
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
UBBS 7.6.2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
God is Sovereign to Meet Our Needs
David Eells - 7/6/22
God Knows Your Number
Testimony of the Locked Bag - Anonymous - 3/7/22
(David’s note in red)
A few days ago I bought a small bag with a built in number lock. It was used and it didn't have the combination with it. I figured I would buy it anyway because the code was only 3 digits. I started trying combinations in and got to 150. Then I set it aside.
This morning though, I had a dream that the code was 450-something. Now the code could be anywhere from 000-999. So thats about 1000 options! But I decided to try 450-somethings because of the dream. And guess what?! The code was 450! Praise the Lord! He cares about the little things too :0). (Luke 11:9-13 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 10 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. 11 And of which of you that is a father shall his son ask a loaf, and he give him a stone? or a fish, and he for a fish give him a serpent? 12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will he give him a scorpion? 13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?)
Healed From Spider Bite
Marianna Payne - 6/16/22 (David’s notes in red)
I'd like to share a testimony of the Lord's healing in my body. I had found a small red pin prick on my hip that I thought was a simple little bug bite. I didn't pay it any attention and just went on with my week. However, after a couple of days the spot started to welp up and the redness started to spread across my stomach. Isaac, my husband, and I prayed over it and commanded it to go away and for my body to be healed in Jesus' Name.
The redness was still growing and was now turning purple and the entire left side of my stomach was swollen. It was painful to stand, bend, and walk. Yet, we still believed that I was healed. I claimed that I was healed even though, in the natural, it was getting worse. The bug bite resembled that of a brown recluse spider bite as the infected area began to deteriorate into a open wound as you will read later in the testimony.
I listened to UBM bible studies overnight just to find some relief and find sleep. About this time, the bible study message on June 1, 2022 came out. The message Michael Hare gave that night was 'spot on’ and divinely directed for me! Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. I believed I have been healed even if I didn't see it physically yet. I needed to believe in the integrity of God's word. Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Romans 3:4 ... Let God be true, though every one were a liar... My flesh and the symptoms were lying, and the truth is in God's Word: I was healed. Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. Pro 4:20-22 My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. 21 Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. 22 For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh. I just had to keep God's Word in my sight and not the image of the swollen bite that had now enlarged to a small softball sized lump. This was a test of true heart faith and not mental accent that God was walking me through.
I also thought on a dream that the Lord had given me last year. In the dream, I was bit by a snake and should have died. But the Lord miraculously healed me and I grew in faith to overcome a tiger. (UBM bible study Bride Rewarded, Wicked Judged April 27, 2022.) Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 1 John 4:4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 5:4-5 For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 5 Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
Isaac and I asked our brothers and sisters on the Outreach ministries, to combine and multiply faith in prayer for the manifestation of the healing that I believed I already had. After those prayers, there was a breakthrough. The lump had started to drain and empty out all the infection. The redness stopped spreading and the color was returning to normal. It drained for a couple of days and the size diminished. However, it then left about a 5mm round hole and about 5mm deep open wound right on my hip. The wound was large enough to require stitches. All throughout this, I was still claiming it was healed, and that included closing the open wound too.
Isaac and I prayed more specifically, and the next morning when I woke up, the wound had closed. It was literally an open wound the night before and now after waking up the wound had closed. Thank you Jesus! In the natural, people who have brown recluse spider bites, normally need to be hospitalized and have the infected skin removed. They also need a full round of antibiotics pumped into them and be stitched up to close such a wound, a bite could turn deadly quickly. But The Lord is my Healer and Helper (Heb 13:5-6.) I continue to grow faith, and in Jesus' Name I have been healed! Thank you Jesus!
I Missed My Flight & Father Miraculously Got Me Another One
Isaac Payne - 5/8/22 (David’s notes in red)
I wanted to share an awesome testimony concerning me missing my flight. It begins with me traveling to a work site to finish a project. I booked my ticket days before the flight was scheduled. I booked an 11 am departing flight with the final destination arrival to be at 4:49 pm. This flight was a one stop connection in ORD, Chicago and the final destination was AVP Scranton, PA.
I arrived at my departing airport, SRQ which is Sarasota, FL. I went to the check-in desk, giving the attendants my bags, checking in for my flight, and receiving my boarding tickets.
This time was different. The attendant told me they were short on paper and could only print me one ticket. Typically, I would receive all my boarding tickets needed, including ones for my connections also. This meant I would now need to get my other boarding ticket printed at my first stop in ORD which is Chicago. The boarding ticket is important because it indicates what terminal and gate I need to be at next in order to board onto the correct plane. Back to the testimony: I was still at Sarasota and arrived at my gate to board the plane. However, the plane was late departing Sarasota.
