
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
UBBS 6.27.2021
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Faith Conquers the Curses of the Old Man
David Eells - 6/20/21
A lot of what we got in our morning prayer meeting, recently, amounted to obey the word or be judged. By faith that we are dead to self and no longer live but Christ lives in us, grace comes to enable us to do this.
Our number one duty is to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and then Jesus said every other need will be met.
Winnie got Jer 17:21-22 Thus saith Jehovah, Take heed to yourselves, and bear no burden on the sabbath day, nor bring it in by the gates of Jerusalem; 22 neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do ye any work: but hallow ye the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers. So we see that self works are not to be brought into the Bride… or "out of our houses", wherein the blood keeps us safe from the destroyer.
The Sabbath was to cease from our own works and that is so we can do His works, which Jesus told the Pharisees was legal on the Sabbath.
When our own works, even “good" works, interfere with His works according to His commands we are disqualifying ourselves from the Bride. Even works of the law or religion are not legal in the New Testament Sabatismos. meaning continual rest, the only Sabbath that was given to Christians.
So seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and obey His will.
Distractions Hinder the Crucified Life
David Timoshchuk - 5/16/21 (David’s notes in red)
After Thursday’s fellowship me and my wife were praying. I was praying in tongues and then, all of a sudden, my language changed and I started seeing a vision.
In the vision, I saw myself standing in our backyard and I looked up into the sky and it was dark. Then, all of the sudden, the heavens started opening and a light came down and hit the top of my head and worked its way down to my feet, and when it was done, I was glowing white. Then that vision ended.
As my wife and I continued praying and I saw another vision. In this vision, I looked up and saw the cross on the hill which I have never seen before and it was a pretty good distance away, so I started praying harder and it was getting closer but, as soon as I looked down at my phone then looked back up the cross became small and farther away again. End of the visions. (There are many distractions in life that will hinder our relationship with the Lord, but the cell phones seem to be one of the biggest. Heb 12:1-3, Therefore let us also, seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising shame, and hath sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 For consider him that hath endured such gainsaying of sinners against himself, that ye wax not weary, fainting in your souls.)
Do Warfare; Do not Get Distracted or Wrestling with Flesh
Witchcraft/Curse Testimony
Garrett Crawford - 5/21/21 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed It was night time in Bethel (meaning: house of God), the town where my dad lives and where I grew up.
My dad (who represents the Heavenly Father in this dream) took me to Frisch’s Big Boy, a local casual dining place. (In other parts of the country they are called Bob’s Big Boy.) (The surname Frisch is derived from the Old German personal name Friedrich, which is composed of the elements "fridu" meaning "peace" or "safety", and "rihhi," meaning "powerful.” When we eat the Word of God it is powerful in our lives and we have peace and safety from our enemies through faith and rest in the promises of God’s Word.)
As we pulled up to the drive-thru, I saw that it was no longer Frisch’s Big Boy, but it had been bought by another company and the sign on the menu now said “Bob’s Bible.” (This represents that those with rest and peace of faith will come to Great Awakening and revival. The name ‘Bob’ is short for Robert which means: "bright fame.” God’s Word has been powerful and provided His people with peace and safety through faith but, we are coming to a time when the “bright fame” of His Gospel will go forth in all the earth as a great revival and we will see miracles like we have never seen before and the fame of Jesus in the Man-child will spread all over the world.)
All of the items on the menu were high protein meat entrees. There were no sugary or fried items on the menu. Everything was meat, but healthy meat like Salmon and other fish dishes. (The Man-child ministries will provide the meat of God’s Word to His elect so that they can get off of the milk of religion and grow up and bear the fruit of Christ in their lives. Our meat is to do the will of our Father like it was with Jesus.)
My dad urged me to order from the menu. I could tell it was really important to him for me to eat this food. (The Spirit food in the Bible) Even though I looked at the menu and knew everything was healthy and good for me, I actually felt a little reluctant. I don’t know why; maybe it was double mindedness or I was used to unhealthy fast food. (The spiritual fast food restaurants are the dead denominations of false Christianity). But, as I recall, right when I was about to order a combo with salmon and beans a great disturbance occurred. (The old man of the flesh and the demonic entities that rule them do not want our spiritual man to eat the Word to become sons of God. He also wants us to fight the people and situations around us in the strength of our flesh. He is our worst enemy and will do everything he can to distract us from feeding on the Word of God and having close fellowship with our Heavenly Father.
