
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
UBBS 9.13.2023 - Judgment on the U.S. - David Eells
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Judgement on the U.S.
David Eells - 9/13/23
Dream of Judgement Coming
Alenna Timoshchuk 8/30/23 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamt that I was in the Walmart parking lot with my mom and daughters. We had set up camping chairs in the back and were there to watch a meteor shower and to see a sign in the sky. While we were waiting, I saw chaos happening all around me.
I knew that everyone was boycotting the grocery stores, Panera Bread, Starbucks, Save a Lot, and anyone who was weak and would enter to get groceries for their family, the people boycotting would attack them. Some were even lighting their cars on fire to scare off anyone else from trying to shop. I thought that I needed to wake up and tell my husband my dream but then slipped into another one. (These leftist terrorists are probably agitated by the DS because Walmart is being bought out by moral conservatives as is Amazon and other immoral businesses. These conservative groups are against the depravity pushed on the public by these chain stores plus the trafficking being discovered.)
I was with my husband in my parents' house and my girls were asleep in another room. I started sharing my dream with him and noticed a massive storm approaching. I knew we needed to be in a safe room during the storm, so I went to get my daughters and I saw that my oldest had woken up and gone outside and was playing with a cousin.
I ran out and got her and told the other little girl to run home because a huge storm is coming, and the wind had already picked up to really strong winds. My little cousin excitedly asked me if we were going to heaven, and I told her not just yet.
Then again, I started thinking that I needed to tell my husband my dream but that I need to get a verse by faith at random first and two places from the Bible popped into my mind Matthew 11:22 and Mark 11:13. I had no idea what these verses were but I knew the Lord put them in mind. Then I woke up so I could write them down before I’d forget.
Mat 11:22 But I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment, than for you. Mar 11:13 And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find anything thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for it was not the season of figs.
I felt that this dream was telling me the Lord's judgement is coming very quickly. (Judgments are coming from the DS that will depopulate many.)
Tsunami Judgement Coming
Tianna Fire 2/8/23 (David’s notes in red)
I dreamt we were with the local brethren, and we all lived next to each other in a community. A warning came from God in an audible voice, and He said, "A tsunami is coming." (Tsunamis are destructive surges of water that can hit land. This could represent a spiritual tsunami bringing judgement on the wicked.)
The brethren were all cheering that God had given warning this time. (Which we are doing now) The brethren spoke about the last time there was a giant tsunami and storm, but God didn't tell them it was coming and that it had wiped out everyone except the UBM brethren.(God gives us warnings of judgments so we can be ready ourselves and warn others so they can repent from sin and turn to the Lord. 1Jn 4:17 Herein is love made perfect with us, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as he is, even so are we in this world
Many judgements will wipe out the wicked and take some righteous home by God’s mercy. Psa 91:8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold, And see the reward of the wicked. Psa 37:38 As for transgressors, they shall be destroyed together; The end of the wicked shall be cut off. Passovers are coming.)
Last time everyone was in the water and having to tread over all the waves and all the brethren were gathered near each other in the water. (The Body of Christ needs to stay together and tread above the curse of the waters of the Word of God and not let faction separate them.) It was so dark and there were storms and vicious waves and for three days they had to do this. (The storms and treading the waves of water represent the trials of our faith in the promises, which will save us from the judgments.)
Because of their faith and strength in Christ, they were preserved, but all the other people were taken out by the tsunami. (2Ti 4:18 The Lord will deliver me from every evil work, and will save me unto his heavenly kingdom...
Psa 34:17 The righteous cried, and Jehovah heard, And delivered them out of all their troubles. ...19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous; But Jehovah delivereth him out of them all. Exo 12:13 … when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and there shall no plague be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.
