
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
UBBS 8.25.2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Preserved From the Beast (10)
David Eells - 8/25/21
Storm Coming
First of all the information I am sharing today can be changed by Father at any moment and some of it could be disinformation to get a certain response from the enemy. We are being warned by insiders that a fake WWIII nuclear scare scenario is about to happen between US, Russia, CCP, Iran, Israel, and of course other nations choosing sides and it may be started with Afghanistan. This would give an excuse to activate all militaries which would then turn and come against the DS. This unity is made possible by their desire to have the great benefits of Gesara. They would use the Rod of God and other means on well known DS satanic landmarks that are hiding underground tunnels for the elites known criminal activities. A blackout for 10 days to switch over to Tesla Free energy and the Starling Satellites recently put up could begin more concentrated declass of DS criminal activities to multitudes world wide. Martial Law would come till countries could have free elections by blockchain vote using cellphones and computers.The EBS, emergency broadcast system would broadcast these things into homes by TV. During all this there would be a massive roundup of the DS. They want people in their homes watching declass and out of the way.
Past Prophesies Now Coming to Pass?
Gordon Bornman - 8/13/21 (David’s notes in red)
(These revelations appear to be strong confirmations too.) I do not personally hear from the Lord on many prophecies, but I have kept a calendar of various prophecies that mention dates in them since 2004. My belief has been that the date may be correct, but the people did not know the year so they thought it was the next occurrence of a given date. (I have said the same thing about prophecies without the year included many times.) Then, when the prophecy was not fulfilled, people thought it was a false prophesy. I believed that these were for later years and now, several prophecies about a nuclear explosion in Washington DC and closure of US banks converge for Monday, October 11 2021, Columbus day. (As we will see, the Rod of God is planned to be used on the capitol building in DC with nuclear type explosions. They could do this when officials are gone on “recess” but many will be and are being arrested and some executed. They could do it on a 9-11(Oct 9-11) to show payback to the DS who planned the original 9-11.
Back when Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait in the Gulf war a son of a woman in our meeting had a dream that the retaliation of a nuclear bomb would destroy Hussein’s army. The way it worked out was that they used fuel air bombs to kill them in their trenches. But the news reported it as the equivalent of a nuclear bomb. So you see sometimes we have spiritual equivalents. This attack on D.C. could be a nuclear equivalent.)
One look ahead, a confirming warning sign from David Wilkersons prophecy about Germany defaulting on its international debt and then 2 weeks until US banks close comes to mind. If we see Germany default on its international debt on or about Monday, September 27th, then it would seem to me to be a confirmation that 2021 is the year and Oct 11th will likely include some nuclear device (or equivalent) in Washington DC and long-term closure of US Banks, a giant earthquake somewhere, and possible shutting down of all utilities, etc. (Under NESARA/GESARA, which we are now under, the banks are useless. You could say that they’re on a holiday. The money is stored in the treasury and withdrawn by a card. Many banks are shutting down now and many more to come. We have one down the road the police took over for their own use, very hush hush. The banks that survive will be to advise the people on their economic endeavors. Utilities will change now to Tesla free energy which is being installed all over the country. Sub-stations and adjustments on the poles are being changed now. Gas utilities will be shut down as needless. Power generated electricity from dams will be over.)
Gordon said, "Here are my notes on several of these old prophetic words":
Oct 11th: On August 1, 2009, Vincent Xavier prophesied in a piece called "DC the Heart" that a nuclear bomb will be detonated in Washington DC on October 10th-12th. It would be over a holiday weekend so none of the officials were in DC. In 2021, Oct 11 is Columbus day on a Monday of a 3-day weekend.
2021 - Oct 11 - Columbus Day - Harlock's Dream, September 2008
I had a dream last September (much before I heard about David Wilkerson) about a city with a name that has something to do with the letter D and lots of water surrounding it, though not an island. (They flooded Washington D.C. to flood the underground tunnels and city of the D.S.) In my dream I was looking out a picture window in the home of a friend and saw a nuclear explosion in the heart of the city. I immediately left the house and got to the city by crossing numerous highways and lots of water. I was lifted up and saw a huge crater the size of a stadium and knew that it was not a terrorist attack, but had been organized from within. (The ANON Military has said they will use the Rod of God on many DS satanic buildings around the world and the capitol building in DC and the Washington Memorial, which the satanists have claimed as their own, are two of them. There is a lot of other satanic symbolism surrounding the area. It is also "organized from within”. The rods, made of tungsten carbide, are telephone pole sized rods, traveling from space based platforms at thousands of miles an hour and make nuclear type explosions but with no radiation. It can travel through the earth very deeply and penetrate to destroy the DS underground city beneath DC. This is said to be soon to come.)
