
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
UBBS 9.23.2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Man-child Judges and Preserves (5)
David Eells 9-23-20
Judas, the Corporate Son of Perdition
We have seen that the Edomites, Moabites, etc., those who factioned against their chosen brother will be conquered by David, as a type of the end time Man-child, as the Bible shows. David conquered Absalom who was a clear type of Judas. To continue our study we will see who these Judas' are and who they are revealed by God to be today.
In 2001 a prophet from east Florida was sitting at his computer and the Lord gave him a website to type in. It was my site. This was a miracle considering that in those days my address was more complex than it is today. When he found my number he called me and told me that the Lord had told him that he would see the son of perdition in another month. I told him I didn’t think that was possible because the falling away had to come first according to 2 Thessalonians 2. However, when I got off the phone, the Lord pointed out to me that I was writing an article on the son of perdition according to what He had shown me and it would be finished the next month. I realized that this was where he would see, meaning get the revelation of, the son of perdition. The next month when I sent him the article, he saw it as a fulfillment of what the Lord had spoken to him. He saw the son of perdition as a large body of people in our midst that would fall away. As we have seen, Jesus and His disciples were for signs of those who were to follow in their steps in the end time. Judas, the son of perdition, was one of those signs. He was a type and shadow of a corporate body of people hidden in the body of Christ that is being revealed in these days. This is our Judas, the “son of perdition,” and the “man of sin.” Again, as we saw Judas is a spiritual father of a vast body of people today that walk as he walked in the falling away and betrayal of the body of Christ.
Judas has been revealed to us personally as a long line of Judas’ who betrayed us and have now chosen a leader who is the worst of them all. It was revealed to me years ago he would gather past Judas to do his evil work and now we have the proof of it.
Judas walked in the steps of his spiritual father, Dan, who was called a serpent, and was also one of the twelve patriarchs who fell away (Gen.49:6,17). Therefore, if we study Judas, we will see who his spiritual counterparts are in our day. (1Cor.10:11) Now these things happened unto them (Israel) by way of example (Greek: “figure” or “type”); and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages are come.
Let’s look at our type so we can see what is happening in the “end of the ages” to the Church. The children of Israel ate the lamb as a type of Jesus and they were delivered from the curse as the death angel passed over them (Gal.3:13). They crossed the Red Sea as a type of baptism (1Cor.10:2) where the Egyptian (the old man) were buried and the Israelite (the born again man) came up out of the water and went into the wilderness of the Tribulation (Rev.12:6; 17:3). A “mixed multitude went up also with them” (Ex.12:38). The mixed multitude was part Egyptian (the old man) and part Israelite (the born again man). (Num.11:4) And the mixed multitude that was among them lusted exceedingly (In our day we have witnessed this lust overtaking the Judas’ and those who follow them. Every form of perversion is among them.)
: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat? (6) But now our soul is dried away; there is nothing at all save this manna to look upon. This is a type of the half-Christians who lust after the flesh and will even tempt the true Christians. They hated the manna. The word “manna,” in Hebrew, is literally “man” in Exodus 16:31. The Man that they hated to eat was Jesus who is the bread of heaven, the Word of God that we must eat to have life (Joh.6:51)! (Today we see this body of people who totally ignore the Word of God, and cannot be corrected any more than Judas could. They have lost all conscience.)
This angered God, Who said He would give them more flesh than they could stomach. (20)…Until it come out at your nostrils, and it be loathsome unto you; because that ye have rejected the Lord (manna) who is among you, and have wept before him, saying, Why came we forth out of Egypt? Paraphrased, this says, “Why did we ever get saved?” In type they were rejecting the self-crucifying Word of God to live after their own lusts and God was giving them what they wanted until it made them sick. This is kind of like the boy who gets caught smoking by his dad, who, in an attempt to make him repent, makes him smoke the whole pack until he turns green. In this case, however, the boy never repented and died of cancer. Romans 8:13 says, “if ye live after the flesh, ye must die.” (Num.11:33) While the flesh was yet between their teeth, ere it was chewed, the anger of the Lord was kindled against the people, and the Lord smote the people with a very great plague. (34) And the name of that place was called Kibroth-hattaavah, because there they buried the people that lusted. (Today these people have fallen into every form of lust and perversion.) The wilderness tribulation that was meant to give life brought death to those who followed after the flesh and so it is happening in our days. Those who according to the type fell away and spiritually died as sons of perdition, came out of their midst. Judas hung himself with his own hands like Absalom did when he Judased David.
We have had these lukewarm people among us but they have been spewed out (literally vomited) of the body (Rev.3:16) just like Judas, who came out of the early body of the twelve disciples, and Dan, who is no longer listed among the twelve tribes (Rev.7:4-8). Those that were left were sanctified from the man of sin that was in their midst and ready to go to the Promised Land. Jesus, as a type of the end time Man-child’s ministry, was betrayed by Judas, who fell away as the son of perdition. They have taken the spiritual mark in the forehead or mind and in the right hand or works. This is leading to the physical mark as an “abomination that maketh desolate” to those sons of perdition who receive it. Desolate means without God, which they are.
