
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
UBBS 8.17.2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Ministering Angels Through UBM (3)
David Eells - 8/17/22
Questions & Answers with the Angels #2
(Eve's notes in black / David’s in red - 8/11/22)
The angels told us that they go out at our commands. Heb 1:14 Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits, sent forth to do service for the sake of them that shall inherit salvation? And Psa. 103:20-21 Bless Jehovah, ye his angels, That are mighty in strength, that fulfil his word, Hearkening unto the voice of his word. (We as His Body are to speak His Words.) 21 Bless Jehovah, all ye his hosts, Ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure. (People tend to hold angels in high esteem, but Baruch said, “We are soldiers and servants of our Lord and King and of the saints here of UBM. We are not to be held in high esteem or prayed to.” This is Biblical. Angels were created to be servants of God and of the sons of God, in whom the Son of God dwells.
They go out or are sent forth with our commands that are in alignment to the spoken Word mingled with our faith. We must verbally speak these prayers and commands with faith and the authority that Christ has bestowed upon all believers. He died and now lives in us through the power of His Spirit. He assured His disciples that they have this same power. The only thing left is to believe it and speak it into existence.
1Jo. 5:14-15 And this is the boldness which we have toward him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us: 15 and if we know that he heareth us whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions which we have asked of him. And Rom. 12:2 And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Whether things manifest instantly or not, our commands will come to pass. Mar 11:23 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou taken up and cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what he saith cometh to pass; he shall have it.)
Eve said, "I was in my house and wondering to myself, in general, about the 3 angels who are stationed at David’s house; about their functions and chain of command and the extent of their knowledge etc. Then I saw a vision of Baruch in the balcony of David’s house and he spoke to my mind:” (We jokingly call this a balcony because it is a second floor walkway between two rooms which is over the living room below. Two of the angels stand at each end of this watching over us below. We knew that their presence and ability to communicate from within my house was not limited to my house as we see here when they showed up in Eve's house. Three angels address our questions below.)
The angel Baruch said, “We are soldiers and servants of our Lord and King and of the saints here of UBM. We are not to be held in high esteem or prayed to.
We are of a lower rank in the order of angels as you would consider rank. We go out at your commands of faith in agreement with the Word and the will of your Father and the Son.
Much of what we know is given on a “need to know” basis as it is with earthly militaries. We have been created with specific powers as it relates to our functions and the knowledge required to carry them out with regards to the saints here in this ministry.
Sadly, we are not activated and sent out to the fullest extent. (We all need to send the angels more to do spiritual warfare and to carry out things that we are not capable of doing.) The saints are not as heavenly minded and spiritually aware as they should be, nor do they understand or believe in the power and authority that has been bestowed upon them by the Father through His Son. (For instance we saw the wicked were trying to bring curses in the physical realm, but some don't see the witchcraft behind the scene and don't send the angels to oppose it.)
Their eyes are cast down, as well as their spirits, as they dwell on human weaknesses and earthly matters.
There is a time coming soon when the fire of our God will be sent down upon His people and the events we’ve spoken to you about previously will begin to take place. Supernatural gifting and abilities will be bestowed upon the saints by angels with these assignments. (Some don’t know that angels manifest the gifts.)
These angels will have greater freedom with regards to appearances and communications with the saints. They will have the command to assist and equip the saints in their end time assignments and gifting’s, but instructions will still be given to the saints on a “need to know” basis because of the nature of mankind and the limitations of their vessels.
Currently, we would like to be employed more. Much can be done to mitigate the plans of satan and those who serve him. Much of his planning and attacks can be thwarted if the saints will go on the offensive and put on the mantle of Jesus the Christ who is their Savior and defender. He is our Sovereign General and His orders will always be carried out through His saints without fail.
The enemy has vailed the minds of the saints as to how much power they truly have. He has succeeded in convincing them of their human frailty and weaknesses. Prayers of power mingled with faith are a rarity. This is because of fears, doubts, unbelief, and double-mindedness, as well as distractions of the enemy. (These are demons that can be cast out, as well as human fallen nature.)
