
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
UBBS 9.21.2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Ministering Angels Through UBM (9)
David Eells - 9/21/22
Praise Brings Testimonies (2)
Restoration and Deliverance
Matthew and Anna Stewart - 8/31/22 (David’s note in red)
Matthew Stewart said, "At the eighth day praise and worship anointing and celebration, when the first song was playing, I felt the presence of the Lord fill the room. And then immediately I was filled up with the Holy Spirit, and I felt a lot of weight come off of me and a great deliverance. And when we kept on singing to the next song it was like I had a knowing in my spirit that I could see a lot of angels joining in with us in praise and worship to the Lord.
The following Monday night meeting, we were in praise and worship and the Lord spoke to me, and said, “You have been restored to your former glory.” Now, I knew what this meant, because for the last few years I had back-slidden, and the Lord was trying to get my attention, and, ultimately, breaking my back in a car accident. Now I feel free. So what the Lord meant by “being restored to my former glory” was being restored to the point I was at before I started running away from the Lord.
Anna Stewart said, "Frustration has always been a stronghold in my life for as long as I can remember, often showing up in frustration towards my children that I knew was unreasonable. I was so grieved over it and I felt like I was getting worse instead of overcoming. I was even tempted with fears that maybe I really was getting worse because I was reprobated and not elect and would thus never be able to overcome. It was a hard battle to fight, because I could feel the spirit of frustration come into me, but I had to treat it like a lying symptom and believe that it was gone, even while still feeling it.
At the eighth day praise and worship anointing and celebration, my baby was screaming and crying continually and I couldn’t calm her down. I had to leave the room where all the saints were, and I was feeling frustrated again, because I was thinking I may miss something important from the Lord. I kept casting it down but nothing changed. But at the next meeting night when we came together, my baby did the same thing, and I had to step out of the room for almost an hour while she cried and screamed.
But then I realized the frustration was gone! Although I wanted to be in the room, I really didn’t mind having to leave the room and trying to comfort her unsuccessfully. It was an incredible feeling of freedom! Thoughts and emotions of frustration tried to tempt me a few times, but they seemed weak and I felt so strong to overcome; it felt like only my flesh and no longer a demon. I felt so empowered by the Lord to hold onto my deliverance and give the enemy no ground. Praise the Lord for freedom! (After Anna overcame this demon of frustration her baby was delivered too and is now very peaceful and calm.)
Taryn’s Mom Healed
Taryn Ezell - 8/25/22 (David’s notes in red)
Taryn requested us to pray and agree with her at our Monday night prayer meeting that followed our 8th day anointing, praise and worship celebration concerning her mom. She said, "My mom is an unbeliever and I had a conversation the other day with her because of her debilitating pain with sciatica that runs down her back into her legs and the osteoarthritis and neuropathy in her feet. I asked her if she would follow Christ if He healed her of these things. She said she thinks of Him all the time and I said, “Well… that’s not really following the Lord.”
She exhibits no fruit but I have been praying for her since 2009. Last night she said her hip was hurting pretty bad in addition to her usual pains and asked if I would pray for her. I told her we were at the fellowship and yes, we would. So I asked everyone at the meeting to agree with me and prayed the Lord would touch her hip and that she would know it was Him. (Our fellowship has been experiencing much power in prayer resulting in many miracles and quick answers to our prayers since we obeyed the Lord's message through the angels.)
My mom wrote me early the next morning and said, “I slept so good and my hip is SO much better”. Praise the Lord! My mom doesn’t sleep well either and usually takes Benadryl to sleep, so that was an added bonus. Thank the Lord!
Deliverance from Pests
David Eells - 9/1/22
The dreams we have had show the faction throwing witchcraft curses at us and the angels throwing them back. The angels just told us that they are covered with these curses that they sent. One of these curses was an invasion of millipedes under our house and deck which we came against by faith. Michael, Brandy, and I noticed that we could walk through the house and see no millipedes in front of us and then turn immediately around and would see them where we had just walked right behind our feet. The millipedes can’t move that fast so we knew this was witchcraft.
I asked the angels, “If we believe, will the Lord curse all the pests on this mountain and around and under the house?” (Eve said, "I am seeing a vision of an angel standing in the back yard with a flame thrower. He is awaiting our command of faith to sweep this mountain with fire and kill all the pests.) So we prayed and commanded it to be done. (The infestation of millipedes and bull frogs are dead by faith and we believe the surrounding area of mice, ticks and chiggers are dead too. We had never ever seen a bull frog on top of this mountain because all the water runs off.)
