
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
UBBS 9.4.2022
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Ministering Angels Through UBM (7)
David Eells - 9/4/22
Praise Brings Testimonies
The Bride Received Her Gifts on the 8th Day Prayer and Worship Meeting!
Marie Kelton - 8/19/22
( Eve’s notes in Green | David’s notes in red)
(Again, Marie is representing the corporate Bride Body in UBM.) During the Friday 8th day anointing meeting the Lord gave me an open vision of me being in heaven, wearing all white, with a white head covering on. (Representing my spirit man) I saw Him opening a black bag. (Representing the "hidden treasures of darkness” in Isa. 45:3 and I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that it is I, Jehovah, who call thee by thy name, even the God of Israel.)
He began handing me white boxes of all different sizes, which I knew were gifts. He handed me so many that I had to look behind them to see the Lord. I knew it was an endless bag. Then the vision ended. (Eve said, " Jeruel said to me that all our gifts for now and future purposes were bestowed upon us for future ministrations and service for God’s Kingdom and His people at the 8th day Praise and Worship meeting. Some gifts are immediately available to those who have the maturity to un-package them now, but most of these gifts require more preparation of heart, mind and priorities before they can be opened and used.” Eve said, "Of course, we are already operating in the meantime gifts that we’ve received, but much greater manifestations of these gifts are coming to operate in the Holy Spirit and serve God’s people.”)
Here is a review of what he said to us below:
David asked, “What will Friday’s anointings involve?” Jeruel said, “Spiritual restorations and healings, as well as physical healings with faith, and anointings of gifts for the Body and greater Body ministry .” Then he added, "Faith is imperative. Ask your Father for more faith. He will give it to you, as much as you are willing to receive. Many are comfortable where they are at and fearful to receive more faith and power from God because it will make them more responsible to be moved out of their comfort zones and into more maturity and the unknown of total abandonment to the will of God and His ways. These fears are strongholds in many lives and keep the saints from progressing in the purposes of God .
Those who are empty will go away full and those who are full will go away empty or with little. Those who empty their vessels of fear, doubt, unbelief, and double mindedness and come truly hungry and thirsty for the gifts of God to serve others and His Kingdom will be filled with anointing to the fullest. Perfect love for their Father and our Great God casts out fear, and with fear goes doubt, unbelief and double mindedness. Those who hang on to self-will, pride, and giving up control over their own lives, who insist on continuing to be their own masters will not receive or will receive little according to the conditions of their own hearts which the Great God and King knoweth; for He searches the hearts of men looking for empty vessels to fill for His purposes and His Glory. This requires an obedient servant’s heart; a willing vessel crying out, “Here am I. Send me. Not my own will but Yours! These can be trusted with so great gifts and anointing's.”
Continue to praise the Lord, Saints, for deliverance, defense, and the manifestation of His gifts, in order to bind the enemies and their demonic leadership according to Psa 149.5-9 Let the saints exult in glory: Let them sing for joy upon their beds. 6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand; 7 To execute vengeance upon the nations, And punishments upon the peoples; 8 To bind their kings with chains, And their nobles with fetters of iron; 9 To execute upon them the judgment written: This honor have all his saints. Praise ye Jehovah.
Lay Down Your Pride and Receive His Gifts
A sister in the Lord contacted me and asked the following questions of the Lord: Why are my dreams being hindered? For what purpose did God call me? What is my ministry? What gifts have you purposed for my life? Why has God been silent? (This speaks to many who feel rejection and condemnation which is not from God.
I asked the Lord to give me a vision and speak to me concerning her questions and this is a portion of what I was shown:
"I saw a 3rd angel behind the other two called, “Protarius” (There is no earthly meaning for this name that I could find.) He was smaller than the other two and very humble in demeanor. He had a simple, plain, sleeveless tunic and he was barefooted. He had a peaceful, soft face and a slight smile. He also had short brown hair with a simple leather headband. He appeared on the scene reluctantly and stood quietly with his head slightly bowed; never raising his eyes in humble servitude. He was holding a very large woven basket in front of him with both hands that was absolutely filled with different fruits, of which, I only recognized red grapes. The others were foreign looking. There were also many small “jewelry sized” gift boxes; perfectly wrapped in golden paper with maroon satin ribbons and bows. He was patiently waiting to present these to this sister when she was able and willing to receive them.” (Many times people are looking at their natural face in the mirror and consider that they are not worthy or that God is offended with them for past sins and does not want to give them their desires. They are separated from justification by seeing their natural face instead of the face of Jesus by faith.)
Then the Lord spoke to me concerning all her previous questions and said, "I have no other message for this sister other than what I have already spoken to her in the message I gave you to give to her almost 3 years ago. She must receive it and believe, no matter what she feels personally or what the lies of the enemy of her soul are telling her. These lies are the idols that she holds in higher esteem than my love for her. She must repent for rejecting me and all my loving advances towards her and receive the gifts of the Bride. Otherwise all of her other questions and concerns are irrelevant."
Word From The Lord for This Sister; His Bride
Eve Brast - 10/28/19 (David’s notes in red)
(The following love letter is to all, both men and women, who aspire to be the Bride of Christ.)
"My beautiful daughter. You are continually fighting with your "old man”. You must cease your striving and struggling and your self-efforts.
You need only to lift up your eyes, quit looking at the earth, and look into the mirror and see that My power lives in you. I Am the only power source that you need. I Am the only power source that works. I live and move and have My being IN YOU.
All you need do is rest in My love and trust My hand. I Am faithful to lead you into all truth and righteousness for My own Name’s sake. I will perfect all concerning you. You are never alone! I will carry you, My lamb, if only you will let Me.