I knew that I had to get back to the house, so I ran back as fast as I could, knowing that men in some kind of uniform were chasing me. I got almost to the house and was accosted by the men and fought for a bit and then woke up. I prayed for seven days with no answer to my prayers concerning the DC attack. On the seventh night, I received this simple message, and woke immediately, with clarity. "They will do this on a new holiday they have created so their people will be out of town." (There are no Muslim holidays in October. Columbus Day is October 11th in 2021- Columbus Day weekend is October 9-11. This national holiday was made official by Nixon in 1974. That is new for a national holiday.) (Not surprisingly, this revelation is no longer found on the original website probably because they assumed it didn’t come to pass.)
October Surprise? Posted in 2012: (John Koyle, who was born in 1864, had a main prophecy in regards to the last days and the collapse, was that in the Fall, on the weekend when the banking holiday falls on a Monday (and he did not specify if it would be a regularly scheduled banking holiday or one scheduled all of a sudden), that one would wake up in the morning, and all the utilities would be shut off. (We have heard that we should have food and water for the coming 10 days of darkness and that during this time, they would shut off the electricity, they would be arresting DS operatives and replacing our electrical grids with Tesla free energy. We were told by friends in Africa that energy fluctuations are happening there as they are here and their electricity is down today.) The only regularly scheduled banking holiday in the actual Fall is Columbus Day.) https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/sep2012/ruby928.htm
2012 - Oct 11 - Posted on GLP 10/7/12 - Watch Out For October 11th. There is a guy in Russia by the name of Artjom Dragunov. He has a blog but its in Russian. Translation: "Waiting for October 11 +/- one day. Earthquake 37th parallel or close by. In the line from Lisbon to Fukushima. Echo will be in Los Angeles or more likely San Francisco. I worry especially about places where already was strong quakes like - Lisbon , North Italy, Kavkaz region, Romania, Fukushima. In the USA I predict bad things. Something geological or man made. Later, there will be patriotic speeches wrapped in American flag as usual.” (This guy is very popular in Russia. The guy got in some sort of bike accident and afterwards he started seeing graphic dreams about catastrophes and global events before they happen. Anyway, he predicts that Japan is super hosed and this nuclear disaster is nothing compared to what is coming to them. Also that Turkey wants to re-establish their empire and they will try but they will not succeed. Something will happen in France soon. And he just wrote to watch out for October 11. He warns people to stay low and with a family. What will happen and where, he couldn't tell. Time will tell and if anything, you will remember this guy.) (This link has also been removed from the original website probably because they assumed it didn’t come to pass.)
Oct 9 -11 Dream by Eric DeJesus on Sept 18
I was standing on a very large calendar in the month of October. And in the square of October 9th was a black and red check mark and on the 10th square a circle of red and black. The 11th block was covered with a black and red cloud. I then began to shrink into the calendar until I was inside the October 10th square. I noticed that the black and red circle was actually a ring of fire consisting of red blood and black sack cloth. I cried out to the Lord, "I don't belong in this trap.” Immediately, I was returned to normal size. Then a voice from heaven said, "Separate." So I moved away from the calendar and again a voice from heaven said, "They will assemble on the 9th, proclaim it on the tenth, and mourn on the 11th." End of dream. (Oct 9-11 corresponds to the 3-day weekend in 2021.) (The chasing of the Christians is by the DS but they are going to the Red Sea :o)
It’s looking increasingly likely that President Trump, and the military, that still answers to him, made a secret deal with the Taliban to lure the "Biden administration" into the tar pit trap you’re seeing now in Kabul. Many more such snares lie ahead. Patriots war-gamed everything by super computer and rigged the field so that the fraudulent administration could step on landmine after landmine until it runs out of breath, so that the people, could pry their stolen Republic from its cold dead hands.