As we arrived in Chicago, I realized I only had 15 minutes before my next connection flight was to depart. My next flight was already being boarded at this time while I was still sitting on the first flight. This left me with only 15 minutes to find an attendant, get my boarding ticket printed out, and run to the correct terminal and correct gate to board my plane. To make matters seem more improbable, ORD is a airport hub, which means it can take 20 minutes or more just to get to the correct terminal. Not to mention, I might need to jump onto a train just to get there. However, I was in a place of weakness because the previous airport only gave me one boarding ticket and I did not know where I was supposed to be.
At this point, I realized I had an been sent an email, showing what the next aircraft number was. However, I still needed to find an attendant to look up the aircraft number and point me in the right direction. I ran around the airport looking for an attendant but was not able to find a single person. I was starting to get anxious. I immediately called my wife and told her and the kids to pray for me to make my flight so I don't have to stay overnight at the airport and miss being on site with the client when I was scheduled. AVP Scranton, Pa is not a popular destination so there was a possibility that there would not anymore flights departing to Scranton. I looked at my phone and realized I had less than ten minutes to make my flight.
I continued running around not knowing where I was going and casting down thoughts as I went. Finally, I found an attendant talking to a Pilot. The attendant told me he would be momentarily be with me. I said politely, "Sir I have no time and I need to get to my plane. They have already boarded and my flight is about to depart." The attendant looked my aircraft number up on the computer and said I need to be in Terminal F which was multiple terminals away. At this time I had three minutes to make my flight. The boarding time was done for my flight and in three minutes the gate would close and the flight would be on the run way. The flight had already boarded 27 minutes ago. I turned to leave towards to the correct terminal. The terminal was still 20 to 25 minutes away.
As I was walking away, the attendant shouted back at me, "What is the flight number again?" I told him once again. He looked at me stunned and said, "Sir, you have four hours before your flight departs. I said to him, "Sir, I scheduled my flight so I would arrive around 5pm in Scranton, PA." My travel itinerary was Departing Sarasota at 11 am and arriving in Scranton at 4:49 pm. I specifically scheduled this so I could get in Scranton earlier. I immediately looked at the email on my phone. It still showed that I was to arrive in AVP Scranton, PA at 4:49. As I was looking at it, knowing the attendant was wrong, the number literally miraculously changed on my email right before my eyes! Literally right in front of my eyes! The number changed and now the flight showed I was supposed to be in Scranton at 9:05 pm. The Pilot that was talking to the attendant looked at me smiled and said, "Sir, go get yourself some lunch."
I was stunned. I knew for a fact I scheduled my flights to arrive at my final destination around 5 pm. At this point I knew I had to prove it. I went back to the company travel agency and checked on what I had scheduled and took a picture of the email they sent me. Sure enough, I was right. I knew I witnessed a miracle. Father changed my connection flight and allowed me to get to my destination. I was determined to find out more. Once I ate lunch and got to my terminal, I asked one of the customer support agents If this is normal. She said to me, "I've never heard of that happening, something is odd." I knew this was an answered prayer. Also, I still have the emails proving what happened to me, see attached screenshots. Thank you Father!
Confirmation of Isaac's Missed Flight Experience
David Eells
Twice God did miracles with my air flights to make sure the Hidden Manna revelation got to the people. I had wondered to the Lord why He had me on so many connecting flights, so He did something about it. While waiting in Atlanta to catch my flight to Chicago we were told that the plane had developed mechanical problems and they did not have a replacement until later in the evening.
Feeling great peace and thanking God, I went to reschedule and they put me on a flight straight to Indianapolis, where I was scheduled to speak, bypassing Chicago, where we had already shared this revelation. That evening we heard on the news that Chicago was snowed or iced in and people were sleeping in the airport. I would have missed my engagement if God had not broken that plane and shortened my trip.
On another flight I arrived at Baltimore/Washington Airport too late to catch my flight to Atlanta. When I arrived to the gate for my flight to Atlanta, the boarding ramp had been removed and the door closed on the plane. The agent told me that it was impossible to make the flight and I would have to reschedule, especially since I would have to go back through security to be re-checked. I started praying to Father to get me to my destination on time. I left the security zone to go to the ticket counter for a rescheduled boarding pass. Once I rescheduled, I grabbed my receipt and took off for security and my boarding gate.
When I finally made it there, probably fifteen minutes after leaving the ticket counter, they were beginning to board. I gave my receipt to the agent at the gate and she printed me a boarding pass. When I took a moment to look at the pass I was confused. I checked my original pass and, sure enough, it was the same flight number that I was originally scheduled on. So in a nutshell, God reversed time and I miraculously arrived at my boarding gate before I had left it the first time.
I asked the agent how it was possible that I was rescheduled on the same flight and she just shrugged her shoulders with a confused look on her face. On top of that they were leaving on time, and looking at my watch, no more than five minutes had elapsed from the time I left the ticket counter outside security. I was amazed! I thought, “Father, what did you do with that time?” We serve an awesome God!
