
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
We Need to Check Ourselves (3) - David Eells - UBBS 1.17.2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
We Need To Check Ourselves (3)
David Eells 1/17/24
Manifesting Christ In Us Through Suffering
David Eells
Many have been going through suffering and the Church is about to go through great suffering. We need to learn how to handle suffering because it’s one of God’s greatest tools for bringing about the righteousness of Christ in us. (1Pe.2:18) Servants, [be] in subjection to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward (or “unreasonable”). (19) For this is acceptable (Greek: “grace”), if for conscience toward God a man endureth griefs, suffering wrongfully. It’s alright with God for you to endure griefs and suffer wrongfully because of the fruit you will bear.
(1Pe.2:20) For what glory is it, if, when ye sin, and are buffeted [for it,] (There’s no reward for that, is there?) ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer [for it,] ye shall take it patiently, this is acceptable (Greek: “grace”) with God. (21) For hereunto were ye called (In other words, you have been called to suffer for doing right.): because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that ye should follow his steps: (22) who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: (23) who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, threatened not; but committed [himself] to him that judgeth righteously. So Jesus left it all in the Hands of His Father. When He suffered, He didn’t threaten.
When you suffer is when your lowest, most base instincts rise up and especially when you’re suffering at the hands of another person. All kinds of pride and anger and rebellion come up in your heart. And it happens in circumstances, too. You become angry at circumstances and you sometimes even become angry at inanimate objects or you can get angry when there’s nobody else involved except God for it all comes from Him. Suffering has a way of bringing out our basest instincts. God is bringing us through suffering because of the lusts of our flesh and just as our example, Christ, suffered for doing good, we are to suffer for doing good, too. (1Pe.3:14) But even if ye should suffer for righteousness’ sake, [blessed are ye:] and fear not their fear, neither be troubled; (15) but sanctify in your hearts Christ as Lord….
You know, your first temptation when you suffer at the hands of a person or circumstance is not to make “Christ as Lord” in your heart. It’s every other fleshly desire that comes up first. But Jesus “committed himself to Him that judgeth righteously” when He was suffering. In other words, He wasn’t thinking of taking vengeance; He wasn’t falling into the flesh; He was leaving it up to God. And Peter tells you the same thing, to “sanctify in your hearts Christ as Lord.”
(1Pe.4:1) Forasmuch then as Christ suffered in the flesh, arm ye yourselves also with the same mind…. Do you have a mind like that? Not naturally. Our mind is to run from any kind of suffering in the flesh, isn’t it? Our mind is to avoid it at all cost. You know, the thing we need the most, the thing we run from the most, is suffering. Christians in America especially need suffering and suffering is coming. It’s coming because God wills it and it’s coming because people need to be delivered from their selfish interests, their self-centeredness. Suffering has a way of delivering you from self-centeredness.
(1Pe.4:1) Forasmuch then as Christ suffered in the flesh, arm ye yourselves also with the same mind; for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin. When your flesh is suffering, it’s because it’s not getting its way. When it’s not getting its way, it’s because you’re not sinning. It’s so simple, isn’t it? When the old man’s not getting his way, you’re not sinning and so we’re called to suffer in the flesh. Jesus left us an example to suffer in the flesh. We want to avoid it, yet suffering is our most precious friend. Why? (2) That ye no longer should live the rest of your time in flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.
We need suffering so that we can live the rest of our life free from the bondage of the flesh, as a servant of Jesus. That’s why we need suffering in the flesh. When we understand God’s purposes in suffering, that makes it a lot easier to endure. And, when we see the purpose behind it, we’re not so deceived by Satan into wrestling with flesh and blood, or into blaming, or into anger, or whatever.
(1Pe.4:12) Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial among you, which cometh upon you to prove you…. When we fall into the midst of suffering, we think it’s strange. We think there’s something not quite right about it, but we need to change our mind about that. We need to have the mind that was in Christ; we need to expect that we’re going to suffer for the name of Christ. What I mean by “suffer for the name of Christ” is suffering so that His nature and character, which is what “name” means, can be manifested in us.
