
Sunday May 23, 2021
UBBS 5.23.2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
Death Separates Flesh and Spirit (3) (Audio) David Eells - 5/23/21 Whose DNA will you Have? The Spirit of Dagon and Judas’ Returns Timothy Dixon - 5/16/21 (David’s notes in red) In a dream I saw a tree in a desert-like place and this tree was a very, very crooked tree. It had a thick rope with a hangman's noose tied up in it… (This represents the family tree of Judas and all his seed. The 'sons of perdition' betray Christ in His elect and commit spiritual and eternal suicide. Mat. 25:41-46, Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 for I was hungry, and ye did not give me to eat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink; 43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye clothed me not; sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. 44 Then shall they also answer, saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungry, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? 45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not unto one of these least, ye did it not unto me. 46 And these shall go away into eternal punishment: but the righteous into eternal life.) And there was a big pot made of clay and it was down at the base of this tree. I knew, for some reason, that the pot was a pot that had been in a furnace that was tried in a fire. It was a very hard pot. Inside the pot was gold coins and there was a line of people that was waiting to go through this little area where the crooked tree was with the hangman's noose. (The Judas’ are thieves because of their greed. 1 Ti. 6:9-10, But they that are minded to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, such as drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil: which some reaching after have been led astray from the faith, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows. The Sanhedrin used the temple money given by the people to bribe Judas to betray Jesus. In like manner, the Judas’ have stolen the money of the people to betray Jesus in His David’s today. And the Judas’ of the DS have stolen the people’s money for many years and sacrificed the Lord’s children.) The coins were being dumped into the pot as the people came around in a line. It was a big long line of people coming around through this desert place in front of the tree; almost like this tree was an altar or something. They began to throw coins inside this pot and on the front of the pot it said, “The Price of Man's Blood.” (John 12:4-6, But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples, that should betray him, saith, 5 Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred shillings, and given to the poor? 6 Now this he said, not because he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and having the bag took away what was put therein.) (I knew, in the dream, that this had something to do with a spiritual ritual of betrayal of Jesus Christ. (It is a ritual that has repeated throughout history.) It just reminded me, so much, of the spirit of Judas; how Judas had hung himself… There's a spirit of Judas that's out there. It's out to betray; even as it was in the days when Jesus was being crucified. Jesus’ mission was to come and to save the lost (elect) from the world, but Judas still has his part to play in betrayal.) (Mat. 27:3-8, Then Judas, who betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4 saying, I have sinned in that I betrayed innocent blood. But they said, What is that to us? see thou to it. 5 And he cast down the pieces of silver into the sanctuary, and departed; and he went away and hanged himself. 6 And the chief priests took the pieces of silver, and said, It is not lawful to put them into the treasury, since it is the price of blood. 7 And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in. 8 Wherefore that field was called, the field of blood, unto this day.) Timothy went on to say: There was like a ceremony going on and in the ceremony they only allowed 24 people at a time inside this circle. (24 is the number of the priesthood in the Bible. But satan always has his counterfeit.The evil Judas priesthood sacrificed Jesus.) In front of the tree and the pot of gold coins, was a table. It was a strange looking table. In the center of the table was a dugout or chiseled out trough and the table was about eight foot by three foot. (3x8 is also 24) There were pointed horns in eight places around the table. And I knew they were ‘tie points’ where you could tie people. I knew it was a sacrifice table where they were offering children… in a satanic ritual inside the United States… (Psa 118:27 Jehovah is God, and he hath given us light: Bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.) At the head of the table was a hole in the very head of the table inside this circle. …I knew they performed these ceremonies that involved either a young man or a young woman or girl for sacrifice on the table. (The satanists at the head of the DS sacrifice multitudes of people to satan to gain power and fortune from him.) There was a lot of really wealthy people involved in this secret body of people that did these kind of ceremonies. And I saw there was a head satanic priest of these secret members of wealthy people and the actions of these priests was very private. Then I saw a sign posted up in the sand. I saw an arm come out and it started writing in the sand. It drew a picture of a set of balances in the sand and a voice began to speak saying, “The day of the Lord has come! I will bring distress upon these wicked that they shall walk like blind men, because, they have defied the Lord God and sinned against heaven and the Lord and because they say, “I have slain and no one regarded it; no one has seen it.” But I have seen it says the Lord God! The wicked's blood shall be poured out as dust and their flesh as the dung. Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord's wrath but the evil ones shall fall and be destroyed by the fire of my jealousy.” (Psalm 94:4-9, They prate, they speak arrogantly: All the workers of iniquity boast themselves. 5 They break in pieces thy people, O Jehovah, And afflict thy heritage. 6 They slay the widow and the sojourner, And murder the fatherless. 7 And they say, Jehovah will not see, Neither will the God of Jacob consider. 8 Consider, ye brutish among the people; And ye fools, when will ye be wise? 9 He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see?) (The fear of the Lord has left the country (the United States) and many other countries…) I feel the need to… share something else that I have seen. I saw a Dagon spirit that was ancient; a force that went back to Adam and Eve; a satanic, demonic, influential power that tries to deceive and demonize the Christians as the world looks on as though that it was nothing; like this was not really going on... But it's the realest thing that you’ll ever hear of in your life. This spirit had went way back to the ancient Persians and the Philistines. This spirit was out to destroy and to deceive and to snatch down the very power and the presence of the Almighty God. Because this is the day of salvation; the last return; the last harvest. This is the last outpouring of the Holy Ghost. This is it and the devil knows it. (1 Sa. 5:2-7, And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon. 3 And when they of Ashdod arose early on the morrow, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of Jehovah. And they took Dagon, and set him in his place again. (When the old man of the land takes control of the Ark of God’s people it brings a curse on the old man and his idols. And this is a type of us walking in the flesh or the spirit man ruled by the carnal man.) 4 And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of Jehovah; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands lay cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him. 5 Therefore neither the priests of Dagon, nor any that come into Dagon's house, tread on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod, unto this day. 6 But the hand of Jehovah was heavy upon them of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with tumors, even Ashdod and the borders thereof. 7 And when the men of Ashdod saw that it was so, they said, The ark of the God of Israel shall not abide with us; for his hand is sore upon us, and upon Dagon our god. (So let’s go back and walk in the Spirit.) Preachers might be deceived. People might be deceived but God's not deceived and satan ain’t either. (When the Man-child returns in His anointed ministers, they will all be of one mind and one spirit and they will all speak the truth of the Word to the people. All the apostate, self-appointed, carnal church leaders will be sifted out and stripped of their power and authority over the true people of God.) The devil knows that he ain't got but a little bit of time left and his days are going to be cut off from the face of the earth because Daniel said that the power of God was being restored back to the church in this time and we are in that time right now of Daniel's prophecy… We are in a battle. We are in a warfare of good and evil and the evil wants to distress our nation. The evil wants to destroy, but the Lord visited me here the other night in these past couple of weeks. I had been fasting and seeking the Lord and it had been a number of days that the Lord had dealt with me to fast and pray. And somewhere around the 38th day that I had not eaten any kind of food, but was praying and fasting for this nation, the Lord came to me in a dream… I was walking down a hallway and had been praying in the dream and I said, “Lord I need a time. I need something for the people of the United States of America concerning President Trump.” Then I went into a vision inside my dream and I saw President Trump walking down the hallway of the White House. In this particular vision, I was seeing where… he had returned to the power of the President of the United States and this was in August of this year. And the Lord spoke and said, “I'm gonna move in a way that no one has ever seen.” And I saw God's people begin to pray and bombard the heavens and get a hold of God like never before and I saw things begin to change in the White House… (We’ve heard other predictions that say Trump will be back in office by 8/6/21 which adds up to the number 17.) It's coming to pass like a whirlwind and God is coming down right now to save... America. Hallelujah! All we've got to do saints is just pray and hold on! Hallelujah. Prayer changes things. Prayer puts the power of God into play. God's going to move like he said he's going to move… The Highway of Holiness Separates Flesh From Spirit Isaac Payne - 5/19/21 (David’s notes in red) In this dream I was in the country of Israel on a highway. I believe it was Jerusalem but I'm not sure. It was a big city though. (We are spiritual Israelites who have been called out of “the Jerusalem that is” unto a city made without hands; the Jerusalem which is from above. We travel on the highway of holiness and sanctification that leads to the heavenly Jerusalem or the Bride. Heb. 12:18-29, For ye are not come unto a mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire, and unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest,… 20 for they could not endure that which was enjoined, If even a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned; 21 and so fearful was the appearance, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake: 22 but ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,... 