
Sunday May 16, 2021
UBBS 5.16.2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Death Separates the Fleshly From the Spiritual
David Eells - 5/16/21
Trump and the Death of Our Earthly Treasures
Greg Gibbens - 4/6/21 (David’s notes in red)
I had a dream and in the first scene I was in a hall (The hall represents the world stage.) where I had organized and managed a function for an address given by Donald Trump. I was some kind of aid or associate where he had spoken. (Greg represents the Heavenly Father in this dream. We, at UBM, have been praying for Donald Trump that the Lord would use him in the same way He used Cyrus to aid in the freedom of God’s people; God’s elect, from Babylonish captivity so that the house of God can be re-builded in His kingdom.)
There was no audible speech in the dream and I had no direct interaction with President Trump in the dream. (Because our interactions have been in the spirit realm with prayer and spiritual warfare for His success and the will of God to be carried out through President Trump. Since Trump is a nominal Christian at best, he really doesn’t have a close personal relationship with our Heavenly Father yet.)
The formal part of the function was over and the people present were mingling and talking and, of course, some were talking with Mr. Trump. He was dressed in a dark blue or black overcoat as he is often seen dressed in winter time. (Trump’s ‘formal part’ of his function is seemingly over, ie. His first term in office, but he is still hard at work behind the scenes and, from what we understand, he is still in control of the government and the military and still the President of the United States. The winter overcoat could represent a timing of when he will publicly be in power again. Or it could represent this current time period where he is cloaked as the true leader of the free world but still in communications with important world leaders to usher in the GCR, Nesara, Gesara.)
Then news came to me that my eldest daughter had passed away. (I have 2 young adult children, both daughters. Sadly, she has not had contact with me for 7 years now.) (His daughters name means a hiding place, especially one in the ground, for ammunition, food, treasures, etc. The eldest daughter, represents those who have been taken captive to the Babylonish, apostate church system. They have buried their talent in the earth. And stored up their treasures here on the earth rather than in heaven. 7 is the number of completion and also the number of the church. There were 7 churches that were addressed in Revelation. The time of the Gentile church has come to it’s completion and now the Lord will bring the lukewarm to their death. They will be forced to get off of the fence and go to their cross through much tribulation or lose their eternal souls. Either way they will have to die.)
I could not immediately get away to tend to the funeral arrangements as there were some administrative details and duties, in regards to the meeting and the meeting hall, that I had to finalize. In my stead, Donald Trump went to the house where my daughter's body had been laid out and he kept vigil for her. (God has ordained Donald Trump to preside over the United States, as the leader of the free world, in order to bring to death the old order of church and government, as well as, the old financial systems of the global economy. Right now Donald Trump is ‘keeping vigil’ for these dead governmental and economic systems until Greg, representing the Father, implements His plan for the end-time revival and tribulation to begin.)
In the next scene, it was the next day and I was in a hall again, presumably the same one, for my daughters funeral.
In the dream I was at three points in the room. The first point was at the podium before the formalities began. I was looking at the 'order of service' on the podium. I was talking with a priest in a black robe.
The whole function and all the details had been organized for me by Donald Trump including the order of service, which is what I was looking at on the podium. I was aware of his part and all the things he did for me. In the dream Trump did many things for me; things that a close, concerned and resourced friend could do; they were beyond all expectation and he made no show of it. (Donald Trump has been given a stewardship and also the resources by the Father to carry out His plan or ‘order of service’ leading up to the tribulation period.)
The priest made it clear, that, while everything had been arranged, I could change anything I wanted and that anyone I did not want to eulogize would not be getting up to speak. (If this were a real situation at such a service for my daughter, there would be some people that I would not want to have the floor.) (These are the slanderers and the disinformation artists of the DS MSM who spread their lies and poisonous ideas in order to destroy the memory of the deceased and soil their memory. This has literally happened to all the lukewarm earth dwellers who are spiritually dead. Their minds have been poisoned against the Father and His true sons and daughters.)
After this I was aware that there was some mean talk by others present that, because I was in control of myself, I was somehow cold because I didn’t appear to be upset. (It is true that I am not overtly emotional and if this situation were real there would be people who would attempt to use the situation to disparage me.) (Many people are tempted to disparage the Father and be angry with Him because they don’t understand His plan for the times ahead and they will begin to curse Him and impute evil to Him and accuse Him of not caring about the judgments that will befall all the rebellious who dwell upon the earth.)
In the dream I was aware that I did feel pained inwardly and could feel a heaviness particularly in the upper left part of my chest (right above where the heart is located) below my shoulder. (The Bible says that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Eze. 33:11, Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord Jehovah, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
Lam. 2:11, Mine eyes do fail with tears, my heart is troubled; My liver is poured upon the earth, because of the destruction of the daughter of my people, Because the young children and the sucklings swoon in the streets of the city.)
