
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
UBBS 7.13.2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Fiery Trials Bring Great Revival (2)
David Eells - 7/13/22
Precision in Prayer and Warfare Over Enemies
Dana Coverstone - July 2022 (David’s notes in red)
(… After I share this, I encourage you to pray about it. …I had this dream for 18 days in a row and on the 18th day, the “Archer” in this dream showed up and that’s when I knew the dream is either over or I’m going to learn what the dream is about.) (I asked the Lord if our authority over the forces of darkness will annul some of this coming judgment and got a YES. Then I asked if we have authority to annul all of this and got a NO. So pray and ask directions to exercise your authority.)
… The dream started on June 15, 2022. I was standing in a shipping yard where large containers were being lifted off of the container ships by those huge cranes.… and there was a sign that said, “Port of Los Angeles.” (A port is an entrance into the country. Los Angeles means, “The Angels”. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, meaning of course, knowledge or wisdom. As we will see, the Chinese Communist Party are leading a revolution of anarchy against conservatism and Christianity. Although they have been badly wounded by the Alliance they are capable of doing small things that cause big trouble.)
I saw 8, jet black containers that were set on the ground about 15 feet apart …and they were pristinely clean. … with large Chinese or oriental letters on them. These large letters were in black and they were about five feet tall by five feet wide and they had a brownish black background behind them, so they stood out almost like 3D on the containers. (5X5 is a military term meaning, “Loud and clear." As we will see, these events take place in broad daylight. Our enemies are not even trying to hide what they are doing any longer.) They were very suspicious and just set aside or apart from everything else. (The black indicates some clandestine plans that are being revealed or some darkness.[Deception being brought into this country.])
… It was broad daylight, not night, and I could see a large clock tower that seemed to be suspended high above the shipping facility. It was exactly set on 3:00 in the afternoon and when I saw this, all the eight doors of those shipping containers …began to bang like someone was inside them trying get out. There were no people outside of the containers but I saw they began to shake and they were banging violently. (There was a hidden agenda about to be revealed. The clock tower was showing us a sign. Jesus went to the cross at about the third hour and it was dark on the earth for about 3 hours. I want to emphasize that it was bright light outside, it wasn't high noon, but you could see everything that was going on.)
Suddenly, the door of the first container opened and a man in military equipment rode out on a very large, green, dirt bike like a Kawasaki. It had saddle bags on both sides and very large knobby tires. These dirt bikes were higher caliber dirt bikes. The guy that pulled out on this motorcycle was covered in military gear. He had an AK-47 over his back and he took his helmet off and stepped off the bike and put the kickstand down. (off-road bikes can go anywhere in the city or country. [Representing the ability to infiltrate any area of the country desired.])
When he took his helmet off, he was revealing himself as an oriental man. (The Chinese CCP is D.S. and are fighting to subvert and overthrow the country.) He began violently screaming towards the trucks and the shipping containers. He was pointing in different directions and looking back at the trucks… He was violently angry and his face was very very red. Suddenly, he just stopped and checked his watch. Then he put his helmet back on and got back on the motorcycle and started revving the engine. It just revs and revs and revs. He has not put it in gear and, all at once, that clock tower struck 4:00 and there was this deep sounding bell that rang out and the whole earth shook.
I mean the whole earth just shook so angrily, even where I was, standing in the background watching. (We’ve got to face the fact that, not just our natural enemies of America are angry but our spiritual enemy is angry right now, as things are being revealed. I think doors are opening and things are happening… I believe we're about to see something happen that's going to shake the earth and it's going to start a downhill trend of things or events from here.) (We have dreams where mad scientists are planning great earthquakes in the U.S. Since this is all in the daylight, it’s possible that they want a distraction so the invasion can come across the border as we will see. We’ve been told that the White Hats plan on intercepting the invasion and turning it around, and as we can see, for some reason this doesn’t happen.)