25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not when they refused him that warned them on earth, much more shall not we escape who turn away from him that warneth from heaven: 26 whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more will I make to tremble not the earth only, but also the heaven. 27 And this word , Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that have been made, that those things which are not shaken may remain… 29 for our God is a consuming fire.) I was driving in a red sports car and was going up an overpass. It was night time and no one else was on the roads. There were many overpasses and many roads and the overpass that I was on was very high in the air. (We are in very dark times right now but we are covered by the blood of Jesus as we make our ascent on the straight and narrow highway of holiness.) I remember looking through the windshield and seeing something bright flying through the sky toward my direction. (As we will see, this represents the shakings that Father brings upon us to separate our spirit man from our rebellious flesh nature. Heb 12:27,29 And this word , Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that have been made, that those things which are not shaken may remain… 29 for our God is a consuming fire.) As it got closer I was suddenly in the Spirit watching another person driving the car. It wasn't me driving the car anymore. I believe the man was a red headed Israelite. (This red haired Israelite represents our old flesh nature that we are separated from as we travel the highway of holiness.) (Likely an Israelite acting as an Edomite (Esau ie Red), an enemy of Israel. (Could be DS Mossad). Or an Edomite who lives in Israel, i.e. Israelite. They identify themselves as Israeli many times in this country to have favor. Father tells us that he will turn their own weapons upon themselves. Their own traps will come upon them. Their arrows will enter their own heart.) The bright images were getting closer to the overpass and I could see the guy becoming frantic. (The flesh man fears to lose his life.) These bright images were missiles targeted at Israel from another country. They started to bombard all the roads and overpasses. The missiles were creating massive explosions and all the roads were as rubble. (These could represent the fiery darts of the devil that come against us to try to destroy our walk but God allows these trials, because He is a consuming fire, to kill our old man and help our spirit man to become an overcomer.) I saw the red haired Israelite driving the red sports car into the blast and suddenly a missile hit him directly. The explosion was so graphic that I can't even describe it. The car was thrown 100 ft. Into the air and shrapnel pierced the car and the man in all directions. (The 100 feet in the air represents the 100% completion of the destruction of our old flesh nature and our perfection of 100 fold fruit on the highway of holiness.) The explosion was getting bigger and bigger and the flame of the explosion became a deep orange fire ball with sparks of electricity coming out of the fire. (Representing the power of the fiery trials to burn up the wood hay and stubble of our fleshly ways and our old lives.) The Red haired Israelite was dead. (The Edomite has to die and the Edomite in us has to die.) As I was watching the roads being pummeled into dust, I was suddenly translated to another area in Israel. At this point it was daylight and many civilians were outside watching the aftermath of the explosions. The civilians were people of all ages including families with children. (This crowd could represent our loved ones; friends and family members that we are praying for, who are watching us and the example of our lives. The red haired Edomites have a hatred for us and want to slander us to all of our friends and brethren to separate them from us. And the same thing is happening in the political realm. The honest leaders are being slandered to try to bring them to disrepute.) Then I saw 4 middle-aged men walking toward the crowd in a fast pace. Everyone was focused on the aftermath and not paying attention to what was around them. I could tell the 4 middle-aged men were on an assignment. One of the men pulled out a fully automatic pistol and started shooting into the crowd. Bullets were flying into the crowd hitting the civilians. There wasn't any real target it was just to induce fear and panic while they distracted the crowd to fulfill their sinister plot. (Representing the factious and their demons who try to destroy us and spiritually kill others with their fiery darts of gossip and slander against the righteous who are living the crucified life and putting to death the old man; the red haired Israelite, by walking on that highway of holiness.) I remember little children getting hit with random bullets. As I saw this, it really tore at my heart because, I knew they were innocent and the perpetrators were just looking for distraction and didn't even give a second thought to the damage that was done to them or the families. (The young and immature in the Lord often get taken out by the factious spirits because they don’t have enough of the Word in them to withstand the lies and perversions of the enemy. Rom. 16:17-18, Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them that are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which ye learned: and turn away from them. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Christ, but their own belly; and by their smooth and fair speech they beguile the hearts of the innocent.) The middle-aged men seemed like terrorists to the crowd and I knew this would be how the story would be spun in the media. (Mossad are DS and are seeking war to save themselves for they are being hunted like the red haired man. They are criminals acting as foreign terrorists to start a war.) They ran into a building and started to put on Specials Ops uniforms and gear. (Mossad are traitors to their own people like our CIA they have no allegiance to a country.. They had a part in 9-11 too.) I realized these weren't terrorists at all, but Special Ops Military carrying out an agenda to justify war with the people and that the blame would be terrorism. (These ’special ops’ military could represent the demonic forces that are really behind the factious leadership. The factious always attempt to blame others of the sins that they are guilty of themselves.) They began to pass out remote detonation devices to each of the four Special Ops agents and they were going to split up and place these devices in random places in Israel. Then I woke up. (Again the DS in Israel, the Mossad, is seeking to start a war to make money and distract from their evil works. All of this is a type of the same thing happening in our own country with the CIA attacking Christians but God is turning their weapons on themselves as He promised us.) The Beast’s Depopulation Agenda Alenna Timoshchuk - 5/20/21 (David’s notes in red) I dreamt that I was at my cousins house. It was my two cousins, Marianna and Amy, and my sister Maria and I. We were scared because we knew the world was going to be invaded by an alien creature and everything in the world was changing. (The world's DNA is being changed by the vac/cin/es and tests making them super spreaders. Changing human DNA to a creation of man, which makes them not human but aliens. They are creating the body of the beast. It is an invasion of the alien beast. If Christians are infected with the spread of this we have a sure cure and it is as always the promises of the Word of God.) The scene changed and we were in a car driving and my cousin received a call that someone from the government was on his way to her house to get us. We were glad we weren't at the house, but we knew we couldn’t avoid this for long and eventually they’d find us. (The DS is spreading corrupted DNA all over the world by many methods. Alenna and her kin are used here as a warning to us Christians as to what to pray against and stand against.) The scene changed again and we were in a house. We heard someone come in and we knew it was the man from the government. We tried to hide but he found us. (You would have to hide from everyone in the natural because many are spreading this mans DNA. The only true hiding place is in Christ; the secret place of the Most High; hidden under the shadow of His wings, to escape this through obedience to His Word and faith in His promises. Fear is faith in reverse and it will strip us of our Psalm 91 protections. Psa 91:1,4. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty... 4 He will cover thee with his pinions, And under his wings shalt thou take refuge: His truth is a shield and a buckler. There is no physical place or device of man to hide from this.) I remember thinking he will turn us into robots that can be controlled. (The nano-bot technology in the vaccines is doing this and is bringing the body of the beast to one mind and DNA.) He got my cousins and injected something into their arms (the vac/ci/ne) and then put this white band around both of their wrists and attached them to each other. Then he came up to my sister and I and did the same thing. As he was doing this, he was assuring us that everything will be okay and that he invented this for the greater good of humanity. (Like Fau/chi and Ga/tes, they are demon possessed Satanists who actually believe this but it is greed and power motivating their kind.) When I looked at him, I saw he had regret on his face because things were turning out a lot differently than he had planned. (They are getting caught and destroyed; just as our Edomite DS in the church will be destroyed.) After he finished giving us our injections, he also put a band around my sister’s wrist and mine and connected us. I instantly felt a strange closeness to her; almost like I could know her thoughts and she mine. (We don't know everything about the perversions of the DNA but they are trying to depopulate and connecting women to women would do this.) I looked at my cousins and all of a sudden they were hunched over. Their bodies were shaking, and their looks started changing; and then the same thing happened to my sister and I. After this transformation happened we looked into a mirror and we looked more aliens. (Changing the human DNA to a man made DNA by injections makes non-humans. Wait until the children are born of this perversion. What will they look like and act like? They would be subservient to the beast and one with the beastly no doubt. That is, if there will be any children born at all. The vac/ci/nes are causing infertility and spontaneous abortions on a large scale now. Could this cause people to understand that there is no sense in women cohabitating with men to create this perversion?) Our faces were different, our head had a different shape (Meaning a change