In the second point in the dream, I was on the right side of the room slightly around a corner. There were members of the UBM fellowship standing in an arc around me. I could not identify anyone in particular. I remember noting that the group was not in a tight circle nor standing close. (This may represent the ‘Ark’ of safety or the rainbow arc of promise that we take refuge in from the storm that is coming when God’s judgments are unleashed upon the wicked and the unbelieving to make a final separation between the called and the elect. The teachings and materials of UBM have given revelation, hope and understanding to many for these end-times so that we have a refuge in Christ.)
There was no clarity in what was said but the comments were empathetic and affirming toward me. To my right was an older husband and wife who were both slim. (Meaning very little flesh left.) The husband reached out towards me and we shook hands, not in greeting, they were already a part of the group, but in support for me and solidarity. (Those who have starved their flesh nature are able to impart wisdom and spiritual discernment to others for comfort in their time of need.)
Then, at the third point, in the dream, I had stepped out through some double glass doors onto a small landing that lead to some steps and a walkway that ran beside the hall. The walkway was either covered or enclosed to protect from weather, but it was ‘outside’ and not like an indoor hallway. (Representing the straight and narrow path that protects us from the storms of life and the curse.)
Just outside the doors a man came to me from behind and to my right wanting to connect with me and introduced himself, for his benefit not mine. I didn’t catch his name. I shook his hand but he did not release mine, but held it up and looked closely at it and made a comment about the skin and softness of my hand. I do not know what happened next because that’s where the dream ended. (The soft skin of the hands represents that, as believers, we only do the works of Christ by resting in Him and His promises given to us in His Word. We don’t try to earn our salvation through our own efforts and man’s works. And we wrestle not with flesh and blood but our warfare is with principalities and powers and the rulers of darkness. We will be able to minister the true gospel to others during the great revival that is coming when many will come over to the right side from sitting on the fence. They will finally be impressed with our obedience to God’s Word and admire us enough to receive the truth of the narrow way.)
In real life, I am Australian and live in Australia, so I do not have a direct political or administrative, governmental connection to Donald Trump’s former position as President of the United States. But, He and his position of power have been the subject of prayer for us at UBM.
The Unsaved Spared From the Second Death
Claire Pienaar 4/5/21 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed Riaan and I heard that a woman named Linda had died (In my dreams in the past, Linda has represented the worldly friends of the past who proclaim a new-age/self-god ideology). (This woman Linda represents, as we will see, those who will come out of the false religious systems of the factious, slanderous Harlot and be saved at the last minute before they die physically and the MSM who is also slanderous and spreading disinformation and faction to the masses.)
She had started a podcast, and on her third episode she struggled to breath/choked to death (I believe this shows that these people will be choked in the coming days of revival). (This is the disinformation agents of the factious church and state. Linda represents these two factions and their slander and lies to the masses that will be choked by the coming blackout and 10 days of darkness when the military takes over with their Emergency Broadcast System with declassification of the crimes of the left. The other side of the coin is that the crimes of the faction in the church will also be known for God has said there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. As the faction in church and state is dying by the hand of God some will repent when they see they cannot stop their perversions from being revealed to the world.)
Riaan listened to the podcast first, it was called Nunu Mama (Nunu is a term of endearment for small children or cute things. Perhaps this podcast title means that the world is overly concerned with mothering the fleshly lusts and perversion so common to the leftists in Church and state. They are so concerned with materialistic aspects of life, and broadcast it openly and feverishly. Their demons are always concerned with the destruction of truth. Essentially, they are born of the flesh, not the spirit. Romans 8:23: So then, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh: 13 for if ye live after the flesh, ye must die; but if by the Spirit ye put to death the deeds of the body, ye shall live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15 For ye received not the spirit of bondage again unto fear; but ye received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.) (The MSM has a current agenda to push from the Biden administration concerning the “Global Warming Emergency” to distract from their evil but no one but the crazies are listening. The “Nunu Mama podcast could represent this “Save Mother Earth” farce through the “Green New Deal.”)
Then I listened to the podcast, and was mortified by the content. I cannot remember what shocked me as I listened, but I imagine it was in direct opposition to what is proclaimed in the most holy Word of God.
Then I was transported in the dream back to the moment when Linda choked and died. In that moment I prayed for her and asked her to accept Jesus as her Saviour. She was choking so terribly I could not hear a confession or an acknowledgement of Christ, but it is for God to hear.
Then I was transported back to another scene in the dream where Riaan and I were in a room that looked like a place where people eat and drink after a funeral has taken place.
