
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
UBBS 8.20.2023 - Faction Cannot Prevail (9) - David Eells
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Faction Cannot Prevail (9)
David Eells – 8/20/23
Word From The Lord
Debbie Fenske 6/29/23
I want to share a word Jesus shared with me as I was sitting before Him, praying, and just waiting on Him. I heard Him speak a couple thoughts to me. After writing down the second thought Jesus just kept speaking this encouraging word.
“Many, so many who have, in the past, been a part of UBM, are beginning now to understand the evil, and the dangers of faction. The truth that they are receiving from Me is instilling a holy fear within them. This is why I rise up in David, My servant, moving within him to keep talking and warning about this. It has been imperative for him to do so, for faction is a disease, killing many. So many who have not understood this are now finally listening, and repenting, and many will return to My ministry of UBM to receive truth once again. For they are aware of the great deadness of their spiritual womb. My truth, and a holy fear of Me will produce life in them once again.
My servant, David, must not stop speaking about these things. For I will have My way, which is revealing to all I have chosen, the true condition of their hearts. My truth will break out again like a wildfire through the mouth of My servant, for My anointing will not leave him. And My anointed chosen will soon be revealed, and many, many blind eyes will be opened, and the deaf ears will hear. Hearts will be healed, and they will rush under the presence of My anointing, and will grow, and will with much Joy, and spiritual vigor, produce much fruit which will come forth from My life within them.
My provision, in every way, will flow once again. Press in, and I will give abundant blessings. Receive them now, as you press in to Me, that I may make them manifested to you. For My Spirit is moving, stirring hearts to come back to Me, and My anointing.
They are coming back to the truth. Trust Me, and wait on Me, and you will see, soon, the outpouring of My Spirit, and My great supply of provision for my people, as the unleavened bread continues to go forth from My anointed, and spoken forth from all who have received, and believe, and are walking the unleavened walk.
The time is set for my life received to pour forth from you, a flowing stream of life. Remain faithful, humble, and pure. I have not, and will not fail of any of My good promises to My unleavened bread ministry.”
Before I got on the zoom meeting, I prayed that God would somehow, someway, confirm this word. And I believe that He did that through some verses that were shared.
Deb Horton’s scripture that she shared was Jeremiah 32:6-15. The confirming verse is the second part of verse 15. “Then I knew that this was the word of the Lord.” I also felt confirmation was received in verse 15 of her scripture verses. “For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel. Houses, and fields, and vineyards will again be bought in this land.”
Shay shared, Philippians 4:19-23. Verses 19 and 20: “And my God will supply all your needs, according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 20 Now to our God, and Father glory forever and ever. Amen.”
Amen! Yes, Lord. All glory belongs to You! Thank You, faithful Father, for delivering and rescuing those who you will from the evil faction, and opening the eyes of those who just could not see to receive the awful truth about faction, and so gave up and set aside your truth. Thank You for your blessings now, and those you are about to abundantly bestow upon UBM, and for your faithfulness to all, all over the world, who are faithful to you in giving out the unleavened truth of Your Word. Amen!
Satanist’s Abuse of Young Women
David Eells
First I would like to say that we have pretty well used language in the following to make as sure as possible not to arouse any individual but any who would like to opt out can do so. The information is important because satanists depravity against against Christians is becoming rampant.
Satanists astral project themselves to rape young women or otherwise control them. They then can have perverse thoughts they never had before. https://youtu.be/M9IV550e2ko
Satanists rape their own children to impart perverse spirits to them by injection so they can take advantage of them and also impart their evil gifts to them. One of the local satanists young girl who was very Christian when we knew her and opposed her father’s faction was now seen to be a boy with very short hair, plus mannerism and dress, this is clearly bisexuality and historically satanists impart this and other evils by incest spirits. The father had a very long pony tail and kind of sickly looking.
I am convinced that the local satanists who focus on us as their main hatred under Kevin C. Rea are astral projecting themselves into 2-3 of our young women to have sex with them at night without their knowledge. From research I discovered that this is common with satanists and more than one satanist can do this at a time.
The women often awake with symptoms of pain in their vagina area. I am not sure of any other places. This is common with satanic night time rapes. Also, incubus demons molest women, but I do not think they are needed in astral projection cases by satanists. These are all from the same Devil. We can cast incubus out and bind any molestation by satanists in the name of Jesus.
Excerpts from: The Young Female Body as a Site of Demonic Sexual Abuse:
The Case of Christians in Charismatic Pentecostal Churches in Durban South Africa By: Vivian Besem Ojong’
Ten young girls were interviewed for the study drawn from three churches in Durban South Africa. … The article exposes how young women under such forms of abuse have been silent (until now) and the alienation they suffer as a result of their experiences.
The young female body is beginning to draw attention within the Pentecostal charismatic circles through the process of ‘deliverance’. These bodies are being perceived and represented differently through the local churches, the young women themselves and the media. …
Turner’s (2004:71) concept of embodiment increases understanding of the subject matter because it talks about the body as a life process that requires learning techniques; practices which gives a body its place in everyday life. For young girls (with little experience in life), it is a bit challenging for them to separate what happens to their bodies and how they view their bodies and are viewed in society. Viewing the body from a phenomenological perspective, Merleau-Ponty (1962) describes the body as a province of meaning. Through the concept of embodiment, the paper examines how young women view their bodies after demonic sexual activity.
The realm of religion and sexuality is one which fueled with conservative and traditional values. Within the Pentecostal charismatic circles, sexual relations between demons and humans are an essential part of their belief and practice. Through the Pentecostal charismatic churches, the female body is portrayed as a site of active demonic sexual activities and exoticism and as one trapped in secrecy and shame. …
The aim of this research was to explore the meanings and explanations that young women gave to their experiences of sexual abuse of demons and the interpretations they gave to the public display of the process of exorcising these demons from their bodies. Since little or no research has been done on the experiences of such women, it is exploratory in nature, designed to understand general meanings the women gave to their experiences. Instead of sticking to the taken-for-granted definitions of sexual abuse, I relied on the specific explanations given to me by the women in my sample.