of mind), our hair changed texture, and we looked extremely alike. (As a recent dream titled, “The Intergalactic War and Space Pods” given to Gabe Watson that we shared on the broadcast. All of the infected will have one DNA, that of the "strong man", satan. The Beast will seek to change the headship of Christ over us and convert our submission over to his control.) Here is a portion of Gabe’s dream: There were these futuristic looking pods, that we're almost like a time capsule, that would preserve your body through this tribulation. It seemed like everyone was getting into these pods. (This was a deceptive time capsule to make them believe that this is not the biblical time of the preparation of the beast.) (The Beast always seeks to change the times. They especially dont want you to find out that it is the time of the Beast. We are seeing a delay through Cyrus of the Beast system to come in the tribulation and even then they don't want you to believe its the time of the tribulation. Dan 7:25 And he shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High; and he shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time. The Beast wants everyone to be asleep and subservient. Go back to sleep in your little deceptive pod or bubble. Nothing to see here!! Since people do not believe it is the time, they can manipulate them into taking a pre-form of the mark by changing their DNA. They want to convince people that the only way for them to preserve their physical lives will be to come into agreement with the Beast and its system. We can see now how they are beginning to test this out on everyone through the masks, vac/cine mandates, and passports. Everyone will eventually be required to have them in order to actively participate in society. If people refuse, they will be disenfranchised from working or buying and selling.) I then looked and I saw a guy I knew from college. He was a big strong guy and then I noticed that his semen was everywhere. I said to myself, “This is disgusting! What is this stuff doing everywhere?” (This is the seed of Anti-christ. He is satan; the ’strong man’. His seed is all over the world and the overwhelming majority of people who dwell on the earth receive his seed which makes them sons of the devil. The earthly minded are the ones who will ultimately get into these ‘escape pods’. Mat. 12:27-29, And if I by Beelzebub cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore shall they be your judges. 28 But if I by the Spirit of God cast out demons, then is the kingdom of God come upon you. 29 Or how can one enter into the house of the strong man, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man ? and then he will spoil his house.) Then Garrett Crawford and I were getting into our pods to go through the time lapse. But I started to get really concerned and not thinking it was a good idea. I was worried that while I slept, my body would have freezer burn or decay and I actually saw visions of this in my dream. Somehow, I could see what was going to happen in the future and I could tell that it wasn't a good idea, but I wasn't completely sure. I was torn considering the idea. (This will be such a strong delusion and deception that if it were possible even the elect would be deceived but the Lord will give discernment for all that love the truth. These are the times just before the tribulation but He has shown us we are in a mini-tribulation for the first-fruits so that they will be prepared to lead the church in the tribulation. For example Moses went into his own tribulation before he was prepared to bring Israel there. Since the tribulation is a type of now we see: Mat. 24:15-25, When therefore ye see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let him that readeth understand), 16 then let them that are in Judaea flee unto the mountains (The Heavenly places in Christ): 17 let him that is on the housetop not go down to take out things that are in his house (forget your stuff): 18 and let him that is in the field not return back to take his cloak. 19 But woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days! 20 And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on a sabbath: 21 for then shall be great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, nor ever shall be. (As the real president and VP has said, "the storm is upon us".) Back to Alenna’s dream: Then the scene changed again. We were all in a car again and suddenly all of our phones started going off at the same time and my cousin said, “It’s happened, the world is officially under attack.” (This could represent the 10 days of darkness and the Emergency Broadcast System being implemented by President Trumps message over all phones.) I looked out the car window and everything was very gloomy. There were dark clouds covering the whole sky. I didn’t see any signs of nature, trees, or grass; just a lot of ruin. (Their Chemtrails are perverting all of nature.). There were many buildings destroyed (The patriots are destroying with the Rod of God satanic buildings now.) and it looked like a war zone. Other buildings were boarded up with wooden planks and metal sheets. (Businesses are closing. The old economy that prospered the DS is collapsing making way for the new Economy.) My cousin received a call and the person said, he was coming for us. We all went into a house and started hiding. I remember praying for the Lord to hide me. It was an alien (Beast DNA infected) man that was coming to kill us. I knew that it was impossible to hide from him because he could sense our body temperature. (They have had this technology for many years. It is