Then, out of each of those other containers including the one the man came out of, rode about 25 soldiers on the same kind of motorcycles with the same kind of saddlebags and the same AK-47’s across their backs. I could also see rocket propelled grenades, lots of ammo, and weapons in those saddlebags and they were hardly able to be strapped down because they were loaded for bear. (200 soldiers with this kind of weaponry could do a lot of damage in the right places but they could also be military advisors for the invaders coming across the border and sleeper cells. These weapons could also represent deceptions of words and propaganda to cause anarchy since the Chinese own all the media outlets.)
When the first soldier, who had been revving his engine and giving the instructions, took off out of that port, the rest of them followed and I could see that when they got beyond the large fence of the Los Angeles Port, they took off, just speeding heavily in all different directions. (Meaning they are independently sent to join different groups.) (Now these weapons were definitely going to be used to attack and we know the church has been under attack and crisis pregnancy centers have been under attack but the Bible says, “Judgment begins in the house of God ” and … we’ve got people who are calling themselves Christians supporting abortions and others things … that God calls abominable. …I believe we're about to see a greater outpouring of judgment on the house of God which is Biblical. In that sense, this could very well show, not just attacks on the country, but attacks on the Church. (This is what God has told us is coming and what Babylon did to the apostates using sword, famine, and pestilence.)
Ezekiel chapter 8:16-18 says, And he brought me into the inner court of Jehovah's house; and behold, at the door of the temple of Jehovah, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of Jehovah, and their faces toward the east; and they were worshipping the sun toward the east. 17 Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have filled the land with violence, and have turned again to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they put the branch to their nose. 18 Therefore will I also deal in wrath; mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity; and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them.) (The abominations in the apostate Church is bringing this judgment.)
The scene then changed and I was hearing news reports and seeing newspaper articles and reporters who were announcing deaths all over the country; in both rural and metropolitan areas. The reports were about water supplies and water systems being poisoned in various places around the country. (We’ve had dreams and revelations about this too. The military is warning not to drink municipal water.) I saw headlines suggesting entire communities were poisoned in various places throughout the country. …The reporters were telling people to drink nothing but bottled water and/or water they knew was not connected to a local water supply. They were saying if you’ve got a well you should be okay but still you might want to boil it. This poison was affecting both larger and smaller communities but not every community. So this was not a nationwide thing, but it was impacting a lot of communities. It was impacting the Western portion of the country more than the other parts of the nation according to the reporters.
They were announcing that there were National Guard units, fully armed, who are now watching water supplies in some of the bigger cities and parts of the nation. It was reported that thousands of people had died and that hospitals were full of heavily poisoned people getting medical treatment. FEMA centers and camps were being set up in those regions where people had been the most heavily poisoned and the water supply damaged. The Emergency Broadcast announcement that was running along the bottom of the TV screens and monitors stated that the boiling of water was not an effective way of making the water safe. (All this could be a distraction to our military to keep them from stopping the invasion across the border.)
I then saw the clock tower appear above that municipal water supply and its hands pointed to 4:05 in the afternoon, once again this was occurring in broad daylight. (So we're definitely seeing some type of a literal attack but this could be a spiritual attack in the sense of what's going on with the deceptions in the Media; not knowing what's happening; not knowing what we're “drinking”, so to speak. … The time 4:05 indicates the idea that there's a countdown. First, the soldiers take off and now we're seeing the poisoning of the water supply. …Spiritually speaking, this represents being careful what we drink; being careful what we put into our body, being careful what we listen to; making sure that we test every spirit and listen carefully for the Word of God to …discern those things that are going on in our world and also that we're cautious and careful what we are consuming.
…After I had the 18 days of dreams, I had two … short dreams; one where I saw some people watching TV monitors at airports and in homes and they were covering their mouths. It was like what they were seeing on the TV was so terrifying, like a 911 event, that they covered their mouths and it was summertime because I saw the grass was brown from the heat. I saw on the screens of every TV in America people crying, embracing each other and they were seemingly in shock. So fear is going to be a big weapon the enemy uses against the people.