These understandings were then mirrored around the other existing forms of sexual abuse and forms of violence against women. Several key questions were asked: what are the different forms of demonic sexual abuse? How do the young women know that they have been sexually abused? Are they able to narrate these experiences to friends, families or pastors? What avenues exist for women sexually abused by demons? How do the women feel about aspects of their private lives being displayed openly in public? Are they able to exercise agency? Do the Pentecostal charismatic pastors take advantage of the women’s situation for church growth? How can the feminist movement contribute to the empowerment of such women?
From the different churches I have been ministering deliverance to young women; I was able to utilize a sample of ten young women who were willing to explain and talk openly about their experiences. The data was gathered through in-depth interviews with ten women over a period of twelve months. These women fell within the ages of 13 to 21 years…
These young girls are caught between telling their stories and keeping quiet. By the women maintaining silence and not narrating their experiences may be misconstrued as entirely an individual matter. But from a feminist perspective, women’s continuous abuse lay in the ability of the abusers to stay hidden and keep the women quiet about their suffering. These young women have on a whole maintained silence about their experiences of sexual abuse for fear of further cultural and religious images of being depicted as some sorts of evils themselves. From the different interviews conducted, it was clear that most of them were willing and anxious to get help but at the same time, had remained silent about their suffering. Seven out of the ten women had become very reserved and withdrawn (even within the context of the church) as a result of their abuse, while the other three have become overly outwardly spoken.
These behaviors to me seemed to have been shaped as coping mechanisms in response to their abuse. Three of the women said they had decided to distance themselves from the rest of the women by either having no friends in Christian circles, or coming late to church and leaving early to avoid any communication with people. Whenever they found themselves in group meetings, they remained quiet throughout. These may be seen as some form of dysfunctionality; but actually these are means through which these girls survive sexual abuse on a daily basis. In order to get these young women to speak to me about the “unspeakable” experiences of their lives, I had to apply empathy.
When I first decided to conduct research of this nature on women who were sexually abused by demons, my main aim was to highlight their experiences and bring their suffering to the fore in a critical manner.
(From what I have researched it is actually satanists using demons to do this for their own lusts in some cases but incubus demons don’t need satanists to do this. Also the demon of asmodeus (spirit husband) God has also revealed is part of the raping of women and making them supernaturally attracted to him. This is used by the satanists to rape women. The author here also goes into the abuse of pastors trying to get notoriety with their deliverances and possible other abuses by them.)…
Sexual abuse of women by demons is not a new phenomenon, but also not very clear within the Christian circles. … During the deliverance of these evil spirits, different voices are heard; the young woman’s voice, the voice of the Pentecostal and the voice of the demon speaking through the women.
What appears to be strange about the two voices heard from the woman is that, she has no recollection of the demonic voice that speaks through her. To her ‘embarrassment’ after each deliverance session, the young woman is told by those who attended the church services or those who watched the church services through live television broadcasts.
… Being a church minister, I have come to the understanding that this sexual demonic abuse of women is fast becoming a social/religious problem and warrants academic attention. …
As I moved from interviewing one young woman to another gathering their stories, I realized that these women’s sexuality is being damaged as a result of continuous abuse and they are struggling dealing with sexual relations with men. As one of the young women narrated, ‘whenever a man approaches me and tells me that he loves me, I see the face of the demon’ (Anna, 21yrs). M (18yr old) explained that, whenever she is approached by a man for a romantic relationship, she develops a fear that he may violate her body the same way the male demon does…
The experiences of S (22yr olds) explain how dehumanized young women feel about these abuses…
When I was thirteen years old, I woke up one night and thought that I had peed on the bed. When I properly examined myself, it felt like someone poured prepared jungle oats on my private part… (As we will see this is the satanists doing their usual thing.)
After one month, it became a weekly event and I began seeing faces of men but was unable in most instances to even shout for help or raise my hand until the person leaves me. This continued until I turned 21yrs. This demon started showing himself to me and claiming I am his wife. I don’t know how he enters my room and he is very rude and harsh. He does not discuss anything with me. He only comes and has sex with me. There is something about him; whenever he comes, I am unable to speak, shout or run away. Since I turned 21, he ensures I see him before he will leave me.
E (19yr old) feels that she is used as a sex tool by multiple demons. (and Men) Every night from when I turned 15 yrs I have been waking up every morning angry because some short dark men have sex with me… They come straight for sex at night and leave the next morning.
When it is night time, they come again. What is strange is that, one handsome demon came twice but I could not see him clearly when I looked at him. And sometimes, I see different men, some I recognize because they come often (these men don’t exist in my community; I see them only when they come to sleep with me). I do not recognize most of them. There was a time I asked one who pretended to be nice to me; where he came from. He said that he lives under the sea, that I am his wife…
Sometimes when I pray, I will be able to refuse to have sex with them. Sometimes, even if I did not sleep with a man, I will wake up in the morning angry because I will have the feeling that something was in my private part. As a result of these assaults, something in me hates men. I feel like I should be with a woman who cannot hurt me.
Many of the men who do this to the women are bisexual and they are imparting these demons to the women.) I remember when I was 15yrs old, I had a dream whereby I was handed to a man in some sort of a wedding ceremony I can boldly say is among those who come and have sex with me. …..
At this point, she turned and starting weeping, asking me whether there is something in her that attracts these spirits… She said that early this year in January, she was walking and came face-to-face with the one she thinks married her, immediately she saw him, he smiled and disappeared before she could even think of what to do. Since then, she explained that… He has been appearing in my bedroom. (This is most likely a satanist who astral project themselves to and in the women.) I will open my door and find him sitting and waiting for me. I cannot run away. I feel helpless. I have attempted suicide twice by talking overdose of sleeping pills but it did not work.
