
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
UBBS 8.27.2023 Walk in Heavenly Places by Faith (6)David Eells
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Walk In Heavenly Places By Faith (6) David Eells - 8/27/23 Our Enemies Are Made Tiny Marie Kelton 8/7/23 During the meeting I was dealing with anxiety. I then had an open vision of a big scorpion (fear) attacking my spirit man. I then saw the Lord Jesus and He was really big. The Lord picked up the scorpion and it was really small in His hand. The Lord crushed the scorpion. (The enemy always wants us to think he is bigger than he is. We need to remember the truth and how Jesus already destroyed our enemies at the cross, and He has given us authority to plunder his kingdom and take our promised land.) Luk 11:21-23 When the strong man fully armed guardeth his own court, his goods are in peace: 22 but when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him his whole armor wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils. 23 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. (Scorpions will attempt to cause us to scatter, to run in fear, but we must fight and make war against them.) I had another open vision of me sitting next to the Lord in heaven; He was huge but I was huge also. (We need to see ourselves as seated in the heavens which is abiding in Christ. Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ: 1Jn 4:4 Ye are of God, my little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. And verses 17-18 Herein is love made perfect with us, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as he is, even so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love: but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath punishment; and he that feareth is not made perfect in love. The Lord then passed the scorpion from the vision above to me which was really tiny in my hand. I knew he wanted me to crush it. (Luk 10:19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall in any wise hurt you.) Php 4:13 I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me. Psa 18:34 He teacheth my hands to war; So that mine arms do bend a bow of brass. Psa 144:1 A Psalm of David. Blessed be Jehovah my rock, Who teacheth my hands to war, And my fingers to fight:
Lost Keys – Found! Samuel Fire - 2022 I lost my car keys and I searched everywhere I could for them. I searched everywhere; including to stop the wash cycle in the washing machine, pull all the clothes out and I still couldn’t find them. I then spoke to Tianna about it and she said to go and ask God where they are because He knows. So, I stopped, calmed down and prayed and not long after, I insisted that I heard birds say, “In the washing, in the washing”. But because I had already looked in the washing machine, I was confused. Being obedient, I went and looked there again, but this time I felt to look in the lint rubber guard and there they were, praise God! Always seek Him and He will help you and we can’t do anything in our own strength.
He Passed Out, Twice Tianna Fire 12/30/22 I went to the toilet, and I heard a loud thud, and I ran to the kitchen and Samuel had passed out and fallen face down on the tiles. I tried to speak with him but he was unresponsive for a while but then he was able to get up, but he had no knowledge of what had happened or why or where he was or what he was doing. He couldn’t remember much long-term stuff, or short term and kept forgetting things around every 30 seconds. All day and for some of the next day he would ask the same basic questions repeatedly many times, such as, “Where are we, what age is our son, what year is it, why is he in pain?” He seemed to have forgotten so much and couldn’t remember anything. A few days after his memory returned to normal, he still couldn’t remember what happened and the day of him passing out. This was a big trial of my patience with being kind in having to answer the same questions repeatedly, over and over and over, every 30 seconds or so, and helping Samuel to do things. It was also a big trial with battling fear in giving into sight, because he wasn’t remembering and was extremely confused and had physical pain in his head and throughout his entire body. Brethren prayed for us, and praise God after that I had an abundance of joy come over me and I was able to be joyful and thankful to our Father for this situation. And with God’s grace, it was so very much easier to be patient and kind in having to answer the same questions over and over. I was able to laugh in a joyful loving way with God creating this situation, because I have prayed before for God to give me the gift of patience. After that grace of joy, God gave me faith to just continue doing the normal things we usually do, and it was easier to just ignore the physical symptoms. By Gods’ grace, Jesus through Samuel even drove us to the shop, even though Samuel didn’t know the directions, despite having driven there more times than we can count, and that it was only 3 streets away. He didn’t even remember any of this day. By Gods’ grace I didn’t receive the enemies’ thoughts or fear of Samuel fainting while driving or something going wrong. But I wanted to just believe that God was in control and that Jesus had healed Samuel and to continue our normal day that Samuel was healed at the cross and he could drive us to the shops. It was ALL God. The whole day Samuel was asking the same questions over and over about every 30 seconds, and the next day wasn’t as bad, and his memory was a little better although he still didn’t remember much and was asking the same questions. I ended up writing down the answers to all the questions he kept asking so he could just keep reading the whiteboard and get the answers. Around every 30 seconds to a minute, he would re-read the white board and have funny expressions because he was confused and shocked at the answers because he couldn’t remember. For example, he couldn’t remember that our son is around a year of age as he thought he was only a few months old. When he read our son is a year old, he would have a shock reaction and it was pretty funny. God is so awesome. The next day Samuel passed out again in the morning. Then in the afternoon he passed out again while he was in the other room praying upstairs. I heard the loud thump, and I ran over to him, and he was lying on his back on the ground. He had smashed his head on the drawers as they had been moved and parts of it broken and then fell on the ground. Samuel’s eyes were open staring but not moving and I tried to speak with him, but he didn’t respond for about 30 seconds. He then was able to respond but he was really confused as to where we were and why, and why I was there as he thought that “years” had gone by and we were living a completely different life; he had had a vision. Samuel was in a lot of physical pain and the brethren prayed for us and the physical pain left minutes after. He improved much quicker this time, and a little later, his memory returned that he had of the vision and the details of it started to come back. The following day his memory was almost back to normal apart from not remembering the first day when he fainted and he was physically better, praise our God! ALL GLORY TO OUR INCREDIBLE AND FAITHFUL FATHER! Thank You Lord that You are in control, and everything is for Your Glory and Praise!