Gal 5:16-26, But I say, walk by the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are contrary the one to the other; that ye may not do the things that ye would. 18 But if ye are led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these : fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousies, wraths, factions, divisions, parties, 21 envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of which I forewarn you, even as I did forewarn you, that they who practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 meekness, self-control; against such there is no law. 24 And they that are of Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with the passions and the lusts thereof. 25 If we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also walk. 26 Let us not become vainglorious, provoking one another, envying one another.)
All of a sudden, a black truck appeared driving recklessly down Main Street, and it caused panic in the whole town. Everyone knew this truck was evil and inside of it was a very evil man that was intent on harming people. (This black truck driving recklessly down Main Street could represent the evil plans of the DS faction to harm the people of ‘Main Street America.’ And in parallel the other faction in religion that rebels against all laws of God and man.)
Even a cop in the restaurant parking lot was aware of this great evil and yelled over to the driver of the vehicle to stop but it was to no avail. (The police in this country recognize the evil intentions of the DS to harm our society through their funding of Leftist, Marxist, Communist front organizations that are demanding the de-funding of the police and the total take down of the structure and laws of our society.) Someone else cried out “It’s a mass shooter!” I continued to watch as the truck sped by me. Another driver in a separate vehicle tried a pit maneuver and caused the black truck to crash into the Speedway Gas station a few hundred feet down the road. (The people of America have been waking up to all the evils of the DS cabal and have been increasingly standing up in resistance to them. But this has caused the DS to retaliate as in the Colonial Pipeline shut down that they blamed on Russian hackers. This created a gas shortage and drove up the prices on gasoline which hurt all the ‘little guys’ on Main Street.)
When the black truck crashed into the gas pumps the armed assailant jumped out and started to run in my direction. He was dressed in all black and had the largest black assault rifle I have ever seen.
At this moment I thought to myself, "I can continue ordering this food that my dad so lovingly and urgently desires for me to eat or I can do something extremely risky and tackle this potential mass shooter and disarm him before he hurts anyone.” (Spiritually speaking, we must stay in the Word and in prayer and do spiritual warfare and not try to fight things in our flesh by our own strength. Eph 6:12, For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.)
I realized I could get killed by approaching this man (It is dangerous to leave our kingdom and fight in theirs), I was unarmed and I only had the element of surprise as my advantage. So I made the decision to turn away from the drive-thru menu and run towards the mass shooter dressed in black and I tackled him. He was surprised and I caught him off guard and actually wrestled the large black gun out of his hand. We were still wrestling when I heard my phone ringing. (Cell phones represent the Holy Spirit trying to get his attention. The Spirit was calling Garrett to stop wrestling in the flesh with the flesh nature in others. WWJD?)
Then very quickly I began to wake up. I was in my bed and my phone was actually ringing in real life. It was 7 am on a Saturday. A very strange time for someone to call me. (The number 7 represents completion. Jesus already finished the work at the cross. Heb 4:3 For we who have believed do enter into that rest; even as he hath said, As I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. We too must live the crucified life entering into the rest, walking by faith in the promises of God and turning the other cheek; not wrestling with flesh and blood.)
I was wide awake with the encounter fresh on my mind. I wanted to go back in the dream and find out what happened next but the dream was over. As I lay there I began to get really convicted. "Convicted about what?" you might ask. You were the hero, you stopped the evil mass shooter and saved everyone! But no, I was convicted that I hesitated to order the meal off the Bob’s Bible drive-thru menu and got distracted by the evil man.
I decided to go attack the evil man instead of obeying my Father and eating the food he wanted me to eat. You know, there is always evil out there to distract us from God’s word. There is always a new threat that we feel we have to attack head on, but that distracts us from what God wants us focused on and partaking of. (Remember Jesus when attacked passed through their midst unharmed and he cast the legion of demons out of the madman through Son of God methods.). These are just a few of the things the Holy Spirit spoke to me.