(2Thes.2:1) Now we beseech you, brethren, touching the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together unto him; (2) to the end that ye be not quickly shaken from your mind, nor yet be troubled, either by spirit, or by word, or by epistle as from us, as that the day of the Lord is just at hand; (3) let no man beguile you in any wise: for [it will not be], except the falling away come first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. In a few words, God is saying do not be deceived. The Lord will not come for us until after the falling away reveals the son of perdition in our midst. The words “falling away” are from the Greek word, apostasia (apostasy). Apostasy here means falling away from Christ and a lost person cannot fall away. The son of perdition is among the Christians as he was in Jesus’ day. In the falling away, the “man of sin,” the “son of perdition,” is being revealed.
God is purging His Church of the rebels to get the rest ready to meet the Lord. People who have been acting like Christians will not be able to act anymore. As Jesus said in the time of the harvest first the angels will gather the tares from among the wheat and bundle them in bundles to burn them. Then the wheat shines forth for the leaven is gone.
Years ago I prayed over my three sons and asked God to give them a dream or vision concerning our future. God did this to all three and Justin, my youngest son, received his first open vision saying to me, "Dad can you have a dream with your eyes open?" I said, "yes son I need to hear that one.” He saw a great ship on the ocean, filled with people. Some were dressed in white and were on the right side of the ship. Others in black were on the left side. A jet plane suddenly appeared, swooped down, and shot a rocket which blew the ship to pieces. Those dressed in black were not able to swim and sank. (Like those out of the ark couldnt swim.) The people dressed in white swam around and built a new smaller ship from the pieces. They searched out a smaller motor and installed it on the new ship. The Lord showed me this was the proverbial Gospel ship. Those in white on the right are the sheep and those in black on the left are the goats as Jesus separated them in Matthew 25:33. The white garments are the works of the Spirit and the black garments are the works of the flesh. (Rom.13:12)…Cast off the works of darkness (black garments)… (14)...put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ (white garments), and make not provision for the flesh, to [fulfil] the lusts [thereof]. (Rev.19:8) And it was given unto her that she should array herself in fine linen, bright [and] pure: for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. (Rev.3:5) He that overcometh shall thus be arrayed in white garments; and I will in no wise blot his name out of the book of life….
The water represents the curses written in the Word (Dt.11:26-28). Those in black sank under the curses of this world. The true identity of these will be revealed through tribulation because they are falling away and ultimately to be destroyed. Noah was saved by the flood that destroyed the wicked. The flood of destruction proved who was a son of perdition (Greek: “destruction”). The new smaller motor is the new Church government that will be raised up. (Joh.17:12) While I was with them, I kept them in thy name which thou hast given me: and I guarded them, and not one of them perished, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled. Among the people of God in the coming days, not one will perish, but the son of perdition. What happened in Judas’ day is going to happen in this day. Look at the signs in the Gospels, because they are going to be fulfilled again. (Ecc.1:9) That which hath been is that which shall be; and that which hath been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. If what you see of your revelation of the end times doesn’t fit into history, it is wrong; throw it out. Those who fall away in this day are revealed to be the son of perdition who was Hidden in the Body. (Joh.13:17) If ye know these things, blessed are ye if ye do them. (18) I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen…. In other words, Judas was not chosen because he would not do the things Jesus spoke.
The lawless can be called but will not be chosen. “For many are called, but few chosen.” The word “chosen” is the word eklektos, where we get the word “elect.” Judas was called to partake of Christ but chose to follow his flesh. (Joh.13:18)…But that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth my bread lifted up his heel against me. Judas ate Jesus’ bread with the disciples and then betrayed Him. This also identifies the mixed multitude who followed their Judas'. In our day, the body of Judas eats Jesus’ bread and then betrays the body of Christ. (21) When Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in the spirit, and testified, and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me. (22) The disciples looked one on another, doubting of whom he spake. (Mat.26:22) And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began to say unto him every one, Is it I, Lord? (What is amazing to us personally who have experienced this is we have always known who the son of perdition was before they were manifested because our dreams identified them and we will prove this.)
Obviously the son of perdition, the man of sin, was as well hidden to the others as he is today. When Jesus sent out the twelve to do the miracles, don’t you think they would have suspected Judas if he hadn’t done any? This is why the son of perdition has to be revealed in our day. He does the religious works, and for a time, he can hide his lack of fruit. Tribulation is necessary to reveal and separate him from the body. He is a cancer in the body of Christ. Judas’ hidden lusts overcame him when he was tribulated. For silver (personal gain) he sold out the body of Christ. He was secretly a thief who stole from the common purse (Joh.12:6). He had no concern for the brethren’s needs, only his own. The son of perdition still takes what belongs to Jesus and His disciples for himself. (The faction in our day has done this identifying themselves.)