The saints must fight with their faith in the Word of God. They must fight to hold on to the Truth of revelations that they have received from the Holy Spirit of God. (We must swing our sword by faith that it is irresistible.) They must employ us to go out with their prayers and commands of faith. This is our function and the reason we are stationed here in this place. (But, other angels are stationed where the saints need them too.)
We have been allowed to make our presence known and to have a limited dialog with you so that the saints of this ministry know and understand the importance of these things and will have a greater awareness of spiritual matters and the heavenly agenda.
We are all warriors assigned to fight the enemies on behalf of UBM; I, (Baruch) in their personal lives, Shemuel in the governmental Church and state arenas, and Jeruel “seals the deal” and tidy’s up with their praises and thanksgivings." (Eve said, “Then I saw a vision of Jeruel hammering the final nails in a wooden coffin of the enemy.")
Then the angel Jeruel said, “I am commanded to pour out anointings upon the saints here. (Eve said, " I asked Father if this invitation was extended to all the saints of larger UBM as well and received a “Yes”.) This is why I’ve appeared to you so often holding the jug of anointing oil. The Son desires that you all walk in His anointing, gifts, and in His power. My Lord has told me to tell you all, “Sacrifice your flesh on the altar for a week and on the 8th day you will meet with the saints or in your home. This will be a meeting of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs; of praise and thanksgivings and a time of blessing the Great God, your Father and King. Do not withhold anything of yourselves and your hearts in worship to Him, but with abandonment of self, give all.”
Jeruel said, I am to be among your praises and worship pouring out the anointing oil upon your heads. This will bring about a mighty shift in power among you in the spiritual realm.
The sacrifice required for the seven days and into the 8th include all things fleshly and earthly in nature. Husbands and wives will abstain from all fleshly intimacies. Food and water will be partaken of sparingly and all devices of man will not be used for entertainment and distractions for your minds. Spend all spare time in prayer, praise and thanksgiving to your Father and His Son our Great General and your King, your Master and Savior.”
David asked, “What will the 8th day anointings involve?” Jeruel said, “Spiritual restorations and healings, as well as physical healings with faith, and anointings of gifts for the Body and greater Body ministry.” Then he added, "Faith is imperative. Ask your Father for more faith. He will give it to you as much as you are willing to receive. Many are comfortable where they are at and fearful to receive more faith and power from God because it will make them more responsible to be moved out of their comfort zones and into more maturity and the unknown of total abandonment to the will of God and His ways. These fears are strongholds in many lives and keep the saints from progressing in the purposes of God."
David asked, "Eve, do you have questions?"
Eve said, "I was wondering more about the 8th day of the fast when we all come together in praise and worship and what that will look like, and I had a vision of Jeruel standing between David and Micheal holding the anointing jug; one hand on the handle and the other supporting the base. I knew he would begin with David and then Michael and then proceed to different ones around the room in the order of their faith and the conditions of each heart. Then Jeruel spoke to me and said, “Those who are empty will go away full and those who are full will go away empty or with little. Those who empty their vessels of fear, doubt, unbelief, and double mindedness and come truly hungry and thirsty for the gifts of God to serve others and His Kingdom will be filled with anointing to the fullest.
Perfect love for their Father and our Great God casts out fear, and with fear goes doubt, unbelief and double mindedness. Those who hang on to self-will, pride, who will not give up control over their own lives and who insist on continuing to be their own masters, will not receive or will receive little according to the conditions of their own hearts which the Great God and King knows; for He searches the hearts of men looking for empty vessels to fill for His purposes and His Glory. This requires an obedient servant’s heart; a willing vessel crying out, “Here am I. Send me. Not my own will but Yours! These can be trusted with so great gifts and anointing's.”
Eve said, "I want to encourage everyone with a dream the Lord gave me back on 8/3/22 before the angels began this free and open dialogue with us. I believe it has a corporate meaning for us all."
An Angel Pours Repentance into Weak and Humble Hearts
Eve Brast - 8/3/22
(Eve here is representing the corporate Bride body of the last Adam, Jesus.)…An angel of His Presence appeared in front of me and said, “There are five things you need to repent of: Fear, doubt, unbelief, unforgiveness and double-mindedness.”