So about 10am, a few hours after my dream, my dad called me in real life. I asked him what he was doing. He said, “Eating breakfast." I heard the distant clatter of plates and silverware and people talking. I asked him if he was at Big Boy’s in Bethel and he said, “Yes." He asked me how I knew that.... Well I think we know the answer. God was confirming the dream. (LOL, yes He was.)
The dream, on its own, means a lot and can speak to anyone, but I know God was speaking to me about a trial I have been going thru for the last year.
Last year, around this time, I had a dream that the old woman across the street was performing witchcraft against me and my family. I clearly saw her trying to put curses on us. Her name is, oddly enough, Mrs. Black. (Representing the factious that walk in darkness.)
That same night, as I was having the dream, my wife couldn’t sleep and was led to watch a sermon on witchcraft and the occult. When I woke up and told her the strange dream and she confirmed that she was led to watch the sermon on the same thing I dreamt about.
We had never had any suspicion of our neighbor before. But, ever since that dream, weird things have been happening to our family, strange attacks against us. Snakes began appearing all the time to try and attack us.
Curses against our unborn son tried to manifest. The doctor told us he likely had Down’s Syndrome (By God’s grace he was born without Down’s Syndrome but, it was a trial of our faith). My wife had developed gestational diabetes to boot.
During this time the neighbor, Mrs. Black, would always see us coming back from the store or running errands and yell over at us “Hey, is everything OK over there?” It was so strange. Almost like she was checking to see if we had actually succumbed to some tragic occurrence. (Here is where binding the spirits of hatred and witchcraft come in which we have experienced from the faction.)
We kept our distance; never confessed any curse and told her how blessed we were. Without her knowing the internal trials we were facing concerning my wife and the unborn child, she would see me in the yard and yell in a concerned manner “How is your wife and the baby?” It was almost like she was expecting me to say, “It appears we are all under a curse Mrs. Black!” But I never told her any bad news and just told her how we are blessed and doing well.
Then, the other day, a neighbor’s dog got loose and ran into my yard and picked up my little terrier and almost chewed him to death. It was so strange. The dog just came and attacked my dog and then ran off. It was almost like an assassination attempt. My dog was badly hurt and could have died. I had to take him to the hospital for surgery, It cost me $4,600.00. It is no coincidence that Mrs. Black hates my dog.
I never spoke to Mrs. Black about what happened. But after a few days she saw me walking in my yard and yelled over to me, “Hey, where’s Scrappy? I haven’t seen him around lately.” I thought to myself, “You have got to be kidding me!" I said “You haven’t heard what happened?” She said “No, no I haven’t heard anything.” (This is amazing. Mrs. Black reminds me of a black woman who throws curses at us. She and the others tried to kill Sandy with witchcraft and she was running around asking if she died and so we knew she was in on it. Also God warned us ahead of time they would try it. He also showed us in dreams she would die before she fell away. We have been praying for her to be saved.)
I knew that she knew what had happened to the dog but I played the little game and explained to her the whole event as if she didn’t know. She was clearly playing dumb.
The dog that had gotten out and attacked my dog was from another Christian couple up the street. It could have turned very contentious between us but I had no hard feelings towards them. We worked it out and now I think our friendship has gotten stronger. That’s definitely not what Satan had planned. He thought he would divide brethren and cause anger and unforgiveness to grow but the opposite happened. We have a lot of mutual respect for each other now.
I knew this was all a continuation of the enemy trying to attack us, but everyone of his plan’s have failed. But this morning, when I had the dream about the black assassin with the large black gun; I realized it was about Mrs. Black (or the spirit working in her) and how God didn’t want me trying to fight this in the flesh or even acknowledging the threat like I had been doing, at least not to the extent that it distracts me from where my Heavenly Father wants my attention.
I knew that I couldn’t keep talking about it and focusing on this witchcraft attack against us and giving it more life and power. I had to direct my focus to only the Bible and eating the meat of God’s word. (And the meat shows us we have authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall harm us.)