Demons Trying To Cause To Stumble Anonymous 5/29/23 I had been battling dizziness for about a week and I had it again just a while ago. So, I went to look up on the internet possible reasons why I could be dizzy. I then heard two demons speaking with each other and they were saying how they have been trying to get me to wonder, and question why I have this dizziness and to then look it up. I realized that when I begin to question “Why?” I am doubting God and giving into unbelief, which then gives them a legal right to afflict me more. When I search on-line, looking things up of possible causes, I am trusting man and the flesh, this also allows them to continue these attacks. I knew then if I just stand in faith, trusting God and knowing that He is in control of this, when I overcome questioning God, doubt, worry and giving into the lying symptoms, then it will all go away, and the devils can no longer afflict me. They can only afflict me when I give them a legal right. After getting this revelation, I had doubt that what I saw was real and my flesh still wanted me to look up what could be causing the dizziness. I paused thinking for a few moments on what I should do as my flesh really wanted to know why I could be dizzy, in physical carnal terms. Then God spoke to me so clearly and said, "Are you really going to still do that knowing it's fallen angels wanting you to do it?" I closed the tab and got off my phone. I want to stop wondering “why?” I’m having these symptoms and just rest, because God is in control.
Eight Day Deliverance Donna Loftus
Dear Michael, You said to send in testimonies that pertain to the angels or the Word of the Lord. Well, this is mine that came by word of the Lord. I did not get the e-mail about fasting for the 8 days. So, when I heard about it later, on the podcast, I was very disappointed and grieved but God used this to help motivate me into action. So, I did some fasting and drew near to God and he delivered me from overeating. I’m just not hungry like I used to be. I have lost some weight and I’m drawing much closer to the Lord. He also gave me a vision of a body of water and a cross submerged into water about 3/4 down. (Which I believe He was showing me the water of His word devouring the curse in my life.) Also, a word I got from the Lord was, “Stand, Guard and see the salvation of the King!” Hallelujah!!
Father Confirms Spiritually and Physically Job Status Isaac Payne - 7/31/22 I wanted to share a testimony that happened to me that was quite miraculous. I'll start with the events that led up to this testimony. For some time now, I have been overburdened with my job. I say this not to complain, but with the hope of using the situation to glorify Father. However, my role and responsibility at work has dramatically increased and my compensation has not. Compensation is not something I really think about, Thank God! See, what John the Baptist said to the soldiers. Luk 3:14 And the soldiers asked him, saying, And we, what must we do? And he said unto them, Extort from no man by violence, neither accuse anyone wrongfully; and be content with your wages. Back to the responsibilities, there are different levels of engineering reaching up to a senior level engineer which is a level 5 role. I am at a level 2, but doing a level 3 & 4 job. This role requires supervising installation integrators, ordering parts, building the electrical schematics, designing the PLC code and Human machine interface, leading the project, collaborating with contractors and the client, and traveling to site to commission and implement the equipment to the customer and perform acceptance testing. Other projects of this type of scope will have about 15 people to help, but in these projects, it has been just me. Father placed me in this job right as Covid was hitting the United States. This job has been wonderful for me spiritually, especially while being on the road and experiencing my own personal wilderness and Father using this to put to death the old man. The last few months, I've been thinking that my time was done at this position. Traveling for extended periods of time are hard on a family. It is very hard to leave and say bye to the kids as they cry wanting me to stay home. Marianna and I have been praying that Father would reveal to me what I should do concerning my job. During that time, I had multiple dreams confirming to me that my time was done at this job, and I wasn't being hasty because I can say Father has given me the strength to endure during my tenure here at this company. I'll keep the dreams very brief and explain the summary. In one dream I was running a road race. I believe it was a 5K road race. There were other runners in the race, but for some reason I didn't see them. I was racing against myself, as I was my own competition. I was competing against my previous PR "Personal Record." I remember running as hard as I could, thinking that if I slowed down my old PR would beat me. I finished the race in first place. I was really surprised because I didn't expect first place, I just wanted a new PR. I then saw my mile split on a teleprompter and it was 1 mile in 4 minutes and 40 seconds. 144! My coach in the dream then contacted me, wanting to congratulate me and share the success with the rest of the team. To my surprise, my boss at work was my coach. Then I woke up. I had the previous dream months ago. I personally did not want to leave my job because I was still a bit ambitious. I wanted to finish the job I was the project lead of, and I wouldn't be done with that job until November. Marianna and I were still believing as we had prayed, and I was asking for another dream to really confirm. I was still hesitant to leave my job and wanted a little more confirmation. I then had another dream. In this dream, I was in a Men's Warehouse clothing store. (I actually commission sorters and conveyors systems in distribution warehouses.) There were lots of very nice clothing in this shop. Although, I only remember seeing black dress suits. I came into this shop wearing a blue tie and another tie but I'm not exactly sure the color of the second tie, maybe gold. I asked the tailor what my ties were worth and if I could trade them in. He told me that they were worth $5. There was a yellow tie behind the tailor that was for sale. I asked him how much for the yellow tie, he said $6. I traded my blue tie for the yellow tie. I also traded in the other tie as well, possibly for a pinkish colored tie. I'm not sure exactly about the second tie. Then I woke up. When I woke up, immediately the verse came to my mind. Mat 11:28-30 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29.) Take my yoke upon you, (the blue tie) and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30.) For my yoke is easy, and burden is light. I knew instantly that the blue tie was his heavenly yoke of grace which is why it was $5 and the yellow tie I was exchanging it for was caution and the yoke of man, hence worth $6. I have been knowing lately that this job has been interfering with my relationship with Father. After these dreams, I still had the same plan to continue finishing my project till November and then start to look for another job. I really wanted the accolades of being the lead and the stature of completing such a massive multi-million-dollar project on my resume. I was still pursuing my own goals within the company I work for. Weeks later, I was getting ready to travel to San Francisco to commission another sorter at a distribution warehouse. Marianna and the kids had still been asking me to quit my job for some time. I really wasn't looking forward to going to San Francisco to work and be so far from my family. The night before I was to travel to San Francisco, Marianna and I prayed and asked Father to give me a definitive dream, so I could just know when to quit my job. I don't have a backup plan and I have never left a job without having another job lined up. I woke early in the morning and did not have a dream, so I was headed to San Francisco to work. Marianna and the kids dropped me off at the airport around 5:45 am. I was waiting in line to check in my baggage. I was feeling very burdened about leaving my family and traveling for work. I know better than to trust my feelings as feeling and the soulish realm can be deceptive. It came to my mind the prayer David Eells prayed when his family had no food. "Lord fill our plates or fill our tummies." I just said a similar prayer. I said, "Lord either change my attitude, or get me out of this job immediately." I continued and gave my bags to the airport