Another time, I was driving across country in my car and I knew how far I had to go and my approximate arrival time. During my drive I suddenly realized I was driving through a town that I knew was much farther down the road. It was like the Lord translated me and the car or He changed time. So I arrived much earlier at my destination.
Supernatural Preservation & Multiplication of UBM Materials
Samuel & Tiannah Marychurch (David’s notes in red)
A man we used to fellowship with mentioned to us about the Numeric Bible. (We had been asking God for ages what is the closest Bible to His.) We then watched a video of David Eells talking about the Numeric New Testament Bible, and so we bought the UBM version from Lulu. For some reason, we also bought all David Eells books with it, even though we hadn't listened to his other videos at that point. When we received the books we only read the Numeric Bible and we put all the rest of David Eells books away in storage.
Months later we went to get all our stuff out of storage and found that rats and mice had either pooped or peed on, or eaten through ALL of our stuff including evangelism tracts and King James Bibles. The only thing that had absolutely no rat poop or pee on it or had not been eaten through, was the cardboard box with David Eells books inside. All our other cardboard boxes had parts of it eaten through and poop and pee all over it. We felt it was a sign from God to travel with the books and listen to his videos.
We listened to his videos and felt for a long time to join the Zoom Outreach, but at the time, I was really introverted and listening to spirits of shame & rejection. So we didn't join for ages but finally we did and are so grateful to the Lord for prompting us to join the Outreach.
We shared this testimony with a sister from UBM and she said it's symbolic how the poop was on everything that was unclean or leavened and the spiritual food in David Eells' books was clean or unleavened.
The brothers and sisters in the Outreach are actually growing in Christ and manifesting God's love and Grace (which we have not found elsewhere). We feel part of a loving family! We are so grateful for all the spiritual food in David Eells' books and videos! Thank You Father God, ALL glory is Yours ❤
(This reminds me of the dentist in Gulf Breeze, FL who was given some of our videos by Bernice to watch but he kept putting her off and not watching them. One day his office burned down and the only thing left was those plastic DVDs that miraculously survived the fire, sitting in the middle of it on a metal coffee table. The dentist was so shocked he contacted her and told her he was not going to put off watching those videos anymore.) See supernatural propagation of UBM materials:
Supernatural Warnings to Prepare for the Bride - UBM [David Eells]
UBM Books and DVD Sets Multiplied
David's Teachings Will Reach Far
Claire Pienaar - 9/22/21 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed I was sitting in a white kitchen. (The white kitchen represents where the unleavened bread is fed to people.) It had a square stainless-steel table and 4 stainless steel chairs in the middle of the kitchen. (The stainless steel table and chairs represents an inability to corrupt or rust through.) I was sitting with an aboriginal woman. She was telling Riaan and I how bad mainline Christianity was and how David Eells was helping her disabled son. (Representing her spiritual fruit of Christ in her that has been disabled by false church doctrines.) We agreed and I remember thinking, “Wow! David’s teachings are even reaching the first people groups of Australia".
Then this same lady turned the topic to find out my background and I stopped telling her as I heard Holy Spirit say, “Your past doesn’t matter anymore.” I wondered if this woman was planted in my dream to get info from me, or if the aboriginal people of Australia are gaining access to the David Man-child reformers teachings? Then I woke up.
African Visitors of the UBM Revival
Eve Brast - 8/19/21 (David’s notes in red)
(Eve is representing the corporate Bride of the last Adam in this dream.) I dreamed that it was almost dark outside and all local UBM were gathered outside of the UBM house. The area was lit up by street lights.
I was lying on the same cot that I had seen David lying on, in a previous dream where Michael and I had determined that he was dead. (This was the scene that followed the Trials at the World Fair dream in the series, “Tests Prove Who is the Bride (1)”.) (This represents that the Bride follows the Man-child David reformers into death and resurrection life.)
I was lying on my back on this cot and David and Michael carried me on this cot because I was weak and needed to rest and conserve my strength. (The rest is to cease from our works so that God’s strength is ours. His power is made perfect in our weakness.)
I was observing myself in the spirit and saw that I had a white head covering on that had a large print of all sorts of colorful fruits on it. (The Bride will bear much fruit as she submits in purity to her heavenly Husband Jesus.)
To my right was a short line of white women with blonde hair who had translated over here from Africa. (In our dreams many will be translated here. Spiritually speaking, they are white with blonde hair because they have been purified by their faith in the cleansing blood of Jesus and are submitted to the Son/sun.) They had come all that way to meet me and were so excited to finally get to greet me in person. They said things to me like, “Oh! We are so honored to finally meet you! We have come a long way and are so blessed to be here with you now.” (The Bride will be honored among those with discernment.)