(Eve said, “When I was at David’s house, I saw a vision of a giant demon 10 feet tall standing at the back deck next to the bird feeder. (I later found out his name was, “Lorgonus”.) He had white eyes like he was blind and had a large barrel shaped chest and skinny arms and legs. He had his claws raised up like he was going to get us and a large, gaping, toothless mouth. He was covered with large millipedes swarming all over him and mice and frogs hopping and crawling over him as well as wasps etc. So David and Michael said we should go out and command the demon by name to leave and take all his pests with him. So we did and now he’s gone with his millipedes! (While we were commanding this demon to leave I saw Baruch and Jeruel come and bind his hands behind his back and take him off in the direction of the flame throwing angel in the back yard.)
A week later we were still seeing the millipedes and bull frogs everywhere. I asked the angels why they had not been manifestly removed and the angel Baruch said, “It is because you are spending too much energy and focus on them.” So I quit sucking them up with the hand vac when I found them in the house and basically just began to ignore their presence altogether.
Update about Millipedes: David prayed that the Angels would not only kill the millipedes and frogs, but also remove their carcasses. This is when they manifestly disappeared without a trace, overnight and their carcasses were gone too. This was amazing because we had been cursing them and they were dying this whole time and leaving carcasses behind. But when this manifested, we couldn’t even find one carcass and there had been thousands.
Update on Tractor Repair Miracle
David Eells - 9/19/22
Our tractor had front wheel drives on the front two wheels. The drive gears on one side broke and jammed up that wheel. We replaced the gears which were expensive. Later the other side's gears broke and jammed up the exact same way but, I decided I wanted God to fix them this time. When the tractor was part way down the mountain the left front wheel drive gears broke. I was to pick up a tiller to put it on a trailer but suddenly the tractor would not move forward or backward, whether it was in 4 wheel drive or not. So I picked up the tiller with the tractor and asked Greg to drive under it and I was able to just set it down on the trailer. When Greg left, the tractor was stuck right there on the mountain. The next morning I asked the Lord if I could go and get the tractor and drive it up to the top. So I went by faith, got on the tractor and drove it to the top and parked it. Then we needed to move a tank with it later and it was jammed up again.
So I asked the angels, “If I believe, will you fix my tractor?” Baruch said, “Yes. It will be healed. Only believe and don't doubt. All things with God are free. Lay hands on it in faith and keep using it.” (Eve said," Baruch himself will not fix it, but I had a vision of two angels in blue jean overalls over their robes, holding tools in each hand near the red tractor, waiting to heal it.)
So when Baruch said this, I went out to the tractor and laid my hands on the gear housing and commanded it to be healed or restored in Jesus’ Name. Then I jumped on the tractor and started it and put it in gear and it started moving, so I drove it down my mountain driveway pretty fast. Normally, if a gear jammed the wheel it could have flipped the tractor around or broken the housing but it was smooth with no noise at all. I went to the mailbox and turned around on the black top, which causes one front wheel to go faster than the other. There is no differential so this puts a severe strain on those gears and they performed perfectly. I drove to the top of the hill with no problems. This could only be done if the broken steel gears were removed and new ones were installed along with the oil changed to get the metal pieces out. And this was done in a moment. This is another confirmation to you that these angels are true.
Later, I needed to put the tractor to a test because we needed a loader full of dirt. So I went up the mountain with no trouble and I pushed up a pile of dirt on top of the mountain until I had a loader full and came back down the mountain with zero trouble.
I have noticed that God usually does not use the same method twice in a row but expands our faith by using different methods. For instance, I have prayed for refrigerators to be healed and they went on working. But once, the Lord had me to turn the refrigerator around and look at the wiring diagram. I had never read one of these in my life but suddenly I could read and understand it . So I went in to the refrigerator and pulled a part out from underneath the deck of the freezer. As I did and was holding the part in my hand a friend walked in and asked me what I was holding.
I told him it was the broken part to my refrigerator and he said, “Let’s go get it.” I knew I didn’t have any money, but I didn’t say anything. When me and my friend picked up the part, he paid for it. We installed it and the refrigerator worked perfectly. This expanded my faith in God’s power to fix things differently for every situation. Being led by the Spirit means that we are open to God using different methods each time to show His power. God chooses methods that do not give glory to man. His power is made perfect in our weakness.
I had asked the angel Baruch about methods to get the gospel out in the future and he said, “The methods of man will not be employed to reach the peoples of the earth, in the days that are coming. The methods are all of the spirit realm and will be administered by the angels who are going to distribute the gifts to the saints. (Meaning, the sanctified ones) These include gifts of translation from place to place, languages, healings, laying on of hands to impart to others their needs and what they're lacking and to replicate the gifts by passing them on to others whom the angels will point out. Supernatural downloads of wisdom and knowledge will be received for specific situations.”