impossible to hide from the Beast DNA for it is infecting the world.) No matter where you’d go, he’d find you. I don’t remember what he looked like, just that he had long black hair. (This is a warning to renew your minds with the Word of God and its promises, which is His incorruptible DNA.) When we went to hide, my sister and I disconnected our bands from each other so that we could hide better and when we disconnected, it felt like I lost half of me. (Some kind of genetic bond of women to women instead of men. A husband and wife are created to be one; hence the term “better half”. We see here the perversion that the DS Beast already has is being spread.) My eyesight wasn’t as good and I didn’t feel very stable on my feet. I remember thinking they did this to us so that we could feel a deep “spiritual like” closeness to someone and we wouldn’t try to seek a (male) partner in life; that we’d feel content with this connection and there would be no need for a partner and reproducing. (The elite depopulation goal is being achieved but with those who do not know God and His promises. According to Jesus there are only 2 men on earth and they are Christ and antichrist.) (This is no condemnation meant in this dream to these sisters, God is using them as a warning to Christians to avoid the DNA change by abiding in Him and to trusting in His Word. Exo 15:26 and he said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of Jehovah thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his eyes, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon thee, which I have put upon the Egyptians: for I am Jehovah that healeth thee. Also for those who took the jab or are infected by someone who did, there is healing and deliverance in Christ, He will repair any damage and deliver us from the DNA change and the nano bots!!! This is because Jesus bore the curse for us so that we are blessed. Gal 3:13-14 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14 that upon the Gentiles might come the blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. ) Please download our free book, God’s Vaccine located on the UBM website at: https://www.ubm1.org/books/pdf/GV.pdf The VA/CC/INE DEEP STATE is spreading spike protein particles in acts of terrorism to perpetuate the plandemic Mike Adams - 5/20/21 In retrospect, it now seems obvious: The virus is nearly harmless, but the spike protein it carries is the “payload,” and the spike protein is extremely dangerous. To initiate the plandemic, the vaccine deep state likely released spike protein particles in New York City. And to perpetuate the plandemic, they’ve put spike protein particles into the vaccines — all admitted — and are now injecting people with deadly, weaponized protein particles that cause blood clots and deaths. The vaccine industry is now resorting to bioterrorism as its primary business model. The upcoming “booster shots” are designed to keep the spike protein in circulation, making sure people continue to get sick so that vaccine corporations can reap more profits from the sickness and the fear. Their entire business model now requires repeated injection of human beings with weaponized protein particles that spread sickness and death. All who die will be said to have died “from covid,” while all those who live will be described as having been “saved by the vaccine.” Yet the vaccine is the pandemic. The vaccine contains the spike protein, and this fact is openly admitted by even the government of Connecticut, all the vaccine manufacturers, and the corporate-run media. They all confirm the vaccines contain the spike protein: (See full-sized image here.) Spike protein particles can be loaded onto drones (or Chemtrail planes) and released over any city in America. We already know that Big Pharma manufacturers spike protein particles. They have to make them in order to insert them into the vaccines, obviously, so they have a process to mass synthesize the spike protein particles. These same toxic particles could easily be loaded onto drones and released over any city in an aerosolized form. They could also be dumped into the water supply, sprayed onto food crops or released in crowded indoor environments such as subways, train stations or theaters. Every person that’s hit with the spike protein would be diagnosed as “positive” for covid, via PCR tests, and the media can use that to hysterically scream for more vaccines, lockdowns and masks. This means that any time the controllers want to lock down society and exterminate more people with a vaccine, they merely have to release more spike protein particles into the city. When oblivious people rush to the pharmacies to get vaccinated, they are being injected with even more spike proteins, which then spread to others via transmission. And when people get mRNA vaccines, their bodies are turned into spike protein factories. This is all by design, and it is openly admitted by the mRNA vaccine manufacturers. They brag about how their technology directs your body to manufacture spike proteins in your own blood. This is how mRNA vaccine “work,” they claim. Thus, the vaccine industry has now turned human victims into walking biological weapons factories. If you or I released a bucket of spike protein particles in a football stadium, we would be arrested and charged with bioterrorism. But when the vaccine industry hijacks your body’s cells and transforms your entire body into a spike protein bioweapons factory, that’s called “science,” not bioterrorism. We are now living in an era when “science” and “medicine” are literally functioning as bioterrorist organizations, building