
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
UBBS 8.2.2023 - Faction Cannot Prevail (8)
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Faction Cannot Prevail (8)
David Eells – 8/2/23
Impostor Seducer
Anonymous – 7/25/23 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamed this man came over leading another man and around 4 women that came and sat in the lake with us. (The lake represented peoples as in scripture in Revelations.) The leader man sat next to David and was acting to David as if he was best friends and acting so very friendly. (Kevin C. Rea did act this way. He was always an impostor seducing people to think he was a good person. For years he fell into every faction that came by to prove he was not.)
As soon as I looked in the leader man’s eyes, I saw demons of sexual lust and perversion. (The dreams of our men and women especially, proved this and they were fulfilled in his actions, but we treated him with love and did our best to help him change.)
His “personality” was like a salesperson that has much self-confidence and uses flattery and nice words to trick people to like him and to listen to him. He was that kind of person. (Yes, this is Kevin, he is selling himself as someone he isn’t, but the dreamer did not know him and when witchcraft and perversion was added to him because of this he used it to seduce women and a man.) I didn’t feel I could trust him at all, and he didn’t seem genuine, but it was like he had many faces that he would hide behind. (But this man was the type of man that many people were attracted to because of his false “qualities” which were just acting.)
David and Michael were genuine and kind to this man like they are with everyone, but they seemed to be weary also. (True) The leader man just talked so much as if he was with the UBM and as if he was really important and he had much pride. It was made known that the man with him was a close friend of his and he constantly stayed next to him shoulder to shoulder agreeing with everything he said. (This is Eddie Brast.) It seemed like he was in love with him. (This is true. He believed every lie Kevin told him and dreams and actions proved this was a bisexual relationship. The leader always hung out and spoke to the factious bisexuals and homosexuals from earlier factions.) But the 4 women had just met these guys at the lake.
The leader man then went and got these printed papers and they were stapled together. He handed out one each to all of us except Michael and David. I quickly skimmed through it, and it was basically all these pictures and words trying to convince the reader that this leader man is an awesome man and if you follow him and be friends with him, he will give you whatever you want or desire. But everything in there was highly sugar coated and naturally it looked innocent and good but what was really behind it was evil. (He is controlled by seducing acting demons and witchcraft. He is putting on a show.)
I overheard the 4-women saying they love it and a few of them desperately desired a husband and they thought they would get a husband from this. They thought everything would be perfect and they literally fell in love with this man just from reading these things. (This is a spirit of seduction and lust that he put on the women.)
I knew this whole thing was wrong and it was like a scam, so I went and asked this leader man a bunch of innocent questions relating to this book thing. All I did was ask questions, but his own answers basically exposed himself and his evil corrupt intentions. His evil was brought into the light from his own words in front of everyone there. He was then embarrassed about his sins being exposed in front of Michael and David and he told the others to follow him, and he quickly left without saying goodbye. (This is exactly what happened when he was revealed to our body.) The other man and the 4-women left with him. So, it was just us with Michael and David again. They were amazed that the man exposed himself and it confirmed the actions that the rumors had said about him. I then understood that that was the man the other Brethren were warning us about.
Anonymous 7/29/23
A word from the Lord, "Eve is to experience this path and trial. This is a teaching to help her learn and overcome. Much of the path taken is to show in a real demonstration of how vile this faction spirit is. Not only for her and her children, but for others who know and see where and what she has, and is currently going through.
The release and final conclusion where she will be able to come back, will occur. This will be the removal of Kevin and Eddie. (note: I then saw them both falling to the ground, while clutching their chests, as having a fatal heart attack. It was like a red lightning bolt went through them both at the same time. I know it was an Arch Angel, sent with power and authority, unstoppable might!) (The bolt of lightning could be the sign of judgement from God, but the physical death could be caused by the clot shot or the same poison in chemtrails, which often takes out the heart. I say this because we have other dreams about Eddie dying from snake poison coming upon him. This has been administered by clot shot and from chemtrails.)
It is here, Eve will be able to walk free from shackles and torment. Only from the final conclusive event that will occur. Pray for all of their souls. Do not rejoice. Have sorrow for all. I'm in suffering for each of them.