associates, went through TSA, and made it to my gate waiting to board the plane. I'm not going home now, or so I thought. It was about time to board my flight and I was group 1 boarding which means I would be the first group of passengers to board. As the hostess called for group 1 boarding, I had to use the restroom. I arrived back at boarding, and it was group 3 or 4, I'm assuming. I was in line, and it was almost my time to give my boarding ticket and board the plane. There was only one person in front of me. At this point, there were probably around 30 or more people who had already boarded the flight and another 30 or 40 behind me waiting to board. The hostess received a phone call. She told the other hostess to the let the guy in front me board the plane, but then stop boarding with me. I was the very next person to board; I was in the very front of the line. I waited in the front of the line for about 10 to 15 minutes. I asked the lady what had happened. She said, "The captain has told us to stop boarding." I expected such a vague reason, but still figured I'd ask. I thought the reason was probably an unhappy passenger causing a commotion. It then dawned on me that maybe Father is answering my original prayer I prayed at baggage check-in, "Lord change my attitude, or get me out of this job immediately." For some reason, I just spoke another prayer out of my mouth. I don't even think the prayer was me or my thoughts, it just happened. I said as I was waiting, "Father if this is you, make all those people who boarded the plane, exit the plane right now in Jesus name!" Right at that moment, I could hear shuffling back up the plane ramp and to my surprise people were exiting the plane. Where I was standing, you could not see the ramp as it descends and turns. People came walking around the corner from the plane returning to the gate. About 30 or 40 people walked down the ramp. I prayed the prayer, and it was in Father's hands, but it happened so fast it was still surprised and astonishing. At that point, the hostess grabbed the microphone and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, the flight has been canceled due to a mechanical failure, the Landing gear is defective, and we do not have the parts at the airport to correct the issue." If you would have looked at me, my jaw was probably dropping to the floor in amazement. I said to the hostess. "Can I grab my bags and just leave the airport and go back home?" She said, "Sure, go back to baggage check-in and they will grab the bags off the plane." I went back to baggage check-in and was waiting in line to receive my bags. I called Marianna and told her to come pick me up. Her and the kids were thrilled. As I was still waiting in line for my bags, I began to talk to a gentleman waiting in line with me. He also was on the same flight and was going to go back to his house. I shared this testimony with him, and he was astonished as well. He even said something along the lines, "God is trying to show you something." As we continued to talk, he told me that he is a job recruiter. He gave me his contact info and told me to call him. Again, my jaw was literally dropping. Marianna and the kids picked me back up and a few hours later, I put in my resignation. For the record, I'm not suggesting people just quit their jobs, but this is what Father was doing with me. I was certainly in a place of weakness, but a place where Father would give me a measure of His faith. Amen! I also wanted to state this. As I initially got home and laid back in bed, fear began to come over me. I was thinking to myself, just grab a plane tomorrow and fly back out there, you can put your two weeks’ notice in on the road. Other thoughts of, “Isaac, you have bills and mortgage, what if you can’t find a job and you and the family go homeless?” Many thoughts began to come to me, and try and reason with me. Even so much as to try to convince me that what had just happened really wasn't much of a miracle, maybe you’re looking too deep into this and leading yourself away. However, I have the mind of Christ, and these are not my thoughts, and neither are they Christ's thoughts. I talked to Marianna and she said, "Isaac you can’t go back, how much more obvious does it need to be to get you to listen to God." She went on to say, "Isaac, think of Jonah, if you go back, they will have to throw you off the plane to keep it from crashing, do you want to be swallowed up by a giant bird?" She was right, I had to get out of bed, and not let my mind be idle. I sat down and began to read the word, and just keep reading. Rom 10:17 So belief cometh from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. I knew I now needed to put my resignation in so I wouldn't be tempted to go backwards on faith. Heb 10:38 But my righteous one shall live by faith: and he shrink back, my soul hath no pleasure in him. So, I put in my resignation. My boss had me call him immediately and he tried to convince me otherwise, less responsibilities, and such. His name is Muhammad, and he is Muslim, I told him the miracle that Father had done for me, I needed to acknowledge God in front of man. Mat 10:32-33 Everyone therefore who shall confess me before men, him will I confess before my Father who is in heaven. 33. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him also will I deny before my Father who is in heaven. I needed to act on this swiftly and did, thanks be to God! I realized while initially battling with this myself, how people in the bible, even those who physically were there and witnessed miracles that Jesus did, could over time quit believing and talk themselves out of it. I knew I had to stay in the Word, speak it over my life, think on it throughout the day, cast thoughts down. I have the mind of Christ! Hallelujah! Within a month after the miraculous departure from my previous job where I travelled excessively, I received three job offers. I had no income for the month and had many bills to pay. I was just walking out my faith because the Lord showed His strong hand at the airport. In all my professional career, I can tell you that I have never been so pursued by so many companies and, or job recruiters. It was at the point where I would just tell them on the phone I wasn't interested. It was awesome because the Lord gave me favor and it seemed more like, I was the one doing the interviewing of the companies; all glory to God as He pours His favor on his children! Concerning the three job offers, I didn't know which job to choose. I asked the Lord for a dream, and I received two dreams. In one dream, it showed my future at a food manufacturing company in which I would be in charge of three plants concerning Controls Automation. In the dream, I was taking a call in the middle of the night because they needed me to come back in to work all through the night, even though it was a day shift job. I was frustrated in the dream. In the other dream, another company that offered me a job was with a Japanese automotive manufacturer. In this dream I was looking at the equipment, but wasn't familiar with it, however I was not frustrated or pressured. I just needed to learn this foreign equipment. Within the week I was talking to a brother of mine in Christ named Justin. As I was talking to him, he was going to a kid's baseball game and randomly parked behind a Mitsubishi automobile. That was the name of the Japanese automotive manufacturer that offered me the job. He said, "Isaac, there aren't a lot of Mitsubishi cars that I have seen, but I think this is confirmation. That's when I knew to make my decision and go with Mitsubishi. Also, Mitsubishi came back with an offer that superseded what I was originally making by around 60%. The job recruiter told me that they have never offered this much before and had to present the wages to the president of the company for approval and sure enough he signed off and hired me as a top level engineer. I didn't know that there were levels of engineering in this role and never once did the company and I even discuss such matters. What is amazing about this is that I never even tried to bargain or counter about wages. I wasn't even thinking about money, I just wanted to be home with my family. I am still at Mitsubishi, and they have been so patient with me, offering all kinds of training to me as I get caught up with their equipment that I was not familiar with. What's cool is my boss is also a Christian and has shown a lot of favor towards me. He has told me many times, "I believe God sent you here." Thank you Father, you've done it all, literally everything!
