
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
The Faction Election War Won (26)
Vision: Trump's Hands Untied,
Timothy Dixon 02/13/21 - Transcript by Barry Weeks
Timothy’s youtube channel for the next several revelations
God is bringing people out right now, that He’s had his hand on for a long time. God has prepared us for this season. God has prepared us for this time.
I want to get into something tonight that the Lord has showed me; I’ve seen the hand of God…
As I knelt down I went into a vision, and I was standing on the banks of a river. And I knew in my dream, I knew the river was the Jordan River. And the Jordan had started to rise. (The Jordan represents a baptism unto death to self before entering into the Promised Land.)
And I looked, and there was a man that came up… The first time that I saw this particular man in my dreams was around 1988. I knew this man was the Lord. He told me some specific things that would take place in my life. And every one of them has come to pass over the next 18 years.
Well, as I stood on the Jordan, the Lord came and stood beside me. And as we were looking at the Jordan I turned around and looked at Him, and He took me by the hand, and we started walking through the United States. And it was like when He had your hand you could walk 2500 miles in five minutes.
The first place we stopped was the state of Arizona. And there in Arizona I was standing at a doorway that He took me to, and He reached down with His hand, and He opened up the door, and He said, “Come and see.”
And then I stepped inside, through the doorway, and there was a federal judge of Arizona there in an office. https://statesymbolsusa.org/symbol/arizona/state-name-origin/origin-arizona "The Spanish called the area Arisona, Arissona or Arizona, based on native American word(s) translated as meaning "silver-bearing" or " place of the small spring.” David, Could this represent the place of the beginning of words, which are represented in James as a spring of words, )
And I turned and looked back at the Lord, and He pointed at the judge without saying anything. And as He pointed at the judge, who was sitting at the desk, the judge stood up, and as he stood, he got bigger and bigger, till he stood all the way through the roof of the building, and it just busted open. (The spring of words becomes a river) When he did that, the Lord was still pointing at him, and I looked back, and the Lord said, “He is Mine.”
Then I looked back outside, and I saw a woman. She had black hair about shoulder length, a middle-aged looking lady. She was wearing a blue dress. (A democrat) When I saw her face it changed, and then her hair wasn’t long anymore; it was cut, and a different color. (Hair is said to represent in 1 Cor.11, submission to the husband, who is the Lord. I.e., she lost her submission to him.) God was showing me something by revelation. I saw that this lady had sold out, politically, to a group of people; I don’t know who they were.
But she’d gone inside another door, she’d opened it, and a little light shined in the entry, but inside was total darkness. Inside that room were 20 to 25 people. I didn’t know who they were, but they were people who had a lot of power. (The Illuminati satanist elite?) They had such power that they could dominate and control from the dark, from a hidden place; they could control the political parts, and buy, payoff, etc. This lady made a political agreement and sold out, to better herself financially, when her hair was still long. And then in the dream her hair was cut. (No longer a servant of good, demon possessed, a servant of evil)
Then she left the room, walked down a sidewalk, stopped at a restaurant, and three black S.U.V.’s in a row pulled up. One person got out and put handcuffs on her, and put her in the back of the S.U.V. Then another person got out of the passenger side of that front S.U.V. and walked back to where people were standing by the second S.U.V., and handed five papers to a guy, which were judges orders to make arrests. (She gave up others to save herself as is happening commonly. There is no honor among thieves and liars.)
But they were from a different agency or authority than the first one. The first one seemed to create a domino effect, so the other five arrest warrants could be handed out. (And some of these will turn states evidence also.) These were passed out to people in the second two S.U.V.’s, and they drove off. (To arrest the traitors who will become traitors of the traitors.)
I had seen this taking place in different states, different parts of the United States. I saw people who had already been arrested. They were hidden inside a building. They’d been locked up secretly. Some were made public, but some, people never knew about. (Some are hidden and some are sent out to act out their part to show the world that they do not want communism) I saw a man’s death being hidden, and he was inside a freezer. (These are those for whom they have a clone or body double to act out their part.)
Now I know what I’m saying sounds crazy, but I’ve learned to believe in what I see. I’ve watched it too much. I’m not one to get confused. I’ve been doing this a long time. (These things have been revealed to Timothy) I know the voice of the Lord, and a stranger I will not follow. I know His voice; I know His voice. Trump’s coming back! They’re gonna go get the man; he’s gone, they’re gonna arrest him; all this is gonna go down…
But I saw a piece where they had a man inside the freezer, that had died, and they wanted to keep it from the public, and they were lying about the death. It was all a big coverup. And this is where to me, it really gets good! I saw it going through North Carolina, Georgia, Colorado, Michigan, Wisconsin, all up through the Northeast, Pennsylvania. I can’t remember all the states.
There were things happening that the eye couldn’t see. It was like some kind of holding cell. But there was some that were seen. The news was reporting different things. But it was almost like they were just disappearing, and people didn’t know where they were. (Its happening big time, Some are dying of Covid 19 they say… they say.)