To my surprise, Linda walked in, and she was a little grey or pale, but still as spritely, positive, happy and pretty as ever. We chatted and hugged and I said to her, “What will happen to Noa?” (Noa is her 4yr old child in the natural. (The name Noa means “rest and comfort.” But in this case could she represent a false peace and safety that will be proclaimed by both the New World Order and the New Age and their false religions?) In Numbers chapter 27, Noa was one of the five daughters of Zelophehad, who died without leaving a male heir; this is a sign that Linda, in type, does not have the seed of the heir to the kingdom of heaven, which is Christ in us the hope of glory). She evaded the question, and then I realized she’d given her lesbian cousin custody of the child. (Lesbians are the ultimate Jezebels. They are rebellious to men’s authority and they reject and will not receive the seed of men. Spiritually speaking, this represents a barren, fruitless spirit that rejects the seed of Christ and His Word.)
Many women and men from my past were in the dream, and I asked Linda, “So you’re only back for one day, for this?” And she nodded. Then she started heaving, and crying, and wailing. (Many apostates will repent at the last minute when facing a physical and spiritual death and they realize that they have not born any fruit of Christ in their lives in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.)
I realized then she was dying again. I got down on my knees and sat back. She was all alone. Everyone who professed love for her and had supported her in her fleshly life didn’t want to touch her. (Many will realize at the end of their physical lives that no one can help them except for Jesus and she really had no friends that would tell her about Jesus. Rev. 21:5-8, And he that sitteth on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he saith, Write: for these words are faithful and true. 6 And he said unto me, They are come to pass. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 7 He that overcometh shall inherit these things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. 8 But for the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.)
I let her lie on my lap, and Riaan said, “Say this, while you rub her back: 'God of heaven, God my creator, I trust you with my life'. I said it about 3 or 4 times and as she died her appearance changed and she became as a baby again on my lap. She was completely “new” and “vulnerable” like a newborn. She said, “Thank you, Lord Jesus” twice, and then took her last breath. (God will be merciful to many and grant them a “thief on the cross” salvation experience before they enter eternity.)
I looked around and saw the lesbian cousin ignoring me, avoiding eye contact, checking with everyone about which school she should put Noa in and seeming to side with those who were pro-vac/cine… (The ones with this Jezebel spirit are anti-Christ and will try to destroy the fruit of the repentant represented by Noa.)
I was shocked and saddened to see that Linda’s fruit would be so passed along without care. I suggested that Riaan and I take Noa and I would homeschool her. However Riaan was concerned about the spirits in Noa and did not think it was my responsibility. (We must be careful of the poisoned fruit of others.)
I saw one of Linda’s old boyfriends there at the funeral service. He was the only one who looked broken and sad. (Could this represent, Jesus, our first love that is forsaken for the world and the love of the world? Rev. 2:2-5, I know thy works, and thy toil and patience, and that thou canst not bear evil men, and didst try them that call themselves apostles, and they are not, and didst find them false; 3 and thou hast patience and didst bear for my name's sake, and hast not grown weary. 4 But I have this against thee, that thou didst leave thy first love. 5 Remember therefore whence thou art fallen, and repent and do the first works; or else I come to thee, and will move thy candlestick out of its place, except thou repent.)
In the dream, Riaan and I tried to sing one of the songs God gave me recently at the funeral, but the lesbian cousin tried to add a verse to the end and changed the tune, and she ruined it. (Jezebel’s entire agenda is to bring disrepute to the true God given authority in every situation and in every relationship and to bring about the spiritual death of many.)
I was very sad in this dream and was crying. (Some will die in this sin without repentance as seen here:)
Factious Leadership Dies in Darkness
Merlene Laughlin, 4/12/19 (David's notes red)
I had a dream where I saw a man that used to be in our body but turned to faction and spiritually died.
The man looked like a factious leader we know. I saw his profile and it was definitely his hairline. He wore no glasses now, he was laying down and his eyes were closed, hands crossed at his waist. (The position one would be placed in at death. Glasses are no longer needed for his bad spiritual sight.). He was going through a tunnel and I was watching him go through. There wasn’t the incredible light I had heard about. There was only a night-light dimness that I saw. There was no “bright light” at the end of the tunnel as he was nearing the very end. Then I didn’t see him anymore after that. I heard no noise, no swish or noise of being in a vacuum as he traveled past me. I was watching him from the right side.
Then the Lord “showed” me by letting me experience what it was like for the Christian to die and go to the Lord but I knew I didn’t actually die. I was going through a tunnel and I saw the bright light at the end.
I saw Judy and she was at my head walking with me, but on the outside of the tunnel and she kept asking, “Well, what is it like? What is it like? You aren't in pain are you? Talk to me Merlene; Merlene!” I couldn’t respond to her but No, I felt no pain. I had no knowledge of how I died. I was just taken. Then I woke up. (Symbolizing a good end for the righteous)
I received by faith at random for this dream: I Cor. 5:13 But them that are without God judges. Put away the wicked man from among yourselves.(This man is definately without and God will judge him. He has only the hope of repentance by confession of his sins against so many people and God Himself but the dreams all seem to say he will not repent. Since he is so full of hatred and unforgiveness all of his sins are held against him. As Jesus pointed out, those who do not forgive are not forgiven but turned over to the tormentors.)