Learning To Walk In Your Faith David Eells Don’t ever fear to make a bold statement of faith. You may think, “Well, is this God?” Don’t worry about it. If it’s to meet your need, if it’s to overcome the curse, don’t worry about it. I remember once when I called Sid and we were talking about what happened the time that my washing machine seal had gone out. Sand had gotten in it and ruined the seal. Sid had volunteered and said, “Oh, I have a friend who works on those things. I’ll get him to come by there and get it.” So I said, “Okay.” So he came by and picked it up and took it off, and Sid called me back a few days later. He said, “Look, he fixed this and he fixed that, and it’ll just cost you $70.” I said, “Fine. Bring it on over.” Well, I knew Sid was coming over the next day to drop off the washing machine and I only had $20. And so I prayed a prayer. I said, “Father, you said You supply my every need according to Your riches in glory and I thank You for it.” Then I stuck my finger out there and I pointed at the mailbox and said to Mary. “In the name of Jesus, $50 is coming in that mailbox today.” Do you know, I went out to that mailbox and there was $50 in that mailbox in a check, and there was a note. It read, “God wouldn’t let me go to sleep. It’s now after midnight and God wouldn’t let me go to sleep until I sent you this check for $50.” And the funny thing was, I don’t ever look at postdates, but I looked at the postdate on the check and the thing had been sent two weeks before this day, a full two weeks before this day when I stuck my finger out and pointed at the mailbox. That envelope had been hung up in the mail somewhere for two weeks, wandering around, and it didn’t make it into that mailbox until the right time. But God wouldn’t let this poor guy sleep until he went out there and wrote the check and stuck it in the mail, even though it wandered around in the mail. I don’t know what the reason for it was, but it didn’t come there until it was time for it to be there. God answers before we call (Isaiah 65:24). Do you realize that? God does not dwell in time but we do. Don’t think it’s too late because it’s never too late for God. God has the answer coming when you speak it and I’ve seen the biggest miracles happen when a bold statement of faith is made. The devil is telling you all the time, “Nah, nah, nah, nah,” in your ear, saying, “Boy, you’re going to look like a fool!” But God won’t let you be put to shame. The Bible says that He won’t let you be put to shame (Romans 9:33). Anybody who puts their trust in Him shall not be put to shame, the Lord says. (Rom.10:10) For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. You need to actually say it. That was an education for me because there have been other times when I just prayed over a leaking washing machine seal and God sealed it up. And there have been times when I’ve prayed over a carburetor and God fixed it. Then there have been times when I decided I would take that carburetor off and fix it, like one time with my daughter’s car when an enemy put sugar in her gas tank. I took the carburetor off and I tore it down. And I’m not bad at working on carburetors. So I tore it down, checked it out, cleaned it up and put it back in, but it did the same thing. I took it back out. It wasn’t easy to get out either, but I took it out and went back through it. I said, “Nothing’s wrong with this car. I don’t see a thing wrong this carburetor,” and I put it back in but it still did the same thing. Finally, the revelation came to me of, “The devil is messing with you; he’s robbing your time.” And so I rebuked the devil off that carburetor. I commanded the devil to loose it. Do you know that there doesn’t have to be something wrong with a piece of equipment? The Lord showed me that many times. There doesn’t have to be anything wrong with a piece of equipment. The devil is real and he can manifest himself in this realm and he can take advantage of you. Until you take the Word of God and fight him, he can take advantage of you. He was doing that to me. He robbed my time twice to fix that carburetor. And you know what? Just because you don’t see something manifest immediately doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. The Bible says, “all things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye received them, and ye shall have them” (Mar.11:24). So I commanded that carburetor to be healed in the name of Jesus. Then Deborah went and got in the car, but when she cranked it up, it was doing the same thing. I said, “Just go; it’s healed.” She said before she got to the end of the street, it straightened right out and I never had another problem with it. You know, sometimes you have to walk it. If you believe it, you confess it, walk it. It’s like the 10 lepers who were doing according to the Law (Luke 17:12). They had to go show themselves to the priest healed (Leviticus 14). But when they were walking they weren’t healed. It didn’t come until they walked it out that they got healed (Luke 17:14). So you have to walk it out. Faith without works is dead (James 2:17). Just remember that. Some of Jesus’ miracles didn’t happen immediately. And He didn’t even pray twice. We are disciples of Jesus now. We can’t see Him, but we’re walking with Him and He wants to take us by the hand and show us the way through every problem and situation we come to because it’s already been provided for. It says in Scripture, my God shall supply every need of yours…. (Php.4:19). It doesn’t matter what the need is. Why did Paul say that? He said that because he knew it was taken care of at the cross. The curse was put upon Jesus. You can’t imagine what this world would be like if there was no curse. Can you imagine what it was like in the Garden of Eden with tomato plants growing 20 feet tall, everything working, nothing breaking, including you, without the curse? Now I realize nobody is totally entered into whatever this means about being delivered from the curse, but individually God’s people are entering into different parts of it. The body needs one another because sometimes other people have faith that we don’t have in a situation that we’re in and we need to pray for people and exercise our faith over one another. But don’t think it’s not possible. We’re going to see God do things in the next few years that we would have considered impossible, that we would have just wondered, “Is that real?” Yes, God’s going to do things we haven’t seen. This outpouring of the Holy Spirit, this outpouring of power has never been on this earth that God’s getting ready to do. People are going to walk on water again. They’ve done it in these days, in these years. I don’t know if any of you ever read Like a Mighty Wind or Gentle Breeze of Jesus. They are about the Indonesian revival where many times, many people saw people walk on water. Those little islands out there where they were trying to get the Gospel to, in some cases it was the only method. It was necessary and they didn’t let the circumstance stop them from doing the Will of God. The Will of God was to go and so they went. They did not let the circumstance get in the way. They walked on the water and there were a lot of people