Today, just few hours ago, my daughter almost died twice within 30 minutes! She almost drowned and then almost choked. I cried out to God about these constant attacks but he had reminded me that they can not harm us and every plan of the enemy will fail.
I realized that I really don't need to be preoccupied with what is going on across the street and who's cursing me. I just need to put all my focus back on God. Sounds simple enough. Right?
Psalm 91:7-10, A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
Beware of the Old Man of the Flesh
Deb Horton - 6/1/21 (David’s notes in red)
All of last night I kept hearing "Mowgli." I would even tell myself in every dream to remember the name and look it up in the morning. It repeated all night, over and over, when I would wake up and when I fell back asleep. (In the stories, the name Mowgli is said to mean "frog", describing his lack of fur. Kipling, his creator, made up the name. In a revelation that Howard Pitman had he saw spirits of lust as frogs going into people.)
I knew it was some Disney thing, but I thought it was from the Lion King.
Here is what I found: "Mowgli (also known as the Man-Cub) is the protagonist of Disney's 1967 animated feature film, The Jungle Book. A young orphaned boy with an adventurous spirit, Mowgli had been raised by a pack of wolves in the jungles of India since infancy."
"Mowgli is a handsome preteen slender boy with dusky skin, brown eyes, thick black eyebrows and wild untidy black hair that covers his forehead, ears and reaches his neck. In both films he is half-naked, wearing only a red langot made of cotton.” (I also saw exactly how it was spelled. Doesn't sound very good, does it?) (I believe that the Lord was giving Deb a warning for us to beware of the old man of the flesh represented by “Mowgli” who is raised by the wolves and if I remember correctly was charmed by a snake. The Mowgli’s out there remind us of this: Gal 5:19-21, 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these : fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousies, wraths, factions, divisions, parties, 21 envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of which I forewarn you, even as I did forewarn you, that they who practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.)
The Old Man is Waiting Outside
Claire Pienaar - 6/3/21 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed it was late in the night, and I saw an old man lurking outside our house. His silver/grey hair was reflecting the moonlight. He was wearing black so I couldn’t see his body clearly. He kept on walking between our van and the front door and then walked around the van. (The old man wearing black represents the old man of the flesh that walks in darkness and is submitted to rebellion and self will. He wants into our vehicle and house representing this life.)
I ran into my bedroom, with the intention to tell my husband, Riaan. But my dad (representing the Father) and my mom (Representing the ancient church in scripture) were in my bedroom, sleeping. I was a bit confused by this but continued to wake them up, saying, “He’s right outside! He’s right outside!” I don't know if I was fearful or vigilant or concerned, but I knew I needed to tell them. (Awakening the Father and the ancient scripture promises against the old man is a protection and deliverance.)
I was happy they were there. I felt secure that they, and Riaan, could protect me or my house from this old man. (We are protected from our old nature when we stay in close communication with our Heavenly Father and the wisdom of the ancient church doctrines found in the Word of God. Through obedience to the Word we put to death the old man of our flesh.)
My dad looked at me very lovingly and said, “Do not let him back in. You’ve already chased him out. Don’t invite him back in”. (The old man, as well as spirits that operate through him can be let back in to our house or our vehicle when we open the door through disobedience and giving into temptations.)
In the dream, I then ran into the learning room and told Riaan. He said, “It’s all taken care of. He can’t come in unless you open the door. So don’t open the door”. Then I woke up. (So don't open the door saints by listening to the old man.)
(I had this dream early in the night I think, and I tossed and turned all night remembering this old man outside and remembering the joy I’ve had in the Lord recently and not wanting to open a door to the old man again.)
I asked the Lord for a verse by faith at random as soon as I woke up, and received Job 16:7 “But now he hath made me weary: Thou hast made desolate all my company.” (Immediately, I thought that the Lord has made desolate all my company, spiritually, in that He has conquered all my demons and chased them away and now I must keep my body and soul clean. I am walking in victory and authority over the old man.) (Riaan: The enemy is no longer inside the house. He has been cast out and is weak, old and dark. He is trying to come back in though, and will try for a little while longer, but we need to remain in the house and rest like the elders rest. Praise the Lord!) (Remember only inside the house did they have a Passover of the destruction on the old man.)