My dearest David, for you, I am with you in the physical and spirit. I know you anguish and desire for her and all the captives to be set free. Yet, this is a purification process for each. For you, especially, to trust Me implicitly and absolutely without any holding onto or second guessing. Have you any other options but My decision? It will come to pass and the time and understanding on what ensued it, not thought about. We will all celebrate together. Be assured completely. I have made a way."
Freeing The Children Of God
Anonymous 2021 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamt that I was standing in the lounge room of a man's house that I didn't know. The house was on a big property, and it had a large driveway and there was much space between the entrance of the property and the house. (This is representing the house of the satanists who have God’s people captive.) Behind the house was a yard but behind that was all bush like a national park. The whole property was fenced. (Representing captivity)
I went inside the house to get something, although I don't know what, and there were two men and a woman that lived there. (This is Kevin, Eddie and Eve in the spiritual house.) One man was the only one here right now and he went into a separate room to grab the item I was here for. (They were there for the children of God that were seduced with their slander and witchcraft holding them in captivity.)
I sensed something not right in the spirit about this place. I looked around the room and I saw what looked like a red cupboard door behind me. I walked over to it and opened it and I saw a yellow slide that went around in a circle leading down to the basement. (Yellow represents danger, hidden beneath the surface of their seductive smiles was captivity.) I slid down on the slide and landed in the basement where there were around a hundred children all crowded together. (Representing the children of God held captive by their demons.) There was barely any room between them, and they were all different ages (Spiritually speaking) from babies to young teenagers, boys and girls.
They didn't know who I was, and they never said anything to me but I knew this was wrong. I just felt in my spirit that these children didn't belong to these people, and they had been kidnaped and used for evil. I picked up two of the young children and I told the other children to pick up younger children and I told them to all follow me and I will take them away from this place.
There was a window that led out of the basement, and I opened it and helped all the children get out of it. (The window could represent the “open window to heaven” that we have to the Father’s throne of grace.) I was surprised that the children hadn't gone out the window themselves or tried to escape. To my shock when all the children were led out, they were all just standing there. I had expected them to have run off away from this place and to be rejoicing in their freedom. (The faction uses satanic brainwashing, slandering the righteous, telling them lies, mind control, manipulation, fear and threats to keep them in bondage.)
I told them all to follow me as quickly as they can and to run to the gate. Many toddler boys ran ahead of me towards the gate, some children walked or ran around me but many were still behind me. I kept encouraging all the children to keep walking as fast as they can and kept telling them that they will be going to a better place. (I am sure much of this will be done through warfare and prayers of faith.)
It was a long walk to get to the front gate. As I walked, I turned around and I could still see the house, I saw the two men and the woman standing on the deck and they were watching all of us. I thought they would run after us, but I heard them calling out to the children to come back. (Through witchcraft curses.)
Some of the children seemed to be confused whether to listen to me or the people back at the house. Some of the children were hesitant and stopped walking and I looked behind and asked them to keep walking and they didn't have to go back to that evil. A few of them looked at me but then turned back and walked to the house. (There is much confusion operating through the faction. These are spirits put on them through brainwashing, and confusion to keep them in captivity.)
I was still carrying babies and trying to encourage all the children to keep running towards the gate and not to look back. I was always calm and speaking in a gentle loving tone and I felt so much love for all of these children and I really wanted to protect them and get them to a safe place. However, so many more of them turned back and I was so confused about why they would want to go back. Maybe because they were not delivered from those spirits, and they were afraid to go somewhere they didn't know.
All the children, including the teens always had a neutral facial expression. They never said anything, and they didn't do anything without being told. (They are like a calf at a new gate.) They wouldn’t climb out the window and walk to the gate unless I told them, it was like they couldn’t do anything by their own will, but only by being instructed by someone else. (This is due to captivity to Kevin’s ruling demons over their individual demons. They are lifeless, with a lack of love. We must continue to pray against the faction and their witchcraft, casting down all their plans of evil devices and curses over God’s children. We must cast out witchcraft, voodoo, faction, criticism, lust, slander, and suspicion, demons from them. Distance does not matter.)