Jesus and the disciples had all things common, a practice that continued in Act.2:44, 4:32. (Lk.14:33) So therefore whosoever he be of you that renounceth not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. We must renounce ownership of our possessions, rights, and will, to be a disciple. We are merely stewards of these things for Jesus and the brethren. True disciples steward common possessions, rights, and will, to see that all needs are met. Every member of a body (eyes, ears, arms, etc.) serves the body. (1Cor.6:19)… And ye are not your own; (20) for ye were bought with a price: glorify God therefore in your body.
In Identifying His Judas Jesus said in (Joh.13:26) Jesus therefore answereth, He it is, for whom I shall dip the sop, and give it him. So when he had dipped the sop, he taketh and giveth it to Judas, [the son] of Simon Iscariot. (27) And after the sop, then entered Satan into him. Jesus therefore saith unto him, What thou doest, do quickly. When Judas ate the sop and Satan entered into him, he manifestly became the son of perdition. (We have seen this sudden change come over the Judas’ when their lusts were hindered in any way. From then on they are unreasonable and very foolish with no conscience.)
The Lord spoke to me plainly years ago and said, “SOP, S-O-P, son - of - perdition.” The sop was a morsel of bread that was used to soak up liquid food. We must eat the bread of Christ, the Word, to bear fruit, but it also makes us responsible. (Joh.15:22) If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no excuse for their sin. Judas was reprobated because he knew too much of the Word to get away with what he did. (We have personally seen those who delighted to know our truths suddenly lose them all when they are reprobated like Judas was.) Many are being hardened today because, when they hear the Word, they do not repent. We just got this text in our morning prayer meeting by faith at random about these people. (Psa.41:9) Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, Who did eat of my bread, Hath lifted up his heel against me. The word “Judas” is Hebrew meaning, “to use the hand.” God definitely used the hand of Judas, for Jesus told him, “What thou doest, do quickly.” (Act.2:23) Him, being delivered up by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye by the hand of lawless men did crucify and slay. “Lawless” here is the same Greek word as in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 where the son of perdition is called “the man of sin” or lawlessness.
God used the hand of a man of lawlessness to crucify the body of Christ and in these days it is happening. Our greatest enemy is the man of lawlessness that is among the people of God. From the beginning, Jesus knew Judas would fall away. Jesus said, “Did not I choose you the twelve, and one of you is a devil?” (Joh.6:70). Remember, the son of perdition must fall away and be a Judas to the body before the Lord can come. (Act.1:25) To take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas fell away, that he might go to his own place. “Iscariot” is made up of two words. Is, which is Hebrew for “man,” and cariot, which is Babylonish or Chaldean for “city.” So, Judas Iscariot means, “To use the hand of a man city.” This shows us that the son of perdition is a corporate body of people in our day who are a part of the city of Babylon. As far as Christians are concerned, he is a part of the great Babylonish religious city in these days.
Judas represented the city of the falling away that is guilty of the blood of the saints (Rev.17:6,18:24). He was in league with the Sanhedrin, the corporate false prophet over the apostate people of God. Jesus said of His true followers, “Ye are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid” (Mat.5:14). True Christianity is a worldwide city, or congregation of people. However, there is a Babylonish city within our city. There are two cities inhabiting the same territory. God is now separating these two by using the son of perdition to crucify the flesh of the body of Christ, as with Judas and Jesus. (Mat.24:9) Then shall they deliver you up unto tribulation, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all the nations for my name’s sake. (10) And then shall many stumble (fall away), and shall deliver up one another, and shall hate one another. (The murderous Judas’ assassinate characters and dismember people from the body by slander, witchcraft and faction.)
(11) And many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray. You see here that the end time corporate Judas Iscariot will betray and deceive his own brethren worldwide. (Joh.13:30) He then having received the sop went out straightway: and it was night. When Judas, the son of perdition went out from among the body to betray Christ, it was night. He, now being filled with Satan, walked in total darkness. (Joh.9:4) We must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. (5) When I am in the world, I am the light of the world. Another aspect of this darkness was that the son of perdition put out the Light of the world, Christ. This time he will put out the Light of the world, the body of Christ, for Jesus said, “Ye are the light of the world” (Mat.5:14). The night, of course, is when there is no light to see by. (The son of perdition whom we will reveal became angry when he forbid him about 5 times to seduce a married woman and He was immediately taken over by Satan and went out to destroy the Word we have published for many years. He took down our site since he was the technician and then took down our videos because the demons in him hate the word to go forth. Apple technicians told us that he was the only one who could do this to our site. Our new technician said the person who destroyed the files that kept the site up was very technical and knew exactly how to do it and that was him. And he has been stalking this woman by phone, Using false numbers with her area code so she would pick up. She immediately hung up but called the number back and he answered giving us proof of him.)
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