And it comes upon you to prove you, perfect you and purify you. (1Pe.4:12) Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial among you, which cometh upon you to prove you, as though a strange thing happened unto you: (13) but insomuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings, rejoice; that at the revelation of his glory also ye may rejoice with exceeding joy. If you can manage to rejoice in the midst of suffering, it will be a lot easier.
As the Bible commands us in (Rom.5:3)… we also rejoice in our tribulations: knowing that tribulation worketh stedfastness (“perseverance”); (4) and stedfastness, approvedness (“character”); and approvedness, hope. All these things come from rejoicing in tribulation. We’re told in (1Pe 4:14) If ye are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are ye; because the Spirit of glory and the Spirit of God resteth upon you. This is what suffering is all about: to bring about the revelation, or revealing, or the manifestation, of the glory of God in us.
Peter goes on to say in (19) Wherefore let them also that suffer according to the will of God commit their souls in well-doing unto a faithful Creator. We’re like the clay in the Creator’s hands (Romans 9:21) when we do this. It says “Creator” for a purpose because that’s how God creates in us the righteousness of Christ.
But suffering can be wasted for he said that in the midst of suffering or a trial, we need to commit our soul in well-doing; meaning doing what is right in the midst of that trial. Otherwise, we can be wasting the suffering. The suffering is coming upon us for a reason and the reason is to refine us and to bring about the righteousness of Christ in us. One thing we don’t want to do is waste any suffering because we don’t want to go through it again. We need to make it all useful in God’s Kingdom and the way to make it useful is to commit our soul in well-doing in the midst of it. We can’t stop the suffering but we can do what’s right in the middle of it.
(1Pe.5:8) Be sober, be watchful: your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (9) whom withstand stedfast in your faith, knowing that the same sufferings are accomplished in your brethren who are in the world. The world suffers with the same things we suffer with, but here’s the difference: (10) And the God of all grace, who called you unto his eternal glory in Christ, after that ye have suffered a little while, shall himself perfect, establish, strengthen you. God’s promise is that He will perfect us through suffering. If we look on suffering as God’s method of perfecting us, that makes it much easier to take, doesn’t it? And it also makes us not so willing to run away from it.
If we have a mind to please the Lord in the midst of suffering, if we have a mind to live Godly, first of all, we’re going to suffer. (2Ti.3:12) Yea, and all that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Persecution is just one area of suffering. Those who desire to live godly are going to suffer because it’s God’s method of deliverance and setting us free.
I remember a guy from when I used to work at Exxon years ago, back before I was a Christian. He was a tool man in one of the tool trailers that they hauled over to turnarounds. Whenever they were overhauling a section of the plant, they would pull one of these big tool trailers over there and they would station a man in the trailer who would give out tools. And this one particular man really stuck in my mind because I never could understand him before I became a Christian.
He was disliked throughout the plant and it wasn’t because he was evil. He was one of the most diligent worker at that time I had seen. He was righteous; he would actually check the tools out, since they had to keep records, so that the plant would be sure to get their tools back. Otherwise, if they just gave you the tool, you might take it home with you. And a lot of people did. And I did it myself, too, in those days. (I actually brought my set of tools back years later after I came to the Lord.)
Anyway, this guy’s name was Major Pace. I’ll never forget him. He was just so diligent. You couldn’t get the guy to be emotional one way or the other. You couldn’t get him to laugh, but you couldn’t get him to cry and he never cursed. He never told ugly jokes like the rest of the guys. He was just diligent in doing his job. If you needed something, he’d run back there and get it, and he’d put it in your hands. He was as quick as he could be and did his job right. But everybody disliked him.
When we’d go up to the tool trailer and we’d see Major Pace stick his hand out for the tool, we would cuss because everyone wanted to get their tools for keeps. Everybody cursed the poor guy and I’m sure he heard people do it. I wondered as I studied this guy, even while I was still a heathen, “What makes this guy tick? He’s so diligent and what he does is right.” I never heard him cuss. I never heard him say anything about the Lord, but he did things right and he suffered for doing things right. He suffered the loss of friendship among the people for doing things right.