I'm sure there'll be another pandemic that is going to be terrible; far terribly worse than the last one we’ve just had. In the dreams, the people who were watching the news weren't looking up and that's the key. I believe we cannot be afraid, as everybody else is, of what they're seeing and the things that are happening in America or around the world. We've got to be looking up. “look up for your redemption draws near.” If we're looking at the news and covering our mouth in horror, that means that we are not speaking because of fear and folks right now the Church needs to be fully aware of what's happening around us but not afraid …)
Back to the dream … The next thing I saw was four lines of light that seemed to be coming up from the border all the way from Texas and California in broad daylight. (Representing that they were no longer attempting to hide their plans. This is a planned invasion over the border.) It seemed that many people were coming from the border but in a very organized way and they moved North, hundreds of miles… with lights bright enough to be seen from space. (As we said earlier, these lights could represent deception.) They all stopped moving at once and, when they did, smaller light trails from within the U.S. started moving towards the four big lines of light where the movement had stopped. (They’re being joined by the CCP Chinese military advisors and sleeper cells. I remember George Washington’s dream of the red light invasion from the East and how the angels had to come down and help the Americans who were almost overcome by it.)
Then, suddenly, the smaller lights started attacking. (I could very much see this as being sleeper cells; (like leftist Anarchists, BLM, Antifa, and radical muslims) more people coming and the cells getting larger and larger. It was like watching moths drawn to a flame and the source lights kept getting bigger and bigger as the smaller lights came in.) … The source light kept getting bigger and bigger and then all four places flashed all at once and… everything went dark for a moment and then it pulsed almost like a slow light just going on and off. (This is what happened in the movie, “Red Dawn”. The Chinese invaders EMP'ed the Nation to take over.) Then it exploded and light was spread hundreds of miles from the source of that explosion. … Then I saw the clock tower again and it stood high above the ground and showed the time to be 4:10.
I saw small embers of flames that were coming down around the clock but not catching the ground on fire although it looked like fire coming down. (Missy had a dream that may have showed the embers of fire coming down out of the sky but not catching anything on fire just like this portion of Dana’s dream. Both of these dreams seem to show the embers as being spiritual, A fire from Heaven.) So these explosions of the lights were spreading out and the flames were going hundreds of miles beyond them. (This probably fear from the mainstream media.) (There seemed to be a lot of intimidation going on during this time. It seemed like a worldly attack and at the same time the trails seemed to represent inroads for the enemy, spiritually speaking. …Whatever these 4 light trails were, they were drawing other people into them. The light and explosion wanted to be seen. There was no hiding what was coming up that trail. These things were coming up clearly in the daylight.) …
Now there was shock and awe for a while but there was also fear that was projected out by this explosion. (Once again, the clock tower at 4:10 represents we are counting towards the next event.) … Then there was sudden silence and it permeated the atmosphere. (Representing persecution of free speech or fear to speak out.) I saw the clock strike 4:15 and suddenly there was this alarm going off almost like a tornado siren. A long wail was … going across the entire nation. It wasn't just focused on one area, but … no one was hearing the alarm. (They were feeling alarmed which affected their ability to be rational.)
People didn't seem to know what they heard. I could hear it in the dream but nobody else seemed to hear it. (So that silence was almost like people not knowing what was coming next, but that alarm was saying, “Hey there's something happening. Something's coming but there were still people covering their mouths and the explosions from the trail of whatever it was coming up from the from the border and then that sudden silence… and in the background, the wail of that siren.)