You must give up the pride and independence of the ”old nature ” that you have relied upon, so heavily, all your life and yield yourself completely, in vulnerability, into My loving arms. You must trust Me with your heart.
Do you believe that you are My beautiful bride? You must believe; for I love you dearly! Don't let self-doubt and unbelief separate us. I long for uninterrupted communion with you but these spirits are the biggest hindrance to our relationship.
You must not listen to the condemnation and the lies of the enemy who wants to crush your faith and your belief and steal you away from me, for he is a thief and a liar!
I love the beautiful desires of your heart and your longing for closeness with me. I placed those desires within your heart when I sealed you and sanctified you unto myself. You are mine and I will fight for you!
You sit at my table continually with eagerness to be filled with my words and with my righteousness and you will be filled!
This is what I see, ”It is finished” my love, my undefiled one. Believe it! Hold on to your faith, and that which you have, for I Am faithful. I will enlarge your portion for you have made Me the Ruler of your house!"
I asked Father for a word for this sister, representing many in the Bride, and this is the word He gave me by faith at random and my finger was on “Full of splendor" in Psa. 111:3 (in context 1-10), Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. 2 Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them. 3 Full of splendor and majesty is his work, (That ’ s YOU!) and his righteousness endures forever. 4 He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and merciful.
5 He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever. 6 He has shown his people the power of his works, in giving them the inheritance of the nations. 7 The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy; 8 they are established forever and ever, to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness. 9 He sent redemption to his people; he has commanded his covenant forever. Holy and awesome is his name! 10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!
Give for Alms Those Things Which are Within
Amber Arney - 8/8/22 (David’s notes in red)
This vision below was given on 8/8/22 before the command of the Lord was given to contribute our excess wealth to UBM for the needs of the saints.
I had been seeing a vision of a stack of art books (I am an art major). The only book that I recognized was an art history book on top of various other art books.
As I saw these books, I heard in the Spirit something like, “Sell your unneeded possessions and give to the needy.” From Luke 12:33-34 Sell that which ye have, and give alms; make for yourselves purses which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief draweth near, neither moth destroyeth. 34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
I was confused at first because I don’t have that particular art history book any more and the ones that I do have aren’t worth very much, so I wondered how I could sell them. I had puzzled over this for weeks. Until I realized that the Lord had a deeper message for me.
I studied the above passage as well as similar ones in Luke 16:9, And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends by means of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when it shall fail, they may receive you into the eternal tabernacles. Luke 18:22, And when Jesus heard it, he said unto him, One thing thou lackest yet: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me. Luke 11:41, But give for alms those things which are within; and behold, all things are clean unto you.
Mat. 19:21, Jesus said unto him, If thou wouldest be perfect, go, sell that which thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me. Acts 2:45, and they sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all, according as any man had need. Luke 6:38, give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall they give into your bosom. For with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again.
After some study, I felt the Lord was saying to think of my work for UBM as alms to the poor. (I composite the books for the ministry.) (Amber does this at no charge to the ministry.) This was a great encouragement and it has really helped me be more diligent and enjoy my work.
Today I was studying this again and it seems like the Lord wanted to say more. I asked him, “How do you give, as alms, the things that are within? From the scripture in Luke 11:41, But give for alms those things which are within; and behold, all things are clean unto you.” (One thing we can give to God from within is our appreciation in Praise and thanksgiving for giving to us all that Jesus is in the reconciliation. This is solving many problem and bringing testimonies like we share here.)
I heard in the Spirit “Is this the fast that I have chosen?” From Isa 58:6-10 Is not this the fast that I have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? 7 Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?
8 Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thy healing shall spring forth speedily; and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of Jehovah shall be thy rearward. 9 Then shalt thou call, and Jehovah will answer; thou shalt cry, and he will say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking wickedly; 10 and if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul: then shall thy light rise in darkness, and thine obscurity be as the noonday;
I still had many questions. Then I heard, “Will you walk with me down a lonely street?” This is a line from the song Unity by King and Country. To me this song is about walking with our brothers in all kinds of need, physical, emotional and spiritual.
But if I need a ride in your backseat
Will you be there for me?
See me on the path on your way home
Might need a mattress to sleep on
But if I'm going to dawn would it be wrong?
Will you be there for me?
Will you walk with me down a lonely street?
Talk to me, tell me what you see?
Stand by me, so the world will see
You and me, in unity?
Since we've received the command from God, via the angels, to sell what we have and support UBM, this message makes more sense. I still have questions, but I believe the Lord is asking me to go deeper — don’t just give my money, but give myself, my talents, and my time to Him. Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of these my brethren, even these least, ye did it unto me.
Claire’s Accounting of Angels in Her Life
Claire Pienaar - 8/18/22
Dear Eve, Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with angels on the broadcast. It blessed me so much. I had similar experiences from the age of 4. I have always wondered if other “real, regular” people have seen these things. I had some “imaginary friends” too, as my mom called them. My step-mom thought I was mental and took me to psychiatrists or child psychologists, but nothing ever came from it. I am so blessed by your testimonies of these ministering spirits.
I’ve put this together, to help build the body with faith and expectation. However, I could write a small book on what I’ve seen. This is what I can contribute. You’re welcome to share it with our fellow brothers and sisters. I don’t share to puff myself up; in fact it is remarkably humbling to share somewhat intimate details of my life but I'm happy to share; I have no shame and only glory in Christ’s good work in me.
I first saw into the spiritual realm when I was about 6 years old.