And then He grabbed my hand. We were sitting in Washington D.C. And this building was humongous. It looked like an old colonial type, a real tall building, outside just a real beautiful place, like a huge banquet hall. And inside there was a long table like a feast room for a king.
When I walked inside and looked, it was filled—not a whole bunch of people, but a good amount of people sitting all around. But their attire was like in the Persian empire of Bible days. And I knew that I was looking at the kingdom at the time of Esther and Mordechai, and Haman was trying to destroy the Jews, (As a type of the Christians today) destroy Esther’s people. They’d changed the laws, and went around everything, tried to do everything they could do to destroy the people, Esther’s people. (Exactly as congress and the Judges have tried to do.)
And the woman at the head of the table, on her forehead, was written, “Mystery Babylon”. This one woman, she sat at the head of the table and I knew who she was. (We suspect we know too, a type of the harlot Jezebel.) And there were several other people. I saw 9 people who stood up who had different clothes, first 8, then another one, making 9 altogether. (Could be the Supreme Court with another hidden person spoken of later.)
These people had an agenda to take over the world. I knew this was the Persian Empire. And behind this table was a king’s chair. They had President Trump. He was sitting in the chair. They had stuck a sock in his mouth, they had chained both his hands, and chained his feet. They gagged him so he couldn’t talk, tied his hands so he couldn’t write, and put a chain around his feet. (In effect the Supreme Court did this.)
And I looked and there were 8 different men, all dressed the same, in their Persian Empire clothes. But when these 8 stood up, they pulled off these clothes, and 7 of them had judge’s robes on. The other one had a suit on, with a red tie (The hidden man in another dream who stands with the right. Timothy knows this man but is not revealing his identity. He is a friend of the King.). Then one of the judges went over to President Trump, and he was looking for a king’s signet ring (President Trump has not the sign of the Kings authority), but couldn’t find it on President Trump. But the man who had the suit and tie on pulled it out of his pocket and said, “I’ve got what you’re looking for”. He has the key to show the Kings authority) They asked him how long he’d had it, and he said, “I’ve had it since December”. (A time is coming to reveal this but for now the left must show who they are so the people will be inoculated in their mind against Communism)
Then they started sitting down again, one by one, until four had sat down, leaving three standing. But one of the judges got back up, walked over, and untied the hands of President Trump. (One who voted against Trump will change his mind and throw the court his way?) That one man, that appeared to definitely be a judge, his heart was moved by the Spirit of God. There was something that took place! That man, God had touched him! But there was a division; one went the other way; that left four and three. There were 8, but one wasn’t a judge. He’s the one who stood up and had the ring. [Barry: This was hard to sort through the way he told it, but I think I’ve got it right. It sounds to me like the one that stood tipped the scales positive for Trump: four judges to acquit, against three, and then the eighth man stood.]
And after that I could see the Lord again, standing at the doorway of where I went into this big place. (Also, in this place, alongside the walls were people from other countries around the world, different rulers, kings, etc.) (The whole world is watching to see who wins this election battle. The world will rejoice in freedom when DT goes in.)
All the laws were being changed there to tie Trump up in this place. But when I looked back, I saw that after he got his hands free, he took the gag and other stuff off that had bound him. (And so it will be.)
Then as I walked back outside, the Lord grabbed my hand, and I looked and saw that in front of this building was a gallows. It was a hangman’s noose, and I knew that it was the same story where Haman built the gallows for Mordecai. (But died on it himself and so it will be with the DS rulers.) The knowledge of it just flooded me. And how Esther had gone to the king because Haman had gone to the king and secretly planned a device to destroy all the Jews, Esther’s people.
Then we started travelling back through these states I had seen, and everywhere I saw, there was a “Haman’s gallows” there! And at the end of it, the Lord told me this: “The people and the evil that has devised this, to destroy My people, they will hang from their own gallows—their own deceit, their own deceit will hang them on the gallows.” (AMEN!!!)
"The Whirlwind Blows”
Timothy Dixon Prophecy - 2/27/21 - Transcribed by Brandy Arney
Oh Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah! thus saith the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac the God of Jacob, the God of Israel.
I am the first and the last. I would speak into this nation I would speak to the world, I’d have you to stir yourselves stir your hearts.
Wake up and look at this evil, the man of sin (The Judas’, the sons of perdition) that is trying to come across the country to take the very freedom of religion the very freedom of my spirit away and is trying to stop the revival. Trying to stop the move of this last day they are trying to change the laws and pass laws to do away with the word of God and to burn your bibles.
But know that I am the Lord and even as I have spoken in my servants you'll know in the next few days that I am God because I’ll shake the heavens and I’ll shake this land, I’ll shake Washington, I’ll shake the political the politicians, I’ll shake the congress, I’ll shake the senate, I’ll shake the house of representatives, those of you that have hidden your sins. You've hidden your pedophile and you've hidden the things of exploiting the children you think that you've got by with your sins and no one has mentioned your name but know that I am the Lord and I see the trouble I see the tears I see I see the cry that's going up in the country I see the blood that cries out even as Abel's blood cried out from the ground.