Luke 7:8 For I also am a man set under authority, having under myself soldiers: and I say to this one, Go, and he goeth; and to the other, Come, and he cometh: and to my servant, Do this and he doeth it. (This was spoken about Jesus who has authority over all at death to say whether people go into darkness or come to Jesus in the light. If one walks in darkness they end up in darkness. If one walks in light they end up in Light.)
What a miracle sign we received. We started our meeting this morning with Deb Horton's dream of a failed assassination:
(Jer.23:17) They say continually unto them that despise me, Jehovah hath said, Ye shall have peace; and unto every one that walketh in the stubbornness of his own heart they say, No evil shall come upon you. (Stubbornness is witchcraft. The wicked don't believe they will die for their witchcraft.)
Thank you guys more than you know for your prayer and intercession. It was witchcraft. (I had prayed for her kidney stones which were causing her much pain and I rebuked witchcraft coming from the factious leader.). Can't remember details from my dream last night but there was a man trying to kill me and two other people who were with me, a man and a woman. (The two he most tries to kill are Eve and Myself.)
They stopped him from killing the three of us by revealing something to him; written pages, and a broadcast for him to watch on a computer screen. (We show on this broadcast in text and audio of the factious leader dying for his sins today. This series of dreams was planned a week ago because they fit together and now God sent these revelations to confirm them.) What he saw changed his mind, but they couldn't save him because he was going to die by suicide. (As with Judas, he changes his mind but can’t repent and is dying for his own works.)
And we ended our prayer meeting with another Deb, Deb Fenske, who spoke up with this dream:
I saw a woman; a man came up to her hiding a gun. He shot 4 times at her but the woman did not go down. (Another assassination attempt failed. The woman could be Deb and/or Eve.)
Nebuchadnezzar killed the King and all his sons and leadership of the apostates when they forsook the City of Jerusalem. The people were and will be freed of them as the Lord has told us many times.
One Third of the Faction Returns
Michael Hare - 10/8/20 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed that David and I were in a desert and we were being chased by Arabs. (Representing those who are not chosen. The desert represents being in the spiritual wilderness; walking by faith in the promises of God. The word ‘Arab” means ambush. The factious are always trying to ambush the righteous. They lay traps and snares as well as speak lies and slander to character assassinate them.)
We built a round sand hut for protection. David was in the hut and I was outside away from the hut running 'zig zag patterns' towards the hut as the Arabs were coming up on the far side of the hut from my position. (The round sand hut represents the seed of Abraham whom, having the faith of Abraham, rest from their works and take refuge in Christ. God promised Abraham that He would make his descendants as the sand of the sea for multitudes. Heb. 2:16, For verily not to angels doth he give help, but he giveth help to the seed of Abraham. (The round shape represents infinity; having neither beginning nor end. Jesus said, “I Am the Alpha and the Omega; the Beginning and the End.”)
When I got to the hut there was no entry way, so I quickly made an outline of a door and went inside the hut. (The door to refuge in Christ is a supernatural door which is Christ Himself and we enter that doorway by faith. John 10:7-9, Jesus therefore said unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. 8 All that came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. 9 I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and go out, and shall find pasture.)
The Arabs never fired a shot, they were on horses and camels. They dismounted and were standing or sitting around watching us.
The thought I had, while in the hut with David was, “These walls cannot stop a rifle bullet!" But this time they never fired a shot at us.
There were probably 25 or 30 of them, but there could have been more. (The Lord has shown us that 1/3rd of the faction will return. Zec. 13:7-9, Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith Jehovah of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered; and I will turn my hand upon the little ones. 8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith Jehovah, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. 9 And I will bring the third part into the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried. They shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people; and they shall say, Jehovah is my God. - "The things that have been shall be” says the Lord.)
The next thing I saw was David going out there and talking to the Arabs. My thought at the time was, "Why didn’t they shoot him?" But they were apparently coming to some type of agreement or truce. Then I woke up.
I received by faith at random Jer 35:4 and I brought them into the house of Jehovah, into the chamber of the sons of Hanan (meaning grace or gracious) the son of Igdaliah, the man of God, (Igdaliah means: The greatness of the Lord) which was by the chamber of the princes, which was above the chamber of Maaseiah (Meaning: Work of Yahweh) the son of Shallum, the keeper of the threshold. (Shallum means: Perfect, agreeable) (So after the factious leadership is removed by God 1/3 will be saved. David also lined up 3 lines of his factious enemy on the ground. Two lines were killed and the third served David.)
Anointing the Bride - Removing the Leaven
Marie Kelton - 3/9/21 (David’s notes in red)
During the prayer meeting on Friday 3/5, while we were praising the Lord, I saw the Holy Spirit come down as a dove and cover everyone as a white blanket. Then I saw, what looked like, a flower girl throwing flowers and then I saw a bride walking down an aisle and a few women behind her holding the train of her dress. (After the tares are separated from the righteous the Bride will "shine forth in the Kingdom of the Father".