Remember Chris Garber’s testimony where he said, "As a confirming witness to the testimony that brother David shared about the "Mechanic angels” fixing his tractor on 8/17/22, I also had mechanic angels “fix" my tractor. God gave me a dream of 2 mechanic angels fixing my tractor radiator. I watched how they did it. Next day, I looked online to see if the repair had ever been done, and I found several videos of people repairing radiators with putty. I carefully applied the putty to the hole. I applied it just as I saw the mechanic angels apply it in the dream; prayed again and left it to sit for 24 hours. Praise the Lord! The hole is completely repaired, no leaks! I used the tractor all day Saturday in warm temperatures, under a big load. Absolutely perfectly repaired by the angels! When I heard the testimony of brother David on 8/17/22, I thought, "I have seen the same mechanic angels here!!!!”
Jesus did Miracles differently as He was led by the Spirit. For example: Mar. 7:33 And he took him aside from the multitude privately, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spat, and touched his tongue;
John 9:6-7 When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and anointed his eyes with the clay, 7 and said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam (which is by interpretation, Sent). He went away therefore, and washed, and came seeing.
Mat 20:34 And Jesus, being moved with compassion, touched their eyes; and straightway they received their sight, and followed him.
God Healed Deafness and Tinnitus in My Ears
Michael Hare - 9/13/22
In a hearing test online, I found out that my hearing in the right ear was at a very high level of hearing loss and the left ear was at a mid level of hearing loss.
The other night I was lamenting my frustration to a friend and they asked me to check out a website that was espousing a simple complete deliverance from the Tinnitus that I had in both ears with just a simple exercise and if that didn’t work they had natural things you could take, etc, etc!
I finally said to the Lord... Lord, You told me through the Angels, the cause of my hearing loss and I repented of that and now there is no reason why I can’t receive my healing! So, I got up and went down stairs and got David and asked him to cast this deafness off me and for the ringing in my ears to stop. He did, I agreed and God did.
It was not an immediate healing. At that time, I was going for a walk in the park and so I headed out. When I got to the park, I put my ear buds on to listen to the Audio Bible and connected to my phone and hit play!!
And, Oh My, the volume level was way to high! In the past, it has always been set to max volume so I could hear but now I had to turn it down to less than half the volume. I was ecstatic because I knew I had been healed. I immediately started praising God and thanking Him for healing my hearing and I praised and thanked Him the whole 3.5 miles of my walk.
I called friends and told them of my healing and we praised Him together. I am still praising Him! Thank You Lord for Healing My Ears!!!
Healed From Physical and Emotional Pain
Anretta Wachira - 9/9/22
I have been unwell all week and the pain was increasingly getting worse. Last night at about 3am, the pain became so excruciating I began to wonder if I was having a heart attack. I didn't want to wake my family. I was crying in the bathroom wondering what to do next. There was no one I could ask for prayer. I was crying out to God, “Heal me Lord heal me. I am so overwhelmed Lord…”. Then I started to pray in tongues and I believe. The Holy spirit prompted me to speak to God as my Father. So I started to tell Him everything that was going on and then my prayer took a turn...., I asked Him to help me feel like a “son" and not a servant.
I believed I am a child of God but I didn't walk as a son, I didn't feel like a son. "Lord, I don't want to be a servant any longer. I want to be your son." I felt an amazing surge of authority come all over me and I started to rebuke satan to get out of my body, to get out of my family. I started to command him to leave. How dare he come after the child of the most high God!! Hallelujah!! My Father is faithful and His Word is true and His Word does not return void.
The pain did leave and I was able to sleep. I hadn't had more than 2 hours sleep at a time in the previous 3 nights. I suppose the thing I thought was most significant for me was how I felt different inside. I feel peace and contentment even though a lot of the circumstances around me don't seem to have changed. I realized how much I was striving and how far removed I had felt I was from God. I feel at peace. I feel no more condemnation or fear of disappointing God. I have love. I don't know how to explain that though; not just within but for people as well. It's only been one day but, I believe things have already shifted and will manifest in the physical realm. I pray this will be helpful to someone. God bless you all.
Father is preparing all in UBM to be provided for in the coming days of scarcity - Act 2:44-45 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; 45 and they sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all, according as any man had need. This has to include those who are on the front line sacrificing their lives to get the Gospel out. The angel Baruch said, “Our great God is bringing back the 1st century, 'Book of Acts' church operations" in Part 5 of this series. This is exactly what the scriptures already tell us to do. Go and read it again. This is what I have been living and teaching for many years was coming. The sacrifices that the saints gave to bring equality in Acts paved the way for a great revival, which the angels have stated is about to be poured out again.)
