
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
UBBS 8.15.2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Preserved From the Beast (9)
David Eells - 8/15/21
Vac/ci/nes Become Mandatory?
Isaac Payne - 7/25/21 (David’s Notes in red)
In this dream I was in Washington DC, standing in Congress, and watching Nancy Pelosi working on a bill of some sort. It dawned on me this was a Mandatory Vac/ci/nation Bill that she was writing the details for. (There is currently a huge push to mandate vac/ci/nes for all. This is an effort to cover up the damages and loss of life that the Del/ta Vari/ant, caused by the vac/ci/nes and spread by the vac/ci/nated, is causing. In the meantime the MSM is lying to the public that it is the un-vac/ci/nated that are spreading the virus further. And they plan to make camps for them.)
I tried to walk up to her and explain to her that the vac/ci/ne was dangerous and that it certainly did not need to become mandatory. However, she left as I was approaching. (They will not listen to reason or true science because it does not fit their narrative or their agenda to de-populate the human race and to have absolute power and control over the survivors.)
Shortly after, I walked into another room in Congress. This was a conference room and had an oval table with many seats, and it seemed the room was for lobbying and debating. Sitting at the table across from me was a slightly overweight black man. I looked at this black man and I discerned he was a nice fellow, but ignorant of the fact that he was being used and deployed for political purposes. (This black man represents those who walk in the flesh and in darkness and are blinded to the truth because they have been taken over by faction and anarchy. They are ignorant pawns used for the furtherance of the DS agenda.)
To the best of my memory, I said to him, “Black Lives Matter is a politically motivated weapon used to bring down democracy and has become a Marxist group targeting the burning down of the Country.” (The DS Communists are using racism to divide and conquer. Throughout the history of the Democratic party they have been prejudiced against the blacks but they use them politically.)
There were many people around this table, but I cannot recall who they were. At the head of the table was Nancy Pelosi. I stood up and all of the attention was on me. I looked at Nancy Pelosi and said, “The vac/ci/ne is dangerous and shouldn’t become mandatory. It will kill many people.” (God allows warnings to go forth from His righteous elect to the people so that they will have no excuse for their evil and their sins.)
I then turned around and walked out of the room back in the lobby of Congress. Shortly after, Pelosi walked out of the conference room with a scroll-like piece of paper. She stood on the top step of the stairs of the lobby and held the scroll-like bill up in the air celebrating the passing of the mandatory vac/cin/es. Then I woke up. (The Right may be permitting this legislation to proceed this far for the moment to show how wicked these leftists are. I do know that God said we could not pray down the Covid themselves because Babylon is taking down apostate Christianity who have no faith in Him. I believe this mandate legislation scenario is a warning and that it can be prayed down. Soon many will understand their mistake to trust in Communist dep/opulation/ist Beast to make a vac/ci/ne instead of trusting in God and His promises. This may be part of God’s plan to force His elect in the apostate Churches to have faith in and serve Him. Babylon took down the apostate people of God with pestilence. God’s Word is plain that He is the healer and protector of His people. Read free - God’s Vaccine )
(Isaac: I haven’t read, watched, or kept up with news since February of this year. I feel that Father will show me what I should be aware of. I have been politically removed from the world and Father has shown me not to strive or fight for the kingdom of the world but focus on his Kingdom. Matthew 6:33-34 But seek ye first his Kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Be not therefore anxious for the morrow: for the morrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Father has shown me that this includes warnings to people who don’t want to hear and wisdom of the judgement to come.)