Don’t Get Out Ahead of God
Alenna Timoshchuk - 6/6/21 (David’s note in red)
I dreamt that we were in the tribulation period or right before the tribulation (I’m not quite sure) and my family was getting ready because we knew the Lord would be leading us out, and moving us somewhere else. I kept wondering when this would happen; when we’d finally leave. (This represents the people of God leaving Egypt, after the Passover of destruction on the old man, to go into the coming wilderness tribulation. The Red Sea destruction of Pharaoh’s army [the factious chasers of the DS and Church faction] is coming just before the wilderness tribulation.)
My husband and I were going to sleep and our bed was up against a window on my side. As we were laying there, I prayed and asked the Lord for a sign for when we will leave. After I finished praying this, I turned to my left, and looked out the window. (Sometimes we may have an idol represented by the turning to the left. Temptation and sin comes from the left. Eze 14:7, For every one of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that separateth himself from me, and taketh his idols into his heart, and putteth the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to the prophet to inquire for himself of me; I Jehovah will answer him by myself:)
The sky was still light, but the sun was set. I saw a dark cloud in the shape of a hand. The fingers were really crooked and pointy at the ends and it started moving in a motion, as if telling me to come. (This represents the old man of the flesh or the enemy outside of the house, as in Claire's revelation above, trying to tempt us to come out from under our covering (the blood of the Lamb) so that they can destroy us with the curse of sin and death.)
My first thought was that the Lord was saying it’s time, but then, instantly, a fear came over me and I felt that it was the enemy attacking and not the Lord. (We may be in a hurry to leave our current situations but we must be patient and wait on the Lord; abiding under our covering until He moves and then we can move.)
I turned away from the window and thought perhaps I imagined it, but when I looked back again, it was still there doing the same thing, so I looked away again. Then I woke up. (I believe the enemy is inviting us to come out of our house on which the blood of the Lamb was placed for a Passover but, there is no Passover for us if walk out from underneath the blood through rebellion to the Word and self will. Read Exodus 12.)
Overcoming Condemnation From the Old Man
Winnie Osegueda - 6/6/21 (David’s notes in red)
A couple days ago Angelica and I were speaking about some things that the enemy has tried to plague us with, particularly condemnation. (It seems we both have come from that kind of background, something we have battled, but despising it). I was on my front porch and I said to my daughter Zoé, while opening David's book, "Faith for all Things” that whatever I opened it to is what God wants to say to me and the book opened to chapter 11 titled, "Hindrances to Faith, Beware of Condemnation" lol. (Yes, this demon is a robber of faith.)
So I told Angelica and she thought it would be good to get together and go over the chapter and talk about it and pray. And I agreed.
The following evening, which was the day of the pot-blessing, I went to bed a little earlier than I normally do and fell asleep and had a dream right away, which doesn't usually happen.
I dreamed there was a young, darker-skinned, Indian looking woman with a long, baby blue flowing skirt. She seemed full of joy and was twirling in the street even though I could see people were unkind to her. As we were watching her, Angelica said to me in the dream, “Isn't she beautiful?” (This woman represents our spiritual man who is a foreigner in this world because she is dressed in heavenly garments and is set free by Jesus and the grace of God. She is beautiful because she is dressed up with the works of Jesus and has His nature.)
The scene changed and it was like I was in this woman's body experiencing and feeling what she was experiencing and feeling. She/I was in a white room with large glass sliding doors. We had a baby and our husband wanted to and was trying to kill us. (The 'old man' wants to kill our spiritual fruit, of Christ in us, by taking away our faith through condemnation.)
At first, I felt extreme fear trying to come upon me and I grabbed my phone and began to write an update on Facebook sharing my situation, and asking someone to call 911. But then, I decided against it and deleted it for fear that our husband would see the post and it would just escalate the situation. He also had a gun and wanted to use it to kill us. I knew I had nowhere to turn, but to the Lord. (When the devil condemns us through the 'old man’, we lose justification by faith and then fear is able to come in and torment us.)