And they didn't go back to the house until they heard the voice from the people telling them to come back. It was very strange. (They have been conditioned and controlled with satanic ritual abuse and deception of slander.)
I just kept moving and encouraging the children to all keep walking and it was an easy walk to the gate. It was a little distance but there was nothing in the way. When we almost got to the gate I looked up to the sky and it was night, but I could see so many stars. But a giant strong wind started all around us and up above there were items flying around. I saw chairs and household items, leaves and many other random things flying high up in the sky from the strong winds and it felt as if a cyclone was close. (This could represent the war in the heavenlies as we do spiritual warfare against the enemy commanding the release of those in captivity. But satan and the faction have already been defeated for the elect’s sake! We need to continue to sing praises to God and rejoice in the release of all those being held captive in deception!)
I told the children to all go through the gate, but I looked around and saw all the teenagers walking or running back to the house. I called out to them to please not go back because they don’t deserve that evil. They didn't even look at me but kept going back to the house. (The older we are in the Lord the more responsible we are to go against our flesh, which is totally against their mindset. Also teenagers are more affected by the lure of sexual sins going on in this cult.) Most of the children that stayed with me and went through the gate were young babies around 5 years of age and some a little older. (Jesus said except you become as a child you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.)
We all then went through the gate and were all safe, but the majority of the children all went back to the house. (We were told that only a third of those who went into faction would return. These are the elect. Mat 19:14 But Jesus said, Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of the heavens.
Isa 49:25 But thus saith Jehovah, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered; for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.)
(This reminded me of the song: Enemy's Camp where we are to take back what the enemy stole from The Kingdom of Heaven.)
(An evil alliance of spiritual Edomites have come together to persecute Christians here and overseas. They will all go down as the Lord comes to judge them.)
Satanists Join Together to Murder Christians
The Catholic satanists with the help of JW spies have just bombed a funeral party in the Middle East killing Christians because they were converting people from their cult and eternal death.
Our first nasty email from a Catholic enforcer, probably a Jesuit, blamed their stabbing of our brethren to death, who did not resist them, on me because my books speak only the Bible truth and deliver their people from hell. So, he said they would do a black mass to kill me, which is witchcraft.
We just received the second nasty email from an enforcer of the Catholic religion bragging on the deaths in the Middle East and speaking of our own deaths in the local body very particularly.
The information could only have come from our satanist faction, who is guilty of those deaths by witchcraft, headed by Kevin C. Rea who hacks our phones and email and stalks our women. He uses witchcraft, voodoo, and faction to overcome the minds of our women so he can violate them. A practice common to satanists.
These two satanist groups have many things in common historically. They hate the scriptures and those who publish them. They both take advantage of women sexually and sacrifice children. In our case their children were sacrificed to bisexuality, satanism, and generally antichristian behavior, full of witchcraft and faction.
Operation Disclosure reported that the Alliance arrested many of the Cardinals and others, who were then tried and executed for molesting and sacrificing children. We were told the current pope is a look alike because he was prosecuted for the same thing and executed.
One search of the internet brings up the historic murder of multitudes of Christians by the Catholic Church. On the first page of the search there comes up these articles from which I briefly quote. Anyone can go to the same articles and many more to understand the full scope of these slaughters throughout their history.
How Many People Has the Catholic Church Killed?
“The Catholic Church is one of the most notorious and deadliest organizations in history. It has killed an estimated 1.2 billion people over its history, making it responsible for more deaths than any other institution. In addition to its murderous legacy, the Church has been accused of sexually abusing children and women for centuries.” (Note: This does not include all of the children of these murdered Christians who would have grown up to be Christians.)
Did the Roman Catholic Church Actually Persecute and Kill Other Christians?
Many today don't believe that the Roman Catholic church actually persecuted and killed other Christians and yet the record is clear it did.