One day, I found out, I think, what made Major Pace that way and, besides, I have a sneaking hunch that he was a Christian. I learned that when he left work he went home to an invalid wife. He spent the rest of his day cleaning his house, doing things that needed to be done, taking care of his wife who couldn’t walk or even get out of bed. And he did this year after year. He suffered in this way for many years and I suspect that suffering put such peace in him that he didn’t mind if people didn’t like him, as long as he was doing what was right for the Lord.
Of course, as a heathen, I couldn’t understand what made the man tick. What would drive a man to do what was right when everyone hated him for it? It was suffering; I’m convinced it was suffering.
Why do you think the Lord tells us to “resist not him that is evil” (Mat.5:39)? I’ll tell you what, if you do that, you’ll suffer, won’t you? You’ll suffer internally and you’ll suffer externally. First of all, you’ll suffer internally because when you “resist not him that is evil,” every lust of your flesh is going to rise up on the inside of you. You know what I’m talking about; it happens, doesn’t it? You suffer. You suffer on the inside and you’ll even suffer on the outside. For example, I’ve had people rebuke me because I wouldn’t do something to somebody that they thought I should’ve done as payback. People were really angry with me and fell out with me, not wanting to talk to me anymore.
You’ll suffer when you “resist not him that is evil.” God designed His commandments and His principles so that they’d cause you to suffer. If you obey God’s Word and sanctify in your heart Christ as Lord in the midst of that suffering, you are going to bear the pain of that in your flesh; you’re going to feel it in your flesh.
The Christian church has made a big thing out of martyrdom and rightly so because martyrdom is a big thing. But what do you think is greater: to have a sudden end of your life for standing up for Jesus or to go through a slow process of death because you’re continually standing up for Jesus? For example, faithfully bearing with some unthankful, obnoxious people for years. You know what that brings? A slow death. It is suffering that brings death. Or how about an abusive husband? You put up with that for years and you stayed faithful to the Lord in that. Well, that suffering is going to bring about a death in you.
Or it can be a nagging wife, or obnoxious neighbors, or fellow workers, factious people who abuse all around them with slander, etc.,. That’s your opportunity right there. It can be circumstances that keep coming against you causing frustrations to rise up. That’s your opportunity. That suffering has come in order to work Christ in you, in order to bring the glory of God in you. That’s what it’s all about.
God has designed everything, even sickness. The Lord also designed healing! But we don’t have to take redemption at the expense of suffering and we don’t have to take suffering at the expense of redemption because they work hand-in-hand. You may have faith that God has healed you at Calvary and between here and when your healing manifests, there may be some suffering. It’s during that suffering where you’ll have a chance to deny or accept Christ and His ways. You can patiently take suffering, rejoicing like the Scripture tells you, or you can fail in it, all the time believing that you’re healed. And if you believe that you’re healed, healing is going to come. It may happen in days, hours, immediately, or it may take years but God still expects you to confess what the Word says while you’re suffering.
Don’t waste the suffering that you go through on self-pity, or animosity, or anger, or rebellion. Especially don’t waste the suffering that you go through with rebellion. When Jesus was going to the cross, He said in (Luk.22:42) Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done”. The cup of what? The cup of suffering at the hands of the wicked. Jesus wasn’t going to take it away or run from it. But He said, “Father, if it’s Your Will, take it away.”
And we know it wasn’t God’s Will to take away His cup of suffering. Jesus went through it patiently. He didn’t stand up for Himself. (1Pe.2:23) when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, threatened not; but committed [himself] to him that judgeth righteously. He just put Himself in Father’s Hands and He suffered patiently. That’s suffering that’s not wasted. Suffering that’s wasted is if you act in the flesh in the midst of it. It’s wasted because it’s just coming around again.
We need to have the mind of Christ. (1Pe.4:1) Forasmuch then as Christ suffered in the flesh, arm ye yourselves also with the same mind; for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin. (1Jn.1:9) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So you get a cleansing either way. If you’re humble enough to confess your sins, He is faithful enough to cleanse you of all unrighteousness. You’re going to get your cleansing; have faith in that.