My mom and step-dad were troubled folks, and my mom was tormented by demons who masked themselves as "angels of light." She would swear at them and chase them away. I would just pray to Jesus or God and tell them to go. (My understanding of the Father and Son relationship was limited) Particularly, there was a demon who looked like a pretty little corpse-bride that roamed our garden freely. She or it was always hanging around. There were a few other things that would happen in our home and I learned to not be fearful and I would sing “Jesus loves me this I know” or “Jesus loves the little children” in times of torment or anger or fighting.
These included supernatural things like beings who looked like light swirling around my head at night, or beings of light who would manifest their “light” in a dark room before the room light was switched on. This made me very scared of the dark as a child.
In later years, I had to cast out this demon (depression) from myself, which is an awesome testimony on its own. That demon is gone and destroyed by the power of the Word and my faith in Jesus. I’ve not dealt with a day of depression since then! Praise God!
I also used to receive dreams as a child, mostly as warnings for my parents, but they did not have ears to hear or eyes to see. By teen-hood these things left me, and I was in rebellion until I was 23yrs old. Then I found Jesus as my personal Savior and started living as correctly as I could without much training, discipleship or role-modeling. It was a tough road with many mistakes. I moved out on my own and Riaan and I were married when we were 25 years old.
We were baptised together in May 2010, about 18months after getting married, after reading David Eells' Sovereign God book and plugging into a small home church. We received the Holy Spirit shortly thereafter. I saw demons again, from that point, I started receiving dreams again too.
The first demon that I saw after being saved was self-loathing. I was very insecure as a young woman. I cast it out one day after realizing I had no need to feel this way anymore if I was redeemed. What left me looked like a knee-high gremlin, scaly and stupid. Since then, I have seen every demon that’s been cast of me manifest and depart. I’ve also seen the demons leave from other people the Lord has used Riaan and I to help in deliverance. Most of these demons have been taken away by what I later learned was my angel, and one was taken away by Jesus himself.
Because of my childhood, I didn’t just want to see the dark side so I asked The Lord, over time, when my faith and courage grew, if I could rather see angels and the light side more often. Now, I still see demons and manifestations of demons, especially when Riaan and I help someone through deliverance or healing. It builds their faith tremendously to “know” even if they can’t see. I will say this too: sometimes I don’t see the demons leave. Often I have to accept that they have a right to be there and I share this with my friends in Christ as the Lord leads.
The Lord revealed my personal angel’s name is Shalondal after I asked Him to do so. Shalondal is a big, beautiful angel with gold armor on and he sometimes has a red tunic underneath the armor, and sometimes he is wearing a white tunic. These are both long, to the ground. The first time I saw him, he carried a demon up and away out of me. He fights very hard for me and never loses. Fire is trailing behind Shalondal when he is ready to do battle. It appears when he lifts his sword.
He comes with me in our vehicle, and he has flicked oncoming debris off the windshield with his sword, and he’s steadied the speedometer when I am singing loud praise songs with my children on our journeys. When he’s simply next to me, there is no fire, but a warm glow. I once forgot to command the angels to travel with us and keep us safe, and send them ahead of us too to clear the way. That day I received a fine for speeding. It’s better to employ the angels, since they minister to us things like obedience.
I have twice been attacked by a spirit of death, which the Lord later revealed was slander from family. I remember seeing Shalondal on my left as I was struggling against pain and fear of death. He said calmly, “fight”. And I stood up and started singing and walking despite severe pain. My eyesight went grey and I remember I said, “Even if I die, I’ll die singing praises to the King! Now go from me”. I can’t remember exactly what happened then, but Shalondal did some damage there and I was well enough to host a dinner the next day for a woman who needed deliverance from suicide and more. I was infused with a supernatural energy that I’ve only ever felt after giving birth.
This brings me to one of the most heartbreaking stories of angelic encounters. I had a friend in Hobart who was pregnant. She spoke like Riaan and I and the folks from UBM did about faith and Jesus and she texted me 3 days before her due date to say that the baby had stopped moving, and they were on their way to the hospital. She requested prayer, and I got on my knees with my shawl covering and started praying really intense and directed prayers. I sent the angels and I received this vision: Two angels were sent to her, one on either side of her. And I was commanding that baby to live in Jesus’ name, and the angels had their hands on her and looked poised to minister to her.
Then they stopped and looked at me and shook their heads. I said, “That baby will live and not die” and they shook their heads. When I gently asked her about it a while after the stillbirth, she said, “I decided to not have faith for what you prayed for because I didn’t want to be disappointed”. These folks have since moved away from where we live, and have had two more children naturally, by the Lord’s grace. It was her lack of faith in that moment that hindered the resurrection and live delivery of the baby. It’s a sad thing for me still. But her husband received a vision of the baby on a little boat, crossing a river, which was confirmed by their oldest daughter who had a dream similar to her dad’s vision. There is much grace with Our Father.
Then we have the angel, Timmetus, at our front door. He is a shorter angel with huge wings and helps me with technology and finding lost toys and general “sanity saving stuff” in the home. I often forget about him, which is embarrassing to say. But he has helped me find things quicker than any human mind or body can move at times. He is very stoic and not too engaging, but that might be because I am not too engaging with him either. Once I needed to set up a new printing program and I know very little about these things. I just said, “Timmetus, I have the mind of Christ and I command knowledge into my self right now to fix this”. In a flash I was coding! Coding! I was laughing as I was doing it, praising God for this awesome ability that was ministered to me in that moment.
My son has been a concern for a while and really has a penchant for the extreme. He has a knack of wanting to be “faster, better, stronger” at most things but the competence and capabilities are not always there. The Lord spoke to me and said I can command my son’s angel because I’ll need to. I asked the Lord to give me his name then, so I can build up a rapport with him. Daniel’s angel is Alphalon, and he is kept very busy.