Read on at this link to see the fuller story of the slaughter of multitudes of Christians by the Catholic Hierarchy:
“the Albigensians
the Bezirs
the Cathars
The Waldensians
The Spanish Inquisition
Spanish Netherlands
30 years' war against the Protestants
This does not include the persecution and killing of the Jews … Jews were enslaved, their property confiscated, and their children forcibly baptized. … When the Crusades began, thousands of Jews were slaughtered all through Europe as they marched to the Holy Land … Jews were exterminated by them in England, Spain, France, Poland, Germany, Bavaria, Austria, etc.
ISIS/ISIL Muslim fanatics have nothing on the persecution of Christians by the Roman Catholic Church.”
Did Catholics Kill Christians?
“Unfortunately, yes. The Catholic Church was prepared to kill members of any Christian group that threated their monopoly on power. The bloodiest example was the slaughter of the Cathars, a Gnostic Christian sect in southern France during the Middle Ages.
In 1099, the First Crusade, established under papal authority, took Jerusalem and massacred the population, regardless of whether Muslim, Jewish or Christian, saying that God could decide their fate in the next life. The People's Crusade of 1096 attacked the Hungarian city of Semlin and burnt Belgrade, before being escorted across the Bosporus by Byzantine guides…
It is well known that the Catholic Church instituted a pogrom against those accused of witchcraft, eventually resulting in the torture and execution of thousands of innocent women. (These demons like the enforcers always accuse the Christians of doing what they themselves are doing.) At first this could at least be justified by the superstition of the time. Gradually the inquisitions degenerated to the point that women were accused and executed so that their wealth could be seized, while in other cases they were allowed to go free in return for handing over property or for sexual favors. This is one of the saddest chapters in Catholic history.” (It seems they have graduated to molesting and sacrificing babies more today.)
The Catholic Church is A large part of the Harlot of Babylon. She is A mother of the harlot religions born from her, which are the traditional apostate protestant religions. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
Rev 17:1-6 And there came one of the seven angels that had the seven bowls, and spake with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the judgment of the great harlot that sitteth upon many waters; (I.e. Many peoples tribes and tongues. She is a harlot because she receives the seed of the world instead of Jesus.) 2 with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and they that dwell in the earth were made drunken with the wine of her fornication. (The political types always cater to the masses of duped religions.) 3 And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness: and I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet-colored beast (The one world political beast), full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, (Her favorite colors) and decked with gold and precious stone and pearls (Rich beyond her needs, while her people starve.), having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations, even the unclean things of her fornication, (She will be and do anything you want if it pleases her flesh) 5 and upon her forehead a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF THE HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. (She brought forth the harlot churches) 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints (She has murdered multitudes to hold her evil position), and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. (We have buried some of her martyred saints and of course it’s our fault to them. Duh) And when I saw her, I wondered with a great wonder.
Rev 18:1-3 After these things I saw another angel coming down out of heaven, having great authority; and the earth was lightened with his glory. 2 And he cried with a mighty voice, saying, Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, and is become a habitation of demons, and a hold of every unclean spirit, and a hold of every unclean and hateful bird. 3 For by the wine of the wrath of her fornication all the nations are fallen; and the kings of the earth committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth waxed rich by the power of her wantonness.
23 and the light of a lamp shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the princes of the earth; for with thy sorcery were all the nations deceived. 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all that have been slain upon the earth.
Rev 19:1-3 After these things I heard as it were a great voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, Hallelujah; Salvation, and glory, and power, belong to our God: 2 for true and righteous are his judgments; for he hath judged the great harlot, her that corrupted the earth with her fornication, and he hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. 3 And a second time they say, Hallelujah. And her smoke goeth up for ever and ever.
And now our satanist faction has joined with them and will receive of her plagues. They too are guilty of the blood of the saints.
I was raised a Catholic but left in my teen years. When I and my wife were later saved and started reading the Bible, we realized that we had been completely lied to about God. And that none of the people I knew in Catholicism knew, “You must be born again” and I witnessed that they were not by nature. It was a huge deception to keep people from the truth. My wife was almost a nun in her last year of training when she asked God if she was to come back the next year. He told her clearly “Get out of here and never come back”.