I asked some of the sisters how they were able to tread on the water with their three children each and a few of the children were able to tread themselves or the children were strapped to their parents with a carrier. (Parents are to teach their children the Word and how to walk by faith so they know how to go through trials too. Deu 11:19 And ye shall teach them your children, talking of them, when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Pro 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go…)
I honestly had much fear of maybe having to tread in dark open water and I was worried about sharks. But the brethren said because God has warned us this time, we won't have to do that.(When we go through our trials in faith and obedience and overcome them, we don’t have to go through them again and again.)
We all grabbed what we needed and walked to the highest point on the biggest hill in the town.(Representing our walk to get to Mt Zion and be in Jerusalem, who is the Bride.) When we got to the top there was a giant tree that we all climbed and got on top. (This giant tree represents the Tree of Life, The tongue that speaks God’s promises. Pro 3:18 She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: [Wisdom] And happy is every one that retaineth her. Pro 15:4 (Hebrew) the healing of the tongue is a tree of life… Rev 2:7 … To him that overcometh, to him will I give to eat of the tree of life...)
We could see the view over the whole town and the water and there was a giant storm forming and waves rushing. (This giant storm forming could be DS plagues and other planned attacks.) We then saw other people from the town running to the hill to try and get up high. Then giant waves started rushing through the town and everyone not on the hill was washed away.
(Many people are unaware and ignorant of the coming storm. We need to be abiding in Christ now, dwelling in heavenly places which is by faith in His promises.) Some other people were on the hill and started running to the top. But then another giant wave crashed on the hill and everyone not on the tree was taken out. The storm lasted about 5 days but we were all content praising God from the tree and again UBM brethren were the only ones left alive from the town. (Representing only those who believe the true Word will escape.)
Knock Out Punch Prophecy
Dr. Patricia Green (David’s notes in red)
Today's video is called the Knockout Punch prophecy, which the Lord gave me on July 22, 2023. As I sat down to receive this message, the very first words that I heard was, “Knockout Punch.”
And the Lord said, “I am delivering the knockout blow to the worldwide elites who have controlled the politics, the financial world and the pharmaceutical industry; and yes, I say industry because that is what it is. By no means does Big Pharma have the interest of making people well or healing them. Just the opposite. They create drugs to make people dependent on them so they can line their pockets with trillions of dollars.
The Lord said, “I have put my glove on and with one blow I will remove the global elites who hide in the shadows and control the people, says the Lord.” The Lord said, “I say enough. I have had enough of their wickedness. I have had enough of their deceit and control and manipulation. I have had enough of them controlling the wealth. For with My knockout punch, I will strip them of their wealth, which is built on a false system and layers of lies.”
Patricia says, now I find this part quite amusing. The Lord said, “The wealthy elites will, be like, the emperor who wore no clothes, in this children's storybook called,The Emperor's New Clothes. It was a shyster who convinced the emperor that he was weaving him a beautiful robe, but in fact there was no robe; it was imaginary. He further convinced the emperor to parade through the city in his glorious robe that did not exist.
(This could represent the fake Biden presidency, who is only a puppet, along with all the political parties, who are an “imaginary” show, and they will all be exposed and declassed.) This is the same fate as the global elites, says the Lord.” “It was the common people who revealed to the emperor that he was naked and without any royal apparel.
It will be the common people who will strip the elites of their fine apparel, their riches and their properties; and the elites will be naked and exposed, says the Lord of host.” (The prayers of the righteous to bring down the DS globalist, satanist bunch. We continue to send the angels to drain the swamp! Eph 5:11 and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them; and Joh 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, lest his works should be reproved.)
“How, do you say, can this happen?” “Because they are so powerful and so rich and so hidden.” But the Lord says, “But I say, nothing is impossible with Me, says the Lord of hosts.” “How could the entire army of Pharaoh and Pharaoh himself be swallowed up in the Red Sea, and yet I did that, says the Lord.”