Testimony of a Sister in Christ
Being the age of about 4 years old is the youngest I can remember. When I was a child, demons, or unclean spirits, whether they were human or just demons I am unsure, but they would come to me especially when I was alone in my room at night and also attack me when I was physically asleep.
I remember as a child they would appear to me as a cartoon character or a character from a toy or doll, or sometimes to do with children’s things. (The Lord did a lot of deliverance with me relating to demons that entered me as a child through children’s films, children music, toys and dolls. (The origin of dolls was for voodoo and witchcraft and there are many demons in them.) I believe because as a child, I trusted and was comfortable with these things, demons would disguise themselves as that.
These demons or spirits in disguise would trick me into having sex with them and it was probably almost nightly. As I got a little older new demons came and some of them would threaten to kill me if I didn’t give in to them. They promised to protect me from other spirits if I let them do what they wanted. These sexual things were not just spiritual but also manifested in physical things, and I would experience the physical feelings and sensation and soreness and smell etc.
Other demons would disguise themselves as a person that I had a “crush” on, which caused me to easily submit in this way. But mostly I remember as I got older, most of these spirits used fear and threats of death or torture, unless I let them do what they wanted.
Because this had been a normal thing since I was about 4, sexual sin was normal to me which I fell into around the age of 7. This was so normal that I didn’t understand that it wasn’t normal until after God woke me up to Himself.
When I had just turned 18, I was drugged by a couple that were involved with witchcraft, satanism and snuff porn. I had no knowledge of what had happened to me until I woke up in the morning lying naked in their bed. I had no memory for the past 12 hours. They told me of the physical satanic abusive things they did to me, but I had no memory of any of it, probably because of the drugs. The lady in the relationship was pregnant at the time.
When I was 19 and travelling in the USA, I met a man and some of his friends and I stayed with him at his hotel for a while. He had an extreme amount of money, and he wasn’t very old. He told me it was from getting bitcoin before it went big and all money he had, he had to get from a crypto machine. I guess we got along because we had an extreme amount in common. (I did not know Jesus at the time) but one night God supernaturally opened the spiritual realm for me, and he showed me that this man was involved in human trafficking.
He would get the women and take them to a specific place, and he would hand them over to the next line of people and he would get paid. I saw this was all true and this was what this man's original intentions were for me.
I was in extreme sin, and I didn’t care if I lived or died, I didn’t care about myself, so I kept staying with this man even though I knew of the evil he was involved in. I did not have much knowledge of human trafficking at that time, but I was interested to know more about it, so I asked him about it. He freaked out for a while and was worried that I was with the FBI or a spy or something. But after a little he could see I wasn’t with the FBI and we were like friends with a lot in common, had similar personalities and desires in life, both in love with drugs and we both knew the truth about conspiracy theories etc.
I pretended to be interested in what he did and he opened up about it. The hotel and some of the hotel workers where he was staying, were involved with the human trafficking. This was a high-class hotel very close to an airport in California. This man would basically get women
(Usually young women that were from overseas and traveling alone.) and take them to a party. (There they would be drugged and given to the next person involved.) Or sometimes they would trick the women to travel overseas (commonly to Brazil) with them where they would get kidnapped once they arrived. This man was just the front-line guy that would find the women, lure them to a place, where the next person would take them, and he would get paid usually between $15,000-$25,000 depending on what the women looked like and her age and virginity etc.
I found out long after this experience that the traffickers work and get paid in bitcoin etc. In my ignorance I kept staying with this guy for a while but then after God allowed another significant event not related to this, I left safely all by God's grace.
After learning of God’s existence and my own will to follow Jesus, I wanted nothing to do with sexual sin in my mind or with my physical body. So, when these spirits would try to attack me sexually when I was awake, I would reject it and lean on Jesus, and they would flee after making many threats to hurt me.
But they continued to attack me while I was in my sleep state. They would disguise as my ex-boyfriend and do some bewitchment on me where I had no control or thought. Other times they would paralyze me physically where I couldn’t move. They would sometimes sit on my chest or lie on my body and were so strong that I was unable to physically move, and I could only think of Jesus. They could now only attack me at night when I fell asleep. This would happen frequently.
The only Christians I knew at the time thought I was crazy as they didn’t have any understanding of the spiritual realm.
I recall one time when I was physically asleep but I was awake. I was like rolled away, doing constant underwater somersaults, in this underwater kingdom. I knew this was real, it was not just a dream, and I knew that I was underwater. In this place there were many creatures that were half human and half sea creatures, and I saw them having sex with actual humans. Whether they were awake or asleep I don’t know but it was so real. I saw where these creatures would do strong spells and enchantments on these humans that would force them to not resist but to give into having sex with these creatures.
Later I learned that the marine kingdom is real and the biggest satanist kingdom on earth. It is underwater where humans gather with demons and do evil rituals, and the marine spirits are responsible for all the sexual depravity in the world. They are the ones seducing people and giving them lust; they control and are manipulating them in sexual sins.
After I got married the attacks became less frequent. When they did occur when I was asleep, I would either recognize that the spirit in front of me was trying to seduce me and I would reject it, or I would wake up immediately unharmed. Sometimes it would paralyze me, and I couldn’t physically move or do anything until it left.
Other times when I was asleep, the spirit would disguise itself as my husband, being all innocent and use some enchantment to make me attracted to it and make me desire sex. Because I really thought it was my husband, I would give into it, and I would wake up and realize it was a demon and I would have physical pain in my vagina (Like the attacks on our sisters by the satanists) and sometimes other symptoms.