During the prayer meeting on Monday 3/8, I saw a big angel that was dressed like a Roman soldier with the shield. Then I saw the angel, with another angel who was also dressed as a Roman soldier. There was a big black figure who had shackles on his wrists in between them. It seemed like they were taking the black figure somewhere. Jesus was behind them, dressed as a king. (Anyone who is not really interested in deliverance from sin; just trying to fit in as they are, will be removed by the angels so we are not leavened by their spirits.)
Now for the political parallel:
A Casket Hidden in the White House
Timothy Dixon - 4/30/21 (David’s notes in red)
In a dream I saw a casket at the White House. It was set out for viewing on one side of the White House, like in a hallway and someone was in the casket. As I walked inside, I looked down the hallway and the casket lid was open and it was back in a corner, out of view, so that no one could see it, even though it was open and ready for viewing. (They have hidden a lot of death underneath the White House for years in their DUMBS and underground tunnel systems and now its their turn.)
I knew that someone was in the casket but I just didn't know who and I started walking towards the casket and I looked down inside and saw Mr. Joe Biden. In the dream he was inside the casket and he had passed away. (According to several reports the real Joe Biden was sentenced and executed over a year ago and this man is definitely different in appearance. They will soon remove an actor whom we were told is acting in his place.)
I knew, in the dream, he had passed away already for some time and I knew that all of the news, and everyone, that possibly could, was trying to lie and cover up his death because it came so suddenly. No one was ready for such a thing as this.
Even though he was a counterfeit and everything else that you could think of, their plan had not been fulfilled with Mr. Biden. (It appears the DS would love to replace him with Kamala.)
I began to look down the hall and I saw Miss Kamala Harris. She began to run into different rooms, well, a fast walk would be a better description, and she was asking people, “Where's Joe at?” and they kept giving her different excuses.
I was thinking, “Well, she must not know that he's passed away.” And as I watched, she kept walking around in different places and she could not find him. She walked all over different parts of the White House looking and asking, “Where’s Joe? Where's he at?” and everyone kept telling her something that would throw her off track.
I knew, in the dream, from what I'd just seen, that he had passed away already (past tense). He wasn't literally in the hallway, in a casket; but the dream was letting me know by looking at the beginning that Mr. Biden had already passed away. (Insiders have witnessed to this fact) And the news started helping to cover things up. A lot of them didn’t even know it. But the highest up, very wealthy people, knew about the passing of Mr. Biden.
They kept trying to cover up everything and close up everything. The news was saying different stuff. All of the broadcasts was already pre-recorded, but it wasn’t Mr. Biden. It looked like him but it was all staged events.
I saw, as I walked, a man walking outside and getting on the helicopter, though, I knew that it was not Joe Biden. It looked like him from a distance but it wasn't him. In my dream I knew that this was staged. It was a lot of misinformation and people began to panic. (There was a recent video going around of Biden that seemed to show that he was a CGI hologram because his hand passed through one of the news reporters solid microphones in the video.)
I saw people on the news as they began to panic because of the money; there was a fear of losing the money; losing in trade because they had done everything they possibly could do, but somehow they knew that Donald Trump was still the president of the United States. (Joe and China was their last supporters.)
In my dream, this was all some kind of masking; just an enormous cover-up because the rich were so afraid of losing their wealth and losing everything they've gotten. God didn't mean anything to them. America didn't mean anything to them. What meant something to them was their money and getting ahead; getting to be the top like emperors of a society. (The elites have no allegiance to any country. They are internationalists and don’t recognize borders over the sovereignty of any one nation.)
They began to panic and I saw mass panic hit the United States. It started going abroad and different ones, who were high up, were using these people (the panicked rioters who were also losing their support) and the people had no idea.
I saw Senator Ted Cruz. They were trying to use this man. They were trying to set him up to make him go along with some of the fraudulent and evil things taking place in the country. But yet his heart was battling it and he was fighting against one side. (Many politicians are being blackmailed and warred against to coerce them into going along with the DS agenda.)
I saw Miss Kamala Harris as she began to run, she began to realize, as she walked around in different places. She was not fooled. She began to realize something was very, very wrong. She began to notice and I knew in the dream that she was not telling everything. She kept things to herself but she knew that something was wrong and that they were not telling her everything. She knew that they were using her as well. (Many of the DS puppets will begin to recognize that they are considered expendable by the DS elites, and once they are done being used by them they will also be exposed of and killed. Many who have already realized this have turned “states evidence” and have told the “white hats” everything they know in order to lessen their own sentences or escape extermination by their evil masters. And in the church realm the factious leaders will be outed by their own people as the Lord has told us.)
The ‘money people’ a handful of people who had, at all costs, tried to remove or cancel the movement that President Trump brought into America, because it was draining these people of their wealth... were trying to blackmail people in the United States; to blackmail officials…
I saw how when Miss Harris realized that something was very wrong…she began to poke around and she began to look and she began to see and get closer and she realized then, in the dream, that Mr. Biden had passed away.
