and made my piece assigned to me. By this time the gold had hardened by the atmosphere. I then brought my work to show Brother David which he accepted and then I proceeded to go upstairs to sleep, for the day was over.
On day 3 (resurrection) I was having a walk with Brother David around his beautiful garden. We were admiring the beauty of this garden. The strange thing is that there was a hedge around this garden. The hedge was in a radius which was about my height. (The hedge about the garden of God's fruit is tall enough to protect the whole man.) The hedge was not very thick. This hedge was like a dark, unkempt jungle which was inhabited by wild animals and creeping things. (God will prepare us a table in the presence of our enemies, the beasts of this world who live outside the bounds of the life of God's people.) I don't know why, as I was walking around that garden, I accidentally tripped and fell into that hedge. (This actually happened for a time to confirm this dream. "Anonymous" represented here a type of some who stumble into the world.)
I was lying on my back and looking up, without any ability to see anything because there was no light there. (Leaving the light will cause us to stumble into the beast's territory.) However, I was not scared whilst I was in that darkness. Brother David then pulled me out of that hedge. (Our teaching will cause some to come out from among them and be separate.) There appeared 2 holes or fang marks made by a snake on my leg. (Some will be infected by Satan's lies.) I was lying on the ground but did not feel any pain nor dizziness, etc. It seemed as if nothing had happened to me except the visible fang marks. (God will turn the experience of many who have failed into good because they will remember their failures as a warning.)
While lying on the ground, I grabbed Brother David's hand. I addressed him as "father" and asked him to pray for me. (But the bible says not to address any man as father. Could it be in reference to spiritual father?) {Mt.23:9} And call no man your father on the earth: for one is your Father, [even] he who is in heaven. The carnal man who dwells "on the earth" cannot be the father of the spiritual man who dwells in heaven. We have many spiritual fathers who sowed the seed of God's Word in our hearts to bring forth the born again man from heaven. {1 Cor.4:15} For though ye have ten thousand tutors in Christ, yet [have ye] not many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I begat you through the gospel. {16} I beseech you therefore, be ye imitators of me.) My exact words were, "Father, I don't care if I die physically, pray to God now that I will be with Jesus in His Kingdom". While Brother David was praying, I immediately got up from my sleep. (This is a spiritual resurrection of the dead; meaning these will overcome the stumblings of the old man.)
Anonymous. - 8/18/07 (David's notes in red)
These past days I have been meditating on the garden of God: "Simple lives bear the best fruit". I saw three different ministers showing me the three different gardens of their ministries, at three different times. I have been administered to in their fellowships, including Brother David's. I still keep in contact with all three ministries or servants of God, who by revelation, are called of God.
Some common things to these ministries are: they operate in signs and wonders and have raised the dead, they live in faith without salaries, and they stress the Word of God and holiness. All reject the prosperity gospel, once saved always saved doctrine, and preach that unless we lose our self life we cannot gain the life of Christ to be with Him in His kingdom.
All the houses shown to me by the ministers were white bungalows with a huge yard or estate all around it. Ministries 1 and 2 had brick houses; only Brother David's was made of wood. (The structure of the ministry is not man made but natural for the kingdom. God's children are likened unto trees. This represents the simple life and ministry that Jesus and His disciples gave us an example of.) Brick, to my opinion, looked better than wood. The design of the brick houses looked better than Brother David's wooden house. (Jesus’ ministry was not the grand palace the Pharisees had.)
Ministry 1 was the most beautiful house of the 3 but had the worst looking garden! It was beautifully covered in grass and I saw only a few shoots of plants. I also saw the vine growing on the ground with good grapes. It was like here and there. I happened to taste one grape and it was sweet and very good. But that garden looked bare and unattractive apart from the grass! (Peter said, "all flesh is as grass".)
Ministry 2 got a second rank from me. Its house design was also 2nd in rank, better than Brother David's but not as good as ministry 1. They had a beautiful garden. I thought of Eden when I was looking at their garden. I saw a waterfall. The leaves were very green and lush. The leaves and plants were extremely huge. There were trees and everything was exquisite. However, I did not see color. (Colors represent the attributes of the Light, who is Christ.) There may have been a few flowers but I can only remember the greenery. (It appears the more beautiful the exterior, seen by the world is, the less good fruit is there. Jesus sat on a rock and taught and rode a donkey.)
Brother David's house was the worst looking in terms of beauty and design (no offense). It was extremely humble, simple in design and I would NOT even take a second look at that house! (I've always said that we are not much to look at.) It was not dilapidated but just unattractive. But his garden was the most beautiful of the 3. It was awesome beyond words can express. I saw very exotic gigantic plants with flowers and leaves etc. Each flower was different. The flowers (representing saints) were in all the spectrum of the rainbow. (These colors of the prism are the attributes of the light, Who is Christ.) In this garden, the flowers were the attraction. (Flowers are the fruit desired of that kind of plant. They are planted for beauty to please the beholder, like the bride. This fruit is to eat with the eyes, not with the mouth.) Brother David was also walking with me, pointing and naming those individual plants with flowers. Frankly speaking, I was not paying attention to him because I thought I was in heaven. That garden looked heavenly until I tripped and fell! (When a person falls into the beastly way their opinion of what is good changes.)
Why are all the gardens different? (There are different needs and different gifts and different amounts of devotion to God with different fruits born of the Word in the ministries.) Why was Brother David's the best garden I saw among the 3? (By God's grace. No man can take credit. The fruit is the fruit of the Word from God.) Why did the worst looking house have the best looking garden and the best looking house have the worst looking garden? Does the house also speak about the life of the ministers?) (Jesus' spiritual house was not much to look at but He had the best fruit; the best flower in God's garden. :o) {Isa.53:2} For he grew up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. God did not want his people to be enamored with the physical appearance of His servant in a fleshly worship. He wanted them to be impressed with the spiritual man inside. The house of Jesus' ministry was not much to look at either. He was born in a stable and taught in a wilderness. He had no fancy temple, synagogue or people. He preached to the poor and was rejected as He sat on the ground or a rock. He is an example to us to respect a simple life and ministry. All of the great latter times ministries will be this way.)
I don't feel comfortable putting things on our site that could appear to give any credit to me. I told the Lord that I would not put this last note below by "Anonymous" up on the site unless He gave me a sign. I asked for four heads and got them. I feel it is important for you to know that we are financially accountable to the Lord for our stewardship to see that it goes toward the purpose He has sent it for and not for any personal gain.
"Anonymous'" notes: I always pray for God to reveal to me whether a man is a servant ordained of God or not. God would often show me a physical sign (a tangible presence of God would descend on the servant of God's written or spoken word), I would see something in dreams or visions or get a Word from the Bible. I have been given many confirmations on God's servant, Brother David Eells. Before I saw "Simple lives bear the best fruit" (which was the 3rd confirmation from God) I had prayed specifically for God to show me what I would see if I were to be physically present in Pensacola, Florida, and check the financial accounting records of the ministry of this man of God.
Two days after my request, I saw the dream, which has since been uploaded, Escape Judgment by Clean Works. Judgment starts in the house of the Lord. This dream showed me that Brother David Eells had and desired to have clean hands or works because he was constantly approaching me to get the white cloth which I was using to clean my cup, for his own use. I then went on to reveal to Brother David Eells my prayer concerning him. He replied to me that he was not offended and went on to give me the humble details of his life before God. When I opened this email of August 7, a tangible presence of God descended upon me (which was the 2nd confirmation from God). I give ALL glory to God for Brother David's life and obedience to God's call in his life.
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