When asleep, these spirits, whether they are humans or just demons, will disguise as someone or something we desire. They know our weak spots and they know what attracts us. Now, when they attack me, they would disguise as my husband and there have been times when I’m asleep, I literally see my husband and I lying in bed at the exact same time one of these spirits is also there. The feelings to have sex would be so real as if being physical awake, and then I would just wake up and realize that I was being tricked by an unclean spirit again.
These spirits also use enchantments or spells to make us feel physical and spiritual pleasure to make us unable to resist them. Sometimes the witchcraft enchantment- spell thing is so strong it just takes over your whole body and it’s so real and hard to resist. Many times, after something like this has happened, the next day I have gross thoughts that I never had before.
From my experience, once a sexual act takes place with any of these spirits, even while asleep, a covenant with them is made and they have legal right, and they think they are your husband or wife etc., so they are given more control. Since finding God they have tried many times to convince me that they are my friend by disguising as something familiar and trying to trick me to think I want them because they have been there such a long time, but they are all liars.
But we only want to and have covenant with Jesus, so I have renounced all these spirit spouses and unclean spirits. I want nothing to do with them, I don’t want their lies or seduction or witchcraft or enchantments or spells. They all must stop and cease in Jesus Name.
And thank You Father for blessing all of us that we can and will be aware of what is really going on when we are physically sleeping. That You for always making it known to us when it’s a demon disguising as our husband or another person. Thank You for only Holy experiences when we are physically asleep and awake and thank You that You have made us clean by The Blood of Jesus! ALL praise and Glory and Honor to You Holy One now and forever! AMEN.
Sunshine Daughter of Sacrifice
A Summarization of Parts and Excerpts
Teresa learned the following about James and Helen in her investigation and research of her daughter, Sunshine’s death:
The two satanists, James and Helen put an ad in the newspaper for employment to ‘lure’ Sunshine to them for an interview. They hired her immediately for a job position in their home. They knew she was a Christian and she confessed this to them up front.
James was born to a very wealthy family in the east and raised with the best of everything. After being educated in private schools and graduating from West Point, he served as an officer in the military. He has a highly charismatic personality, warm and outgoing. He dresses well, and appears to have everything going for him. Helen’s grandparents were from Haiti. She was raised in the Midwest by her grandmother. Tall, thin and elegant, she managed to raise herself to respectability by her appearance. She claims her uncle is an attorney in this city. She is very straightforward, projecting an authoritative and intimidating persona.
As mentioned, Helen is of Haitian descent. She had not only taken up some of their traditions, but incorporated some of her own. Two hundred years ago some Haitians made a pact with satan in the third week of August, and now, during that week, their commitment was reaffirmed by the offering of human sacrifices.
Helen told Teresa that she and James would be greatly elevated in power and be given 50,000 souls to rule over because of their sacrifice of Sunshine. The sacrifice of a Christian is supposed to increase their power especially.
Teresa learned through her own research in Sunshine’s case, how James and Helen controlled and manipulated the police, the judicial system, and any witnesses to continue to get away with all their satanic crimes. She no longer trusted the police. There were too many discrepancies in the stories they had given her.
She was not comfortable contacting the detective again. She was told by him that Helen was dead, but learned from two women who knew Helen, that she was alive. They told her of Helen’s and James’ involvement in Sunshine’s death. They said they knew beyond a doubt that Helen and James had murdered Sunshine, that Helen had admitted it – or, more exactly, she bragged about it to them, about what they did before and after.
It was plain enough that they were frightened of Helen. When asked if they’d told the police, their response was, “We weren’t asked.” Teresa had found these two women in five minutes and three phone calls, yet the detective hadn’t managed to get in touch with them.
They told Teresa that the police wouldn’t arrest Helen and James. Helen told them this herself. (The satanists bind the police with witchcraft and fear so that they will get away with it. That is why it is better to go to God because His angels have authority over the witchcraft and murder and the sexual things they always do to their victims.) Then they told her about Helen’s involvement in satanism and witchcraft. “She’s real powerful,” they said.
Somehow Helen had convinced them she had great and mighty powers; you could see it when they spoke of her. They were certainly afraid of her. “We’re not her friends anymore – we only know her,” they said.
Teresa went to the information counter at the police station and gave the woman the number of Sunshine’s case and asked where she might go to get the transcript of the original police report. She was told that the record number was a child support case, not a homicide number. She was told to go to Homicide and was able to get the correct case number from the woman there.
Here, she learned that James had been “in the system” several times with many arrests and the charges dropped for one reason or another. She then went to the deputy in charge of records, was able to look at the file and found very little information in it.
There were no transcripts of a court hearing, nothing but a few copies of subpoenas and a letter from an investigator on behalf of James’ attorney. When inquiring about the detectives’ findings, she was told those files were with the sheriff’s office and she would not be able to obtain them because it’s a murder case and still open. She could not trust anyone at the police station. (Go to God, prayer and faith.)
Teresa contacted an old friend who had lived there for many years who knew a lot of people in high places and low, asking him to see if he could find out anything about Helen, James, the detective and the judge from the hearing. He got back to her about her inquiry with a warning.
He told her that an old friend of his, a retired deputy sheriff, knew enough about the case to ask him to tell Teresa to drop it. He said her life would be in danger if she continued, not necessarily by James and Helen but others. He went on to explain “a scenario” to make her understand.
“Okay. Let’s say there’s this businessman who, for many reasons – be they financial, or he’s on some kind of power kick – decides to benefit himself. He buys or operates a brothel or a massage parlor or whatever you want to call it, but it boils down to one thing: he has women who do sexual favors for money.”
“Okay, now this businessman throws a party, at some exclusive club, hotel, his home or wherever, and invites as many influential people as he can. Chances are it’s taken him some time to build up this rapport with them, but, nevertheless, he invites these influential people – some of them might be police, lawyers, maybe even a judge or a congressman – you know, people who can make a difference to any kind of situation this guy might find himself in.