I was surprised and sat there searching my heart and mind. I knew that I was still battling these on a daily basis, with the exception of unforgiveness, which I wasn’t aware of at all. I had been doing my best to cast down these temptations of the enemy and focus on the promises to me in God’s Word.
I told the angel that I would need his help to overcome these things because evidently I couldn’t tackle these struggles on my own and I asked him to help me.
Then he poured forth from his hands this warn yellow, golden light that penetrated into my head and flowed down into my heart. It filled my head and my heart with true, heart-felt repentance. It was painful at first and it felt like my head and heart would burst with the pressure and pain as I cried with deep, heavy sobs and words of true repentance. But once I “got it all out” I felt so free and joyful. So much relief and weight came off of my chest and I felt light and I knew that I was truly delivered from these five things that had badgered me since childhood.
Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy poured out upon weak, humble, and willing hearts.
Thank you Father that you will put in us your heart and desire to serve our brethren in greater body ministry and to put away all ego and selfish desire. Thank you for filling us all to the fullest measure, as each vessel can contain, according to your will and purposes for each life in service to you and your kingdom people in Jesus mighty Name. Amen.
Eve said, I asked Shemuel if he had anything to say and he said, “A great move of God is coming upon the younger generations. There is a mildew and rottenness that has been cast upon this crop by satan; a perpetual darkness, so that the Son has not shown upon them. They languish and rot in the field and their fruit is poisoned. But the Son is coming to shine down upon them and he will burn up all the disease and mildew of their lives and the heat of His fire will burn through them and cleanse and restore them to the purpose they were created for. There has never been a revival like this that will sweep the whole earth. This will be entirely an act of God; supernatural and undeniable. He will not forsake the youth of this final generation.”
David asked, “Shemuel said there were “many casualties”. Have any of the factious leaders died?” Baruch said, “No deaths yet. They are all under curses which include sicknesses, diseases, maladies of the soul and spirit and the torments of being cut off from fellowship with God, emptiness and loneliness. Their Jesus does not love them. They are casualties in spirit and soul. The set backs refer to demonic plans of attack that are constantly thwarted by your prayers and battles in the spirit realm.“ As you know, there have been many deaths in the political arena and set backs to demonic plans for the near future.” (We’ve been told that this is a type and shadow for what is going to happen in the spirit realm.)
David asked, “What does the coming restoration involve personally? 30 years younger?” Jeruel said, “Restoration on a DNA cellular level. Faith and power will be imputed to receive healing and restoration. It will be complete restoration not partial. The first fruits are first. They will be the trail blazers. There will be a mighty supernatural outpouring of spiritual restoration; of closeness to God through His Holy Spirit.”
David asked, “When will the Lord restore our teeth?” Baruch said, “When the DNA restoration takes place, teeth will be restored as well.”
David asked, “Will the faction be able to redeem their stolen bills?” Baruch said, “No. They are already scattered and all their plans are null and void. They will not prosper financially or in health. Everything they touch is cursed for your sakes.” (Eve said, “I understood that they meant, that the Lord has frustrated their purposes and discouraged their drive to assemble against us.)
David said, "I have thought when the Lord comes in His Man-child body that He is going to smite the Edomite factions. I thought that this would include the death of some of their leadership.” Baruch said, "Our Lord is very long-suffering with even the wicked. Some will die but many will be snatched from the jaws of hell at the last moments.” David asked, “You mean the last moments before death?” Baruch said, "Yes. Their eyes have been blinded by the enemy, but mercy will be granted to them in the end through much suffering."
David asked, "Would you say a larger proportion will die from the leaderships of the factions?" Baruch said, “Yes. They have been reprobated because they are held to a higher accounting.” (Eve said, I understood that they meant that they have caused many to stumble and fall away from the love of God and the Truth of His Word.)
David asked, "So is the wrath of our Father and our Lord Jesus now being poured out on the factious false Christians? Is this happening to our local faction, the faction against our missionaries, and the factious cults around the world, who have been crucifying the true Christians?” Are the Judas’, Absalom’s, and Haman’s who went out from among us about to meet their end by their own hands?” Baruch said, “This is not a happening that is poured out all at once. God deals with each of His creatures of mankind individually. Each of them will receive their recompense in due time. Some sooner than others as the patience of God draws to a close in each life.