Assassins of the People
Missy Pollock - 10/23/19 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed about something having to do with blankets. My thought in the dream was, "They are going to do something like they did to the American Indians." Then I woke up. (The ‘blankets represent the C-V-19 mRNA injections disguised as helpful va/cci/nes when in reality experts like Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Dr. Mikovits and others have said that all those vaccinated have 2 to 3 years left to live and up to 10 years on the outside; best case scenario. And that is after just having received the initial 2 va/ccin/es. Now with all the boosters and variant va/cci/ne injections on top of that, people will be dying off much sooner. Traditional va/cc/ines help the immune system to build antibodies to combat viruses. But this mRNA injection re-writes the DNA in every cell of your body within 20 minutes of receiving the injection according to Dr. Judy Mikovits. It is also filled with Graphene nano-particles that also multiply once inside the body and a hydrogel called Luciferase that glows with special lighting to identify those who are vac/cin/ated. The vac/ci/nes actually produce the more deadly variants in the victims. https://thenewamerican.com/french-nobel-prize-winner-warns-vaccines-facilitate-development-of-deadlier-covid-variants-urges-the-public-to-reject-jabs/ I would like to emphasize that God heals those who have taken the vac/c/ines too. All they need to do is confess their sins and ask Him to heal them and then believe it on the grounds of His Word.)
I asked the Lord for a verse by faith at random for this dream and received, Mat 13:34 All these things spake Jesus in parables unto the multitudes; and without a parable spake he nothing unto them: 35 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden from the foundation of the world. (In other words the Lord is not going to reveal the truth to those who refuse to lose their life that they may gain their life. They have ignored His Word long enough. 10-11 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? 11 And he answered and said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.)
(What came to me is the DS is going to do something that is going to appear to be helping people but instead it will be to kill people. The dream is just a parable, they aren’t going to repeat what was done before by using blankets infected with small pox to kill people.) (Missy had this dream back in Oct. 2019, right before they unleashed the C-V-19 virus plan/demic on the world. We now understand that the ‘blankets’ in this dream represent the C-V-19 vac/ci/nations that are actually killing people and spreading even deadlier spike pro/teins that they are now calling the De/lta and Lam/da vari/ants. Their plan is that the slew of variants that will result from the vac/ci/nated masses will not end and everyone will have to keep getting more and more va/cci/nes until the population has been sufficiently culled by the DS satanists. Here is a link to an excellent interview of Judy Mikovits by Mike Adams. https://www.brighteon.com/dc43ea4a-e64b-42a4-8737-1efb436751b5)
Co/vid Del/ta Vari/ant
Isaac Payne - 8/4/21 (David’s Notes in red)
In this dream I was outside, walking down a road. There were many people on the sides of this road. (As we will see, Many people are being sidelined on the road of life by the infirmities and side effects caused by the C-V-19 jabs.) This road was congested with people. The fields next to the road had inhabited tents set up in them.
It seemed like a community of people. Everyone was scared and trying to keep distance from each other, but the people could not maintain proper social distance because of the dense population of this community. I realized in this dream, many were sick with the Co/vid Del/ta Vari/ant and almost all were infected. This community didn’t seem to have much provision and certainly not any protection from this plague. (This is because the vac/cin/ated people are the ones producing the variant strains and shedding them to everyone else. They have been shown to be the new super-spreaders by the true science. Conversely, it was reported recently on Alex Jones that, in Australia they are erecting Co/vid camps where they are planning to re-locate all the un-vaccinated people to keep them quarantined away from the rest of the vac/cin/ated populations and most likely to re-educate people about getting the jabs. Now it has been recently reported that the CDC is planning the same thing here in America.)
I continued walking down this road and, out of the field, walked my older cousin Heath and his younger son who came to meet and converse with me. (Heath is from English origin and means Land of heather and grass.) Matthew 6:30 But if God doth so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? (I believe Heath represents the people that are here today and gone tomorrow, and his younger son represents the fruit of their works.) (1 Pe. 1:24 For, All flesh is as grass, And all the glory thereof as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower falleth.)
His younger son seemed to be flushed and in a sweat. They were aware of the Co/vid Del/ta Vari/ant and how it was plaguing this community. I realized at this point that everyone had the Cov/id Del/ta Vari/ant virus including Heath and his younger son. (Many of God’s elect will be delivered from idolatry with the medical profession and be granted repentance through this tribulation plague and many others that will soon follow. They will recognize that their fruit, represented by Heath’s son, will end in death for many.)