I’d have you to know the Lord speaks to this world and it speaks to America today the blood of the innocents crying out from the ground and you wish to change laws you wish to do away you wish to close the churches because you can't stand the power it's not the building and it's not the church it's not the people that you fight but it's my Spirit, saith the Lord, that you can't defeat. You can't overcome it, you haven't any power to take control. You cannot suppress cannot push my word back but yet you try because of your ignorance
Oh ye leaders of this nation know that the handwriting is on the wall I’ve called you to repentance. I’ve called you and moved and dealt with your heart and times past but you've refused you've gone the way of hell you've chosen the riches of this world and your heart has become polluted but know that I’ll shake this globe one more time saith the Lord of hosts. (As Paul and Haggai also pronounced. Great earthquakes are coming and political upheaval too.)
I shall soon show that my hand is almighty. There's been a famine in the land of the real power and the real move of God there's been a famine of my people of my prophets of them that are real.
Stand up in the word of God. Stand and speak and come to pass but knowing this hour that I have been.
I have servants; I have those handmaids that shall stand up in this day and shall do even as Elijah had declared and said, there'll be no rain until I say it can rain know that I’ll raise up in this hour and this day those that'll stand before these leaders and you'll declare the word of the Lord and it shall come to pass instantly saith God. (A real rain of the Spirit is coming to overcome the false revivals.)
And many have wondered, “Why did you not move before the inauguration why didn't you move before Biden was put in?”
Oh, my people in America, to expose the sin that's so deep within; would you have ever seen, would you ever seen the blood that's running off the hands of the individuals would you ever have seen the blood that runs in the streets, would you ever have heard the cries of the people? I’ve allowed to show this country that your heart would be turned by the knowledge that you see.
I wanted you to see the evil this is not about a man or this is not about a race it's not about any black or white or red or the Philippines or the Asian or the European or the German people.
This is about a move of God that's going to shake the globe; shake the world. I’ll stand up in this day and nothing shall hinder. I shall do miracles even as I’ve done. It shall come to pass saith the Lord of heaven that I’ll heal the broken bones. I’ll create things that eyes has never seen soon saith the Lord.
There will be great miracles in California that shall rock that state, saith the Lord, and once again the righteousness shall spring forth like a new spring of water and the flag of holiness shall once again blow and the evil the evil leaders that have kept it captive.
I’ll bring you down saith the Lord of hosts I’ll bring you down because I’ve seen the cries of the people of California.
But yet your leaders have brought it into a prison yard and you brought it into captivity and I’ve seen the hearts of the real; I’ve heard the cry of the real, and know that I shall send revival.
Oh, ye evil leaders of this United States, repent of your sins repent of your ways because just within a few days, even now, I work my hands, even as the word has gone out the spiritual whirlwind, it's coming.
I’ll send forth the spirit that shall cause you to be led into captivity but you say where and shall we be led into captivity.
Did I not leave Israel at one point because of their sins and I drove them into a land to be in captivity and they hung their hearts upon the willow trees? And you wonder that I cannot move. I can move as I will but now my eyes have turned towards Israel my eyes are turned towards America because of the repentance the repentance that you prayed in your heart and know that I the Lord shall stand up against the evil that's in the white house. (Meaning the place of authority)
I the Lord shall bring it to naught and you ask how can it be? how could it be when they took over? Even as Joshua and Caleb and they was wanting to take the lands and they looked and said there's giants in the land.
None of these things moves me saith the Lord I am the almighty; I can take the breath or give breath. You will see that my word has spoken through the servants that I have chosen this hour.
You'll know that I have the power saith the Lord to shut up the heavens; I can bring plagues even as I did in the days of Egypt from Moses. I am the Lord. (The vaccines are causing the coming plagues.)
I’ll reveal the false prophets, I’ll reveal them that's not real saith the Lord.
This is the hour of deliverance, the hour of great visitation, I’ll visit you leaders of this country. Know that in your bed chambers I’m coming to you, Oh I’m coming to you saith the Lord.
Because you've chosen to go against my word, you have chosen evil over good, you've chosen unrighteousness over righteousness and you wish to enslave my people, you wish to take away the word and know that everything shall pass away but my word shall stand forever.
Lift up your voice like a trumpet! lift up your hands to the Lord almighty because it shall be even as I have spoken! I will return the one that I have chosen, you can mock and you can say things you choose and chose if you want, but I have chosen the man Donald Trump even from years past the bloodline. I the Lord a prophecy came forth of his life of years ago. Oh my word came out.
The word came upon his mother from a distant land saith the Lord. (The New Hebrides revival) The word, and that spirit followed the man through his time that's why his heart changed like it did when he was in office.
You saw a transformation in Donald Trump's heart he became even more loving and more kind but a man of strength. Know that I chose David a man after my own heart but yet they criticized, said all manner of evil against him but I still stood with David and I’ll stand with this man, and he shall prevail and shall come even as I have spoken I shall drive back this evil that is trying to take this country that has pushed their way up inside the leadership and the laws. Know that I shall collapse it saith the Lord.