“No one in Israel could have imagined that their enemies against them could be here one minute and the next minute forever gone. Forever annihilated. (No one could have imagined that with one word the satanists who followed Kevin would all be destroyed in a moment.) I Am that same God. I created the earth and everything in it. It all belongs to Me, says the Lord.” “The heavens are My throne, and the earth is My footstool.”
“Who is man that I Am mindful of him, says the Lord.” “I say man is My creation and I will not tolerate the altering of men, women and children. For that is the work of the enemies to try and improve and alter and change My creation. No one knows My mind or My power except My Son. So, if you want a glimpse into My thoughts and a glimpse of My power, come to My Son and ask Him to reveal Me; to reveal Me, Your Heavenly Father. For I AM Almighty, all powerful, all knowing and ever-present. I AM the Great I AM, and I AM, has spoken.”
“Now go My children and declare My words in this earthly realm. Declare all that I have spoken and already given to My true prophets; for when you declare My words, you are taking your spiritual authority on this.”Luke 10:19 Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power on the enemy, and nothing shall by any means on you. The Lord said, “Use your voice, My children; lift up your voice in one accord for your voice has power, My power, says the Lord.”
“Let Me Show You Something”
Dana Coverstone 5/19/23 (David’s notes in red)
(This revelation seems to be the backlash of the DS against the supporters of the Alliance and the American people in general.)
Preface: Dana said that this dream lasted from April 17th to May 16th, almost a month, almost 30 days, it’s been one the longest dreams he’s had.
The dream began with me sitting in the top of a very tall tree, looking down on fog and mist that hung over the entire nation. (The tree is the tongue that speaks deliverance from the curses as in revelations above.) It was covering over Canada and Mexico as well. It did not cover the water, just this nation, only the land. (It appears as a fog but is man-made and controlled. Prevailing winds would remove it.) I can see the physical land covered in fog. It covered Canada and Mexico as well, but it looked like the fog was churning. It was moving. It was staying in place over the United States of America, (Man-made and controlled) but not over Mexico or Canada. It reminded me of a locust swarm that you can see like in a National Geographic photo. (The locusts in Joel 2 were the Assyrian army that was able to take down apostate northern 10 tribes but not the Bride, Jerusalem.)
It was just moving effortlessly, but it was also frothing. It was like the steam coming off of hot coffee or hot cocoa or hot tea or something. But what it covered was thick and you cannot see anything below what you were seeing from the top of the fog. (True fog skips dry areas and manifests over damp watery places.) And as I was pondering the moving of the fog, is when the man appeared to me, and I believe the man is Jesus or represents the Holy Spirit at times, but he came out and he simply said, “Let me show you something.” And he grabbed my hand, and we stepped out into the air. Because I was in a tall tree, looking down, I was kind of hanging, you know, like holding on to a limb with my feet just looking at it. I'm thankful that God sees all the things that are going on. He knows what's coming, he knows what's happening. And I just had that sense as I was watching that I was about to be instructed or told some things.
We descended down through the fog, we were not flying, it was like we were walking. The fog seemed to be very evil and very intentional. That it appeared to try to reach out and grab me with these eerie ethereal arms. (It is a menace to man and will kill many.) It was almost like the fog was alive. (It is alive to spread disease) It was dark, it was evil, but it was trying to grab hold…
The man led me on until he reached the ground and then he said, “Look up.” When he said that, I realized that the fog was gone, but I could see jets that were flying in all directions and it appeared to be almost 7:00 or 7:30 at night. It was dusk. (How often we have seen their chemtrails.) The lights were going off as people were getting ready for bed. Darkness was hitting; it was almost like I could see traffic had stopped and people were home going to bed and to get ready for work the next day. (Poisoned as they slept.)
So, I'm watching all these jets that are going back and forth, north, south, east and west, flying in all directions. It was obviously dusk and the lights were going out. And that's when I realized that I heard this loud hissing and every single jet was spraying something out of the exhaust. (Now we would call these things chemtrails…) And the jets flying north would be going north for a while. Then suddenly turn around and come back and spray the same way. The ones going east would go east for a couple miles and then come back and it was like regional.