Now, at this big party he has these girls give his influential friends any and every kind of sexual favor they can dream up with their sick, devious minds. And, unbeknownst to these influential friends, the businessman is taking all kinds of pictures of them in compromising positions.
Then, guess what? If this businessman were ever to get into any kind of trouble, all he’d have to do is tell one of his influential friends about the pictures he happened to take at his party. Are you beginning to understand, Teresa?”
“Of course, I do. James and Helen keep getting off because they blackmail whoever they have to with these smut pictures. Right?”
(So they did this to Sunshine and it was possibly a snuff video? She wrote that “Six Satanists, brutally tortured her while performing their chantings and rituals using her blood, as Satanists do, for hours until they were interrupted by a vehicle showing up, and they all fled the place leaving her there. She was just barely alive and still reciting Psalm 23.)
He answered, “You’ve got it. Now, can you see how much danger you’re in? You can’t trust anyone, because you never know whether the one you go to might have been a photo’d friend.” (This they do with the police and judges and politicians. Its Epstein Island all over again and again and again. They have taken over the nation this way. The Children of God cult sent a pretty woman to seduce me but totally failed. They did this to men they wanted to capture. The faction sent one woman they captured to me; another failure. By the grace of God I had no interest.)
Teresa wanted to find out why James and Helen murdered Sunshine and was able to contact a woman who was listed in the police report. She agreed to talk with her and her story correlated point-for-point with what she had already been told by Tinker, Helen, the two women, and with what the autopsy indicated.
Teresa wrote letters home telling Sissy and another dear friend all the details of what she had found, just in case something did happen to her. Then they’d have some idea why, and possibly even who.
She remembered a conversation with the detective a long time ago, when he’d told her there were some pictures of Sunshine in his file, and that she could have them later. She called and was told she was allowed to come and get them but when she arrived, the property sergeant told her that he had looked all through the homicide files and couldn’t find the one for Sunshine’s murder.
He said that it was nowhere in the homicide department, and he would go to the archives across town to look for her file thinking it must have been transferred there. However, the next day when they spoke again, he told her that the file was nowhere to be found after he looked through all the archives, under every possible number.
He confirmed to her that everything pertaining to the case, all the evidence, all the statements, all the confessions would be in the file. Teresa asked if new evidence were obtained, could the case be reopened and the sergeant told her, it’s like it never happened. There’s no case to reopen. It’s all lost!
And the moment after Teresa had hung up the phone with the sergeant, God said to her, “It’s finished. You can go home now.”
**The Lord had instructed Teresa to pray for Helen and pray specifically that she would confess. Helen eventually called her; the following is Teresa’s account of their conversation:
About ten minutes later the phone rang again. I ran and answered it.
Again, the question: “Sunshine’s mother?”
“Yes, it is. Please talk to me. Please don’t hang up this time. Please talk to me.”
She paused a long time, then said, “I don’t know if I can.”
“This is Helen, isn’t it?”
“I don’t know if I can answer you...I don’t know if I can talk to you.”
I started to speak again, and she hung up.
I resumed praying for her. God, she sounded like such a tormented soul! Help her, Father, and help me to understand and help her. I waited and waited, praying for her to call again. Eleven o’clock, twelve o’clock, one o’clock. I finally went to bed. As I lay there dozing, in my mind I kept praying, Father God, please have her call again. I know so little about Sunshine’s death. I fell asleep, and the phone rang again at two-thirty. I ran and picked it up.
“Hello, please don’t hang up – hello?”
After a long silence: “Sunshine’s mother?”
“Yes, Helen, don’t hang up. Please talk with me.”
“He’ll kill me, you know.”
“Who, Helen? Who will kill you?”
“James. He’s already tried. He’ll kill me for talking with you. I made the confession…but I don’t know why.”
“I do, Helen. I know why.”
“Because I prayed for you, too.”
“You prayed. Huh,” she snorted. “Your God has no control over me.” She was bitterly scornful.
“If my God has no control over you, then why did you confess? Why are you talking to me now?”
“Just you shut up and listen!” she snapped.
I knew I had made her angry, and I didn’t want her to hang up again, so I said, “Okay, Helen, I’ll listen. Go ahead.”
“I guess you want to know why we murdered Sunshine.”
“Yes, Helen, I would like to know. It would help me so much to understand.”
She paused a long time. “You wouldn’t understand it if I told you.” she said contemptuously.
I felt she was trying to provoke me, but this was too important for me to let her get the better of me now. “Maybe not, Helen, but I’d like to try. I just need to know why. Why Sunshine? Please tell me.”
There was another long silence. Then, in a very arrogant tone, she said, “We ran the ad to attract girls like her. We chose her from the beginning.”
“Chose her for what, Helen? What are you talking about?”
“You ignorant, (blankety-blank) Christians, you have no idea what’s going on, do you? You live in your own little (blankety-blank) dream world.”
“Well, Helen, why don’t you inform me?” I already had a good idea of what she was talking about. But I wanted to hear her say it, in her own words. “What, Helen? What do us ignorant Christians have no idea about?”
“We do whatever is necessary. You understand?”
“No, I don’t, Helen. Explain it to me.”
“I’m a witch. My mother and grandmother were witches. We do whatever is necessary. You understand!”
“Helen, please explain to me why it was necessary to murder Sunshine. Where does she fit into all this?” I was pushing her. I wanted to hear her confirm what I had suspected from the moment I saw Sunshine in the casket.
“Sunshine told me all I needed to know when I interviewed her for employment,” Helen sneered.
“What’s that, Helen?”
“Well, she said, ‘I’m a Christian – I won’t do anything that will hurt my walk with God.”
Of course, I’d heard Sunshine say this often. “Explain more, Helen, please.”
“It’s time you all knew, you’re losers,” she said.