I’ll bring it to pass that it shall be so Donald Trump shall be, he shall be the reigning President and he is. For thine eyes do not see that I am doing this but know that the whirlwind blows now saith the Lord of hosts.
Lift up your eyes and lift up your hands and lift up your voice and pray and cry to me with all your heart for this is the day. Not many days since you'll see the hand of God move even as it did in the time of pharaoh when I stretched out the rod and blood and locust and evil come upon the loud Egyptians. Death came upon the firstborn but know that those that the blood was applied to their post that death passed by. There was no plagues in Goshen because I’ve kept my hands upon my seed saith the Lord of hosts.
This is the hour that you'll see that I am the Lord and that I have chosen men for this generation. It is not time; it shall not be now. I’ll hold this evil off and you'll see and you'll rejoice shortly saith the Lord. Within just a short time, few days, few times. Oh the year the time the day of jubilee. (Freedom from slavery and debt.) Oh a great celebration because you've overcome the evil in something that you thought never would be. (The satanic DS) Satan has no power, it shall be and you've wondered “Does anyone even know the things?” And I’ve heard the voices of those that are my people; I’ve heard the voices of my ministers that have even asked and said that it is crazy, crazy to think such a thing. But I would speak to this country!
I would speak to America, know that you'll see that I am God! That I can do anything and that I’ll put Donald Trump back saith the Lord. I’ll uproot now saith the Lord; the ax is laid to the root of the tree! The storm's coming! the whirlwind blows! the whirlwind blows! saith the Lord of heaven saith the Lord of heaven!
Within 30 Days the Lord Will Shake Politics
Timothy Dixon - 2/23/21 (Transcribed by Brandy Arney)
(Note: I have to be careful of this. When does the 30 days start? When Tim had the revelation on the 23rd? or 30 days in March? I suspect from the 23rd.)
…The Lord came to me last night and told me to speak this, tell it to America, tell it to the world tell it to the leaders of this country.
From the first chapter of Proverbs in the 24th verse, “Because I have called and ye refused I’ve stretched out my hand and no man regarding but you have set at naught all my council and would none of my reproof, I also will laugh at your calamity and I will mock you when your fear comes when your fear cometh as a desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind when distress and anguish cometh upon you then shall they call me but I will not answer and shall they call me call upon me but I won't answer because you wouldn't listen you wouldn't listen to the Lord then he said for that they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord they would none of my counsel they despised all my reproof therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices”
You know he told Noah, “My spirit will not always strive with man.” He told Noah to go out and build an ark and at that point it didn't rain out of the heavens and people thought that he'd lost his mind.
Over 120 years Noah built a big ship to float on water till the time came one day that God in the bible said, He shut the door and it started raining then everything that man said up to that point, oh it was so remembered then.
God has given everyone a chance across this nation and once again. God's revival power is gonna ring across the world and give everyone a chance to repent and pray.
But the Lord told me last night to tell the people, tell America, tell them thus saith the Lord of heaven, that the whirlwind that was in my dreams comes.
(If you go back and look at the dream about the whirlwind and the man with the staff on the and the seven rabbis on the porch and the woman in purple dress and the donkeys dies and if you go back and look at that it talks about a whirlwind hitting that capitol and there was nothing left inside the capitol and the people were gone)
The Lord told me to tell you that in 30 days, within the 30-day period here, God is fixing to shake the leaders of this country. God is going to shake the leaders of the foreign countries that's come against the very liberty of the name of Jesus.
You're not fighting against preachers, you've made fun of the prophets and you've laughed to scorn people and you look at people like me and you think it's some gimmick, he's out for money or he's out to build him something, I’m not out for money I don't ask for money. I’m out to deliver a word to this nation
I’m out to try to snatch someone from hell before it's too late.
God is gonna put president Donald Trump back inside that office. There's an angel of death that's going to strike.
I know one of the leaders that's way up there who will pass with a heart attack. God's coming you know…
God's grace is for every man his mercy is beyond compare. He'll reach out to anyone that'll just reach out to him but there comes a time that when you fight God and that you think that your evil is going to overcome. God's gonna fight you and this is what the Lord has told me. He spoke this to me and this was not a dream. That is why I’m so boldly telling you that within 30 days; within the 30-day time, fear.
God's gonna rattle the structure of politics, God's gonna visit people, that storm thats twirling is coming, it's gonna blow up in there the Lord is fixing to dissolve some of the people; I see it. Just look back at the dream and when the whirlwind went in there some of the people were snatched out by the whirlwind and that's what's fixing to come. You're fixing to see the hands of God in a way that you've never seen.
This is not about me it's not about the men of God or the prophets or the people that is standing in this hour. But the word that I speak to you today is the word from the Lord Jesus; it's time for us to stand and fight like we've never fought for revival in the greatest sense that we've ever beheld in our eyes! It's gonna shake this globe. (Let us pray and do spiritual warfare against demonic forces for this revival.)