I’ve seen him wipe his brow once and shake his head in what I assume is disbelief, because I think he’s saved Daniel often from peril or worse. I have received dreams where the Lord warns me of broken arms, or swing accidents, or leech bites, and then I remember to command Alphalon to protect my son. I do this by quoting scriptures about children, and reminding the Lord about household salvation and Psalm 91. Daniel sometimes laughs at me when I tell him how hard his angel works. He has once said, “You sound crazy.” and that’s ok.
He has had enough happen to him in his short life that he can store it up in his heart for when he needs to step out and fight the darkness as a man of God one day. Just yesterday I took Daniel out for a run and, as we ran, he complained that his shoulder was sore. I said, “Come, let me pray” and I prayed for him. As I did this, Alphalon poured a little anointing oil through me that went to Daniel’s shoulder. It grew warm and he said, “it’s healed now”. Then we sang a quick praise verse and he grew quiet while I continued to pray in tongues.
Sometimes when we’re praising or warring, I see about 10 to 20 angels either on the roof of the house, or around the perimeter, and they are ready to attack. These all wear white robes and have long glinting swords. We don’t even have to be at home to see them - they are sometimes waiting for us to return from our journey as we praise in the car on the way home. I have seen this same small battalion of angels at times, all around the perimeter of our home, fending off dark spirits that have come in hoardes. Not one dark demon made it through the perimeter.
Supernatural Methods and Downloads Assisted by the Angels
David Eells - 8/11/22
(In the days to come the saints will receive many instructions and downloads from the angels for each individual situation that they are faced with.)
I had said a prayer that "our computers and stolen materials on the website would be restored.” Baruch said, “The coming method for getting the Gospel out will be far superior to the computers you use now. It will transcend natural methods. The angels will be much more involved; both multiplying the natural materials, and also supernatural methods will be given the saints. Access and assistance (in the spirit realm) will be provided by the angels. (Eve said, "I had a vision while he was speaking of many translations from place to place of the saints, happening everywhere, guided by angels, and supernatural gifts being bestowed upon the saints to bless and save, heal and deliver God’s elect. I also understood that languages would no longer be a barrier." )
I had also asked, “What can you tell us about the supernatural methods to get the gospel out and heal, deliver and save?” Baruch said, "The methods of man will not be employed to reach the peoples of the earth, in the days that are coming. The methods are all of the spirit realm and will be administered by the angels who are going to distribute the gifts to the saints." (Meaning, the sanctified ones) These include gifts of translation from place to place, languages, healings, laying on of hands to impart to others their needs and what they're lacking and to replicate the gifts by passing them on to others whom the angels will point out. Supernatural downloads of wisdom and knowledge will be received for specific situations.”
David asked, “What about deliverances?” Baruch said, “The enemy will be on the run during this time. Deliverances will be instantaneous with no resistance on their part. (Many deliverances are this way now if there is cooperation on the part of the victim in repentance and faith.) They will no longer be able to hide in flesh because of the light of revival and the fire of truth that will sweep the elect of the globe.” (Eve said, "I understood that he meant that the demons will be fleeing left and right out of people as the true fire of the Holy Spirit fills each one and searches the depths of each individual. There won’t be any place left for them to hide in the elect of God.” )
David asked, “Will there be mass healings and deliverances? Baruch said, “Yes. These will all take place on the largest scale in human history.” (Eve said, "I understood that he meant that masses of people will supernaturally be delivered and healed all at once for times sake because the need is so great and the darkness so pervasive.” )
David asked, “Can we believe God, even now, for the books to be multiplied and placed supernaturally in the possession of the people who need them?” Baruch said, "Yes. We have done this before on a limited basis, but we will go forth with your commands to multiply and provide the materials even now.” (We have commanded this before.) (Eve said, "I understood that this is very important to Jesus. It is His will that all who are hungry for Him and truth will be filled. We must command this with unwavering faith and it will be done." )
Mechanic Angels Instruction for Tractor Radiator Repair
Chris Garber - 8/21/22
Blessings to you all. Just had to share this and give praise to God. As a confirming witness to the testimony that brother David shared 8/17/22, I also had mechanic angels “fix" my tractor.
Back in the spring I was cleaning up some brush around the property here. At some point, a tree limb went through the radiator, but in a place that was difficult to see. I've been noticing for months that the engine was running hotter and I had to keep adding antifreeze. I didn't give it much thought, because of life's distractions.
Last weekend on 8/13 and 8/14 I had some time. I removed the body panels, shrouds and grill and found an area of damage in the fins of the radiator covering the size of a golf ball. I was perplexed and concerned that I would not be able to get the chores done that I needed done. We had right much rain here last weekend, so I threw a tarp over it and let it sit. I investigated radiator repair shops. Apparently, most all radiator repair shops have closed now, and replacement is the only worldly option. I did find a replacement, but the cost is $1,200.
My wife and I prayed, and I contacted another believing brother, and we all agreed that God would fix my radiator. Saturday night I had a dream of 2 mechanic angels fixing the radiator. I watched how they did it. Next day, I looked online to see if the repair had ever been done, and I found several videos of people repairing radiators with putty, but replacement is still recommended.
I'm not testing God, but I don't have $1,200 and I need the tractor. I drove to the hardware and picked up a tube of epoxy for $10. The weather was bad here and I had to wait 3 days to even consider messing with it. The third day, I carefully applied the putty to the hole. I applied it just as I saw the mechanic angels apply in the dream; prayed again and left it to sit for 24 hours.
Praise the Lord! The hole is completely repaired, no leaks! I used the tractor all day Saturday in warm temperatures, under a big load. Absolutely perfectly repaired by the angels! When I heard the testimony of brother David on 8/17/22, I thought, "I have seen the same mechanic angels here!!!!”