… It was like this in every state…They kept blanketing the country in whatever they were spraying. The time passed and the jets disappeared. (In A.A. Allen’s vision he saw the same thing and then people started dropping dead everywhere in the U.S. except the saints were in a high mountain praising the Lord in safety.)
Then I saw people getting up and going to work. So all of this stuff was being done at night…when no one was aware… Almost as if there was some elite and corporate plan to poison the nation. (It's a Satanic depopulation cult trying to stop the transfer of their stolen wealth and their own demise.)
Once again, the fog was over Mexico and Canada, but it was not moving anywhere except the United States of America. … People are getting up for school, getting on the buses and going to school. And then the next thing that I see happening is this, I was standing in Times Square watching those jumbotron television screens with a breaking news item of a major outbreak of a new virus. Now, the timeline that I could tell in the dream is late summer, early fall as the news broadcast, we're talking about this.
The World Health Organization was laying out guidelines that must be followed regardless of constitutions or national law. (This is to kill the population and make money for the DS pharmaceutical companies.) Those are the two words they used, “regardless of constitutions or national law”. There were military tanks and Hummers, that started patrolling as the announcements were being made. And I said to the man that the jets appeared to be the source of the medical issue.
Coming Plandemic
Isaac Payne - 9/6/2023
In this dream I was walking in a suburb during the daytime. The houses in the suburb were single level ranches. Upon research, I found that ranch style homes became popular after World War II due to young soldiers looking for affordable housing for their families. This style was fast & easy for developers.
I believe that this neighborhood symbolizes that the communities of today’s civilians believe we are post-war, hence the developed ranch style homes. However, I believe we are still pre-war. (Yes, they are already celebrating the end of this war, but Rev 6 clearly shows the Man-child coming just before a real worldwide war.)
Although, during the construction of these homes in the 1950's & 60's the Vietnam war happened. This correlates with the dream I had before this dream on the same night of 9/6/2023. Could it be that the Afghanistan withdrawal of American troops was to allocate the US's manpower to another cause or war, whether internally or externally?
To briefly summarize the second dream and to show how it correlates with this dream I'll elaborate. In this brief dream, there was a military pilot. The whole dream had a 1980's movie vibe to it. In this dream I thought I was watching a 1980's film. The person playing the pilot was Tom Cruise. The name Tom means twin. Also, Cruise is a play on words. I think this represents that pilots in the air seem to be just "cruising" in the skies, however it is anything but.
Plus, the name Tom is such an American name. Many celebrities and famous Americans have the name Tom. These people seem like everyday citizens and the name Tom is a name that is easy to pronounce and for Americans to identify with. However, the name Tom is not the same as Thomas. Maybe they derived from the same place and seem as "twin" in name, but there is only Christ and Anti-Christ and I think we know Christ lived in Thomas. Thinking further on "Twin," I think of Jacob & Esau. Born at the same time but yet two totally different vessels.
Rom 9:21-24 Or hath not the potter a right over the clay, from the same lump to make one part a vessel unto honor, and another unto dishonor? 22 What if God willing to show his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering vessels of wrath fitted unto destruction: 23 and that He might make know the riches of his glory upon vessels of mercy, which he afore prepared unto glory, 24 even us, whom He also called, not from the Jews only, but from the Gentiles?
I believe Tom Cruise represents the government and vessels of destruction. Back to the dream, Tom Cruise was dating a woman, and they had a child. The Child rebelled against his dad in the dream and went to Vietnam to go to war. (Dating a woman and not married equals being out of covenant with God and not yoked to bride.
Child out of wedlock represents fruit that is shameful, fruit that is unlawful hence bad. Rebellious to dad means exactly that: rebels against God.) As Tom cruise was in Vietnam, he ended up being captured by the Vietnamese. (It's also worth noting that the pilots that went to Vietnam performed low level chemtrails hence Agent Orange.