I’ve heard the people talking, different preachers talking about that how the natural is going on and the supreme court is denied and this and that. Brother I don't look at the power of the supreme court for the Lord said that he was going to turn the tables and that's exactly what he's going to do in the next few days, next month. God's going to show his hand and the beginning of a cleansing has begun. We'll see God's hand. I’m here to tell you thus saith the Lord and what he spoke. After the 30 days I don't know what's liable to happen but Donald Trump will be the president of the United States again. He will be put back in office.
They'll betray Kamala Harris and she already sees it and she'll turn on them because they've turned on her. A great chaos and a great storm, it's coming says the Lord of hosts!
You know God can do things that are totally impossible for man! He told Gideon that he wanted him to tell them that were fearful and afraid to go home. Well there were a bunch of them that went home that day before he had to go fight ... The Lord told him there's still too many! take them down to the river, the ones that lap like a dog when they drink water keep those and send the rest away.
There weren’t but 300 left that day. Gideon said “Lord why did you do this?” and He said basically, I’ve narrowed it down to an impossibility. There's no way that 300 could beat that army… And the Lord told Gideon, I don't want them to think that they've done it on their own and that's what God's doing right now.
45th President Honors the Constitution
Timothy Dixon’s Dream of 2/20/21 - transcript by Terri McGinley
I want to share a dream with you today and some things the Lord is speaking by the Spirit. You know, Paul was talking about how the Spirit speaks expressly, meaning more than once. The Lord has spoken to me strongly about the actions of the Supreme Court. This is Saturday the 20th of February. The Lord told me to tell everyone: Do not trust in the power of the Supreme Court because that isn’t how God is going to divinely move for President Trump. This is going to be a pure act of God.
And God can use people. I’m not saying He won’t use people. I do believe there’s a couple of people inside, according to what God is showing me. God is going to touch people inside there that we thought bad of. And I’m not one here to argue what’s proof and what isn’t. But God can use who He will. And you look at Nebuchadnezzar in the Bible, I believe somewhere around the 38th chapter of Ezekiel, maybe. You’ll find that the Lord blessed Nebuchadnezzar and gave him the lands of Egypt because the Lord said His army had bald heads and worn shoulders but He said “they worked a great work for Me.” We see in other places that He was calling, in that time, Nebuchadnezzar, His servant. I want to get into this dream here. My heart is burdened, so burdened. I see something happening in the Spirit of God right now as we speak. Jesus talked about a marriage supper that the king had invited some to come, but they made excuses and made of it lightly. So the Bible says that he went out to the highways and to the hedges and got the good and the bad and filled His house.
It scares me that some of you preachers…you know, the Bible says that you know a lot and will be beaten with many stripes. Some of you ministers, you’ve backed up, and I’m talking about on things that you know you shouldn’t back up on. You backed up on the Lord. You went the way of money, you went the way of everything else, but you’ve not stood for the Word. You’ve not stood for the Lord and we’re in a time now that you’re going to get into this or you’re going to be cast out and the Lord is going to find some dope addict out here and save them. He’s going to find somebody that doesn’t match up to all of our church credential standards and He’s going to save them and step right over all us “great righteous people.”
But the dream, I’m so stirred. I saw an altar. And, once again, the dreams and the visions and the speaking that God keeps speaking to is about Washington. It’s about the capital. And that’s the ones I’m choosing to share at the moment. But inside this, I saw the Capital building again. I saw the patio, you know, that’s out front. I saw on the patio, there was an old sacrificial altar from like in the Old Testament times. I looked, and it was on fire. It was the burnt offering, the sacrifice on the altar, and it was centered before you reached the doors of the Capital building. It was centered and it was just sitting there, just beautiful.
And there was a lamb on that altar that had been prepared and was without spot. And in front, on the other side, towards the building, on the altar, there was a table and it had a covering all the way around the table. It kind of looked, that particular minute, to me, like it was just something to dress it up. It looked pretty, it looked nice. And there was a big, big paper on it and it was the Constitution. Yet there were not any signatures on this Constitution. And, looking on back beyond the table, there were 45 men lined up in a row, and those 45 men…45, not 46, were past presidents of the United States.
On each side of the altar, I saw two angels … but these particular angels were different than anything I had ever seen. They were big and muscular and they were just fierce-looking guardians. And in their hands, they had a sword. The sword looked like it had been in the furnace fire, like an iron mill, and it had been heated up to where the blade was glowing red, just so hot, and it was flickering and flames were coming off the swords. Each one stood on each side. They were massive. And I knew these angels had an authority that was different and beyond most angels that I’ve seen that have warred in heaven and different visions. But these angels, I’ll just say, had a power and they had a particular service that they were assigned to do, and that was to protect.
Now listen to me close. They were there to protect…(As if you made the child that they were trying to destroy), they were there to protect the Word, they were there to protect the Spirit, the Word of God. They were there to protect that Spirit of Life which only came through God’s Word, which the Bible, and is inspired, and I believe the Constitution was too, at that time. But they were there for that. They could move around. It wasn’t like they stood still or were hovering in place, but they could move extremely fast, like a flicker of a flame. A flame, when it burns, it moves around so fast that you can’t catch it. You know, they could move just like that and turn any kind of way they wanted to turn with their swords in their hands.