All of a sudden, we were on the floor and the husband began choking us. I said, within myself, "I can only trust in what God promised me." We yelled out, “Jesus, I believe what you promised me!" and the husband got off and fell back. (Confessing faith in the promises will conquer the demons in the old man.) He looked like a little boy at the point when I realized I had to trust in God. (The enemy always tries to bluff us and trick us into thinking that they are bigger than what they really are.)
I then began to cast the demon out of him and away from me. Then I woke up and in real life I was trying to cough something that I could feel was in my throat. (The demons of condemnation and fear were coming out of the old man, the flesh.)
Today Angelica and I got together, talked about some of the chapter and some verses with my husband Chuc as well, and the dream came to me as we were speaking and I shared it with her and we thought it would be good to share with the body as well. (Let us pray and believe the Lord for this deliverance from condemnation, fear, rejection, fear of rejection, and that we all will be filled with more faith.)
Overcoming Doubt, Unbelief, and Witchcraft Curses
Deb Horton - 5/18/21 (David’s notes in red)
On this particular night I was in a lot of pain from what I believed to be a kidney stone. It was just awful and I literally got next-to-no sleep from thrashing about and trying to find a position that didn't hurt. I did manage to have a super-short dream though.
In the dream, I was in a dark place; a large room that seemed to be a museum of some sort but, with minimal lighting so everything was shadowy. (A museum is a place where many items from the past are stored and put on display to remind us of past events and times. It represents where the old man of the flesh and his fruit dwell. The flesh nature loves to live in the past dwelling on negative things and memories that keep a person bound in bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, self-pity and condemnation. Php 3:12-16, Not that I have already obtained, or am already made perfect: but I press on, if so be that I may lay hold on that for which also I was laid hold on by Christ Jesus. 13 Brethren, I count not myself yet to have laid hold: but one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, 14 I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as are perfect, be thus minded: and if in anything ye are otherwise minded, this also shall God reveal unto you: 16 only, whereunto we have attained, by that same rule let us walk.)
There were two other people there, a man and a boy who, I assumed, was his son. He was maybe 7 to 9 years old based on his behavior. The boy was being bratty and obnoxious as he tossed around a bowling ball. (This man and his son represents the old man of the flesh and his son is the fruit of the flesh and the demonic spirits that are attached to them. The bowling ball that they toss around is the weight of the curse that people live under because of the fear, doubt and unbelief that they cause by reminding us constantly of our past. 2 Co. 10:3-5, For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh 4 (for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds), 5 casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ;)
I could see cracks in the ball but it was still holding together. The "father" didn't say anything to his son and I was concerned that the ball could shatter and do damage to other things in the room, so I went over to the boy. (The enemy would like us to think that their weapons and devices against us are bigger and stronger than the power that Christ gave us over them.)
He was tossing/flipping the bowling ball from one hand to the other. I told him something like, "That's a very special resin in the bowling ball. You need to be careful because it could shatter and break something.” (If we focus too much on the enemy and the fears that they cause then it will break our faith. Php 4:4-9, Rejoice in the Lord always: again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your forbearance be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. 6 In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9 The things which ye both learned and received and heard and saw in me, these things do: and the God of peace shall be with you.)
As I woke up, I was hurting and thinking, "Why would I dream about a bowling ball?” Now it's okay if you want to laugh, but two days later, I finally realized the bowling ball represented the kidney stone. (The Lord uses extreme symbolism to get our attention sometimes.)
Then Debbie Fenske received a Word from the Lord that the kidney stone wasn't real! At first it cheered me up, but if it wasn’t real, then why was I experiencing all the pains/spasms? I doubted the Lord to my own hurt.
Until the broadcast, I didn't connect this dream with the witchcraft attacks of the factious enemies. The Lord was showing me exactly what was going on in the dream and exactly what was being sent against me.
(The “father" represented the leader of the faction, who knows I work on the books. And the "son" with the "bowling ball" was the witchcraft spirit being sent against me. The Lord was even revealing the exact nature of the attack but apparently I was slow to make the connection. Hindsight is always 20/20. And so it goes... I fully manifested my healing today at 11:30. Praise the Lord!) (When I prayed for her I prayed against a witchcraft attack from the faction and it left. It wasn’t real.