You cannot waste suffering in depression and self-pity, if you’re rejoicing. You can’t do both at the same time; that’s why He commands you to rejoice in the midst of suffering and He says to give thanks. And if you realize what suffering is for, then you can give thanks because it is for your perfecting. Jesus became perfect through the things that He suffered (Hebrews 5:8).
(1Jn.3:16) Hereby know we love (agape), because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. This is your old life, it’s the lusts of the flesh. This is your anger, your resentment, your rebellion, etc. This is what you’re laying down and this is agape. It is agape to lay that down. It says, “Hereby we know love (agape), because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” Agape love is to lay down our life. Agape is the opposite of the flesh-life. Love is the opposite of the flesh-life.
The Bible says in (1Jn.4:7) beloved, let us love (agape) one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is begotten (born) of God, and knoweth God”. You must be born of God to have Agape Love. If you don’t agape, you don’t know God.
What is this agape? Well, first of all, this agape is God. (1Jn.4:8) He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. Agape is God. Now let me show you what else agape is. (1Jn.5:3) For this is the love (agape) of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. Agape is God and it’s obeying the Word. Who is the Word? God. Obedience to the Word, submission to the Word, that is love. That is agape love. Agape is different from the other two common types of love: eros which is sexual love and philos which is a friendship-kind of love.
Both of those are contingent upon other people’s activity toward you, but agape is not. It’s only contingent upon the life of Christ on the inside of you. You can agape somebody who doesn’t even like you. Agape is not emotion. Sexual love and friendship love can be emotion and emotions are very unstable. But agape is not emotion. Don’t worry about feeling really emotional about loving God. He has commanded you to agape Him and agape is obedience to the Word. Jesus said in (Joh.14:15) if ye love (agape) me, ye will keep my commandments”. And He also said in (23) if a man love (agape) me, he will keep my word: and my Father will love him.
Agape is the only love that you have to learn. You have to learn to obey God, so you learn agape. Agape is bringing your old man to the cross; it’s laying down your life for other people; it’s giving up your self-centeredness (1 John 3:16). All that is agape.
You understand now why Peter couldn’t give what the Lord wanted him to give in John 21:16 when the Lord asks Peter, “lovest thou me?” The Lord was asking, “Do you agape me, Peter?” Now think about it. Peter had just come through the biggest failure in his life, or at least he thought so, because he denied the Lord three times (John 18:27). He failed completely to obey, to humble himself to what was right. And after this failure, the Lord asks Peter in (Joh.21:15) Simon, [son] of John, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love (phileo meaning “friendship”) thee.
Peter knew that he couldn’t confess to being obedient, to loving the Lord enough to be obedient to what was right because he had just failed the Lord. And I’m sure he was having to overcome this weakness in himself; he had lost his self-confidence. I’ll bet before he lost his self-confidence that he would’ve said, “Oh, yes, Lord, I agape you.” In fact, in a way, he did. He said in (Mat.26:35) even if I must die with thee, [yet] will I not deny thee. He believed that he could obey of himself, but after that, he lost all of his self-confidence and he wasn’t even willing to speak the word “agape.”
The Lord asked him three times, “Do you agape me?” But Peter said, “I phileo You,” and it grieved Peter. Why do you think Peter was so grieved? He was feeling condemnation by the fact that he knew he couldn’t; he knew he hadn’t been able to agape the Lord. Peter was learning through suffering to agape. We become perfect. Perfect is obeying the Word, isn’t it? And perfect is agape. We learn to agape by obeying the Word through suffering. Agape comes from the inner nature of the spiritual man and it is conquering the carnal man; it is giving up your life (1 John 3:16). Suffering brings about this agape love. Agape is the nature; it is the way of God’s Kingdom. If that is God and what we’re looking for is godliness, then we can’t help but be, as an end result, agape. We can’t help but be love.
When Paul described agape, he said it’s more important than speaking in tongues, more important than knowledge, more important than faith. In fact, he said if you had these things but didn’t have love, you were nothing. (1Co.13:1) If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. (2) And if I have [the gift of] prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. (3) And if I bestow all my goods to feed [the poor], and if I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing.