The first man that stood at this big table and before the altars of the sacrifice was George Washington. And there were a few men right in close with him. They all kind of huddled around this table and each one had a really unique-looking pen. All of them used the pen and they were signing this big, big Constitution. They were signing this, just a few people right in the presidency. And I looked, after it was signed, I saw these two huge angels, their movement was just like they were observing to protect the standard or the spirit that was behind that standard of the freedom of religion, the freedom of constitution, the freedom of what America stands for, and that’s Jesus Christ, in God we trust.
And I saw, and I looked back down in the line, and I saw one of the presidents had stepped out of the line, and it was Richard Nixon. He stepped out of the line of the presidents and he looked up at the altar and I know he was thinking that “If I can get around that, if I can just remove the power that has over the people, I’ll be first, I’ll be the head, I’ll be the top dog.” And from him, there were a couple of them in front of him, they all moved out and they started striving with each other. At this particular point…there wasn’t any fist-slinging and people beating on each other, but they were just pulling and tussling and fighting.
And one would break out and come to the table and they had that pen and they were signing different orders to change it…and they would throw it in the altar and their order would just be consumed with the fire. And it just kept on like this, just such a tussle, such a fight. Let me say, not a fight, but a warfare going on inside this line of presidents.
And I looked in the back and President Trump (the 45th) was the last one in the back of the line and he was just standing there and he was observing these men in front of him, tussling, to sign these papers that were being thrown at the altar of the Lamb. Now, that was the daily sacrifice. There was one in the morning, there was a sacrifice of lamb in the morning and one in the evening under the Old Law. And we know that Jesus Christ is that ultimate sacrifice, our daily sacrifice, our daily life, Christ inside you. But they were tussling and then I saw that as they did, they were trying to shadow and move that altar, the presence of it. The presidents that were in the front, George Washington and so forth, they were standing silent and I knew that they were past presidents, they were passed away.
The ones behind them, from Nixon on back, started tussling to remove that standard, to remove that altar, to remove that authority, to remove that power that they could dominate with what their personal agenda was. Now, and as they did, I knew that they were trying to take away the freedom. They were trying to take away and set up something that would stop the power of this sacrifice, the power of the redemption of Jesus Christ, the power of our speech that God gave us, to be able to say, “Lord, I love you.” But they didn’t want that. There was a tussle to pass laws and that’s what seemed to really be going on here. It was a great tussle. And I saw that they were setting up a place where they could remove it totally. And these angels started moving around and they stopped and both of them held the swords real high and said, “No. No, it’s not time.” Hallelujah. “It’s not time.” (This means there will be a time when they will cast aside the constitution.)
And then I saw that President Trump came from the back and as he stepped out, trying to go towards the front, towards the altar, he was advancing and just a few of them started using their fists to hit him and push him and fight him and do everything that they could do. (The past DS presidents have warred against him and the constitution.) And as they tussled, it’s like he went down on his back and he began to push with his legs, crawling on the ground. And through the hustle and bustle, it’s like he snuck right up under everything and went up to the front and George Washington shook his hand and said, “Well done.”
He gave him a pen and at this point, that was the pen that everybody was using to try to…with these signed papers, to overthrow them, with this, that and the other. Well, he did away with the pen. And I thought, “Where’s the pen? Where’s the unique pen?” And I thought maybe it just went inside the fire. And as this went around, I saw him continually trying to stop a power. It wasn’t the man, Donald Trump, but it was a power that even George Washington had established by the Spirit of God and they were trying to destroy that but these angels said, “No, its not time, not yet.”
And it’s like when the angels lifted up again and it’s like, I don’t understand sometimes some things, but I’m just giving this dream out fresh and a lot of times the Lord will come back to me and the Lord will give me the meaning of certain particular parts of it, but they turned into like a statue, like a stone, like a pillar. (Like Lots wife who turned back to Sodom and became a pillar of salt.) But it was white and it was just frozen, stiff, solid right there and then they just dissolved and they weren’t there anymore.
And that’s when George Washington grabbed his hand and said, “Well done.” And they started looking for the pen because there was a paper there that had a presidential seal and it said, “Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States.” And it had a place where he had to sign in the presence of George Washington. George Washington raised up the curtain that was around this table and here was a man up under that table. (Who has been in hiding) And at this point, the Lord has directed me not to tell because of certain circumstances, do not tell who the man was. But it was the same man that had the Kings ring, if you remember in one of my other dreams. This man said, “I’ve got it.” And when the judge asked, “How did you get it?” he said, “I’ve always had it since Trump left, or the king had left.” And he raised it and smiled real big at President Trump and he stuck the pen out and gave him that pen.