Riaan and Claire’s 8 Day Fast Testimonies: Receiving the Gifts
The Pienaars - 8/23/22 (David’s notes in red)
Last Friday the Lord put it on my heart to replace one meal a day with either soup or a smoothie for a week, before I even knew that the local UBM fellowship would be fasting. Riaan and I had a MAJOR spiritual clean up last weekend ahead of my parents’ arrival. It was wonderful and there was such deliverance for him and me. The Lord proved himself to be a perfect saviour once again. The maturity and depth of this deliverance was of a sort or level we have not previously experienced and it was very humbling.
We’ve incorporated praise into our days with our children each day of the past 8 days, much to my Babylonish parents’ confusion. Yesterday we enjoyed fellowship with our friends the Swanepoels and their parents (Ed and Andrea have their folks from SA out too).
While we were worshipping, I saw a blue flame being poured out onto Riaan’s head, as well as a white liquid going into his right ear. I asked what the white liquid was, and the Angel (not sure who it was, as it was not Shalondal or Timmetus) said “truth serum”.
I closed my eyes and really worshipped the Lord with my whole heart and I found myself in the throne room, at the feet of Jesus. Everything was glowing, and I had a full white garment on. Jesus put out His hand and presented me with a Red Rose. I started crying a little and He smiled at me.
We went on with worship, and Riaan shared a good message and we prayed for the folks there (3 of the 4 old parents who were there are not even baptized and have many strongholds, etc). Then later in the evening in our room, Riaan and I got on our knees and started worshipping, praying and praising to our King. I asked Shalondal to minister whatever he has for us, and then I heard a voice say, “You already saw it. You already received it”. It was back in the throne room, with the rose.
I told Riaan and he said, “I know this is just the start”. I said, “I want more, not for my glory, but for His”. And he said, “me too”.
We are not glory-chasers but we DID receive these things. We are standing in faith for more to be revealed, received and manifested in the coming weeks during and after my parents’ visit. Riaan immediately mentioned Song of Solomon when I told him about the rose. (In Song of Solomon the Bridegroom, Jesus, is the rose of Sharon. Son 2:1 I am a rose of Sharon, A lily of the valleys. ) I remembered that each office holds a corresponding “sense”, as David has taught. We will both spend more time in unpacking the meaning of these gifts and we will be in communication with you.
The Snakes Have Been Destroyed
Geneva (Isaac Payne’s sister) - 8/20/22
(David’s notes in red)
Last night when David said to tell the Lord what you want, I prayed for visions among many other things. Well, this morning I woke up and was singing praise to the Lord in my head, not even noticing that I was doing that.
The next thing I knew I had a vision, It was of a huge white and orange fire and all kinds of black snakes were being thrown into the fire one after another! (Representing conquering our factious enemies.) And then that was it. I immediately knew in my heart that the Lord had given me a vision, praise the Lord!
I believe it’s like what was said yesterday that the enemy is being conquered, praise the Lord, because of all our prayers, worship and fasting unto the Lord. (Psalm 149) I am so thankful that God gave me this for all of us! And I wanted to be obedient and share with everyone! Thank you Father for your faithfulness. We love you Jesus. You are everything God, we love you. (Glory be to God for more confirmations that the enemy is conquered.)
The Bride Body Delivered From Her Enemies
Marie Kelton - 8/19/22 (David’s notes in red)
I knew He was praying for me. I then saw a demon fly out of my head. At the same time, I saw a white lady in the same spot I was in, wearing the same veil and doing the same thing I was doing. Jesus walked up to her and did the same thing He had done to me and a demon flew out of her head like it did mine.
(We all started having vehicle problems. Brandy’s truck had no power and would not go up our steep driveway. Also, Michael’s truck kept missing around the same time. We needed to go somewhere but it didn’t act like we would make it. They both had appointments the same day at the local mechanic shop.
I felt this was witchcraft sent by the faction, so I told Brandy this was not a coincidence and we should pray for his truck. We prayed and it was healed and ran perfectly. Then I went to Michael and told him that this was not a coincidence, but witchcraft, so we rebuked it off of his truck and it was healed too and ran perfectly. This all began a series of vehicle healings.)
The Mechanic Angels Fixed My Car and Healed my Spiritual Vehicle too!
Eve Brast - 8/17/22
During our 8 day fast, as I was walking out to my car to drive for an hour down to Chattanooga, I thought of my car and how the Lord had provided it for me free of charge. It had been making funny sounds in the engine and wasn’t running very smoothly. It had been burning quite a bit of oil and the “check engine light" had been on since last December.
I then thought of David’s testimony of him laying hands on his tractor and commanding the “mechanic angels” who wore faded blue-jean overalls over their white robes and held a tool in each hand waiting by his tractor to fix it. So I laid hands on the hood of my car and said a simple command for the “mechanic angels” to come and fix my car too.
Then I got in my car, put on some powerful praise and worship music, and drove off down the road. I had been on the road for about 20 minutes when I finally looked down at the instrument panel and saw that the check engine light was off! I knew immediately that this was a sign that the Lord heard my prayers and had sent His angels to carry out my command for a car repair! I was so happy and I just began praising and thanking God for answering my prayer so quickly!
During this 8 day fast, I’ve also been receiving healings and strengthening in my body also as I’ve obeyed the command of the Father to live meagerly towards the flesh and avoid man made devices and distractions as much as possible. I have more energy and my mind is sharper and clearer. I have also been delivered from a spirit of introversion that came upon me as a result of bullying and severe persecution from my middle school peers, that has stifled me socially since I was 12 years old. I’ve continued to enjoy great freedom in worship and fellowship since the 8 day fast. Thank you Father for all your gifts and anointings for us!