So what we’re hearing is that the black swan event is when it all starts with financial collapse. The Bitcoin data mining center under the Three Gorges Dam will be hit with the Rod of God along with their sex trafficking center. The 24-28 Nuke Reactors will be hit with Rods of God along with the reactors and Deep Underground Military Bases and tunnels. We are told that all of this is being directed by a fifth generation super computer and that it is calculating the enemies moves into its predictions. When the enemy makes moves it recalculates, so these things can be altered, especially timing. God is sovereign over super computers too.
We are hearing that the star-link satellite system which is up and running is about to take over the old transmission system including the 5G, which will cut out the MSM. They have been saying that the new internet/phone system will be safe for the users. (i.e. radiation wise and possibly hacking wise) Lets pray and hurry them along. Don't worry about the Taliban, who are wiping out the DS government and bankers and the pedophilia satanists in Afghanistan and bringing down the opium trade and rich resources that would have gone to China. Trump negotiated with them… The Taliban have been excluded from NESARA until they tow the line. Pray for the Christians there to have the fear of the Lord and turn from Babylonish religion.
Get ready for the Rods of God on 3GD, big crash of the economy and food shortage and fear of the Lord leading to the harvest.
Government Created Food and Energy Shortages
David Eells - 8/22/21
In a video that is circulating on Youtube, the Government has been actively engineering a food and energy shortage as we speak. The Biden administration introduced the 3030 bill saying that it is a climate change or conservation bill. They are planning on taking 630 million acres across the U.S. by 2030. (Bill Gates has been buying up farm land all over the world to sideline it so that it can’t be used for farming.)
The USDA and the Dept. of Environmental Equality is sending out letters to all the farmers, telling them that they will pay them 1.5 times the price of crops to destroy them and that they will not receive government subsidies if they refuse to destroy their crops. (This actually started back at least a couple of years ago.)
The Dept. of Hydrocarbons is also sending out notices to the oilers telling them to do the same with the crude oil; telling them to dump their storages of crude onto lease roads and field roads and the like, in order to ’stabilize’ oil prices. If they control our food and energy what freedom will the American people have left?
Also, there are rows and rows of shipping container vessels just sitting of the coast at major U.S. ports. Once the shipping containers are finally unloaded from the ships, the ‘higher ups’ are hindering the movement of goods that are being unloaded from the shipping containers into the distribution warehouses. The goods themselves are sitting for over a month just waiting to be unloaded from the containers and then they are just sitting at the warehouses. The directive is to quote, ‘Let it sit.’
Over in Europe and the U.K. the government is buying up all the fresh food and produce and destroying it to create a food shortage there as well. Link: https://youtu.be/LMUrnRqt9MQ
30 Minute Mark?
No Food Shortages in the Kingdom
Winnie Osegueda - 8/19/21 (David’s Notes in red)
I dreamt I was in my mom's house preparing food for my family. (Winnie’s mom here represents the ancient or original church the our founding fathers which the apostles started when Jesus sent them forth.)
Chuc and my mom were there. I was cooking steak of different kinds and it was very tender and good when I tasted it. Some pieces were almost purple looking and I thought that was interesting. I was cooking the cut-up steak pieces in a broth, but I had some concern because there wasn't a whole lot of steak in the broth, so I wondered if there would be enough for my family (Famine). (Yes, the Government is actively engineering a food and energy shortage as we speak.)
I was using a slow cooker or Crock Pot and I had the pot of steak cooking in the sink under soapy water, and apparently that was normal because no one said anything about it. How it was cooking so well in the water, I don't know lol. (I thought of the food being clean/pure as I pondered on the dream later.) (This slow cooker represents the fiery trials of life that burn up the wood, hay, and stubble. Jesus said, My meat is to do the will of the Father.)
Then there was a knock and other family members of mine were at the door. It was my sister, Karen, her husband, Vinny, and my cousin Oscar. I had joy and love in my heart when I saw them and I went to hug them (They represent our brethren in Christ)... (In the natural, Winnie’s family may be fleeing NY city before too long. But also, spiritually, the elect of God will be coming out of Babylonish religion and seeking the real Jesus in the Man-child and Bride companies in the wilderness tribulation that is partially being engineered by the DS satanic elites currently. We will be able to provide the starving masses with physical and spiritual food.)