And I knew that this was a hidden plan, it was hidden from the view of the people, it was hidden very well. It was disguised but it was a great thing that God gave wisdom to do, church. Oh man, I’m excited about Jesus and what He’s doing. And then after this, he signed the paper, and when he did, something happened. And I saw…at that point, there was an authority, there was a power that was like reinstated, the authority was already there, but it was being reenacted. I don’t know which word to use, but it was giving authority to President Trump as the president. I believe what God shows me. It’s against everything that is seen. I’ve got preachers calling me. “You need to stop this, brother, this is insane.” No, this isn’t insane. This is the Word of the Lord. This is the Thus sayeth the Holy One of Israel.
Because if we cannot believe in something that God speaks to us, how can we say that God could have taken the children of Israel and set them before a sea and said, “I’ll move the Red Sea.” He could have sent them up around the top of the land. He didn’t have to send them across the Red Sea. He didn’t have to rain food down inside the desert, He could have brought some more mules and wagons to help feed them or call somebody to come out across the desert and be some great natural thing, you know, that God wouldn’t get the credit. But God allowed them to be…why did Jesus wait and let Lazarus die and stink and be buried before He decides to show up and pray for the man? Because God chooses these things….
Children of America, if God would not have allowed this to be exactly like it is, we would not see the evil, America would still be asleep, we’d still be up under the hands of Pharaoh, but God has chosen this time to send out the Prince that was raised up under the hand of Pharaoh. God has chosen His time to send Moses out into a desert land, that on top of that mountain he’ll find a God that speaks to him out of a flaming bush and tells him to go down to Egypt. I AM hath come down. I have heard the cry of My people. I have heard them by reason of their taskmasters. God, today, children of God, in America, God has heard the prayer of America.
God’s going to shake this world one more time. God’s going to shake the country. By the power of the Almighty God. And when all this began here, I looked down and I saw a commotion after the power was being restored. Like I said, I’ve got people calling me. You don’t have to believe what I’m saying, but you’ll see that God has spoken this Word. God’s going to put him back in there, hallelujah, I believe before July 4. (Or possibly April 1st)
I saw a piece in a dream. I want to share this little piece of why I mentioned July 4. I saw something happen July 4 that was just crazy. I saw an Independence Day being rejoiced all over the world. (Freedom from the DS criminal overlords.). Hallelujah. I saw a rejoicing. And what could that mean? I’m still praying on that one. But there’s a little bit that’s just fresh off the Holy Ghost.
I saw the 4th of July. But then I looked down in this dream and I saw a horse starting to ride. (The white horse rider begins the tribulation) I saw a white horse and it was coming. God have mercy, it was moving across the world. And I saw it like a flame. It made a loop all the way around the world a couple of times and it crossed and it went back the other way and started just circling until it had just criss-crossed the whole globe. (The judgments and revival of Jesus in the Man-child White Horse rider.) Criss-crossed the whole world, this white horse. And a man was riding and he had a Bible in his hand... He had like the leather casing, and he was holding it up like that and he began to ride and the pages began to blow and the pages began to go out everywhere and people were picking up the pages and were reading it. It was the Word of God, it was the Gospel. Oh hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus.
God is true. God will not be mocked. God is going to do this. The power of God’s going to stand up and show people that God is God. If you don’t know Jesus Christ, I’m asking you to get down by your bed. If you’re riding in your automobile, I’m asking you to ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins. Ask Him, “Lead me Lord into this fold. Lead me into this last harvest call. Lead me.”
I want to warn you this morning. There’s coming some troubled times in the middle of this revival. I don’t want you to be frightened and have a fear. God is able to let your shoes grow on your feet as you walk around in the wilderness. Their shoes grew on their feet. That’s the kind of God that I’m talking about showing up and establishing President Trump back inside of his place that’s already his place. And God’s going to clean out. (Drain the swamp) That’s how it’s going to be, just as easy as when God wiped out all of the Egyptians, all at one time. God is able. Now, who would have ever thought that such a massive great, great army would ever fall and be drowned? That’s crazy! Hallelujah.
For the next 30 days, the next 30 days is going to be a time of rejoicing. We are reaching, we are stepping towards what God is doing. We are coming to the final and closing chapter. We are coming up to the time that we’re going to lift up our hands and have a march of victory because God has chosen it to be this way. He said “It’s not time.” And it ain’t time. There will be a day, church. There will be a day, children. There will be a day, America, when you’ll read in the book of Revelation and all the books of the Bible, you’ll find out that it’s all coming to pass. Hallelujah.
God’s going to judge some of these people. The last thing that God ever wants is to do this to people. He gives you a time, and He calls you and He keeps on and He calls you and preaches to you, but you won’t answer. I remember hearing a message when Jack Coe preached about how God is going to burn your barley fields. And he talked about how that the king had called and nobody would come, and he said, He kept calling and they still wouldn’t come and He said, “Go set fire to his fields and he’ll come then.” Sometimes God’s only choice is to set a fire inside your field. But let me tell you something. You might think, “Oh, that’s awful.” No, that’s the greatest mercy of God that you could ever be extended. It’s the greatest, greatest mercy. Jesus said, “If your eye offends you, pluck it out.” It’s better that you enter into life maimed, that your whole body won’t be cast into hell, but you’ll be going to heaven. It’s the greatest gift of God. It’s the greatest mercy. It’s just that so many times, we don’t understand that.