and releasing deadly bioweapons while even injecting them into people under the guise of “public health.” This is beyond insane; it’s criminally malicious. The people behind this (Gates, Fauci, etc.) all need to be arrested, charged with crimes against humanity and subjected to Nuremberg-style criminal trials. Listen to my Situation Update podcast for more shocking details: Brighteon.com/c7f1ad1f-0592-4af1-954a-486198f55c96 EXTERMINATION machine unmasked: Why vaccinated people are making HEALTHY people sick, Pfizer document admits vaccinated people “shed” infectious particles, the spike protein is the bioweapon. Mike Adams - 5/3/21 The vaccine is the bioweapon. Specifically, the spike protein is the bioactive weapon, and it is designed to spread from person to person, being transmissible from the vaccinated in order to infect the unvaccinated. Never forget that Bill Gates has long wanted to use mosquitoes to carry vaccines so that people could be vaccinated against their own wishes (and completely without informed consent). Now, it turns out, they don’t need mosquitoes. They have high-obedience humans ready to carry out the same role. People who are injected with the mRNA vaccine are having their bodies turned into bioweapons factories, churning out spike protein particles which they shed through their mouths and skin (and semen, by the way), infecting everyone around them. The spike protein is biologically active and causes blood clots, leading to strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism and infertility effects. Pfizer’s own documents reveal this phenomenon to be well known by vac/ci/ne developers. What is now becoming obvious is that today’s vaccines were deliberately designed to function as self-replicating vaccines, to spread the spike protein bioweapons to those who refuse to be vac/cin/ated. As the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists wrote last year, “Scientists are working on vaccines that spread like a disease. What could possibly go wrong?” This explains all the bizarre blood clotting effects now being experienced in unvaccinated people who are in close proximity to vaccinated people. We will be reporting much more on this in the days ahead. Globalists have unleashed the “final solution” a self-replicating vaccine to end humanity once and for all In today’s Situation Update, I reveal how globalists have embarked on a genocidal, planet-wide extermination effort to wipe out the human race, end all nations and kill literally billions of people. The covid vaccine is the key element in this genocidal plan against humanity, and this explains why they are going to such desperate lengths to silence va/cc/ine skeptics, censor doctors and scientists, and coerce as many people as possible into getting the va/cc/ine injection. Due to the transmissible nature of the spike protein and the hijacking of the body’s protein synthesis with mRNA vaccines, globalists probably only need about 50 percent of any given population to be vaccinated, and they have already achieved that goal in most nations. They don’t even need the other half of the population to consent, because those people will be “vaccinated” with the transmission of the spike protein itself. This means nearly everyone will be infected with the spike protein, making nearly everyone susceptible to the possibility of a hyperinflammatory reaction when exposed to wild-type coronavirus strains that will be released later this year. (It’s a binary weapon system, get it?) Hence the extreme importance of immune modulation, pursuing an anti-inflammatory diet, avoiding allergy-enhancing substances in food and medicine, etc. (This will not ultimately save anyone for all foods are infected, air is infected, water is infected. Its God way or nothing.) The following video from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and others explains very important concepts of how this spike protein is being transmitted by the vac/cin/ated. Dr. Tenpenny is careful to note this isn’t the “shedding” of virus particles, but rather the “transmission” of spike protein particles based on the adenovirus that’s used to manufacture the vaccine: Brighteon.com/5fc47f25-dab5-472e-aa50-44e19ce141af In my Situation Update today, I go further, explaining how globalists are making a final run against humanity with planet-scale genocide based on self-replicating vaccines that are designed to spread from one person to another. The vaccine is the pandemic. The spike protein is the bioweapon. And any person receiving the mRNA shot is having their own body transformed into a bioweapons factory that’s being exploited to infect others. If anyone should be masked right now, it’s the people who were vac/ci/nated. They are the super spreaders. They are the walking bio-bombs. Listen, learn and share everywhere you can: Brighteon.com/a8a25cca-c179-4a1b-baac-fe60d301ab27 Dr. Carrie Madej is an expert on the DNA/ and the Transhumanism aspect of it all. https://beforeitsnews.com/health/2021/04/dr-carrie-madej-covid-shots-dna-transhumanism-the-new-american-must-video-3039225.html Since we see that all will take the satan DNA except for those who have the DNA of Christs Word, is it any wonder that the Lord said that we will be hated of all nations for His namesake? The Angels are Fighting for the Saints Claire Pienaar 5/8/21 (David’s notes in red) I dreamed it was the dead of night, and Riaan and I heard a sound coming from our kitchen. Riaan got up and looked down the hallway, and straight into the kitchen. (This is not possible in the natural as our home is built differently, but in the dream it was easy to