I told my family that dinner was ready, but I then realized I forgot to make the rice, so I told them it would be 5 more minutes, as the rice needed to absorb the water. (In order for the food to be ready it must be saturated by the Water of the Word.) Vinny was a bit impatient because he was ready to eat. I dont remember seeing my cousin Oscar at this point, so I don't know if he came inside or not. (NY is one of the worst places to be in a food shortage. The warehouses have a ‘just in time’ supply chain which can’t handle any disruptions. They could get hungry along with a lot of other cities. Although this could be a temporary problem and they are saying the military is going to feed people, If possible people should come out of the cities like Winnie’s family did in this dream because bigger problems are coming down the road and the big cities are always the ones that suffer the most.)
Please remember when you read this that no one has isolated the Co/vid, even the CDC has no sample of it and the va/cc/ines have no description of the contents all of which should make everyone suspicious.
Lambda and B.1.621: New CO/VID Variants Could be the Worst Yet, Doctor Warns
WFLA Channel 8 Florida: Allen Levine - 8/19/21 (David’s notes in red)
"At least two new CO/VID/-19 variants have hit the United States and they could be worse than the Delta variant in their infectiousness and ability to stand up to vac/cin/es, according to a top medical authority.
The lambda variant, along with another one so new it doesn’t even have a Greek letter name yet, are the causes of concern, according to Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Vac/cine Research Group at the famed Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. So far, the new variant has been called B.1.621.
There now are about 1,500 known cases of the lambda virus mutation in the United States, Dr. Poland said to WPIX.
“What makes it dangerous is that it’s highly infectious and can resist some of the vac/cine-induced immunity and spread easily between people,” he said. (Its been proven that their is no immunity to what they are calling Cv-19. None of the variants are happening naturally. They are being reproduced inside their vac/cin/ated hosts. All of the variants according to Judy Mikovits are what are called re-combinants of the original spike proteins.) Virus variations compete for supremacy and the stronger and most resistant forms are the ones that take over and become the most common strains. With relatively few U.S. cases so far, Dr. Poland said it’s not yet clear that lambda will supplant the delta variant sweeping so much of the country. But he pointed out that lambda is now responsible for about 88% of all CO/VID-19 cases in Peru “and has really started to spread through South America.”
Health Authorities Pushing Booster Shot Extermination Plans
to Hurry and Kill the Masses Before They Fully Awaken to the Co/vid Scam
Mike Adams (Natural News) - 8/20/21 (David’s notes in red)
For anyone paying attention, it’s abundantly obvious now that the entire Co/vid “plandemic” scam is a global depopulation scheme to scare people into taking spike protein bioweapons shots (“vac/cines”) that will kill them over time. What the globalists didn’t anticipate, however, is the rapid awakening to the truth that’s now spreading like wildfire across the landscape of medicine and science. With more doctors, PhDs, nurses and health care workers waking up and blowing the whistle every day, the globalists are in a panic to hurry up and kill the masses before the “normies” catch on to the vac/cine depopulation scam.
Hence the mad rush into a so-called “booster” shot which of course contains yet more spike protein bioweapons to accelerate mass death across the planet.
The globalists are so desperate to scare people into taking booster shots that they’re now openly admitting the existing Co/vid vac/cines are failing and simply don’t provide lasting protection at all.
In a truly astonishing admission of all this, the New York Times ran an article yesterday entitled, “Israel, Once the Model for Beating Co/vid, Faces New Surge of Infections.”
The article openly admits that Co/vid vac/cines given to 2.5 billion people around the world no longer work very well, and that the people who took those vac/cines are now the ones getting sick and dying…
Even the CDC director has now abandoned the original promise of Co/vid vac/cines.
Remember the original narrative about how vac/cines would provide absolute, permanent immunity and protection against Co/vid? That narrative has now collapsed. Even the NYT is no longer claiming the vac/cine provides lasting immunity of any kind.
But it gets worse: The C-D-C’s director, Dr. Walenksy, is now openly admitting that vac/cines increase the risk of sickness. They not only don’t work, they actually make sickness worse. Here’s nine seconds of Walenksy admitting this:
This means that as the initial wave of vac/cines inflicts accelerated sickness and death among the 2.5 billion world citizens who have already been jabbed, we’re going to see a wave of hospitalization and fatalities among the vac/ci/nated. (The world’s hospitals will be overwhelmed.)