Then she began to holler. She began to run through the courts, through the White House, through the cities, and through the streets hollering and screaming.
She said, “You've run over me!” She was hollering, mad, and frustrated. It reminded me of a dream that I’d had here awhile back about her having knives in her back and she began to throw the knives at the people inside the White House. (She may turn on her DS handlers in order to try to save her own skin.)
(…God’s gonna reverse this evil mess that's tried to take over. It's a big lie. It's a big fake.)
In this dream I saw the news media started reversing their stories. I saw ABC stand up and they started reversing the negative stuff that they were saying about President Trump and they started saying, “Well, he won the election the whole time.”
They started saying, in the dream, “We didn't realize that the elections were such a fraud” and they began to back up or back pedal and reverse their story. (The media will finally be made to start reporting the truth of what really happened in the 2020 elections and Trump will be reinstated as president of the United States.)
In the dream, the Lord then put President Trump back in office.
It's going to come to pass. You can believe it. My prayer is that everyone prospers as he brings forth this revival through the land. I pray God blesses every one of you.
Youtube link: https://youtu.be/5W60IeH5Ev0
(David's notes in red)
Here below is an amazing testimony of a 16-year-old young lady from South Africa. It is an astonishing confirmation of the battle of good and evil and how it lives within us from birth. It is again a supernatural confirmation of the truths found in the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. It is a confirmation of the Daniel 2:43 problem where "they" mingle themselves with the seed of man. GLORY TO JESUS. I pray this both edifies and blesses you with the reality of how our science, indeed God's science, is found in our Holy Bible.
DNA Structure ~ A Word from I AM to His True Set-Apart Bride in these End Times - July 9, 2013 at 6:23am
... given through His beloved daughter, Sarah (16 years old) on 5th July 2013 ... Please NOTE that this Word from the mouth of Yahushua haMashiach is not specific to South Africa only, but is for His Set-apart Bride collectively.
Yeshua stood next to me dressed in white light, He stretched out His pierced hand and said, "Come with Me, My Sarah Princess, My Deborah warrior"... It was as if we were eagles, flying over South Africa. He showed me different things in the country. I saw fires in many places. Yeshua smiled and said, "It's My fire; My Spirit is fanning the flame in the hearts of those who choose to walk the road less traveled, in those who choose to let go of the passions of the flesh, I am busy in this country you call home, My love. There are many things to come as you know".
I see a big statue of Nelson Mandela with a rainbow around it. Yeshua looked at it and turned His face... "Sarah, look at the way people make an idol out of man - REPENT THEREOF". Then He said, "The nation's pride will come to a fall". I saw the statue slowly diminishing on the inside until there was nothing left on the inside of the statue, but it was still standing. I saw people crying, lots of people stood in groups and cried. "Tell those who so humbly and faithfully stand in the gap for this nation, pray and plead for this nation that they will soon start to see the fruit of their supplication". While He said that, I saw many people praying and repenting for the things in this country. (This should be done in whatever nation you are. The fruit of that worldly nation will be the elect of God.)
"My love, remember I said in My Book, I put before you light and darkness, blessing and curse, and you have the choice; which one do you choose? You are between two Kingdoms, My love. At the same time I am busy, the wicked one is also busy... I AM shining My glorious light through the words of My prophets and messengers and those who give ear will receive blessing, the blessing of knowing the truth and having it make you free. I want to speak to you about what I am busy with so that My people can catch up with My heartbeat, so that they can dance in the rhythm of My ways, My truths, My desires...
"I am busy gathering My bride into the ark where she will be safe. It is only those who have cleansed their DNA, those who have pure blood that can enter. Sarah, tell My people to give attention to what I will tell you now; it is very important, it is a matter of purity and harlotry, salvation and deception, luke-warmness and fire... Give ear!"
The next moment, it was as if I was inside of a body and I see conception taking place, the sperm cell and the egg cell colliding, merging and 'becoming' a baby. I see the seed in very much detail; there were these little things like white vessels that looked like trees inside the seed (family trees, our genetic inheritance from our parents in the world). At the same time, while I was looking at that, I also saw that the seed is like a book and there are many, many words inside that very tiny seed (words pass along to our physical seed, cursing or blessing, by our nature). (The seed of the spiritual man is like a book also, the Bible. Our meditation on the Word empowers and releases the spiritual man to control the physical man and the demons.) (Kenneth's comment: The Psalmist wrote: Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect (unformed); and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalm 139:16)
Yeshua started to speak to me about the DNA once again... "My love, do you see? Look at it; it's beautiful... out of these little tiny seeds a human grows, inside of these little seeds I put everything for a baby to grow; it is perfect (it was very, very special to see Yeshua so excited about how perfect and amazing and AWESOME He made the human body, soul and spirit). Look inside the seed, do you see the written things? It is a code, it's a DNA code; it's far above what any human can understand. That code, My love, determines who that baby will be, that code will form its character, personality, likes and dislikes. It forms the body and it forms the soul, but not the spirit. The spirit is born of Spirit, My Spirit. In your spirit you inherit My DNA when you are saved, but this DNA, this seed and inheritance, is not saved yet. Sarah, inside of that seed is blessing and curse, sin and righteousness as an inheritance from your fathers. (For this reason mad scientists want to recreate the DNA after their own liking by perverting the food, water, and air and by va/cci/nes. This way they can create the body of the beast.)