She then went on to tell me every detail of the evening they murdered Sunshine. She told me how and why, when and where. There was no guilt or remorse in her explanation. On the contrary, she was bragging about what she had done. I regret that I didn’t have more of a spiritual impact on her. I tried. I sincerely wanted to lead her to Christ, but she would have absolutely none of it.
Her last statement was, “The police will never get us. You’ll see. You’ll see.”
Protection In Ignorance
Anonymous - 2020
A few months after I started following Jesus, my husband and I were visiting my hometown and I didn’t know it at the time as I hadn’t been walking with The Lord for long, but demons kept giving me all types of thoughts and feelings to go visit my private catholic elementary school on our way out of town. (The enemy tries everything to lead astray.)
Mar 13:5 And Jesus began to say to them, Beware that no one deceive you.
Out of ignorance of spiritual knowledge and the devils’ tricks, we went to visit the school, at nighttime and the school was in a secluded area, and there weren’t houses anywhere close and it was so dark.
My whole life I had nightmares about trying to leave this school at home time, but I couldn’t run quick enough, and it got late at night, and I was still trying to leave. Also, after this experience I remembered that so many times in my childhood where I almost went to this school alone at nighttime with friends, but it never ended up happening.
So, we got out of the car, and it was dark, and we walked inside to a main area in the school and there was barely any light, it felt like we were being watched in the physical the whole time when walking around. We went to a part of the school where I had spent many years and much time.
I saw a person in the physical standing from a distance and I saw them teleport to the left and then run to the right and move around so fast, it was completely supernatural but in the physical. (Satanists can do crazy manifestations in the physical with their witchcraft.)
I also saw another human shapeshift into a crow and then they flew around us making loud creepy bird noises. The presence of fear and evil was so strong in this place, and there were multiple people gathered here all doing creepy weird manifestations. We felt them all staring at us with extreme hatred.
My husband heard a loud growling noise and then said for us to go. We didn’t know of real spiritual warfare or deliverance at this time. (The enemy will try all methods to isolate anyone to devour.) 1Pe 5:8 Be sober, watch: the devil, your Adversary, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking to gulp down:
We turned to walk away and then this bright purple light sort of the shape of a human appeared from the distance and we still aren’t 100% sure what it was. We think it was either a Holy Angel protecting us, or a false light trying to distract us to stay.
Mat 18:10-14 See ye despise not one of these little ones: for I say unto you, that their angels in the heavens see at all times the face of my Father who is in the heavens.
12 How think ye? if any man come to have a hundred sheep, and one of them go astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains, and go and seek that which goeth astray? 13 And if he come to find it, Amen I say unto you that he rejoiceth over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray. 14 Thus it is not a thing willed before my Father who is in the heavens that one of these little ones perish.
We left and were safe praise God. It was later revealed to us that it was a coven of satanists gathering and that The Lord had many Holy Angels around us protecting us even though we were on the enemy’s territory.
I had a dream not long later where I saw that it was the satanists intention to kill us, but praise God that He protected us even in our ignorance. Jas 1:16 Be not deceived, my beloved brethren.
Some Have Lost their Place in God
Anonymous (David's notes in red)
I dreamed I was taking a walk and came upon a beautiful forest. The beauty of this forest was breathtaking; I just had to walk through this forest. What caught my attention was all the trees were beautiful. There wasn't an ugly tree in this forest. As I got into the middle of the forest, there stood an even more beautiful tree. I looked at my watch and saw that I needed to get home for dinner, so I left. But I decided I would return to this forest the next morning.
I got up the next morning and went back into the forest to once again see the beautiful tree in the middle of the forest. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me; it appeared this most beautiful tree had moved left of where it was the day before, but I wasn't sure. (Just a little compromising the Word leads to worse and then you can be gone. Satan was once beautiful in the garden of God. The goats move to the left, according to Jesus. Goats represent stubborn self-will. At the time of this dream, we were watching some people move to the left, away from God, toward unforgiveness, bitterness, criticism and faction. I have heard from other parts of the world that this is happening there, too, right now. It is the separation Jesus spoke of between sheep and goats.) So I looked around and found a nice-size rock and placed it by the tree and then I went home.
The next day, I returned back to the beautiful forest to check on this most beautiful tree. Sure enough, the tree had moved a few more feet to the left. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on with this tree. Once again, I found a rock and put it by the tree and left. This went on and on until this beautiful tree was completely outside the boundaries of the forest. I remember being sad for this tree. Also, I observed this tree wasn't the most beautiful anymore. It looked like any other tree you would see in the world. So I went home very sad.
The next day, I decided to go back and look at the once beautiful tree to see if there had been a change. My heart just sank when I saw that once most beautiful tree; it had completely withered. I went and got some water from a place I knew that was pure water. I put the pure water on that tree for many days but it didn't help. (The true water of the Word has no effect on them anymore, because there is no repentance. If this could happen to a once beautiful tree how much faster could it happen to a not so beautiful tree? Quite often it’s the not so beautiful tree that draws the beautiful tree away from the Kingdom.) Then I woke up.
This tree was once most beautiful and died a slow and progressive death, and lost its place in the forest because it wasn't beautiful anymore. I noticed it wasn't pushed out; it progressively moved farther to the left (away from God). (The offended cannot blame anyone for their unforgiveness. It is they who chose to separate. It is a matter of sowing and reaping what has been sown. God is not mocked: whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap.)
Our tongue can give life or it can give death. If we are not walking in holiness before the Lord, what happened to this most beautiful tree can happen to us and we won't look so beautiful before the Lord.
I have a very unsettling feeling in my spirit for the factious. I strongly believe the Lord is shouting at them to repent and He is not going to give them a lot of time and will possibly reprobate some! I pray for their speedy repentance. (Yes, many have run out of time.)