who saw it. Yes, the day is coming when you may have to drive a car that doesn’t have any gas in it. I’ve done it quite a few times and it works. When you’re going by faith, it works. Or you may have to command some gas into that car and God put some in it. He’s done that for me, too. Listen, circumstances can’t stop you. Circumstances didn’t stop Jesus from doing the Will of God. Did you notice that? It’s the same Jesus Whom we have that your “faith may become effectual, in the knowledge of every good thing which is in you” (Phm.6). Wait a minute! He was talking to the saints, people on this earth. That’s right. But that’s Jesus Christ in the heart of the believer. He has all the power that He ever had. But if you limit Him, you won’t let Him speak that word out of your mouth, you won’t walk that walk with your feet, you won’t do those things. This is not the most important thing in the world that I’m talking about. The most important thing, of course, is to overcome sin, and we’ve studied on that in other teachings but right now we’re talking about not limiting God and seeing just how big He is. It doesn’t matter what your need is. God has promised to meet your need. Do I say you won’t be tried? Absolutely not. You’re going to be tried. How do you get tried? By lack. You get tried by lack. God suffered the Israelites to lack so that He might know what they would do (Deuteronomy 8:2,3). What are you going to do when you lack? Do you never get sick? No, you get sick sometimes, but the Bible says by His stripes you were healed (1 Peter 2:24). It’s a trial of your faith. God’s wanting to see, “What are you going to do with this?” We are being tried. We are going through the wilderness just like the Israelites went through the wilderness. When they went through the wilderness, they suffered lack in this kind of a way and then in that kind of a way and then in this kind of way, and God answered miraculously. Right now, the righteous, just like always, shall live from faith (Galatians 3:11). The life of faith is an exciting walk with the Lord. You’ll see many miracles, if you walk the walk of faith. That’s our purpose for being here. God considers a person who walks by faith and speaks faith and uses faith in the circumstances they get in, to be righteous. He calls them “righteous,” like Abraham when he believed God about his seed. That didn’t have anything to do with salvation. God called Abraham righteous because he believed God in that point and, you know what? God calls you righteous every time you believe the Word of God. Every time you believe in the prayers that you’ve prayed, whenever you pray believing you have received (Mark 11:24), when you keep on holding onto that in faith until you see it manifested, then God calls you righteous. Look at it as if Jesus is taking you by the hand. He’s going to show you something tomorrow. He is going to do a miracle through you tomorrow. Big or small, He’s going to show you how to walk by faith. Jesus walked by faith. His disciples walked by faith. People who are in the world are under bondage, but people who walk by faith are not under that bondage. When Jesus sent out His disciples, He told them “Don’t take anything with you, don’t take any money” (Matthew 10:9,10; Luke 10:4). He sent them out in total weakness and later He asked them, “Well, when I sent you out without all these things did you lack anything?” and their answer was, “No, Lord” (Luke 22:35). They found out what it was to walk by faith. They didn’t need to bring their own supply because God was there. He did it on purpose. Now in this day, the church is supposed to be doing the same thing. If you obey what Jesus said, you’ll be weak, because Jesus made some statements in there that put you in a position of weakness; but every time you’re going to see miracles. When you obey the principles of Jesus, you’re going to see miracles because you’re always in a position where you can’t do it, you can’t handle it. He does that on purpose. (Mat.14:25) And in the fourth watch of the night he came unto them, walking upon the sea. (26) And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a ghost; and they cried out for fear. (27) But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. (28) And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee upon the waters. (29) And he said, Come. And Peter went down from the boat, and walked upon the waters to come to Jesus. (30) But when he saw the wind, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me. That’s the word sozo right there. By grace have you been saved through faith (Ephesians 2:8). (31) And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and took hold of him, and saith unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? (32) And when they were gone up into the boat, the wind ceased. (33) And they that were in the boat worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God. You know, the Lord saved Peter here even in his failure, didn’t He? Every trial is from God. Every trial. God is sovereign. (Joh.3:27) … A man can receive nothing, except it have been given him from heaven. The circumstances you get in are not by accident. There’s no such thing as an accident or luck. That’s for the pagans to believe in. When Peter took his eyes off Jesus and saw the wind, then he judged by the circumstance instead of judging by the Word. If he would have judged by the Word, when the almighty God said, “Come,” then Peter must have been able to do it, since He said it. That’s the way we have to look at these promises. We must be able to do it because He said it. It’s really simple. Peter believed if Jesus said it, he’d be able to do it and he stepped out of the boat, but then he got his eyes on the circumstances. You always get fearful when you get your eyes on the circumstance because you don’t have any hope. Get your eyes on the Savior. You can walk on water when you get your eyes on the Savior. Listen, the laws of faith are totally above the laws of nature; they’re always above the laws of nature. We just can’t fathom how God could do some of these things. We can’t fathom how the lot can come up like it does. Can you think about flipping a quarter up in the air and it coming down exactly the way God wants it to come down? The lot worked. Go back and study it. The lot worked. Why? That wasn’t gambling because they believed in a sovereign God. I don’t suggest leading your life this way but for confirmations of what you believe God is saying to you. That might have been gambling to some people, but it wasn’t to the Israelites. They believed in the sovereignty of God and they believed God would answer that way and He did. He did consistently, even to the extent of finding one man out of all Israel and that happened quite a few times. Saul was picked out that way (1 Samuel 10:21). Saul’s son was picked out that way when he made a mistake with eating the honey (1 Samuel 14:32). Jonathan was picked out of all Israel. You know they took the lot by the tribe, then they went to the lot by the family, then they went to the lot by the house. They cast lots several times. But you know what? If you believe in luck, what are the chances of the thing coming out to pick one guy out of all Israel? That’s phenomenal. That’s a lot of numbers. But God is sovereign. Well, it can be done in our day, like I said, with a quarter. I don’t recommend that people lead their life that way, but I have seen mighty miracles come to pass that way, where the answer had to be from God. But I’m just pointing out that there’s no such thing as luck. The world believes in luck and chance, but everything that comes to you is by the hand of God, even if it comes through the hand of the devil. If you remember from reading in the book of Job, there was no luck involved in that. God was sovereign, even over the devil, and He’s still sovereign, even over the devil. God sends the devil against you so you can ‘whip him real good.’ Did you know that? God will send him against you so you can whip him, so that you learn how to walk by faith and not by sight. The devil is the one who, in most cases, administers the curse. Who sent the curse? The Bible says that God sent the curse (Deuteronomy 28). I don’t care what men say; the Bible says God sent the curse. Who administers it? The devil does. He loves to do it. It’s his nature to do it. But, I’ll tell you, God sent the curse and God sent Jesus to deliver from the curse. He’s working from both sides. God sent the curse to cause people to repent and turn to Him. He sent Jesus to those who will repent. And in the circumstances that we get ourselves into, God wants to show us how to give the devil a bloody nose. He wants to show us how to overcome in the circumstances, just like Jesus did. Jesus wants to move through His hand. (Isa.53:10) … The pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. That means God is going to be successful in doing what He did through Jesus, through you. That’s what it means. God is going to do that. We should consider it done. He did this for Peter, but what was the whole point? You may think there has to be some real reason for this, that you had to be saving souls or something. No. It didn’t do anything for Peter to get out of the boat, except he learned a lesson. We should ask God to bring us these lessons. It’s really valuable to have these lessons that we can look back on and tell to other people to encourage them in the faith and so on. God wants to do miracles through us. Right now we have a short time left for learning some lessons from God. We have a short time left for this and then great trouble is going to come, greater trouble than this land has ever seen. And people who walk in Psalm 91-type faith and who understand about the curse, those are the people who are going to be saved through the midst of this great trouble. A lot of the people are not going to be saved. A lot of Christians, the majority, are going to die through this trouble because the people coming against this land don’t like Christians. Let’s look at the story of the Gerasene demoniac. (Luk.8:36) And they that saw it told them how he that was possessed with demons was made whole. And the word there for “made whole” is the same as “saved”, in Greek: sozo. For Christians, we have been “made whole” from demons. It’s part of sozo. It’s by grace. It’s not by grace if you will be. It says by grace you have been saved through faith (Ephesians 2:8). So it’s not a matter of, “Let’s see if we can convince God to deliver this person.” Jesus never tried to convince God to heal or to deliver anybody. By grace have you been Saved, healed, and delivered. It’s all past tense. Everything’s past tense. Now there are some places where the people whom we want to deliver are not in covenant with God. And it’s strange but most of the church does not even believe that Christians can have demons. I’m going to show you that’s not true from the Scriptures. I’m going to show you that it’s a lie and anybody who has discerning of spirits knows that it’s a lie. I can truthfully tell you almost all the people that I’ve ever cast demons out of were Christians. Jesus said it’s the children’s bread to have deliverance. When I’m talking discernment of spirits, I’m talking about the Biblical gift and that is when you see the demons. You see them manifested in their face, you see them manifested in their eyes, you see them in their body. The gift is manifested in different ways, but the discerning of spirits is to be able to see those demons. Word of knowledge can also give the identity of a demon. Anybody who has that gift doesn’t buy that garbage about Christians not having demons. And I’ll tell you what the Lord showed me about it. Those who don’t believe that Christians can have demons quote “My spirit will not dwell in an unclean temple,” but there’s no verse like that in the Bible. It’s not there. What the Bible actually says is that the flesh is an unclean temple (Galatians 5:19). Did you know that? It’s an enemy. It’s at enmity with your spirit. It is the enemy of your spirit (Galatians 5:17). The covering over the tent of the tabernacle in the wilderness was animal skins and guess what kind of animal skins they were? Goats. Who were the goats? The goats were those who were set on the left while the lambs, the sheep, were on the right. Well, that was goats’ hair covering it. Why? Because the flesh is the enemy of God. The flesh can’t go to Heaven. Flesh never goes to Heaven. (1Co.15:50)… Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God…. You either get a new body or you don’t go. You either go in spirit and in soul, or you don’t go because this body doesn’t go there. You get a new one. The flesh is the enemy of God. God showed me this years ago. I had to have a theological reason because I was casting demons out of Christians and everybody said you can’t do that. So I went to God and said, “God, show me in the Scriptures.” And God brought me back to the tabernacle in the wilderness and He showed me, as I read about the tabernacle in the wilderness, how it represents us because we are the tabernacle in the wilderness. The holy of holies, of course, is your spirit because that’s where God dwells. He dwells in your spirit. And then there’s the holy place representing your soul. And there’s the outer court which represents your flesh. What God showed to me I’ve never forgotten because I learned what the Christians told me was the difference between oppression and possession. They say that oppression is when the devil’s on the outside and possession is when he’s on the inside, but the Lord showed me that’s not true. When we look at the outer court in the wilderness, we see that many wicked men went into the outer court. In fact, wicked men even came near unto the holy place and some were even killed in the holy place because they went in. But no wickedness ever entered into the holy of holies because the high priest had to be in good shape with God or he’d better not go into the holy of holies. They even tied a rope onto the foot of the high priest so if he went in there and he wasn’t walking in right covenant with God, they could drag out his body. They weren’t going in after the high priest because you’d be smitten dead if you didn’t walk in right covenant with God. The tabernacle in the wilderness represented a Christian because God Almighty dwells in the holy of holies. We