Renounce the Lies; Believe the Promises
Gabe Watson - 5/29/21 (David’s notes in red)
I was listening to this testimony of a woman who had been in severe pain for a number of years and had many, many surgeries. She finally went to a healing conference and the guy that came to pray for her said, "You need to renounce all the lies that you have believed about yourself and God." She had all kinds of different lies that she was believing about herself. After she renounced these, he prayed for her and she immediately received her healing and never had pain again. (If we believe the lies of the enemy rather than the promises of God it will keep us in bondage to the curse. Heb 3:12-19, Take heed, brethren, lest haply there shall be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief, in falling away from the living God: 13 but exhort one another day by day, so long as it is called To-day; lest any one of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin: 14 for we are become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end:
15 while it is said, To-day if ye shall hear his voice, Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. 16 For who, when they heard, did provoke? nay, did not all they that came out of Egypt by Moses? 17 And with whom was he displeased forty years? was it not with them that sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness? 18 And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that were disobedient? 19 And we see that they were not able to enter in because of unbelief.
Mark 6:5-6, And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. 6 And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages teaching.)
As I was listening to this testimony, I started to tear up and cry because I could relate to some of the things that she had experienced. I felt like I was also believing certain lies about myself and about God. I then began praying and renouncing these lies about myself not knowing how many there actually were.
I then began to ask God what I needed to do to keep the lies out of my mind. I just felt like He spoke the word “Promises” to me. As I was meditating on that, I looked up and I saw a rainbow right in front of me signifying the promise that was made in the Old Testament to Noah.
I was amazed that there was a rainbow right in front of me because it hadn't rained in weeks and there were no clouds to the right of me or the left of me, only right in front of me. I was really amazed at this and then I heard in my spirit, “Look at where the rainbow is going." I looked around and I couldn't understand what the Lord was saying and then I looked at the water and noticed the rainbow was coming right towards me and went into my legs in the reflection of the water! (We must stand on the promises of God given to us in His Word in order to have the miraculous life of an overcomer. Eph. 6:10-17, Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Wherefore take up the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 withal taking up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.)
I enclosed a picture below.
The ‘Key' of the Word Leads to Freedom
Marie Kelton - 4/9/21 (David’s notes in red)
The Lord gave me several open visions during one of our evening meetings.
In the first one, Jesus came and sat by me, He took off a black satchel bag that He was wearing. Jesus sat it down between Him and I. I looked down at it and there were cream colored objects in it. Jesus looked at me and smiled and pulled out the first object and laid it on His lap. It was a cream and white colored marble sword. (Jesus is revealing to us the secret of deliverance by removing the ‘black satchel bag’ and uncovering all the instruments of spiritual warfare and weapons of praise that He has empowered us with to fight against our enemies.)
After that Jesus pulled out a little harp and laid it on His lap. It was the same color and texture as the sword. (What came to me was that worshipping the Lord is a sword against my enemies!) The verse that came to me was, 1 Sa 16:23 And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took the harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him. (The enemy hates praying in tongues and praise and worship because it weakens his grip and his power over us.)
Then, when Lakeisha was singing “Break every chain”, I saw that I had chains on my wrists and on my feet. As Lakeisa was singing, an angel came and cut the chains by using his sword. Then I saw they were no longer on my wrists and feet. (The song that came to me as I was typing this was, “Shackles" by MaryMary. The part that was playing in my head was, “Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance. I just wanna praise you".)
In the second vision, I felt like I was sitting in a clear glass box with a metal handle on the door and there was darkness all around me. I was wearing a white outfit with a white head covering (representing my spiritual man). I was screaming, “Let me out!" and banging on the glass because I felt trapped. Then, I touched the handle and pushed it down and the door opened. (The spiritual man set free to lead our lives by the Spirit of God.)
Again, I was in a clear box and screaming to be let out. The Lord told me to use the key (Representing the key of David). I was asking the Lord, “What key?" as I was frantically looking for it. Then, I noticed that it was on my lap, so I grabbed it and used it on the metal handle to open the door. (What came to me was to use the key of the Word to get out of the clear box that I put myself in to protect myself from being hurt.) (There is a saying that if you build a wall around yourself to keep all the bad stuff out, it will also keep anything good from coming in. So it’s a catch 22 scenario and a lie of the enemy in order to keep you isolated and alone so that the enemy wolves can devour you.)