Then the scene changed and I saw Churches of all shapes and sizes nationwide and they were surrounded by mobs of people screaming. They had placards and signs. ( This was more than just about the overturn of Roe V. Wade, this was more than just about Liberal agendas or drag queens talking to kids in libraries. These people were chanting hostile threats that they were going to burn the Churches down. (All of the anarchist, leftist groups taking this opportunity to bring down their enemies, the Christians.) They were going to kill the Christians. These were not idle threats.) They were saying, “We are going to kill you! We're going to burn your Church! We're going to do this or do that!” (This is one way D.S. Babylon destroyed the apostate people of God. And God’s plan is to deliver His people from Babylonish religion so they may follow the Man-child reformers into the wilderness tribulation. Will it take burning some churches to accomplish this? Will it not scatter the people, hopefully to seek truth?)
… They were all about 150 feet away and some maintained a distance. There was a bit of considerable difference between the protesters and the people yelling and screaming. Inside those Churches I could hear people leading others in prayer. But no one was praying very much out loud. There was no power, or authority in their prayers; it was just things like, “Oh God, you’ve got to help us. Oh God, can you save us? Oh God, look out there!” People in the Churches were looking out the windows and they were reporting, “Hey, the crowd's getting bigger! There's more people out there!” and yet at the same time nobody inside of the prayer circles were stepping up the prayer and being aggressive with it. (They have not been taught to pray with the authority of the promises of God. They are not used to getting answers to prayer either. This is why God wants the elect to "come out from among them” and seek true faith.)
Suddenly, I saw five different churches: One in the Midwest, two in the Northeast, one in the Southeast and one in the Northwest. I saw one Church in each of those areas. (5 is the number of grace. It appears that some churches will find grace to escape.) Arrows were being fired into the crowd from the roof of those Churches with bow and arrows and each of the arrows scattered the hostile crowds. (Is this the way part of this attack can be annulled or is there more in this warning dream to be annulled?) They hit the pavement and they scattered the protesters and they began to flee. As I watched the people scrambling, I noticed the Archer on each of those five churches appeared to be the very same man firing those arrows from all five locations simultaneously with precision and care.
(This one man is Jesus manifested in a corporate body of Man-child reformers who will defend what should be defended. In Esther, Mordecai meaning, “little man or man-child” was given authority over Haman and his army of haters of God’s people, which turned the tide against them to save God’s people. This is our Purim, our Passover.)
These arrows were against the words of attack… (Luk 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan fallen as lightning from heaven. 19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions,(These are different legions of demons.) and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall in any wise hurt you. 20 Nevertheless in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven.) Then I realized that the alarm had been going off this whole time but the people in the Churches had been so concerned about the crowd they weren't hearing the alarm. (The alarm going off is the prophetic warnings of all these things that are being ignored by the apostate churches who no longer believe in prophetic warnings.)
Now I had been seeing that clock tower this entire time and it finally stopped as the Archer started walking towards me. It was the man that I’ve previously seen in my dreams with a quiver full of sheer white arrows. (Representing the pure words of authority against the principalities and powers and rulers of this darkness.) They glowed even though it was the middle of the afternoon, and each of these arrows had an extremely sharp point. … They were just really really cool and ornate. … He then pulled, from over his back, this very large longbow (made for long distance warfare) and when he put it down in front of him, the bottom touched the ground and the top was about head high.
Then the alarm stopped. (The Church had no authority in prayer or spiritual warfare but the Man-child types throughout history have had.) … The man stood silent for a few moments; He surveyed the area, but then he turned and was watching around the church areas and He said, “There must be precision in your prayers from this point forward; absolute precision, to counter the noise and the violence that will be aimed at the Body.”... (We are to cast down the demons of anarchy, hatred, slander, railing, perversion, antichrist, etc. who are in control of these attackers.)
…Then He said, “The Church must remember, “it's not by might nor by power but by My Spirit” that will help you walk straight through the battle.” (This thing is spiritual that we are fighting. “we wrestle not against flesh and blood.” It's not the White House or Congress that we're fighting, it is spiritual things in darkness that have invaded this country and have deluded the minds of those around us.)