This is actually an old war tactic. It was told to the people in America and in Vietnam that agent orange was only a herbicide and only affected the vegetation and was to help visibility for Americans fighting in the dense jungle. This all correlates to this first dream where I was in the suburbs with ranch style homes.)
Back to the original dream. I was standing in the suburb with ranch style homes, and I noticed with me was two individuals. Naturally one of the people is a friend of mine and the other is just an acquaintance. They are named Justin (my friend) and the other is named Jimmy. (an acquaintance) (The name Justin means just, upright, or righteous. The name Jimmy means supplanter.)
We were all walking in this neighborhood together during the daytime. I looked up and noticed the whole entire sky was covered in chemtrails. It was a blanket of chemtrails and the chemtrails produced a fog that was quickly descending and yet the gases of the chemtrail were dense even upon descending to the ground.
I saw the sky being blanketed with chemtrails. I saw many airplanes dusting the sky blocking out any part of it that was blue. This wasn't a squadron of airplanes; this was a fleet. Also, I saw that some airplanes were making tight circular patterns while descending to the earth which created like a tornado effect of chemtrails. I could feel my heart grow heavy because I knew this was an all-out war on America.
However, I also knew that it was our own country and politicians that were responsible for this eradication of the American civilians. I was also able to perceive that this man-made plague was unlike anything the world had experienced and that this plague was a death sentence as the causality rate would be incredibly high. (This was like A.A. Allen’s dream of chemtrails that dropped people dead in their tracks all over the U.S. except for the righteous who were praising God on a mountain; Mt. Zion?)
As I took my eyes off the chemtrails and looked ahead of me, I saw an older man standing in the road in the direction we were headed. His back was turned to us. The older man had white hair and was wearing a white jacket and a blue hat. As I got closer to this older man, I realized this was Joe Biden or so I thought.
He was standing near an ice cream vendor awaiting his ice cream. I tried to step to the side to get a better look at him to verify, but he stepped in the opposite direction so I could not look up close at his face. I was able to see on his jacket was an American flag pendant pinned to his white blazer jacket. I took another sidestep and looked at his face again and he once again attempted to evade me, but I noticed this wasn't really Joe Biden but a look alike.
This person was only used for a symbol of American hierarchy and to portray active institutionalism in America. I knew that this person was a shell and the epidemy of a Manchurian candidate. This look alike evaded me and he walked away toward the opposite direction we were going. (I believe the white jacket and blue hat are false indicators portraying an outward pure and heavenly appearance of righteous acts but are quite the opposite. (Since he is an actor he avoids close ups)
(Psalms 55:19-23 God will hear, and answer them, even he that abideth from old, the men who have no changes, and who fear not God. He has put forth his hand against such as were at peace with him: he hath profaned his covenant. His mouth was smooth as butter, but his heart was war: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords. Cast thy burden upon Jehovah, and he will sustain thee: He will never suffer the righteous to be moved. But thou, O God, wilt bring them down into the pit of destruction: Bloodthirsty and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee.)
I knew that whoever was controlling this person was also responsible for the chemtrails and the unleashing of the plague upon America.
As the chemtrails were quickly and densely descending, Justin, Jimmy, and I began to run through the neighborhood looking for shelter. As we were running, I noticed my Mammaw, Pat, was outside trying to get my attention. (Patsy means nobleman or aristocrat. Aristocrat means family of high social rank or stature.
I believe she resembles many American families and how they think. Compared to the rest of the world, a family in America is of high stature in the grand scheme of wealth and provision.) She ran outside her house and asked me what was going on. I told her to look up and explained that this is an internal coup upon Americans. She began to look up and then looked back at me.