Heath and his son were not social distancing while conversing with me. I felt fear rise in me being that they were so close to me. Quickly, I quit thinking upon the circumstances and blocked those thoughts out of my mind and continued to converse with them willingly. (There will be temptations to become fearful when we see so many around us who are sick and dying, but we must stand on the promises of our Psalm 91 protection and cast down all fears and vain imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God.)
Continuing down this road I came upon a field hospital. This hospital resembled a military type tent hospital. (These hospitals are erected when the hospitals themselves are overflowing their capacity and healthcare professionals will be falling ill because they took the va/cc/ine.) At this point I walked into the field hospital accompanied by my wife Marianna. (Representing the Man-child and His Bride ministering healing to all the sick once the anointing and revival takes place.)
I looked around and saw many people on stretchers and nurses and doctors frantically running around trying to help patients that had the Co/vid Del/ta Vari/ant. All the patients were laying in a bed next to one another and hooked up to ventilators. It seemed many of them were getting worse by the minute and some were starting to die. (Babylon took down the apostates by pestilence. Ezekiel 7: 14 They have blown the trumpet, and have made all ready; but none goeth to the battle; for my wrath is upon all the multitude thereof. 15 The sword is without, and the pestilence and the famine within: he that is in the field shall die with the sword: and he that is in the city, famine and pestilence shall devour him. 16 But those of them that escape shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them moaning, every one in his iniquity. 17 All hands shall be feeble, and all knees shall be weak as water. 18 They shall also gird themselves with sackcloth, and horror shall cover them; and shame shall be upon all faces, and baldness upon all their heads. 19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be as an unclean thing; their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of Jehovah: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels; because it hath been the stumbling block of their iniquity.)
As I looked toward the hospital beds on the right side, I saw my Aunt Elaine. She was on a ventilator and fighting for her life. She was skinny and looked pale. I walked over to her to see if she was conscious. She noticed me and began to try and talk with me. I told her I was going to pray for her.
I began to pray and command this virus off her and to be healed in the name of Jesus. She accepted the prayer, and I could tell she agreed with me. She laid back down to rest and it seemed she wasn’t going to die from this virus. (My Aunt Elaine is one of the few liberals in my family. The name Elaine means Bright or Shining Light. I believe she represents those who come out of the liberal ideology and through God’s chastisement using this curse will cause them to repent and turn from trusting in man. (The point is that if God can do this with the liberals what could He do for the Christians?) Looking back on the dream I feel that all the sick people especially those on ventilators are the ones who took the va/cci/ne, and their immune system had failed.) (Those who say they believe the Bible are more responsible for ignoring it. Jeremiah 17:5 Thus saith Jehovah: Cursed is the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from Jehovah.)
In hindsight I believe this is about the jab for C/19 that is being promoted as a good thing, which we know is the exact opposite. This is the page it's on.
God’s Elect are Taking His Va/cc/ine
Debbie Horton - 7/19/21 (Davids notes in red)
When I turned on the computer to type this dream up, the random landscape photograph that came up was of snow-topped mountains and there was a path with bright green grass on each side. The time on the screen read 4:41 a.m. (Representing the first fruits of God’s elect; the 144,000.) So here's the dream, which is in two distinct parts:
In the first part, I was in some kind of very brightly lit place but I don't know where, but It wasn't me, I was in my son’s body experiencing everything from his perspective. (Representing Heavenly places in Christ Jesus.) My son is bearded, muscular, 6'3" and very athletic. (Representing Christ in us; our fruit.) I/He had to get an inoculation. There was no way out of it. The Doctor (Representing the Father) came in the room and I said something to Him like, "I may look big and strong but I hate shots, so please be quick.” (The inoculation we receive are all the promises in the Word of God that make us immune to the curses and able to walk above the curse in this world.)
The Doctor was very professional and very competent. I don't remember seeing his face. (Our Heavenly Father is our spiritual ‘Doctor’ He knows everything we need to survive the curse and to be healthy spiritually. We are not able to look upon His face in our fallen, sinful state.) He said something and stuck the needle in my left arm. (The left represents our fleshly nature that Father must inoculate us against.) The shot went on and on for longer than I could hold my breath. Finally, I said something along the lines of, "Can't you hurry up? Aren't you done yet?" And he answered something like, "Almost." And then I somehow realized the shot was for a very, very long list of things. (We are Immunized to the curse laid out in Deu. Chapter 28 which is a long incomplete list.)