But these next few days, I see trouble for the wicked. I see trouble for them shed innocent blood. God’s going to judge them. God is not a man that He would lie. Jesus preached about hell more than any man that you could read of inside the Scriptures. He told the very ones that knew the Law of Moses. He said, “You hypocrites.” He said, “How shall you escape the damnation of hell,” because of the things they were teaching and telling the people. But the Lord’s going to reign. God’s going to move. There’ll be a revival.
I see a revival breaking out there in California. Not just California, but all over the United States, because God has chosen such a time as this. God’s going to put Donald Trump back inside the office. Church, I need somebody out there to help me fight this fight, help me stand up, and be one of the soldiers that gets down upon your knees and says, “God, I rebuke the denier, I stand up against you, Satan. You have no power.” The Lord has given me authority. He said that anything that I ask, that if I believe and doubt not, I would have it. That’s what He said. And we are the ones that hold the line. We are the ones that they’re trying to destroy. They can do away with the law, they can change the laws of the land, they can stack the Supreme Court, but they can’t change the power of an Almighty God. They can’t do anything with the power of something they have no control over. I pray that God blesses you. I feel the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah.
Jesus is coming. Get yourself ready. Get yourself ready for the end of time. Get yourself ready for revival. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray that God blesses everyone, that the Spirit of God goes out and answers every prayer. God is going to give a chance back to this country. Don’t go back to the things you used to do and be so caught up with trying to get something in this life. Let’s look for the treasure that’s in heaven. We’re running out of time.
Our time is just getting nearer. Hallelujah. God bless you. I love every one of you. My heart goes out to everyone. I pray for all the men of God that’s holding this line. I pray for all the men of God out here. I pray for all of them that are doing such a great service. I want all of you men of God to know that I’m your servant. I pray for all you that’s criticizing me. I pray that you that don’t believe, I’m asking you, just watch. Open your heart. If you don’t believe, that’s okay for now. We’ve been in a place where it’s hard for people to believe anything because people have been so false and quickly critical and self-centered. God’s going to move. It’s going to come to pass. God has spoken it. Nothing, nothing, nothing in this world can stop it when God’s plan starts moving. And we’ve not seen God moving around and doing what He’s fixing to do. But stand with me, stand with the men of God, stand with the apostles. We will prevail. Donald Trump will prevail. God’s going to see to it, in the Name of Jesus Christ. God bless you!
Trump Returns
Norman Strunk - 3rd week in December 2020
I had a strange dream about the 3rd week in December. In the dream I was watching myself and Donald Trump visiting together in a large white room. In the dream I was very comfortable with him because I knew he was my brother-in-law. I then woke up and thought to myself, why would I have such a dream? (I think he will get saved, You and his wife are brother and sister so he is your brother in law. But he is going to get saved and filled with the Holy Spirit too.)
Then again 3 weeks later I had the following dream.
In this dream I was looking down at Donald Trump the president playing with his family in a deep large river. He was standing to my right near the edge of a large waterfall with his family up river from him to my left. I had a thought in my dream that his family was possibly the American people. I then watched him get swept over the deep falls and disappear under the water down below. (He is much out of sight now and wicked have piled on him.)
I did not see him surface till later while I again observed him from above the left bank of the river. (The left bank could represent that you are over the leftists.) I watched as he surfaced in the river and tried to grab onto a piece of land that extended out over the water. As he did so the land was quickly removed by some wealthy people who did not want him to get out of the river. (They did not want the left bank to be under his feet.) This again happened a second time. (The Supreme Court rejections of the vote scam evidence?)
I then found myself further downriver, over the water looking down at my daughter standing in a boat on the right bank of the river. She was looking up river with a big smile on her face. I then heard someone up-river on the same bank holler out "If you hurry you will see the President {Donald Trump} crossing the river. “ (I believe it means resurrection life will be given him to stand up and return. PTL! )
“Trump Will Be Back”
Barry Klinke -1/24/21
I had a conversation with the Lord this morning at about 4:30am. It went like this: He said, "Don't believe what you see with your eyes”. (Walk by faith not sight)
OK, Lord, what else?
OK, Lord, what about Trump?
"Trump will be back".
I had a dream the same day.
I dreamed I was approaching the grocery store where we have shopped for 16+ years. As I got close, I saw that the letters spelling out the store name on the front of the store were gone. I was shocked and wondered, have they gone out of business, are they closed? Where will I shop for groceries? (He is not gone. His name will have authority)
I parked and went to the door. It was open. To my surprise, the store was open.
I discovered that, in order to paint the front of the building, they had to remove the letters, making it appear as though the store had closed.
This dream fits together with the first thing the Lord told me early this morning, “Don’t believe what you see with your eyes”.
I have been telling people about how they are wasting time listening to all the "latest hot scoop" on the fraudulent, stolen election and how it might be returned to Donald Trump. Your (David’s) message today said exactly the same thing. People are looking to man instead of God for answers. If we have faith, we will be at peace, despite the reckless and foolish things Biden is doing.
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