Persistence in Faith Heals Another Car
Don Laughlin - 9/1/22
When I first got the car out of the shop it was running great. No problems. But by the time of the 8th day anointing celebration meeting it was getting as bad as when I took it to the shop. David had his hands on the hood praying for it as I turned and started down the driveway.
I was just living with the way the car was acting until last Friday night when we had a hard time getting off the mountain after the meeting. The engine would stop without gunning it, a combination which made it very easy to hit another car. It had hands laid on it a number of times including us but did not help.
Then at the end of the Zoom meeting the next morning on Saturday, I asked for prayer. Later in the afternoon we went the three miles downtown and back without any trouble at all. It was acting as good as a new car. Since then, it has died twice when starting it. We commanded it to start each of those times and it did without any further trouble.
Today we traveled to Maryville and when I was in a store knowing I would only be in there for about five minutes, I left the car running. Merlene said it ran smooth the whole time. And by the time we arrived home it was perfect with no trouble. Thank you Lord!
Persistence in Faith Heals Another Car
Tiombe Banks - 8/15/22
I had gotten off of work on Sunday, August 14th and went to Walmart to buy some things. When I got in my car it wouldn’t start.
Initially, I didn’t get bothered because this had happened before, so I went to start it again and still nothing. After about the fifth attempt, I knew it just wasn’t going to start and I started crying out to the Lord as I continued to sit there in the car.
I wanted to know what He was trying to show me in this circumstance. (I got a Word at random but I don’t remember what is was, all I remember is that it was a verse about faith.) So I knew He wanted me to believe that the car would be healed but I wasn’t seeing it manifest right away.
I just continued to sit in the car while I waited on Angelica to come and get me. She picked me up and prayed and believed with me and dropped me off at home. The next day I had to work and she offered to take me to work but we both felt to go to the car both believing it would start.
We laid hands on the car and command it to start and nothing happened. So she dropped me off at work and, throughout my work day, I battled with double mindedness. I knew the Lord could heal my car. You see, the Lord gave me that car; my very first car and it has been a blessing and it will continue to be to me. So the battle was, “If my car is healed why aren’t I able to drive it?
That evening we had our fellowship meeting and I asked for prayer and the whole body prayed and sent forth the angels to heal all of our cars. I was so encouraged and lifted up that I just knew, once the meeting was over, my car would start. Leon took me to my car and laid hands on it and when I got in to start it there was nothing. We praised and thanked the Lord for His goodness and His healing power over all the things He’s given us and I tried it again and again.
So Leon took me home and but I did get discouraged after being so encouraged after the meeting. I went to sleep and hoped that in the morning His mercies would be new. The next morning I just couldn’t believe anything other than my car was healed because I had no other choice or option and I called Brandy to see if it was something minor, like a disconnected line or something. He met me at the car and Leon suggested to get in the car and try starting it again but it didn’t start. David and Michael heard about the car and went to the car, which was locked up, so they just laid hands on the hood and commanded it to be healed and left. David told us to go start the car.
Brandy got in the car and it started right up and was completely healed and it has been healed and working fine ever since. Praise the Lord for working out His patience in me to know I have the victory whether it’s manifested or not, and always speaking the good confession!
Healed Vehicle Testimony
Debbie Fenske - 8/30/22
I would like to share my testimony about Father miraculously healing a problem with my car.
I had to be away during the time of the sacrificial fast, and the 8th day Praise, Worship, and Anointing celebration. I was participating in the fast, and though I was not able to join in on the Praise, Worship, and Anointing celebration, I was in much prayer during that time.
While on the following morning Zoom prayer meeting, I heard there had been an anointing of healings for vehicles. Well, my car had been having a problem running very rough for a while and getting worse over time. I had my car looked at a couple months back, and the report was that they did not know what the problem was. My car was prayed over, and I was believing for God to heal it. But since it hadn't happened yet, I was not able to use my car to go to Pensacola Florida. I was so blessed to be able to borrow a sister's car.
When I came back home to Tennessee that Sunday evening after that 8th day celebration, I was able to drive my car where I need to go on Monday. But, on Tuesday, as I was heading out to the store. I got to the incline at the end of our road that goes up onto the highway and my car just stopped. It wouldn't make it up the hill. I mean, not even a little bit. So, I backed up quite a ways for a nice flat running start, but the transmission wouldn’t go into Drive. I tried a third time, and still my car refused to go forward. So, I had to drive my car back to my house in reverse.
On the next Zoom morning prayer meeting, the brothers and sisters agreed with me in prayer for my car to receive that healing anointing. All that day I felt really tired and stayed home. I was believing for my car, and I had an excitement in my spirit that this healing was going to happen. I just kept praising God for it all day. Finally, I knew it was time to go out and take off in my car. Before I left the house, I remember telling The Lord, "Father, I thank you for healing my car. I receive it because it needs this miracle, and because I want this miracle!”
I wanted to run to my car! But I walked saying, "Thank you Jesus! Thank you, Jesus!" I opened the car door, and before sitting down, I placed my hand on the dash and commanded it to be fixed and go forward, in the name of Jesus! I can't describe the feeling I had of knowing that it was going to work in Drive before I even sat down all the way in the seat and turned on the ignition.
Well, I started it, put it in Drive, and it took off out of my driveway and down to the end of the lane to the sister's house who had let me use her car to go to Florida. I was so full of joy telling them what Father had done for my car. Then I drove off in my car again and up that incline with absolutely no problem.
I took it onto the highway and It has been a healed car ever since, except for still running a little rough. But not like before; definitely much better! I'm believing for complete healing on my vehicle. I thank you Father, already, for the miraculous anointed healing of my car, in every way. Amen!