In the second part of this dream, I don't know if I was myself or if I was still in my son’s body, but the scene changed to my apartment on an upper floor of a brand new high-rise apartment building. I knew it had every amenity you could think of. I was in the shower, and it was the most amazing, peaceful, wonderful, and comforting shower I've ever experienced. Every muscle was so relaxed. (The Bride is going to the top. All her needs will be supplied during the tribulation period because she has cleansed herself of all unrighteousness.)
I couldn't see much because of how steamed-up everything was. I turned to look at the shower head and it had some kind of circular thermometer that went in a ring around it and displayed the temperature, which was exactly 91 degrees. I immediately thought, "Psalm 91!" and that woke me up. (Now that’s immunity :o)
There is a cure for the va/c/ci/nation pl/ag/ue - /books/pdf/GV.pdf
God's V/acc/ine (1) </audio/studies/onehour/02158_God's_Vaccine-1.mp3>,
God's Va/c/cine (2) </audio/studies/onehour/02159_God's_Vaccine-2.mp3>,
God's Vac/cine (3) </audio/studies/onehour/02160_God's_Vaccine-3.mp3>,
God's Vac/c/ine (4) </audio/studies/onehour/02161_God's_Vaccine-4.mp3>,
God's Vac/cin/e (5) </audio/studies/onehour/02162_God's_Vaccine-5.mp3>,
God's Va/cci/ne (6) </audio/studies/onehour/02163_God's_Vaccine-6.mp3>.
No Plague Be Upon You audio/studies/onehour/01076_No_Plague_Be_Upon_You.mp3>
Arkansas Governor Back-Pedals on Mask Mandates
Source: CBS News - 8/4/21
Recently the Arkansas Governor, Asa Hutchinson, who signed a bill last April against ‘Mask Mandates’ is back-peddling and voicing regrets for signing the legislation into law. Because, suddenly now, there has been a huge spike in so-called C/19 cases which could have only been sprayed from the sky using the chem-trail program. (The deer population are reported to all be infected with this so it is being sprayed. This is blackmail. The same thing happened in South Dakota when they were pointing out that they were not having lockdowns and were having the lowest rate of C/19 infections. They then had a spike; sprayed from above.)
This news report states, "Cases in Arkansas have soared in recent weeks with the rise of the Del/ta vari/ant and a high proportion of the population still un/vac/c/inated. Fewer than half of Arkansas residents have received one dose of the C/19 va/cc/ine." Link: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/arkansas-mask-mandate-ban-asa-hutchinson-regret/
Michael Hare received by faith at random for our morning meeting 8/9/21: Isa 34:1-6 Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye peoples: let the earth hear, and the fulness thereof; the world, and all things that come forth from it. 2 For Jehovah hath indignation against all the nations, and wrath against all their host: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter. 3 Their slain also shall be cast out, and the stench of their dead bodies shall come up; and the mountains shall be melted with their blood. 4 And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll; and all their host shall fade away, as the leaf fadeth from off the vine, and as a fading leaf from the fig-tree. (The people of God in Joseph's revelation when he was 17 were likened to the Sun, Moon, and stars. Paul also likened the people to Sun, Moon, and star glories. God’s people through aostasy are losing their position they are called to in the heavenlies.)