The verse that came to me was Rev 3:7-8: And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth and none shall shut, and that shutteth and none openeth: I know thy works (behold, I have set before thee a door opened, which none can shut), that thou hast a little power, and didst keep my word, and didst not deny my name.
In the third vision, as I was sitting in the meeting, I felt a heaviness and a dread. I was looking up at the ceiling and I asked the Lord, "What is this feeling." I then saw a dementor hovering over me; really close to my face, and I knew it was sucking the life out of me.
I asked the Lord, “What should I do?" The Lord gave me the idea to start quoting scripture. So I began saying, “There's no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus" over and over. Then I saw a big angel come and rush at the ‘dementor' like a linebacker at a football game and push it towards the left. After a while the dementor tried to get back up to attack me again, but the angel rushed it and pushed it back down on the floor. (Yes. The Word of God is a sharp two edged sword.) Praise the Lord for His mercy and deliverance for me and all my brethren!
Generational Curses Are No Match for Faith
Claire Pienaar - 6/11/21 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed I was in a white room, and it had a white bed and white curtains. It may have been a hospital room.
I was talking to someone that I think might have been Jesus. A voice said, “She’s dead and gone”. I looked at my Nana (my grandmother) who was lying in the bed and she became as a vapor and then she disappeared. (Yes, by faith, the flesh inherited from the past is dead and gone.)
In my dream I was saying something like “Yes, since 2017” (In real life my grandmother passed away in 2019. However, I remember the Lord giving me faith to rebuke and command certain demons, and all related lying symptoms out of me in Jesus’ Name around that time in 2017. I’ve been confessing this deliverance since then and standing in faith. I've also had to train myself to refrain from speaking the bad report, and to cast down the condemnation the enemy threw at me whenever I failed and gave into my flesh.)
In the dream, my Nana just disappeared, and she was gone. I cried audibly and woke myself up in real life. But I found it so odd because, in reality, I am not sad for my Nana’s passing at all, and I was so relieved when she went to be with the Lord. So those tears must be spiritual.
I asked God for a word by faith at random and received Acts 22:16-17 with these two phrases “calling on his name” and “And it came to pass”. In context here are the full verses: And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on his name. And it came to pass, that, when I had returned to Jerusalem, and while I prayed in the temple, I fell into a trance.
I think the Lord has just confirmed that I have been delivered from all of that; that it came from my flesh nature, and that it really is no longer part of who I am. My flesh cried because it lived with that demon or group of demons for so long. But through faith and God’s grace those are truly gone. I have had the same test daily now for 5 days. In not one instance did my flesh win, and not through any work of myself, but through the growing of my spirit man to more maturity through the power of the Holy Spirit. Self-control, joy, peace and patience are only works of the Spirit. There cannot be a self-willed way to achieve these states as they are from God.
I want more cleaning up! I want more perfection! I want to be spotless before my King. Amen!
My Footstool is Almost Ready
Claire Pienaar - 5/29/21 (David’s notes in red)
Recently, I’ve been away spending time with the Lord. I asked Him if He had a Word or something for the brethren and this is what I received:
“Pray for your brethren. Strengthen them with prayers of purity of heart. There is no place for selfish ambition in My Bride. This is a warning to the body of believers. Pray with thanksgiving and blessing. Do not curse. Give so that you may receive manifold blessings in Christ. Indeed, this will be evident in the fruit of the joyful givers. I love them! Knit yourselves together. Trust that all members are coming into the glory that David refers to so often. It is happening! The angels rejoice! I love you all. You are My Joy because I see My Son in you. Be encouraged. The end is not the end, it is the beginning of our new lives together. I am excited. The old must pass away but the new… Oh the new! Pure Joy! Hold on for yet a little while. I am with you always. My footstool is almost ready.”
Praise be to God! That He would use me to give His Bride a message like this! Oh God, I am not worthy but I rejoice in Your goodness and graciousness! I love you Father!
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