Personal judgments are meted out according to the wickedness in each heart and according to each of their doings. Mat. 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you. If there is goodness to be found in those among them; any redeemable qualities of the heart, these ones shall be spared from eternal destruction. His mercy truly triumphs over judgment and a smoldering wick He will not quench. In due time, when it has been determined that their sufferings for self-will and disobedience have come to a close, our God and theirs will lift the vail from their minds and their understanding and the light of truth will shine upon them.
They will be granted repentance as each one comes to the end of their trials. Some will return in life and be added or restored to the Body and others will be reconciled to God in death. Our God is long suffering with the wicked and very merciful even with the reprobated whose end is eternal damnation. They will have no excuse or defense before our God, for their own selves will condemn them that they have done evil."
David asked, "We recently had a dream that the angels would go forth and round up the mad dogs and incarcerate them until the time that their lethal injections took effect? We took the incarceration to mean we should bind them, which we did. Would you comment on this?” Baruch said, "As I have told you, Much can be done to mitigate the plans of satan and those who serve him.
Much of his planning and attacks can be thwarted if the saints here will go on the offensive and put on the mantle of Jesus the Christ who is their Savior and defender. He is our Sovereign General and His orders will always be carried out through His saints without fail. The saints must fight with their faith in and of the Word of God. They must fight to hold on to the Truth of revelations that they have received from the Holy Spirit of God. They must employ us to go out with their prayers and commands of faith. This is our function and the reason we are stationed here in this place.” (But, as we mentioned earlier, other angels are stationed where the saints need them too.)
David asked, “We know our Lord told us to send no curses to the wicked apostates. But we were recently shown in dreams that the faction were hurling witchcraft curses against us but, the angels were catching their own curses and throwing them back upon them with many casualties. Is this now happening? Baruch said, “This has been happening and will continue, for we are commanded by our Sovereign General, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be very vigilant and fierce in defending this ministry.
We meet each attack with the same force and intensity that it is sent and thus it returns upon their own heads. Our God will not permit their curses to alight upon you. Only don’t give permission for them to penetrate our ranks by attributing more power to them than they have; for the only power the enemy has is what you give to him and the territory that you surrender to him in your souls through paranoia, fears, doubts and unbelief. In this way we are hindered from fully repelling the attacks and chaos and confusion results."
David prayed and asked, "Oh merciful Father, please protect the innocent children among these people. Please deliver your elect among them who were deceived but are now humbled and grant them repentance. Please cause all of your righteous people to forgive their crucifiers. Would you comment on this? Baruch said, “All the children who were drawn away unwillingly or deceived by these evil factions and their leadership will be spared and will enter eternal life. Jesus loves the children and ever intercedes for them before the Father. But the children will suffer in this life for a time as a punishment on their parents who were the cause of this tragedy.
Once they have been purified in the fire of their own journey’s to relationship with their Father and His Son, they will be reconciled to Him. Remember what Shemuel said, ‘A great move of God is coming upon the younger generations. (i.e. The millennials - Generation - Z)
David asked, “Is there anyone among us that is in danger of faction now?” Baruch said, “No.”
David asked, “What can you tell us about the supernatural methods to get the gospel out and heal, deliver and save?” Baruch said, "The methods of man will not be employed to reach the peoples of the earth, in the days that are coming. The methods are all of the spirit realm and will be administered by the angels who are going to distribute the gifts to the saints. (Meaning, the sanctified ones) These include gifts of translation from place to place, languages, healings, laying on of hands to impart to others their needs and what they're lacking and to replicate the gifts by passing them on to others whom the angels will point out. Supernatural downloads of wisdom and knowledge will be received for specific situations.”