Kevin Kills Eve and Her Sisters
Heather Guinn 4/26/20 (David’s notes in red)
It was dark outside and I was inside a mall with my 3 girls and friend Petronique. All the shelves were empty and there was only one store open; JcPenney. People were rushing to buy things. (Its going this way now) My friend laid sleeping bags down for my girls to sleep on the floor that was close to the door.
I felt really thirsty. I told her that I was going to walk across the street to the Perkins restaurant and get some water. She looked at me and said, "Okay, but be careful." I told her I would. I started walking and the only light I could see was a street lamp on the right side of the building. There was a woman on the side of the hill behind the restaurant smoking a cigarette. (This is what she was to be careful of; the faction imparted by slander and witchcraft. Smoking represents partaking of unclean breath representing evil spirits Eve and sisters received from Kevin.)
She saw me and started to walk down. She was on the heavier side and had red hair. (Eve is dumbed down by their demons and full of fleshly desires put in her by Kevin. Kevin has always had lust and fornication. In her right mind Eve would never desire Kevin for she knew the great evil perversion of this man. Her sin was to go after her boys, contrary to God’s and my commands to her.)
We went inside the restaurant and it wasn't decorated like a traditional Perkins. It was smaller and was decorated with all old wood. I asked her for some water and she seemed really annoyed. (The factious spirits are annoyed with UBM people.) She said, "Wait here." She went up these narrow stairs to the right. I followed close behind her.
She began to panic as she noticed the white stand up freezer to the right was completely emptied of the meat it was stocked with. (This represents the righteous truth that should be preserved in a person’s life. She lost the spiritual meat of the word and ability to do the will of the Father when she was deceived by Kevin’s faction. She forgot about Cindy her friend, who was seduced into being a “rib wife” for the lusts of Doug Perry and left her husband and children to brainlessly be one of several wives in that cult. This man knows Kevin. They are kindred spirits.)
The left freezer was still fully stocked. (The leftist factious spirits and slander and hatred had replaced the truth.) She looked at me and I knew her thoughts without her saying anything. She was thinking that I distracted her and set her up for someone to steal the meat out. (She has Kevin’s demons injected into her by him and they always blame the righteous for their own sins.) She was like, "no, no, no, my boss (Kevin) is going to kill me for this." (He killed her by taking this from her as we will see.)
There was a door that was open to the left that had a small glass window in it. I peaked my head out and looked to see a long metal grate staircase. I then saw a heavy set man that was wearing a bright orange vest. (Kevin is very heavy and the orange represents your life is in danger from what is in his heart.) He began to walk up the stairs to get the rest of the meat. He was whistling and I felt the most evil presence from him. One I've never felt before.
(Kevin is her boss and is totally satanist. He stole the spiritual meat and was going back for more. Jesus said, “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me.” Meat also is the solid food of scripture that is for spiritual grownups. All of the faction had this meat stolen by slander, witchcraft, and faction spirits. They forgot everything they learned from UBM. They died to God.)
I put my head back in and the woman said, "Hide," so I hid behind the door. (Does she have enough heart left to warn this woman?) I saw him walk up and the woman said, "Hey you can't be in here." (He, by witchcraft and slander, entered her soul and stole her meat.)
He was suddenly behind her and stabbed her several times in the neck and killed her. (He stole her meat and spiritually killed Eve.) I was then asking God what I should do. Should I rebuke him? What should I do?
I then woke up in the natural briefly and was so disturbed but God took me right back to the dream in the same spot where I left off. I rose up, pointed my finger at the man and said, "God kill that man." He dropped dead immediately. (In this case a spoken Word from the Lord could give Kevin over to death for the murder of many like Eve and then the elect will be set free from his principality and their captivity will be over. The apostle got such a word for Annanias and Sapphira and they died for far less than Kevin’s murders and rapes have done.)
What Kevin Did to Eve and Sisters
Heather Guinn 1/10/23
It was nighttime and I was riding in a bus with a bunch of teenagers on this narrow mountainous road. I felt like I was my teenage self as well while on the bus. We were going to some camp-like place. (This represents a wilderness situation. An opportunity for teenagers to exercise faith and obedience for God to supply His benefits.) We arrived there and I was then my current age. (The wilderness is a place one can grow up fast for there is no means for self-sustainability forcing one to trust and obey God.)
I said I needed to use the bathroom. I go in and lock the door behind me for privacy. I walked slowly looking through the cracks of the stainless steel stalls. I get to the very end one and see a woman using the restroom. I knew it was Eve Brast. She looked at me and said, "What are you doing here?" (Some insight into Eve’s situation at that point. Obviously they ran into the faction but at least Eve is getting rid of some waste that is not needed in the body. We know she and those like her will make it. :0)
I then walked slowly back to the door to leave and unlocked it. (2Th 3:14 And if any man obeyeth not our word by this epistle, note that man, that ye have no company with him, to the end that he may be ashamed. Eph 5:11-12 and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them; 12 for the things which are done by them in secret it is a shame even to speak of.)
There were a bunch of ladies waiting in line. (Danger) I knew I wanted to go out on the dock to get to the water but had to go through this room where people were gathered. It was decorated in all wood. (Representing dead trees which represent dead people in the Word.)
A man was at the podium and said, "And this award goes to Eve Brast." (Kevin always wanted a position of authority even if it was over satan’s people so this is him.) She was sitting in the back and shot right up. She had short loosely curled blonde hair. (She has red hair so this is faking submission to the sun/Son; a fake Bride. If a satanist like Kevin rewards you, it is for pleasing his flesh to do evil.)
She was wearing a two-piece white outfit with her belly fat hanging out. (The flesh is still there at this point in the dream but we believe it is passing away. They will be free soon. She dines with Kevin regularly and he got huge from no restraint, just like his sex life.) She slowly ran up to the podium with her arms flared up like a prissy girl.