5 For my sword hath drunk its fill in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Edom, and upon the people of my curse, to judgment. (apostates and factious) 6 The sword of Jehovah is filled with blood, it is made fat with fatness, with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams; for Jehovah hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Edom. (The Slaughter of the Nations and of Factious Edom)
During Israel’s passover there was a great slaughter of the first-born (the fleshly) of Egypt. There was not a house that there was not one dead. Many “Christians” are proving themselves to be Egyptians, trusting in the power of the Beast which is leading them to slaughter by the plague. They are born from beneath and not from above. The disciples had a passover by eating the Lamb of God, the Word, who brought them protection and health. These beastly people, the old man of Egypt, including the factious and apostates, continued to chase God’s true people to the Red Sea. The Red Sea became a passover too as the disciples passed through the curse of the flood untouched and their chasers were destroyed by that curse. Moses, a type of the Man-child, was a vessel of God to close the Red Sea upon all enemies of God’s people. We got this text this morning in our prayer meeting by faith at random. Psa. 106: 9 He rebuked the Red Sea also, and it was dried up: So he led them through the depths, as through a wilderness. 10 And he saved them from the hand of him that hated them, And redeemed them from the hand of the enemy. 11 And the waters covered their adversaries; There was not one of them left. 12 Then believed they his words; They sang his praise. For over a week the armies of the world and Interpol have been arresting many thousands of factious DS operatives and many of these will be executed for their crimes against humanity. The DS is fighting back with false flags all over the world but they will lose. It appears the passover and the Red Sea are taking their toll. What comes after the Red Sea? The wilderness, which is shown to be the tribulation in Revelation chapters 12&17. A short time of relative peace in the first 3 1/2 years because the chasers and their plague had been taken down by God. This time the Man-child who like Moses gets the law of God from the throne to rebuild God’s kingdom among his people. Rev.12:5 And she was delivered of a son, a man child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and unto his throne. 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred and threescore days. Then they will again be tested in the second 3 1/2 years by the mark of the beast to see who are the elect of God.
We Have Two Presidents and Two Militaries
Biden Desperate as Vax Narrative Falls Apart - Clif High
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com - 8/12/21 (David’s notes in red)
Clif High uses something he calls “Predictive Linguistics” and computer programs to sort through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events. High is an Internet data mining expert who has many well-documented correct predictions. His latest correct prediction was made last month here on USAWatchdog when he said the Biden door knocking campaign to harass people to take the CV19 injection would be “short lived” and “not to worry about it.”
Sure enough, the door knocking campaign unceremoniously stopped, and the Biden Administration has morphed this into the “get vaxed or get fired” campaign. What does High say now? “Again, this is short lived, and it is a propaganda campaign and not a legal move. They don’t have the legal authority to do what they are trying to do. What they are attempting to do is scare as many of the herd past that point of hesitancy before the whole thing is shut down,” says Clif High.
(Cliff doesn't profess to be a Christian but he is taking the pulse of the internet mind of the world beast. I remember a few years ago he discovered the Man-child company and their apparent victory over the beast who could do nothing with them. He didn’t use Biblical descriptions of what I have said but this was clearly what he discovered. And he has discovered things here.)
What about the FDA fast track approval for the CV19 Vax? The Biden Administration has been saying the CV19 vax will go from “Emergency Use Authorization” (experimental) to FDA approved even with more reported deaths than all vaccinations combined. High says don’t buy this. The CV19 jabs will never be approved. Clif explains, “There are legal prohibitions with an Emergency Use Authorization product. This is not approved by the FDA. As much as they are talking about it, I don’t think it will ever be approved by the FDA. I don’t think events will get that far for a lot of different reasons. . . . This is a bluster.
They are doing exactly what they did with the ‘get vaxed or get fired’ as they did with the ‘door to door’ campaign. This I know because of the nature of the linguistics that I run at its core for the emotional tension value of the data. I can tell you right now there is more mass and more energy in words that are anti-Covid vax than there are words and energy that are pro-Covid vax. This is a big problem for the mainstream media (MSM) as well as for the Biden regime.
They probably are aware of what I am saying, and they realize they are underwater. If you polled, you would find that Covid is failing in the poll, and the vax is failing in the poll if you could get an accurate poll number. This is a move of desperation on their part (the DS) and not a move of strength.”
The U.S. (Biden) Military just said all personnel will be forced to be vaccinated with the CV19 vax. Once again, High says, “The military will not be forcing a vax on our troops.” High predicted this on the day of our interview, and the next day the military said it will give exemptions to anyone who does not want to get vaxed. In other words, there will be no forced vaccinations. That’s another correct prediction by High. Cliff High says, in short, “Don’t get vaxed.”