The Harvest is Ripe for the Greatest Revival
Eve Brast 8/29/22 (David’s notes in red)
Eve said, “I asked the Lord Jesus to speak to us about this and He said, “My harvest is ripe for the picking... You may glean freely without fear of the enemy as long as you continue in faith and sacrificial praise and worship; lifting Me up and glorifying My Name, your defenses will remain impenetrable as My messengers have told you.
The time for hiding is over. I Am revealing My glorious Bride for all to behold. I Am moving you into a renewed time of great grace in spreading My Gospel far and wide for the greatest revival ever witnessed. (Eve said, I understood that pockets of persecution will always arise, but the Lord will bring their efforts to naught. No matter what they do or say, it will result in a greater glorification of the Bride and the Name of Jesus moving forward and the truth of the Gospel will spread all the more. John 16:33 These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye may have peace. In the world ye have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.)
Remain faithful to all My commands that My messengers have brought to you and your enemies will remain scattered, subdued and under your feet. Fear not, My Bride, for I Am with you.”
I asked for a word by faith at random for this Word from the Lord and my finger was on the words, “he commanded” in Dan. 3:20 (in context 20-25) And he commanded certain mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace. 21 Then these men were bound in their hosen, their tunics, and their mantles, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. 22 Therefore because the king's commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flame of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. 23 And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. (Because they confessed their faith in God, He delivered them and destroyed their enemies.)
24 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished, and rose up in haste: he spake and said unto his counsellors, Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? They answered and said unto the king, True, O king. 25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the aspect of the fourth is like a son of the gods. (It was the same story with Daniel in the lions den; He was spared and the enemies were destroyed and so it will be.)
Below is a praise report from one of our Missionaries in the Middle East. Our giving is making a huge impact for the Kingdom of God and for the great revival that is taking place overseas.
Missionary Praise and Thanksgiving for Our Giving
Missionary - 9/15/22 (David’s notes in red)
Thank God, Thank God!
Dear Brother David, Mother Kathleen, and all faithful brothers. Thanks to the Lord first. And thank you all. The money has arrived! Tomorrow I will get the car; thank God! The Lord answers our prayers. Yes, it was a miracle. (He is the leader of many missionaries in his nation and must have a car, but he had to sell his car to care for and feed the missionaries. They have hundreds of missionaries and many thousands of converts to Christianity.)
Before we knew anything about the money for the car or the money for the missionaries bills whom the Catholics and Coptics attacked, we were in group prayer in one of the weddings of the missionary brothers where one of the wives of a missionary brother who died in the earlier attack was married again.
We had asked the Lord to provide us with the car and help pay the missionaries bills. After the prayer, I felt something telling me that I should check the internet email. I opened the net and found the message saying that there is a large amount of money that will arrive!
I made the brethren here see how the Lord responded to us and made them read the message. The Lord increased their faith and certainty in the power and control of the Lord. Also, this made some people who were afflicted with some confusion to increase their certainty and faith. Thank God!
The car will play a very big role. It will save us time and effort. We are also glad that the missionaries were helped to pay their bills! Thank God.
Also, I will write you letters when I have some time. We are now rotating and rearranging missionaries. Thank you all. The Lord is with us. My love to you all.
Your brother is the servant of the Lord,
My response to our underground Church Missionary: Hi XXXX,
We are so glad the saints there are encouraged and their faith has been strengthened. God is good and faithful! We are receiving more money. It’s not the big money we are expecting. We probably have enough to pay off the bills of the missionaries and meet their needs.
When we were sending the money that you just received, at that moment, more money came in. And we left the bank with more money than we had when we got there. This money too is available for the debt or other needs.
So if we send you the money for the debt, it should meet the most important needs of the saints. So, if you spend the money for these other things, we will make up the money you need for the debt later.
There is a civil war happening between the factions of the Alliance and the Deep State. We suggest that you buy some extra food and maybe even some extra fuel for storage, as well as shoes, etc.
Keep on believing Mark 11:23-24 and Matthew 18:18-19.
Mar 11:23-24 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou taken up and cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what he saith cometh to pass; he shall have it. 24 Therefore I say unto you, All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
Mat 18:18-19 Verily I say unto you, What things soever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and what things soever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven.
Love to all,
Your Servant in Christ, David.
Those of you who participated in the 8 day fast and anointing, please take some time to share your testimonies with us. Please send them to elders@unleavenedbreadministries.org
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