I walked out to the dock and the moon was shining bright on the water. I knew I was going to search the bottom to see what my husband had down there. (The light of the Son reflected into the water of the Word will reveal much. The moon glory represent death to self and 60 fold fruit.) The water looked completely still but when I got in, it was flowing quickly. (This is called living water.)
My husband (Representing Jesus) was then in the water with me (where the light was in the Word). I told him I needed oxygen (thinking it would be deep.) (Oxygen is life to the body as the Spirit is life to the soul. Breath and Spirit are often the same word.) He handed me the small oxygen tubes that they use in the hospital. I thought, "How the heck is this going to help me?" I grabbed it anyway.
I went down thinking I would find something but it was shallow and there was just sand there. (The sand on the seashore represents Abraham’s seed.) I got up out of the water and just hugged him. Then a clear condom goes floating by us. I thought, "What the heck is that doing in here?" (Kevin’s sin has always polluted the waters of the seed of Abraham but God drove him from us through faction. (He was not a beautiful tree as long as I have known him, but he drew away some beautiful trees.) His days of polluting us are almost up. I have prayed for him to repent but always get the same answer. In one dream he was killed trying to kill us and in another he was witnessed to go to hell when he died. Kevin just got caught stalking one of our women in her phone. Then he sent emails from her to insult her friends. He then sent me a nasty message from there. A woman who never did anything to him and served her fellow man sacrificially.)
Eve Resurrected
Heather Guinn 6/29/21 (David’s notes in red)
I was in a two-story house with my husband in a tiny room and it was nighttime. We were sitting down on a daybed couch. There was a little boy in a crib to the right. (Representing your fruit of Jesus in you.) I felt a very evil presence in the room. There were two smaller closets to the right that were completely pitch black. I then saw a little puppy that had a collar with a green light on it. (Puppies are small dogs capable of being big dogs and are not supposed to be among the righteous.) He started to go into the room and I said, "No puppy, don't go in there." It yelped and came out. The light on his collar then turned red and he became vicious. (He went into the darkness of Faction, which is vicious towards the saints and their own families.)
He lunged in my husband's face and almost bit him. The baby boy began to cry and suddenly there was a tall man with a long trench coat facing away from us. He picked up the baby, laid him across his arm and snapped his neck. (Kevin is antichrist, which hates the baby boy representing the fruit of Jesus in us and will kill that if one disobeys the warnings of scripture to forgive from the heart and avoid the factious.) I was then outside and there was the biggest moon I've ever seen shining upon this woman. (The reflected light of the sun/Son shining its glory on Eve.) The woman was slender with long red soft wavy hair. She was wearing a white lace dress. (Eve in a wedding dress, meaning she will be in the Bride as many dreams have shown.)
There was a bunch of zombie-like people (The faction are the walking dead seeking who they can kill to be like them.). They had the same red light collars on as the dog ravaging around. (They are vicious murderers.) One came up to me and bit down as hard as he could on my right hand but could not penetrate through the skin, so he went away. I then looked at her and asked her how she was being protected. She looked up at the moon and said, "I have a special protection." (The moon only reflects the light of the sun/Son. It doesn’t have its own glory and represents death to self. This is protection. “Righteousness delivereth from death.”)
Pro 29:16 When the wicked are increased, transgression increaseth; But the righteous shall look upon their fall. When they fall like Judas everyone knows who the wicked are.
Pro 17:4 An evil-doer giveth heed to wicked lips; And a liar giveth ear to a mischievous tongue. So the wicked are the ones who believe the slandering faction and they are cleased from the body.
The righteous will stand the test and grow stronger with more fruit.
Demonic Satanist Attack
Zoé Osegueda - 8/19/23
The past couple to few days I had been greatly under attack, have been fighting, and have felt a bit weak from the warfare. The attacks were very intense mental attacks that I was not in agreement with. I believe it was definitely faction witchcraft sent to me and/or the body because things that normally wouldn't bother me were magnified in my mind.
At this point I knew it was oppressive demons and not just temptations of the flesh. I felt like the enemy was trying to kill me and make me fall away, so I asked the Lord if there was witchcraft being sent against me to please show me, and then Zoé woke up from the following dream that very morning:
I had a dream that Lana told me that she was having a sleepover, and she invited me to come. I wanted my mom to come too, and so my mom came to the sleepover as well.
When it was dark, we went outside to look at the stars in the sky and I saw a lighthouse constellation. I said "Look, look! It's a lighthouse!" I was very excited because I had never seen that before. (A lighthouse is a guide to cause ships to avoid death on the rocks.)
After looking at the stars and constellations, it was time to go to bed, and we all slept together in Fio and Lana's bed.
While we were all asleep in bed, I had a dream that there were several ninjas dressed in all black, with red ties on the back of their heads, chasing and attacking my mom. (These are the colors of Anarchy. All satanists and especially factious people are in anarchy because they willfully break all laws of God and man.) I knew these ninjas were demonic and trying to kill my mom.
The ninjas had small swords in their hands and they were trying to slash my mom, until finally one got her and killed her.
Then I woke up from the dream in the dream, and I saw that my mom was still lying there in the bed with us asleep, and then I really woke up. End of dream.
My mom received by faith at random:
Psalm 72:4 He will judge the poor of the people, He will save the children of the needy, And will break in pieces the oppressor.
Kevin’s Reprobation
Anonymous - 8/18/23
During the morning prayer meeting, I was asking the Father if He could grant Kevin repentance to be like a Paul. I then said, to the Father "because he's going to hell in a hand basket."
After I said that, I had an open vision of a round black wicker handbasket that had a handle going across it with a black string tied to it. I saw a demon lowering the basket by the black string into a fiery hell slowly.
I knew Kevin was in the handbasket. I then saw the arm of Lord, He had black scissors in His hand. The Lord cut the black string that was attach to the basket, and the basket descended faster into the fiery hell.
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