have examples in the Scriptures of wickedness coming into both the outer court and the holy place, but not into the holy of holies. God was showing me that in your holy of holies dwells the Spirit of God and only Jesus, Who is the High Priest, can go in there. By the way, ministers don’t have a right to get into your holy of holies. They have to stay without. The One Who is the head of your being is the Lord, always the Lord. If a minister becomes your head, you become a disciple of him and you, in a way, put him in your holy of holies. That’s dangerous for him and you because then he’s between you and God. Remember from our example that wickedness did enter into both the outer court and the holy place. Now here’s what the Lord showed me about oppression and possession. Did you know that God seeks to possess you? He just comes from a different direction, that’s all. He comes from your spirit seeking to possess your soul. Your soul is your mind, will, and emotions. That’s your walk. But the demons come in through the flesh and they also seek to possess your soul. They want to come into the holy place. They want to rule in the holy place because that’s the control over your actions, that’s the control over your thinking, that’s the control over your life. They want to control your life. But the fallacy of the view that the worldly church gives us is that oppression is without, possession is within. However, the demons can dwell in your flesh and as long as they’re just in the flesh but not in the holy place, not in the soul, they’re still in, they’re just not in possession. Possession is when they reach into your soul. If you watch people who are demon-possessed, you’ll see this happen. One moment they’ll be totally normal but don’t think the demon left. He hasn’t left; he’s still there. I’ve had this experience with Christians. Everybody who is led by the flesh is not led by the Holy Spirit and there can be Spirit-filled Christians who are led by the flesh. The flesh is made in the image of the devil and you’re manifesting a son of the devil, if you walk after the flesh. But here’s the point. If you walk after the flesh, you’re opening yourself up to let the devil in. You are the one who either permits or forbids. (Mat.16:19) I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Those demons can come into your flesh. If you give in to some sin, but what they want to do is reach into your soul. Your soul is your nature; it is the controlling factor of your natural life. When the demons reach into a person’s soul, that’s when everybody says that a person is possessed. But, you know what? They can back out of the soul into the flesh and the person will be relatively normal. Then they’ll come in again; they’ll manifest and they’ll back out. We’ve seen people who look totally normal. Then, all of a sudden, when you’re right in the middle of preaching the Gospel, demons manifest in these people and they start crying out. Why? Were they there all the time? Yes, they were there all the time. Did they leave the person? They never ever left the person; they were there all the time. So you can be oppressed as long as the demon is in the flesh, but when he reaches into your soul, then that is possession. Who has a right to have demons cast out? Well, let me give you a few examples. First of all, what we have in the New Testament is Jesus dealing with His Covenant people, which was Israel. That was the type and shadow of what God does today. Jesus was dealing with Covenant people. He even said, “I was not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Mat.15:24). Who was He dealing with when He cast out demons? It was the lost sheep of the house of Israel. When the pagans came, such as in the instance of the Syro-phoenician woman, then Jesus said, “it is not meet to take the children’s bread and cast it to the dogs” (Mat.15:26). Well, what was He talking about? He was saying that the lost have no right to God’s provision. The biggest proof to me is my experience. The only time God ever let me cast demons out of a lost person I had to get permission to do it. You have to have permission to do it because you can destroy someone by casting demons out of them. The Bible even says they’ll come back with seven worse. (Luk.11:26) Then goeth he, and taketh [to him] seven other spirits more evil than himself; and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man becometh worse than the first. So casting demons out of a lost person is not good business unless you have God’s permission, since they have no right to God’s provision. God’s provision of deliverance and healing and other blessing is for Covenant people. We are Covenant people; they are not. They have no right to it. Don’t try to give God’s pearls to the swine (Matthew 7:6); they have no right to it. I’m going to prove it to you now from Scripture. (Mar.7:25) But straightway a woman, whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having heard of him, came and fell down at his feet. (26) Now the woman was a Greek, a Syro-phoenician by race. And she besought him that he would cast forth the demon out of her daughter. (27) And he said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children’s bread and cast it to the dogs. He’s calling casting out demons “the children’s bread.” It’s not for the world. No, it’s only for the children. Now not only did this woman’s daughter have a demon, she also had a spirit of infirmity. We know this from the same story in Matthew. (Mat.15:28) … And her daughter was healed from that hour. So her daughter was healed at the same time that Jesus cast out the demon. The children’s bread is deliverance from demons and healing in the body and all these things. Why? Jesus said that His Body is our bread. Were there any demons in Jesus’ body? Was there any sickness in Jesus’ body? The reconciliation was that He gave His body for your body. See, we have a right to have a holy, delivered body. We have this right. The world does not have this right. (Mar.7:26) … And she besought him that he would cast forth the demon out of her daughter. (27) And he said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children’s bread and cast it to the dogs. (28) But she answered and saith unto him, Yea, Lord; even the dogs under the table eat of the children’s crumbs. (29) And he said unto her, For this saying go thy way; the demon is gone out of thy daughter. (30) And she went away unto her house, and found the child laid upon the bed, and the demon gone out. And in Matthew, it says she was healed. So we can see as a revelation from this example by Jesus, that someone who is a Jew according to the flesh is not necessarily a Jew according to this New Covenant. Jews in this New Covenant are those who walk in the faith of Abraham. You can’t recognize the Jew according to the flesh anymore; it’s whether they are a believer or not. It’s according to your faith or your unbelief as to whether you’re grafted in or broken off (Romans 11) -totally according to your faith. If you have faith, you’re a child. You have a right to the children’s bread. The world has no right to the children’s bread because they are not in covenant with God. Our part of the