David asked, “What about deliverances?” Baruch said, “The enemy will be on the run during this time. Deliverances will be instantaneous with no resistance on their part. (Many deliverances are this way now if there is cooperation on the part of the victim in repentance and faith.) They will no longer be able to hide in flesh because of the light of revival and the fire of truth that will sweep the elect of the globe.” (Eve said, I understood that he meant that the demons will be fleeing left and right out of people as the true fire of the Holy Spirit fills each one and searches the depths of each individual. There won’t be any place left for them to hide in the elect of God.)
David asked, “Will there be mass healings and deliverances? Baruch said, “Yes. These will all take place on the largest scale in human history.” (Eve said, I understood that he meant that masses of people will supernaturally be delivered and healed all at once for times sake because the need is so great and the darkness so pervasive.)
David asked, “Can we believe God, even now, for the books to be multiplied and placed supernaturally in the possession of the people who need them?” Baruch said, "Yes. We have done this before on a limited basis, but we will go forth with your commands to multiply and provide the materials even now.” (We have done this before.) (Eve said, "I understood that this is very important to Jesus. It is His will that all who are hungry for Him and truth will be filled. We must command this with unwavering faith and it will be done.")
David asked, “Can you tell us about our new headquarters? Can you tell us when we will receive it and how much to offer them?” Baruch said, "You've been told the ministry will receive it when the Man-child comes. I'm told to tell you to offer 43 million for it.” David asked, “Will they accept this offer?” Baruch said, “Yes, Because it is decreed."
David asked, “Can you tell us more about the headquarters Father has promised us and its use concerning the ministry?” Baruch said, "It will be the headquarters for the refuge and the revival. It will be a university for training in spiritual gifts and ministry to send out disciples to administer the gifts bestowed upon the first fruits. Occupational trainings will not be necessary and will not be the focus in the coming revival.” (Our focus was to use this to minister to people. They get free training and we get to preach the gospel to them.)
Eve said, "I understood, we will have grace and a covering from God to focus on what is important for His Kingdom people. Teaching people life skills to help supply physical needs will be in order for a short time. (i.e. gardening, mechanical skills, carpentries, etc.) I understood there’s two periods of time here being spoken of. One is soon after the Man-child comes and there is devastation and disruption in people’s lives and they begin to seek out the refuges with the guidance of the angels.
This is the period of meeting physical needs and teaching life skills and the importance of Body ministry. This is for the people who are chosen to come to the refuges. Later, when the great revival sweeps through, the angels will become much more intimately involved with the saints and mankind. This is when we will need less of the physical things and more supernatural occurrences will be happening to enable us to be used to get the gospel out to the whole earth and the message of God’s mercy and love and hope for eternity to the lost who are hopeless and suffering. These are the survivors of the initial devastation outside of the refuges on a mass scale.)
David asked, “Will the provisions come soon?” Baruch said, “The provisions will come but not in the way mankind has planned... The evil cabal has put in place the cashless system that this beast has prepared for absolute control and domination over the peoples of the earth. (This is as we have taught this is leading to.)
God has the timing for when this system will be implemented but, this will not be favorable to Christians. God is not limited to make provisions for His people. God is allowing a wilderness for the purpose of stretching and growing the faith of His first fruits. (I believe he is including the Bride Body here not just the head.) This includes the missionaries overseas.”
David asked, “Will the monies that will be given the ministry be part of the provision?” Baruch said, “Yes.” (Our dreams show this provision and I believe it is represented in scripture to us that Cyrus/Trump will plunder Babylon's stolen wealth to build the Kingdom.)
David asked, “Will the faction be able to use their stolen money?” Baruch said, “No. They are already scattered and all their plans are null and void. They will not prosper financially or in health. Everything they touch is cursed for your sakes.” (Eve said, “I understood that the Lord has frustrated their purposes and discouraged their drive to assemble against us.)
David asked, “Is the debt cancellation real and really going to happen?” Baruch said, “It is a deception. The only Jubilee belongs to God your Father.”
Baruch said, “What the missionaries are going through, currently, is a part of God's working in them. He has all provision and it will be provided in His timing. This time of lack, loss and suffering is necessary for them to grow in faith and maturity. (We have said that their faith for provision must be in God and not us.) They are His missionaries and He has a great plan for their ministries. They must pass the tests and hold fast to their faith and hope in the Gospel. They must endure these trials and place their hope and faith in God and not man.”