The end result of everything that God wants to do in you is agape. He said in (1Co.13:13) but now abideth faith, hope, love, these three: and the greatest of these is love. The most important thing that’s going to get you into God’s Kingdom, is love. (1Co.13:4) Love suffereth long (How do you get longsuffering? That’s right, you suffer a long time. You get longsuffering by going through a lot of suffering with people and circumstances. There’s no other way.), [and] is kind; love envieth not (Why? Because self is the opposite of agape.); love vaunteth not itself (In other words, it doesn’t put itself forward; it’s not self-centered or egotistical.), is not puffed up, (5) doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not its own, is not provoked…
How do you stop being provoked? You believe Jesus bore that sin on the cross so you would have power over it. That may be the end of it. But also you may become hardened to being provoked by having an opportunity over and over again to be provoked and denying it. You may suffer with it until you give it up. You may overcome by degrees; this failure is not as bad as the last failure. And overcoming is that way sometimes. But suffering can last for years, if you jump out of the fire, if you aren’t like Ephraim, a cake unturned (Hosea 7:8). The quickest way is to walk and talk by faith while you stay in the fire.
All who desire to please the Lord and are willing to suffer are going to overcome. “Believe you have received everything” Mark 11:24, as Jesus said, but even then it’s not always manifested overnight. Suffering is necessary to crucify the flesh; that’s why we cannot escape it. Here is some crucifying words. Love in (1Co.13:5) Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not its own, is not provoked, taketh not account of evil; (6) rejoiceth not in unrighteousness, but rejoiceth with the truth; (7) beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. (8) Love never faileth…. Love for God and man motivates us to crucify the self-life.
Love is obeying the Word of God; this is love. Agape is not the mushy feelings of eros or phileo; agape is mostly obeying. Feelings will come later. If you want emotional feelings toward God, well, then, agape Him. Your emotions more subject to the flesh than they are to the Spirit. You just keep following the Lord and the Lord will bring your emotions to serve Him, but it doesn’t always happen at the first but it will. Obey first; let the emotions follow the Spirit.
What does he mean by “believeth all things”? I guess it’s not being willing to think the worst of someone. You can always believe for people and try to think that somebody has a good motive for what they’re doing. It’s easier to think that than to always think the worst because you’re going to deal falsely with people if you always think the worst of them. You’re not going to be able to believe for them and turn the other cheek.
It’s best just to “think on these things.” (Php.4:8) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Paul says it is better to just “think on these things” because you can deal with people like that. If you’re meditating on what is evil about them, you’re going to fail in your reaction to who they are. Love in 1Co 13:5 doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not its own, is not provoked, taketh not account of evil;
Eternal Relationship
Anonymous 3/28/23
I was in prayer and heard the following:
Do You forgive Me? Look past everyone and everything, and I Am. (Our perspective is beyond the superficial, to the eternal treasures beneath, to the Source and Creator of All.) When you don't forgive someone, or when you have regret for something in your past. Have you forgiven sins, or are you wishing your life had been different? Then you are shaming Me. You aren’t forgiving Me when you do this. (Unforgiveness leads to separation from God.) I Am behind everything, and I am the Creator of all and I have written all. I know more than you could ever understand and My ways are greater than yours. Isa 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith Jehovah. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
I perfectly and intricately designed each and every aspect of your entire life and existence, the good and the bad. Joh 3:27 ASV John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it have been given him from heaven. Nothing I do is evil as I Am Love, but I created the evil out of Love. (The contrast of the two, shows how Perfect and Awesome our God is!) Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil. I am Jehovah, that doeth all these things.
Trust Me and forgive Me. When you don’t forgive anyone or anything, you are rebelling against Me. 1Sa 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as idolatry and teraphim. Because thou hast rejected the word of Jehovah, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
Just like Lucifer. Do you really think you can live without me? I know you know that you can't, so, forgive Me. If you don't forgive Me, I can't forgive you. And I have already done everything for you, I paid the price for you, and you will forever eternally be grateful for all I have done, and everything you have gone through. (Including all evil and suffering.)
All the evil and hurt you have experienced, seen and known about, hurts Me more than it hurts you. (Isaiah 53) But focus on Me and My goodness. I had to create and allow the evil so that you could appreciate Me forever, and so you could see how good I Am. (Also evil in you reaps evil, a cause for repentance. Evil chastens evil and causes us to count the cost.) This is not just for you, but for all of My creation. That all My creation could see My grace, My Mercy, My eternal Love. (Through you as a testimony.)