After she was saved and learned about the deception, she decided to go to a Catholic study to ask questions. When She brought up some of the history, the priest told her to “leave the skeletons in the closet.” If the root is rotten so is the tree.
She was dating two people at the time; one had studied to be a priest and then there was me who was to her a pagan :o) so she asked the Lord which one she would marry. To her shock He said, “David”. So, then she said, “Well you will have to save him” so He did, but not how she had expected. :o)
There is an exception to the rule in Catholicism. Some of the Catholic Charismatics are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit who is leading the elect out of the false traditions of men. My Mom was a catholic because she had that religious spirit connected to it. So being weak to the weak I took her to a Catholic Charismatic meeting and a nun in full habit locked eyes on her and came to ask her if she could speak with her in another room and she agreed so I went along. That nun was in disguise and preached the gospel to her straight as an arrow. LOL. It wasn’t long after that, that she was reading the testimony books on my bookshelf. PTL!
Anyway, the Catholics murder of some of our missionaries will have some good effects.
Vision of Middle East Brethren Maturity
Anonymous 7/28/23
I saw the Brethren in the middle east with extraordinary faith, and with no doubt hindering them, and knowing their power and authority in Christ, and knowing the Word spiritually and applying it.
They had Faith that the enemy can't even touch them, because they know the price paid and Who lives in them.
I saw demons trembling, because of the Faith they had, and because Jesus was manifested through them. It was not just their enemies trembling, but also the spirits in all those around them. They were in fear of Jesus in them, because He was so strong in them.
No weapon formed against them would prosper, and because they knew it is true, and they knew satan is under their feet, with no doubt.
The enemies' power will be taken away and given to the Brethren in full while on Earth.
While writing this down, the following came to me:
"I have a perfect purpose for the circumstances that have been happening with the Brethren in the Middle East. I Am teaching them many things and there is a great witness of My Truth through all of this. (I felt this witness was not just the Brethren but also their enemies and others seeing and knowing about it.)
Soon, great Faith will be poured out and manifested through them, and they will be strong in Spirit and My Word will be manifested and applied, and there will be greater miracles and power than you all expect."
Vision of Brethren Going To Be With Jesus
Anonymous 7/27/23
I saw a part of Heaven, and there were fields, and the grass was greener than any green in the physical. Everything else however, was like gold but in different colors, and it was all light.
Jesus was standing there looking behind me, and His giant arms were stretched out wide so welcoming and as if waiting for a hug.
I turned behind me, and saw numerous people; women, children and many men walking towards Jesus. They were looking around in extreme awe and joy and their skin and form were perfect, no blemishes or anything, they were perfect and whole.
There was no more evil, no more curse or suffering, only joy. They knew they were home. They were only fully Jesus now and they were greeted and welcomed, and Jesus was the most joyful that they were now there with Him, one with and in Him. It was as if Jesus had waited forever for that moment of them coming to Him. It felt as if Jesus’ heart towards them all, "good and faithful servants". But they were each so unique and special and Jesus needed each of them and that each individual was so greatly treasured and precious and loved and needed to be with Him.
I then felt they are all one in Christ now and all our Brethren but Jesus, and the Father the most, are awaiting for us to be 100% reunited with them.
Enemies Turning to Jesus
Anonymous 7/30/23
As I was in a state of being half awake and half asleep when I saw a man who was one of the leaders of the false Christian killers in the Middle East. This man was very influential, and everyone looked to him, and he had zeal for the “Christianity” he believed in, but he was ruthless.
I saw God open his eyes to see the Truth of the Word and he truly repented for all the evil he had done, and God completely changed him. He was sharing the Truth with the others that looked up to him in the false Christianity religion and some were so awed and shocked at this man’s big change, and I knew they would see The Real Truth too.
I saw there were others who were so angry and filled with such hatred, but by God changing this leader, he became an incredible witness to all those who were under him and looked up to him.
I knew that this was going to happen. It was so awesome and amazing to see. I was then reminded of Saul/Paul and how Jesus woke him up to the Truth. He had killed many followers of Jesus, just like this man had and that he will come to the Truth too.
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