David asked, “Will you go over there and help them with materials etc.?” Baruch said, “Other angels are over them in their respective countries.” David asked, “Will you fill them with the Holy Spirit? Baruch said, "Jesus will appear to them as he did to the other missionaries on the other continent and they will have a Pentecost experience. He will fill them with the Holy Spirit.” (“Tell them to fast and pray as the other missionary and his church did and press in to seek the Lord for this visitation and infilling. They will need this for the times ahead.”)
David said, “The large eagle that flew just behind my house was very unusual on eye level and just a few feet from me. Is there a message that goes with this?” Baruch said, "It's a sign of the Man-child Jesus returning in His Reformers.” (Eve said, "I remember the account that Anna Rountree gave of the White eagle that Jesus had taken the form of and she flew with Him to the “Eagle’s nest.” He asked her if she was willing to eat from the hand of God and become one of His “golden eagles.”)
David asked, “Do you have something to say to our brethren that will encourage them in their trials? Baruch said, "All encouragement is written in the Word. They must stay in the Word. All provision and safety and victory comes through faith and the spoken Word."
David said, “Some of the brethren have sacrificed everything to supply the needs of the missionaries. Will it be multiplied back to them quickly?” Baruch said, “Yes. All provision will be had. They will be taken care of. Our God is faithful. But, Hard times are ahead. Nothing will remain as it has been. The saints around the world will have to put their trust in God and not the ways of man. Provisions will be given each day as the needs arise. ("Give us this day our daily bread.”) This will be how faith will be exercised in the coming days. The days of excess are at a close. All will be required to lean on their faith, as more faith and grace will be supplied and imputed.”
Baruch sad, "Most of those in larger UBM who have been partaking of the Unleavened Bread will remain where they are, especially those residing on the other continents of the globe. God their Father has plans to use them where they are for His elect. Tell them to be faithful in their spiritual growth and receiving the gifts their Father has to bestow upon them so that they can meet the needs of His elect in their countries. Salt must remain scattered or else it will bring death to the soil.” (Eve said, "i.e. The spiritual command to go into all the world and be fruitful and multiply.") And Let them not hear the admonishment of the Apostle Paul, "For when by reason of the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need again that some one teach you the rudiments of the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of solid food. For every one that partaketh of milk is without experience of the word of righteousness; for he is a babe. But solid food is for full grown men, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern good and evil.” (Heb. 5:12-14)
On a lighter note:
David asked, “If we believe, will the Lord curse all the pests on this mountain and around and under the house?” (Eve said, "I am seeing a vision of an angel standing in the back yard with a flame thrower. He is awaiting our command of faith to sweep this mountain with fire and kill all the pests.) So we prayed and commanded it to be done. (The infestation of millipedes are dead and we believe the surrounding area of mice, ticks and chiggers are dead too.)
David asked, “If I believe, will you fix my tractor? or your mechanic angels?” Baruch said, “Yes. It will be healed. Only believe and don't doubt. All things with God are free. Lay hands on it in faith and keep using it.” (We have been using it by faith) (Eve said," Baruch himself will not fix it, but I had a vision of two angels in blue jean overalls over their robes, holding tools in each hand near the red tractor, waiting.) (This tractor had front wheel drives on the front two wheels. The drive gears on one side broke and jammed up that wheel. We replaced the gears which were expensive. Later the other side gears broke and jammed up but, I decided I wanted God to fix them this time.
So when Baruch said this, I went out to the tractor and laid my hands on the gear housing and commanded it to be healed or restored in Jesus’ Name. Then I jumped on the tractor and went down my mountain driveway pretty fast. Normally, if a gear jammed the wheel it could have flipped the tractor around or broken the housing but it was smooth with no noise at all. I went to the mailbox and turned around on the black top, which causes one front wheel to go faster than the other. There is no differential so this puts a severe strain on those gears and they performed perfectly. I drove to the top of the hill with no problems. This could only be done if the broken steel gears were removed and new ones were installed along with the oil changed to get the pieces out. And this was done in a moment. This is another confirmation to you that these angels are true.)
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