do.) We saw our local policeman (yes, singular. There’s only 1 in our town). He was dressed in his full combat attire, and he took our BBQ tongs out of the kitchen drawer. He put his finger over his mouth to tell us to be quiet, and then beckoned us with his arm to follow him. (As we will see, the angels of justice are coming to Bar-b-que the factious who have laid traps in their wickedness for the righteous.) He walked through the house and went out our back door and walked around to the biggest tree in our yard. When looking at this tree from the main bedroom window, one can see all the mountains around the town. (Psalm 125:1-5, They that trust in Jehovah Are as mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abideth for ever. 2 As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, So Jehovah is round about his people From this time forth and for evermore. 3 For the sceptre of wickedness shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; That the righteous put not forth their hands unto iniquity. 4 Do good, O Jehovah, unto those that are good, And to them that are upright in their hearts. 5 But as for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, Jehovah will lead them forth with the workers of iniquity.) The policeman started pulling big traps and rusted barbed wire out in huge clumps. I was shocked at what he was doing, and shocked at how these traps and instruments, to inflict pain, were so well camouflaged in the fallen leaves. It was where my children play daily! (The fallen leaves represent death by separation from the Tree; the source of their life.) I said to him, “Why is all of this here?” And he replied repeatedly, “They want to kill you. They want to kill you”. (Yes, The factious want to kill their brethren through slander and character assassination. The factious in the state are also seeking to kill us and take over the planet. Psalm 37:32, The wicked lies in wait for the righteous and seeks to kill him. Psalm 94:20-23, Shall the throne of wickedness have fellowship with thee, Which frameth mischief by statute? 21 They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, And condemn the innocent blood. 22 But Jehovah hath been my high tower, And my God the rock of my refuge. 23 And he hath brought upon them their own iniquity, And will cut them off in their own wickedness; Jehovah our God will cut them off.) Then he pointed to a big black noose put over the electricity lines that are next to our house. (5G threat) I said, “why would they do that?” And he again replied, “They want to kill you”. He just shook his head. It was no effort for him to clear all this up for us. It took him almost no time at all. (Here again we see the spirit of Judas as in Timothy Dixon’s revelation. This Judas spirit, the spirit of faction is always out to betray and kill their brethren with their snares and traps and twisting of words and lies. Pro. 4:14,16, Enter not into the path of the wicked, And walk not in the way of evil men... 16 For they sleep not, except they do evil; And their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall.) I knew who he meant. He was referring to the teenage boys from town, who in the natural pose no threat to us. I was so saddened that people were capable of such evil (These teenage boys are a type of the young lion spoken of in Psalm 91:13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: The young lion and the serpent shalt thou trample under foot.) (The teenage boys represent spiritually immature, rebellious people who don’t submit in obedience to the Word of God. But rather abuse and mistreat their brethren.) Then he walked over to our silver van and inspected it. It was 100% free from these traps. (The silver van represents the Holy Spirit. No one can quench the Spirit when they’re walking in the way of the Lord). (Righteousness delivereth from death.) Then I woke up. I asked God for a verse by faith at random, and received Ezekiel 6:2-7 with my finger on “son of man”: “Son of man, set thy face toward the mountains of Israel, and prophesy unto them, and say, Ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord Jehovah: Thus saith the Lord Jehovah to the mountains and to the hills, to the watercourses and to the valleys: Behold, I, even I, will bring a sword upon you, and I will destroy your high places. And your altars shall become desolate, and your sun-images shall be broken; and I will cast down your slain men before your idols. And I will lay the dead bodies of the children of Israel before their idols; and I will scatter your bones round about your altars. In all your dwelling-places the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your sun-images may be hewn down, and your works may be abolished. And the slain shall fall in the midst of you, and ye shall know that I am Jehovah.” I spoke to Riaan about this dream, and he said that he believes God was showing us that the principal angel or guardian over this area is primarily concerned with keeping us safe, and they are doing warfare when we are ‘asleep' or resting in God’s promises of protection and provision. Every other saint has this too; both the attacks from the enemy, but also the protection of the angelic host. We must utilize the Word in keeping them in action. (Yes . We must keep our angels employed. Heb. 1:13-14, But of which of the angels hath he said at any time, Sit thou on my right hand, Till I make thine enemies the footstool of thy feet? 14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to do service for the sake of them that shall inherit salvation?)
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