Clif High says there has been a covert war going on between the Deep State globalists and our own military. High says it’s all about to spill over into the streets for all to see. High says, “The United States has been attacked. I am going to echo Donald Trump’s words and say it is a greater attack than we suffered at Pearl Harbor. It’s greater than 9/11. This attack has initiated a war. We are in that war now. We are in a war that is going to bust out into the open such that everybody that lives in normal land will start to become aware of the massive amounts of things that have been hidden from them as well as the implications of this war. Our military is still occupied by the people that have infiltrated the United States. They came in and infiltrated, not invaded. We have two Presidents, and we have two militaries.” (But one is fake and will be removed by the military. Trump will be revealed to be in real power during this transition and its possible an interim president will be installed to blockchain vote Trump to be president of the original republic which the liberal DS destroyed.)
Clif High goes into deep detail about this covert war that is about to get put out in the open for all to see. High talks about Mike Lindell and says that he will be remembered as a hero for working so hard on exposing the national voter fraud issues. High says there was massive fraud going all the way down to the local levels.
High will also talk about Bitcoin and will tell you where it is going as well as gold and silver. High will explain why the “election steal” had to go through. He will talk about more data with the harmful effects of the C19 injections. High talks about the good and bad news with President Donald Trump being restored to the White House. High will also cover mass treason in the USA and why many may end up in jail or worse for treason for helping China attack America.
This is an all-encompassing interview about where America stands now and where it is going according to the data Clif High is digging up. Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with data mining expert Clif High, and he gives us an update as well as predicting future events and trends.
Link: https://usawatchdog.com/biden-desperate-as-vax-narrative-falls-apart-clif-high/
(The stolen votes are being declassed to the world. The military will be removing Biden’s fake presidency and reversing all of his EO’s and attempts to force the va/cc/ine plague on the public because he is an illegal president.)
From Operation Disclosure:
Earlier this past week on Mon. 9 Aug, Marine Gen. David Berger immediately reversed fake Biden Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s directive that all military personnel receive mandatory vac/ci/nations:
Marines Rebuke Def. Sec.: “No Mandatory Vac/cin/ations for My Marines.”
By: Michael Baxter, August 10, 2021
Marine Corps General David H. Berger on Monday rebuked Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s edict requiring all Armed Forces personnel to submit to Covid-19 vac/cin/ations under threat of court martial or discharge, said a source in Gen. Berger’s office who overheard a heated conversation between them.
Gen. Berger telephoned the defense secretary minutes after he said in a press conference that the Covid-19 vac/cin/ation is needed to maintain military readiness and that he would enforce the mandatary vac/cin/ation policy regardless of FDA approval status.
“There will be no mandatory vac/cin/ations for my Marines,” Gen. Berger said.
In a transcript of the call reviewed by Real Raw News, Gen. Berger lambasted Austin and branded him a traitor.
“Under no circumstances will Marines be compelled to take a potentially hazardous vac/cin/ation that the FDA won’t even fully endorse,” Gen. Berger told Austin. “You are a coward and a traitor, manipulated by people pushing bad policy on the men and women who provide security to our nation. Neither you nor your puppet president has authority to enforce such a policy.”
Austin argued that mandatory vac/cin/ations have always been a requirement for soldiers enlisting into the Armed Forces, and they, as property of the U.S. government, have no right to decide whether to take the Co/vid-19 jab. The federal government and President Biden would decide for them, Austin said.
“They’re incapable of making informed decisions. So we, their leaders, make the big decisions they cannot,” Austin said. “Biden and Harris are in charge, not individual soldiers.”
Then Austin got political: “If conservatives and evangelicals see our fighting forces getting vac/cin/ated, they’ll be more likely to get vac/cin/ated themselves,” Austin said.
Gen. Berger said it was unfair to compare established vac/cin/ations with a product that was rushed to market with little concern for side effects. He called the C-D-C and Dr. Fa/uci corrupt, and he asked Austin why the puppet administration hid from the public an NIH report linking the vac/cin/ation to thousands of fatalities.