"This DNA is very, very important. Inside of the DNA code, there are supposed to be key essentials so that your body and soul can function the way I purposed them to. These seeds in the DNA are love proteins, and when you are born, the seed will sprout if it is exposed to the right elements. The mother and father are to nurture, comfort, affirm, accept and love this gift from Me and the result will be gender identity and spiritual identity, a healthy and whole soul and body. But now the babies are being exposed to trauma - even at birth - with the way this precious child comes into this world. The children are vulnerable to whatever the parents expose them to, even in the womb, and it has a great effect on them. (Speak blessing over the unborn.) It is the parents' work to build the child's identity through teaching them to find their identity in Me, but they are exposed to the trauma of rejection (opening them up to demonic bondage)...
"This DNA speaks all the time. It speaks of every word written inside of it. You can hear it and I can hear it too; you hear it in your mind every day. Sarah, your inherited DNA affects your soul and body in a great, great way. Let Me explain to you how it affects you in a physical and mental way. Your soul area is your mind, will, emotions, desires. The seed in your DNA grows like trees throughout your soul. For example, if you inherited a seed of rejection, that seed will carry the hurts and pain of the generations before you. (We have seen this to be true. Many don't know why they are the way they are, always lusting for acceptance and admiration from others. Rejecting any correction or person that knows about them.) That seed is in you and when you experience any kind of trauma, trauma at birth, as a child, or any kind of trauma, the seed sprouts and a stronghold forms inside your soul. (Any perceived threat to the ego puts them in survival mode.) A stronghold forms to suppress the pain. The stronghold is always rooted in pride and fear keeps it in place. These trees are rebellion against Me. This tree bears ungodly fruit in your soul like perfectionism, judgment, fear, pride ... (Rejection is bearing much fruit in these days to separate the tares from the wheat but repentance is possible through faith in Jesus' sacrifice. These two seeds are manifested through one's actions and words. {Mat.13:37} And he answered and said, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; {38} and the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil [one]; {39} and the enemy that sowed them is the devil: and the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are angels. {40} As therefore the tares are gathered up and burned with fire; so shall it be in the end of the world. {41} The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and them that do iniquity, {42} and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. {43} Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear.
"Because I love you so dearly and because you struggled so much as a little girl to understand why 'this Father of love' would create imperfect, disabled little babies, I will show you why this happens.
"This seed of rejection, for example, can affect your body in many ways; sometimes the sickness manifests in a later stage because of trauma and other times because of open doors in the mother and father. Because of generational curses, spirits latch onto the DNA and the baby can be born with a defect, a disease or disabled. It is part of the curse that came upon man at the fall. (However, a believing parent sanctifies the child through faith, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7, and can deliver the child from the curse of defect and disease.) Sarah, there are many things I want to teach you about the DNA. My people have a lack of knowledge! I also want to teach you about the DNA structure: It is an order. There are two orders: the one comes out of hell and the other out of Who I AM! Out of hell comes The Order of Baal and man plays the harlot with it, and I will call My order The Order of I AM! This is the structure in your DNA.
"Inside The Order of Baal is the structure, the nature and the seed of lucifer. Curse is a result of it, most sicknesses are a result of it, spiritual death is a result of it, poverty is a result of it and destruction is a result of it. I have spoken to you a lot about the pure bride and about what it means to be the pure bride. The pure bride has My DNA, she has My structure, My order, My nature and My seed in her. Blessing is a result of it, life is a result of it, prosperity is a result of it, holiness and righteousness are a result of it.
"My bride has I AM flowing through her veins, while the harlot bride, who has not cleansed her DNA, has hell operating through her … a mixed seed. My people are playing harlot because they have the order and the structure of Baal in them -that is why they are double-minded, that is why they are still sick. Even though by My stripes you were healed, they have remained still sinful, unholy and unrighteous, but they call themselves Christians. I tell you the word Christian is (misused and is) reserved for those who are lukewarm. You are either My bride, holy, pure and righteous, building your spirit house upon the Rock of Ages, living in My Kingdom, or you are a 'Christian,' lukewarm, so-called saved but deceived, so-called good but led astray without even knowing it. This 'Christian' is part of the harlot; she is in fact worse than the sinner because she is the same as the sinner in heart, but she thinks she is good.