I could tell she was ignorant and simple minded towards the atrocities that have been and were being committed. Also, I was able to discern that she didn't take much thought of what I said and didn't really believe me. She wasn't rude or high minded about it, she honestly couldn't grasp what I was saying, and it seemed in her mind that life was hunky dory as usual. She did, however, go back inside her house.
Justin, Jimmy, and I continued running down the road looking for safety. We ran to a house in the neighborhood. I am not sure if we went inside or not. However, the three of us were discussing what to do next and how to evade this deadly plague that was now coming in contact with the neighborhood. One of the men with me opened up a case and inside it was a guitar. (Since this was the cure this was probably the righteous one, Justin.)
I picked up the guitar and held it in my hands. Immediately when I held the guitar, I knew exactly what to do. I told Justin and Jimmy that we needed to go back to my house and stay inside. This meant that we shouldn't be running down the road any longer to get away from the deadly plague that now covered the streets and neighborhood. We should instead run directly into it because that was where my house was. (Each abiding in one’s own house is what was commanded for the Passover.)
I believe the guitar symbolizes worship as it is an instrument of worship. I believe worship is more than just praise with music. I believe it is our thoughts, prayers, way & walk of life, memories of Father's miracles in our own lives, thankfulness, love & giving, etc. are all forms of worship. (Worship in Greek, proskuneo, means, to kiss towards, meaning an act of Love towards God.)
I believe what Father showed me in this dream is that the guitar represents that we should continually praise Father in all that we do, and HE will protect, provide, and deliver us in all things. Then I woke up. Psa 149:6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand;
(Which is clearly the way to conquer an enemy. 7 To execute vengeance upon the nations, And punishments upon the peoples; 8 To bind their kings with chains, And their nobles with fetters of iron; 9 To execute upon them the judgment written: This honor have all his saints. Praise ye Jehovah.)
While looking for this verse, I felt in my heart to check out Psalm 150. This is the last chapter of Psalms. I did not know what it said, but the thought came to my mind that King David was a great warrior; one of the fiercest warriors in the history of all mankind; so, it would be important to see what the last thing that King David had to say.
Think of it this way, for example, if a loved one had ever said his last words to an individual, those last words or statements now would have such an impact on the receiving individual for all their lives. Those last words could very well become the receiving individual's lifelong mantra. The departing loved ones many times save their most important statements for this last moment. So, the last statement of Psalms is this:
Psa 150 Praise ye Jehovah. Praise God in His sanctuary: Praise Him in the firmament of His power. 2 Praise Him for His mighty acts: Praise Him according to His excellent greatness. 3 Praise Him with the trumpet sound. Praise Him with psaltery and harp. 4 Praise Him with Timbrel and dance. Praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe. 5 Praise Him with loud cymbals: Praise Him with high sounding cymbals. 6 Let everything that hath breath praise Jehovah. Praise ye Jehovah. (Again this is God’s method for us to conquer our enemies.) If Samson's strength was his submission in his hair, then David's strength could be his submission in his praise. When the plagues come down from the sky, just point at them and say "Praise Him in the firmament of His power!"
Python Crushed
Marie Kelton 9/2/23 (David’s notes in red)
During the meeting I had an open vision of an ancient Roman temple. I saw the inside of the temple it had what looked like a pool in it. I saw a python go up and around one of the pillars that was in the temple on the right side. The python was going around the edge of the temple. (We are in the time of the end time ten toes of iron and clay, the Roman Empire, and their worship of another Jesus. The python is the old serpent of satan in their body.)
Then an earthquake happened, and the temple started collapsing. The python and the stones fell into the pool below. The python was crushed by the stones that fell into the pool. (The iron and clay 10 toes of the end time vision of Daniel was the revived Roman Empire. The Stone cut out of the mountain of God’s Kingdom rolled down and crushed it. That is our DS Babylon falling now and in the tribulation. The dragon is the old serpent in the sea of God’s people, their pride and persecution of the saints will destroy them. Leviathan the serpent is the king of pride.)
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