“If someone dies, you say it was Co/vid-19. There’s a refusal to admit the vac/cin/ation carries side effects that can include death in certain individuals.”
“I’m not a physician. I’m the Secretary of Defense for Joseph R. Biden, and I follow orders,” Austin retorted.
“In case you haven’t heard, Biden’s not in charge of the military, and neither are you. You can sell whatever lies you want to the media. You sold your soul, Lloyd, and I hope you can live with yourself,” Gen. Berger said.
Gen. Berger said he had the support of other Joint Chiefs of Staff and would implore them to ignore unlawful orders coming from the illegitimate administration.
“If a soldier wants the vac/cin/ation, fine. If not, he’s not rolling up his sleeve. If you try to forcibly vac/cin/ate even one of my Marines, you better come armed,” Gen. Berger said, and hung up the phone.
Link: No Mandatory Vaccinations https://ussanews.com/News1/2021/08/13/marines-rebuke-defense-secretary-no-mandatory-vaccinations-for-my-marines/.
Two Countries and Two Binoculars
Bill Steenland - 8/12/21 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed there were two sets of binoculars. Putin was looking through one pair of binoculars at America from far away. The second set of binoculars was pointing towards Russia but had no one looking through them at all. (Biden is not in charge of the White House or the ‘nuclear football’ which the military had refused to hand over to him.)
Putin could see America was wide open for attack. In the dream, it was crossing his mind to attack the U.S. However the look on his face lead me to believe he wasn’t going to. Then I woke up. (The Lord spares us from so much especially since we prayed the virus down before they released it. Praise God.) (Putin knows that Trump is still in charge of the United States and its military forces. It has been prophesied that both Russia and China will join forces to attack the United States of America, but this will not happen until the end of the 7 year tribulation period.)
Military Checkpoints and Barricades
Sandy Shaw, 6/29/21 (David’s notes in red)
In this dream I was an observer. I was on a highway going towards North Carolina right at the border. There was a fence going down both sides of the highway. In the middle, there was a checkpoint. There were a few military men on both sides of the fence. A car pulled up and stoped and the driver showed the guard his papers and they were able to go through. (Operation Disclosure said they would have “events” to cause Martial Law to be declared. Also we can see, with their current attempts to mandate vac/c/ines and vac/c/ine passports, even for interstate travel that this dream could be a warning of future medical and governmental tyranny which we should pray down.)
The second car showed its papers and the guard said, “No,” and motioned for him to turn around. The third car was driven by some young men eighteen or nineteen who were dressed in all black and they showed their papers. The guard said, “No.” The boys started arguing and BEING VERY PERSISTENT. The guard said “No” again and to turn around. They started walking to the guard shack when the military men stopped them and arrested them, they seemed DEFIANT. (BLM and Antifa will be arrested. Operation Disclosure said they were going to have “events" to force Martial law and that they will collect Antifa and BLM at checkpoints like in this dream.)
So then the Lord took me to the first city of several. There were cement barriers across the road. Most of the stores were all closed. They had the barriers all the way down the interstate. There was No traffic. It was all blocked. (This could represent another government lockdown or the 10 days of darkness when people will be asked to stay in their homes to watch the declass of the crimes of DS.)
Then I was on a road in this first city where buildings and housing areas had been torn down. It was totally cleared; just dirt. There was a fence across the road where there was another checkpoint. On this road, there was a line of cars and trucks to show their papers in order to pass.
From there I went to the second city and saw the same thing with the barricades and fences and cars trying to go through. But about one hundred feet behind the checkpoint was a black metal fence. You couldn't see over, or around or through it.
After this, I went to a third city. I was on the other side of the highway and there were the roadblocks again. At this time, I looked up and saw three huge, military, cargo planes flying overhead towards North Carolina.
Then I was over my home town. There wasn’t much traffic but a lot of people were walking. (No gasoline?) Most businesses were open. Then I saw, as the sun was going down, there was nobody on the streets. When the sun went down, there was not even a single street light on. Everyone was in their home. (A military curfew) Then I woke up.
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