Dubbed “breakthrough” cases by the fraudulent mainstream media, these are really the result of vac/cine “kill shots” that are designed to reduce the human population.
But people are waking up to the scam, so they’re hurrying their push for booster shots to kill off the masses before they revolt
Because of all the deaths, injuries and outright fraud committed via P-C-R-diagnosed “cases,” the people of the world are rapidly awakening to the astonishing truth of all this: It’s a scam to achieve global depopulation and authoritarian control over humanity.
As the lockdowns intensify, the people are taking to the streets and demanding an end to the scam. With hundreds of thousands now protesting in France, the establishment there is locking unvac/cinated people out of grocery stores, seeking to literally starve out the un-vac/cinated. This will only serve to wake up the people even faster, adding to the levels of discontent that are now exploding across the planet.
We have arrived at a tipping point. Humanity is awakening at an accelerating rate, so now the globalists are trying to exterminate people as rapidly as possible to stop the spread of truth. Get full details in today’s Situation Update podcast, along with news about the government-initiated nursing shortage that’s already worsening. Link: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-20-health-authorities-pushing-booster-shot-extermination-plans-to-hurry-and-kill-the-masses.html
There is some things we do not agree with in this article but we share it for information purposes.
Surgeon General: FDA Co/vid Vac/cine Approval Will Likely Lead to More Vac/cine Man/dates
Epoch Times - 8/23/21 (David’s notes in red)
Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy told Fox News on Sunday that the FDA’s final approval of the Pfizer vac/cine will likely result in more businesses and universities initiating vaccine mandates to prevent the spread of the virus.
“The full approval of the Pfizer vac/cine … is important for a couple of reasons, … number one, there were some people who may have been waiting for this and who may come off of the fence, so to speak, to get vac/ci/nated. So it may help to increase vac/cination rates to some extent, but I also think that there are universities and businesses that have been considering putting in vac/cine requirements in order to create a safer workplace or learning environment,” said Murthy. Adding, “And I think that this announcement from the FDA would likely encourage them and make them feel more comfortable in putting such requirements in place.”
The FDA approved the Pfizer-BioNTech CO/VID-19 Vac/cine on Monday, after less than a year of emergency approval. Acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock, reassured the public about the safety of the approved vac/cine.
“While this and other vac/cines have met the FDA’s rigorous, scientific standards for emergency use authorization, as the first FDA-approved CO/VID-19 vac/cine, the public can be very confident that this vac/cine meets the high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality the FDA requires of an approved product,” said Woodcock in a press statement Monday.
Meanwhile, there has been push-back from Republicans against vac/cine man/dates, citing civil liberties afforded under the U.S. Constitution. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), told health officials that the FDA approval for vac/cines should not be rushed and appears to be for political purposes.
On Sunday, Johnson sent a letter to Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C-D-C), and Woodcock, on the FDA’s decision not to hold a formal advisory committee meeting prior to full approval of its Co/vid-19 vac/cine.
“I see no need to rush the FDA approval process for any of the three Co/vid-19 vac/cines,” the senator wrote. “Expediting the process appears to only serve the political purpose of imposing and enforcing vac/cine man/dates. The observational phases of FDA approval take time because there is no substitute for time in detecting and determining possible long-term harm.”
Johnson said the Vac/cines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) should have been allowed to convene before the FDA approved the vac/cine.
“Since the FDA’s last VRBPAC public meeting, in addition to the VAERS data, there have been a number of safety concerns raised by highly qualified medical professionals and researchers,” wrote Johnson.
The Senator said that federal agencies should take more time to observe the vac/cines and provide more information to the American public about the vac/cine's effectiveness. Link: https://www.theepochtimes.com/surgeon-general-fda-vaccine-approval-will-likely-lead-to-more-vaccine-mandates_3961224.html?utm_source=pushengage
(I do believe that the Trump administration is showing the world the satanic depopulation schemes of the DS before the military brings him back to turn all this around.)
Some are saying President Trump is pushing his own vaccine with beneficial ingredients like hydroxychloroquine but don't take any chances, go with God’s Vaccine.
Dr. Zelenko Warns 75% of Vaxxed Could Be Dead in 3 Years | Health | Before It's News
The only autopsy on one who died from Co/vid: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-03-autopsy-vaccinated-covid-spike-proteins-bodily-organs.html
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