Each one took my hand in theirs with such love and admiration and warmth. Their excitement was palpable. They told me that they couldn’t stay long; that they needed to take the UBM teaching materials back to their people in Africa.
I told them that I was so glad to meet them and that they had come, but that I had to apologize for not being able to stand up to give them a proper greeting.
David and Michael were standing over the cot and greeted the women also as they too apologized for my weakness but said something to the effect that I would soon be stronger than ever. Then I woke up. (Right now the Bride is relatively weak but soon they will be led by the Man-child with much authority and power just as it was with the first disciples. Rev 3:7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia (The Bride Church of brotherly love) write: These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth and none shall shut, and that shutteth and none openeth: 8 I know thy works (behold, I have set before thee a door opened, which none can shut), that thou hast a little power, and didst keep my word, and didst not deny my name.
9 Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, of them that say they are Jews, and they are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. 10 Because thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. 11 I come quickly: hold fast that which thou hast, that no one take thy crown.)
The UBM “Luke 9” Truck Arrives to Get the Word Out
Anonymous - 8/10/21 (David’s notes in red)
I had this dream and God confirmed it through another brother, as well.
I dreamed it was daytime on Sunday... around 3pm in the afternoon. I felt like the Spirit of the Lord had something to tell me and I felt a bit sleepy. I was reading the Bible and I closed it and laid down on the carpet to rest. As I was resting, I got this vision, "I saw, we were here at our home on our ministry grounds, and the whole grounds were fully packed with many brand new computers. I was with some people at home as we were wondering about these computers. (Computers represent the ability from our Father to get out much knowledge to many people easily and quickly. This is what this brother and ministry are doing but this shows it will happen on a much larger scale. Father is saying, they all are going to get the Word out in a very great way.)
While we were still there wondering about these new computers, a new truck came in. (It is new because this is coming) These big trucks carry sand and sometimes luggage. It came in and backed into the ministry grounds and I ran to it. I tried to climb it, to see what it had brought, but I could not see in there. It was tall and I tried to see who was driving it. I did not see anyone. It seems like the driver closed the doors so that no one could see him. (Father is hiding that He and His power is behind this great move of God to spread the gospel through this ministry to his country and beyond.)
So, in my striving to see what was in there, I heard a Voice tell me, "What are you looking for ? Can't you see? " and the voice said again, "Look at the back of the truck and read!" I went to the back of the truck and there was a big sign that said, "LUKE, 9” that I did not see before. After reading this, a certain Mexican man, probably living in the USA, came to me and asked me, "Man of God, help me to understand what this Bible verse means, "After God saved his people from Egypt, He destroyed them who did not believe in the wilderness." (Jude 1:5 Now I desire to put you in remembrance, though ye know all things once for all, that the Lord, having saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. (Many don't understand that we must continue to walk by faith to see all of our salvation and kingdom benefits. We are being tested in the wilderness of life as to whether we are truly a believer in the Word of God. As we know, many fell away and did not make it to the Promised Land. Jesus said the same in the parable of the sower.)
I looked at him and I was thinking, "This man knows English very well, better than me. Why is he asking me to explain to him something written in the language which he understands better than me?" As I was thinking about it all, the Spirit of the Lord reminded me of the Ethiopian official whom Phillip helped to understand scriptures. Then the Dream ended right there. (This knowledge this minister has gained through the UBM materials will spread back to the foreigners, who are aliens to the kingdom of God, living in the USA.)
Early morning, the next day, a brother in our ministry came to me and told me that he had a vision, of God telling me to, "Read LUKE 9, all of that chapter and again to read Matthew 10, all of it." (This speaks of Jesus sending out the apostles to spread the gospel of deliverance from sin, sickness, demonic possession, and heavenly provision, everywhere. Jesus multiplying the fishes and loaves for the people to eat the food from heaven.) (This is what they are doing with computers and printers and we have many more books to share with them.) In these texts Jesus was preaching the crucified self life. (Which the prosperity preachers there refuse to do. We have books for this too.) Jesus was glorified before them. (He will be glorified everywhere and in them.) Jesus was casting out demons from the people. (And especially demon doctrines.) Jesus was saying He was going to Jerusalem to be crucified by the false leadership. (Those who love the self life will speak evil of the brethren there and here.) Jesus was preaching to follow Him above all things.
Wow, so when I read Matthew 10 and Luke 9, they both read the same. (Mat 10:5-8 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and charged them, saying, Go not into any way of the Gentiles, and enter not into any city of the Samaritans: 6 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons: freely ye received, freely give.) (And they will go forth with power.)
UBM has schools raising up many missionaries in foreign lands. Many of our missionaries are in danger of factions here and in their own lands. Many are in countries where Christianity is illegal and hated. Some have been killed by their factious enemies just as it is here. We are stretched to our limit providing their ministry needs but our God has been faithful. As we can see from these testimonies, He has no limits to meet your needs and ours.
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