Covenant is faith. God’s part is supply. We enter into it by faith and God enters into it with supply. It’s kind of a lopsided covenant, but that’s the way He designed it. We got a good deal and that’s why it’s called the Good News. I’ll show you a few more verses so we can see if this is the Covenant people or the world who’s getting healed or delivered here. Now remember what Jesus believed. He showed you His doctrine, that He didn’t come to the lost people, He came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24). Why did He call them the “lost sheep of the house of Israel”? He called them that because, like sheep, Israel had gone astray. He wasn’t talking about the world there. And just like sheep, Israel in this day has gone astray, too. The Lord told me one time, “I sent you to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” He wasn’t talking about physical Israel, He was talking about spiritual Israel, the lost sheep, because they are lambs who have lost their way. The Way is the Word. In fact, in the book of Acts, they called it the Way (Acts 9:2; 19:9,23; 22:4; 24:14,22). It is a Way. We’re supposed to be walking in the Way. And that doesn’t mean in the way of God, it means in the Way of God. (Mat.8:16) And when even was come, they brought unto him many possessed with demons: and he cast out the spirits with a word (Matthew is talking about the children here), and healed all that were sick: (Mat.8:17) that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our diseases. He didn’t say “the world’s infirmities”; he said “our infirmities, and bare our diseases.” Who has a right to deliverance from demons and who has a right to healing? We do. They do not. In fact, you don’t have a right to give it to them, except by the permission of God. I have asked God and received permission to cast a demon out of a lost person. We did that recently in this house. God does give permission, but He doesn’t have to. Here’s the difference: God has to give deliverance to somebody who’s in covenant because the Bible says it and He’d be a liar if He didn’t. He has to give all the promises of God. The Bible says all the promises of God are “Yes.” (2Co.1:20) For how many soever be the promises of God, in him is the yea: wherefore also through him is the Amen, unto the glory of God through us. So I don’t care when others say, sometimes God says “No,” but if it’s concerning a promise, He says “Yes.” There is no promise in the Bible for deliverance for the world from a demon, even though we can ask God and He might give permission especially when they are affecting your life or another Christians life. That’s totally mercy. But we have a guaranteed right of deliverance, we who are in covenant with God; we have a guaranteed right. The Bible says by His stripes you were healed (1 Peter 2:24). It’s not even a matter of convincing God; it’s an accomplished fact on the cross. It’s not as though God is going to change His mind. It’s an accomplished fact on the cross that we were delivered. So, who’s He casting these demons out of here, that He says is a fulfillment through the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 53:4)? If it’s a fulfillment of Him taking away our infirmities, then He’s talking about deliverance of Covenant people. Let me give you another verse. When Jesus sent out His disciples, He limited them specifically as to where they were to go. Evangelization is to the world, but we’re not talking about evangelization here, we’re talking about dealing with “the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Mat.10:5) These twelve Jesus sent forth, and charged them, saying, Go not into [any] way of the Gentiles, and enter not into any city of the Samaritans. Samaritans were half-breeds. He’s cutting out the half-breeds here. Or, a Samaritan also can be a pagan who’s acting like a Christian because of how Samaria was populated. It was populated when God took away the northern 10 tribes and repopulated the area with pagans (2 Kings 17:24). And when the pagans in Samaria started dying because of the curses of the land (2 Kings 17:25), the prophet said, “Well, it’s because they don’t know the God of the land.” So then they brought Israelites in there to train these pagans about the God of the land (2 Kings 17:27). That means, in amongst the people of God, there are some half breeds. They’ve been trained in Christianity, they know all the lingo, but they’re still pagans. I’m not saying God can’t heal them, I’m just saying they’re not Jews/Christians by nature. We need to have discernment and pay attention to what Jesus said. I’ve had the Lord tell me, “Don’t lay hands on that person for healing.” I’ve had Him tell me and I thought they were Christians, but God just said don’t do it. I don’t know whether it was because they were in willful disobedience and they couldn’t be healed because they were in rebellion against God or whether they weren’t in covenant with God. I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers. I just know that God has told me not to do that before. But God has healed nonbelievers and He does it for evangelistic reasons. What I’m saying is there’s a difference, though. The difference is you have no promise and there’s no guarantee. For that, you have to be led of the Spirit. But as a Christian walking by faith in God, repented up of your sins and so on and so forth, you’re guaranteed to be healed, if you will stay in covenant by faith. Every one of us has to stay in covenant by our faith. That’s what keeps us in covenant with God. If you don’t have faith, you can’t have that part of the Covenant. It doesn’t matter that you’re saved in another part. If you have sozo over here, it doesn’t mean you have sozo over there. The Covenant is very big and the sozo is very big, but you might be able to enter into only parts of it because of your faith. We enter into as much as we can receive through our faith. (Mat.10:5) These twelve Jesus sent forth, and charged them, saying, Go not into [any] way of the Gentiles, and enter not into any city of the Samaritans: (6) but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (7) And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. (8) Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons: freely ye received, freely give. He was saying, cast the demons out, but only cast the demons out of Israel. They have to be first because of the Covenant. We have another good example from the apostle Paul. (1Co.5:1) It is actually reported that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not even among the Gentiles, that one [of you] hath his father’s wife. (3) For I verily, being absent in body but present in spirit, have already as though I were present judged him that hath so wrought this thing, (4) in the name of our Lord Jesus, ye being gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus, (5) to deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Paul turned this man over to the devil for the destruction of his flesh. He used the devil to chasten this guy to bring him to repentance. You’re probably going to waste a lot of breath trying to deliver that guy unless he repents.
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