"My people, if you want to go into the ark like Noah, you have to cleanse your DNA through applying My blood through repentance, through petitioning in My heavenly courtroom. Remember, your spirit can be holy and righteous and you can think you are on the right road because of it. But if you do not take the next step through cleansing your DNA and working on your soul dimension, you are divided within yourself - in your spirit, on fire, and in your soul, cold, and therefore you are mixed, mixed and lukewarm. My bride is not mixed, she is single-minded and in unity with Me, one in soul and spirit. (She is one with the Word in her heart and obedience to it.)
"I want My people to break down the altar, the order and the structure of Baal in your blood (DNA) that your forefathers have cast up. Like Gideon had to break down the altar of Baal. ("Come out of her My people".)
{Jdg.6:25} ... Tear down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the wooden image that is beside it; {26} and build an altar, to the LORD your God on top of this rock laid in proper order [proper arrangement].
I was petitioning and repenting for my DNA and while I did that I saw a vision of inside of my body, I saw the many blood vessels, and Yeshua took me inside of my blood where He showed me how my DNA looks in the spirit. I saw the structure of the DNA and I saw two doors inside of my DNA (blood). There was a black door and a golden door. The golden door was closed and the black door was open. Out of the black door the DNA structure flowed; on the black door was written "Order of Baal/Curse" and on the golden door was written "I AM/Blessing" (which is filled with the FULLNESS of ABBA's character, attributes, nature, in the name of I AM is the fullness of who He is).
There were things written on the black structure that flowed out of the black door. I recognized it as pride and rebellion against I AM (everything YHVH stands for), the nature of hasatan. So I started to pray for I AM's light to shine in my DNA and I just started to repent of generational sin as Ruach haKodesh revealed it to me. He went really deep and I carried on for hours. While I was busy repenting, I saw the structure going back into the black door, like it was being reversed. I literally saw Yeshua inside of my blood; He closed the black door and the door and the structure disappeared (shattered the order of Baal and curses). It is as if the black door was a gateway of hell.
Yeshua said, "Each and every human has these two doors in their blood; hell operates through the black door through pride, rebellion and curses - it is his nature flowing out of it; while I AM and blessing flows through the way, the truth and the life. (Jesus comes through the spirit man and Satan and his minions through the inherited flesh and its lusts.) My people, you are in a DNA war. Awaken and see that the battle you are in is a blood battle; the enemy is out to defile your blood. Break down The Order of Baal inside of you through repentance and petitioning. Your DNA is who you are; it is the core of you. I want who you are to be a vein, a vessel for I AM, for I AM to flow through you and be an altar of worship, singing holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart)!"
While He said that, the golden door flung open and a white structure flowed out, with golden and silver writings on it. I AM's character and nature was inside of it - humility, holiness(set-apartness), love, gentleness, etc. "Sarah, My love, this is the message for this hour. Teach My people how to sanctify their DNA because this is what My bride looks like". I see what flows out of that door is His seed [love and righteousness]. If it is the black door, it is hasatan's seed [pride and rebellion]. Father's seed births purity and holiness (set-apartness) and results in a set-apart virgin bride, whereas satan's seed births pride, harlotry, idolatry - it is mixed seed - and this makes you a harlot bride that can give birth to Nephilim babies. (Meaning dark spiritual giants, a mixture of flesh and demons; people who are big in the world because they are of the world, and they are small before God, like famous false Christians.)
Yeshua showed me that the written things on our DNA become what our mind meditates upon. (We can meditate on flesh or spirit and bear the fruit thereof. {Isa.26:3} Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]; because he trusteth in thee. Rom 12:2 And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.) Your mind literally records whatever is inside the DNA. For example, when there is generational racism seed in your DNA, you have a judgmental, prideful, racist stronghold in your mind (of course you don't acknowledge it as that). Because you inherit the seed from your fathers, it hides in you and when trauma occurs it explodes like a bomb in your soul.
It is the same with homosexuality; if there is a seed of rejection, to which a spirit latches, that attacks and breaks down your identity physically and because there is no love inside of that seed, it can very easily manifest in one becoming homosexual. The homosexual spirit is the stronghold that the structure of your soul puts up to defend itself, but it comes out of a seed of rejection, out of the pits of hell. (Many other spirits use the spirit of rejection as a doorkeeper to let them in: rebellion, anger, frustration, domineering, Jezebel, witchcraft, faction, drunkenness, drug addiction, self-seeking, etc.)
We are in a spiritual battle that manifests in the natural and the war is already won, if we would just start to apply the Blood of the Lamb, we would start to taste victory and freedom. Our weapon is the BLOOD OF THE LAMB (which carries Yeshua's DNA) because it is the fullness of I AM's LOVE, poured out for our salvation, redemption, deliverance, healing, freedom...
REPENT, so that you can be called righteous like Noah was righteous in all his generations!
See also Deliverance from Rejection and Its Fear
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