Jeep Healed 2000 Years Ago
Petra van der Merwe - 8/30/22
Dear Brethren and Sisters in Christ, we serve a loving God, as we know and experience daily. This testimony of Father’s provision is to bring glory to His name. The testimony is also a testimony to the power of praise. Thank you Lord, for teaching us and then giving us a practical test. My trial is a long one. It is not over yet, but I know this is the final chapter.
I have a small introduction before I get to the story of my car. 2 years ago in September, Father miraculously provided me with a surgery center to work in after the contract I had with another dentist did not work out. I was financially on my knees; Covid being part of the financial trouble. The miracle of this job was the fact that I was only paid for the days I worked, so I could leave whenever the Lord called me. So there was no contract keeping me there. It was no surprise that the address of the surgery center was, #12 Wilderness Road. This was the perfect road to my Wilderness living when called. God’s governance over my life was perfect and I took it that I was not going to be in the city much longer.
On the 17th of June I took my first trip of many; transporting my belongings to Prince Albert, South Africa. The area is arid; a semi rock desert, and the towns spread out far from each other. As I entered a gorge leading to the plateau where the desert starts called “The Karoo”, the traffic came to a standstill. After 45 minutes I got concerned. Whatever was blocking the road may take through the night to clear it, so I made a U-turn and took another, longer route. 90 minutes later the car overheated and the engine seized up. It was just outside a small town. Had I continued the first route, I would have been between two small towns, most likely none having a towing service and I would have had to spend the night next to the road. Thank you, Father God.
To keep it short, the Lord kept me and provided a retired engineer who had turned mechanic because there was none in this tiny town. I paid only half the price for replacing two heads and the shimming of the block. The only problem was that ever since I picked it up, the engine warning light came on a few minutes after I switched the car on and sometimes the warning lights for the traction control also lighted up. And what’s worse is, sometimes the car goes into limp mode if the traction control light stays on. Limp mode is a safety measure to keep you going till you reach safety.
In limp mode the vehicle has no power and you cannot accelerate. If you switch the engine off and on again, limp mode is cancelled. I prayed for the car and continued on with daily life; waiting for the miracle to happen, but it did not. This went on for 7 weeks. The 10,000 km service came due, so I took it in, asking them to check the sensors for the traction control.
When I picked up my car, the mechanic was convinced he fixed it by cancelling all the error messages. He took it for a test drive, and all was good. But the trial was not over. The warning lights switched on almost immediately after driving away, and this was 5 days before I had to move. I ignored the lights and kept believing God will heal it.
Monday morning was my day of finally leaving for Prince Albert. Sunday evening, I opened the Sunday podcast. When I heard it was an old teaching, I thought, "I will do this later." But following the prompting of the Holy Spirit inside me, I listened to the podcast “Wilderness Living”. It blessed me tremendously and I went to bed.
Monday morning, when I reversed out of the garage, I heard a noise at the front left wheel and immediately felt it going into limp mode, but this was even more of a limp mode. I crawled down the small alley in front of the house and parked in another side street.
I could not drive 250 miles to Prince Albert at this pace. I called the service center asking the mechanic to call me. As I sat there, not knowing what to do, the "Wilderness Living" teaching popped up in my mind. David gave many testimonies of broken vehicles he had prayed for and then drove them by faith, not wanting to spend time on fixing them. I decided, I am driving to Prince Albert.
Secondly, what came to my mind was that I did not praise the Lord for my healed car. I just asked and waited. So, I prayed, repenting for not praising Him nor believing it was done. I started praising Him for my car that was healed 2000 years ago. I knew, that was why I had the trial. I failed in my praise. Confidently, I switched the car on, drove into the road, and to my dismay, the lights switched on again.
I began rebuking the car in a harsh voice saying: “I do not accept this. You are healed!” The words just popped into my mouth. At that moment, all the warning lights went out and the car recovered its power and I drove 250 miles pushing it to all its limits; going through potholes and daring the warning lights to switch on, but nothing happened. It was healed! Looking at my dashboard and seeing no warning lights after 7 weeks, when before all the lights were on all the time, was a sight to behold.
I do believe it is healed but I had one more trial. After loading the car, I drove down the street, and within 2 km the fan switched on. Looking down, I noticed the temperature was too high and the engine was overheating. The Lord kept me and my car for the 4 1/2 hour drive to Prince Albert. The long and short of it was that there was an external leakage in the water system. I filled the empty radiator and reservoir tank and God’s hand kept the radiator for 4 hours, and then, 30 minutes after arriving in town, all the water leaked out. (It is a miracle that the car held the water and lasted until she got where she was going.)
I am rebuking this as well; praising the Lord that my Jeep was delivered and is healed and that the mechanic will not find a crack in a pipe or the radiator. Let us continually praise the Lord for all he has done.
Michael’s Vehicle Translation
Michael Hare - 8/14/22 (David’s notes in red)
During the 8 day fast, before leaving Arkansas to come back home to Tennessee, I prayed and asked the Lord to give me great gas mileage and the trip to be shortened.
I really didn’t notice anything unusual other than the Semi-Truck traffic was significantly lower on I-40 from Arkansas to Tennessee. And traffic congestion, altogether, was significantly lower, even for a Sunday, all the way home.
When I got to within 30 miles of my halfway mark at exit 143 at Loretta Lynns restaurant exit, I noted it and kept driving. A couple of minutes later the sign for the exit appeared. “HUH?”, I thought. So I exited, gassed up and went on my way home.
When I pulled in our driveway and parked, I noticed the time. God had knocked about 45mins off my driving time. Hallelujah! I was elated that God did that for me! Praise the Lord for His Grace upon us! Hallelujah! (This is true for I also have experienced this.)