My ways are much higher than yours and I know that you will forever be grateful. All the evil is to humble you and for you to lean on Me 100% as only I can help you and heal you and save you, and I have already done these things, but you need to believe and receive My finished works. In praising and thanking Me, you receive your greatest joy, and heart's desire, and any other pleasure outside of Me is false and not true and not eternal. Ecc 1:2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher; vanity of vanities, all is vanity.
Look at the fallen angels, they have no real pleasure, no peace, no satisfaction, no joy, they have nothing without Me. They had to be let go (because of rebellion) for you to fully appreciate Me and receive Me and praise Me and to see that I Am all Good and there is no one else. You will understand more overtime, the more you open to Me, the more understanding you receive.
But right now, you need to forgive Me in full for everything. To all people who have ever hurt you and all the people doing evil out there, I say, forgive Me. All the past regret you have from your old life and all the mistakes and failures you make, in forgiving yourself, you forgive Me. For you will have complete freedom and completeness in Joy when you forgive Me. I have been with you for your whole existence, through the good and evil, I have been there with my hand on your shoulder. I know all the pain and suffering you have endured, only I understand. But I only know the freedom and satisfaction you can and will have when you let go and completely forgive Me. Let Me search your heart and let Me reveal and open your eyes to the full truth, which I can only do when you allow it.
I can only show you and allow you to understand what you allow Me too. I want to manifest the complete 100% deliverance and cleansing and sanctification from all evil, which the price has already been paid for. You all are one in Me now and for eternity. Let go of all the things that are hindering you from being one with Me and My people. Everyone here with Me is one and I desire for ALL (I felt “all” meant 100%) of you to be with Me in full.
I desire to manifest my Holy Kingdom through you in full, not part, while on earth. Let Me. Allow Me. Ask Me to help you, ask Me for grace, ask Me to help you rest in My finished works. (Who could do better than the Creator of all?)
You have not because you ask not. You think you cannot hear or see Me now because of doubt and unbelief. But I Am always speaking to you. I desire to talk to you more than you speak to the closest person to you.
Who do you speak to the most? Is it your spouse or best friend? I Am your eternal husband and your eternal best friend. Talk with Me more, commune with Me more. I desire to do everything with you little and small. I created you for me every moment not just for a certain period of time each day, but for every moment of your breath.
I am your breath. Include me in everything, in the physical things and in the spiritual and in your mind. (When I take a walk down the mountain I ask my Father and His glorious Son to go with me and they do and they say because they are in me.) Let your mind stay on me. The devils will do anything to take your mind off Me. Stay focused on Me. When you realize you are thinking of something else, think on Me. (Mat 6:24 No one can serve two lords: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.)
I will always take care of all your needs, stop trying to do it yourself and in your own way. Get out of your familiar physical routines and let Me take control of your day. When you include Me in your day and seek Me and allow Me to take care of your needs, you will have a greater joy and peace and greater communion with Me than you have every experienced. Every day that you receive more of Me, will get more wonderful physically and spiritually than you could currently comprehend. There is so much I desire to show you and do with you each day, now and forever, but allow Me.
Come to Me for your daily bread and if you are hungry press into Me for more, I want to give you more. But I can only do what you allow Me too. Forgive Me and let Me do it and let Me live through you, My way. When you don’t let Me manifest through you it is because you don’t forgive Me. Let go of the evil and hurt that you are holding on to.
Allow Me to open your eyes to hidden rebellion, only I can heal and restore your soul, only I can put you back together in whole and fullness. I Am Life. Forgive Me My child, My son, My eternal wife, My friend; it is only you and I for all eternity. You and Me forever. I Am in all and through all eternal. Only My Spirit will be and already is. Forgive Me and commune with Me each moment, in the physical and spiritual. I love you beyond understanding and beyond words. Accept My Love and forgive Me. I Am all. (Joh 3:13 And no one hath ascended into heaven, but he that descended out of heaven...)
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