Then He said, “There must be precision and power in your prayers. The war has arrived and those awake are on the front lines now and you will never be able to get away or withdraw from that line.” …Then He said, “This absolute precision is required in your prayers.” The Lord just said, “It's not going to stop. It's going to get worse and worse and worse.” We’ve got to continue to stand and hold our ground and occupy until He comes.) (Think how bad it could get if we don’t exercise authority over the demons.)
After saying this, He took a defensive position and quickly put an arrow into the bow and shot straight up in the air and just kept looking in that direction. He wasn't looking around at the crowd or the people near the Churches. He just shot it straight up in the air and that arrow never came back down. I found myself kind of watching and waiting for it to come back down but it never did. (The warfare of Jesus in His people who have born fruit is against the principalities and powers in the second heaven and beyond that, in the third heaven their prayers go to the throne.)
He kept looking into the air where He shot it and He never looked back at me. (The Bible says that His Word will not return void. I promise you our prayers will not either. … Our eyes need to be on Him and never leaving that front line; never being distracted by the noise and the violence.
(We have to do more than pray to God. We have to exercise authority for Him. All authority in Heaven and on earth was given to Jesus. Then He delegated that authority to us. What we bind on earth is bound in heaven and what we loose on earth is loosed in Heaven. Jesus said, “As the Father sent me, so send I you.” I repeat, Luk. 10:19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall in any wise hurt you. Notice: We have been given authority over ALL the power of the enemy. We have authority to bind the enemy’s power. The disciples, when they were delegated authority did not go back and ask Jesus to do what they were told to do. Try this with your earthly boss and see if you don’t get fired.
The disciples commanded healing and demons and the curse and so on. They didn’t go and ask Jesus to do this. So it is with us. There is a time to pray and a time to act as Jesus demonstrated. The one man on top of the building had more authority than the whole church full of people and so it should be with Jesus in us. Our good confession is in Gal 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I that live, but Christ liveth in me: and that life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith which is in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself up for me. God’s plan was always for Jesus to be Emanuel, "God with us". Jesus in His corporate Body would do the same thing He did in His first Body. And He will do it in all those who believe.)
He shot that arrow straight up into heaven and, looking up, He was demonstrating to us how we do warfare. We keep our eyes on Him. Our hands and our fingers have been prepared for battle and through this spiritual war, God is working. (Notice the authority of those who believe God’s Word in this text. Psa. 18:31-40 For who is God, save Jehovah? And who is a rock, besides our God, 32 The God that girdeth me with strength, And maketh my way perfect? 33 He maketh my feet like hinds feet : And setteth me upon my high places. 34 He teacheth my hands to war; So that mine arms do bend a bow of brass. 35 Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation; And thy right hand hath holden me up, And thy gentleness hath made me great. 36 Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, And my feet have not slipped. 37 I will pursue mine enemies, and overtake them; Neither will I turn again till they are consumed. 38 I will smite them through, so that they shall not be able to rise: They shall fall under my feet. 39 For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle: Thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me. 40 Thou hast also made mine enemies turn their backs unto me, That I might cut off them that hate me.)
God's calling the Church to pray like it’s never prayed before: With passion, courage, intensity, fire, fervor, urgency, and with precision. … He said, “Remember to be precise, as it matters more than ever now.”…Our prayers will not return void.
In 2 Ki 6:15-17 it says, When the servant of the man of God rose early in the morning and went out, behold an army with horses and chariots was all around the city and the servant said, “alas my master, what shall we do?” and he said, “do not be afraid for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” and then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord please open his eyes that he may see. So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around. …
I will gladly stand in my position as a watchman and I will call the Church to repentance. I will call the Church to prayer. I will call the Church to be stronger and I will call men and women of God to seek the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe we need the baptism of the Holy Spirit more than we’ve ever needed it before. In the natural world, we need supernatural power working in us, with us, and through us in every aspect of our lives. He told us we're on the front line. There's no going back. There's no surrender and no retreat. We're gonna remain on that front line.) …
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