Gift of Seeing in the Spirit Realm
David Timoshchuk - 8/31/22
After last nights meeting I wanted to share some praise reports that happened since the fast. Sunday was our 8th day and I was lying there in bed with my wife and we were praying in the Spirit and and I started seeing a vision of a jug pouring out over us. Me and my wife both felt it at that same time.
I've been asking the Lord to anoint me with being able to see the spiritual realm and after we were done praying, God immediately started showing me things. First, I saw this giant trying to stand up, and as he was doing this, an angel put his foot down on the giant's back and the tip of his sword to the giants neck. I knew at that point that the giant is defeated.
For a while leading up to the fast, I noticed that God had removed all fear from me and I wasn't afraid of anything but God. At first I thought nothing of it, but then I realized that before I was able to see the spiritual realm, I couldn't have fear in me.
Then later, around midnight, God put a name on my mind and I asked the Lord “Why this person?" and he showed me a very creepy, hypnotizing demon that was standing in their living room. I knew the demon had to be kicked out, so I woke my wife up and we both sent angels to bind and chain this demon up and take him out of the house. I saw how two angels carried the demon out of the house all chained up.
I was so blessed and happy that God did all that for me and opened my eyes to the spirit realm! I can go on and on with how I am blessed but there isn't enough time or paper or ink to write down how much God has blessed me.
Multiple Deliverances
Amber Arney - 8/30/22
Shortly after we began to worship the Lord on the 8th day anointing meeting, I began to feel the Lord’s presence and I soon felt maybe three demons leave. I felt lighter after the meeting as well. I have had deliverances before, but none were so unexpectedly easy as this one.
On Sunday, I was laying in bed, talking to the Lord about some sadness that I felt. Throughout my life, I always felt average and untalented. From childhood on, I searched for that “something” to make me feel special. I had plenty of ideas — running, playing basketball like my Dad, being a writer or an artist, starting a business — but I was never the superstar when I tried them. The enemy told me I’d never be special and that I was stupid to think I’d ever be anything.
Laying there, I cried two deep, sorrowful sobs, then gagged as if about to vomit, and then stopped. A demon had left and the pain was gone, leaving me stunned, but peaceful. I spent the day feeling so happy and empty, like something awful had left. It was wonderful!
I was so tired after this that I felt sure I would fall asleep at once. As I lay there, drifting off, I became awake and heard God say, “Go talk to the angel of your chastening.” I was wondering if I had actually heard from the Lord but I got up anyways and went into my daughter’s bedroom, as she was on a trip at this time and it was empty.
I have never seen an angel before, so I prayed and sought the Lord. I had a quick vision of a pleasant, youthful being and as I had expected an angel of chastening to look rather dour, I asked, “Why are you so chipper?” The angel said, “The time of your chastening is almost over.”
As I’ve been suffering from a strange rash with blisters, stomach pain and pressure, insomnia, and weird, painful bites on my stomach for over two months, that was good news! I continued to ask questions for over an hour, but did not hear anything else.
I doubted that I’d heard from the Lord and so asked for a verse at random and got Romans 3:4 (ESV) By no means! Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, “That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged.”
The next day, I asked the Lord why I couldn’t see or hear the angel anymore and I heard, “You’re not ready.”
My first thought was that I must fast for three days, but I cast lots and got mixed. Then I heard a line from the song Getting Started by Jeremy Camp, which says, “Fall in my arms and let me wash you clean.”
So I asked the Father, “How do I fall in your arms?” He asked me, “How do you give a hug to your mom?” I answered, “I just open my arms to her and then she hugs me.” After that, I heard Him say, “Do that with me.”
That night was our Monday night worship service and as a way to “fall into his arms,” I really tried to sing and feel love for the Father as I sung. At the end of the meeting, I felt great and and thought, “I’ll surely sleep great tonight,” but I was tormented with all kinds of thoughts buzzing in my head.
I’d imagine that I was giving my testimony about how much suffering the Lord had delivered me from, then I would try to cast that thought down because I wanted to go to sleep! Over and over, different conversations would pop into my head all about how much suffering I’d been delivered from. It was getting annoying!
So now I was wide awake and it occurred to me that I needed to get up and sing songs of love to the Lord so He could wash me clean.
Getting up, I returned to my daughter’s bedroom and proceeded to do just that, trying to not wake my husband, but pouring out as much love as I could.
I was singing and singing about God’s goodness when all at once I realized that I had been giving God’s glory to the suffering! I thought it was suffering that had taught me things and suffering that had made me strong. I had a hidden idol of suffering. I repented and asked the Lord to take it and the next day, I felt amazing. Although I have had many healings and deliverances, this idol had hindered me from accepting God’s grace and mercy. I felt that I had to “suffer” before I could accept the Father’s healing, so I’d never had an instant healing that I kept.
On Wednesday, I began to notice another voice that sounded a lot like my own, giving me “helpful” advice on things like laundry. At some point, I believe it pretended to be God. I asked the Father about this voice and heard “Masquerade.” The first thing to come up when I internet searched “masquerade Bible” was 2 Co 11:14-15 (ISV) And no wonder, since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 So it is not surprising if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their doom will match their deeds! My husband and I cast out a masquerading spirit and I have not heard the voice since.
The last thing is that after the fast, I realized my attitude towards food has changed. Like many women, I have had issues with food and the Lord has healed me from many of them, but this change was different. I don’t know if I can really describe it. Food just doesn’t seem so over-important as it used to. I don’t think about sweets the same. Praise God, I’m free. He’s answered one of my longtime prayers to “give me a right attitude” towards food.
(Father, we thank and praise you for these testimonies and we ask you to remind us to continue in this.)
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